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Town of Carbonado
Town of Carbonado Special Election - Proposition No. 1 Emergency Medical Services Property Tax Levy
See complete resolution text at PierceCountyElections.org
Ballot Title
Shall the Town of Carbonado be re-authorized to impose regular property tax levies of fifty cents (50¢) or less per thousand dollars ($1,000.00) of assessed valuation for each of six consecutive years to continue providing basic and advanced (EMT and Paramedic) emergency medical services?
Explanatory Statement
Voters in the Town of Carbonado have supported Emergency Medical Services (EMS) by authorizing a property tax levy used exclusively to fund EMS, including related personnel costs, training for such personnel, medical supplies and equipment to deliver emergency medical care to your community. In 2014, voters again reauthorized this levy and it expires at the end of this year.
The Carbonado Town Council has passed an ordinance requesting an election to reauthorize this property tax to continue supporting the Basic (EMT) and Advanced (Paramedic) Life Support program in the Town of Carbonado. This is not a new tax. This is a reauthorization of the current property tax levy of up to fifty cents per $1,000 of assessed valuation, each year for six (6) consecutive years, beginning in 2021. This levy is the primary source of funding EMS in the Town of Carbonado.
Statement Against
Statement For
Please consider voting Yes vote on Proposition 1 allowing our Fire Department to continue providing the high quality Emergency Medical Services (EMS) we've come to know and appreciate.
Proposition 1 is not a new tax, but re-authorization of an existing 6 year EMS levy that expires at the end of 2020.
The re-authorization of this levy will ensure that the Carbonado Fire Department will have funding to continue providing EMS in our community.
Without re-authorization of the EMS levy, the dedicated funding to provide Emergency Medical Technicians, Paramedics, ambulances and emergency medical equipment will expire at the end of the year. Without an EMS levy, these services can not be provided. Please vote "Yes" for EMS in our community.
Committee Members: Laurie McNabb,
LaurieAnnMcNabb@gmail.com, and Helen Horton
No statement was submitted against this issue.