The EAGLE (Vol. 09, Issue 01)

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Can the Pow STAFF EDITORS-IN-CHIEF: Aikin Ytang; Jayson A. Lampano ASSOCIATE EDITORS: Jay Bluza; Julie Ann Romerosa COLUMN EDITORS: Junrey Sullano; Flora Mae Rabor NEWS EDITORS: Charles Yanson; Joan Francisco

WHAT'S INSIDE? EDITORIAL (2) Can the Power of Writing Change the History? That is the Question… NEWS (4) CMC Sportsfest 2015; C.O.C. (Clash of Cheer dancers); Nutrition Month Celebration COLUMN (6) Writer’s Draft; What to Remember in Writing Composition


LITERARY EDITOR: Raffy Ubac LAYOUT ARTIST : Rudolf Rainer Acosta

PHOTOJOURNALISTS: Gessa Mae Aira Abilong; John Edmar Javinez MANAGING DIRECTORS: Judy Ann Tayactac; Jessa Francisco CIRCULATION MANAGERS: Shanie Abejuela; Maurish Mae Mapula ACCT. MANAGERS: Winefredo Paghubasan; Gredin Mae Tan

WRITERS: Alexis Gallego; Renalyn Esparrago; Cyril Arizala; Christian Delapeña; Erwin Antonio; Echiel Mae Bringuela; Geralyn Alboro;Jake Bryle Gabilan; Cheryl Fuentes; recious Dianne Cabanilla; Reymond Pante; Armela Peralta; John Mark Abejuela; Riza Joy Gemida; Leonardo Arizala; Wowie Becarie; Bongo Carlos; Aileen Nuñez

CONTRIBUTOR: Mark Anthony B. Bailon ADVISER: Era Menchavez Dela Peña


SPORTS EDITORS: Serafin Grajo; Joevi Malipot

CARTOONISTS: Arturo Grafilo; Pancho Samson

FEATURE (7) Be Heard... Be Strong...Be Proud... Patience Blood of Salvation LITERARY (10) HAPPINESS IS… BEST BLESSINGS; BRANCH OF TREE

FEATURE EDITORS: Jovelyn Hermosa; Jenny Solana



That is the W

riting defines as a method of representing language in a visual or tactile form in order to produce and record words in a form that can be read and understood by an individual. Complete writing must play its great purpose and that is to communicate toward others to persuade or to argue with them. But can the power of writing really convey? Can the power of writing change the history? Does the power of words can change the life of an individual? That is the question. If we are going to trace back the history of our country, there we can see the reality that we are under the bondage of slavery, threatened like an animal for almost three hundred thirty three years. During this long period of time, we didn’t feel even the small drops of our freedom and has no one in this country having the valour to rise on the hind legs and just opted to pretend and set back as if nothing great things are happening outside the four corner of our home. Poor little Simon for the time of his devastation is very near because the birth of Dr.Jose Rizal is prophesied. He travelled to other nation and developed his expertise in various fields. Living afar from his own country. But it didn’t hinder him from writing various articles intended for publishing until he made "Noli Metangere" and "El Filibusterismo" that became popular. He exposed through the intervention of these novels of what kind of government that the Spaniard implemented and also he exposed the discrimination between the estudiante de kastila and estudiante de Filipino in terms of giving fair and quality education (NoliMetangere). At his second novel, he exposed the crocked and rotten governance of the friars towards their people. They use their “sotana” and their position in the church to cover up their wickedness behind the pulpit (El Filibusterismo).That’s why when Jose Rizal of Calamba,Laguna has been assassinated, it is the period of awakening of the sleeping spirit of many Filipinos to fight back the rotten governance of the Spaniards. They never stop until that freedom we are longing for a long period of time will not be at hand. The

wer of Writing


hange the History?

e Question… freedom that we are enjoying today like reading this article is the same freedom that Jose Rizal fought for together with the Filipino people long time ago in order for us- young generation; who will not suffer for the same thing. In this situation, we are amazed by the power of words of how it brings impact toward the history of a nation. In every flick of a pen, it gives flame of fire to awaken the sleeping spirit of the people to make them realize that now is the time for a great revolution. Therefore, pen is mightier than sword. Another good illustration to prove that writing could really change the history and the life of an individual is the Bible. The Bible that every Christian believes for is the complete expression of God’s love towards humanity and His great plan of salvation to a fallen world. It is said that the writing of the books of the Bible began after 1500 BC. The Bible is the collection of writings and the earliest one were set down nearly 3500 years ago. The first five books of the Old Testament are called Pentateuch (Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy) which are written by Moses. At this point, we could oversee of how wonderful the Bible which is written by different writers in the past millennium through the guidance of the Holy Spirit that until now we trust for it is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness so that the servant of God be thoroughly equipped for every good work (2 Timothy 3:1617). In order for us to reach the green pasture that God has planned over 3500 years ago. In other countries most particularly in Middle East, South Korea, China and Russia, having a Bible is subjected to put to death or imprisonment. Believing and trusting the Words of God is highly prohibited. “The translation of the Bible into English is a story in itself on how people suffered death. Some are burned at the sake of translating the Bible in a language spoken by the common masses. The Romans who wanted to maintain their gods and goddesses persecuted the early church, collecting and burning the early Bible nearly two thousand years ago, the communists in Russia, China and North Korea did the same thing, forbidding the Bible, burning copies and persecuting Christians who trust in the Words”. (Wikipedia) In this sense, the Bible became an issue. How does a simple book written by different writers in accordance to their time, brings great impact in the government of the nations to come up with such great actions- to kill those who trust in the Word, to forbid the reading of the Bible in the public, to persecute the early church, and to burn those copies? Worldly speaking, this Bible that they are arguing with is having no different from other books that we are reading like Uncle Tom’s Cabin, Things Fall Apart, Common Sense, etc. which are very helpful to humanity and are not prohibited to study and to meditate. But why is it if the “Bible” is the center of the said discussion it seems like their ears are irritated?

Therefore, writing is the hardest work in the world. In Every flip of a pen it seems like a flame of fire to keep their fiery emotions burning. Eventhough, there are many people who oppose and persecute a writers to refrain from writing, to expose everything that need to be exposed, but still nothing could stop them. It seems like a water that you could not snag. The more you snag it, the more it looks for a leak to overflow to let the people know of what is right and what is wrong. To let them see, to let them know that we are not afraid to expose everything as for the people and for the people. Knowledge brings power. Pen is mightier than the sword. “For the Word of God is alive and active-sharper than any double edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrows; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart”-Hebrews 4:12.

“Words are pale shadows of forgotten names as names have power, words have power. Words can light fires in the every mind of men. Words can wring tears from the hardest heart” -Patrick Rothfus

JUNE - OCTOBER 2015 • Vol. IX • Issue No. I








he Cataingan Municipal College (CMC ) Intramural meet was held on September 8-11, 2015 at the Cataingan Astrodome for the special events, board and racket games,Literature Music Dance (LitMusDa) and at Cataingan National High School (CNHS) for the track and field events. The said event started with a parade around the town orderly participated by the CMC colours, CMC drum and Lyre corps, CMC executive meet officials, unit managers, instructors and all unit 1-6 assisted by the CBSG Officers. The aim of this Intramural Program in CMC is to provide an outlet for the students to stay active, mentally and physically healthy, and to have fun either outside or inside the school according to the Memorandum #1-Series of 2015.

The said event comprises the six (6) competing units with its composition, to wit: Unit 1 Unit 2 Unit 3 Unit 4 Unit 5 Unit 6

(Blue) The Strikers (Green) The Green Pythons (Purple) The Elixirs (Red) Vanquishers (Pink) The Fighting Falcons (Yellow) Torch Defenders

All Freshmen BEED All Freshmen BSED All 2nd Yr. BEED All 2nd Yr. BSED and All AB All 3rd Yr. and 4th Yr. BEED All 3rd and 4th BSED

Below is the final result garnered by each units from special events, track events, board and racket games, ball games and LitMusDa: Over All Champion: 1st Runner - Up: 2nd Runner - Up: 3rd Runner - Up: 4th Runner - Up: 5th Runner - Up:


Unit 5 (Pink) The Fighting Falcons Unit 4 (Red) Vanquishers Unit 3 (Purple) The Elixirs Unit 6 (Yellow) Torch Defenders Unit 2 (Green) The Green Pythons Unit 1 (Blue) The Strikers





“We came, we saw, we conquered!!! ”


he last performance showed by all third and fourth year BSED students (Unit 6 The Torch Defenders), the defending champion in cheer dancing competition conquered other five (5) competing Units/ teams (Strikers, Green Pythons, Elixirs, Vanquisher and Falcon Fighters). The Cheerdancers showed their extra stunt and organized routines plus a loud upbeat music to get the crowd into it that usually ranging from one to four minutes of cheers. The cheer dance squads incorporated a specific dance styles like freestyle, hip-hop, jazz or lyrical and technical works such as tumbling, leaps, turns, kicks, splits, and jumps. The cheer dance competition was successfully done at Cataingan Astrodome, day of September 8, 2015 and showed remarkable moment and event to all Cmcians.

Nutrition Month Celebration by: CHARLES YANSON


he Cataingan Municipal College (CMC) celebrated Nutrition Month with the Theme. “Timbang Iwasto sa Tamang Nutrisyon at Ehersisyo” on July 31, 2015 successfully held at the Cataingan Cultural Sports Center (CCSC). The said event started with a parade around the town at exactly 8:00AM from Cataingan National High School (CNHS) to Cataingan Astrodome with participants of the Local Government Unit (LGU) officials, Rural Health Unit (RHU) staffs, CMC instructors and students, teachers and students of elementary and secondary level respectively. The goal of the said celebration is to give alert about the

individual health status. In line with the celebration, different contests were competed like poster-making, slogan and mascot contest participated by students of elementary, secondary and college. Indeed, the Municipal Health Representative/ Officer, Dr. Allen G. Ching together with the RHU Staffs gave tips and information on how to fight the malnutrition within the Municipality.

JUNE - OCTOBER 2015 • Vol. IX • Issue No. I




writer's draft

by: Jovelyn A. Hermosa


was staring on the blank page of my paper, holding my pen and thinking what to write. I was quite disappointed of the thought that no single idea had come into my mind. So I started to write, “My mind is blank, I don’t know what to write”… again and again until the whole space was fully occupied. I looked at the paper once more then ideas popped into my mind.

I wrote anything that comes in my mind. Randomly! Some are even nonsense but who cares? I supposed,writing is an art of expression. Just like painters, writers can write abstract writings too. Wherein only those who choose to understand can understand. Writing is a life… no matter how beautiful, how convincing and how good your writing is, there are some critics who would still find flaws to criticize, dislike or even degrade what you have written. It’s inevitable! But don’t let such things discouraged you because that is the life behind writing. You cannot please everybody as much as you wanted to. Write still, however. Think of those people who appreciate your works and let them serve as your inspiration. Let the critics criticize your writings until they find reason to appreciate it. Many famous writers had been on a tougher situation than some aspiring writers like you and I are experiencing. Take Jane Austen as one. Everybody knows the rejections she’d got before she finally found the people who trusted her work. The bottom line is never give up! Strive harder for what you believe. Believe in your ideas, in yourself and love what you are doing. Most importantly, learn to deal with the grudges that were being tied to every writers- the harsh criticisms and rejections. Being a writer means involving yourself in a grisly and chaotic world. Basically, you're under surveillance and your writings serve as your defender. I remembered someone asked me, “Why don’t writers just stop writing if it is difficult and dangerous for them?” Will you stop



breathing just because you find it hard to breathe…? Or will you stop living just because you are afraid to face danger?” Writing is the writers’ way of life, if they will stop to write then they are torturing themselves by not letting their ideas and perceptions yet out of their minds.

Writing is an art. To capture the heart of your readers, write from your heart. Let your readers find the authenticity of your ideas. Pretending that you knew everything will not make you a better writer. A better writer is not just knowledgeable but also dependable. In the sense of considering his/her readers needs and feeling. The comfort that the readers are looking should be given to them through your writings. Though sometimes writers cannot totally feed up the expectations of the readers. Nevertheless, communication between the writer and the reader is more important. Let your ideas grow by sharing it to the readers. At this very moment, I myself certainly knew that others are not pleased with my work. Well, maybe some appreciated it too. That’s part of writing. None to be blamed. At least I had written what I wanted to write. You can do it too! Feel free to express yourself in writing. As what C. Joybell C. said, “The only way we can live is if we grow. The only way that we can grow is if we change. The only way that we can change is if we learn. The only way we can learn is if we are exposed. And the only way that we can become exposed is if we throw ourselves out into the open. ”Do it. Throw yourself”. Take a risk to write!


Heard Strong Proud


to remember O in writing a Cby:omposition Jay Bluza


riting has always been a challenge for me. But it is something I love to do and passionate of. It is the only way to express the emotions inside of me. Whenever I feel alone, I just write anything that comes into my mind. It is sometimes my remedy, relief and at least makes me happy. INSPIRATION – it is the first thing to consider in writing. To think of something that will inspire you. You’ll find it difficult to start without this. This can help you think of many ideas about your chosen topic. You will enjoy every moment and will not get bored while writing. DICTION – our choice of words will always matter. Using appropriate words and figurative languages will add art and beauty to the composition you are writing. It is important for a writer to choose the words that will help the readers easily understand the meaning you want to convey. This will help in getting their interest. BACKGROUND – as a writer to have at least a little knowledge about the subject will make it easy. This will make your work environment fast when you have information about it. We should be prepared and be open-minded if necessary. Always remember those things whenever you are going to write and if you're going to write, for sure, your composition will be successful.


by: Winefredo Q. Paghubasan Jr.

ne day, as I woke up, I suddenly remember a line from one of the soundtracks of a Disney film entitled Lemonade Mouth. It was like; “Be heard. Be strong. Be proud!” Then, a feeling visited my own perception carrying a question; “What if someone is to live that way? Would there be a change of anything or something?”

Be heard.

Everyone wants to spill every single idea they have in their mighty mind, but no one listens. Why? Because everyone’s got their own businesses to attend to, thereby this person develops some signs of withdrawal. He doesn’t speak very often. H e eventually loses his self-confidence because he thinks that no one will ever lend their ears to what he is saying. He is afraid that someone might stab him with massive criticisms and insults. Oftentimes, he chooses to be quiet. But the world is not deaf. The whole humanity is not deaf. Speak for what you believe is right; speak for what your heart believes. If someone will knock you down and critics will slap you with their worst attack then be it. After all, you’re just a human, failures and trials are part of life.

Be strong.

How can you, if everything around you is already gone? How can you tell yourself “I’ll be fine” if the only thing that didn’t leave you is your shadow? Well, just think that everything happens for a reason, you may not be able to control it, but if you fight the odds whatever it is that comes your way, you can stand as firm as the Narra tree, ready to face the worries of the world.

Be proud.

You may be one of those type of person, who considers himself as a freak, who often hates himself, who often regrets every single chapter of his very life, but no! You are beautiful. If everything happens for a reason, then no doubt God has His reason why He created you, a little bit unique than other people around you. Your inabilities are not hindrances for you to meet your goals, for you to succeed. It is indeed, a challenge for you to do your very best. You can be who you wanted to be. Believe in yourself and ride on your dreams. Chin-up and tell everyone.

“I am who I am”

No one can change your views until you change them yourself. No one can make you feel out-of-place unless you allow yourself to feel it. No one can make you feel worthless unless you consider yourself as one. As what Eleanor Roosevelt once said, “No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.” Speak for what you believe in. Stand tall and as firm as the strongest tree. Be who you are and forget about the haters It’s not you who have the problems, anyway. It is them.

JUNE - OCTOBER 2015 • Vol. IX • Issue No. I




E C N E I T A P o n a p m a L n o s y a J : by W

hat is patience? When we hear this word “Patience” we usually think one of those situations that get into our nerves “I really have to be patient with this person”.

Patience is primarily a virtue of man’s soul; God bestows this greatness on man, we often say that God possesses it, that God is patient, for He as a good father, waits for the repentance of the sinners. So, although God cannot suffer, and patience surely has its name from suffering and enduring, we believe in a patient God and acknowledge Him to be such, from a human-purely ethical-point of view, patience is necessary for any person; it seems logical that we should bear difficult to compensate for the evil we have done. But this motive is not all about patience. We have the power to overcome on patience; we rely on sheer will power or self-control of negative emotions to overcome difficulties. The lord has been so incredibly patient with us; if we live the virtue of patience we will find the way in achieving victory. In connection with this Cataingan Municipal College instructor spoke on patience; Sir Richard C. Ching.

“For me, patience is a virtue. It gives us some rewarding moments as we wait for the right time. It is actually the value we need to develop for we to spare fruits of our own labor.Patience is waiting for the right moment. ©



Sir Richard C. Ching Vice President Student Affairs

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© the

N O I T A V L A S F Oa

D Peñ O a l e nD ByL: CO hristia b


e’ve been amazed for the nonsense works of this world of temptation, and tend to forget that we, ourselves is one of a great miracle around our simple nature.

“Some of the people, who failed in life, are those people who don’t read and are lacking of instructions of life”. Instructions that can change the way you think, believe and the priorities on how you live. (Bible)



The Bible say’s in Joel 2:30-32 Acts 2:19-20 that;

“And I will cause wonders in the heaves above And signs on the earth below. Blood and fire and clouds of smoke. The sun will become dark and the moon will turn red before that great and glorious day of the Lord arrives.” The moon will turn blood red or the “Blood Moon” In the ancient times, it happens only in every one hundred years or one century. But how mysterious it is that in a couple of years it happened and shall happen four times with a gap of only consecutive months. For it will served as an a warning for the Love of God in four directions of earth, the North, South, East and West. The first blood moon happened on April 15, 2014, when Israel celebrating their feast of Passover. The second one was on October 8, 2014. Then a solar eclipse occurred on March 20, 2015. The third blood moon was on September 4, 2015 where the Philippines witnessed it. And the Last blood moon happened on September 23, 2015. And on November 15-19, 2015, there will be a great total eclipse where the sun will give no light.

This all was confirmed by National Aeronautic Space Administration (NASA), and obviously in what Bible says. But the question is…after this last blood moon and five dark days, what will be the next? If the end will come, very soon, are you sure if where to go? God doesn’t want to end up the world too early, for He is still waiting for you to accept Him. But now, these signs and wonders happen not to shake you, nor to frighten you but to alarm you. Are you ready?

JUNE - OCTOBER 2015 • Vol. IX • Issue No. I

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by: Jay Bluza


appiness is not measurable, neither profitable nor tradable. Yet, above all else in this world, it is what people seek. We want to have happiness a lot of it. But happiness, just like air and water, is a hard thing to grasp in one’s hand. It is intangible. So what happiness truly means? Happiness is not measured by material wealth. It can never be bought nor asked. A new car, a television or a three level house does not equate to joyful feelings. They are only status symbols that make others assume they are happy, but they do not guarantee a happy life. As such, an old cliché goes,

“Money can’t buy happiness” is often heard because it is true. Sometimes, we feel happy with no particular reason. We feel it yet we don’t know why. It is something that is hard to explain. So when can we really say that we are happy? Like we should have goals in life. In order to achieve it, we have to be at our best. Being passionate to whatever we aim to do will take us to success. In that way, we will be able to obtain the happiness we seek. As they say, “Patience is a virtue”. We should bear in our minds that there is more to life than just complaining. In the end, it is us who create our own happiness. Happiness is not just about having smile on our faces or putting smile on someone’s face; it is not about the laughter we shared with friends or the reading of a sweet message from a lover. It is not just about kissing our parent’s forehead or helping others in finding solutions with their problems. But it is about achieving goals and purposes not through money, but through the efforts we exerted. That is how we could be truly happy. To be happy knowing that after all the endeavors we’ve made, we’ve reached the top or should I say, we succeed.

Happiness, a simple word, yet so hard to define. But whatever definitions we have about it, our choice to be happy is all that.




by: Princess C. Lomotos You’re being scolded Surely, you’re being loved. Your parents are your guard If they’re observing on you, give thanks to God. You are old enough? No kid you’re not! If you think you know everything, I’m telling you, totally not! Your parents are the ones who’s old enough; They’re the ones who know everything, don’t ever forget that. Be happy that they noticed your mistakes; It only means they care a lot; Baby, you are not perfect. They’re the mess who can make you just that. Being annoyed by their noise and advice? Well, someday you’ll be missing that Take a look at their faces; feel in your heart; They’re the best blessings in your life. Don’t hate them, you never had the right. It’s your mother who had the title; It’s your father who had the power; Obey them! That’s your biggest part.


BRANCH OF TREE by: Shanie P. Abejuela

I was just another branch of a tree, Like others, I want to be free To hang out; stroll the world of wonders, go for gold. Hanging around; searching for love, Be not afraid, as free as a dove To reach out for the sky above. Learn to laugh, cry, and again, to love.

For God created things we see, Don’t stop for a tiny bee, Lift thy head; go on with the breeze, Move with the rhythm, don’t ever freeze. Cycle of life turns upside down, Push the things that put you down. Pull up the right ones, stay uptight, Hold on with all thy might!


A D V I S E R ’ S P A G E

THOUGHTS... “The pen is mightier than the sword”.


hus, Edward George Bulwer-Lytton wrote; and was passionately embraced by our very own national hero Dr. Jose Rizal. And he was able to prove it indeed, which cost his very life ! In this modern day and age, is the adage still applicable and relevant? I think so in some aspect, with a big leap of modifications as to tool employed. Like we have the virtual world of internet. We can post, write our appreciation and vent our thoughts, grievance within the tip of our computer keyboards. And remarkably we will see “proof” within seconds! By the number of likes, comments it generates. Some “post’ (may it be written word, a picture, a video), can even go viral with the unlimited spectrum of “readers”! On the other hand, I would love to share with you the rather different facet of the “power” of written word in the succeeding thoughts. According to Scott Scanlon, “the written word is one of the most persuasive tools ever invented by humankind…There’s something magical about the written word …” He added “writing has beneficial effects to the writer… so is the written word! It has an intangible effect and power and influence to its readers. It cuts both ways…” In fact, Amber Bauer, ASCO staff, said there is scientific research showing that expressing your innermost thoughts and feelings can reduce stress and promote a range of other physical, emotional, and social benefits.. Having said that—I would want to continue to write solely espousing the latter… And with same aspirations and line of thought, The Eagle/Ang Agila would rather choose to focus on in this first issue and unto its coming publications (with God’s help)! As adviser of school paper, I would like to appreciate the extra effort of new staff led by Jayson Lampano and Aikin Ytang, and the rest, in filling in the “very big shoes” left by the “most able staff” headed by Melojean Lazaro, Pim Bailon, Flurence Hermosa, and former staff.

I would like to thank Melo, Pim... with them, I felt I was on high ground and almost went into oblivion that I had to let you go! Your batch is the best I knew of—in publication content and design!! Congratulations guys and it’s been a pleasure having you... Of course I welcome with open arms, the new staff and pray we can make it together. I believe we will… Lastly, I would like to gladly report to the CMCians, that part of the approved work and financial plan for The Eagle/Ang Agila for November 2014-March 2015, that means collection for 2nd semester 2014-2015 were funded for: a. bulletin boards; b. 1 unit of Cannon DSLR; c. 1 unit of EPSON LCD (All for the trainings and seminars for The Eagle/Ang Agila staff ) d. 1 set of computer with printer e. Publication expense. The remaining collections for 1st and 2nd semesters for 2015-2016 are still with the office of the treasurer awaiting pertinent documents and papers for disbursement.

With that, I would gladly look forward to seeing--The Eagle/Ang Agila: “Aiming high! Soaring nowhere else but UP! God bless everyone! See you next issue (ejmdelapena)

Era M. Dela Peña

JUNE - OCTOBER 2015 • Vol. IX • Issue No. I

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PRANKS by: White Fang

Pranks have a nasty habit of backfiring on you, so don’t blame us if you get grounded for this.


This is a great revenge prank for a teenage like you… Get all your sis or bro’ stuff and set up a table outside your house with a “Garage Sale” sign. Don’t actually sell anything though- just enjoy them freaking when they find your “Best perform Ukay-ukay”.

SWEET REVENGE... Grab the salt shaker and fill it with sugar if you don’t have a shaker at least a container of sugar and then… Yep you guessed it… fill the sugar container with salt then back and soak up the squirms as your family and friends try their food. Try not to giggle too much before they take a bite or you’ll give it away.

WHATA PAINT! Find a place where everybody loves to sit (WARNING! Don’t try it on CMC). Then put some paint on your butt or any part of your body pretending that you’ve seated a fresh. Remember, wait for a victim as they seat beside you voila!!!... Watch as that check for their butt too.

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