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Fire Protection District No. 21 (Graham Fire & Rescue
Special Election - Proposition No. 1 Benefit Charge Ballot Title
See complete resolution text at PierceCountyElections.org
Shall the Board of Fire Commissioners of Pierce County Fire Protection District No. 21 (Graham Fire) be authorized to impose benefit charges each year for six years, not to exceed an amount equal to sixty percent of its operating budget, and be prohibited from imposing an additional property tax under RCW 52.16.160?
Explanatory Statement
Graham Fire & Rescue-Pierce County Fire Protection District #21-- is placing a "benefit charge" proposition on the November 3, 2020 ballot, pursuant to RCW 52.18, which allows the benefit charges to fund and maintain fire district operations. A benefit charge is not a tax and is not based on property valuation, but on the cost of providing service. If approved, the benefit charge, in effect for six years commencing in 2021, will be based on square footage and fire flows for all types of property, utilizing a consistent, industry-accepted formula.
Historically, the District has used regular tax levies and/or excess levies for maintenance and operations to provide sufficient revenue to maintain services. During that time the average tax rates have been more than $1.00 per thousand of assessed valuation. If the benefit charge is approved, the property tax rate will be capped at $1.00 per thousand. The benefit charge will provide the necessary revenue to maintain services, but on a more fair and logical basis than a property tax. Benefit charges cannot exceed 60% of the operating budget.
Approval of this proposition would allow the District to maintain the current level of services, while making the charges to citizens fairer.
Statement Against
Statement For
Reduces Property Taxes
A Yes Vote replaces the current funding structure and will lower the average homeowners fire taxes while keeping insurance premiums low. Proposition 1 is an assessed fee for larger hazardous commercial and industrial buildings based on risk. This reduces the cost for single famagainst this issue.
ily homes.
Same service for a reduced cost
With reduced cost to homeowners, Graham Fire and Rescue will continue to provide the same high level fire suppression, emergency medical, and property conservation and prevention to the rapidly growing 75,000 residents.
Supported by Firefighters and Fire Commissioners
Professional Firefighters and the Board of Fire Commissioners determined this measure to be both necessary and essential for the protection of life. It is difficult during tough times to find ways to reduce taxes while providing the same service but a Yes Vote is exactly that. Thank you in advance for approving Proposition 1.
Committee Members: Russ Barstow, Ryan Portmann, and Gina Blanchard-Reed, yesservicebeneft@gmail.com
No statement was submitted Yes Service Benefit Charge
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November 3, 2020 General Election

ECRWSS Residential Customer
Using a Drop Box? (No stamp required) Drop off ballot by 8 p.m. November 3, 2020.

Mailing your ballot? (No stamp required) Must be postmarked by November 3, 2020.