PHHS Key Club | January 2022

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Pi edmontHi l l sKeyCl ub|Di vi s i on12Eas t|Regi on17|CNHDi s t r i ct

ARC React or

1377Pi edmontRd,SanJ os e,CA95132

Member of the Month Andrea’s dedication to Key Club and, above all else, service has been truly impressive every since the beginning of the term, but especially during the month of January. Her name can consistently be seen on the sign-up sheets as she is always eager to participate in all of our different events and has even signed up for over half of the ones held in January! During events, she also always goes out of her way to ask questions and actively talks with the other members, helping to create a more positive environment to work in. Going even further, she is normally on top of the events she commits to, sending what needs to be done by the deadlines and making it easier on our officers. Andrea is an incredible role model to her fellow members and inspires even the officers as well!



18:UNI CEFMat hf orGood 37:Fr ee Ri ce 8:AnnualPr uni ng att he Muni ci pal Ros e Gar den 915:OceanHer o 916:Shave The Day 1219:Ecos i a 1421:Paus e For 1522:Zooni ver s e:RodentLi f e

1623:BeanBeanBean 1626:Execut i ve Of f i cerShadowi ng 1931:See Us ,HearUs :Cl i mat e Jus t i ce 2128:At l as GO 2329:Char i t yTr uck 23:D12Concl ave 2022:The Cor onat i on 2429:Char i t yMi l es 2431:Col orA Smi l e



HEY EVERYONE!Ij us twant ed t o pop i n and s ay t hank you f ors t i cki ng wi t husal lt he wayunt i lJanuar y!It hi nkt hi smont hi sper f ectf ormedi t at i ng and r ef l ect i ng on al lt he hi ghsand l owsofl as tyearand t r yt oi mpr ove i n t he next ,and It hi nki ti sver yi ncr edi bl e whatyoual lhave done f orus .You al lar e al wayss o eagert os er ve t he communi t yand come t o ourgener al meet i ngs ,whi ch war msmy hear tt os ee.Remembert o keep t hi sbur ni ng pas s i on f ors er vi ce goi ng f or war d,whet heri tbe t he r emai ni ng s emes t eror nextyear .Wi t houtourmember s ,we woul d notbe abl et o accompl i s h ever yt hi ng we have now!Wi t ht he t er m endi ng ver ys oon,Iwant ed t os ay t hank you once agai n and i ft her ei sanyt hi ng you wantt o go f ori n Key Cl ub,GO FORI T!Do notbe af r ai dt os t ep out s i de ofyourcomf or tzone and make s ur et o appl yt o be a par toft he boar d whent he t i me comes ,t he of f i cer sher e ar e beyond s ome oft he ni ces tand al t hough t her ei sa l otof wor k,you gai n many new s ki l l st hr ough bei ng i nvol ved i nt hi scl ub.Thank youf orbei ng t her ef orKeyCl ub,we hope youcont i nue t o be t her ef orus !

Wi t h Much Gr at i t ude, Jocel yn : ) 18|

Club Goals HOURS






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