Zeta Chi - Fall 2007

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In This Issue: Page 1 – President’s Message Page 2 – Events Calendar Page 2 – PUSH Golf Outing Page 3 – Upcoming Events Page 3 – Brother Notes Page 4 – Moments in ZX History Page 5 – Become a Participating Member Page 5 – Help Wanted Page 6 – Registration forms

Nothing Shall Tear Us Asunder As president and VP of communications of the alumni chapter, we send a lot of emails, make a lot of calls, and generally push a lot of information to the brotherhood. Most of the time, we simply have to trust that the people who need and want the information are getting it – for all we know you may have deleted this newsletter already. However, this past month has shown us just how connected we really are. In mid-September, our brother Adam Solomon, was injured in a car accident and rushed to the hospital. Within hours, this news was sent out to the fraternity and calls and notes of concern came rushing back in. Brothers from all over the country contacted us to see what they could do to help Adam, his wife, and their little girl. We were inspired by your response. You all make us proud to be Pi Kapps. Adam is now on the mend, and there is no doubt in our minds that the prayers and outpouring of concern from all of you had a major positive effect. In the army, soldiers train for months before entering into combat. The military goes to great expense to provide the necessary training and equipment to outfit potential fighters. Those soldiers are placed into all types

Zeta Chi Alumni Chapter Newsletter Volume II Issue 1

of simulated combat environments and given a framework of discipline and command structure to fall back on when they eventually find themselves under fire. Even after all of that, no one can predict how a person or unit will react in a real life or death situation until it happens. Moments of extreme hardship crystallize a person’s character and put it on display for everyone else to see. If you ever wonder why you joined Zeta Chi and went through all of those weeks of member ed, look at the body of men who make up this alumni chapter. Even after graduation and changing life circumstances, we still have a fraternal bond. The men who joined ZX to experience that bond – who did and continue to devote themselves to a higher ideal – demonstrate why our chapter and our fraternity exist. We know that this bond is most visible in times of need, but it is always there. We look forward to seeing many of you next week at Albright’s Homecoming. Until then OYDEN DIAS PASEI HMAS. Fraternally yours, Mike Netznik and Jake Weyant 1

Calendar of Events October 5-7 – Homecoming November 9-12 – Las Vegas January 26 – Annual Alumni Meeting in Atlantic City – NEW FORMAT IN 2008! May – Senior Sendoff October ‘08 – Columbus Day Weekend – White Water Rafting

Fall Business Meeting Alumni and active brothers met at North Hall on Saturday September 22 to discuss upcoming elections, events for 2008, and ways to further benefit the alumni chapter. Minutes of this meeting can be found on the alumni website: pikappaphizxalumni.com

Chapter Events 1st Push America Golf Outing a Swinging Success – by Rich Carrione Brothers and neophytes came together on Saturday, July 28, to participate in the Inaugural PUSH America Pennsylvania (PAPA) Classic. Sponsored by the ZX Alumni Chapter and coordinated by the Golf Committee, the PAPA Classic was a big hit with brothers and guests alike. 53 golfers from New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, and Virginia made it a special day for PUSH, and they had a great time in the process. Held at beautiful Golden Oaks Country Club in Fleetwood, Pa., golfers were treated to lunch, a full buffet dinner, prizes, raffles, and of course, 18 holes of great golf. The outing was a scramble format and Mike Presser, Trevor Hamlin, and Mike Presser’s father made up the wining foursome – in this case, threesome. They took home the grand prize (four free rounds of golf at Golden Oaks) with a score of 66. The Diehl clan, a heavy favorite entering the event, finished second with a 68, and the rest of the pack fell somewhere behind. Brothers used to events, where the language can be salty enough to make a sailor blush, were treated to a professional outing where nary a bad word was heard throughout the day, save the occasional observation of a bad golf shot. “I had a great time today. The outing was a blast. I’m looking forward to playing again next year,” said Brian Gehris, brother of Golf Committee member Wayne ZX91. Lou DeLuccia ZX197, father of Jim ZX159, said that “I’d definitely like to sponsor a hole next year, and I’m going to bring some of my friends out for this event. It’s a beautiful course and the outing was well worth the drive.” Girlfriends and mothers also joined the fun, rounding out quite a few teams. Special thanks go out to the PAPA sponsors – Coil World Magazine, Warm Thoughts Communications, Rich Carrione, the ZX Alumni Chapter, and Mike Netznik – who helped to make the day a great success. You can visit pikappaphizxalumni.com to see pictures of the event. You’ll also find information about next year’s outing, scheduled for Saturday, June 21st. Registration is open for the 2nd PAPA Classic, so visit the web site and register online.

Zeta Chi Alumni Chapter Newsletter Volume II Issue 2


Upcoming Events Homecoming – 5-6 October Come out and join the chapter for a day of tailgating, football, and meeting up with friends and brothers. The school is even providing lunch on Saturday. This is a special Homecoming for brothers of the class of 2002 (5 year reunion) and brothers who were POPs. Both groups will meet at the Brass Lantern on Saturday evening. Third Annual Zeta Chi Business Meeting in Atlantic City – 26 January 2008 This year’s meeting will take place in the afternoon. This allows for some extra sleep-in time for those brothers that want to partake of the Atlantic City’s diversions on Friday night. As usual we will begin the weekend at the Irish Pub on Friday evening, hold the business meeting on Saturday afternoon, and then have dinner together. The Alumni Chapter has budgeted to help pay for food on Friday and Saturday evening. Elections will also be held this year for the first time since the alumni chapter’s chartering. You will soon receive an email listing the current nominees and offering the opportunity to put other names on the slate. Come out and join us for a full weekend of fun and fraternity. White Water Rafting – October 2008 (Columbus Day Weekend) Join Bryan Mulvihill and plenty of other brothers for a weekend in West Virginia on the Gauley river. The weekend includes meals, most equipment, and great rafting. Even beginners are able to participate given the two-day format. The cost is expected to be around $250 for the full weekend. You can email Bryan at mulvazx101@yahoo.com for more details. Alumni Spotlight Recently Married Andrew Ker John Kane Bryan Platt

Expecting Or New Dads • Brett Myers and his wife Jen welcomed Addison Grace to their family this past March. • Mike Landes and his wife Megan are expecting a new little Landes in the near future. Look for more details in the Spring Newsletter.

Brother Notes Brother Abroad – Nick Pagano has finally had enough nose jokes and has fled the country. He and his girlfriend Amanda have gone to Marburg, Germany for Nick to complete his doctorate degree. Knapp Time – Blake Knapp has landed a job with a local newspaper as a graphics designer. He is also well on the road to recovery from recent back surgery. Albright Addition – Bill Gusler has recently joined the Development Staff at Albright College. For the sake of our wallets, we hope he won’t be as good at fundraising for the college as he has been for PUSH. Deep in the Heart of Texas – Mike DeFelice has moved to Texas as part of his duties as a Captain and dentist in the U.S. Air Force. One of the first lessons we learned in Zeta Chi is that we are all interconnected within the fraternity. The actions of one brother affect the lives of us all. The Alumni Spotlight is an opportunity for the entire Alumni body to learn of the life changes and accomplishments of its members. Please share any personal announcements that you would like to see in this section of the newsletter. All content can be sent to Jake Weyant, VP of Communications (harryjamer@aol.com) Zeta Chi Alumni Chapter Newsletter Volume II Issue 2


Top 20 ZX Moments ΣΑΕ and ΠΚΦ at the Races The moon was bright as I hiked through the woods. ΣΑΕ had challenged us to a keg race and in order to avoid administrative entanglements, we were to meet on the wooded path beyond Deer Path and close to the Jewish Community Center. The evening was pleasant and everyone was doing their best to promote intra-fraternity relations when three dark figures appeared on the path from the direction of the school. A hush fell among the more than 40 men. The three newcomers, sensing they had been seen, spread out and flipped on their flashlights. “Freeze!” came a voice of command. No other word could have worked so quickly to do just the opposite. Brothers dove into the woods and scattered in all directions. I hadn’t had a drop of beer, but that didn’t stop me from bolting through undergrowth and scrambling up a hill. I looked around and occasionally caught glimpses of men darting from behind trees and vaulting rocks. I felt like a member of a routed army – running to avoid the vengeful attack of the conquering horde. I eventually returned to the House and collapsed in A1 to await news from the other survivors. Meanwhile the conquering horde, three Muhlenberg police officers, captured the keg and half a dozen people too drunk to run. Because those six were the only ones to obey their command, they and the keg were escorted to an apartment in Deer Path and given a stern warning to avoid keg races in the woods. They were the lucky ones. One of our brothers vaulted the fence separating the woods from Route 12 and earned a Purple Heart during the maneuver with a nasty gash to his palm. He still has the scar today. The rest of the brotherhood survived the adventure unscathed. The evening taught me a few things: 1) Always know your escape routes in any beer-related situation 2) Carry a pair of work gloves if there is even a remote possibility you will need to vault a chainlink fence 3) Never underestimate the ability of a Pi Kapp to “run really fast.” This column is a new addition to the newsletter. Each issue we will print any candidates for the Top 20 Moments in ZX History. After a few issues, we will have a poll on the website to vote for the top 20 moments. Please submit your candidates to Jake Weyant – harryjamer@aol.com

Zeta Chi Alumni Chapter Newsletter Volume II Issue 2


You ARE and ALWAYS Will be an Active Member of Pi Kappa Phi – Zeta Chi Now It’s Time for the Next Step We Want You to Become a Participating Member All Brothers who graduated in good standing are automatically Active Members of the Alumni Chapter and welcome at any and all events – Participating brothers get extra perks and the privilege to vote for only $25 a year.

Benefits for Participating Members Include: • Eligible to vote at Alumni Chapter business meetings • Discounts at Alumni events • A tangible sign of your continuing commitment to ZX • And much, much more How Do I Join? For those who wish to be participating members of the alumni chapter, dues for 2007 are $25. Jim DeLuccia will be handling the chapter's finances. Please make checks payable to Pi Kappa Phi Zeta Chi Alumni and send to: Jim DeLuccia 407 Gregorys Way Voorhees, NJ 08043 Should you have any questions, you can call him at (609) 828-7974.

Help Wanted Ads Photography: We are in need of a volunteer or volunteers to chronicle alumni events. Even if you are only coming out to one activity, bring along your camera and help preserve our heritage. If you are interested in helping, please contact Jake (harryjamer@aol.com) Writers: If you are Proud to be a Pi Kapp – share some of your experiences. The newsletter is incorporating articles from brothers who wish to share some of their memories with the rest of the chapter. Also, the newsletter can always use new contributors. If you would like to participate, contact Jake (Harryjamer@aol.com) Recruiting: The alumni chapter measures its success by the number of quality experiences it creates. Those experiences are fueled by brother involvement. We welcome and encourage you all to participate in a few of the activities that are coming up this year. If you would like to help in the recruiting process, contact Darren Was, Recruitment Chair.

Zeta Chi Alumni Chapter Newsletter Volume II Issue 2


ZETA CHI ALUMNI CHAPTER Annual Membership Form JOIN NOW! Membership in the Zeta Chi Alumni Chapter helps to underwrite the ongoing costs of publishing the Zeta Chi Alumni Newsletter and other initiatives to help Zeta Chi alumni stay connected to each other and their fraternity. Instructions: Complete the form below and return along with your $25 check or money order to: Jim DeLuccia 407 Gregorys Way Voorhees, NJ 08043 In an effort to keep production costs low, we are encouraging all Zeta Chi alumni who have an active e-mail address to consider receiving the Zeta Chi Alumni Newsletter in an electronic format. Future editions of the newsletter will be sent in PDF format. Please check the box below indicating your preference. Leave the square blank to receive a hard copy in the mail.

□ I would prefer to receive future editions of the Zeta Chi Data in an electronic format. In 2006, the Zeta Chi Alumni Chapter will be launching a web site dedicated to promoting alumni events and facilitating more effective alumni communication. An “opt-in” is required to post your listing.

□ I would like to have my name, initiation year, and e-mail address listed on the Zeta Chi Alumni Chapter web site. PRIVACY AGREEMENT: By providing the above personal information, I understand and consent to such information being shared with the records departments of Pi Kappa Phi Fraternity and the Zeta Chi Alumni Chapter. Questions regarding the Zeta Chi Alumni Chapter should be directed to: Alumni Chapter President Mike Netznik msnsih@hotmail.com cell: 484-332-1617 Contributions or gifts to the Zeta Chi Alumni Chapter are not deductible as charitable contributions for federal income tax purposes This questionnaire will be used for updating and maintaining contact information for the Alumni Chapter, as well as for the Undergraduate Chapter.

NAME: ________________________________ DATE OF BIRTH: ______________________ ADDRESS: ___________________________________________________________________ PHONE NUMBERS: Home: _______________________________________________ Cell: _________________________________________________ Work: ________________________________________________ E-MAIL ADDRESS: _____________________________________________________________ AOL IM SCREEN NAME: _________________________________________________________ INITIATION NUMBER: ___________________________________________________________ INITIATION CLASS: _____________________________________________________________ NICKNAME: ___________________________________________________________________ MAJOR WHILE AT ALBRIGHT: ____________________________________________________ CURRENT JOB TITLE: ___________________________________________________________ CURRENT EMPLOYER: __________________________________________________________ SIGNIFICANT ACCOMPLISHMENTS: ________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ FAMILY UPDATES (Marriage, Children, Significant other, etc.): ____________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ This form can also be emailed to Alumni Chapter Secretary Bryan Mulvihill: mulvazx101@yahoo.com

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