3 minute read
Pierce County Executive
Bruce Dammeier
(Prefers Republican Party) _______________________________________
Elected Experience: Pierce County Executive (2017-Present); State Senator (2013-2016); State Representative (2009-2013); Puyallup School Board (2001-2009).
Other Professional Experience: Eight years of military service and six years as a local manufacturing executive. Current partner and director at Print NW, a small business in Lakewood.
Education: Curtis High School Class of 1979. United States Naval Academy (BS, Engineering, with distinction). University of Washington (MS, Engineering).
Community Service: Served in leadership roles at Tacoma Goodwill, Good Samaritan Hospital, and UW-Tacoma. Member of University Place Presbyterian Church and Rotary. Former elementary school tutor and Ferrucci Junior High coach. Married to Lauren for 36 years with three sons and two granddaughters.
Statement: When you elected me Pierce County Executive, I promised to listen and get things done. I have kept that commitment.
Under my leadership, we supported struggling small businesses and protected local jobs. We cut red tape and boosted construction. We helped people pay rent while they got back on their feet. We sent health professionals to protect our seniors and medically fragile residents. We opened a new mental health clinic for veterans and their families. We cleaned up hundreds of nuisance properties, including the Old Puget Sound Hospital. We hired more deputies. We increased drug and mental health treatment. We expanded the Foothills Trail. We partnered to build a new shelter for homeless youth. We made government more transparent and accountable. We fought to uphold the will of the voters. We have been fiscally and socially responsible—and we did all this working in a collaborative, bipartisan way.
We have accomplished a lot, but there is more work ahead. I have led Pierce County through the Amtrak 501 tragedy, snowstorms, floods, and now COVID-19. I am ready to take on our toughest challenges for another four years, and I would be honored to have your support.
For more information:
bruce@brucedammeier.com www.brucedammeier.com 10
Larry Seaquist
(Prefers Democratic Party) _______________________________________
Elected Experience: Served eight years as State Representative (Gig Harbor), chaired House Higher Education Committee, served on Budget, Health Care, and Education committees.
Other Professional Experience: A Navy vet, I started as enlisted reservist, commanded four warships including Battleship USS IOWA, and led Pentagon strategy and budget planning teams. Followed 32-year Navy career with service in international war zones and US cities helping local communities replace crisis with hope.
Education: BS, General Science, OSU. Teach strategic planning, Evergreen State College.
Community Service: With League of Women Voters, I led multi-year project to understand and prevent homelessness. Member, Gig Harbor Chamber of Commerce, Key Peninsula Business Association, American Legion.
Statement: With so many still unemployed and our future uncertain, we are all called to action. The choices we make at this critical moment will shape the future for generations. I bring fresh, creative leadership to the two main roles of the County Executive. I am an experienced leader-manager ready to reshape our county government as a model of good government in the very different world ahead. And I am a skilled facilitator ready to engage all our communities, businesses and civic organizations in our common enterprise of building together a future better than the one we had when the virus attacked.
We cannot go back to the way things were; we cannot sink further into partisan, dysfunctional wrangling. I am confident that working together, aided by a trim, competent county government, we can corral the virus and climb all the way out of this hole. Together, let’s build a better Pierce County where every family is housed, healthy, and educated, where all are able to provide for their families with meaningful work, where we shop in thriving local businesses, and where we enjoy an improving environment in our parks, trails, forests and waters.
I humbly ask for your support.
For more information:
(206) 321-2747 info@larryseaquist.com https://www.larryseaquist.com