I have chosen to present here three areas of work and design that I consider the foundations of my work as an Architect. The construction of the professional figure of the Designer Architect passes through a very complex and varied university and professional education, which cannot be reduced to a single discipline. He must be able to handle the design, material technology, urban planning, interior design and hand drawing. Each of these components contributes to the improvement of the architect as a specialist in the psycho-physical well-being of the inhabitant and of men at a general level: it is important that he knows how to manage the space, materials and architectural composition to protect the environment of humans and nature at
the same time. In the first section, I wanted to report the most important projects of my path, from a compositional point of view. In the second one, I have instead inserted my skills in the field of technology and site management, which for me are crucial as a Technologist. Finally, I added a miscellaneous section of interior furnishings and art drawings, which I believe can complete my profile, even from an artistic point of view. Moreover, I decided to present the largest spectrum of abilities and drawing skills I do own, for the reader understand the importance of Draw in my Architectural Research.
Curriculum Vitae Pier Luigi Ortolani
LA NG U A G ES I TA L I A N Native language FRENCH Native language - Bilingual ENGLISH C2 level GERMAN A2 level S PA N I S H A2 level
SK ILLS C o r o n a R e n de r + C i n e ma 4D Rendering, 3D Modeling Rhinoceros 5 3D Modeling, Analytics Au t o C a d Au t o D e s k 2D Modeling, Technology, Construction R ev i t - Au t o D e s k 2D - 3D Modeling, Technology, Construction Ado be S u i t e ( PS, I N D D, A I , Ado be ) Rendering, Layout, Graphic Design
P. Marrone, P.L. Ortolani, I.Piccilli, ‘Educación, construcción y tierra: el caso de Zacatecoluca’, XVIII S. I. de Arquitectura y Construcción de Tierra,La Antigua Guatemala, 2018 G.I. Bianchi, P.L. Ortolani, Il Palazzo ENI, in Panteon, Roma, january 2020 P. Marrone, P. L. Ortolani, D.de Hércules, ‘Soluciones tipo- tecnològicas en la tierra para la recalificacion en autocostruccion de las viviendas del Ramal A’, Roma – San Salvador, 2020
Au t o D e s k U s e r C e r t i f i c a t i o n fo r R ev i t Rome, A - Sapiens AutoDesk Academy
2018 - 2015
A r c h i t e c t u ra l D e s i gn M a s t e r D e gr e e Rome, Roma Tre University
2018 - 2017
Master Thesis Research Grenoble (Fr), CRATerre - ENSAG
Be ij i n g I n t e r n a t i o n a l E c o Fo r u m Beijing (PRC), Foreign Studies University
2015 - 2012
A r c h i t e c t u r e - Ba c h e l o r Rome, Roma Tre University
2012 - 2007
C l a ss i c a l S t u di e s D i pl o ma Rome, L. Classico A. Marzio
A r c h i t e c t s’ Or de r - E n r o l l me n t Rome, Ordine APPC
2020 - 2018
Architect Rome, abarchitetture Firm
Wo r ks i t e S u pe r v i s o r A r c h i t e c t Maldives, Fasmendhoo - Emil ltd.
2018 - 2017
Intern Architect Grenoble (Fr), CoConcept Firm
2017 - 2015
Te c h n o l o gy Pr ofe ss o r Ass i s t a n t Rome, Roma Tre University
Xa i Xa i Pr e s c h o o l C o mpe t i t i o n - F i n a l i s t Mozambique, Roma Tre University
R o u n d Ho u s e C o mpe t i t i o n - F i n a l i s t Paris, ENSAV
M a tt a t o i o di R o ma - W i n n e r Rome, Iowa University in Rome
A r c h i t e c t u ra l D e s i gn Project Management, Rendering, 3D Modeling
Te c h n o l o gi c a l D e s i gn Technical and Materials Knowledge, Analytics
I n t e r i o r & D raw i n gs 2D Modeling, Drawing and Art Skills
pierluigiortolani@yahoo.it + 39 392 1415733 Via Padre Campana, n°19 00125 ROMA (IT)
Portfolio Drawings & Projects
Architectural Design
Redevelopment Program for Vernacular Earth Houses El Salvador, 2018 Design Ability and Technological Knowledge Revit C4D + Corona Renderer AutoDesk AutoCAD Concept Designer, Project Designer, Graphic Designer
This project represents the experimental thesis work that I carried out along 2018 in collaboration with three important academic institutions: the University of Roma Tre, the ENSA of Grenoble (with its CRATerre Research Center) and the University of San Salvador. This is the redevelopment and set-up project of the informal settlement of Zacatecoluca, in the Central American state of El Salvador. The project was structured in phases ranging from urban planning, to the education of the population up to the definition of a design model for the temporal and physical redevelopment of the houses, using vernacular construction techniques, which were specific to the place. The research group, which included both the
Department of Technology and that of Urban Planning, has thus developed an abacus of type - technological solutions to be given to the inhabitants of the area, dividing the area according to the degradation suffered by the buildings. The formal basis of this architectural research was mainly addressed by the French School and its social approach to Architecture.
[] Informal settlements are an urban reality now present in the daily life of almost all the cities of the world, in particular the African, Asian and Latin American ones. They were born already at the beginning of the twentieth century, but they became a problem for legislators, architects and companies only from the 80s. Today, it is a phenomenon that has taken on impressive dimensions and that requires deep reflection and action by all the actors involved in the management of the city.On the other hand, one should not fall into the easy mistake of considering these realities as a problem to be eradicated; nor should the inhabitants and their behavior be stigmatized a priori, excluding it or worse, ignoring them and considering them automatically and a priori criminals. Hence the need to analytically define these inhabited contexts, which have the right to enter or re-enter the spectrum of the elements that make up the city. An informal settlement is a portion of the globalized modern city, characterized by poor sanitation, high population density, scarcity of personal services and location in the least livable points of an urban agglomeration. According to UN statistics, through its agency UN_HABITAT (State of the World Cities, 2013), in 2001 about 30% of the world’s urban population lived in marginal neighborhoods, given that it rises to 38% for East Asia or 39.8% for developing regions, that is about 760 million people. The issue must be addressed from a spatial and social point of view (Didier, 1981), from a legal and economic point of view (Fernandes, 2008), and finally from a factual point of view (Garcia de Hernandez, 2007). All literature agrees that the first element common to informal settlements is their state of illegality and precariousness before the law and the state. Nonetheless, for the State and the police forces they are irregular, anomalies in the social system that you are unable to manage. In fact, although informal settlements were born as anomalies, today they are an integral part of the economic system of the megalopolises of developing countries, because they are exploited as working masses, which have no rights or claims. So an informal settlement was born illegally, but is tolerated in most cases because the state would not know how to intervene diffe14
rently to resolve this situation, and because it contributes to the general economy of the city without asking for anything in return. This human mass lives, works and moves in narrow and degraded spaces. In fact, every inhabitant of the favela, once settled, tries to conquer space in height and width as best he can. We cannot label the living of these populations as primitive or uncivilized, because for their precarious constructions they use only residual materials, which do not guarantee any type of adequate thermo-hygrometric performance, and that the housing conditions of each house are precarious and degraded. The impossibility of “regular� access to the house determines these behaviors which are survival behaviors. Moreover, it has been known for at least thirty years that in this type of settlements a majority of people live who did not delinquent at all, but rather who is employed in the industrial or service sector, carrying out jobs such as worker, the unskilled worker, the maid, the employee, etc. This is because the favela remains on the edge of the city but is somehow involved in it: one depends on the other. Much more simply, often people in shanty towns cannot afford to live in the formal city with dignity, and find shelter only in the informal one. This does not therefore automatically make them criminals, but unfortunately the stereotype is stronger than reality, thus contributing to increase the marginalization in which these people find themselves. A second issue that is still very important in this sense is the cost (social and economic) of managing informal settlements. In fact, one might think that they have no cost for the city and its government, but obviously this is not the case. They pose problems of safety, hygiene, police, land management and consequent safety measures, et. In addition, these are often basins where social intolerance turns into revolt, which forces the intervention of the authorities to keep it at bay. So, a management that does not have a favela strategy is an expensive and in the long run bankruptcy strategy. Much less expensive would be to seriously intervene on these spaces of the city. An integration policy would have a safer and longer success.
21 mln 3,2 mln
C. Mexico Ciudad perdida El Salvador
8,5 mln 0,382 mln
Lima Villa El Salvador
6,4 mln 0,090 mln
Rio de Janeiro Rocinha Sao Paulo Heliopolis Buenos Aires Villa 31
13,5 mln 0,110 mln 9,5 mln 0,100 mln 2,9 mln 0,120 mln
Informal Settlements 0
1 mln inhabs.
Rome Airport Kindergarten Fiumicino, IT - 2019
Design Ability Revit C4D + Corona Renderer AutoDesk AutoCAD Project Co - Designer, Graphic Designer
We had been asked to design the new headquarters for the kindergarten of the employees of the Rome Intercontinental Airport FCO, which could accommodate at least 90 children aged 0 to 5 years. The order was complicated to manage and resolve, given the boundary conditions: noises deriving from air activity, distance from the airport hub, absence of qualified green spaces. Our design response then included inserting the new building introspectively, in order to create a large green and protected courtyard where children could play freely. The round
building had all the classrooms facing the central courtyard, in which the effects of external noise were muffled by the use of wood and vegetation. Constructive and technological simplicity and structural modularity have allowed us to imagine a large space suitable for children, which would allow them to have the feeling of being at home, or in any case in a place protected from external agents. The entrance was marked by a teku sail that protected the entrance, to underline its architectural sense.
Palau Military Memorial Sardinia, IT - 2017
Design Ability Revit C4D + Corona Renderer AutoDesk AutoCAD Project Co - Designer, Graphic Designer
The project for Palau Military Memorial, in Sardinia (IT) was intended to emphasize the horrors of all wars, which had disfigured the face of these northern coasts of the island. Our architectural intent was to create a marked path that the visitor could follow to the approach to the mountain - military. He could have admired most of the ruined buildings, abandoned by the Italian military at the signing of the Armistice. It was our specific intent to redevelop as few buildings as possible, so that visitors could become aware of the size of the place, and the damage cau-
sed by the war. Inside some of these empty shells new wooden buildings had been imagined, covered with white sails to remember the naval destiny of these places. The path culminated in a mirador which allowed a view of the entire archipelago below. The visitor should therefore have taken his time to reflect on the crudeness of an unjust war and to evaluate how lucky he was to be in times of peace.
Technological Design
AXA Insurances HQ Rome, IT - 2019
Design Ability Revit C4D + Corona Renderer AutoDesk AutoCAD Project Designer, Graphic Designer
AXA Insurances HQ is the architectural project conceived to house the new AXA headquarters in Rome. My team and I have chosen to work with regular prisms, glazed facades shielded by wooden brise-soleil and a severe aspect of the construction to resume the Roman design tradition of office buildings, at least since the second half of XX century or even earlier. If we look at the many examples of office architecture in Rome and in Italy, (above all in Milan) we will discover a formal and static use of this type of building. As described in my Il Palazzo ENI, in Panteon Magazine,january 2020 , written together
with G.I. Bianchi, it is above all Luigi Moretti and the architects Bagicalupo & Ratti to carry on this architectural concept, which is rigorous in its morphology and effective in the use of technology. For this reason, in the project in question we have mainly given attention to the technology of the tableware, the work spaces and the materials used. The final effect is a glass shielded box that impose itself on a crossline in the very center of the city.
Emil Five Star Resorts Maldives - 2018
Design Ability Coordination Ability Technlogy and Supllies Knowledge AutoDesk AutoCAD Worksite Supervisor Architect
The complex for the Emil Five Star Resort is an architectural project of high quality design and material, which was carried out on the island of Fasmendhoo, in the northern Maldives between 2016 and 2019. It is a complex of 360 land suites, 4 restaurants, 2 pools, 1 spa center and about 40 water villas built within the island’s coral reef. I was called as Worksite Supervisor Architect towards the end of the construction site for a period of 5 months, given my skills in technology and architecture in particular in tropical countries. The task was complex due to the
logistical difficulties of the site (procurement of materials, personnel management, resource management, contingent use of water, lack of medical personnel) and the physical location of the island, lost in the northern waters of the Ocean Indian; but I think I learned a lot from this short but intense work experience, both personally and professionally.
Interior & Drawings
Primitivism Hand - drawings
Design Ability AutoDesk AutoCAD Hand - drawing Art Knowledge Designer, Drawer
I also choose to include my artistic and graphic side in this last section of my portfolio, which, I believe, can complete my profile as an architect and designer. In particular, I would like to describe my relationship with Primitivism and the search for an essential aesthetic, which mainly takes up Giacometti’s work in Italy and France. I have always looked at freehand drawing as the quintessential tool of the architect, to investigate in particular the architectural object and therefore the forms of the built and the landscape. But in recent years I have also considered essential the involvement of the human body in this research, and in par-
ticular of the face and their deformed expressions and nakedness that I often found myself describing both in the male and in the female form, perhaps to find an explanation to my complex sexuality. Furthermore, I believe that in a world that deprives us of the essentiality of things and which forces us to travel at high and constant speed, questioning the human body or face is the only possible answer.
Interior Design Renderings
Design Ability AutoDesk Revit Spatial Perception AutoDesk AutoCAD Co - Designer, Drawer
In the language of modern and contemporary Architecture, the eidetic presentation of projects has become increasingly important over time; in particular, the graphic design allows the architect to best sell his design ideas to the client, or to present them in front of his colleagues. In this sense, the use of architectural renderings has gradually become more important, so much so that today it would be impossible to imagine a presentation made for a client without resorting to the use of them. In fact, the architect’s job in itself was to imagine a
space and make it through descriptive design and geometry, therefore thanks to the use of modern technological means, today we are able to create realistic images of interiors and external that can help understand the use we will make of space in a future project. In itself, I believe that the renders tool is too easily used, and that it is often misleading for the reader’s eye; but if used with care, it allows a potentially infinite audience to understand what is found only in the Architect’s mind.
Architectural Hand & Rendered - drawings
Architectural History Knowlegde Hand - drawing Spatial Perception Drawing Tools Drawer
Taking up the above, I believe that one of the Architect’s primary tasks is to tell the space and be able to transform it into an architectural design. This belief, which derives mainly from my academic and university education, has always morally obliged me to redesign the great Architecture of the past to understand its proportions, features and characteristics. Not only is it a tribute to the past Masters, but it is also a way to learn design and composition from them. As the Writer uses the pen to tell a story or an event, the Architect uses the pencil to tell the space he intends to create on paper.
pierluigiortolani@yahoo.it + 39 392 1415733 Via Padre Campana, n°19 00125 ROMA (IT)