PHHS Key Club | July 2019

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PIEDMONT HILLS KEY CLUB | Division 12 East | Region 17 | CNH District

July July 2019 2019

ARC REACTOR 1377 Piedmont Road, San Jose, CA 95132

Iin this Issue: 4 from the vice president of service

6 july calendar

member of the month

8 15 club goals


5 12

event recaps

PTP ft. Jennelyn Nguyen

Division Updates



why join key club ft. Kathy Ton + Nicole Chen

from the media director


18 Caring - Our Way of Life Bingo Edition!



Hey heroes! Thanks for reading the July newsletter. Keep reading to find recaps of events and learn more about our club and various events YOU might be able to attend! 3

from the vice president of service 4

Hello hello heroes! I hope summer has been super duPER fun so far! I know many of us may (or may not be) dreading the next school year that’s coming up, but that shouldn’t stop us from doing service! Want to hit that 100 hour goal for your stole? Well this is the time! Though we may not have too much time left in summer, look forward to the TONS of activities we have during the school year! There will be tons of school work to do, but I hope that key club’s super fun events will be able to take your mind off of it in the future. Don’t forget all of our HUGE events such as RTC and FRN!! There’s tons of things to look forward to in the upcoming year; new freshies, new friends, new events! Don’t forget your passion for key and KEYp on service-ing!!

Nancy Duong Nancy Duong PHHS Key Club Vice Presdient of Service 2019-2020

Member Month OF THE

Katherine has been a super active Key Clubber in the month of July. She signed up for events nearly every weekend, attended our July Division Council Meeting, and contribuvted a lot to the food committee for Relay for Life. Katherine has also shown a willingness to embrace our core values by being caring and inclusive at events. She hasn’t been in Key Club long, but we are excited to see how much she will grow throughout her Key Club journey. Congratulations, Katherine!



July Calendar 1































Sun Mon Tues 6

Wed Thur



3 4 Oh My Boba Fundraiser Oh My Boba Fundraiser 5 6 Maker’s Market in the park CityTeam kitchen detail 7 Relay for life 13 San Jose Obon Festival 14 Veggie & Fruit Brown Bag 17 Nursery Workday 20 July DCM 26 27 D12e Heroes Cleanup 28 Weeding at independence Oh My Boba Fundraiser



from emily vu


In the month of July, I was able to attend City Team Kitchen Detail! At this event, I was able to cut vegetables such as mushrooms and carrots to help prepare a meal for people who needed it! This event also made me cry! When we were tasked with cutting onions, everyone there started sobbing. However, it was not just the onions which made this event so emotional. Being able to prepare food for the less fortunate was super heartwarming. Everyone has their own story and being able to see the smiles on their faces when we handed them a dish was super rewarding. I definitely hope to attend this event again in the future!

This month I was able to attend one of my favorite annual events, the Obon Festival! This is a festival centered around Japanese culture, where visitors can eat Japanese food and purchase Japanese inspired goods! A couple of us volunteers signed up to pack rice, where we scooped rice into wooden crates to be shipped elsewhere for sushi making. Fortunately, we were able to finish packing the rice before our volunteering time was up, so they sent us over to make the sushi! After an experienced sushi maker taught us how to make the sushi, we set off to work packing rice onto seaweed, adding the fillings, and rolling them up! There’s something about being able to make our own sushi rolls that is truly delightful, and before we knew it our time was up. Even though we could leave, we decided to make sushi for another 30 minutes because of how entertaining and fun it was. Afterwards, we were able to explore the beautiful festival! Another thing that made this event so great was the environment. Everyone, from those who were leading volunteers around to casual visitors on the streets, were extremely nice and made the whole place all the more welcoming!

from nicole chen photo courtesy of kelly chen


from annabelle tran



In the month of July, one event I was able to attend was Relay for Life! Relay for Life is an annual event held the Campbell Community Center. I attended Relay for Life last year and I had one of the most amazing experiences of my life. The memories I was able to make were incredible and I was hoping to recreate some of them by attending this year! Relay for Life is a 12 or 24-hour event that focuses on raising cancer awareness. In addition, we also honor those who are battling cancer, have lost a loved one to cancer, or have lost their battle to cancer. All-day, we walk around a track which represents the ongoing battle for cancer, a message that has since stuck with me since I heard it last year. One of my favorite parts of Relay for Life is the Luminaria that happens when the sun sets. We place bags that people have written the names of their loved ones on to place all around the track and put glow sticks in them after. At night, it truly becomes one of the prettiest sights I have ever seen and is definitely very inspiring. I had such a great time at Relay for Life last year and I am happy to say that I had also had an incredible experience this year as well. With all the memories and experiences I have created at Relay for Life, I hope to continue to attend Relay for Life next year!

This July, I got the opportunity to attend one of Our City Forest’s Nursery Workdays. At the Nursery Workday, volunteers were tasked with helping to repot trees into bigger pots and then helping to reinstall the irrigation. I really enjoyed this event because not only was it good for community, but I also learnt a lot about trees. I learnt how to lift trees out of pots, “tickle” their roots, and then place them back into another pot correctly so they would be able to get all the nutrients and water they needed. Even when we redid the irrigation for certain plants, I learnt a lot about how irrigation works and how it helps supply the plants with water. All in all, this event was very fun and informative and I would definitely recommend everyone to go try it!

from jasmine nguyen



Pediatric Trauma Program 12


PTP Coordinator Hi Superheroes! I’m Jennelyn Nguyen, one of your PTP coordinators!! I’m an incoming junior and am super excited for the new term! One fun fact about me is that I’m afraid of insects and spiders. This term, I’m looking forward to bringing in new ideas to spread PTP awareness and raise money for this cause! Can’t wait to see all the new people who join and learn more about Key Club!

PTP, or Pediatric Trauma Program, is one of Key Club’s main projects that aims to fund the training of doctors and nurses, and provide the right medical equipment for pediatric trauma and injuries. It is super important to raise money for PTP because 90% of these unintentional injuries can be prevented and with a little help, you can help save children’s lives! If you are interested in helping out this service project, you can help out by supporting our fundraisers or buying PTP related merch!

What is PTP?

Fall Rally North, or FRN for short, is coming up very soon! If you were wondering where the funds raised for PTP go, FRN is your answer. At FRN, we donate all the funds we have currently raised for PTP. In a fun game, we try to bid and buy our LTG and other members of the District Council. Of course, the more money we raise, the higher we can bid and the more members we can buy! This money all later gets donated to various funds, such as hospitals. These hospitals, some of which are partner hospitals with CNH, provide safety equipment like helmets, offer specialized pediatric training to doctors, and purchase specialized pediatric medical equipment, among many others. Rest assured that your money will be put to good use to save many lives!

from jennelyn nguyen and jasmine nguyen


Division Updates

August Issue of The Heroic Times by Nancy Duong has been released!

KCTC Recap youtube video by Austin Liao has been released! dnews_08_1920

RTC 2019 T-Shirt Contest ongoing! Due August 8th with the following link.

Region stickers now available! Venmo @britpan two dollars or buy at dcms and rtc. Preorder

Division 12 East Shirt contest has concluded. Congrats and thank you to Sylvia so from independence for creating the front design!


Congrats and thank you to karen dang from independence for creating the back design!

Club Goals 2521/ 8500+

PTP $116/ $1500

Hours $208.50/ $1500

MNT 15

WHY JOIN KEY CLUB Hi, all! If you don’t already know me, my name is Kathy Ton and I serve as Key Club president! With school just around the corner, you may be wondering how best to spend your time outside of classwork and homework. There are so many clubs and activities on campus that it’s easy to feel a little lost. HOWEVER, I think I have the solution for you. Introducing...Key Club! Here are three main reasons why you should join Key Club: 1. Help your community! While there are definitely other cool service clubs you could join, Key Club always works to give you events EVERY, SINGLE, WEEKEND. There’s so many you can choose from! From creek cleanups to passing out water at runs, from festival management to working with struggling families, you will always have the opportunity to volunteer and help out with so many amazing causes. Volunteering is one of the best ways to give back to the community and to build a connection out of kindness and love that might not have otherwise existed without your hard work. It’s incredibly fulfilling to know that you made a difference for someone, no matter how small it seems. It’s also pretty fun. 2. Boost your application! It also definitely helps that volunteering looks good on job and/or college applica -tions! These places want to see that you’re doing additional activities outside of school work as they’re looking for well-rounded people. Putting volunteer work and hours on your application shows dedication to making the world a better place and may hint at the many skills obtained through volunteering (communication, strong work ethic, leadership, etc.) Who can say no to that? 3. Find a family! When we say our club is an ohana, we mean it! You are always welcome to be a part of our family and find friends here. From officer to member, everyone here is super kind and inclusive! (It’s one of our core values, after all.) By joining, you instantly gain access to some pretty amazing people that enjoy giving back to the commu -nity. Just speak with some of them at events or meetings, and you’ll understand what I mean. :) 4. Have fun! Unlike other service clubs on campus, we also provide some pretty unique ways for you to have fun while in high school. Attend Fall Rally North with us, where you get to go to Six Flags, scream your heart out with other clubs in California-Nevada-Hawaii District, and ride the rides. Or come to some of our annual bondings like Finders Key -pers, a scavenger hunt right on campus. Spirit is pretty big with us, so as long as you come in with a great attitude, you’ll for sure have a lot of fun! I hope that this gave a little more insight into WHY you should join our club, but how do you join our club? We’ll go to Nicole for the answer. :) Flying into service, Kathy Ton Key Club President 2019-2020


HOW TO JOIN KEY CLUB Hey there! My name is Nicole Chen, and I am PHHS Key Club’s Outreach Coordinator this year. Kathy did an amazing job explaining what Key Club is all about, and hopefully, you all got a nice little insight on just what this club can offer. By now, you might be wondering, “Okay, so this is what Key Club is. But… how exactly do I even join?” Becoming a part of this ohana has been made quick and easy, and here’s how! 1. The first step is to join our Facebook group. Our group name is “Piedmont Hills Key Club,” and your request to join will be accepted in a flash. Our Facebook group is the main hub of all of our information. Resources and volunteer opportunities are always being updated here, so it’s very useful for members to have access to all of this information. 2. If you choose to join Key Club on Mini Club Day, we will have a sign up sheet for those interested. Once you fill it out, you will be added to the Facebook group page! If your sign up is through Mini Club Day, there’s no need to sign up on the website. Want to join but it’s not exactly Mini Club Day? The next step explains how to join! 3. Sign up as a Key Club member through our club website! The link can be found in the “About” tab in our Facebook group or in the resources page of this very newsletter. Or, you know, just search for “” On the front page will be a white button labeled “Join Us!” Click on that, fill out the info -rmation, and it will be sent to us to make you a Key Club member! Pretty easy, huh? 4. If you check the “Announcements” tab in our Facebook group, Kathy has pinned a post that includes all the Key Club resources you’ll need. If you want to make sure you’re confirmed as a member, click the link to the Hours Spreadsheet to check if your name is there and see how many hours you’ve volunteered. If, for any reason, your name is not there, feel free to text Jerry Xu (12), our Vice Pres -ident of Administration, or any other Key Club officer through Messenger or Insta -gram DM to let us know about your problem! We’re here to help :) 5. For any more questions, comments, or concerns, please ask any officers! The “About” page displays the officers you can contact, and we’re always posting in the group as well. Wow! Now you know why and how to join Key Club. What are you waiting for? Don’t miss the opportunity to join this club, volunteer for the community, make new friends, and experience unforgettable memories. We hope to see you at the next general meeting during Wednesday lunch! Nicole Chen PHHS Key Club Outreach Coordinator 2019-2020


Say thank you to someone

Give someone a hug

Apologize to someone


Pick up one piece of trash


Set aside $1.80 for TOT boxes

Hold the door open for someone


Help out with a chore


Donate something

Give someone a hug

Call someone you love

Do something kind for yourself!


GIve someone a gift (small is ok!)

Set aside $1.80 for TOT boxes

Recycle one item

Say thank you to someone

Recycle one item

Call someone you love


Read the August division newsletter! VOLUNTEER

Caring - Our Way of Life Bingo Edition! Participate in this fun game of bingo by completing as many tasks as you can until you get 5 in a row. All participants will be featured in the next newsletter - message Jasmine Nguyen (11) or Christine Do (12) with picture/ video proof of each task and your completed bingo chart (screenshot and draw on it with your phone!). If you have any questions about any tasks, message Jasmine Nguyen (11). 18

Hey busy bees!!

This month’s color palette was inspired by SUMMER. Even though school is coming up so soon, we should remember to take the remember few weeks left and enjoy the rest of our summer. Make sure to take time for yourself! I hope you learned more about PTP and reasons why you should join Key Club and what it can offer in this newsletter. As you come back to school, consider joining our club! We are super inclusive and will be ready to welcome you with open arms. Let’s keep up the good work, everyone! Keep on serving and soaring high!

Jasmine Nguyen Jasmine Nguyen PHHS Key Club Media Director 2019-2020

from the media director

Thank you for taking the time to read the July newsletter and see a recap of what an amazing job we’ve done together this month. I am so proud of all of us for getting those hours and working hard to better our community, so let’s keep it up. :)


Want more like this? piedmonthillshighschoolkeyclub

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kathy ton | president nancy duong | vp of service jerry xu | vp of admin chris abe | secretary


emily vu | treasurer

Facebook groups/105995889492518/ Website Instagram @phhskeyclubd12e

Division 12 East Cali-Nev-Ha International Key Club

Youtube channel/UCbWpyt3RJFa-3v2JczdZXqg Snapchat @phhskeyclub Twitter @phhskeyclub


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