PHHS Key Club | March 2020

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PIEDMONT HILLS KEY CLUB | Division 12 East | Region 17 | CNH District

March 2020


1377 Piedmont Road, San Jose, CA 95132

table of contents

3 4 9

calendar from the execs


10 12 14


covid-19 safety board apps

arc reactor 2019-2020 fin.

16 17 19

club goals from editor


march calendar SUN






































7 - Bare Roots Project

18 - Exec. Announcement

28 - Board Apps Released

30/31 - Virtual Workshopsv

PRESIDENT 2019 - 2020: Kathy Ton My Key Club journey will always be something I look back at fondly. It’s hard to tell when you’re in the moment, but when I reflect on all that I’ve accomplished, I can see how much I’ve grown. From member to project director to treasurer to president, I made so many new connections, learned so much about what I was capable of, and found a passion for service. This past term as president, however, was definitely one of the most challenging experiences I have faced. From the stress of managing all of it, to the stress of feeling like I wasn’t doing enough, to the stress of encountering new problems all along the way, I didn’t necessarily feel overwhelmed but I felt beaten down. In some of those most difficult moments, I found my happiness in some of the most unexpected places. Fall Rally North 2019 will always be the crowning example of this, as I found another spark to my love for Key Club: the officers and members that make this club as amazing as it is. Key Club is spirit, Key Club is family, Key Club is kindness and compassion and all the good things in between. I became determined to make the most out of my final year: attending more events, reaching out to others, and pushing myself to find new ways to help the club.

A part of me will always be disappointed that my Key Club journey won’t get the full closure that I had hoped for because of the COVID-19 outbreak. Sitting at home unable to do much more than interact online has me missing meetings and the events I would have attended for the joy of seeing all of you. Despite all of that, I am extremely happy that I will come out the other side with no regrets (well...relatively few, at least lol.) I do think I’ve found at least something I can tell all of you: take a chance with your high school career. I know a lot of seniors and graduates can tell you the same thing, but it’s real. These will be some of the most memorable years of your life but also some of the shortest. Make the most out of it. And so, I will FINALLY end this cheesy blurb with an equally cheesy message: Thank you, Piedmont Hills Key Club, for being one of the best things I could have ever hoped for. (I’ll still be your president until May 1st, though. ;) )

Kathy Ton

PRESIDENT 2020-2021: Annabelle Tran Hey hey heroes! My name is Annabelle Tran and I will be serving as your 2020-2021 Key Club President! After being elected as freshman representative for Key Club, I can only remember my journey going up from there. I had wholeheartedly and completely dedicated myself into this service club and what I got in return was something inexplicable. Key Club not only became some high school service club I joined for my college applications, but it became a safe place for me, a place where I was able to share my passion for helping my community with others. I met so many new people throughout my years in Key Club and I cannot wait to meet all of you in my next term as president :) Admittedly, I am a bit bad at introductions (and a tad awkward) but if you get to know me, I am

a whole lot funnier I swear LOL Here’s some things that we can talk about!: puppies (i have a doggy named Lion), milk tea, & my hatred for APUSH. Find me at a service event or hanging around after 7th period and we can be friends! I don’t really know who needs to hear this, but know that I will always be here if you need to talk:) I know firsthand how much of a family Key Club is and I couldn’t be more excited for the next term. I feel that it is finally my opportunity to show how much Key Club truly made an impact on me, and I seriously cannot wait for what this next year will bring for all of us. Key Club has undoubtedly changed my life for the better, and I can only hope it will change yours, too!

Annabelle Tran

VP Of service 2019-2020: Nancy Duong Hello hello busy bees! It is nearing the end of the term, and the journey I spent with you all as vice president of service has been an extremely memorable one. I never thought I would experience being a vice president, of anything, really. I never believed I was good enough nor did I think I was capable. I remember telling myself as a freshman that I wouldn’t go up to these heights, but as a junior today, I can easily say that I was given an incredible opportunity to truly find how capable I really am. Though that doesn’t mean I had no downs during this journey, I certainly did. Junior year was incredibly hard on me, and there were times where I felt like I served no purpose being in this position, but thanks to my board and my execs, I now know that every bit of effort that we all put in counts towards the things we achieved. I would like to thank my amazing board for being there for me throughout this term. I love you all!!! <3 I’ll miss this board a lot and you made this year different from any other year. Thank you.

And I would like to thank you, the members, for being what made up everything Key Club is about. To those who attended weekly meetings, to those who went volunteering, to those who helped us raise thousands of dollars towards saving lives across the globe. You made a huge impact on this community, and I’m extremely grateful. We now begin a new journey. If you actually read through all of this, I encourage you to seek out new things that will help you find your passion! You will find something that will help you grow as a person. I promise hehe Thank you all for an amazing year :—)

Nancy Duong

VP OF SERVICE 2020-2021: Britney Sun Hey Key-uties !!! For those of you who don’t know me, my name is Britney Sun and I will be proudly serving as your Vice President of Service in this upcoming term! I’m a current junior and also serve as one of our club’s publicists. In my free time, I enjoy drawing, swimming, and watching anime or kdramas (currently watching: Crash Landing On You) hehe. Throughout my time in Key Club, I’ve been able to grow so much in terms of my confidence and passion for service. It is SO CRAZY to see the impact we are able to have on this earth. Next year will be my last year in Key Club, and I truly look forward to all that we will accomplish together! Be sure to say hi if we see each other at events, I’d love to get to know each and every one of you <3 <3.

Britney Sun

VP OF ADMIN 2019-2020: JERRY XU Hello superheroes! Your favorite VPA of this term is here! :) I know that this year has been crazy and wild, but I’m glad to have spent it in Key Club. Through all the cheers, all the performances, all the food, and all the memories, I will never forget the events of this term. I hope all of you have grown a little in this past year and seen how your service hours can add up. One service event doesn’t seem like a lot, but through contributing service again and again, we have made a difference. Thank you, yes you, because you have embarked on this journey with us. This is Jerry Xu, signing out as your VP of Admin!

Jerry Xu

VP OF ADMIN 2020-2021: Kirsten Takeshima WHAT’S UP MIGHTY SUPERHEROES!! I’m Kirsten Takeshima and I’m very honored to be serving as your Vice President of Administration for this upcoming 2020-2021 term! Key Club has embraced me through the thick and thin, the glorious sunshine and cloudy days, the good and bad. Here, you’ll find lifelong friends, meet so many people worldwide who share the same passions of service as you, take that small step to instill greater change in our community, and grow immensely. I’m proud to call this nurturing club my family and I really hope that you’ll find acceptance and comfort here as well. Come with me on this adventure and let’s make this term memorable, fun, and exciting!

An interesting fact about me is that I love traveling and exposing myself to new experiences. I really like wearing earrings and listening to all kinds of genres of music too. Also, my favorite ice cream is cookies and cream. Please don’t feel shy to say hi and introduce yourself to me because I would really enjoy getting to know everyone :3



Secretary 2019-2020: Chris Abe Bonjour superheroes! I hope that you are all doing well. Sadly this term is coming to an end during circumstances that a lot of us could never have imagined. As we are nearing the end of the term, I’ve started to reflect on the past (and my last) term in Key. I’m not going to sugar coat it, this term was somewhat difficult for me due to college apps and senior year as a whole. However, it was not all doom in gloom as Key brought a lot of positive moments for me, such as FRN and our badminton tournament. We were able to finish with around 6526.5 service hours! While we were not able to beat our goal, our hour count is nothing to laugh at and I’m very proud of our club. The biggest thing that I took away this term was the importance of adapting. Not everything is going to go the way that you thought it would but you just have to do your best that you can. Key has helped me grow from a quiet-introverted individual to a slightly less

ly less quiet-introverted individual and I hope that Key can help all of you grow in some way. I will forever cherish all the people that I met while in Key. It has been an honor to serve you and I’m extremely excited for Erin. She is more than capable and I know the next term is in good hands. Stay healthy and safe! Signing off,

Chris Abe

Secretary 2020-2021: Erin TakeshimA Hey Key Clubbers! My name is Erin Takeshima, and I am EXTREMELY excited to be serving you as your secretary for the 2020-2021 term! Key Club has made such a huge impact not only in my high school experience, but in my life. I was able to meet many amazing people that have inspired me to improve and push myself to go out of my comfort zone. Because of this, I cannot wait to make an impact on Key Club and everyone who is a part of it (which includes all of you) in return, too. I hope that with the new term, despite the situation that we are currently in, we will be able to create an even better year than the one before together— for us and for all the superheroes that come after us. Please do not be afraid to approach me if you have any questions or if you want to be friends :) I would like to be able to meet and create some incredible memories with you all! Let’s make this an unforgettable year!

Erin Takeshima

TREASURER 2019-2020: Emily Vu Hello heroes!! Thank you all so much for such an incredible term <3 As a whole we were able to raise over $4000 for our charities and played such a huge role in helping our world and our community. It has been such an immense honor serving you as your Treasurer for the 2019-2020 term but I know that Jasmine will take this club to new heights! I’m so thankful to be apart of such an amazing club and hope that you all are doing well and are safe. Until the next time we can volunteer together!! Stay super :3

Emily Vu

TReasurer 2020-2021: Jasmine Nguyen What’s buzzing, bees!! I’m super honored to be able to serve you as your next treasurer for the 20202021 term. Despite our current difficult situation, I am confident that we can continue to serve with passion and make our world a better place, one step at a time :) As an introduction, I’m an upcoming senior and some things I like are: my friends (I love them), money ($$$), food (yum), and cats. Feel free to come up to me and talk to me about anything, however! I want to be able to get to know ALL of you and I promise I don’t bite.

Jasmine Nguyen

I’m extremely grateful to Key Club for all the opportunities it has given me and I hope that all you can experience the same joys that I did, and even more. Let’s make this term and incredible one, I love you all!

Member of the Month Although Viveca recently joined Key Club, she took initiative to attend the bare roots project even though she was the only member at the event. The event was definitely a lot of hard work and the weather made it worse, but she still attended. Additionally, by attending and participating in our executive elections, it is evident that she truly cares about using her voice as a dues-paid member to vote. She comes across as a super sweet and dedicated Key Clubber! Despite being a new member, we are incredibly impressed with her involvement and can not wait to see how much she grows in her Key Club career!


INFOGRAPHICS virtual workshops for you to learn from!

FC: Erin Takeshima

FC: Kirsten Takeshima

FC: Jasmine Nguyen

FC: Britney Sun

COVID-19 During this difficult situation, we hope everyone remains safe and healthy! Read through for some tips and guidelines on maintaing a healthy lifestyle and routine while in quarantine.

Wash your hands for at least 20 seconds

Stay inside your house as much as possible

When going out, maintain a distance of at least 6 feet away from other people

Disinfect surfaces around your house

SAFETY Cover your mouth when you sneeze or cough

Avoid touching your eyes, mouth, or nose with unwashed hands

Know the signs: fever, shortness of breath, a cough, pain/pressure in chest

Take the situation seriously!

Board applications have been released and are due 04/04/2020 at 11:59pm! The application should look as follows. Make a copy of the document and fill your answers out, then email your application to: You will be contacted soon after with your interview time. Good luck!

Message any executive officers if you have any questions. If you have specific questions about any of the positions listed on the application, you may contact the current holder(s) of that position. They are all listed on the board application, which can be found on our club Facebook page. We look forward to seeing all of your applications very soon!


You miss

100 percent

of the shots you don’t take You have nothing to lose and everything to gain from applying to be part of our board for the 2020-2021 term. Be a part of something good, be a part of change! Let’s make the world a better place, together.


'19-'20 Club Goals SERVICE HOURS 6526.5/8500 77% of our goal reached

PTP $3283.84/$1500 219% of our goal reached

MNT $733.83/$1500 49% of our goal reached

This is my last ever letter to you as media director, and it’s never felt so bittersweet. But wait, I’m not leaving yet! I’m still here serving as your next treasurer, so be sure to continue to stay connected with me ;) I’ve had the honor as serving as one of your media directors this term along with my co Christine Do and I’ve thoroughly enjoyed each and every moment of it so much. Thinking back, I remember deciding what to run for for the 2019-2020 term. Even though I was scared and didn’t think I would receive the posiiton, I took a leap of faith and applied to be media director. To be honest, the pleasure of serving you all this term was all mine. Throughout this past year, I’ve been able to meet so many new people and go to many new places. As media director, I’ve been able to improve my art and graphic design skills and I have only this position to thank for it. Key Club has honestly changed my life for the better, and I can’t wait to see what we can do together next term. Thank you all so, so much for sticking with me this entire term. You guys have all been my rock and what was gotten me through this term. Without you guys, I wouldn’t have had the opportunity to serve as your media director and accomplished the things I have this term. You are my entire reason for doing what I do. Thank you for being incredible, and for always working so hard to make the world a better place. I wouldn’t have traded this experience for anything else. One last time, I’m signing off as your media director (but still here, contact me if you ever need anything!),

Jasmine Nguyen Jasmine Nguyen Piedmont Hills Key Club 2019-2020 Media Director

from the media director

What’s buzzing, bees?

Thank you for reading the last issue of the Arc Reactor 20192020. See you all again next year!



annabelle tran | president-elect britney sun | vp of service-elect kirsten takeshima | vp of admin-elect erin takeshima | secretary-elect

Social Media

jasmine ngyuen | treasurer-elect

Facebook groups/105995889492518/ Website Instagram @phhskeyclubd12e

Division 12 East Cali-Nev-Ha International Key Club

Youtube UCbWpyt3RJFa-3v2JczdZXqg Snapchat @phhskeyclub Twitter @phhskeyclub

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