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Puyallup School District No. 3
Puyallup School District No. 3 Special Election - Proposition No. 1 Supplemental Levy - Excess Taxes
See complete resolution text at PierceCountyElections.org
Ballot Title
The Board of Directors of Puyallup School District No. 3 adopted Resolution No. 162 2019-20 authorizing a supplemental levy for educational programs, operations and facility maintenance. If approved, this proposition will continue to fund day-to-day operations not funded by the state in schools including teachers, instructional aides, nurses, textbooks, learning materials, class sizes, support technology, arts, music, athletics, maintain school playgrounds/playfields, heating, plumbing, health, safety, fire-alarm, and security systems, and authorize the District to levy the following excess taxes, on all taxable property within the District: Approximate Rate per Collection Year $1,000 of Assessed Value Levy Amount 2021 $0.76 $17,849,127 2022 $0.76 $19,225,189
Should Proposition No. 1 be approved?
Explanatory Statement
Puyallup School District No. 3 seeks voter approval to supplement the educational programs and operations levy in effect for 2021-2022. Passage of Proposition No. 1 would authorize the District to levy excess taxes for funding to sustain our current educational programs to meet student needs beyond what the state funds. The levy would fund day-to-day operations in all neighborhood schools including classroom teachers, instructional aides, nurses, textbooks and learning materials, reasonable class sizes, support technology, arts, music and athletic programs, maintain school playgrounds/playfields, heating, plumbing, health, safety, fire-alarm, and security systems in our schools. The additional levy will generate $17,849,127 for collection in 2021 and $19,225,189 for collection in 2022. In accordance with Resolution No. 162 2019- 20 approving this proposition, these taxes would be deposited in Puyallup School District’s General Fund to pay part of the necessary expenses of operating the District. If authorized by the voters, and based on projected assessed valuation information, the estimated levy rate per $1,000 of assessed value would be approximately $0.76 (2021 collection) and $0.76 (2022 collection). Exemptions from taxes may be available to certain homeowners. To determine if you qualify, call the Pierce County Assessor at (253) 798-6111.
Statement For Statement Against
The Puyallup School District is projecting a budget deficit = $27.6
Million over the next 3 years. Puyallup has made significant budget cuts, eliminating central administration by 19%, support staff by 11% and department budgets by 10%. Passage of proposition 1 would supplement the existing levy and keep cuts away from classrooms and programs. No statement was submitted against this issue. Puyallup School District heavily relies on state revenues The global pandemic is negatively impacting state and school budgets. 51% of the state budget goes to K-12 education. The state projects an 8.8-billiondollar shortfall over the next three years. Fiscally responsible – lowest tax rate Even with passing this proposition at a total tax rate increase of $.49, Puyallup would still have the lowest total tax rate of its seven neighboring districts. The total estimated tax rate of $4.32 is $2.18 less than it was in 2015.
Vote yes to sustain services and programs critical for student suc
cess Thanks to community support, Puyallup is able to deliver exceptional services and programs. This includes attracting and retaining highly trained and effective teachers, along with investments in technology, early learning, smaller class sizes, highly capable programs, and student interventions.
Special Election - Proposition No. 1 Regular Property Tax Levy (EMS) Ballot Title
See complete resolution text at PierceCountyElections.org
Will Pierce County Fire Protection District No. 14 (Riverside Fire & Rescue) be authorized to replace an expiring levy for emergency medical services and impose a regular property tax levy of fifty cents ($0.50) or less per thousand dollars ($1,000.00) of assessed valuation for emergency medical services for each of six consecutive years to be collected beginning in 2021?
Explanatory Statement
In 2014, Riverside Fire & Rescue voters approved six-year Emergency Medical Service (EMS) property tax levy at a rate not to exceed $.50 per thousand dollars of assessed valuation. The 2014 EMS levy will expire at the end of 2020 unless the voters approve this measure. If approved by the voters, this measure will continue the $.50 EMS levy for an additional six years.
Approval of the levy will enable the District to maintain the level of emergency medical services currently provided on a continuing basis. The revenue from this levy will be used by the District exclusively for emergency medical services.
If voters approve this levy’s renewal, the maximum tax per $100,000 assessed valuation would not exceed $50.00 per year or approximately $4.17 per month for emergency medical services.
Statement Against
Statement For
We are asking for your continuing support. On November 3rd you are being asked to renew the current Emergency Medical Service levy for 6 more years. This is not a new tax or an increase in the current tax. Voters approved the last four levies to ensure continued emergency medical services in the community provided by Riverside’s volunteer firefighters. This renewal will continue the tax of .50 cents per thousand. A house valued at $100,000.00 will pay $50.00 a year. This levy allows the district to purchase medical supplies, maintain and upgrade equipment and provide ongoing training for its personnel. Riverside Fire and Rescue’s emergency responses are over 70% requests for medical help which are not funded out of the regular property tax. Please support your fire department and your community by voting yes for EMS.
Committee Members: Christopher Leppell, cleppell@msn.com, and Peter Allison
Committee for Riverside Fire & Rescue
No statement was submitted against this issue.
Special Election - Proposition No. 2 See complete resolution text at PierceCountyElections.org
Excess Property Tax Levy for Maintenance and Operation Expenses
Ballot Title
The Board of Fire Commissioners of Pierce County Fire Protection District No. 14 (Riverside Fire & Rescue) adopted
Resolution No. 2020-363 concerning a proposition to finance maintenance and operation expenses. This proposition, if approved, will replace an expiring levy and authorize the District to levy, the following additional taxes on all taxable property within the District: Approximate Rate per Collection Year $1,000 of Assessed Value Levy Amount 2021 $0.72 $151,600 2022 $0.72 $154,600 2023 $0.72 $157,750 2024 $0.72 $160,900 to be used for maintenance and operations to maintain the current level of fire protection and emergency medical services, including facilities, maintenance, staffing, and operations, as provided in Resolution No. 2020-363. Should this proposition be approved?
Explanatory Statement
In 2014, Riverside Fire & Rescue voters approved a four year M&O excess property tax levy at a rate of approximately $.85 per thousand dollars of assessed valuation. If this proposition is approved by the voters, the Fire District will replace the expiring M&O levy with a new four year M&O levy of $151,600.00 in 2020, $154,600.00 in 2021, $157,750.00 in 2022 and $160,900.00 in 2023 to be collected in each succeeding year at an estimated levy rate of approximately $0.72 per thousand dollars of assessed valuation. Such levy will be in addition to the District’s regular and EMS tax levies for a four-year period.
The District continues to experience increases in the cost of providing fire protection and emergency medical services and cannot maintain current staffing and service levels within the limitations of the District’s regular tax levy. The levy will provide funds required by the district to maintain and improve the level of service in the district.
If voters approve this excess levy renewal, the maximum tax per $100,000 assessed valuation should not exceed $72.00 per year or approximately $6.00 per month for emergency medical services.
Statement Against
Statement For
Riverside Fire and Rescue needs your support for another four years. The maintenance and operations levy is not a new tax, only a continuation of the supplemental funding provided from our citizens for many years now. The number of emergency calls in our district continues to increase. The M/O levy is responsible for approximately 25% of Riverside’s overall funding and is imperative to the continuation of meeting our community’s needs for emergency services. The renewal of the M/O levy will allow us to maintain our current level of staffing as well as guarantee the quality and dependability of care our community deserves and expects. The M/O levy also allows us to keep up with operational cost ensuring the proper maintenance of equipment and apparatus. Your Yes vote will ensure the continuation of quality emergency services for the community.
Committee Members: Christopher Leppell, cleppell@msn.com, and Peter Allison
Committee for Riverside Fire & Rescue
No statement was submitted against this issue.