PIEDMONT HILLS KEY CLUB | Division 12 East | Region 17 | CNH District october
in this
from the VP of Admin............. 3 4 .......... member of the month october calendar................. 5 6 ....................... event recaps upcoming events..................13 14 .......................... club goals from the media director.........16 17 ......... how to become active website.................................19 20 ............................... contacts
Hello Superheroes!!I hope school has been treating all of you very well lately! With the end of October comes the end of second grading period, and the passing of many huge events. This past month has been packed with FRN, Rock ‘n’ Roll, Light the Night, and many, many more fun experiences! At FRN, I was super proud to see our entire division cheering as one, and reaching the third round! It was all because of YOUR hard work in learning the cheers and projecting your love of Key Club! We were able to raise over $9000 as a division largely due to YOUR participation! Thank you for rocking the division spirit and, more importantly, helping the Pediatric Trauma Program aid more children in hospitals. Currently, our TOT boxes are still being handed out, so please help us raise money for our other charity, where we try to eradicate MNT. Also, we are still accepting dues, so make sure to pay your dues to get insurance at events, be officially recognized, and be able to attend events such as Conclave and DCON! Speaking of which, though 1st semester has not ended yet, the end of the term is coming up really soon. I really hope that all of you guys have been having as much fun as I am! After the next few months, look forward to the end of college app season, and the end of the decade. :) Also, continue to do service, and I know that all of you will get through school! I believe in each and every one of you, and here’s to continuing to complete our goals!
from the VP of Admin
Hello superheros!
Best of Luck, Jerry Xu Vice President of Administration, 2019-2020
ADORA NGUYEN Adora has been extremely active in all three years of being in Key Club. She regularly attends many service events and division-wide events, such as FRN. She is actively volunteering at our events, bringing her friends with her, and even working harder than any of the volunteers. In addition, Adora is very open and willing to help anyone out with anything should they need it. Her attitude is always admirable, and she never fails to bring a smile to a member’s face. We can’t wait to see how she continues to grow throughout the rest of this term!
m t o m r e b o t c o
october sun
3 -- Disability Awareness Day 5 -- Aki Matsuri Festival, San Jose Ice Cream Run 2019 6 -- Little Italy Street Festival, Rock n Roll 2019 12 -- October DCM, Pumpkins in the Park, Walk to End Alzheimers 13 -- Day on the Bay 14 -- Silicon Valley Pet Event 19 -- Fall Rally North 20 -- Diwali, Sunday in the Park 25 -- Laneview Harvest Festival, Ruskin Multicultural Fair 26 -- Light the Night, Making Strides of Silicon Valley 27 -- Sunday in the Park
by by Peter Peter Truong Truong M I N I
key to success Being one of the presenters during the Mini Key To Success was something that I'd thought I never do until I was messaged by our president, Kathy! As in introvert, I always found public speaking pretty hard and I've always wanted to try and improve, which was why I took up this opportunity! I did occasionally stutter, but I feel like I'm starting to get better at speaking in public. It felt amazing after each group left because I could recollect my thoughts and speak once again!
little little italy italy street street festival festival
by Britney Sun
In the month of October, I was fortunate enough to attend the Little Italy Street Festival! During the event, volunteers helped with setting up, from moving tables to folding shirts, everyone worked super diligently. Although it was quite chilly that morning, soon the sun came out and we started looking forward to carrying the giant bags of ice in order to cool down. One of the most fun moments of the event was being able to talk to the cool event coordinators while putting up signs around the city, they were really welcoming and we had lots of conversation regarding school and life. It was extremely fascinating to be exposed to Italian culture and heritage, and attendees were definitely able to immerse themselves in their music and food! If I had the opportunity, I would for sure attend this event again! 7
day dayon on the thebay bay This month, I attended Day on the Bay, which is one of the largest events hosted by Alviso Marin County. At this event, there were many different booths that were trying to promote human health and raise awareness about some serious issues in the county. There were also many different fun activities people could do for free, like rock climbing or kayaking. Among the several volunteer tasks, I was given the job of assembling the hamburgers that we were going to hand out later that afternoon. Although the job was fairly easy, the hard part was assembling hundreds of hamburgers with our entire group. The experience was a little tiring, but the results were worth it because my group and I were able to feed hundreds of people. After I finished my shift, the best part of the entire day was walking around the booths. I took in a lot of information about maintaining a healthy lifestyle. It was really eye-opening and insightful. I also appreciated the hard work people who set up the event put in. Since there were so many people attending, there also had to be many booths so setting up the event required a decent amount of work. I learned a lot from Day on the Bay and look forward for next year!
by by Kirten Kirten Takeshima Takeshima
sunday sunday in the the in park park
In October, I had the honor of leading Sunday in the Park. We met up in an area filled with tanbark and weeds, and the rest of the volunteers and I were confused as to what we were doing. Then, the coordinator explained that we were getting this area ready to become a park filled with trees, flowers, and other sorts of greenery. But to do that, we had to get the land ready first! We had volunteers hacking away at unwanted bushes, trimming the plants that overflowed from neighbors' yards, leveling the ground, and more. Personally, I spent my hours pulling at morning glory, a type of weed that is honestly really satisfying to pull out because a lot of it sits on top of the tanbark, making it really easy to pull a lot out at a time. I was able to become better friends with the rest of the volunteers that signed up through Key Club. It's always great to be able to help beautify the community while having fun at the same time!
by Nicole Chen
fall fall rally rally north north
from annabelle tran
In the past month of October, I was fortunate enough to attend Fall Rally North 2019! This has been my third time attending FRN and it seems like it only gets better by the years! I can say wholeheartedly I had so much fun being able to scream my heart out for our division during the rally session (where we made it to the last round!!!!) and being able to raise over $9,000 for PTP! FRN was definitely one of the first times I realized how incredible Key Club truly is; it was at FRN where I realized how in love I was with this organization. Being able to see Key Clubbers from all over Northern California is an unforgettable experience and it is something that I know I never would have been able to experience without Key Club. I have made so many good friends through Key Club and it was from meeting up with them at FRN after Region Training Conference, and it just serves as a reminder how many people you can meet through a simple high school club. I had so much fun at FRN 2019 and I cannot believe that next year will be my last year attending FRN :(
In the month of October, I was fortunate enough to attend FRN, or Fall Rally North, where Key Clubbers from all over NorCal gather to compete in a spirit battle for a spirit stick. Despite having to wake up super early for the long drive to Six Flags, I had a great time hanging out with other officers and sharing D12E's cheers with all the other divisions. After waiting in line for several hours alongside many other divisions, the second rally finally started, and we were able to make it to the third round, which narrowed  down to the top 3 divisions. The rest of the day was spent going on water rides (my poor camera) and participating in small spirit battles where groups of each division would go around screaming their unique cheers at each other. Although I wasn't able to make as many friends from other divisions as I would have liked, I definitely recommend going to FRN next year, especially with friends!
from jennelyn nguyen
light the night light the night
Light the Night is an annual event where people walk around Avaya Stadium in order to help raise awareness for Leukemia. This is one of the biggest events of the year, and it was really cool seeing and talking to people from other service clubs and other schools. It is really easy to be caught up in all the fun, friends, and cotton candy (they give it away for free!), but at the end of the day it is important to remember why we are "lighting the night". Although this will be the last time that I attend this event as a high school student, I hope to attend this event in the future!
by Chris Abe
upcoming upcoming upcoming
November 8 4:30 PM
your name
hours: 4971/8500+ PTP: $32.42/$15000
MNT: $177/$1500 14
What's up, bees! FROM THE
media director
I hope all of you are having a good day today!! :)) Halloween seriously came so fast this year and my last minute costume was a rat LMAO. Anyways, October was such a hectic month, with Fall Rally North, AND US GETTING INTO THE THIRD ROUND WOW I AM SO PROUD :’) Thank you for coming if you did,
and I hope that you found your Key Club Moment like I did in my freshman year at FRN. Also, I hope you paid your dues >:) In all honesty, these past weeks have been very bad for me because of my schedule, so don’t be like me! HAHA But Key Club makes me happy and I’m so grateful for everyone who’s in my life. If you’re ever going through anything, I am here to listen or if you need a hug. I love you all lots! On a lighter note, thank you for taking the time to read this month’s newsletter!! It makes me very happy so if you see this, send me a candy emoji and I will give you a piece of candy at the next meeting hehe okay see y’all later. Peace out homies. Christine Do PHHS Key Club Media Director 2019-2020 15
follow us on issuu for more newsletters like this every month! https://issuu.com/piedmont hillshighschoolkeyclub
contacts kathy ton | president kathyton@tonthat.com nancy duong | vp of service nancyduong@gmail.com chris abe | secretary cabe2149@gmail.com emilyvu | treasurer emilyqvu@gmail.com
social media facebook Piedmont Hills Key Club
twitter @phhskeyclubd12e
youtube website Piedmont Hills Key Club phhskeyclubd12e@weebly.com instagram @phhskeyclubd12e snapchat phhskeyclub
d12e d12eastkeyclub.strikingly.com Cali-Nev-Ha cnhkeyclub.org