Pink Bow City Magazine Issue #11 - February 2014 Pin Up Girls Retro Fashion

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editor Keona Tranby

designer Dan Ferro

writers The Vintage Doll Isabelle Gloria & Elaine Valerie Suzy Starliner Buttercream Bettie Mikaila Von Merr

submissions mailing address PO Box 1096 Venice, CA 90294


3 Holly Danger MUAH by Ashley Maclean Photography by Vintage Girl Studios 6~7 Bella Nightmare Miss Missy Photography


26 ~ 29 Masuimi Max Vestige Photography Hair & Styling by Madame Pompadour assisted by Kahley Keefer

8 ~ 13 Cherry Dollface Vestige Photography 14 ~ 15 Isabelle Gloria & Elaine Valerie

34 ~ 39 Doe Deere

16 ~ 19 Fräulein Pünktchen The Elderwood Photography

40 ~ 43 Stephanie Castro Vestige Photography Hair by Madison Jane

24 ~ 25 The Vintage Doll Vivid Eye Candy Photography



30 ~ 33 Ashley Edison Vestige Photography Hair by J Monique MUA Lis Krebs Set Design Tom Duttrey

20 ~ 23 Olivia Felix Vixen Photography Hair by Madison Jane


44 ~ 45 Olivia Dantes Marisa Pike Photography Lingerie by Artifice Clothing 46 ~ 47 Suzy Starliner Dynamite Dames Photography MUAH Vintage Flair Lingerie by Lucy B


48 ~ 49 Brianna Mooney Jen Schiefer Photography MUAH Valerie Jean Stanovich of Vintage Veils 50 ~ 51 Jolee Blon Vestige Photography MUA Kelly Lang Hair by Tara Alexander 52 ~ 53 Jessabelle Thunder Jenna Kraczek Photography 54 ~ 55 Buttercream Bettie Varga Photography MUAH by Rat Rod Rosie 56 ~ 57 Kandy K Radiant Inc Photography Dress by Steady Clothing Hair by Heads Will Roll Salon Flower by NicCoCocreations 58 ~ 65 Mikaila Von Merr Audrey Simper Photography



Every month we hold a pin-up contest on our Facebook page ( for the chance for aspiring pin-up models & photographers to be featured right here in our magazine!! To enter in our next Facebook contest for your chance to be featured, email your best pin-up photo & credits to:!

December 2013

1st Miss Amber La Roux Scott Clark Photography

2nd Melanie Estrada Suse Silva Photography


# P I N K B O W C I T Y





photo Miss Missy Photography


C H E R R Y D O L L F A C E photographer Vestige Photography wardrobe styling Pinup Revival set design Desiree Robba


M Y L O V E L Y V A L E N T I N E a pretty way to hand over your present

So, what are you girls going to give to your Honey on Valentines Day? We’ve got an idea that will make him adore you for the wonderful Pinup girl that you are. You wouldn’t want to just give him your present when you could do it with a lovely look, would you? We girls want to help you make it special, but in a Pinup-way of course! So here’s what you need for this occasion. With these simple tricks your surprise will succeed when he comes home! The look of love: For the ultimate Pinup look you need red lipstick and eyeliner. No buts. No ifs. No excuses. Your eyes will become magnificent while you’re batting those lashes at him! And what about wearing a tight corset? Any woman looks good in one, promise! Think about all the Burlesque queens out there with their perfect looks! Why can’t you be one of them on Valentine’s Day, at least in private? You can either choose the sweet look, wearing a colorful, adorned corset with lots of lace and pretty bows, or you can

go for the femme fatale look, with dark black satin and maybe some long gloves that you can take off slowly… If you don’t feel comfortable showing so much skin or you don’t like corsets, then just choose the sweet dress with flower prints and a V-neck. It will also make you look super lovely when you hand over your cute little present! We wish you a wonderful Lover’s Day! Kisses, Your ladies from Isabelle Gloria & Elaine Valerie

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F R Ä U L E I N P Ü N K T C H E N photographer The Elderwood Photography

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photo Vixen Photography hair Madison Jane

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ASK THE V I N TAG E D O L L words The Vintage Doll photography Vivid EyeCandy

“What piece of advise would you give those going into their first professional photo shoot?” — Miriah Kuykendall, RetRose Management Doing your first professional photo shoot rather its for modeling purposes or for personal photos for a special occasion, my biggest piece of advice would be to study what ever style you will be shooting. Pinup style or any other style has certain special poses and looks and the more you know and understand that look or style the better your photos will come out. Look up reference photos in that style to save in your phone to keep with you for helping with posing incase you need inspiration. You are going to be nervous and that’s ok but it is important to have fun and let loose because you will show your nerves in the photos. Relax and embrace your beauty.

“I have heard a lot of pinups in the scene today are told they have to be nude or do implied nudes to be featured in certain magazines. What is your perspective and advice to other pinups who are contemplating doing nude photos specifically to be published?” — Jennifer Newell There are a few pinup magazines that are more risqué than others and also some who prefer more nude or implied nude photos. Some pinup magazines have special edition nude or “taboo” issues as well

that focus on nude photos. Each model is different and so are her limits and lines that she will not cross in her personal modeling work. Some do nudes and others don’t. It depends on the girl. I do not recommend doing nude photos specifically just to be published. Doing nude photos isn’t bad in any way, it’s an art form and some like to share that form of art with the world. The thing you need to remember is that these photos will be out there forever for everyone to see. So you really need to be sure if you are ok with all of your “business” put on display for the worlds eyes for the rest of your life. Don’t do something you may regret later just for a possible fast publish. Never sacrifice who you are as a person for anything else. Your time will come with your hard work. Don’t ever sell yourself short you will get there “Originally vintage pinups seemed to be more curvy and thick. Older photos show that pinups in the beginning had more shape than the mainstream models of todays industry. As a naturally thin and petite modern day pinup, what are some of the struggles you face in body image?” — Amanda Watson I sit naturally at 98lbs. I can’t change that. Its who I have always been and always will be even after two children. I don’t try and change myself to fit what others “think” makes or breaks a pinup. I am told all the time by women and men who have no clue about pinup that I am “to skinny” to be a

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pinup. Anyone that says you have to be a certain size to embrace your womanhood and strength which is what pinup is than they need to do some homework. Women back in the day embraced who they were. They weren’t focused on or brainwashed into thinking that one specific body type was perfect like girls have to see today. I think to say a woman needs to weigh a certain amount to be considered “a pinup” is just down right ignorant. I love pinup because it is about embracing your strength and confidence in who you are as a woman and you don’t have to change who you are to do it. I doubt you would have found Marilyn Monroe saying she wanted to be shaped like Audrey Hepburn, or Audrey Hepburn wanting to be curvier like Marilyn. You were made the way you are for a reason, why change it to fit a “style” Be who you are and be pinup confident. If you don’t like my body type you can kiss my girdled behind! ~ Submit questions for The Vintage Doll to mail her a letter at: PO Box 1096 Venice, CA, 90294



photo Vestige Photography hair & styling Madame Pompadour assistant Kahley Keefer

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A S H L E Y E D I S O N hair J Monique makeup Lis Krebs set design Tom Duttrey photo Vestige Photography

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What interested you in doing an interview & cover feature with Pink Bow City? I love young magazines with a fresh vision. Thank you for choosing me to be your cover girl, it’s an honor! Can you tell us a little bit about the shoot that is featured in this issue? It has an Old Hollywood vibe -- soft silhouettes, flowing hair and red roses. One of the images from this set ended up a Pink Velvet campaign. It is also probably the most sensual shoot I’ve ever done; it was shot by my true love and husband, Mark, and captures the romantic side of me. How did you come up with the name Lime Crime? It means color revolution, painting outside the lines and getting away with it. Lime green is one of my favorite colors! The first thing that people will notice about your makeup is how colorful & whimsical it is. What else should people know about your makeup line? Aside from the sheer boldness of our selection which is rainbowlicious, we have lipstick in every color imaginable! -- my favorite part about our line is that it’s completely Cruelty-Free and suitable for vegans. I also like that our products can be a statement and an accessory -- everyone knows you’re a Lime Crime girl once they see that purple unicorn tube in your hands! In a few paragraphs, please tell us how you started your business and how you were able develop it into the powerhouse that it is today in just 5 short years. What are the main components of your success as a brand? I started Lime Crime by myself in 2008 with the money I had saved up from my day job as an Administrative Assistant. I never imagined I would be my full-time job and an employer! Today, we are a small but efficient team of 7 (and growing) working out of Los Angeles, CA with the goal to produce high-quality, high-color products in beautiful packaging that inspires our customers to be creative with their makeup. I think what makes us successful & different is that we are all makeup junkies who create the products of our dreams!

Your makeup has become a favorite in the pin-up community! In your opinion, why do you think your brand has become so popular in the pin-up community? It’s a look that I personally favor and am endlessly inspired by. One of my idols and now friends is Dita Von Teese - the ultimate pinup girl, as well as Mosh, my Russian comrade and your last month’s cover girl! The pinup look is all about amplifying your natural beauty and pushing it to the extreme; Lime Crime makeup is designed for that! Your personal style completely fits in with everything that Pink Bow City is! We love how girly you are, yet an extremely ambitious & strong woman. Do you have any fashion, or beauty tips for our readers? My only advice is to let your own, unique beauty shine. You like the things you like for a reason, please don’t change! <3 What are your personal favorite items in your line currently? What other makeup items do you wear besides your brand? The Velvetines are a makeup staple for me - the long-wearing lip stain that gives me that perfectly matte, retro look without the hassle of having to reapply or upkeep during the day. My all-time favorite is Red Velvet: the most glamorous red lipstick that literally never leaves my bag! Outside of Lime Crime, I recently discovered Pop Beauty Top Performance mascara - it’s 20 bucks but it never dries out, so worth it! Some people may not know that you use to be a musician. Can you tell us a little bit more about your musical background? My husband and I used to be in a band together called Sky Salt. He is a guitarist, I sang, both of us are songwriters. Of course, this was almost 10 years ago, but even back then we made excellent collaborators. Today, we still work side-by-side running the makeup company and have never had more fun! Do you ever see yourself starting a clothing line in the future? If you did, describe what you think the style would be like. Believe it or not, Lime Crime actually was a clothing line originally! It was exactly as you would imagine - lots of color and pat-

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terns, capturing my personal style! You now have a Lime Crime headquarters & multiple employees. If someone is makeup obsessed and trying to pursue a career in the beauty industry, what advice do you have for them? Beauty Industry needs people that are passionate about cosmetics. If you are such person, sky is the limit for what you can do! How long do you spend crafting your perfect look everyday? Describe your normal getting ready routine. My daily routine takes (gasp!) two hours. Pretty extreme, I know, but what can I do? I don’t want to skip a step. I wear foundation & concealer, fill in my brows, blush, light contouring, eyeliner, and of course paint my lips a vibrant shade of red or pink. Lately, I’ve been trying to simplify my routine and really distill it down to the basics that still give me my “me” face -- it’s a challenge, I’ll let you know how I fare! What are your biggest pet peeves? Eyebrows. Overplucked, overarched, done incorrectly... you name it. Sometimes I’ll be talking to a person but all I can really think about is their bad brows... how I would do to fix them, etc. It’s a problem! What do you consider your top 3 biggest accomplishments of the last year? Becoming the top most-visited booth at IMATS and PHAMExpo trade shows. It’s a big deal for our indie brand! Also, giving my first publish speech at PHAMExpo titled “Don’t Quit Your Daydream!” - talk about nerve-wrecking, but I did it! Can you describe the outfit that you’re currently wearing? Pale pink robe with white faux fur trim - gotta be glamorous even just lounging around the house! (laughs) Would you consider yourself a tough boss, or everyone’s best friend? I’d like to think of myself as an inspiring boss and a listening one. My goal is to help my employees excel at their jobs and feeling happy and excited.

If you were asked to create a unique pinup makeup look, describe what it would look like. I already wear one every day. Cat-liner and defined, matte lips all the way for me! What have been the biggest obstacles you have had to overcome so far with your company? Cyber-bullying was the toughest one. The internet is an amazing place, but not everyone uses it responsibly. Me and my business were slandered mercilessly in the beginning, making it difficult to acquire new customers. But I didn’t want to give up! So I put together the most helpful and kind Customer Service team, a No-Questions-Asked Return Policy (uncommon in makeup at the time) and just overall a positive, exciting experience with the brand! I think that, plus literally finding out who the bullies are, is what helped us

weather the storm. As an entrepreneur, you will face challenges and this was one of mine. If you could go back in time to when you first started Lime Crime, what advice would you give yourself? Be prepared to fight for your vision and don’t listen to naysayers!

Do you have anything exciting planned for the future that you can tell us about? Yes! We are doing something weird this spring: 3 dark Velvetines are coming out smack in the middle of the Easter season! Black Velvet (blackest black), Salem (dark brown) and Wicked (blood-red) are all part of The Clueless Witch collection, a collision of American Horror Story: Coven and my favorite movie Clueless. Follow us on Social Media for early ‘clues’ & reveals!

S T E P H A N I E C A S T R O photo Vestige Photography hair Madison Jane

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photo Marisa Pike Photography MUAH Olivia Dantes lingerie Artifice Clothing

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top things you should never say to your pin up pal



“You should only work with...” After a year or two of being in the pin up community, we all figure out who our favorite photographers, makeup artists, and hairstylists are. It’s very empowering to share our experiences with our pin up pals but it’s not ok to downright tell your friends with whom they should or should not work. Not everyone likes being told what to do and some of us like to experience things for ourselves. Unless you have a good cause, like they gave you the creeps or something seemed off, then sometimes it’s best to let your pal work with who they want.

“Oh you look so good in this...” Don’t say this when you know that they actually don’t look that good. It’s never a good idea to lie to your friend about a style, a pose, or a photo that simply just do not look good on them. We all have our bad photos here and there. When you are talking about modeling, being truthful is the best. More than likely, they will want to share their work on a social media website or submit their work into a magazine for publication. If they don’t




“I think that you should make this face, or pose like this...” There is nothing wrong with giving your fellow model some tips but you also have to remember where your place is. For the most part a good photographer will know how to help pose you in a way that is going to flatter your figure. Just because you might know the poses that help your body look its best doesn’t mean it will work for your friend. Let the professional do his or her job and pose your friend.

“Did you see so and so photos?...” Talking badly about another model is not only off putting but it is really not in good taste. We are all beautiful in our own ways. We are all women who should be empowering each other and not bringing each other down. What you might feel is harmless gossip might make your friend uncomfortable and worry that you judge their modeling. The best policy in these types of situations is that if you don’t have anything nice to say, don’t say anything at all.

“You are looking curvy” or “You are looking thin...” Bringing up someone’s body type and or weight can be very a sensitive subject. You might have the best of intentions but your comments could come off as hurtful or even an insult. Many of us have some issues with our bodies, some of us share these issues and some of us keep them to ourselves. Many of us struggle with what we want our bodies to look like. So even telling someone they are looking thin can be hurtful. Maybe they have been trying to put on some weight. No matter what, I believe it is best to let your friend lead the weight or body type conversation and just be supportive of your friend.

We’ve all heard the saying, “some things are better left unsaid.” Personally, I both agree and disagree with this. I tend to be an open person and tell my friends and family everything, probably too much at times, but that’s just how I am. I’ve learned a very valuable lessons in my open book honest approach and that is some things really should be left unsaid or at least said in a way as to not cause hurt feelings. Here are the top 5 things that I think you SHOULD NOT tell your pin up friends!






When it comes to being friends with anyone, pin up model or not, the best thing you could do for them is to treat them with the same respect that you want. No one wants to be talked down to or coddled like a child. You can be completely honest with your pal and still be sensitive to their feelings. Follow these five tips and you’re on your way to a strong, long lasting friendship. Always a pal, Suzy Starliner <3

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photography Dynamite Dames hair Vintage Flair lingerie Lucy B model /writer Suzy Starliner

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B R I A N N A M O O N E Y photo Jen Schiefer Photography hair & makeup Valerie Jean Stanovich of Vintage VeilsÂ

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Jolee Blon hair Tara Alexander

makeup Kelly Lang

photography Vestige Photography

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J E S S A B E L L E T H U N D E R photo Jenna Kraczek Photography

pink champagne cupcakes written by Buttercream Bettie photography by Varga MUAH Rat Rod Rosie


Pink Champagne Frosting


1 cup of sugar ½ cup unsalted butter, softened 2 eggs 1 tsp vanilla 1 ¾ cup all-purpose flour ½ tsp baking soda ¼ tsp baking powder ¼ tsp salt ½ cup sour cream ½ cup pink champagne 5 - 6 drops of pink food coloring

½ cup unsalted butter, softened

1 Preheat oven to 350 degrees F and line a muffin tin with cupcake liners. 2 In a large bowl, cream together sugar and butter until fluffy. 3 Add eggs and vanilla and mix well. 4 In a separate bowl, whisk together flour, baking soda, baking powder, and salt. 5 In a third bowl whisk together sour cream, champagne, and red food coloring. 6 Slowly add champagne mixture and flour mixture into sugar and eggs. Bake for 15-20 minutes or until a toothpick inserted into the center comes out clean.

cups of powdered sugar ¼ cup pink champagne 1 tsp vanilla extract 5 drops of pink food coloring Preheat oven to 350 degrees F and line a muffin tin with cupcake liners. 4

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photo Radiant Inc Photography dress Steady Clothing hair Heads Will Roll Salon flower NicCoCocreations

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mikaila von merr photography Audrey Simper

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“One of the reasons I’ve continued modeling for as long as I have is to help girls love their bodies. Every lump, scar, bone, curve, mole & dimple...”

I have always considered myself to be shy, but in 2009 I modeled for my first photo shoot. After getting in front of the camera, I noticed that I was much more comfortable than I thought I would be. I booked a handful of shoots when I lived in Birmingham, AL, but, since I moved to Chicago, I have had many more opportunities to work with more photographers as well as designers and painters. I do an average of five to six shoots a month and I absolutely love it.

What is your favorite photo shoot that you have done to date? I can’t say I have an answer for this- I have done 100+ shoots so far in my modeling career and I have to say I’ve enjoyed most of them. Every photographer I work with is so different from the other and I love that. Since I can’t decide on a favorite shoot I will say that my heart lies in vintage inspired photographs so I always have a lot more fun doing those sorts of shoots.

Does modeling give you confidence? If so, describe how. I think it does- In my day to day life I keep to myself and I’m very shy but when I’m doing photoshoots its almost like I’m a totally different person. All of the insecurity and worries I had just disappear.

What is something interesting, or unique that you can share about yourself? I once did a trade photoshoot for an awesome ram skull. I’m also a collector of a few different things like vintage furs, hats, and nightgowns ( I have enough nightgowns in my collection so far that I could wear a different one every night for 4 months without wearing the same one twice). I also have a small collection of Star Wars kenner figures and 1950s/60s playboys.

Who are your fashion & pin-up idols? A few from history & a few modern day. Oh, geez- I have so many. I love Lili St. Cyr, Tempest Storm, Betty Brosmer, Misty Ayers, and for modern day I love Dita Von Tease of course. Oh! and Anita Ekberg ( I cant forget her- She has the best worlds best eyebrows ). Most of all I draw my fashion inspiration/ shoot inspiration from old photographs of everyday woman in the 1940s, 50s, and early 60s.

Pink Bow City stands for a new generation of beauty, why do you think redefining beauty is important in our society and what specifically would you like to see change? One of the reasons I’ve continued modeling for as long as I have is to help girls love their bodies. Every lump, scar, bone, curve, mole, and dimple they’ve

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got. I’ve struggled with my weight most of my life as well as fighting a few autoimmune diseases since I was a kid ( I have with lupus, sjogren’s syndrome, and a few learning/social disabilities.) I use to hate all of those things about myself and I would let them take control of how I was living my life- I was so unhappy but now I’ve learned to love those things because that makes me who I am. I want other girls (and guys) to do what they love no matter what and most of all love themselves for who they are. Valentine’s Day is just around the corner. Describe your perfect romantic evening. In the summer, I love walking to the lake here in Chicago for a night swim and going out for dinner. On colder nights, I love cooking with my guy, drinking cider and playing SWTOR or going to a burlesque show and coming home to cuddle while watching movies. I have to say I’m extremely fortunate in the relationship I’m in now- We do these things almost every night and I absolutely love it.

C O M P A N I E S W E L O V E to become a featured company, email:

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