1 minute read
from Eurasiaties
by Pietertoypom
Bomhard, Allan R. 2006. Nostratic, Eurasiatic, and Indo-European, in: Brian D. Joseph and Joseph C. Salmons (eds.). 1998. Nostratic: Sifting the Evidence, pp. 17—49. Amsterdam and Philadelphia, PA: John Benjamins.
Fleming, H C (2002). Afrasian and Its Closest Relatives: the Borean Hypothesis. Global Perspectives on Human Language (http://greenberg-conference.stanford.edu/Fleming_Abstract.htm)
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Greenberg, Joseph. 2000. Indo-European and Its Closest Relatives: The Eurasiatic Language Family. Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press.
Janhunen, Juha. Proto-Uralic—what, where, and when?
Kortlandt, Frederik 2020. The dissolution of the Eurasiatic macrofamily https://www.academia.edu/44755526/The_dissolution_of_the_Eurasiatic_macrofamily
Kortlandt, Frederik. Indo-Uralic and Altaic https://www.kortlandt.nl/publications/art216e.pdf
Robbeets, Martine. 2020. The classification of the Transeurasian languages DOI:10.1093/oso/9780198804628.003.0004 In book: The Oxford Guide to the Transeurasian Languages (pp.31-39)
Robbeets, Martine. 2020. The homelands of the individual Transeurasian proto-languages DOI:10.1093/oso/9780198804628.003.0044 In book: The Oxford Guide to the Transeurasian Languages (pp.753-771)
Robbeets, Martine. 2020. The Transeurasian homeland: where, what, and when? DOI:10.1093/oso/9780198804628.003.0045 In book: The Oxford Guide to the Transeurasian Languages (pp.772-783)
Robbeets, Martine. 2020. The typological heritage of the Transeurasian languages DOI:10.1093/oso/9780198804628.003.0011 In book: The Oxford Guide to the Transeurasian Languages (pp.127-144)
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Sergei Starostin, 1953 – 2005. https://pantheon.world/profile/person/Sergei_Starostin/
Tavakoli, Leila. A New Integrating Overview in the History of Long-Range Linguistics.
Tokhatyan, K. S. Rock Carvings of Armenia.
Uys, Pieter. 2021. Armenië, Ararat en Urartu.
Uys, Pieter. 2021. Taal is ‘n brug oor die stroom van tyd. https://en.calameo.com/books/0066897910bd05997cedc
Uys, Pieter. 2021. Taal is ‘n drif deur die spruit van tyd. https://www.edocr.com/v/yko3n0by/Pietertoypom/taal-isn-drif-deur-die-spruit-van-tyd
Uys, Pieter. 2021. Taal is ‘n poort deur die muur van tyd. https://www.slideshare.net/PieterUys7/amerindies-taalis-n-poort-deur-die-muur-van-tyd
Uys, Pieter. 2021. Taalfamilies in die Oertyd.
Vuosaly, Hellas,. The Untaught: Latest Horizon in Long-Range Historical Comparative Linguistics. New York: International Committee of Koinoetymology and Post-Metaphysical Thinking, ICKPT, 2017. Pp. 132
©Pieter Uys 2021