PHHS Key Club | May 2020

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CNH | KEY CLUB Piedmont Hills Key Club | Division 12 East | Region 17 | CNH District


1377 Piedmont Rd, San Jose, CA 95132


president’s note motm calendar officers’ introductions event recaps club goals seniors district newsletter about KCTC from media directors contacts

president’s note note president’s What’s up, heroes? Happy summer! I know that the end of the school year wasn’t at all how we had imagined, but hopefully you all are making the most of it during this quarantine! Remember not to let Ms. Rona over here take away the happy happy vibes of summer :’) On a more serious note, the world as of now is quite literally falling apart. I wish that as a club, we had more power to do something, anything, but a good friend of mine reminded me that all it takes is one. One person to take initiative, one person to spark change. Despite the cruel injustices that we see all over social media right now, I want to remind you all of the other side; the side that gives me hope for the future. Since this quarantine began, PHHSKC has made over 100 cards for our frontline workers and continued to serve at home. I know for a fact that we have been using our time wisely and dedicating it to those that need it most, but I encourage you all to continue doing service at home even through these difficult times! In the upcoming months, expect to see more service events at home, as we are all coming up with creative ways to continue doing service and perhaps even fundraise! Hopefully you are all caught up on our social media pages (Instagram, Snapchat, and Facebook!) since we will be announcing some special things pretty soon :)) As we are adapting to the new circumstances because of COVID-19 and our changing world, I want to leave you all with some words that have personally helped me through overwhelming situations such as these times: There is always the light on the other side. No matter how difficult things may seem as of now, I know that together, we will prevail. And that is the part I will be waiting for. Stay safe, and as always, I’m here for you!

PHHS Key Club President



Despite COVID-19 affecting all service clubs at PHHS, Shreya Vallala has persisted even during these difficult times. In participating in our “Project Thank-You� cards, she created 6 beautiful cards that I know our frontline workers will definitely appreciate! She is an active member in Key Club and we appreciate her for all that she does!















Spreading Positivity







Project Frontline Thank-You






















Memorial Day


Sidewalk Chalk Project


Sidewalk Chalk Project


BOARD INTROS!! My name is Annabelle Tran and I’ll be an incoming senior next year :’) Some things about me that I love to talk about!: I have a little doggy named Lion and he is the love of my life :’) and I truly believe with 100% of my heart that water is wet. Feel free to wave at me in the halls and I’ll wave back! (maybe,, i um am a tad bit awkward and shy � )

HELLO MIGHTY, MIGHTY SUPERHEROES!! My name is Kirsten and it is my pleasure to be serving you all as your Vice President of Administration for the 2020-2021 term! Ever since I joined Key Club, I have grown as a leader, been able to advocate for causes I’m passionate about, gone outside of my comfort zone, met so many people, and took away so, so many life lessons. Key Club has been a place of positivity and fun for me, so I hope it becomes a place for you to destress and enjoy the little things in life as well. I’m excited for the memories we’ll make and things we’ll accomplish this term � �

HEY SUPERHEROES! My name is Erin Takeshima and I am thrilled to be serving as your secretary for the 2020-2021 term! I would have never thought that I would find a club as accepting and enthusiastic as Key Club, nor did I think I would love it as much as I do now. From the blue and gold tutus and crazy spirit battles to the friendly helping hand when a person needs it, Key Club is full of warm and welcoming people that genuinely care about what they do. It is inspiring and eye-opening to be a part of this group, so I hope that being in this club will stir the same passion and drive in all of you! Please don’t be afraid to reach out to me if you have any questions or if you just want to talk! đ&#x;™‚


Hi everyone!! đ&#x;˜€ My name is Jasmine Nguyen and I'm super duper excited to serve you all as your next treasurer for the 2020-2021 term. Some fun facts about me are that I really like apologizing and I'm really bad at the card game 13. If you ever need some comforting, my arms and my DMs are always open đ&#x;™‚ Let's work hard to raise a lot of money and save lives together hehe

Hey Key-uties! My name is Britney Sun and I am delighted to be serving as our District’s Communications & Marketing Chair for this 2020-2021 Term. If you don’t know me, I am a rising senior, making this my fourth and final year in Key Club. In my free time, I enjoy drawing, swimming, and exploring the city! One fun fact about myself is that I can speak 4 languages

Hi y’all, I’m Eric Nguyen and one of your two media directors (my co is right below me hehe) for the term and am the one behind part of this newsletter! I look forward to creating aesthetically - nice newsletters and working with my fellow officers throughout the term. In my spare time, I like playing piano, drinking milk tea, watching anime, and solving puzzles. đ&#x;˜Ž Hopefully this term we can all accomplish a lot and get to know each other well!

Hello! My name is Mary Tran and I am serving as one of your media directors this term. (yes, that is my co above) I can’t wait to make new memories and hopefully meet more key clubbers! A fun fact about me is that I easily forget names of characters from movies or tv show, even if I really enjoyed it. Feel free to talk to me about anything you’re watching, but I’ll probably forget a lot of details...


Hi my name is Tanner Ngo. I am an incoming sophomore. I will be your sophomore class rep. I enjoy playing board games during my free time.

Hi there my name is vivian tran and i will be your sophomore representative!! a fun fact about me is that i really enjoy getting to know people. i don’t mean basic knowledge like favorite color or anything haha but i mean like deep knowledge!! so please talk to my ANYTIME i’m not scary i promise!! i hope you’ll love key club almost as much as i do đ&#x;˜‰!!

Hello! My name is Peter Truong and I am your up and coming Junior Representative! My hobbies are laying in bed or playing games. I also enjoy talking to my friends. I hope to be working with y'all soon!

Hello! My name’s Preston Tran, and I’ll be a Junior Representative for the 2020-2021 term. I love making new friends, but I’m a bit shy, so if you do see me, I hope you’ll come up to me and say hi. If you don’t know what to say, I love talking about video games, food videos, and just food in general.


Hi fellow superheroes! My name is Louis Santos and I will be serving as one of your Senior Class Representatives! I joined Key Club when I was a measly lost freshman, but in this club, I have found a family that has helped me get to where I am today. A few facts you should know about me are that I swim and that I stan anything related to Disney's Frozen. I cannot wait to serve you all once we are all able to attend school together!

Hey guys! My name is Andy Truong, and I am so excited to be coming back to Key Club and serving as your senior representative! Some fun facts you should know about me is that I really like to play video games, such as CSGO and valorant, and watch K dramas! Additionally, I really enjoy serving for our community! Key Club has brought me countless opportunities to perform services and help change our community, and I hope it will do the same for you! Once quarantine is over, let’s get back into service!

Hello, superheroes! My name is Ann Chung and I am very honored and excited to serve as your activities coordinator for the 2020-2021 term! In my free time, I enjoy hanging out with my friends and volunteering. I have a super adorable hamster that I love playing with every day. Above all, I am super excited to meet all of you throughout the year! Don't be afraid to say hi if you see me around at school! : )

Hello! My name is Aaron Teng, and I am a project director for Key Club. Last year, I served as a freshman representative, so this is my second year as an officer. I am very excited to serve again, as being on the board opened me up to so many new friends and fun service events. A fun fact about me is that I like dark chocolate—the darker the better.


Hello errbody!! My name is Rebecca Ho and I am one of your project directors for this 2020-2021 term. Some fun facts about me are that I love listening to Broadway musical soundtracks even though I am not a theatre kid myself. I also like to dance, but I am not good at it at all. I hope that I get to meet all of you when quarantine is over and I can not wait to dish out some fun and new service events this year!!

Hello to all fellow superheroes! I'm Victoria, one of your project directors. During this term, one of my personal goals is to get to know more of each of you as possible and work together through every possible challenge the term throws at us. A quick fun fact about me: I spend too much (probably unhealthy) time listening to music. Looking forward to our future term together, and I hope you will too!

Hello, my name is Andrew and I am a senior, or since in this case at the moment that I am writing this, I am an upcoming senior. This is my first time as a Key Club officer and it will also be my last year here. In my perspective, Key Club provides so many great opportunities to participate in serving the exquisite community that we are all in. That being said, here is a fun fact about me; I like to play the recorder whenever I am bored with my life because... why not? That’s it for me, thank you!

Hiiii I’m Alice and I’m your publicist for the 2020-2021 term ŮŠ(ŕš‘â?›á´—â?›ŕš‘)Űś and my favorite meal of the day is breakfast đ&#x;˜‹đ&#x;˜‹đ&#x;‘? Fun fact about me is that my fingers are double jointed so they look a bit sp00ky đ&#x;‘ť


Hello, my name is Adora & I’m the co-publicist for KC ≖‿≖ As they may say, you mess with the get the roar..& speaking of lions, I’m also a Leo. Very cool! What isn’t cool is that Hunter x Hunter still hasn’t come out with a new season yet : ( Heart been broke so many times ♪ I don’t know what to believe ♪ I hope to grow and learn from KC as it will be my last year of HS.

Hi! My name is Chau Doan and I am going to be a sophomore next year. I am one of the historians during this term. I hope to make new friends and capture with my camera!

Hey y'all, I'm Ryan Trinidad and I'll be serving as one of the Key Club Historians at Piedmont Hills High School. A few things about me are that I'm always looking at the bright side of things and I'm full of energy when people are present. However, if you wanna chill, I can do that too. Feel free to approach me anytime, I don't bite! Oh, and I love playing video games and just talking in general, so if you thought we wouldn't have anything in common, you thought wrong!

Hello, heroes! My name is Nancy Duong, and I am happy to announce that I’ll be serving as your next CNH District News Editor! Despite being just elected, working with the district has been an amazing experience so far and I’m excited to see what this term holds. To end off my quick introduction, I hope to interact with all of you very soon! Don’t be afraid to contact me if you’d like to become friends. ^.^


With the social distancing orders in place, there distancing has been a With the social orders in drastic decrease in the number place, there has been a drastic of service in opportunities decrease the number these of service past few weeks. However, opportunities these past fewit weeks. always amazes meamazes to see the However, it always me to impact of Key Club in our see the impact of Key Club in our community. One event eventI Ihad hadthe the community. One pleasure of of participating participatingininthis this month was was "Project "ProjectFrontline FrontlineThank You", inYou", which wrote Thank in volunteers which volunteers cards that would sentbe outsent to the wrote cards that be would healthcare workers at our localat out to the healthcare workers hospitals. This activity allowed our local hospitals. This activityme to delve back hobbies thatinto I have allowed meinto to delve back given upthat on inI have the past. Decorating hobbies given up on and coloring these cards was in the past. Decorating and honestly so fun cards and I am coloring these wasglad that they are going a glad wonderful honestly so fun towards and I am cause. Despite the completely that they are going towards a unanticipated situation, I am so wonderful cause. Despite the proud of our members' nevercompletely unanticipated ending passion for service and I situation, I am proudallofthat ourwe look forward toso seeing members' never-ending passion will accomplish together in the for service and I look forward to future. seeing all that we will accomplish together in the future.

12 12

Although we were not able to do many events this April, we were still able to make a difference in our community. Spreading Positivity was one of those events. We had the choice to either post about information on COVID-19, how to deal with our current situation, a positive message, or a thank you to our frontline medical workers. As the officer in charge of this event, I was able to see everyone's posts, which were all moving and informational. You could tell how much some people cared about the injustice medical workers were receiving and how we were dealing with our circumstances. Some exceeded the original expectations that I had when I started this event. I am glad that those messages went out through our social media and hope that more people were able to become aware and share the same realization and inspiration that I did!

This month, I managed to create my very first service event that our superheroes could do from their homes: Sidewalk Chalk Project. It is a service event where members could write/draw uplifting messages with chalk in their own neighborhoods. From personal experience, these activities are usually not very attractive to most Key Club members so I did not really expect anyone to actually participate. Even though the event officially starts tomorrow (May 30), one Key Club member sent me her chalk drawing/message a few days ago and I felt very touched that someone actually participated in my service event. Even if she is the only person who participates by the time my event is over, I will still be really glad about her participation and call my event a success!


CLUB GOALS hours 68.5/7500 PTP $0/$1500 MNT $0/$1500 14


Thank you seniors for everything you did during the term of 2019-2020 on our board. Your hard work and efforts have definitely not gone unnoticed and we all appreciate everything you did. The term did end on an abrupt notice, but hopefully you were able to enjoy the term to the fullest. We’ll miss you and can’t wait to see what each of you guys do in the future ! 15


Here’s another cool newsletter that you can check out aside from this one: “The Buzzing Post” from our district, CNH! It’s got a ton of interesting information, featuring an astonishing amount of distinguished members and officers, this month’s service projects throughout the District, and much more. So if you want to know more about what’s going on at the DISTRICT level or more in general, you should probably take a look. Oh, and Nancy Duong made it. :P


What is KCTC? KCTC stands for Key Club Training Conference and is commonly known as Officer Training Conference (OTC). This is a wonderful opportunity to meet new people from other divisions within Region 17 while attending informational workshops to enhance your Key Club experience. The situation may be affected physically due to this ongoing pandemic, but we can still come together as a region through Zoom!

WHEN? Saturday, June 27, 2020, from 10:00AM-2:00PM WHERE? Zoom (ID will be sent out a few days before the event) WHO? All Key Clubbers and Advisors from Divisions 12 East, 12 South, 12 West, 34 North, 34 South, 43. ATTIRE? Key Club Casual (Wear your Division T-Shirt, if you have one!)


Hello bees! With all that has happened of recently, it’s upsetting that injustice acts and systematic racism continues to affect our nation. I hope that as leaders in our community, every key clubber participates in supporting the black lives matter movement because we stand in solidarity with the black community against racial inequality. If you have not already, educate yourself on the issues, donate to organizations, or sign petitions. Key Club core values has always been about inclusivity and caring, which does not tolerate racism. We hope that all of you guys have been staying safe and are doing well in this tough time! If you have made it to this far in our newsletter, I hope that we were able to cover all the topics you were looking forwards to being mentioned. It’s definitely been a learning process working on our first newsletter, but really pleased at how everything turn out!

So as you may or may not have noticed, we tried something different this time around - two people working on one newsletter! With this, we have two different styles of art and newsletter formatting combined into one! Hopefully, you guys enjoyed reading this newsletter and gained something from it - whether it was getting to know your fellow officers better, seeing what went on throughout the month, or simply ADMIRING it. This summer may be rough for us in terms of community service since the pandemic has barred most of the activities from opening up. BUT, we can still do something as a club to help those in need, especially in a crisis like this. So, try to sign up for everything and anything that you can. Until next time,


Annabelle Tran | President Britney Sun | VP of Service Kirsten Takeshima | VP of Admin Erin Takeshima | Secretary Jasmine Nguyen | Treasury

Facebook groups/105995889492518/ Website Instagram @phhskeyclubd12e Youtube UCbWpyt3RJFa-3v2JczdZXqg Snapchat @phhskeyclub Twitter @phhskeyclub


Division 12 East (D12E) Cali-Nev-Ha (CNH) International Key Club

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