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318 NW 23rd St. Miami, FL 33127

Pinta Miami Pinta Miami

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Welcome to this second edition of PINTA Miami by Diego Costa Peuser


EFG Capital International Corp by Víctor M. Echevarria


Show Management 2015


Host Committee 2015












Special Acknowledgements

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Por Diego Costa Peuser DIRECTOR

Con gran entusiasmo les doy la bienvenida a la segunda edición de Pinta Miami. Desde sus inicios en New York en el año 2007, Pinta sostiene su misión de difundir el arte de America Latina y la Peninsula Iberica de promover su mercado en un escenario global como la Ciudad de Miami. Con el espíritu renovador que caracteriza a Pinta, buscando nuevas y más interesantes propuestas, me enorgullece contarles que éste año el espacio Mana Wynwood abre sus puertas a Pinta albergando también a tres grandes colecciones: Jorge Pérez Collection; Frederick R. Weisman Art Foundation; y Tiroche DeLeon Collection. Consolidando así ésta gran plataforma internacional de arte Latino Americano, moderno y contemporáneo que hace visible la obra de artistas, tanto emergentes, consagrados y los que todavía faltan redescubrir. Quiero expresar mi entero agradecimiento al apoyo sostenido de nuestro principal patrocinador, EFG Capital Bank por su compromiso cultural con Pinta y la comunidad; al Comité Anfitrion por su aporte incondicional; a todos los patrocinadores que creen en este ambicioso proyecto; a los curadores Jesús Fuenmayor, Osbel Suarez, Roc Laseca, José Antonio Navarrete y Rodrigo Alonso que respaldan con seriedad el contenido de Pinta y a los galeristas y artistas que hacen posible esta novena edición. Los invito a despertar todos sus sentidos para disfrutar plenamente de esta experiencia maravillosa llamada “Arte”. Al fin y al cabo de esto se trata.

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By Diego Costa Peuser DIRECTOR

It is with great enthusiasm that I welcome you to the second edition of Pinta Miami. Since its inception in New York in 2007, Pinta maintains its mission of disseminating art from Latin America and the Iberian Peninsula, and of promoting its market in a global scenario like Miami. With the renovating spirit that characterizes Pinta, always in search of newer and more interesting proposals, I am proud to announce that this year Mana Wynwood opens its doors to Pinta, also hosting three great collections: The Jorge Pérez Collection, the Frederick R. Weisman Art Foundation and the Tiroche DeLeon Collection, thus consolidating this international platform for modern and contemporary Latin American Art which highlights the work of artists, both emerging and renowned, and of those who have not yet been discovered. I wish to express my deepest acknowledgement to our main sponsor, EFG Capital Bank, for its sustained support to this initiative and for its cultural commitment to Pinta and the community; to the Host Committee for its unconditional support; to all of our sponsors for believing in this ambitious project; to our curators Jesús Fuenmayor, Osbel Suarez, Roc Laseca, José Antonio Navarrete and Rodrigo Alonso, who support and believe in the content of Pinta and to the gallery owners and artists, who have made this ninth edition possible. I invite you to awaken all your senses to fully enjoy this wonderful experience called “Art.” After all, this is what it`s all about.

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Por Victor M. Echevarria

EFG, fiel al compromiso que asumió con Pinta Miami, se complace en


patrocinar por segundo año consecutivo a ésta destacada exposición de arte latinoamericana moderno y contemporaneo incluyendo España y Portugal, reafirmando así nuestra plataforma cultural sumado a otras instituciones que tienen por objeto premiar e incentivar a los talentos emergentes y comunidades que los apoyan.


En EFG, nos esforzamos por reflejar la diversidad de nuestros clientes y de nuestra gente en nuestros patrocinios y nuestros compromisos filantrópicos. Muchos de nuestros clientes son coleccionistas de arte latinoamericano moderno y contemporáneo, o se interesan en él. El concepto y la producción de un evento como PINTA, con su formato expositivo que abraza la diversidad e incluye galerías consagradas, artistas y galerías emergentes y un segmento regional, hacen de esta feria el foro ideal que nos permite conectar a los artistas con los coleccionistas internacionales y acercar a un creciente número de personas al arte latinoamericano. En EFG también ponemos un fuerte énfasis en el poder de la educación y el intercambio de ideas para inspirar un avance en las áreas del arte y la cultura, por eso los invitamos a participar en los paneles que se presentaran en Pinta Forum, donde participaran, figuras claves del mundo del arte. EFG los invita con entusiasmo a visitar Pinta Miami en las nuevas instalaciones de Mana Wynwood, que promete ser aún, una experiencia más apasionante.

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Loyal to the collaboration it embarked on with Pinta Miami, EFG is pleased to sponsor for the second consecutive year this outstanding exhibition of modern and contemporary art from Latin America, Spain and Portugal, reaffirming our cultural platform and joining other institutions that aim to reward and encourage emerging talents and the communities that support them.


In our sponsorships and philanthropy EFG strives to reflect the diversity of our clients and of our people. A number of our clients are collectors of, or have an interest in, Latin American modern and contemporary art. The concept and production of an event such as PINTA, with its diverse exhibition format of established galleries, emerging artists and gallerists and regional segment, is the ideal forum for us to connect artists with international collectors and expose increasing numbers of people to Latin American art. At EFG we also place great emphasis on the power of education and the exchange of ideas to inspire forward motion in the areas of art and culture, so we invite you to participate in the panels that will be presented at Pinta Forum, where key figures from the art world will be sharing their latest projects and ideas. EFG enthusiastically invites you to visit Pinta Miami at its new location in Mana Wynwood which promises to be an exciting experience.

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Diego Costa Peuser

Antonella Deferrari



Alexandra Morales

Barbara Edwards



Liana Rivas

• PINTA Modern & Contemporary • Curatorial Committee • PINTA Photography • José Antonio Navarrete • Rodrigo Alonso • PINTA Drawing • Roc Laseca • PINTA Project • Jesús Fuenmayor • PINTA Forum • Roc Laseca





Emiliana Scaramella



Newlink Communications Group • Teresa Villareal • Joana Costa Marques • Ailys Toledo


MW Branding • Natalio Mark • Marina Wajs


Alberto Poza

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• Teresa Aguirre Lanari de ...Bulgheroni • Sergio Aisenberg • Milagros & José B. Andreu • Armando Andrade • Juan Ball • Tony Bechara • Diana & Moisés Berezdivin • Margarita & John Belk • Holly Block • Tanya Brillembourg • Jorge Brugo • Luis Caballero • Sixto Campano • Dinorah & Horacio Campolieto • Luis Campos • Teresa Carregal • Trudy & Paul Cejas • Cecilia Cordeiro de Engels • Eduardo & Clarise Costantini • Rosa & Carlos de la Cruz • Thomas Cummins • Elliot Davis • Víctor M. Echevarría • Ricardo Estévez

• Jacobo Fiterman • César Gaviria • Mónica & Oded Goldberg • Carmen & Luis Gutiérrez • Richard Hamilton Yaz & Va • lentín Hernández • Enrique Jocelyn-Holt • Marlise & Aníbal Jozami • Violy Mac Causland • Carlos Machado • Dimitri Milberg • Petro Felipe Montes Lira • Jack Morinière • Lisett & Pedro Muñoz Marín • Solita & Steven Mishaan • Diane & Robert Moss • Carlos Padula • Tatiana Pagés • Ignacio Pakciarz • Gonzalo Parodi • Raúl Peralba • Jorge Pérez • Sagrario Pérez Soto • Catherine Petitgas • Cecilia & Ernesto Poma

• Philippe Prufer • Saul Rotsztain • Ben Schneider • Erica Roberts • Mera & Don Rubell • María Soledad Saieh • Mercedes Sánchez Elía • Yolanda Santos Garza • Raquel & Michael Scheck • Susan Segal • Salwa Smith • Edward Sullivan • Pablo Stalman • Malcom S. Taub • Susana Torruella • Richard Townsend • Umberto Ugobono • Rosalía Ugobono • Silke & Alex Reynal • Patricia & Juan Vergez • Juan Carlos Verme • Gabriel Werthein • Elita & Daniel Yanquelewitz • Natasha Zugazagoitia • Julián Zugazagoitia

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- Samuel Lasso. Sin t铆tulo, 2015. Toma directa sobre papel algod贸n de 190 gr. - Medidas variables. PINTA MIAMI 2015 | 13


Aluna Art Foundation DIRECTOR

Adriana Herrera & Willy Castellanos

Exhibiting Artists Ofill Echevarría, Juan Raúl Hoyos, Andrés Michelena, Ronald Morán, Fernando Otero, Viviana Zargón, Gamaliel Rodríguez, Ernesto Oroza, Florencio Gelabert, among others

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1393 SW 1st, Miami Fl 33135, USA Tel: +305 305 6471 Mail:

- Ronald Morรกn. Escalera hacia la nada II. Graphite on canvas, crayon - 24.8 x 24.8 inches.

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ArtexArte Fundación Alfonso y Luz Castillo DIRECTOR

Luz Castillo ASSISTANT

Eduardo Médici (Art Director)

Exhibiting Artists Alfonso Castillo, Luis González Palma, Eduardo Médici, Cecilia Paredes, Verónica Riedel, Pablo Soria

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Lavalleja 1062, C.P.: 1414 Buenos Aires, Argentina Tel: +5411 4773 2738 Mail:

- Luis Gonzรกlez Palma. 1675-1680, 2005. Orthocromatic film and silver plates - 39.37x 39.37 inches.

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Artium Art Gallery DIRECTOR

Eduardo Lira Tapia ASSISTANT

2248 NW 1st. Pl Wynwood Art District 33127 Miami, USA Tel: +1 786 487 4326

Cristian Lizama Cisternas

Exhibiting Artists

List of Gallery Artists

Elsa Bolivar, Matilde Pérez, Carmen Piemonte, Mario Carreño, Tomas Munita, Antonio Asis, Luis Tomasello

Patricio González, Rodrigo Alvarado, Omar Gatica, Tomás Munita, Gonzalo Cienfuegos, Francisca Núñez, Edwin Rojas, Andrés Vio, Catalina Abbott Samy Benmayor

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- Matilde Perez. 2014. Acrylic box - 13 x 13 inches.

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Bossa Gallery DIRECTOR

Liliana Beltran ASSISTANT

Ananda DeMello

4141 NE 2nd Ave., Suite 107 Miami, Design District, Fl 33137, USA Tel: +305 603 8233 Mobile: +305 343 7337 Mail:

Exhibiting Artists

List of Gallery Artists

Ilana Bessler, Patricia Gouvêa, Flávia Junqueira, Fabio Knoll, Lucas Lenci, Cássio Vasconcelos Fernando Velázquez

Ilana Bessler, Patricia Gouvêa, Flávia Junqueira, Fabio Knoll, Lucas Lenci, Cássio Vasconcelos Fernando Velázquez

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- Flรกvia Junqueira. A casa em festa #2, 2010. Ink jet on cotton paper - 70.86 x 90 inches.

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Canale Diaz Art Center DIRECTOR

Marco Canale & Manuel Diaz

146 Madeira Ave. Coral Gables, FL 33134, USA Tel: +786 615 2622 Mail:

Exhibiting Artists

List of Gallery Artists

Danny Esquenazi, Carlos Gonzalez, JosĂŠ Paez del Nogal, Aureliano Parra, Reymond Romero

Andres Celis, Danny Esquenazi, Gustavo Fernandez, Ahmed Gomez, Carlos Gonzalez, Heriberto Mora, Jose Paez del Nogal, Aureliano Parra, Alejandro Plaza, Reymond Romero, Yanel Sanchez, Billy Soto

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- Reymond Romero. Polychromy, 2015. Textile and mixed media on canvas - 24 x 24 inches.

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Cuba: Concrete Exercises CURATED BY OSBEL SUAREZ

Without manifestos or any fundamental acts at play, and with a short lifespan that reached about three years, the group known as the “Diez Pintores Concretos” was the only artist group in Cuba between 1958 and 1961 that embraced the principles of rigorous geometry. Using the gallery, Color-Luz, as their venue, the group was composed of Loló Soldevilla, Sandu Darie, Pedro Álvarez, Salvador Corratgé, Luis Martínez Pedro, José Mijares, Alberto Menocal, Pedro de Oraá, Rafael Soriano and Wilfredo Arcay.

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In 1961, Color-Luz was forced to close its doors; consequently the group dismantled and until today there is still no document or manifesto that explains what happened exactly. The new cultural politics of the revolution did not find in abstract art a compromise that was visible and easy for its people to identify with and so their proposals were attacked by the Marxist rhetoric and displaced by institutional apathy. After decades of neglect; however, today the importance of their legacy is recognized within the discourse of continental geometric ideals.

- Luis Mart铆nez Pedro. Composici贸n (Composition), 1953. 21.5 x 29.5 inches. Private Collection.

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Dot Fiftyone Gallery DIRECTORS

Alfredo Guzman & Isaac Perelman

187 NW 27 Street, Miami, FL 33127, USA Tel: +305 573 9994 Mail:

Exhibiting Artists

List of Gallery Artists

Gonzalo Fuenmayor, Omar Barquet, Hernán Cédola, Eduardo Capilla and Hamlet Lavastida

Gonzalo Fuenmayor, Omar Barquet, Jorge Miño, Lydia Azout, Eduardo Capilla, Mauro Giaconi, Marco Castro, Hernán Cédola, José Luis Landet, Pepe Lopez, Hamlet Lavastida, Leslie Gabaldón, Raquel Schwartz

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- Gonzalo Fuenmayor. Tropical Elegance, 2015. Charcoal on paper - 42 x 62 inches.

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Luis Fernando Pradilla ASSISTANT

Camila Urdaneta

Calle 81 # 11-41 Bogotá, Colombia. Tel: +57 1 7447588 Fax: +57 1 7447596 Mail:

Exhibiting Artists

List of Gallery Artists

Alvaro Barrios, Fernando Botero, Carlos Rojas, Manolo Valdés, Aurora Cañero, Mariana Monteagudo, José Horacio Martínez, Nadin Ospina

Débora Arango, Álvaro Barrios, Fernando Botero, Luis Caballero, Manuel Calderón, Sebastián Camacho, Aurora Cañero, Juanita Carrasco, Sebastián Dávila, Adriana Duque, Rodrigo Echeverri, Jaime Franco, Ana Mercedes Hoyos, Jorge Magyaroff, José Horacio Martínez, Marco Mojica, Edwin Monsalve, Mariana Monteagudo, Edgar Negret, Vicky Neumann, Alejandro Obregón, Catalina Ortiz, Nadín Ospina, Juan Antonio Roda, Carlos Salazar Arenas, Carlos Rojas, Bernardo Salcedo, Javier Vanegas.

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- Fernando Botero. Still life with watermelon and oranges, 1970. Oil on canvas - 71 x 71 inches.

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Fernando Pradilla DIRECTOR

Fernando Pradilla ASSISTANT

Matías González-Andrieu

C/ Claudio Coello, 20 28001 Madrid, Spain Tel: +34 91575 4804 Fax: +34 91577 6907 Mail:

Exhibiting Artists

List of Gallery Artists

Marco Mojica, Vik Muniz, Albano Afonso, Nadin Ospina, Jorge Magyaroff, Edwin Monsalve, Manuel Calderon, Starsky Brines, Emilio Gañan, Marcos López, Adriana Duque

Albano Afonso, Ananke Asseff, Mira Bernabeu, Ignacio Bautista, Alejandro Bombín, Starsky Brines, Juan Francisco Casas, César Delgado, Victoria Encinas, Emilio Gañán, Fernando García Vásquez, Germán Gómez, Miguel Harte, Marcos López, Moisés Mahiques, Armando Mariño, Marco Mojica, Beth Moysés, Nadín Ospina, Marta Mª Pérez Bravo, Mauro Piva, Ambra Polidori, Gustavo Rezende, Diego Vallejo, Mónica Van Asperen.

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- Adriana Duque. Maria 24 Icons II series, 2015. Inkjet print on glossy paper - Ed. 2/5 - 57 x 70 inches.

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Gabinete de Arte k2o DIRECTOR

Karla Osorio Netto

SMDB conjunto 31 lote 01 B, Lago Sul, CEP: 71.680-310 Tel: +5561 3367 6303 Fax: +5561 3367 6353 Mobile: +556 18114 2100 Mail:

Exhibiting Artists

List of Gallery Artists

Christus Nóbrega, Dirceu Maués, Galeno Gauthier d’Ydewalle

Aline Ogliari, Bel Barcellos, Christus Nóbrega, Cristina Sá, Dirceu Maués, Galeno, Gauthier d’Ydewalle, Naura Timm, Rodrigo Mogiz, Soren Dahlgaard, Thomas Kellner, Valéria Pena-Costa

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- Christus N贸brega. Annex II, 2014. Photography in silver paper, laser cut and only book. ...27.5 x 18.9 inches.

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Galería Sextante DIRECTORS

Luis Ángel Parra & María Eugenia Niño

Carrera 14 No. 75-29, C.P.: 110221 Bogotá, Colombia Tel: +571 249 4755 Fax: +571 211 9358 Móvil Colombia: +310 869 4739 Móvil USA: +786 479 7506 Mail: Mail: Mail:

Exhibiting Artists

List of Gallery Artists

Santiago Parra, Luis Fernando Peláez, Hugo Zapata

Ricardo Benaim, Samy Benmayor, Alejandro Casazi, Fernando Cruz, Arturo Denarváez, Fernando de Szyszlo, Juan Manuel Echavarría, Adriana Echavarría, León Ferrari, Verónica González, Catalina Jaramillo Quijano, Juan Lecuona, Carmen Molina, Lucía Morón, Lorenza Panero, Teresa Pereda, Antonio Samudio, Antonio Seguí, Jorge Sarsale, Jennifer Vanderpool, Angélica María Zorrilla

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- Santiago Parra. 01.08.2015, 2015. Acrylic on canvas - 66.9 x 66.9 inches.

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Ideobox Artspace DIRECTOR & OWNER

Tanya Capriles de Brillembourg MANAGER

Alexandra Gauthier-Pre

2417 N. Miami Ave. Miami, Fl 33127 Tel: +305 576 989 Fax: +305 573 4617 Mail:

Exhibiting Artists

List of Gallery Artists

Aldo Chaparro, Andres Monteagudo, Ricardo Cardenas

Aldo Chaparro, Andres Monteagudo, Ricardo Cardenas, Natasha Grey, JosĂŠ Placido Domingo jr., Eduardo Costa

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- Ricardo Cรกrdenas. Ensamble en Frio, 2015. Aluminum - 17 x 13 x 18 1/8 inches.

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Caroline Valansi

Av. Conselheiro Rodríguez Alves, 722 Vila Mariana, Sao Paulo, SP, 04014-002, Brazil Tel: +5511982268666 Mail:

Carrera 15 # 93 – 60 Bogotá, Colombia Tel: +573104055557 Mail:

Exhibiting Artists

List of Gallery Artists

Caroline Valansi, Francisco Valdés, Alfredo Márquez, Vargas Suárez-Universal, Doma

Glexis Novoa, Alfredo Márquez, Francisco Valdés, Flavio Samelo, Caroline Valansi, Vargas SuárezUniversal, Gianna Polarollo, Bruno Miguel, Bruno Novelli, Doma, Víctor Florido

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- Francisco ValdĂŠs. Dark Room III, 2015. Oil on canvas - 85 x 67 inches.

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Imaginart Gallery

Laia Miguel

Av. Diagonal, 432, 08037, Barcelona, Spain Tel: +0034 93 2412240 Mail:

Exhibiting Artists

List of Gallery Artists

Alexander Calder, Joaquín Torres García, Victor Vasarely, Pablo Picasso, Joan Miró, Jesús Rafael Soto, Alejandro Otero

Jordi Pericot, Lidó Rico, Cristina Ghetti, Enric Ansesa, Abraham Bezandón, Go Segawa


Benito Padilla ASSISTANT

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- Victor Vasarely. Naissance K, 1951. Gouache and collage on paper - 24.80 x 18.50 inches. PINTA MIAMI 2015 | 41


LA galería

John Rodriguez

Calle 77 no 12-03 local 101 Bogotá, Colombia Tel: +57 1 467 3348 Mail:

Exhibiting Artists

List of Gallery Artists

Gustavo Villa, Livia Marin, David Peña

Adriana Marmorek, Carlos Castro, Adriana Salazar, David Peña, Rodrigo Facundo, Livia Marin, Francisco Klinger, Edgar Guzmanruiz, Mario Opazo, Gustavo Villa


Luis Alfonso Aristizabal ASSISTANT

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- David Pe単a. Cathedra, 2014. Drum kit and glasses - Variable dimensions.

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Mercedes Viegas Arte Contemporânea DIRECTOR

Mercedes Viegas

Rua João Borges 86, Gávea, RJ 22451-100, Brasil Tel: 2294 4305 Mail:

Exhibiting Artists

List of Gallery Artists

Julio Villani, Marcia Thompson, Robert Kelly

Alice Quaresma, Alvaro Seixas, Amalia Giacomini, Antonio Bokel, Beatriz Carneiro, Duda Moraes, Elisa Bracher, Enrica Bernardelli, Fabricio Lopez, Jaqueline Vojta, Julio Villani, Luiz Monken, Marcia Thompson, Marcus André, Mariana Felix, Regina de Paula, Raphael Couto, Robert Kelly, Tatiana Grinberg, Vania Mignone

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- Marcia Thompson. Untitled, 2015. Oil on linen - 10.2 x 10.2 x 4.3 inches.

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Miranda Bosch DIRECTOR

Eleonora Molina

Montevideo 1723, C.P. 1021 Buenos Aires, Argentina Tel: +5411 4815 3515 (int 241) Mail:

Exhibiting Artists

List of Gallery Artists

Federico Colletta

Agustín Sirai, Aili Chen, Valeria Vilar, Matías Ercole, Cristina Schiavi, Elisa Strada, Federico Colletta, Leonardo Damonte, José Pedro Godoy, Manuel Sigüenza, Lorena Fernández

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- Federico Colletta. N째30, 2015. Land on cotton - 70.8 x 70.8 inches.

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Mock galería

Santiago Estellano

Suipacha 1217, C1011ACA, CABA, Argentina Tel: +5411 4328 9887 Mail:

Exhibiting Artists

List of Gallery Artists

Luján Candria, Alejandro Thornton, Santiago Estellano

Luján Candria, Alejandro Thornton, Santiago Estellano


Pablo Datria ASSISTANT

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- Santiago Estellano. Santiago Estellano, 2015. Ink on collage - 10.6 x 8.3 inches. PINTA MIAMI 2015 | 49


O. Ascanio Gallery DIRECTORS

Oscar Ascanio Eugenia Brice単o MANAGER

2600 NW 2nd Avenue Miami FL 33127, USA Tel: +305 571 9036 Mail:

Nicolas Ascanio ASSISTANT

Alfredo Ascanio

Exhibiting Artists

List of Gallery Artists

Jesus Rafael Soto, Francisco Salazar, Victor Lucena, Jorge Blanco, Hester, Carlos Cabeza, Nanin, Kate Matthews, Anrika Rupp, Alejandro Otero, Alexandra Andrade, Milton Becerra

Jesus Rafael Soto, Carlos Cruz Diez, Francisco Salazar, Victor Lucena, Jorge Blanco, Hester, Carlos Cabeza, Nanin, Milton Becerra, Gary Hume Alejandro Otero, Victor Vasarely, Bernar Venet, Bernard Aubertin, Anrika Rupp, Alexandra Andrade

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- Jorge Blanco. Scarlet Runner, 2011. Powder-coated aluminum - Ed. 1/3 - 43.5 x 46 x 17 inches.

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Ranivilu Art Gallery DIRECTORS

Ramon Delgado & Virginia Brewer

2617 N. Miami Ave Wynwood Arts District Miami, 33127, USA. Tel: +954 297 2580

Exhibiting Artists

List of Gallery Artists

Rafael Barrios, Omar Carre単o, Carlos Cruz-Diez, Corina Hernandez, Pablo Griss, Jorge Perez (ZEREP), Mateo Manaure, Francois Morellet, Alberto Sanchez, Jesus Soto.

Rafael Barrios, Omar Carre単o, Carlos Cruz-Diez, Corina Hernandez, Pablo Griss, Julio Le Parc, Dario Perez-Flores, Jorge Perez (ZEREP), Mateo Manaure, Francois Morellet, Francisco Salazar, Alberto Sanchez, Jesus Soto, Victor Vasarely

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- Pablo Griss. Intervention Orange/Blue Line, 2015 - 37 x 51 inches.

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Sammer Gallery LLC DIRECTOR

Ignacio Pedronzo ASSISTANT

Andrea Baridon

125 NW 23rd Street Miami FL 33127, USA Tel: +305 576 1995 Mail:

Exhibiting Artists

List of Gallery Artists

Jose Pedro Costigliolo, Maria Freire, Joaquin Torres Garcia, José Gurvich, Sandu Darie, Dolores Soldevilla, Hugo de Marziani, Pablo Atchugarry, Carmelo Arden Quin, Veronica Vazquez

Constructivism: Joaquin Torres Garcia, Augusto Torres, Horacio Torres, Julio Alpuy, Francisco Matto, Gonzalo Fonseca, Manuel Pailos, Jose Gurvich, Otros Taller Torres Garcia, Marcelo Bonevardi Concrete: Maria Freire, Jose Pedro Costigliolo, Antonio Llorens, Romulo Aguerre, Raul Lozza, Hugo de Marziani, Miguel Vidal, Eduardo Seron, Manuel Alvarez, Alfredo Hlito, Sakai Grupo Joven: Victor Magarinos, Diana Chalukian Madi: Carmelo Arden Quin, Rodolfo Ian Urichio, Antonio Caraduje Kinetic: Antonio Asis, Jesus Soto, Martha Boto, Gregorio Vardanega, Julio Leparc, Luis Tomasello Informalism: Juan Ventayol, Miguel Pareja, Carlos Peaz Vilaro, Jorge Paez Vilaro, José Gamarra Pop Art (60’S): Ruisdael Suarez, Eduardo Cristiani Sculpture: Pablo Atchugarry, Ricardo Pascale

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- Ver贸nica V谩zquez. 1970, 2014. Collage with metals - 29.13 x 41.73 inches. PINTA MIAMI 2015 | 55



Raul Guijarro de Pablo

Tel: +1 786.239.2129


Jimena Guijarro

Exhibiting Artists

List of Gallery Artists

Gunther Gerzso, Gabriel Figueroa, Pedro Friedeberg, Carlos Garcia de la Nuez, Javier Marin, Alberto Gironella, Jose Garcia Ocejo, Rodolfo Morales, Sofia Bassi, Gustavo Aceves

Gunther Gerzso, Gabriel Figueroa, Pedro Friedeberg, Carlos Garcia de la Nuez, Javier Marin, Vicente Rojo, Alberto Gironella, Jose Garcia Ocejo, Rodolfo Morales, Kazuya Sakai, Paloma Torres, Sofia Bassi, Gustavo Aceves, Gustavo Arias Murueta, Rafael Coronel, Francisco Toledo, Manuel Felguerez, etc.

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- Gunther Gerszo. Analogo, 1988. Print serigraph - 24 x 20 inches. PINTA MIAMI 2015 | 57



Travers Jacobs

221 Jefferson Ave, Unit 1 Miami Beach, FL – 33139, USA Tel: +214 850 7122 Tel: +661 670 7462

Exhibiting Artists

List of Gallery Artists

Yunsung Jang, Nicolas Grenier, Bernadette Despujols, Marisa Sciabarrasi

Yunsung Jang, Nicolas Grenier, Bernadette Despujols, Marisa Sciabarrasi

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- Bernadette Despujols. Beach Storm, 2015. Mixed media on linen - 60 x 48 inches. PINTA MIAMI 2015 | 59


Teresa Anchorena DIRECTORS

Teresa Anchorena & Rita Maschwitz

Acevedo 850, C.P.: 14141 CABA, Buenos Aires, Argentina Tel: +5411 4777 0916 Mail:

Exhibiting Artists

List of Gallery Artists

Juan Andres Videla, Romulo Maccio, Roberto Elia, Beatriz Pages, Marcela Marcuzzi, Lucas Pertile

Juan Andres Videla, Roberto Elia, Guillermo Thiemer, Beatriz Pages, Lucas Pertile, Gabriela Caregnato, Alita Olivari

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- Marcela Marcuzzi. Flora (detail), 2015. Print from leaves Chine Colle’ on paper - 59 x 21 inches. PINTA MIAMI 2015 | 61

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PINTA PROJECT Time Sensitive CURATED BY JESÚS FUENMAYOR who began including time in her geometric As part of Pinta Project this year, I decided experiments in the sixties. “Time Sensitive” also to present a series of artistic proposals that features the work of Peruvian artist Jorge Eielson, explore the incorporation of time in the work of who began to combine the ancient time of preart, focusing on artists who are sensitive to the Columbian cultures with the contemporaneity of relationship between duration and space. “Time the avant-garde in the early sixties. Sensitive” brings together a group of prominent I also included a group of younger artists who artists from Ibero-America (Latin America, Spain transform time as a key element in their work. and Portugal), including well-established artists The artists in this presentation engage viewers as well as a younger generation. All of them take in a diversity of experiences that allow for up the question of time, one of the most defining different ways of understanding art and timeelements in contemporary art. In this context, from the politically charged performances the incorporation of time in the artwork is of Cuban artist Carlos Martiel to the mirror essential because it functions as a trigger that structures of Arocha + Schraenen (Venezuelademands that the fair’s public be sensitive to the Belgium), which I conceive of as time machines. perceptual conditions and paradoxes that govern Patricia Dauder (Spain), José Carlos Martinat this context. The idea of time specificity and (Peru), and Suwon Lee (Venezuela) count among time sensitivity is reflected in the work of many the other artists in this selection. In addition artists today, and it is has been particularly so in to the special projects that these artists are the case of artists who work outside of the transproducing, Pinta Projects Video Lounge will historical bubble where the mainstream placed present additional works by Iberian-American the canonical avant-gardes. artists who are key references in contemporary In this selection for Pinta Project, I have included art, including Francesc Torres, Tony Labat, two artists who are important references for Muntadas, Jaime Davidovich, and Edin Velez. The understanding how the history of art can be inclusion of these videos is intended to give viewers constructed from other perspectives: Roberto an idea of how crucial the “image in movement” is Obregón, a pioneer of conceptual practices from -the Samuel Lasso. título, 2015. directa sobre papel algodón de 190 gr. - Medidas variables. art. for understanding contemporary seventies in Sin Venezuela, andToma Elena Asins, PINTA MIAMI 2015 | 63


Electronic Arts Intermix (EAI) DIRECTOR

Lori Zippay

535 West 22nd Street, 5th floor New York, NY 10011-1119, USA Tel: +212 337 0680 Fax: +212 337 0679 Mail:

Exhibiting Artists

Electronic Arts Intermix (EAI)

Jaime Davidovich, Tony Labat, Muntadas, Francesc Torres, Edin Velez

Founded in 1971, Electronic Arts Intermix (EAI) is a nonprofit arts organization that is a leading international resource for video and media art. A pioneering advocate for media art and artists, EAI’s core program is the distribution and preservation of a major collection of over 3,500 new and historical video works by artists. For over 43 years, EAI has fostered the creation, exhibition, distribution and preservation of video art, and more recently, digital art projects. EAI supports artists through the distribution, preservation, exhibition and representation of their media artworks, and works closely with educators, curators, programmers and collectors to facilitate exhibitions, acquisitions and educational uses of media artworks. EAI provides access to video art within an educational and cultural framework.

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- Francesc Torres. Image’s Identity, 1974. Courtesy ...Electronic Arts Intermix (EAI), NY. © 2015 Artists ...Rights Society (ARS), NY / VEGAP, Madrid.

- Muntadas. Between the Frames, Chapter 2: The Collectors, ...1983-91. Courtesy Electronic Arts Intermix (EAI), NY ...©2015 Artists Rights Society (ARS), NY/VEGAP, Madrid.

- Tony Labat. Room Service, 1980. Courtesy Electronic ...Arts Intermix (EAI), New York.

- Jaime Davidovich. Adventures of the Avant-Garde, 1981. ...Courtesy Electronic Arts Intermix (EAI), New York.

- Edin Velez. TULE: The Cuna Indians of San Blas, 1978. ...Courtesy of the artist. PINTA MIAMI 2015 | 65


Freijo Gallery DIRECTOR

Angustias Freijo Mouliaa ASSISTANT

Adrian Piera

General Castaños 7, 1° izq 28004 Madrid, Spain Tel: +34 91310 3070 Fax: +34 62940 3436 Mail:

Exhibiting Artists

List of Gallery Artists

Elena Asins (España 1940)

Alain Arias-Misson (Bélgica 1936), Antonio Asis (Argentina 1932), Will Berry (Tennesse, USA 1954), Alfredo Castañeda (México, 1938 – España 2010), Matías Costa (Argentina 1973), Juan Cuenca (España 1934), Germán Cueto (México 1893 – 1975) José Duarte (España 1928), Felipe Ehrenberg (España 1943), Roberto Fernández Balbuena (España 1891 – México, 1966), Bartolomé Ferrando (España 1951), Rocío Garriga (España 1984), Alvaro Laiz (España 1981), Leo Matiz (Colombia 1917 – 1998), Joaquín Mouliaá (España 1944), Paul Muguet (Mexico 1975), Vicente Rojo (España 1932), Armando Salas Portugal (Mexico 1916 – 1995), Mónica Sánchez-Robles (España 1964), Anna Talens (España 1978), Darío Villalba (España 1939)

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- Elena Asins. Avtiy贸vn. Second part wiht message. Video still. 5 edition - HD Video - 63 min 25 sec.

PINTA MIAMI 2015 | 67


Il Chiostro arte contemporĂĄnea DIRECTOR

Marina Affanni

Viale Santuario, 11 21047 Saronno (VA) Italy Tel: +39 02962 2717 Fax: +39 029170 8934 Mobile: +339 338772 0417 Mail:

Exhibiting Artists

List of Gallery Artists

Jorge Eielson

Arcangelo, Gabriele Basilico, Marco Di Giovanni, Jorge Eielson, Andrea Facco, Folon, Luigi Ghirri, Ferdinando Greco, Ugo La Pietra, Fausto Melotti, Jorunn Monrad, Denis Pondruel, Anne et Patrick Poirier, Josè Maria Sicilia, Aldo Tagliaferro, Debora Hirsch, Iaia Filiberti.

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- Jorge Eielson. Nodo, 1971 Roma. Knotted tissue - 9.84 x 6.29 x 6.69 inches.

PINTA MIAMI 2015 | 69


KaBe Contemporary DIRECTOR

Karina Belilty ASSISTANT

Andrés Michelena

223 NW 26th St. Miami, FL, 33127, USA Tel: +1 305 573 8142 Fax: +1 305 573 8144 Mail:

Exhibiting Artists

List of Gallery Artists

Carla Arocha-Stéphane Schraenen

Carla Arocha-Stéphane Schraenen, Antonio Asis, Magdalena Correa, José Antonio Hernandez Diez, Jorge Pedro Nuñez, Edgar Orlaineta, Luca Pozzi Meyer Vaisman, Sergio Vega

70 | PINTA MIAMI 2015

- Carla Arocha & StĂŠphane Schraenen. Landscape (Miami), ...2015. Double-sided mirrored Plexiglas, stainless steel and acrylic. ...Dimensions variable. Simulations by Pieter Maes. PINTA MIAMI 2015 | 71


Proyecto Visible DIRECTOR

Anil煤 G贸mez Fontanals

4000 N Cypress Dr Apt 101 Pompano Beach, Fl 33069-4125 Mail:

Exhibiting Artists

Proyecto Visible

Suwon Lee

Proyecto Visible is an art projects agency operating within the interstices of the art system. Its main goal is to promote the work of contemporary artists that deserve more visibility by exhibiting it in the most appropriate conditions. Proyecto Visible has no fixed location, is nomadic by nature and definition and focuses its efforts in the production of artworks, art exhibitions and publications as well as managing and advising contemporary art collections.

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- Suwon Lee. Sol, 2015. Inkjet print on archival paper. ...27.56 x 19.7 inches.

- Suwon Lee. Mukti, 2015. Alucobond and stainsless steel. ...27.56 x 19.7 inches.

- Suwon Lee. Mukti (3D model sketch), 2015. Alucobond, stainless steel, single-channel video ...installation - 9.8 x 9.8 x 9.8 ft.

PINTA MIAMI 2015 | 73


Patricia Dauder “Some of my concerns are directed at a physical dimension. When I allude to a ‘beyond’ I am thinking of matter and its states, even if that matter is not necessarily visible: also light, space, void and time are matter. To see beyond the apparent and the immediate that is before me in the present moment. To discover or intuit the inner structure and material properties of an object or space — large or small, micro or macroscopic; be it a salt crystal, a building, or the formation of clouds — and the almost imperceptible exchanges that occur in their material states. I always had the feeling that nothing is stable or compact; that everything is in motion, under the influence of constantly changing natural or artificial cycles and processes, invisible to our senses but nevertheless existent. Because of this feeling of instability, I see the solid, the unified and the compact as something problematic. Perhaps for that reason, many of my works are the result of

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a sum of parts, like a puzzle of forms, or a sequence, without a clear beginning or end.” uploads/2014/02/text_pdf_interview1.pdf “FORWARD (Film)” shows a series of landscape views and sport actions in a non-narrative, non-lineal, and fragmented manner. The images were filmed during a 2009 Professional Windsurf Association World Cup competition held at Pozo Izquierdo Beach in the Canary Islands, a well-known spot for windsurfing due to its strong wind and wave conditions throughout the year. The film was made and edited with the idea to be a faithful depiction of my spontaneous reactions to the place and the event as much as a true cinematographic testimony of the rough environmental conditions that affected the shooting such as strong gales, big swell and dense humidity in the air hindering clear vision.

- Patricia Dauder. Forward (Film), 2010. Film still. Black ...and white film transferred to video. No sound - 6 min. 47 sec. PINTA MIAMI 2015 | 75

Carlos Martiel “Dictadura” (Dictatorship) is the title of the performance that Cuban artist Carlos Martiel presents as part of “Time Sensitive – Pinta Projects.” Martiel aims to reflect on the history of dictatorship in Latin America and the diversity of the Latin and Latino communities in Miami. In his performance Martiel shows himself naked and tied to a flagpole, while at the same time a flag is raised.

He will present the same performance for the duration of the art fair, each day with a different flag. The flags will be taken from the 21 Latin American countries that were (or still are) under a dictatorial regime, in some instances supported by the Western Hemisphere Institute for Security Cooperation, also known as the School of the Americas.

- Carlos Martiel. Dictatorship, 2015. 76 | PINTA MIAMI 2015

- Carlos Martiel. Dictatorship, 2015. Sketch of the performance to be held throughout the duration of the fair. PINTA MIAMI 2015 | 77

José Carlos Martinat José Carlos Martinat M. (Lima-Peru) lives and works in Lima. His work has taken part in various exhibitions in Latin America, Europe, and The United States, such as Eva+a Biennial in Ireland, Biennial of Mercosur, Polygraphic Triennial of Puerto Rico, Nord Holland Biennial with Marljolijn Dijkman, Shanghai Biennale (China), Habana Biennalw 2015, Saatchi Gallery (London), Carrillo Gil Museum in Mexico, Tate Modern (London), Museum of Contemporary Art of Vigo (Spain), Ifa (Germany), La Laboral (Spain),

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Lima Art Museum (MALI), Pinacoteca (Sao Paulo, WWVF (Netherlands), Sala de Arte Público de Siqueiros, México DF, among others. He is currently represented by Revolver Galería in Lima and Leme Gallery in São Paulo, Brazil. His work has been included in important collections such as: Museum of Modern Art, NY; TATE Modern, London; Saatchi Gallery, London, Cisneros Fontanals Art Foundation, Museo de Arte de Lima (MALI) and Museo de Arte Latinoamericano de Buenos Aires (MALBA), among others.

- JosĂŠ Carlos Martinat. PĂŠsimo. De la serie Ejercicios superficiales, 2010. 106 x 189 inches.

PINTA MIAMI 2015 | 79


“A chronicler who recites events without distinguishing between major and minor acts in accordance to the following truth: nothing that has ever happened should be regarded as lost for history.” Walter Benjamin, Theses on the Philosophy of History, Illuminations The Roberto Obregón Archive belongs to the Carolina and Fernando Eseverri Collection in Caracas. It was acquired several years ago directly from the artist’s family and comprises hundreds of items including artworks by Obregón (e.g., drawings, photos, collages, sketches, maquettes, photomontages, etc.) as well as his library, videos, letters and other important documents. Five years ago, archivists Israel Ortega and Leonor Solá began research for the Archivo Roberto Obregón

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(ARO). In the process, they came to understand what has been a very important and significant finding: even though Obregón produced thousand of works during his life time that are related to the rose, most of these works stem from a set of approximately 10 actual roses. “Time Sensitive” - Pinta Projects presents a selection from ARO based on the rose that Obregón used to identify as “Agua de Mar (ADM)” (Sea Water), a rose that he also used for another series of work entitled “El Agua como un Ciclo” (Water as a Cycle), watercolors he created with water from various sources, including rain, river, snow and sea water. Obregón is an artist widely respected in Venezuela and among insiders throughout Latin America. In this context, experts and viewers alike are able to appreciate his work in its very processual dimension.

- Roberto Obreg贸n. Untitled (Agua de mar [ADM]), 1976. Collage - 10.9 x 7.9 inches. ...Carolina and Fernando Eseverri Collection, Caracas.

PINTA MIAMI 2015 | 81

- Roberto Obregón. Gran disección, 1990. Installation view. “The 80 Panorama of the visual arts Venezuela”, National Art Gallery, Caracas, 1990, photo by Carlos Germán Rojas.

- Roberto Obregón. Untitled (Agua de Mar), n.d. Photocopy, crayon, ink and Tipp-Ex. - 5.5 x 12.6 inches. ...Carolina and Fernando Eseverri Collection, Caracas.

82 | PINTA MIAMI 2015

- Roberto Obreg贸n. Agua de mar [ADM], 1976. Collage - 11.6 x 7.9 inches. ...Carolina and Fernando Eseverri Collection, Caracas.

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CURATED BY ROC LASECA Pinta Drawing will seek to get acquainted with the drawing practices that have developed in Latin America, Spain and Portugal in recent years as radical forms of expression – not necessarily linked to paper – and that come into contact with other disciplines such as installation, sculpture, video or performance. At present, and more than ever, expanded drawing sheds light on the huge variety of critical approaches of the new artistic practice to this discipline, traditionally informed -by Samuel Lasso. título, 2015. Toma directa sobre papel algodón de 190 gr. - Medidas variables. painting and Sin writing. PINTA MIAMI 2015 | 85


Arróniz Arte Contemporáneo

Luis Nava

Plaza Río de Janeiro 53 PB, Mexico City, 06700, Mexico Tel: +52 55 55117965 Mail:

Exhibiting Artists

List of Gallery Artists

Fernando García Correa

Daniel Alcalá, Marcela Armas, Omar Barquet, Gilberto Esparza, Mónica Espinosa, Mauro Giaconi, Agustín González, José Luis Landet, Almudena Lobera, Pablo López Luz, Moris, Mark Powell, Iván Puig, Ishmael Randall-Weeks, Ricardo Rendón, Omar Rodriguez-Graham, Jaime Ruíz Otis


Gustavo Arróniz ASSISTANT

86 | PINTA MIAMI 2015

- Fernando GarcĂ­a Correa. Continuo series, 2009. Mineral ink on paper - 11.02 x 13.98 inches (each).

PINTA MIAMI 2015 | 87


Dot Fiftyone Gallery DIRECTOR

Alfredo Guzman & Isaac Perelman

187 NW 27 Street, Miami, FL 33127, USA Tel: +305 573 9994 Mail:

Exhibiting Artists

List of Gallery Artists

Marcos Castro

Gonzalo Fuenmayor, Omar Barquet, Jorge Miño, Lydia Azout, Eduardo Capilla, Mauro Giaconi, Marco Castro, Hernán Cédola, José Luis Landet, Pepe Lopez, Hamlet Lavastida, Leslie Gabaldón, Raquel Schwartz

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- Marcos Castro. Monument to the Future, 2014. Ink and water colors on drywall - 144 x 240 inches.

PINTA MIAMI 2015 | 89


Hilo GalerĂ­a

Margarita Cerquetti

Av. Scalabrini Ortiz 1396 C.P.: 1414, CABA, Argentina Tel: +54 11 68260005 Mail:

Exhibiting Artists

List of Gallery Artists

Samuel Lasso

Samuel Lasso, Dayana Santiago, Camila Lamarca, Carolina Zancolli, Florencia Walter



90 | PINTA MIAMI 2015

- Samuel Lasso. Untitled from “You don’t want to look at the volcano straight in the eye, 2015. ...Installation. Graphite and iron sculpture - 40 x 8 x 0.59 inches.

PINTA MIAMI 2015 | 91




Caroline Valansi

Av. Conselheiro Rodríguez Alves, 722 Vila Mariana, Sao Paulo, SP, 04014-002, Brazil Tel: +5511982268666 Mail:

Carrera 15 # 93 – 60 Bogotá, Colombia Tel: +573104055557 Mail:

Exhibiting Artists

List of Gallery Artists

Glexis Novoa

Glexis Novoa, Alfredo Márquez, Francisco Valdés, Flavio Samelo, Caroline Valansi, Vargas SuárezUniversal, Gianna Polarollo, Bruno Miguel, Bruno Novelli, Doma, Víctor Florido

92 | PINTA MIAMI 2015

- Glexis Novoa. A.C.P.O.Z.T. (Afro-Cuban Party Orlando Zapata Tamayo), 2010. Site-specific graphite wall drawing & ritual ...objects. Wall fragment from the original installation at Project Row Houses, Houston.

PINTA MIAMI 2015 | 93


SaludArte Foundation DIRECTOR

Tanya Capriles De Brillembourg PROJECT COORDINATOR

Natalia Manrique

2417 N.Miami Ave Miami, Fl 33127 Tel: +305 573 4618 Fax: +305 573 4617 Mail: Mail:

Exhibiting Artists

SaludArte Foundation

Lydia Okumura

Our mission is to engage and increase audiences and participants, in the visual and performing art fields, as well as facilitating its access for everyone, promoting positive social transformation and equality for all. The SaludArte Foundation is a non-profit organization that has been playing an important role supporting the arts by providing a platform to promote the development of educational and social integration programs through the visual and performing arts, serving the U.S and Latin America since its beginning in 2003. Founded and chaired by Tanya Capriles Brillembourg, one of the major Latin American philanthropists supporting the Arts and Healthcare, SaludArte has consolidated its activities in several countries like USA, Spain, Colombia, Peru and Venezuela.

94 | PINTA MIAMI 2015

- Lydia Okumura. In Front Of Light, 1977. String, glass, nail oil - 23 x 86 1/6 x 43 inches.

PINTA MIAMI 2015 | 95



Tanya Brillembourg Capriles

5820 SW 85th Street Miami, FL 33143, USA Tel: +1 786 217 4300 Mail:

Exhibiting Artists

List of Gallery Artists

Eugenio Espinoza

Jesus Soto, Carlos Cruz Diez, Eugenio Espinoza, Odalis Valdivieso, Maria Cristina Carbonell, Marcos Valella. Michelle Weinberg, Angela Bonadies

96 | PINTA MIAMI 2015

- Eugenio Espinoza. Untitled, 1979. Graphite on translucent paper - 14 x 17 inches. Collection of the artist, ...Gainesville, Florida. PINTA MIAMI 2015 | 97

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CURATED BY JOSÉ ANTONIO NAVARRETE AND RODRIGO ALONSO international visibility. Moreover, the research Pinta Photography is a special section dedicated on its achievements has advanced only in recent to Latin American artistic photography produced years. For this reason, PINTA Photography is by emerging artists between the 1920s and a totally innovative exhibition that creates a the 1970s. This period spans a wide range of distinct opportunity for enjoying, getting to know proposals included within the currents of modern and collecting photographic works from the photography that extended from the 1920s to region. In this exhibition, we have preferred to the 1960s. Conceptual practices that are part of put the gaze on a few particular episodes and the origins of contemporary artistic sensibility, individual artistic careers rather than on the as well as new forms of subjective photography construction of an extensive survey. We thank and visual documentation, also expanded during the collections and galleries that accompanied the 1960s and 1970s. This long period of Latin us forde this -American Samuel Lasso. Sin título, 2015. Toma directa sobre papel algodón 190purpose. gr. - Medidas variables. artistic photography has had little PINTA MIAMI 2015 | 99


Cisneros Fontanals Art Foundation (CIFO) DIRECTOR

Eugenio Valdes Figueroa

Exhibiting Artists Geraldo de Barros, Thomaz Farkas, Gaspar Gasparian, German Lorca, Paulo Pires, Rubens Teixeria, Jose Yalenti

100 | PINTA MIAMI 2015

1018 North Miami Avenue Miami, Florida 33136, USA Tel: +305 455 3380 Fax: +305 860 9401 Mail:

- Rubens Teixera Scavone. Serie 50s015, 1950. Print on premium lustre paper with ultra Chrome ink. ...16.5 x 12.875 inches. Courtesy of The Ella Fontanals-Cisneros Collection. PINTA MIAMI 2015 | 101


Galería Odalys DIRECTOR

Odalys Sánchez ASSISTANT

María Donaire

Calle Orfila 5, 28010, Madrid, Spain. Tel: +0034 91319 4011 Tel: +0034 91389 6809 Mobile: +0034 65324 9688 Mail:

C. Comercial Concresa, Nivel PB, Local 115 y 116, Prados del Este Baruta 1080, Caracas, Venezuela Tel: +0058 212979 5942 Tel: +0058 416622 1636 Mail:

Exhibiting Artists

List of Gallery Artists

Carlos Puche, Carlos Herrera, Claudio Perna

Nicolas Schöffer, Mateo Manaure, Zoltan Kunckel, Irina Novarese, Uli Westphal, Balász Sipos, Manuel Quintana Castillo, Jesús Soto, Carlos Puche, Carlos Herrera, Santiago Torres, Anton Lamazares, Ernesto Rancaño, Mabel Poblet, Mátrai Erik, Claudio Perna

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- Carlos Herrera. Marco de silla de hierro en la playa, 1952. Gelatin silver - 20 x 16 inches. PINTA MIAMI 2015 | 103


Proyecto Bachué DIRECTOR

José Darío Gutiérrez ASSISTANT

Valentina Gutiérrez

Carrera 4A # 26C-37, Barrio La Macarena, Bogotá, Colombia Tel: +57 1 7495802 Mail: Mail:

Exhibiting Artists

Proyecto Bachué

Manolo Vellojín

The Bachué Project is a platform for managing activities related to Colombian plastic and audiovisual arts. Its aim is to promote contemporary expressions of creation, research and curatorship based on the rescue of ancestral values and a review of modern manifestations in the arts, contributing to the consolidation of a cultural heritage which reflects on our current and local existence, useful for building a more universal reality.

104 | PINTA MIAMI 2015

- Manolo VellojĂ­n. Untitled, ca. 1982. Polaroids - h4.2 x w3.5 inches. PINTA MIAMI 2015 | 105


Sammer Gallery LLC DIRECTOR

Ignacio Pedronzo ASSISTANT

Andrea Baridon

125 NW 23rd Street Miami FL 33127, USA Tel: +305 576 1995 Mail:

Exhibiting Artists

List of Gallery Artists

Romulo Aguerre, Sameer Makarius

Constructivism: Joaquin Torres Garcia, Augusto Torres, Horacio Torres, Julio Alpuy, Francisco Matto, Gonzalo Fonseca, Manuel Pailos, Jose Gurvich, Otros Taller Torres Garcia, Marcelo Bonevardi Concrete: Maria Freire, Jose Pedro Costigliolo, Antonio Llorens, Romulo Aguerre, Raul Lozza, Hugo de Marziani, Miguel Vidal, Eduardo Seron, Manuel Alvarez, Alfredo Hlito, Sakai Grupo Joven: Victor Magarinos, Diana Chalukian Madi: Carmelo Arden Quin, Rodolfo Ian Urichio, Antonio Caraduje Kinetic: Antonio Asis, Jesus Soto, Martha Boto, Gregorio Vardanega, Julio Leparc, Luis Tomasello Informalism: Juan Ventayol, Miguel Pareja, Carlos Peaz Vilaro, Jorge Paez Vilaro, JosÊ Gamarra Pop Art (60’S): Ruisdael Suarez, Eduardo Cristiani Sculpture: Pablo Atchugarry, Ricardo Pascale

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- Romulo Aguerre. Composition, 2015. Gelatin silver print - 20.8 x 16.9 inches. PINTA MIAMI 2015 | 107



Cecilia Jurado & Carlos Garcia Montero

319 Grand Street. 5th floor. New York. New York. 10002, USA Tel: +212 2283897 Mail:

Exhibiting Artists

List of Gallery Artists

Reynaldo Luza

Alberto Borea, Alejandra Prieto, Alejandro Almanza Pereda, Artemio, Christoph Draeger, Eung Ho Park, G.T. Pellizzi, Irvin Morazan, Juanli Carrión, Manuela Viera-Gallo, Maurício Ianês, Miguel Aguirre, Monika Bravo, Norma MarKley, Ryan Brown, Santiago Villanueva

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- Reynaldo Luza. Ruins of Puruchuco, ca. 1961. Archival pigment in cotton paper - 39.4 x 39.4 inches.

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• Rodrigo Alonso • Tanya Capriles de Brillembourg • Pablo Ciano • CIFO • Ella Cisneros • Ciudad de Buenos Aires • Pablo Chiozza • Chandon USA • Manuel Clavel- Rojo • Mayi de la Vega • Verónica de Mello • DHL • Víctor M. Echevarría • Ruth Estevez • Jesús Fuenmayor • Fundación Saludarte • Juan Gaitan • Jenny Gil • José Dario Gutierrez • Patricia Hanna • Ariel Jimenez • J.W. Marriott • Enrique Jocelyn-Holt • Elio Kapszuk • Roc Laseca • LAN TAM • Gene Lemay • Cora Lichtschein

132 | PINTA MIAMI 2015

• Hernán Lombardi • Adele Lorenzo • Moishe Mana • The Miami Herald • Tiroche DeLeon Collection • Alberto Najar • José Antonio Navarrete • Newlink- Group • Cristina Nosti • Marta Palao • Carlos Parra • Jorge Peréz • Catherine Petitgas • Diana Rivera • Tahia Rivero • Sergio Roitberg • Adriana Rosenberg • Osbel Suarez • Cynthia Szmuch • Serge Tiroche • Teresa Villarrea • Fundación Proa • Eugenio Valdes • Ursula Velarde • Cristian A. Vera • Frederick R. Weisman Art Foundation • Carlos Zapata

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