Capital Improvement Programs (CIP)
- 2025
T a c oma ia Ol ymp i S Pg. 2 Capital Improvement Program Overview
Capital Improvement Programs
Airport Improvement Program
Ferry Improvement Program
Sewer Improvement Program
Surface Water Improvement Program
Transportation Improvement Program
Numbers indicate amount of projects in given area
Pg. 3
The Planning and Public Works Department (PPW) annually reviews and updates Capital Improvement Programs (CIP) for its assigned infrastructure systems. The individual improvement programs span a period of six years or more. These plans serve as a roadmap for establishing priority capital projects (along with their relative schedules for planning, design, and construction) and provide financing options as a long-term investment strategy to meet the County's Capital Facility needs. Bridging the gap between various strategic plans and the biennial budget, the CIP plays an important role in aligning longterm goals with implementation realities such as funding limitations, regulatory requirements, and staff capacity.
This summary booklet aims to provide a snapshot of the more indepth CIP documents that Planning and Public Works will submit to the Executive, Planning Commission, and County Council for adoption. The programs included in the CIP address key infrastructure systems such as roads, bridges, sanitary and storm sewers, airports, ferry, and flood control - all of which rely on capital-intensive facilities and must be managed with a life-cycle approach including maintenance, repairs, preservation, improvements, and ultimately replacement. Each program represents a vital component of the County's overall sustainment and development strategy and is necessary to continue providing essential public services and safe, reliable infrastructure.
PP Pg. 4 Capital Improvement Program Overview
Pedestrian and active transportation elements in the biennium:
132,000 LINEAR FT. (25 miles) of sidewalk
710 curb ramps
364 crosswalks are included with projects in the Annual Program (2024)
By the Numbers
2024 - 2025
740 MILES of sewer lines are maintained by the department, benefiting seven municipalities and parts of unincorporated Pierce County.
Capital Improvement Program Overview
Pg. 2 - 5
Airport Improvement Program
Pg. 6 - 7
Ferry Improvement Program
Pg. 8 - 9
Both airports are receiving their first major capital projects
SINCE 2014
In 2024, Pierce County's stormwater regulatory program will face additional requirements as the 5-YEAR
National Pollution Discharge Elimination System permit is reissued.
The Steilacoom and Anderson Island ferry landings rehabilitation is 70% of the
FIP biennial budget
Sewer Improvement Program
Pg. 10 - 13
Surface Water Improvement Program
Pg. 14 - 19
Transportation Improvement Program
Pg. 20 - 31
PP Pg. 5
Airport Improvement Program (AIP)
The Airport Improvement Program (AIP) stems from each airport's Master Plan. The Master Plan identifies projects over a 20-year period to ensure the airports meet Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) design and safety standards and position the airport to address future aviation needs. Projects listed in the 6-year Capital Improvement Program are the result of input from the FAA, the Washington State Aviation Capital Improvement Program, County departments, governmental agencies, and citizen groups.
Projects identified in the Master Plan are primarily funded by FAA Airport Improvement Program grants and may be supplemented by Washington State Department of Transportation (WSDOT) Aviation grants. The County coordinates project schedules and funding with the FAA and WSDOT Aviation annually.
Numbers indicate amount of projects in given area
Olall e State Park y
n k
A l d e r Middle Fork Snoqualmie NRCA Pa Ca Sta
Renton Burien
Pg. 6 Airport Improvement Program
AIP Projects 2024-2025
Design Construction
Funding Sources
ouse to scades ate Park Trail
• Federal • State • County • Other
Name Location Total Est. Cost Biennium Allocation Council District Master Plan Update Tacoma Narrows Airport $533,000 $150,000 ••• District 7 Obstruction Removal Design and Construction Pierce County Airport Thun Field $300,000 $300,000 ••• District 2 Runway Widening/ Strengthening/Extension Pierce County Airport Thun Field $550,000 $550,000 ••• District 2 PP Name Location Total Est. Cost Biennium Allocation Council District Airport Office Building Renovation Pierce County Airport Thun Field $1,000,000 $1,000,000 ••• District 2 Broadband Internet/ Connectivity Infrastructure Pierce County Airport Thun Field TBD TBD District 2 Electric Aircraft Charging Infrastructure Pierce County Airport Thun Field TBD TBD District 2 Hangar Electrical Rehabilitation Pierce County Airport Thun Field $200,000 $200,000 • District 2 Obstruction Removal Tacoma Narrows Airport $16,500,000 $1,500,000 ••• District 7 Obstruction Removal Design and Construction Pierce County Airport Thun Field $300,000 $300,000 ••• District 2 Restaurant Building Roof Rehabilitation Tacoma Narrows Airport $250,000 $250,000 • District 7 Runway Widening/ Strengthening/Extending Pierce County Airport Thun Field TBD $1,910,000 • District 2 Pg. 7
Ferry Improvement Program (FIP)
The Pierce County Ferry system consists of two 54-car vessels, two terminal buildings, and three landings. The Ferry Capital Improvement Program includes projects required to continue providing safe and reliable ferry services to Anderson and Ketron Islands at the lowest life cycle cost. The CIP includes a subset of projects identified in the Fourteen-Year Ferry Program section of the County's Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) and are prioritized based on U.S. Coast Guard regulations for commercial vessels, operations and maintenance recommendations, and condition and risk assessments in coordination with the Office of the County Engineer. Funding for projects comes from ferry ticket sales, state and federal grant programs, and a subsidy from the County Road Fund, which is primarily funded by property taxes.
a Olympi a Olallie State Park
Des Moines n
Pg. 8 Ferry Improvement Program
Numbers indicate amount of projects in given area
FIP Projects 2024-2025
Design Construction
Funding Sources
• Federal • State • County • Other
Name Location Total Est. Cost Biennium Allocation Council District TIP Page # Apron Non-Skid Surface Anderson Island Ferry Landing $10,000 $10,000 • District 6 Page 33 Apron Non-Skid Surface Ketron Island Ferry Landing $15,000 $15,000 • District 6 Page 35 Dolphins Replacement Ketron Island Ferry Landing $273,000 $173,000 • District 6 Page 35 Hydraulics System Preservation Ketron Island Ferry Landing TBD $1,000 District 6 Page 35 Apron Non-Skid Surface Steilacoom Ferry Landing $9,000 $9,000 • District 6 Page 37 Steilacoom Ferry Overflow Martin Street TBD $10,000 • District 6 Page 37 Name Location Total Est. Cost Biennium Allocation Council District TIP Page # Rehabilitation Anderson Island & Steilacoom Ferry Landings $2,123,000 $858,000 ••• District 6 Page 33 Parking Lot Anderson Island Ferry Landing $1,092,000 $4,000 • District 6 Page 34 Apron Non-Skid Surface Anderson Island & Steilacoom Ferry Landings $86,000 $86,000 • District 6 Page 37 Apron Non-Skid Surface Steilacoom Ferry Landing $89,000 $89,000 • District 6 Page 37 Steilacoom Ferry Overflow Martin Street TBD $300,000 • District 6 Page 37 Middle Fork Snoqualmie NRCA Palouse to Cascades State Park Trail PP Pg. 9
Sewer Improvement Program (SIP)
The Sewer Improvement Program (SIP) outlines projects planned in the next 20 years to ensure customers continue to be provided with high-quality, cost-effective sanitary sewer services while protecting the Pierce County Urban Growth Area’s sole-source aquifer.
Projects are prioritized to preserve and maintain the existing sewer system, improve and enhance operations, increase capacity, extend the collection system, and support the Pierce County Comprehensive Plan and the Puget Sound Regional Council Vision 2050 Regional Strategy. Funding for near-term SIP projects is outlined in the six-year Capital Facilities Plan. Projects in the SIP are one component of the Unified Sewer Plan, which is Sewer Utility's long-range plan and are primarily funded through sewer utility rates.
Numbers indicate amount of projects in given area
Pierce County Sewer System service area
w y R i i C h e st e r M o rse L a k e Olallie State Park Hobart Covington Des Moines Maple Valley Kent Middle Fork Snoqualm e NRCA P S
Pg. 10 Sewer Improvement Program
SIP Projects 2024-2025
Funding Sources
• Federal • State • County • Other
Name Location Total Est. Cost Biennium Allocation Council District SIP Page # Biofilter Odor Control Replacement CCRWWTP $420,000 $320,000 • District 4 19 BNR Aeration Basins Additional Blowers CCRWWTP $120,000 $120,000 • District 4 19 Grit System Replacement Phase 1 CCRWWTP $700,000 $500,000 • District 4 19 Grit System Replacement Phase 2 CCRWWTP $100,000 $100,000 • District 4 20 Primary Basins Scum Skimming Improvements CCRWWTP $301,000 $300,000 • District 4 20 Solids Handling Expansion CCRWWTP $660,000 $160,000 • District 4 21 Step Screens Replacement CCRWWTP $600,000 $100,000 • District 4 21 Marina Force Main Replacement 9000 Block of 91st Ave. W to S 19th St. & S Walters Rd. $150,000 $150,000 • District 4 24 1220 Wharf Rd., $120,000 $120,000 • District 6 28 $300,000 $300,000 • Various 29 Woodland Pump Station 112th St. E east of 62nd Ave. E to 11700 Block of Woodland Ave. E $480,600 $100,000 • District 2 30 Concrete Pipe Various $150,000 $150,000 • Various 31 Day Island Blvd. W and East Day Island Blvd. W $2,768,657 $1,500,000 • District 4 32 Garfield St. S & Ainsworth Ave. S to 124th St. S west of 12th Ave. S $151,000 $151,000 • District 6 33 2207 6th Ave. Milton $150,000 $150,000 • District 2 34 10th St. E east of 68th Ave. E to 4th St. E west of 66th Ave. E $333,000 $160,000 • District 2, 5 35 CCRWWTP: Chambers Creek Regional Wastewater Treatment Plant Palouse to Cascades State Park Trail oqualmie National Forest Pg. 11
SIP Projects 2024-2025
Name Location Total Est. Cost Biennium Allocation Council District SIP Page # Expansion Phase 1 CCRWWTP $237,000,000 $4,100,000 • District 4 15 BNR Aeration Basins Airflow Meters CCRWWTP $451,000 $51,000 • District 4 16 Headbox Rehabilitation CCRWWTP $2,701,000 $501,000 • District 4 16 Headworks HVAC Replacement CCRWWTP $551,000 $51,000 • District 4 16 Dewatering Improvements CCRWWTP $141,000 $141,000 • District 4 17 Genius Network Replacement CCRWWTP $901,000 $401,000 • District 4 17 Perforated Plate Screen Replacement CCRWWTP $4,351,000 $3,001,000 • District 4 17 Digester Gas Treatment - Boilers CCRWWTP $1,001,000 $1,000,000 • District 4 18 FMF Odor Control Replacement CCRWWTP $1,801,000 $1,801,000 • District 4 18 Secondary Clarifiers Rake Arm Rehabilitation CCRWWTP $901,000 $900,000 • District 4 18 Biofilter Odor Control Replacement CCRWWTP $1,001,000 $1,000,000• District 4 19 Grit System Replacement Phase 1 CCRWWTP $4,301,000 $4,300,000 • District 4 19 B Street Interceptor Repair B St. E south of 159th St. E $501,000 $501,000 • District 3 23 Marina Force Main Replacement 9000 Block of 91st Ave. W to S 19th St. & S Walters Rd. $751,000 $750,000 • District 4 24 Parkland/Brookdale Interceptor Phase 4 Spanaway Loop Rd. S & 116th St. S to Garfield St. S & Ainsworth Ave. S $18,050,000 $18,000,000 • District 6 25 208th Street East/Mountain Highway Extension Hidden Village Dr. E & Village Pkwy. E to 208th St. E west of 22nd Ave. E $14,501,000 $14,500,000 • District 3 26 Collection System SCADA Replacement Various $10,501,000 $7,000,000 • Various 27 NW Landing Force Main Odor Control 1220 Wharf Rd. Dupont $361,000 $360,000 • District 6 28 Woodland Pump Station & Temporary Force Main 112th St. E east of 62nd Ave. E to 11700 Block of Woodland Ave. E $13,001,000 $9,000,000 • District 2 30
CCRWWTP: Chambers Creek Regional Wastewater Treatment Plant Pg. 12 Sewer Improvement Program
Funding Sources
Construction Programs
Name Location Total Est. Cost Biennium Allocation Council District SIP Page # Pump Station Generator Replacements Various $1,401,000 $1,100,000 • Various 29 Concrete Pipe Rehabilitation Phase 1 Various $10,001,000 $5,000,000 • Various 31 Day Island System Replacement Day Island Blvd. W and East Day Island Blvd. W $16,000,000 $8,500,000 • District 4 32 • Federal • State • County • Other
Name Location Total Est. Cost Biennium Allocation Council District SIP Page # Miscellaneous Sewer Construction Various $500,000 $500,000 • Various 43 Sewer System Rehabilitation and Replacement Projects Various $5,000,000 $5,000,000 • Various 43 Operational and Maintenance Projects Various $400,000 $400,000 • Various 44 Sewer Asset Management Software ESB $250,000 $250,000 • District 4 44 IPS SWR/SWM Billing System Phase 2 Enhancements ESB $351,000 $350,000 • District 4 45 PP ESB: Environmental Services Building Pg. 13
Surface Water Improvement Program (SWIP)
The Surface Water Improvement Program (SWIP) provides a plan to protect Pierce County’s people, infrastructure, and environment by reducing flooding impacts and impacts of water pollution. The SWIP is primarily funded by dedicated utility service rates and charges paid by unincorporated property owners. Annually, the service charge generates about $22.2 million. SWIP projects are also funded with a portion of Real Estate Excise Tax revenues, Flood Control Zone District dollars and state and federal grants also leverage local funding whenever possible.
Numbers indicate amount of projects in given area
Pg. 14 Surface Water Improvement Program
Funding Sources
Design • Federal • State • County • Other
SWIP Projects 2024-2025
Name Location Total Est. Cost Biennium Allocation Council District SWIP Page # Lake Tapps Water Quality Retrofit TBD $474,000 $74,000 • District 1 1 Diru Creek Bank Stabilization at 72nd St. E Near 6715 72nd St. E $4,152,420 $40,000 • District 5 1 Diru Creek Water Quality at Pioneer Way Intersection of Pioneer Way & Diru Creek $3,445,470 $766,000 • District 5 1 Chambers Creek Dam Demolition & Bridge Reconstruction Near 10311 Chambers Creek Drive $9,237,310 $244,000 • Districts 4, 6 1 Clover Creek Water Quality Retrofit C St. Intersection of Clover Creek & C St. S $2,551,540 $1,217,000 • District 6 2 Purdy Creek Culvert Replacement at 144th St. NW Near intersection of Purdy Creek & 144th St. NW $9,530,100 $586,000 •• District 7 3 Floodplain Acquisition Non-Rivers Various $5,492,320 $1,000,000 • ALL 3 Diru Creek Culvert Replacement at Pioneer Way Intersection of Pioneer Way & Diru Creek $4,751,950 $528,000 • District 5 3 Rody Creek Improvements SW of Pioneer Way Upstream from the intersection of Pioneer Way & Rody Creek $2,706,870 $184,000 • District 5 4 Purdy Creek Culvert Replacement at 160th St. NW Intersection of Purdy Creek & 160th St. NW $2,523,930 $30,000 •• District 7 4 Rody Creek Culvert Replacement at Pioneer Way Intersection of Pioneer Way & Rody Creek $4,739,790 $579,000 •• District 5 4 Schoolhouse Creek Culvert Replacement at Mouth Intersection of Schoolhouse Creek & Eckenstam Johnson Rd. $4,486,740 $322,000 ••• District 6 5 Swan Creek 64th St. E Stream Bank Channel Stabilization Near 2608 64th St. E $6,614,890 $290,000 •• District 5 5 Rody Water Quality Project at Pioneer Way Intersection of Pioneer Way & Rody Creek $2,766,520 $595,000 • District 5 5 Pg. 15
SWIP Projects 2024-2025
Name Location Total Est. Cost Biennium Allocation Council District SWIP Page # Centers & Corridors Facility SR 7 corridor from Parkland to Spanaway $765,590 $243,000 • Districts 3, 5, 6 6 Priority Culvert #1 WRIA 10, 11 or 15 $1,000,000 $250,000 •• TBD 6 Priority Culvert #2 WRIA 10, 11 or 15 $1,000,000 $250,000 •• TBD 6 Priority Culvert #3 WRIA 10, 11 or 15 $1,000,000 $250,000 •• TBD 6 Little Minter Creek at 144th St NW Intersection of Minter Creek & 144th St. NW $2,202,920 $297,000 •• District 7 7 Little Minter Creek at 97th Ave. Ct. NW Intersection of Minter Creek & 97th Ave. Ct. NW $590,750 $78,000 •• District 7 7 Shellfish Water Quality Retrofit #1 TBD $2,220,000 $20,000 • TBD 7 Huge Creek at 144th St. NW Intersection of Huge Creek & 144th St. NW $2,177,130 $303,000 • District 7 7 Brighton Creek Intersection of Brighton Creek & Harts Lake Rd. $9,420,120 $550,000 •• District 3 7 Floodplain Acquisition along Rivers Along river system $14,513,420 $1,300,000 • Districts 1, 2, 3, 5 8 Clear Creek Acquisition & Floodplain Reconnection Floodplain between River Rd. & Pioneer Ave. from Clear Creek outfall to Clarks Creek $70,656,580 $5,218,000 •• District 5 8 Fennel Creek Restoration Phase 3 11122 McCutcheon Rd. $3,099,990 $120,000 •• District 1 9 FEMA Hazard Mitigation Grant Program DR. 42424243 Clear Creek Wheel Inn Mobile Home Park Property Acquisition 2623 31st Ave. E $5,360,420 $80,000 • District 5 9 128th St E Southwest Quadrant Setback Levee SW quadrants of the intersection of the Puyallup River and 128th St. E $12,874,410 $2,056,000 •• District 1 9 Jones Setback Levee Near intersection of Calistoga St. W & the Puyallup River $31,778,580 $3,880,000 •• District 1 10
Pg. 16 Surface Water Improvement Program
Funding Sources
• Federal • State • County • Other
PP Name Location Total Est. Cost Biennium Allocation Council District SWIP Page # Orville Road Revetment at Kapowsin Creek Orville Rd. near Kapowsin Creek $9,742,740 $601,000 ••• District 1 10 Puyallup River Ford SetbackCapital Maintenance - River Near 23004 Orville Rd. $2,318,280 $89,000 • District 1 10 Neadham Rd. Floodplain Reconnection Floodplain between the Puyallup River & the hillside from RM 25.4 to 27.0 $10,461,340 $960,000 •• District 1 11 Carbon River Floodplain Reconnection Right Bank Carbon River, Right Bank from RM 3.5 to 4.0 $2,238,690 $576,000 • District 1 11 Carbon River Setback Levee Left Bank, Bridge St. to Voights Creek Floodplain between the Carbon River & SR 162 from RM 3.0 to 4.0 $20,241,420 $1,504,000 •• District 1 11 Alward Road Acquisition & Setback Levee Floodplain between the Carbon River & 177th St. E from RM 6.4 to 8.26 $27,384,720 $1,538,000 •• District 1 12 White River Butte Pit Setback Near 725 Butte Ave. SE $26,701,130 $530,000 • District 2 12 Carbon River Setback Levee Left Bank, Voights to SR 162 Bridge Floodplain between the Carbon River & SR 162 from RM 4.0 to 5.9 $3,121,000 $421,000 • District 1 12 Pg. 17
SWIP Projects 2024-2025
Name Location Total Est. Cost Biennium Allocation Council District SWIP Page # Diru Creek Bank Stabilization at 72nd St. E Near 6715 72nd St. E $4,152,420 $2,133,000 • District 5 1 Clover Creek - Water Quality Retrofit - C Street Intersection of Clover Creek & C St. S $2,551,540 $1,105,000 • District 6 2 Clear Creek Flood Gate Intersection of Clear Creek & River Rd. $2,523,540 $559,000 •• District 5 2 Parkview Point Retrofit Near intersection of 32nd St. Ct. NW & 9th Ave. Ct. NW $1,129,600 $10,000 • District 7 2 Clear Creek Habitat Restoration Near intersection of Clear Creek & River Rd. $1,810,350 $119,000 • District 5 3 Rody Creek Channel Stabilization near 80th St. E Intersection of Rody Creek & 72nd St. E upstream to 80th St. E $1,999,700 $7,000 • District 5 4 Rody Creek Improvements SW of Pioneer Way Upstream from the intersection of Pioneer Way & Rody Creek $2,706,870 $136,000 • District 5 4 Purdy Creek Culvert Replacement at 160th St. NW Intersection of Purdy Creek & 160th St. NW $2,523,930 $1,953,000 •• District 7 4 Schoolhouse Creek Culvert at Eckenstam Johnson Rd./ 108th St. Intersection of Schoolhouse Creek & Eckenstam Johnson Rd. $1,854,130 $10,000 • District 6 4 Swan Creek 64th Street East Stream Bank/ Channel Stabilization Near 2608 64th St. E $6,614,890 $2,940,000 •• District 5 5 Schoolhouse Creek Culvert Replacement at Mouth Intersection of Schoolhouse Creek & Eckenstam Johnson Rd. $4,486,740 $3,636,000 ••• District 6 5 Horsehaven Cr Culvert at 150th Ave E - Culvert Replacement Intersection of Horsehaven Creek & 150th Ave. E $1,318,890 $31,000 • District 1 6 Priority Culvert #1 TBD $1,000,000 $750,000 •• TBD 6 Priority Culvert #2 TBD $1,000,000 $750,000 •• TBD 6 Priority Culvert #3 TBD $1,000,000 $750,000 •• TBD 6
Pg. 18 Surface Water Improvement Program
Funding Sources
Name Location Total Est. Cost Biennium Allocation Council District SWIP Page # Little Minter Creek at 97th Ave. Ct. NW Intersection of Minter Creek & 97th Ave. Ct. NW $590,750 $300,000 •• District 7 7 Fennel Creek Restoration Phase 3 11122 McCutcheon Rd. $3,099,990 $1,642,000 •• District 1 9 FEMA Flood Mitigation Assistance 2016 Clarks Creek 4907 66th Ave. E $1,604,230 $173,000 •• District 5 9 FEMA HMGP DR 4242-4243 Clear Creek Wheel Inn MHP Property Acquisition 2623 31st Ave. E $5,360,420 $170,000 • District 5 9 Orville Road Revetment at Kapowsin Creek Orville Rd. near Kapowsin Creek $9,742,740 $6,040,000 ••• District 1 10 Orville Road Revetment Phase 2C Floodplain between the Puyallup River & Orville Rd. from RM 27.2 to 28.3 $5,533,110 $10,000 • District 1 11 Neadham Road Floodplain Reconnection Floodplain between the Puyallup River & the hillside from RM 25.4 to 27.0 $10,461,340 $1,150,000 •• District 1 11 • Federal • State • County • Other
PP Pg. 19
Transportation Improvement Program (TIP)
The Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) and Fourteen-Year Ferry Program is a planning and programming document that identifies the scope, timing, and funding for public road projects including corridor studies, new construction, signalization, drainage, road widening, lane additions, channelization, rail crossings, and bridge construction. The TIP is prepared pursuant to RCW chapters 36.81 and 36.54 and WAC chapters 136-15 and 136-16 and aims to promote and maintain the safety, economic opportunity, and quality of life for Pierce County residents by building, maintaining, and improving the County road system.
Gig Harbor
T H U R S T O N T i C h e st e r M o rse L a k e Olallie State Park Cl a t d Black
Pg. 20 Transportation Improvement Program
Covington Des Moines Maple Valley
Numbers indicate amount of projects in given area
TIP Projects 2024-2025
Funding Sources
PP Palouse to Cascades State Park Trail Snoqualmie National Forest Name Location Total Est. Cost Biennium Allocation Council District TIP Page # 2024 ADA Improvement Program Various Locations $510,000 $58,000 • Districts 1, 3 1 2025 ADA Improvement Program Various Locations TBD $125,000 • TBD 2 2026-2029 ADA Improvement Program Countywide TBD $25,000 TBD 2 Culvert Replacement Artondale Dr. NW MP 0.45 to MP 0.54 TBD $2,000 • District 7 2 Stringer Replacement BR #12173-A / 320 St. E At South Ford Muck Creek/ 100 Ft. E/O 47 Ave. E / MP 2.98 to MP 2.99 $160,000 $5,000 • District 3 3 Girder Repairs BR #26211-A / Fox Island Bridge Rd. Fox Island Bridge Rd. Over Hale Passage $7,705,000 $705,000 • District 7 4 TS&L BR #26211-A / Fox Island Bridge Rd. Fox Island Bridge Rd. Over Hale Passage $1,800,000 $1,304,000 • District 7 4 Chambers Creek Bridge Replacement BR #29202-A Chambers Ck Rd. W TBD $1,000 • District 6 5 BR #34195-A / Patterson Rd. E 212 Ave. E MP 0.10 to MP 0.20 $516,000 $13,000 ••• District 1 6 BR #6163-A / Harts Lake Rd. S At Horn Creek MP 3.94 $443,000 $175,000 •• District 3 6 BR #7195-A / 128 St. E At Puyallup River / Mccutcheon Rd. E $617,000 $40,000 • District 1 6 BR #7195-F / McCutcheon Rd. E At Canyon Falls Creek $639,000 $290,000 • District 1 7 Bridge Deck Rehab Mashel River, Puyallup River, Kapowsin Creek BR #24164-A at Mashel River/ BR #6195-A at Puyallup River / BR #5175-C at Kapowsin Creek TBD $233,000 •• Districts 3, 6 7 BR#8173-C / Schudy Rd. S (Lacamas Creek) / Lacamas Creek 150 ft. N/O 20 Ave. S MP 1.60 TBD $120,000 •• District 3 7 BR#8173-C Crossing Replacement Schudy Rd. Lacamas Creek 20 Ave. S to 150 ft. N/O 20 Ave. S TBD $120,000 • District 3 7 Bridge Deck Rehabilitation Clover Creek, Little Mashel BR #17193-D and BR #25164-A $85,000 $15,000 • District 3, 6 8 Bridge PaintingCountywide BR #17173-A BR #24164-B BR #5174-A BR #16205-A $119,000 $19,000 • District 1, 3 8 C St. S. Garfield St. to 120 St. S. $200,000 $200,000 • District 6 9
• Federal • State • County • Other
Pg. 21
Design TIP Projects 2024-2025
Funding Sources
Name Location Total Est. Cost Biennium Allocation Council District TIP Page # Canyon Rd. E. 72 St. E. to Pioneer Way E. $2,850,000 $2,256,000 •• District 5 10 Canyon Rd. E. 160 St. E. to 138 St. E. $407,000 $397,000 • District 5 10 Canyon Rd. E.Asphalt Overlay 160 St. E. to 138 St. E. $400,000 $397,000 •• District 5 10 Canyon Rd. E. - N Ext. / BR #19204-H / 52 St. E. / 70 Ave. E. 52 St. E. / 62 Ave. E. to Puyallup River SR-167 to N. Levee Rd. E. / 70 Ave. E. $24,000,000 $11,812,000 • District 2 11 Northerly Ext. Canyon Rd. E. 1,500ft S/O Pioneer Way E. to 52 St. E. / 62 Ave. E. $15,910,000 $3,010,000 • District 5 11 Centers & Corridors BRT Pacific Ave. S. and .25 mile E. and W. of SR-7 from Tacoma limits to 208 St. E. TBD $700,000 • District 3 11 Emergency Repair 264 St. E. MP 2.3 to MP 2.5 $75,000 $15,000 • District 3 12 Fairfax Forest Reserve Rd. 0.92 mi E/O Zavitski Rd. to Mt. Rainier National Park $1,450,000 $136,000 •• District 1 13 Falling Water Blvd. E. Tehaleh Blvd. E. to 181 Ave. E. TBD $50,000 • District 1 13 Golden Given Rd. E. / 99 St. E. Intersection $570,000 $333,000 •• District 5 13 2024 Guardrail Program Various locations TBD $20,000 • TBD 15 2025 Guardrail Program Various locations TBD $20,000 • TBD 15 Lackey Rd. N.W. / Jackson Lk Rd. N.W. / Key Pen Hy N.W. Intersection $800,000 $318,000 • District 7 16 Military Rd. E. / 122 St. E. Shaw Rd E to SR-162 TBD $100,000 • District 2 17 Military Rd. E / 152 St. E Intersection TBD $300,000 • District 3 17 Nisqually Rd. S.W. Thurston County Line to I-5 $300,000 $294,000 • District 6 17 Slide Repair Ohop Valley Exit Rd. E. 2,640 ft. to 3,168 ft. S.W. of SR 161 TBD $2,000 • District 3 17 Orting-Kapowsin Hwy. E. / 200 St. E. Intersection TBD $1,000 • District 1 18 Safe Routes To School 104 St. E. East of 16 Ave. E. to Portland Ave. E. $470,000 $300,000 • District 5 19 Safe Routes To School 104 St. E. Golden Given Rd. E. to 16 Ave. E. $394,000 $171,000 •• District 5 19
• Federal • State • County • Other
Pg. 22 Transportation Improvement Program
PP Pg. 23
Design TIP Projects 2024-2025
Name Location Total Est. Cost Biennium Allocation Council District TIP Page # Safe Routes To School 136 St. E. 97 Ave. E. (Pvt) to SR-161 $50,000 $50,000 •• District 1 20 Safe Routes To School 144 St. E. 126 Ave. E. to Hunt Elementary $260,000 $200,000 • District 1 20 Safe Routes To School 168 St. E. B St. E. to 13 Ave. Ct. E. $684,000 $323,000 •• District 3 20 Safe Routes To School B St. E. 156 St. E. to 152 St. E. $260,000 $200,000 • District 3 21 Safe Routes To School Program Various locations $454,000 $100,000 • TBD 21 Spot Safety Program Various locations $87,000 $30,000 • TBD 22 South Prairie Rd. E. / 214 Ave. E. Intersection TBD $35,000 • District 1 21 Tehaleh Blvd. E. McCutcheon Rd. E. to Falling Water Blvd. E. TBD $1,180,000 • District 1 22 Waller Rd. E. / 152 St. E. Intersection $274,000 $200,000 • District 3 23 38 Ave. N.W. 36 St. N.W. to Gig Harbor City Limits $200,000 $200,000 • District 7 23 46 Ave. E. / 208 St. E. Intersection $4,809,000 $3,060,000 • District 3 23 86 Ave. Extension 152 St. E. to 160 St. E. $210,000 $200,000 • District 1 24 Multi-Use Path 90 Ave. E. 128 St. E. to 126 St. E. $205,000 $155,000 • District 2 24 94 Ave. E. / 152 St. E. Intersection $438,000 $2,000 • District 1 25 111 Ave. E. / 122 St. E. Intersection $406,000 $180,000 • District 1 25 112 St. E. A St. S. to 18 Ave. E. $4,905,000 $1,025,000 •• District 5 25 122 Ave. E. 146 St. Ct. E. to 136 St. E. $11,610,000 $4,356,000 • District 1 26 122 Ave. E. 153 St. Ct. E. to 146 St. Ct. E. $7,800,000 $4,922,000 • District 1 26 122 Ave. E. 159 St. E. to 153 St. Ct. E. $7,180,000 $4,327,000 • District 1 27 128 St. E. SR-162 to BR #7195-A $650,000 $40,000 • District 1 27 138 St. S. Park Ave. to Spanaway Loop Rd S TBD $100,000 • District 6 27 138 St. S. SR-7 (Pacific Ave.) to Park Ave. TBD $200,000 • District 6 28
Pg. 24 Transportation Improvement Program
Funding Sources
• Federal • State • County • Other
PP Name Location Total Est. Cost Biennium Allocation Council District TIP Page # 159 St. S. / 159 St. E. SR7 to 3 Ave. Ct. E. $2,017,000 $1,205,000 •• District 3 28 168 St. E. SR-7 to B St. E. $1,275,000 $965,000 •• District 3 29 184 St. E. 82 Ave. E. to 86 Ave. E. TBD $225,000 • District 3 29 2024 Asphalt Overlay Program Various locations $540,000 $50,000 • TBD 30 2025 Asphalt Overlay Program Various locations $270,000 $270,000 • TBD 30 2026 Asphalt Overlay Program Various locations $270,000 $250,000 • TBD 31 304 St. E. 73 Ave. E. to Webster Rd. E. $162,000 $62,000 •• District 3 31 Pg. 25
Pg. 26 Transportation Improvement Program
TIP Projects 2024-2025
Funding Sources
Name Location Total Est. Cost Biennium Allocation Council District TIP Page # 2023 ADA Improvement Program Various locations $1,030,000 $4,000 • Districts 2, 6 1 2024 ADA Improvement Program Various locations $510,000 $389,000 • Districts 1, 3 1 2025 ADA Improvement Program Various locations TBD $400,000 • TBD 2 Stringer Replacement BR #12173-A At S. Ford Muck Creek / 100 ft. E/O 47 Ave. E. / MP 2.98 to MP 2.99 $160,000 $149,000 • District 3 3 Overflow Repairs BR #17164-B Ohop Valley Rd. E. over Ohop Creek Overflow $460,000 $354,000 • District 3 3 Scour Repair BR #19185-A Orville Rd. E. to Kapowsin Creek $455,000 $279,000 • District 3 3 BR #26211-A Fox Island Bridge Rd over Hale Passage $600,000 $4,000 • District 7 4 BR #31221-A Cramer Rd NW over Glencove Creek $4,985,000 $4,410,000 •• District 7 5 BR #34195-A / Patterson Rd. E. 212 Ave. E. MP 0.10 to MP 0.20 $1,700,000 $1,454,000 •• District 1 6 BR #6163-A / Harts Lake Rd. S. At Horn Creek MP 3.94 TBD $958,000 •• District 3 6 BR #Sum1204-A Stewart Rd. over White/Stuck River $4,010,000 $4,010,000 • District 2 7 Bridge Deck Rehab BR #24164-A at Mashel River / BR #6195-A at Puyallup River / BR #5175-C at Kapowsin CK $2,954,000 $2,954,000 •• Districts 1, 3 7 Bridge Deck Rehabilitation - Clover Creek, Little Mashel BR #17193-D and BR #25164-A $729,000 $729,000 • Districts 3, 6 8 Bridge Painting Countywide BR #17173-A BR #24164-B BR #5174-A BR #16205-A $987,000 $987,000 • Districts 1, 3 8 Canyon Rd. E. 400 ft N/O 84 St. E. to 72 St. E. $9,236,000 $4,000 • District 5 9 Asphalt Overlay Canyon Rd. E. 138 St. E. to 116 St. E. $2,970,000 $4,000 • District 5 10 Canyon Rd. E. Southerly Exit 208 St. E. to 200 St. E. $11,200,000 $7,138,000 •• District 3 11 Centers & Corridors - BRT Pacific Ave. S. and .25 mile E. and W. of SR-7 from Tacoma limits to 208 St. E. TBD $1,000,000 • District 3 11
• Federal • State • County • Other
Pg. 27
TIP Projects 2024-2025
Funding Sources
Name Location Total Est. Cost Biennium Allocation Council District TIP Page # Emergency Repair 264 St. E. MP 2.3 to MP 2.5 at Culvert .54 mi. W/O 134 St. E. MP 2.41 $706,000 $706,000 •• District 3 12 Fairfax Forest Reserve Rd. 0.92 mi. E/O Zavitski Rd. to Mt. Rainier National Park $6,649,000 $5,649,000 •• District 1 13 Falling Water Blvd. E. Tehaleh Blvd. E. to 181 Ave. E. TBD $50,000 • District 1 13 Golden Given Rd. E. / 99 St. E. Intersection $1,116,000 $333,000 •• District 5 13 2022 Guardrail Program Various locations $114,000 $4,000 • TBD 14 2023 Guardrail Program Various locations $269,000 $269,000 • TBD 14 2024 Guardrail Program Various locations $184,000 $184,000 • TBD 14 2025 Guardrail Program Various locations $184,000 $184,000 • TBD 15 Retaining Wall Markham Ave. N.E. 220 ft. E/O Soundview Dr. N.E. to 390 ft. E/O Soundview Dr. N.E. $854,000 $4,000 • District 2 16 Road Safety Guardrail & Centerline Rumble Strips Countywide $272,000 $4,000 • TBD 18 Road Safety Guardrail Reflectors Countywide $477,000 $4,000 • TBD 19 Safe Routes To School 104 St. E. East of 16 Ave. E. to Portland Ave. E. $704,000 $700,000 • District 5 19 Safe Routes To School 104 St. E. Golden Given Rd. E. to 16 Ave. E. $980,000 $380,000 • District 5 19 Safe Routes To School 136 St. E. 97 Ave. E. (Pvt) to SR-161 $287,000 $283,000 •• District 1 20 Safe Routes To School 168 St. E. B St. E. to 13 Ave. Ct. E. $798,000 $257,000 • District 3 20 Spot Safety Program Various locations $724,000 $80,000 • TBD 22 Steele St. S 116 St S / Steele St. S to 96 St. S $1,474,000 $4,000 • District 6 22 Tehaleh Blvd. E. McCutcheon Rd. E. to Falling Water Blvd. E. $70,000 $70,000 • District 1 22 92 Ave. E. / 224 St. E. Intersection $3,837,000 $4,000 • District 3 24 • Federal • State • County • Other
Pg. 28 Transportation Improvement Program
PP Pg. 29
TIP Projects 2024-2025
Funding Sources
Future Program Development
Name Location Total Est. Cost Biennium Allocation Council District TIP Page # 112 St. S. C St. S. to A St. S. $4,149,000 $10,000 • District 5 26 122 Ave. E 146 St. Ct. E. to 136 St. E. $13,160,000 $7,900,000 • District 1 26 160 St. E. 66 Ave. E. to 81 Ave. E. $1,828,000 $63,000 •• District 1 28 198 Ave. E. 144 St. E. to 120 St. E. $120,000 $4,000 • District 1 29 2023 Asphalt Overlay Program Various locations $6,500,000 $684,000 • TBD 29 2024 Asphalt Overlay Program Various locations $4,860,000 $4,860,000 • TBD 30 2025 Asphalt Overlay Program Various locations $5,102,000 $5,102,000 • TBD 30 304 St. E. 73 Ave. E. to Webster Rd. E. $931,000 $931,000 •• District 3 31
• Federal • State • County • Other
Name Location Total Est. Cost Biennium Allocation Council District TIP Page # Active Transportation Program Various locations TBD $450,000 • TBD 1 2026-2029 ADA Program Countywide $2,220,000 $25,000 • TBD 2 Bridge Repair Program Countywide N/A $80,000 • TBD 8 2024-2029 Council Traffic and Safety Improvements Various locations $450,000 $150,000 • TBD 12 Grant / Developer Matching Program Various locations N/A $1,000,000 • TBD 13 Safe Routes To School Program Various locations $600,000 $100,000 • TBD 21 Spot Safety Program Various locations $300,000 $100,000 • TBD 22 2026-2029 3R Program Various locations N/A $250,000 • TBD 31
Pg. 30 Transportation Improvement Program
PP Pg. 31
Contact (253) 798-2754 Jen Tetatzin Director, Planning and Public Works Pg. 32 Transportation Improvement Program