2014 portfolio uitvouw2

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p i e t e r va n s c h o u w e n b u r g graphic designer | magazine designer p h o t o g r a p h e r | a n i m at o r | b u s i n e s s m o t i vat o r e d u c at i o n f u t u r e g e n e r at i o n s


Sportief in Turkije

waag dE sprong!

Baaitjes, rotsen, stranden, natuur, kleine badplaatsen. De Turkse westkust aan de Middellandse Zee rond Fetiye is een adembenemend subtropisch paradijs. Een wereldplek voor sportieve actie én ontspanning tegelijk. Kampioens Ed Lodewijks begon met paragliding ...


tekst Ed LodEwijks fotografie Frits MEijst

Met de paraglide recht boven het strand van Ölu Deniz, vlak voor de landing.


nummer 7/8 • juli/augustus 2008 • www.kampioen.nl

jurjen drenth verkeert in hoger sferen

ANWB op trakteert


ms TomTo pag. 79

kijk op nnen of u gewo heeft!


adreswijziging: zie colofon

zwemwaters getest Haarlem volgens Hakim 3 beste routes naar Zuid-Frankrijk

t n t p o s t p o r t b e ta a l d / p o r t pay é pay s b a s


De hemel in een manD


Elk jaar bezoeken duizenden toeschouwers de Friese Ballonfeesten in Joure. Jurjen Drenth stapte in een mand en voer mee in het kleurenspektakel, dat dit jaar plaatsvindt van 23 t/m 27 juli.

ballon varen feest in de lucht

Client since august 2008 This magazine is free for the more then 3 million members of the ANWB, the dutch bike and automobile club who runs a 24/7 hands-on service if you have bad luck on the road with your vehicle. This magazine provides the everage Dutch family with the typical dutch holiday feeling and is very as we call it ‘gezellig’. (cozy) If you are interested in the culture of the everage dutch citizen, this magazine is good study material. Working at the Studio Room designers at the Mood for Magazines publisher in Naarden Vesting is a treat and resulted in good relations with the best magazine designers of this country.

Recreate logo

Art directors: Meta van Grinsven, Koen van Amersfoort e.a. Photography shown on these pages mostly from Jurjen Drenth. Recreate logo



Starting of as the art-ditrector assistant for the re-styling of the number-one Dutch interiour magazines Residence. I came to staye for several free-lance years and did my best magazine lay-out and graphic design overthere at TTG, Telegraaf Magzazine Group. Great people, talent and fun.

Artworker at Addison Corporate Marketing in London London 2006: I worked for Addison Corporate Marketing, nearby London Bridge. I was flown in for the financial season to assist the crew with native Dutch language in the annual reviews and report of: Unilever, ING and Heineken. Besides typical Dutch stuff I also worked on the annual reviews of Anglo American and WPP.

Fluimg Dutchman and his Cup. Chilfrenbook about the history of Reint Laans’s flying adventures.

FLYinG duTchMan Flying Dutchman and his Cub A dream comes true

Reint Laan theatermaker and amature flyer asked me to make a book about the story of his Pipercup life. Succesfull founding with crowdfounding. To many names who volunteerded for this projet but Moniek Reinders (illstration) and Marc Gijzen (lithograhy).


and his cub REinT



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03-07-2012 15:55:29




Then he said, “So, now I’ll put in some more insecticide and then I am ready to spray again.”

I said, “Mister er-ah, Krijn what is the name of your plane?” He said, “This is a Piper, boy, a Piper Cub. You understand? Piper is the name of... like Ford for a car and this plane is a Piper, you have also Cessnas and so on; but this is a Piper.

This is the smallest Piper there is and that’s why it’s called a Cub. Like a little bear or a wolf. If you look at the back of the plane on the rudder there you’ll see a cub carrying the sign Cub.” The crop-duster pilot even had the same emblem on his overalls.

‘MMHHHAAAAUUUUWWW!’ And I saw a little yellow plane ascending from very low over the potato fields, sweeping up with an arch, a high arch and travelling down again: ‘MMHHHAAAAUUUUWWW!” Spraying the fields and then come up and make another high arch: ‘MMHHHAAAAUUUUWWW!’ Wow, a crop-duster, a crop-duster! And I saw the cropduster just disappear between some high trees. At noon the cows were resting because they needed to chew all the grass they had eaten that morning again and again. That’s what people call ‘ruminating’.

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That evening when I came back home I shouted. “Daddy I still have my teddy bear. You know when you have a teddy bear you can fly. You can fly in a small plane, it is called a Piper Cub. I met a man, he is a crop-duster pilot. His name is Krijn. He said that everybody can learn to fly, everybody can do it. I want to become a pilot.” Then my father said sternly, “This is the last time I want to hear you talk about flying and being a pilot. No! No! No! It is not for people like us”.

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03-07-2012 15:55:51

And then I read on the internet there was going to be be a fly-in, not very far from Oshkosh, organised by HYPERLINK “http://www. supercub.org/”www.supercub.org. There was a small airport called New Holstein in Wisconsin where all the SuperCub guys went. Kees and I flew north to New Holstein all the way from Texas. Reception was warm and cordial. We had so much fun there, because they took us up in their SuperCubs. Those Cubs have very big tyres. With those tyres we landed on country roads, on riverbanks, just anywhere. And rinse the tyres by skirting the waters surface. I said, ”I want to have more of this.” Then Steve Johnson, the man of SuperCub.org, said: ”OK – just come back next year!” I said, ”All right, but then I want to fly a Cub.”

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“It is maybe about as much as you get as a monthly allowance.” “No,” I replied, “I don’t get that much.” “Yes,” Krijn said, “only two thousand dollars, and because Americans don’t like to read a lot, Mister William Piper put pictures in this book to show how to get this plane out of the hangar, fill it up with fuel, start the engine and just go. Fly around the airport, make a landing and then put it back into the hangar. That’s all.” “Wow,” I said, “in a little book like that! So maybe… maybe I can learn how to fly”. He said: “Sure, you can learn how to fly, everybody can learn how to fly”. Then Krijn said: ”Would you like to try and sit


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03-07-2012 15:55:47

03-07-2012 15:55:41

03-07-2012 15:55:33

So I got out of the plane and watched Krijn from a safe distance. Krijn stood there in front of the right wheel. He turned the propeller and as it went “BBRRRUUUBRR”, he quickly got into the cabin and he took off: ‘MMHHHAAAAUUUUWWW’ and disappeared over the treetops.

03-07-2012 15:55:45

“Is it difficult to fly a plane like this?” “No man,” he said, “it is no big deal at all. Anybody can learn how to fly”. I said, “But, my father says…” “Ah, fathers are not always right,” Krijn the pilot explained. “Mister Piper made this plane so that everybody in America, and also here in Holland can learn to fly. It is easy and that is why he made a little book, I always carry it with me,” he said, “which is titled ‘How to fly a Pipercub’. It is only a small thin book. In it you can see a Cub like this and you see also a Cub like... let me see... like this one... so you can take off from the water, or you put skis on it and you can take off from and land on snow fields. It is easy. In those days, before the war, this Cub was sold for two thousand dollars.

03-07-2012 15:56:12

And indeed, next year Steve made sure that I could rent a real Cub. So, that next year Cecilia and me you remember my friend Cecilia - flew with United Airlines to the United States of America. Cecilia took some flying lessons as well, so if I had a heart attack she could make a safe landing. We first flew all the way to Texas to Kees, then to Steve Pierce in Graham TX, then south to Cajun Joe in New Orleans and up north the Mississippi and further up north to New Holstein and Oshkosh.


Working at Readershouse/Hearst from 1997-2005

‘At that time at Readershouse I was one out a group of four typesetters, working on 5 monthly public titles and about 10 sponsored magazines. We worked from detailed templates or from scratch with everything our editors provided. We worked with QuarkXpress, Illustrator, Photoshop, Acrobat, and other software on Macintosh. A magazine publisher is the kind of environment I work at the best of my abilities as creative typesetter. I developed my ability to speed up the number of produced pages on a days work but still do it acuratly. The tasks were numerous and all typesetters must be able to take over eachothers work at all times. Workflow control, clear communication never leave your work behind with lose ends in it for others to solve.’ Pieter

Stringed attached 130x 90 cm cibachrome Personal art work 2002

Cyberboys 130x 90 cm cibachrome Personal art work 2002

One a rainy day 130x 90 cm cibachrome Personal art work 2002

Honey weapon 130x 90 cm cibachrome Personal art work 2002

Up to me now 130x 90 cm cibachrome Personal art work 2002

Bad bad boys 90 x 90 cm cibachrome Personal art work 2002

Good bad boys 90 x 90 cm cibachrome Personal art work 2002

2008 cover

June 2007 and 2008 issues of the Juwelery fair in the Amstel Hotel Amsterdam On request of the marketingdepartment of the Residence I did the artdirection and production of this cute square fair brochure.

2007 cover

Photography for an investmentgroup in the Turks & CaĂŻcos Islands. New brand names and designs brought back the life of the unpoiled nature strip knoen as Grace Bay. Ideas that sounds like profit can be realised. ‘We have a can-d0-attitude, and we make a profit.

Pieter van Schouwenburg ■ Lage Nieuwstraat 251 ■ 2512 WC Den Haag ■ 070-3623309 ■ 06-555

beste idtv,

543342 ■ pietervans@ziggo.nl ■ www.pietervanschouwenburg.nl

Werken is leuk. Dingen maken is fantastisch. Als het een hobby was, zou ik het meteen weer gaan doen. Sinds de academie is het werk. Ik liet me opnemen in de stam der beeldnomaden. Zwervend langs lokaties, klanten en burelen liet ik ontwerpers laven aan mijn platen. Mijn licht en regie bereikten de huiskamers in den lande. De romantiek van een kind dat ontdekkingsreiziger wil worden, of vrachtwagenchauffeur. Verlangen bracht mij een huis vol dierbare partners, vrienden en tijdgenoten. Het leven zelf is rijk geworden. Ik geniet meer van teamwork dan van solozeilen op een oceaan van pixels. Nu maak ik tijdschriften. Leuk op redacties, daar is het gezellig en druk. Is mijn leven nou af? Hm... eigenlijk zoek ik een plek waar ook mijn nomadenhart een thuis kan vinden. Nieuwe werelden maken, fantasie én realiteit. Kan dat bij jullie? Wat mij betreft graag! ■




Pieter van Schouwenburg (geboren in 1960 te Den Haag,

hierna te noemen ‘ik’) slaagde in 1985 voor het eindexamen gra-

Reinier Gerritsen aan de Prinseng 2➔

In 1986 opende ik een stud

voor ontwerpbureau’s, bedrijfslev

fische- en typografische vormgeving aan de Koninklijke academie zijn hier o.a. een kalender en tijd van Beeldende Kunsten in Den Haag. Ik liep stage bij fotograaf


to's voor het blad van Philips, br

gracht in Amsterdam.

dio voor fotografie. Opdrachten

ven en overheden. Afgebeeld

dschriftartikelen voor KPN, fo-

rochures voor de Gemeente Den

Haag, drukwerk voor Nationale Nederlanden, het Rijksmuseum en allerlei zaken voor het ministerie van VROM.




Er is tijd voor persoonlijk, cultureel en ideëel werk.


Fotografieopdrachten voor L


Vanaf 1990 free-lance ik bij de VPRO. Eerst als belichter en


Een carrière-move: een post

naderhand als regisseur en vormgever bij de afdeling jeugd. Als

dia, door o.m. IBM bracht me in

belichter werkte ik meestal samen met Brian Meijers. Vormge-

wereld. Een letterlijk fantastische

ving, animaties en regie onder leiding van Burny Bos.

De Beeldenstorm en het bijbehor



te Amsterdam. Ik werkte als vormgever en virtueel fotograaf aan

Luxaflex en KPN.

tacademische opleiding multime- animatie-demo's en verbeterde de belichtingfuncties van de soft 1994 in contact met de virtuele

e tijd brak aan, vooral bij studio

rende softwarebedrijf ElectroGIG,




10 ➔

ware GIG3DGO. GIG kon de concurentie van AliasWavefront niet

met een workshop over de virtue

aan en sneuvelde jammerlijk in 1996. Ik ging terug naar Den

voor de Mensenrechten fototento

Haag en kreeg een nieuwe Silicon Graphics machine mee.

Gakkai, de Nederlandse panelen.


Ik begon weer een eigen onderneming, nu in virtueel


11 ➔


Gastdocent op de Koninklijke Academie in Den Haag

eigen werk.

11 ➔

Grotere aanbes

tranet ontwerp voor ABNAMRO en


ele ruimte.


Grafisch werk

oonstelling van de VN en Soka 10 ➔

voorzitterschap van Nederland in 1997. Hoogsteder & Hoogsteder.

Ik maak meer ideëel en

stedingen volgden, zoals een in-

n de website voor het Europees


13 ➔

12 ➔

Verhalende portretten, o.a.

Geniaal sociaal project

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