PHHS Key Club | June 2017

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June 2017

03 from the treasurer 04 member of the month 05 calendar 06 event recaps 08 ltg banquet 10 kctc 12 meet phhs dlt 14 from the c/o 2017 20 club goals 21 from the media director 22 trivia 23 contact information 2

Piedmont Hills High School (1377 Piedmont Rd, San Jose, CA 95132) 2nd Issue (June) Amy Van (



Hello Ironmen and Ironwomen! Welcome to the month of June and the 2nd edition of our newsletter! Summer break has just begun, and that obviously means more time for service! And partying and hanging out with friends, or summer school. Let’s all make this break even more memorable by continuing to give back to the community! Service really never has an ending, and what better pastime than to make others smile? Just last month, PHHS Key Club was able to achieve about 900 hours, definitely a good start. Let’s keep up the hard work and dedication, and go ALL OUT this summer! This month, we’ve already volunteered at events like Vibha Dream Mile and the Silicon Valley Kidney Walk. Saturday, June 10’s Chatime fundraiser is coming up, so please make sure to go as funds go right towards the cancer team at Relay for Life Walk in July! Let’s keep up the good work that we’ve already accomplished. You guys can make that 9000+ hours, especially if you rock out at service in this summer of fun! Imagine, what can we do next? I believe in you all, and honestly can’t wait to see such beautiful, positive faces in the VERY near future. Best of luck! Soaring to Service,

Diana Quach PHHS Key Club Treasurer 2017-2018


MEMBER OF THE MONTH member of the month Congratulations

Christine Do Christine is a Key Clubber that truly demonstrates a model volunteer. She attends numerous events, always full of enthusiasm and contagious energy that helps inspire those around her. She is a super friendly member and embodies the core value of inclusiveness. Christine never hesitates to talk to other members and include them in her conversations, actively embodying Key Club's core values. Her passion for service and friendly personality are only a bit of what make her so great!


























































Event Recap-race for literacy In this month, I attended ILP Race for Literacy, a 5k and 10k race. At this event, I saw a lot of enthusiastic runners who all seemed eager to run. Before the race began, we observed runners doing stretches as one big group. There was also a tent where they were distributing Indian food. We all received a plate each, but I was hesitant to eat as I had never tried the food before. However, I eventually ended up cleaning my plate. Overall, the event ran very smoothly and a lot of people seemed to be having a lot of fun. I really enjoyed volunteering at this event as I got to try new food and bond with new people all while helping the event run smoothly.

-Tony Hong


Event Recap-artnwine festival In the month of May, I attended (and led!) the Berryessa Art and Wine Festival. This was the very first event I had ever led, so I was really new to coordinating with the event organizers and leading around 35 members! We were able to help with set up, parking, random tasks around the park, and clean-up. I was even able to help a vendor with monitoring their jump houses. Although we were there for a whole 7 hours, it was all worth it to finally meet so many of the members of our club! Some I had never met before, some were with me for previous events, but it was great to see their hard work and dedication to making the event fun for everyone. I can not wait to attend this festival again!

-Kathy Ton


together we bloom •

thank you to all who performed at Irvington

I didn't really expect to get an award for being one of the Executive Assistants, but it was definitely a pleasant surprise. I felt super happy to be able to stand alongside the DLT in front of Division 12 East one last time. I'm glad that I was able to serve this amazing division and represent a club that I'm super proud of. During my term, I had a lot of struggles, but many memorable achievements, achievements that I couldn't have gotten by myself. I really want to thank the DLT, the 2016-2017 PHHS Key Club officer board, and my friends and family for encouraging me and pushing me to always try my best. Without them, I don't think I would have ran for Executive Assistant. I'm not sure where I would be without Key Club. This club sparked my love for service and helped me become a better leader. When I was a freshman, I never thought about running for any type of leadership position because I didn't think I was capable of it or I wouldn't get it. However, I decided to try something I never thought I would, I ran for Sophomore Representative. My interview was horrible and I honestly think that was my worst interview EVER, but I somehow got chosen. After getting that position, I tried my best to be active and make a difference in my club. Although I didn't expect much from myself, I was able to find myself. By finding myself, I mean finding who I really am, what I want to do, and why I'm doing what I'm doing. I'm glad that I am a part of a club that strives to make a difference in the community, save lives, and help others find their true selves. Thank you Key Club for everything and I can't wait for the new term.


Trisha dang ip executive assistant



- distinguished secretary - Jason vu - Distinguished treasurer - Amy van - advisor of the year - ms. murray - member of the year - tiffany garcia - club of the year :) Receiving member of the year was the very first time that I cried tears of joy. I was in absolute shock when I heard my name to the point of where I was hesitant to walk up to receive my award thinking that maybe I hallucinated hearing my name. When I sat down, I couldn’t stop crying because I was so proud of myself. I remember in my freshman year; I was so shy to even sign up for an event that I’d stare at Facebook messenger for a few hours thinking about if I would be judged or not. Watching myself grow from a girl who wanted to help others but was too shy to someone willing to try anything that comes to her way from acting, dancing, to volunteering has been so fulfilling. Key Club has been such a welcoming and loving second family that has positively impacted me. Key Club has taught me to spread Key Club Core Values: character building, leadership, inclusiveness, and care. I am proud to be a member of such a loving Ohana, thank you Division 12 east for helping me grow into the person I am today!

tiffany garcia member of the year 9

UPCOMING EVENT-KCTC Formerly known as Officer Training Conference, KCTC is your chance to learn more about Key Club, as well as bond with Key Clubbers from ALL over Region 17. At KCTC you will be able to attend workshops and a Division Council Meeting, have lunch, and compete in a sand castle building contest! Be sure to take advantage of this special event and join us on our journey to find service.




meet phhs dlt Hey friends! My name is Victor Xie and I'm so grateful to serve you as a D12E Executive Assistant for the 2017-2018 term! When I was first announced as one of the new EAs, I was completely blown away, and I pretty much cried in front of 50 people. Who would've thought that me, a tall meme derp freshman who farts with his hands could be chosen for the division leadership team? This term I want to continue our division's awesome spirit, and help bring us together even more. I want everyone to follow their dreams, because as they say, "big dreams make dank memes" :'^) See ya around superheroes!

victor xie

What’s buzzin’ superhero bees?!?! My name is Sabrina Huynh and I am honored to be serving you all as one of the Executive Assistants for the 2017-2018 term. My Key Club journey so far has been a wild ride filled with memories and lessons that I will always treasure. I was fortunate enough to serve my home club as a class representative for the 2016-2017 term where I learned so much about myself and Key Club and wouldn’t be where I am today without that opportunity. As my third year in Key Club begins, I can’t wait to see what we’ll accomplish together this year and look forward to making my Key Club journey more adventurous and unique.

sabrina huynh


I hope you all are excited for the new term because I can guarantee you all, this term will definitely be one for the books! :)

Hello Superheroes! My name is Stephanie Zhu and I am super excited to serve as Division 12 East’s News Editor for the 2017-2018 term! When Division Leadership Team appointments were made at the LTG banquet, I was shocked but also quite ecstatic; I did not think that my application and interview stood out from all of the very qualified applicants. However, I am really glad and humbled by this opportunity to serve my division. When I joined Key Club as a freshman, I actually never expected to be an officer, let alone News Editor. I had no goals and lacked the confidence to speak for myself. I literally followed my friends to Key Club because I did not know what I wanted to do. In fact, I almost never applied to be an officer. Despite that, serving as publicist for the 2015-2016 term changed how I viewed myself and how I viewed Key Club. Fast forward two years and here I am: more confident in myself and still completely in love with Key Club! I hope that in the new term I can bring high quality newsletters and graphics for the division as well as increase the amount of readers of the division newsletter. I also look forward to working alongside Minah and the rest of the DLT in serving the division! And last but not least, I can’t wait to meet all of you!

stephanie zhu



From the

Class of 2017

If I could, I would write paragraphs about this and not just a single paragraph but let’s just start. Key Club these past 4 years have been the best 4 years of my life. All the memories and the bonds I made with all of you guys really made my high school bearable. Yes I looked forward to waking up at 4 in the morning to go to service events and yes I enjoyed working in the blazing sun giving people water. It made me happy knowing that I could help other people in such small ways. I didn’t care about the care about the credit I got or the hours given, I was satisfied with the fact that I helped someone. And I know I’m not being super specific or going into much detail, but it isn’t about the details you remember. It's about the feeling you get when you rethink back about it. Whenever I think about Key Club, I always smile and a bunch of bright images of cheering and smiling pop up in my mind. Its this that truly defines your Key Club experience. It was never about the numbers on the spreadsheet or the number of awards, it was always about the experience. I love Key Club because we’re a family. We share memories, ideas, bonds, and even food. Key Club is this humongous family where everyone is accepted and without it, I’m not sure where I would be right now, So thank you Key Club. Thank you for the amount of support you’ve given me, for the wonderful memories I now have, for the opportunities you’ve opened to me, and finally for allowing me to be myself without worrying about being judged upon.

This is Vincent Mac signing off!



Hello! My name is Evan Sum and I was your past Tech Chair and Project Director. Key Club has played such an important role in my high school career, building my character, shaping my life, and showing me the true passion for volunteering. I first noticed high schoolers volunteering when I was in elementary school and wondered why anyone would come and volunteer for something like Field Day. Then, I realized that it was like paying it forward. High schools helped me control booths when I was young, and now I am able to pay it forward for the next generation,

and that's when I realized my love for volunteering. Starting late as a sophomore and still ending with the most hours in the club after the Class of 2016 left, I don't regret a single hour of service I've done.

To me, volunteering was evan just a place to escape from the stress of school and just have fun with other really fun people,


and if you look at it like that, time just flies by when you're making the world a better place. But don't just take my word for it;

go to the next service event and try to talk to that shy person in the corner to help them start their Key Club journey and make their Key Moment the best thing that could happen to them!



Since joining Key Club in my sophomore year and attending my very first service events, I was sure that this KEY-razy Ohana would be more than just another line on my college application!

Looking back now, what I best remember from my time in Key and what I will always carry with me in the future are the countless smiles and laughs I shared with my friends as we worked together to build our home, school, and community.

It's amazing what a group of so-called "good for nothing" kids can do when we really put our minds and hearts to it.

jason vu

Whether it be raising over 9000 hours this past term or smashing our fundraising goals for PTP and ELIMINATE, nothing is impossible when we KEY-p to it! I am eternally grateful to my wonderful famiKEY and I look forward to continuing my journey in the Kiwanis family as a proud member of Circle K!

My journey in Key Club started later than most, but still was just as spectacular. I joined Key Club at the beginning of my junior year thanks to one of my closest friends, Jason Vu, who I've grown even closer to through Key Club. When I first joined Key, the only thing I knew about Key was its members were super loud and did lots of cheers, but what I found was so much more. The most memorable Key moment for me was my first FRN.


Despite being shy/fearful about about all the cheering, I embraced the spirit that envelops Key Club and discovered a passion for service and a dedication for one another that I have yet to see in any other organization I've been a apart of. At the end of my junior year, I took a risk and applied for Senior Class Rep and luckily enough I was awarded that position. When I first joined the board, I suddenly was surrounded by a family that would help me survive the next several tumultuous months that senior year provides. A second important Key moment was Relay for Life. That event brought me closer with so many people, friends that I hope I keep even as I leave for college.

Throughout my term on board, the underclassmen of the board often turned to me for advice, but what they don't know is that they've helped me grow as a person so much more than I've helped them. They've helped me to see what a real leader is. Someone who is willing to sacrifice everything for something greater than themselves, for a cause they are so passionate about, and for people they love so much. My final  important Key moment for me was DCON. DCON came at the close of my Key Club journey, yet it taught me something so important--

brandon dimapasoc

although my journey in Key may close, my membership in Key Club lasts forever because I will always have the people I've met, the memories I've made, and above all the core values of inclusiveness, caring, leadership, and character building that have guided me through Key and will continue to guide me through life.


Key Club has been a long journey for me. I’ve had many great moments, but also many hardships which makes me question if it was all worth it.

All my experiences with Key Club have helped shape me into the leader I am today and a much more enlightened individual. I couldn’t entirely comprehend the great importance of compassion and empathy, how every small action can lead to great things, or how organization was a big deal. But, I grew to understand it better and

I can confidently say that I am much more wise and mature than before. In return for the knowledge and insight, I had to overcome depression, get through countless of mental breakdowns, sacrifice a lot of time with the ones I loved, and even be considered insane by my close friends. Despite those obstacles, I tried my best to be funny and happy around everyone in Key Club.


I started my Key Club journey in my freshmen year, a time when the officers were not so friendly and open. There wasn’t really any inclusiveness going on. I did terrible at my freshmen class representative interview and I evidently did not receive the position. Later on I was interviewed for Vice President of Administration and sophomore class representative.


I still didn’t get a position though and honestly, I was discouraged. I remember turning in my application for junior class representative and thinking that it would be the last time that I ran for a position for Key Club if I didn’t get it.

Luckily, I got a position after three tries and that was when my times in Key Club were the happiest. Becoming president was a whole different story because all the pressure of the club was on me. For a club that gave me so much, I did whatever that required me to do so. I changed my pushover habits and became more stern so that people would listen to me. I missed many dinners with my family to finish up Key Club work or to catch up on school work. It was all for the sake of the club, but I grew to associate the club with negative feelings because of all the stress that it's caused me and how insignificant I felt. It then came to the point where some of the people increased my negative feelings for the club and I became reserved and limited my time spent on Key Club.

Despite it all, I was still attached to the club; I admire its message and life changing abilities that I was able to witness myself. But as my friend once said, "It's hard to stay in a club when the people who represent it are yelling at you." So, around the time my term ended I furthered myself from Key Club in hopes of being left alone at the very least, but instead I was still yelled at and labeled as a bad president despite my hard work and tears. I was refused empathy, but I said sorry. There was no sense of compassion from that individual; neither towards myself nor many others. I was forced to lose my last ounce of faith in her. In my eyes, she didn't have the slightest morale or care for others. The only thing I can do is hope the best for the club and help others willing to accept my help. This last blurb isn't to complain and say that I regret putting so much into Key Club, because I don't regret it. I simply want the best for Key Club.

I love this club with a lot of heart and I won't forget the memories I've made. This is to share my story with everyone and gain a sense of closure. So all the negative feelings I have can be let go and all the positive feelings can remain. I hope that everyone can say that their 2016-2017 year of Key Club was a pleasant and enjoyable experience.


Club Goals Club hours 939.5/9000+

PTP $109.91/$1200

MNT $0/1200


Updated 6/2/2017

from the

Media Director helloz heroes :) This was my first time ever creating a newsletter so I hope you follow both Stephanie and I through our difficult to endeavor to conquer the world of graphic design! It’ll definitely be an interesting and educational journey for me. Summer has just begun and, if some of you know, I have been off and away somewhere in the rural area of Vietnam. Y’all cannot believe how excited I am to get back to the States and start volunteering again! I encourage each and every one of you to take advantage of all this blissful school-free time and start volunteering. Like people always say, service never sleeps nor does it stop! Once again, thank you for following along! Stephanie and I look forward on providing you even better newsletters throughout the term. Of coarse, please be on a lookout for my comedia director Stephanie’s newsletter the next month (as well as division hehe). See you when I see you!

Amy Van PHHS Key Club Media Director 2017-2018






2. What region is our division in? 4. What is our division? 6. What is PHHS Key Club's mascot? 7. When is KCTC? 8. How many clubs are in Division 12 East?

1. What is our divisions' mascot? 3. Who is out LTG? 5. When is FRN 2017? chance to be featured on our next issue. please dm stephanie zhu or amy van to confirm answers. first one wins. Best of luck.

contact us! megan luong | president

Piedmont Hills Key

michelle zhang | vp of service sabrina huynh | vp of admin judy ng | secretary diana quach | treasurer

Click on an icon to be directed to A certain social media account!

resources Piedmont Hills High School d12ephhskeyclub.weebly. com Division 12 East d12eastkeyclub.strikingkin

Important Dates: International Convention July 5-8, 2017 Region Training Conferences September-October


Fall Rally North October 21, 2017

International Key Club

Fall Rally South November 11, 2017


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