Alpha Upsilon (Drexel) Dusak Fall 2014

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FALL 2014

THE DUSAK  

Alumni President Report State of the alumni organization Fellow Brothers, I would like to a moment to thank you for this opportunity. Pi Kappa Phi has provided me with incredible opportunities since I first came on campus over 20 years ago, and it is now my time to give back. The Brotherhood has come a long way in those 20 years. I hope we can do the same with the Alumni Organization. Over the past few years, the Alumni Association has sponsored several events that show the dedication we have to the Alpha Upsilon Chapter. The Annual Golf Outing in September has grown each year. It is the perfect way to reconnect with our old classmates, roommates and friends we have not seen in a while. This year I am excited to see ALPHA UPSILON PROVIDES FOOD, new Alumni Members, recent Graduates and Under Grads SHELTER & fUN TO BUILD AMERICA at the event. The event will again be held at Seaview CC in Galloway NJ. Get a foursome together, or bring yourself Build America (BAM) is a six-week long team summer event starting and come out and join us. back in 2003 whose founding was to shadow the mission of Push In the winter we sponsor a Senior Dinner. With roughly America, “Building Leaders of tomorrow by serving people with thirty seniors graduating each year and over 300 current disabilities today”. Build America at its core is the construction of alumni living and working in our area, the Senior Dinner is accessible environments and camps serving people with disabilities an excellent way to grow your network and contacts of but more than that the experiences the team receives are not just Brothers across a wide range of Industries. Do not miss this construction. The best experiences on Build America are in the opportunity. Not to mention Taco Lou is still the House evenings when team members gather with campers for dinner and Cook and he provides an excellent feast. This past year’s camp activities. These are the times that create the special memories attendance, with over 75 Alumni, was one of our best of camps and lifelong friends. Building piers, trails, climbing walls events in recent memory. For those of you who were not and many other amenities for campers are one thing but the relationships that the team members build with campers creates a able to make it I hope to see you next year. lasting impact on the team. In addition to these special events we have Alumni Meetings throughout the year that keeps our association in contact This year Build America is taking a different approach. Starting in with the current Brotherhood and keeps you informed of its’ Boston, MA its six-week long journey will be taking the team on the status. Recent events on campus have proven that a strong first ever-entire east coast tour traveling through locations such as Alumni Association is vital to the long term health of Pi Bedford, Hackettstown, Philadelphia, Washington D.C. and more. Beginning in the heart of American independence on June 25th and Kappa Phi. going through the city of brotherly love on July 11th, the team will I urge each of you, especially recent graduates, to travel south towards Atlanta, Georgia where they will end at at the very least attend one of these events. Stop in for a Supreme Chapter this year on August 8th. This is not the only first meeting, make it to the Senior Dinner, beat Steve Markley for BAM this year however. Build America is happy to announce its by 10 strokes at the golf outing. The future of our three new corporate sponsorships of DeWALT, Milwaukee Tools, organization depends on it. and Stanley Tools for the 2014 trip. These new sponsorships will continue to grow BAM into a leading summer event for brothers of Yours in PKP, Pi Kappa Phi. Matthew Claudy (AU 1214) Continued on Page 2...



PKP HOUSE DIRECTOR – CHRIS MALLEN Becoming a brother of Pi Kappa Phi is one of the greatest decisions I have ever made. In 2004 I was initiated at Barton College in Zeta Tau Chapter. At the time it was impossible to for me to truly understand the difference between 4 years in college and the lifelong commitment as an alumni. After years of moving around the country chasing my dream of working in sports and making new friends there were always 2 constants, my family and the fraternity. In a span of 10 years since I was initiated I have lived in 5 different states and had the opportunity to connect with different chapters around the country. Currently I work in the Front Office of the Philadelphia 76ers doing Marketing, mainly writing radio for the team and negotiating advertising contracts. If you are wondering what exactly it is I do for Alpha Upsilon chapter as I live behind the kitchen I can tell you it’s a many number of different things. Before I ever moved in I had a meeting with Tony and Steve about what they were expecting from me and I shared what I was I was looking for. It was important for me to give back to Pi Kapp in some way as the fraternity had given me so much over the years. Tony and Steve made it very clear to me they wanted to have someone in the house who was a Pi Kapp and that person be someone who was minimally invasive as to the day to day functions of the chapter. I was on the same page as them right from day 1 because I am not a baby sitter. I view the active members as men. They need to have the opportunity to make their own decisions without someone holding their hand and the opportunity to pick themselves up when they fall. My goal is to serve as a role model in the house. I try to have a physical presence in the common areas of the house everyday where the guys can talk with me about what ever. This usually ends up being questions about school, career, sports and girlfriends. Occasionally I get questions about what it was like when I was active. I enjoy being around to interact with the guys and find out what their dreams and aspirations are. There have also been times when I have had to provide assistance with risk management issues in the house and notify Tony and Steve about potential problems. Drexel requires that there be an adult over 25 who is not an alumni living in the house. I want to make it very clear that my dedication is not to Drexel but instead to the Chapter in making sure this obligation is met and at the same time assisting the Chapter where needed. It has been an honor for me to be affiliated with such a great chapter as Alpha Upsilon. I believe that my time here has served to help the chapter as a whole and be a positive role model for individual brothers.

Build America Continued from Front Page: The Alpha Upsilon chapter has graciously provided the Build America team with lodging at the Drexel residence halls during their stay in Philadelphia on July 11th. Alumni Keith Sheppard has been instrumental in helping to coordinate this weekend stop for BAM. On that Friday, AU alum Stan Schuck will be hosting the team and area alumni at his home for a BBQ. Build America is always in need of sponsorships. If you are interested, please contact Build America Logistics Coordinator Jesus Palma at jpalma@pushamerica or (980) 318-5384. Jeremy Osborne/Jesus Palma

Stan(AU 1974) & Kathy Schuck sponsored a BBQ at THEIR home for Build America

3405 POWELTON PROJECT When it comes to Alpha Upsilon – there is no question about the generosity of our alumni. During the last twenty years you have given funds to rebuild the 3405 Powelton Property twice. Hopefully this will not be required again but the cost of maintaining a property that is over 125 years old and is the year round home for 25 – 30 young men continues to be a challenge. Fortunately we have been able to secure a low interest loan to assist in the completion of the air conditioning project and your donations to the building funds in the past have allowed the majority of the structural work on the house, carriage house, and sidewalks and porches to be addressed - but there continues to be items requiring repair. We have noticed a significant shift in Drexel Policy over the last couple of years, as they have begun to once again recognize the potential of gifts to the university from the Greek community. We all receive the fliers, phone calls, emails, etc. requesting us to give to Drexel. The University has arranged for us to give to Pi Kappa Phi directly by donating to the University and designating Continued at top of Page 3...

F ALL 2014 the gift to the fraternity while still retaining the tax benefits of a contribution to a nonprofit organization. To reiterate the benefits: 

Help maintain the 3405 House through gifts that are limited to either both renovations and repairs directed by the alumni and approved by the university or in support of scholarships. No funding given to these two accounts can be used for any other purpose.


Tax deductible to the Giver under IRS Code


Increases the awareness of Drexel University that Pi Kappa Phi has strong alumni that are concerned with the fraternity and willing to support the fraternity financially – and from their perspective represent potential future donors to the Greater University.


We appreciate that economic times are not the greatest, but are encouraging each alumni to give at least $34.05 to the fraternity through Drexel University each year in response to the University solicitation for financial support.

If you willing to support this initiative earmark your donation by check identify in the "Check Memo Line" - Pi Kappa Phi Fraternity Renovations or Scholarships (based on your preference). If you are donating online you can note your donation for either fund in the additional instructions box. We continue to donate to Drexel University but hope that you will also consider donating to maintain the 3405 House. - with the hope of always having funding available to keep 3405 Powelton in the condition that we will all be proud of.

UPDATE ON CONSTRUCTION PROJECTS - SUMMER 2014 The attached photographs reflect progress on two projects going on at 3405 Powelton Ave The top two photographs reflect the completed repair of the settlement of the steps and landing at the rear of the house back, including a new concrete sidewalk. This project was the result of structural concerns relating to the back porch and with this upgrade the issue has been addressed. The bottom two photographs reflect the addition of an air conditioning unit in the back of the house facing 3409 Powelton. I am sure that many of you spent a summer in Philadelphia and struggled with air conditioning units in the windows, blowing out circuits, and perhaps visits from some of your brothers that didn't have air conditioning units. During the rebuilding of the house following the fire in the 1990's the duct system, the anticipation was that the house should be air conditioning. At that time, it was thought that we would place the air conditioning unit on the roof and it would cool the whole house. Unfortunately money ran out before that plan was implemented. Now the house has air conditioning. The alumni have secured a low interest loan from Pi Kappa Phi Properties (Thank you Tony Noce), and the work is now ongoing. At the last alumni meeting (May 2014), Steve Markley reported that the air conditioning unit was working pretty good on the first and second floor, but maintaining a consistent level of cooling on the third floor was still being addressed. At the time, he reported that it might be necessary to place insulation in the ceiling of the third floor and address air flow issues in the attic. Steve expressed confidence that the issue would be resolved and the house would be thoroughly and efficiently air conditioned soon.




THE DUSAK PUBLISHER The DUSAK of Alpha Upsilon is published and printed by Pi Kappa Phi National Headquarters through the fraternity’s alumni newsletter program.

Pi Kappa Phi Fraternity P.O. Box 240526 Charlotte, NC 28224 (800) 929-1904

CONTACTS ALUMNI CORPORATION OF ALPHA UPSILON CHAPTER OF PI KAPPA PHI FRATERNITY PRESIDENT Matt Claudy ( VICE PRESIDENT Mike Imms ( TREASURER Tony Noce ( Steve White ( SECRETARY Mike Noce ( BOARD OF DIRECTORS Alex Sheppard ( John Plower ( Al Grubert ( Paul Abeln ( Keith Sheppard ( Halsey White ( Ryan Monkman (

Mark Longo ( Stan Norkiewicz ( Mike Varzally ( Mike Sulmone (

Mike Reilly ( FALL 2014 DUSAK COMMITTEE Keith Sheppard ( Alex Sheppard (

B I L L S T E E S A L U M N I R E U N I O N There were lots of stories and reminiscing with a little elixir to wash it all down. Some of the shared old pictures that were brought were great!! And with a few of the photos provided, you'll see that everyone really enjoyed getting together again. A group of ten Alumni converged on Rocky Gap Resort in Cumberland, MD on the weekend of Oct. 25th of last year. Folks hiked the trails, played some golf, hit the casino, and ate and drank while spinning our 40-ish year old tales and embarrassments. Everyone in the group enjoyed the long overdue weekend reunion: Bill and Mary Stees, Bill and Frieda Cooney, Craig Seachrist, Stan Schuck, Rich Hart, Sam and Pam Costa, and Bob Austin. All are looking forward to another gathering soon with an expanded list of brothers able to join in. UPCOMING ALUMNI GOLF OUTING The Alpha Upsilon Alumni Corporation will be hosting our annual Golf Outing, the Towanda Open, on Friday September 12th 2014 at 2:00PM at the Seaview Golf Club in Galloway New Jersey Please view our flyer at: where you will find a link to the registration webpage. The prices are as follows: Alumni & Guests: $125 per person includes Golf, Dinner, Drinks & Prizes Undergraduates: $75 per person Dinner Option Only: $25 per person The course address is: Seaview Golf Club, Bay Course, 401 South New York Road,Galloway, NJ 08205

The dinner will be hosted at: McGettigan’s 19th Hole Bar & Restaurant 500 South New York Road, Galloway, NJ 08205

Upon registering, please indicate if you would like a room reserved: 2 bedroom Condo’s; approximately $65 per person, double occupancy – rooms will be blocked out in advance; payment arrangements will be made at check-in time. Please also indicate if you would like to play on Saturday, September 13th, 2014. Standard green fees will apply and are payable when checking in.

As always, if you have updated contact information or other Brothers' information please send it to me so I can keep maintaining the Alumni database. We currently have 381 working emails of ~1100 living alumni and with your help this number should continue to grow. Additional Alumni Updates The Fall Alumni Meeting will be held at the Fraternity House on October 17, 2014 at 6:30PM Our Linkedin Group Page =%2Eanp_155195_1375026193128_1 Our Facebook Page

F ALL 2014


The following are excerpts from the Drexel University Alumni webpage. The full article can be found at The Peirce Famly: A Drexel Legacy John J. Peirce, PE (BS 1973, MS 1978 civil engineering); Jennifer Peirce Brandt, PE (BS 1995 architectural engineering, BS 1995 civil engineering); John J. Peirce III (BS 2011 eivil engineering); and Caroline "Cari" Peirce (BS 2006 marketing) Between them they have six Drexel degrees, but the Peirce family’s connections to the University go far beyond their diplomas. Between 1973 and 2011, John Peirce and three of his four children graduated from Drexel. John ’73, ’78; his oldest daughter Jen ’95, ’95; and his son Johnny ’11 all graduated from the College of Engineering, while his youngest daughter Cari ’06 chose a slightly different path, graduating with a degree in marketing. (John ‘73 and Johnny ‘11 are both members of Pi Kappa Phi - Alpha Upsilon) John grew up in Philadelphia, his father a police officer and his mother a waitress. As the first member of his immediate family to go to college, he said that he had little guidance and the only thing he was sure of was that he wanted to be involved in construction. “Way back, maybe in the 50’s, Drexel won the GE College Bowl on TV so I thought it must be a good school,” said John. “I was accepted to Drexel and St. Joseph’s University and I got lucky and made the right decision to go to Drexel.” Jen and Johnny decided to go to Drexel to study engineering like their father, and also to play sports and take advantage of Drexel’s Coop program. Cari, who now works in pharmaceutical sales in New Jersey, said that, like her sister, she was also drawn to the field hockey program and liked that Drexel was close to home. Today, John, his wife, and Jen own Peirce Engineering, Inc. in Phoenixville, Pa. which they started in 1992. Peirce Engineering provides construction engineering design services to support and protect existing structures, streets, and adjacent utilities, for the construction of roads, bridges, and buildings. After a few months as a sole proprietor, John approached his wife and Jen about incorporating and as Jen put it, “we all jumped in together.” Making it a true family affair, John III joined the team in 2006. Over the years, Peirce Engineering has played an important role in major construction projects at Drexel including the Recreation Center, the Dornsife Center for Neighborhood Partnerships, Gerri C. LeBow Hall, and the Lancaster Avenue and 34th Street development which broke ground on Nov. 1, 2013. “Basically, what we do is design temporary walls to hold up streets and other buildings so they can start a project without things collapsing,” said John. “It’s nice to be able to say you helped to build something at your own university.” “Now all alumni, John and his children share memories and swap stories and experiences from their days on campus. “There’s such a big chunk of time that at least one of us was at Drexel,” said Johnny. “It comes up almost inevitably when we’re talking about something from our past. If we hang out with friends it’s almost guaranteed to be a mini Drexel reunion.” MEMORIES WANTED Most of the alumni have either read or heard about the history penned by John Diemler that provides us a glimpse of the fraternity up through the end of World War II and the ultimate relocation to 3405 Powelton. The time has come when we need to begin preparing the next chapter of that history. We will of course go through all of the old records available to us, but the real commentary on the chapter house needs to include the memories of events, people, and changes at the fraternity you reminisce about. Fred Schmehl always reflected positively about his time as a brother by sharing stories of singing around the piano and how there was always an open table and available coffee in the kitchen so brothers could sit and talk. Although the historical facts related to our fraternity are important to share, I have also noticed a keen interest from the incoming brothers for our individual stories and memories that allow us to weave together a history of the chapter house over the last six decades. Let's be honest - what we remember is the people and the times we faced together as brothers - not just what gets written in the yearbooks. These memories can include changes in the house (when was the piano removed from the living room, when was the zebra room created, how did the basement get pine paneling), sports (championship teams, rivalries, IFC Championships), social events (May10th Party, Beach Parties, Preakness), Show events ( last Pi Kapp Show, Gong Show, Variety Shows), pledge class activities, etc. I would like to gather these moments and weave them together to provide a historical glimpse to those who will come along after us to show them how the fraternity impacted us as we shared the brotherhood experience. Please take a couple of moments and drop me a note on your memories -




Associate Class Corner Congratulations go out to the newest brothers of Alpha Upsilon Chapter of Pi Kappa Phi Fraternity Iota Class Matthew Scott Fleming Dennis Roy Patrick John Gillen Matthew Alan Franzen Jerry Hoppe McCoy Zachary James Young Derek Alexander Coscia Adam Samir Chaoui Anton Poteryahin

Kappa Christian Matthew Coassin Jeffrey Alex Kirk Sergio Castaneda Alex Robert Hunt Anthony Richard Varenas David Anthony Santarelli Christopher Carmen Rocco Khalid Raed Kaldi

Class Benjamin Edward Stefanides James Anthony D'Arcangelo Justin Benjamin Halpern Joseph Michael Tighe Zachary Robert Silverstein Kyle Christopher Rudolph Corrigan Landry Rayfield Henry James Kovalcik

“Old Spice Guy” Isaiah Mustafa visits Pi Kappa Phi - Alpha Upsilon

` Lambda Class James Patrick Douglas Jr. Adam James Paluskynski Christopher Thomas Mager Walid Baki David Jordan Sanchez Parker Dolan Spiro Christopher Angelo Gibson

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