PHHS Key Club | March 2021

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CNH | KEY CLUB Piedmont Hills Key Club | Division 12 East | Region 17 | CNH District



1377 Piedmont Rd, San Jose, CA 95132


member of the month




event recaps


service weekend highlight


executive team decisions


highlight - stickers fundraiser


highlight - stock fundraiser


updates - beyond the club


from the newsletter team




table of contents


message from pres.

Message from President Annabanana Hello Piedmont Hills Key Club! Happy April! Our last month of the term is officially here, and it still astonishes me how we got here so quickly. Although this term was stressful and at times what I thought was impossible, it was through these difficult moments that I found my happiness in some of the most unexpected places. It wasn’t until this year that I realized the value I placed in the connections I’ve established with others; in a way, this whole quarantine made our bonds that much stronger. I will always look back on my term as president fondly and I hope you all view this year with us that way as well. As the end of the school year comes up, I’d like to offer one piece of advice to all the underclassmen reading: take risks. Take a chance with your high school career and don’t look back! As soon as you realize that there is no real consequence to opening yourselves up to opportunity, the sooner you are able to see how much more there is to life. I spent most of my high school career inside the lines, and I wish someone had told me that I didn’t have to be that way. I know many other seniors and graduates may tell you the same, but if you were to take any of my words to heart, it would be these. Again, I’d like to thank you all for allowing me to serve as your President for the 2020-2021 term! Key Club has and will always hold a special place in my heart, and this final year in Key Club has been such a unique but memorable one. Signing out,

PHHS Key Club President 2020 - 2021


member of the month For the month of March, Mandy has been consistent in attending Key Club events throughout the term! It is always so heartwarming to see the dedication of our members and how they continue to serve even in such unprecedented times. Mandy participates in our Zooms, and it’s evident how caring and inclusive she is. Mandy continues to make a great attempt to be an active member despite the pandemic. Thank you for ending the term off strong with us, Mandy!


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Sustainabili-Key Collab Executive Applications Released March DCM (term’s final DCM) March of Dimes Service Weekend

Mar. 1 - 5 Mar. 8 Mar. 20 Mar. 20 - 21

DCON registrations released

Mar. 24

New Term Executive Officers Announced

Mar. 31

key club calendar |5

A Utopia for Cats… and Humans. Kitten Cuddling Jasmine Nguyen This past month, I had the opportunity to attend a volunteering event at Mini Cat Town in Eastridge Mall. Having been to the mall in the past, I have often passed by this nonprofit cat shelter, where people often lined up and paid to enter and have some fun with the cats or look at them in the interest of adopting one of them. Yet, this is the first time that I entered the organization. I have worked with numerous cats in the past, and I love their personalities, so this event was perfect for me given my experience. Upon arriving at my shift, we were tasked with bringing the cats out to the front and cleaning their pens. Although somewhat laborious and tiring, this was good insight on how the shelter provided for and took care of the cats. Whereas I attended the morning shift, afternoon and closing shifts were also available, where each shift focuses on different tasks like checking health, weighing, and returning the cats to their pens. I also really enjoyed meeting the other volunteers and learning more about the process of taking care of all the cats. After everything had been cleaned, I went out to the front where customers were starting to enter in and look at the cats. During this time, I helped clean the area after customers had left to ensure it was hygienic due to COVID guidelines, and helped take the cats to the volunteers so they could see and look at them. Although there have been accounts of wild customers from the supervisors, it was pleasant to see the place in action, even if it were in limited capacity. It was a very enjoyable experience participate in this event, so much so that I'm excited to return to my next shift to continue taking care of the cats and trying to help them get adopted into their forever homes! :)



Tea(ching) Time w/ Thea Craft Time Sokunthea Mau This month I was inspired by Sustainabili-Key's collab so I wanted to do an event that was environmentally friendly! I went down a Pinterest rabbit hole and found a list of fun crafts I wanted to do, so I made a pretty slideshow and advertised it to our members. Only my friends signed up for the event, but it was a great opportunity to get closer with them! I had a couple of sessions of what I call "Teaching Time with Thea" where I showed them how to do the crafts but it was pretty selfexplanatory so everyone caught on quickly. We ended up focusing on making newspaper flowers where we used old recyclable papers and turned them into little flower bouquets that we could give away as gifts! We spent the whole hour talking about the most random topics and the topic of Buzzfeed quizzes came up. My friend isn't that big on pop culture so I pulled up a Buzzfeed quiz about YouTubers and Celebrities and it asked us, "How many do you recognize?" or something similar to that. There was a point where he tried to search up the celebrity... and still got it wrong. Overall, this event showed me how art was everywhere and it taught me to appreciate the little things. It'll be fun asking my friends in a few years, "Ayo remember that crafting event I hosted in freshman year? Yeah, that was pretty cool” Anyways, I got a Mother's Day gift now :D


Sustainabili-Key Environmental Awareness Week Andrew Nguyen During the month of March, I was given the opportunity to collaborate with the Sustainability club to help out and create slide presentations for Environmental Awareness Week. Prior to the actual event, we spent much of our time working on our slides and hoping to put in as much information as we could for our presentation. Me and my partner had focused on presenting information about the agriculture industry and the effects of pollution as well. Information on yearly costs from damage, current events, and potential solutions were included within our presentation. From all of this, it had truly reminded me of my time in APES (AP Environmental Science) back in my junior year, and it was somewhat a very interesting experience. It was somewhat surprising that the information from an AP class would come in handy in my time as a club officer. Now that I was given the chance to present our slides and to spread our knowledge in the material, it made me feel like I really learned something from the class and it was a great feeling overall. It was a time where I could improve my knowledge upon the topic itself, presentation skills, and general socialization (even if it were through a digital platform). Other than that, being a part of the collaboration with Sustainability Club was a very educational experience for myself and for others as well.



Revisiting APES

Doing Our Part SustainabiliKey Environmental Awareness Week Mary Tran This month, I was able to attend the SustainabiliKey Environmental Awareness Week, which was a collaboration between Key Club and Sustainability! Various topics were brought up such as air pollution, agriculture industry, plastic pollution, food waste, and climate change. During every session, there were presenters that dove deep into the environmental issues and presented activities that we could do ourselves to aid with the issue. Including various activities, icebreakers, and bright presentations, many of the discussions were fun yet still informative. I felt super engaged in the event, thanks in part to the interactive presenters and general education about the damage that humans have caused to the Earth. I definitely became more conscious of the choices I make in my daily life to reduce any negative impact on the environment to my best effort. I think that everyone should at least have a better understanding of the state of our planet and the actions that contribute towards environmental issues present today. It was a very informative event, and I would love to attend an event similar to the Sustainabili-Key Environmental Awareness Week.


Time of Remembrance. ~ A Reflection on the Previous Term Preston Tran This past term has been a long one. Ever since the start of this quarantine, I don't really remember what I did, as the days seemed to pass me by so often. With this being our final month of the term, there has been so much yet so little time for us to do the things we've done for so long. Events, bondings, fundraisers, and even meetings with members have gotten so difficult, yet our clubs dedication to serving our community has really shone through. My time in this board has shown me the amazing people in it, as well as the amazing things they've done, and it makes me realize how time doesn't wait for anybody. Though this quarantine has hit everyone pretty hard, the smiles others have, and the joy exuding from them highlights how hard we push to restore some normalcy to the situation we're in and the people around us. Previous fundraisers such as the League Tourney and Valorant Tourney are probably by far my most favorite events of this year, as they restored so much light into my eyes, which have been darkened by such a time as now. But that leads me to talk about this position I hold; I cannot excuse the fact that I've had my own wrongdoings. I have been unable to meet my quotas for some time now, and I accept full responsibility for not being the officer I promised to be when I signed up for this position. However, I cannot deny one thing: this quarantine has put me in quite a dark place. I've been unable to get motivated for anything, and everything seems to be losing its color; though the point I'm trying to get at isn't to make others feel pity for me. What I truly wish to say is that... I lost sight of the future. I lost sight of what I wanted to do as an officer, of what our goal was during this term, and I lost sight of the people around me. 10 |


I failed to do the things I've promised, and so I write this now as an apology to those who have had to deal with my lack of work and effort. So many of our officers have tried their hardest to keep Key Club standing as a club where people, no matter how far apart, can feel like they have people to support them. I want to tell those people: Thank you. You have done what I have failed to do this term, and I truly wish to know that there are people out there who are truly grateful to the things you have done and sacrificed. So what am I truly trying to say? Thank you, everyone who I've met and had met, in this term and previous terms, to the people who helped me get to where I am today, I wish to say thank you. And to those who will carry on in Key Club, I wish to tell you this: Never give up. You guys are all amazing people, and I want you to know this, though it may not be much coming from me. The things you've done, and the people you've helped, they all have a very special place in not only my heart, but many others as well. Thanks for everything guys.

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March of Cards or Cards of Dimes? By: Rebecca Ho Unfortunately, I was not able to attend many service events this month. However, one of the events that I had the pleasure of attending was March of Dimes Service Weekend. I was only able to attend the card-making event on Saturday, but it was fun nonetheless. It was my first time making a digital card which was a nice change from making handmade cards and almost forgetting to mail them after making them. The event was very organized and there was some fire music that played as we were making the cards. The PHHS officer that was in charge, Alice Nguyen, shared her screen too while making her cards on Google Slides. I thought it was inspiring to see how she made them, especially since she helps out with making flyers and the newsletters, so she's really creative. The vibes of the event were immaculate and I had a nice time seeing almost everyone's faces with their cards at the end when we were taking the group picture.

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For the month of March, I only signed up for one service event--card making for our March of Dimes Service Weekend. This was one of the first collaborations with Independence high school as we volunteered under one common goal: creating cards for nurses and doctors in the NICU (Neonatal Intensive Care Unit). We made these cards digitally using apps such as Google Slides, Procreate, Photoshop, etc. We could also create handmade cards/letters to email our work to the hospitals at Kaiser. The overall organization of the event paired with its atmosphere of volunteers reminded me of why I am Key Club despite our current circumstances--to help someone know there are other individuals who care and support other these people of society, especially to those putting themselves at risk for the sake of others.

Urgent Card Making By: Adora Nguyen

Hesitant on whether or not I should sign-up for this event, I decided to commit to the sign-up and with my little knowledge of knitting, hopefully, create a small blanket that'll be donated towards those in need. This was going to be my first time officially knitting (not practice!), which did make me a bit nervous. Whilst knitting, I couldn't continue to create rows without finding a way to tangle my yarn and create knots, which really made me feel a bit frustrated. Although it was quite a hard journey for me and my knitting hands, I thought it was still pretty exciting because it was such a new experience for me, learning how to knit blankets and knit in general. Although I was pretty bad at it, I definitely wouldn't consider knitting to be out of my list of "things to learn how to do," if I do buy yarn for myself eventually.

Yarn Entanglement By: Peter Truong | 13

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Hello, Superheroes! During this month, we opened a new page to our Key Club-our new president and other executive officers will continue to form the best possible experience for all of its members. We still continue the countless events despite our circumstances. There have been joint collab events like our service weekend for March of Dimes. We were able to digitally create cards for nurses/doctors and knit/crochet baby blankets for children. We still have our DCMs and soon an online DCON (only for $8-$12! What a steal!). We also had our sticker fundraiser (which you should buy from our end of the term stock sale). We were able to do so much. I know next year, Key Club will do even more. As our term comes to an end, I am excited to start a new chapter in my life. Many times I wanted to give up but it’s all through perseverance that encouraged me to focus on what really mattered. This is my last time ever participating in a school club newsletter. I promised you I would change. Although not quite improving in art and design, I feel myself change as a person. Key Club played an essential part in my goodbye. Thank you everyone for your participation and service.

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adora nguyen

alice nguyen Dear Superheroes, Greetings from the leprechaun’s lair, congrats for making it through March! This past month, I was able to see quite a few of you at the collab with Independence for March of Dimes Service Weekend, which I hope everyone who attended enjoyed :) A new president and executive board was elected, which was very exciting to see! Go congratulate the nominees if you have not already :D Alas, the time has finally come, and honestly I think that it came too soon. This will be the last time that you will be able to see Adora’s, Eric’s, and my work on the newsletters for PHHS. It was definitely a great experience, and I really enjoyed working on these most of the times as it was a way for me to express my ideas and visions, but yes there were some times when doing this didn’t feel so great, but that’s normal :) When board member applications come out, I encourage you guys to come and apply for this position, and you definitely don’t need to be super artistic or anything! DON’T FORGET TO STOP BY OUR WEBSITE FOR GREAT DEALS ON KEY MERCH!!! Keep on staying cool.

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Hello evereebodee,

If the previous couple of messages and posts haven’t been foreboding enough, the end of the term is very near. Thus, it is time for me to bid my farewell to the art of newsletter design. I’ve had my share of fun throughout the term and I’ve developed a plethora of new skills by just doing my task as a media director. Compare each newsletter to the last and you can see the slow evolution of my work! Countless hours and days have been poured into each and every newsletter. If I’m going to be honest, I don’t think any of these newsletters really meet the “key club” standard layout or whatever. I just make what I like. heh. Fun fact- this is my first and last term committing to a school club. It definitely was an interesting journey given the circumstances but an amusing journey nonetheless. One of the regrets I hold in high school is not having committed to a club earlier in my career. Had I done so, I perhaps would not have had to spend my one and only year in this limited environment. Perhaps I would have gotten to go to the large- scale events in their full glory. Yet, like many, i need a break from club work. It’s only one year, and not even a legitimate year for that, and yet I feel so burnt out. All my energy is now just a small ember compared to the great fire I had at the start of the term. Perhaps it’s the quarantine, perhaps it’s the actual term itself, perhaps it’s senioritis, perhaps it’s something else. I’m just tired. So tired. I harbor much gratitude towards Mary, Alice, and Adora for assisting me through the respective newsletters that they have worked on. I think they’ve all done a wonderful job throughout the term. Truly talented peoples and I believe they’ll all do great things in the future. I am also thankful to all the readers! Thanks for brightening my days by spending a couple of minutes to scan through and read the work. I consider half my job to be defined by the numbers of reads on the screen. ;) Anyhow, I hope that I’ve also provided an inspiration for the next term’s officers to apply for this position. For the person or persons who follow the path down to becoming the next media director, I’ll be watching over y’all by the sidelines, whether you like it or not. :D Signing off,

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Eric Nguyen PHHS Key Club Media Director 2020 - 2021

Erin Takeshima |


Sokunthea Mau | VP of Service Rebecca Ho | VP of Admin Tanner Ngo |


Vivian Tran |


Facebook 105995889492518/ Website Instagram @phhskeyclubd12e Youtube UCbWpyt3RJFa-3v2JczdZXqg Snapchat @phhskeyclub Twitter @phhskeyclub

Division 12 East (D12E) Cali-Nev-Ha (CNH) International Key Club

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