Catalog Pinta Miami 2014

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3-7 | Dec | 2014

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December 3-7, 2014 Midtown Miami • Wynwood 3401 NE, 1st Avenue, Miami

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Editorials & Organization 05 • Welcome to PINTA by Diego Costa Peuser 07 • Welcome to PINTA by Víctor Echevarria 09 • Show Management 2014 11 • Host Committee 12 • Pinta Modern 32 • Pinta Contemporary 82 • Pinta Next 96 • Pinta Brazil Contemporary 111 • Advertisement

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Bienvenidos a la primera edición de Pinta Miami


Bienvenidos a la primera edición de Pinta Miami. Creada en 2007, esta plataforma surge a partir de la identificación de la necesidad de promover el mercado del arte de América Latina y la Península Ibérica. Este año Pinta actualiza su propuesta y elige la ciudad de Miami como escenario ideal desde el cual continuar promocionando la obra de artistas latinoamericanos y propulsarlos hacia un contexto global. Desde sus inicios, Pinta se ha destacado por su perfil específico. Estructurada en torno a identidades y problemáticas propias del arte latinoamericano, Pinta se erige como una plataforma internacional desde la cual hacer visibles a grandes artistas cuyas obras no han sido

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todavía muy difundidas y a jóvenes talentos en plena actividad. Esta edición está organizada en tres secciones a cargo de prestigiosos curadores: Osbel Suárez, en Pinta Modern; Sonia Becce, en Pinta Next y Moacir Dos Anjos, en Pinta Brasil. Cada una de ellas construye distintas miradas e interpela a múltiples espectadores. Este aspecto define a Pinta como una feria destinada a satisfacer las expectativas de un público amplio. Quiero agradecer a nuestro principal patrocinador, EFG Capital Bank, por su compromiso de apoyar a Pinta Miami, así como a todos los patrocinadores que hicieron posible esta octava edición.

Welcome to the first edition of Pinta Miami


Welcome to the first edition of Pinta Miami. Created in 2007, this platform originated in the need to promote the market for art from Latin America and the Iberian Peninsula. This year, Pinta updates its proposal and chooses the city of Miami as the ideal scenario to continue promoting the work of Latin American artists and their insertion in the global context. Since its inception, Pinta has been distinguished by its specific profile. Structured around identities and issues characteristic of Latin American art, Pinta becomes established as an international platform providing visibility to great artists whose works are not yet widely known and to fully active young talents.

This edition is organized into three sections under the direction of prestigious curators: Osbel Suรกrez is responsible for Pinta Modern; Sonia Becce for Pinta Next, and Moacir Dos Anjos, for Pinta Brazil. Each one of these sections constructs and develops different gazes and questions multiple viewers. This aspect defines Pinta as a fair aimed at meeting the expectations of a widely diverse audience. I wish to thank our main sponsor, EFG Capital Bank, for its commitment in supporting Pinta Miami, as well as all the sponsors that made this eighth edition of Pinta possible.

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POR VICTOR M. ECHEVARRIA Chairman • EFG Capital International Corp

EFG se enorgullece en asociarse con PINTA en este evento que reúne a los principales artistas y galerías de los Estados Unidos, América Latina y Europa, para promover el arte latinoamericano e ibérico en el mercado global. Nuestra asociación con PINTA amplía nuestros actuales compromisos culturales con ferias de arte latinoamericano y otras instituciones que tienen por objeto premiar e incentivar a los talentos emergentes y a las comunidades que los apoyan. En EFG, nos esforzamos por reflejar la diversidad de nuestros clientes y de nuestra gente en nuestros patrocinios y nuestros compromisos filantrópicos. Muchos de nuestros clientes son coleccionistas de arte latinoamericano moderno y contemporáneo, o se interesan en él. El concepto y la producción de un evento como PINTA, con su formato expositivo que abraza la diversidad e incluye galerías consagradas, artistas y galerías emergentes y un segmento re-

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gional, hacen de esta feria el foro ideal que nos permite conectar a los artistas con los coleccionistas internacionales y acercar a un creciente número de personas al arte latinoamericano. En EFG también ponemos un fuerte énfasis en el poder de la educación y el intercambio de ideas para inspirar un avance en las áreas del arte y la cultura. Esperamos con mucho interés la oportunidad de participar en los paneles de debate que se presentarán en PINTA Forum, con cuyo coordinador, el Dr. Roc Laseca, tenemos el privilegio de estar asociados. EFG espera poder contribuir a la progresiva evolución de PINTA por muchos años y continuar colaborando con su fundador, Diego Costa Peuser, y con los miembros del Comité Anfitrión en brindar su apoyo al mundo vibrante y rápidamente creciente del arte latinoamericano en Miami.

BY VICTOR M. ECHEVARRIA Chairman • EFG Capital International Corp

EFG is proud to partner with PINTA as it brings together the leading artists and galleries from the United States, Latin America and Europe to promote Latin American and Iberian art in the global market. Our association with PINTA extends our existing cultural endeavours with Latin American art fairs and other institutions to award and encourage emerging talents and the communities that support them. In our sponsorships and philanthropy EFG strives to reflect the diversity of our clients and of our people. A number of our clients are collectors of, or have an interest in, Latin American modern and contemporary art. The concept and production of an event such as PINTA, with its diverse exhibition format of established galleries, emerging artists and gallerists and regional seg-

ment, is the ideal forum for us to connect artists with international collectors and expose increasing numbers of people to Latin American art. At EFG we also place great emphasis on the power of education and the exchange of ideas to inspire forward motion in the areas of art and culture. We are truly looking forward to participating in the PINTA Forum Auditorium Talks at the fair and are privileged to be associated with Dr. Roc Laseca, the coordinator of the PINTA Forum. EFG looks forward to contributing to the further evolution of PINTA for many years to come and continuing to collaborate with its founder, Diego Costa Peuser, and members of the Host Committee in supporting the vibrant and rapidly growing world of Latin American art in Miami.

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Show Management 2014 EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR


• Diego Costa Peuser

Newlink Communications Group • Teresa Villareal


Pinta Modern • Osbel Suárez Pinta Contemporary • Curatorial Committee Pinta Next • Sonia Becce Pinta Brazil • Moacir Dos Anjos Pinta Forum • Roc Laseca



Content Consultant • Amalia Caputo Latin America • Carolina Ledezma Argentina • Muchnik & CO


Pinta Miami • Malena Assing • Sol Picón- Fernández COLLECTOR & VIP NEW YORK


• Javier Ollarves

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Host Committee 2014 • Teresa Aguirre Lanari de Bulgheroni • Sergio Aisenberg • Milagros & José B. Andreu • Armando Andrade • Juan Ball • Tony Bechara • Diana & Moisés Berezdivin • Margarita & John Belk • Holly Block • Tanya Brillembourg • Jorge Brugo • Luis Caballero • Sixto Campano • Dinorah & Horacio Campolieto • Luis Campos • Teresa Carregal • Trudy & Paul Cejas • Cecilia Cordeiro de Engels • Eduardo & Clarise Costantini • Rosa & Carlos de la Cruz • Bernard Chappard • Thomas Cummins • Elliot Davis • Víctor M. Echevarría • Ricardo Estévez • Jacobo Fiterman • César Gaviria • Mónica & Oded Goldberg • Carmen & Luis Gutiérrez • Richard Hamilton Yaz & Valentín Hernández • Enrique Jocelyn-Holt • Marlise & Aníbal Jozami • Violy Mac Causland • Carlos Machado • Dimitri Milberg • Petro Felipe Montes Lira

• Jack Morinière • Lisett & Pedro Muñoz Marín • Solita & Steven Mishaan • Diane & Robert Moss • Carlos Padula • Tatiana Pagés • Ignacio Pakciarz • Gonzalo Parodi • Raúl Peralba • Jorge Pérez • Sagrario Pérez Soto • Catherine Petitgas • Cecilia & Ernesto Poma • Philippe Prufer • Saul Rotsztain • Ben Schneider • Erica Roberts • Mera & Don Rubell • María Soledad Saieh • Mercedes Sánchez Elía • Yolanda Santos Garza • Raquel & Michael Scheck • Susan Segal • Salwa Smith • Edward Sullivan • Pablo Stalman • Malcom S. Taub • Susana Torruella • Richard Townsend • Rosalía & Umberto Ugobono • Silke & Alex Reynal • Patricia & Juan Vergez • Juan Carlos Verme • Gabriel Werthein • Elita & Daniel Yanquelewitz • Natasha & Julián Zugazagoitia PINTA 2014 | 11

OSBEL SUÁREZ Curator for PINTA Galleries • Modern Art

Osbel Suárez (Pinar del Río, Cuba, 1970). BFA in Art History from the University of Havana. Lives and works in Madrid. From 1999 to 2008, he served as curator and exhibitions coordinator at the Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofía. Subsequently, he was Chief Curator at CIFO EUROPE until 2012. Among the exhibitions he has curated, special mention may be made of La pasión por el libro (MNCARS and Staatsbibliothek, Berlin, 2002), Jesse Fernández’ retrospective (MNCARS, 2003), Lo[s] cinético[s](MNCARS, 2007 and Tomie Ohtake Institute, 2008). The latter show, which won the Critics’ Award granted by the Sao Paulo Association of Art Critics, explored the kinetic art movement from a trans-historical perspective and vindicated the contributions of Latin America to the kinetic discourse. In 2009, Suárez curated for the Museu d`Art Espanyol Contemporany the exhibition Cruz-Diez. El color sucede and in 2011, he inaugurated at the Juan March Foundation América Fría. La abs12 | PINTA 2014

tracción geométrica en Latinoamérica (19341973.) In 2012, a significant part of the CIFO Collection was presented, under his curatorship, at the National Museum of Fine Arts in Havana. He has curated and written the prologues for exhibitions by Julio Le Parc, Ana Mercedes Hoyos, Alberto Fabra, Antonio Asís, Francisco Sobrino, Leo Matiz, and Carmen Calvo, among others. He has been a member of the staff of the Master of Museology courses at the University of Granada, and has delivered courses and lectures in museums, universities and foundations in Europe, the United States and Latin America, where he is also an advisor for important collections. PINTA Fair has chosen him as curator of its next edition. In 2015 he will inaugurate a retrospective of Raúl Lozza at the MDC Freedom Tower (Miami) and the Museum of Contemporary Art in Santiago de Chile is preparing an overview of Claudio Girola’s work under his gaze. A book of his authorship on the life of art critic José Gómez Sicre and another on the work of Macaparana are about to be published.

MODERN Within the modern chapter of PINTA 2014, I would like to place the emphasis on the successive chapters of geometric abstraction insofar as they may be understood as an example of the desire for progress, modern and heterogeneous, that has run through Latin America since the early decades of the second half of the 20th century. The successive spaces for grouping together and experimentation, as well as the also successive ruptures and confrontations of geometric art in Latin America highlight the weight and the strength of continental geometry. Particularly rupturistic is the presence of concrete Brazilian photography, given that its representational possibilities made it possible for abstract expression to have some channels for diffusion that contributed to the understanding and development of modern sensibility. However, up to the present, critics and collectors have focused their gaze almost exclu-

sively on the countries of the Atlantic Basin, leaving those that share the Pacific Basin in an undeserved limbo. The geometry of Argentina, Uruguay, Brazil and Venezuela has been studied – and collected – rigorously, but that of Chile, Peru and Ecuador still await the moment when their critical fortune will reach the same level of recognition as their neighbors’. This absence of balance is the reason that leads me to pretend to show the geometric exercises of the other half of Latin America. The concrete experience in Cuba, subject to brevity and an abrupt end induced by the change in discourse imposed by the arrival of the 1959 Revolution also requires special attention. Recovered for the first time through their inclusion, in 2011, in the exhibition América Fría, the Cuban geometric artists still need an exercise of exhibition and circulation that may place them on a par with their fellow artists from the Continent. PINTA 2014 | 13

El Museo Director: Luis Fernando Pradilla Calle 81 # 11 – 41, Bogotá, Colombia, Zip code 110221 Tel./Fax: +57 (1) 7447588 Mobile: +57 (3) 115316323 GALLERY ARTISTS

Débora Arango, Álvaro Barrios Fernando Botero, Starsky Brines Luis Caballero, Juanita Carrasco Manuel Calderón, Sebastián Camacho, Sebastián Dávila, Adriana Duque, Jaime Franco Mariana Monteagudo, José Horacio Martínez, Marco Mojica, Vicky Neumann, Alejandro Obregón, Catalina Ortiz, Nadin Ospina, Gustavo Rezende, Juan Antonio Roda, Carlos Rojas, Carlos Salazar Arenas, Bernardo Salcedo, Javier Vanegas ARTISTS EXHIBITING AT PINTA

Carlos Rojas

Stand Nº: M01

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Carlos Rojas • Untitled, from the series Mutantes • Ca 1990 • Mixed media on canvas • 19 5/8 x 19 5/8 inches

Carlos Rojas • Untitled, from the series América Cruzados • 1982 • Acrilyc on canvas • 31 3/8 x 94 ½ inches

Carlos Rojas • Untitled, from the series Papeles pegados • Ca 1959 • Mixed media on wood • 23 5/8 x 23 5/8 inches

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Enlace Arte Contemporáneo & Il Chiostro Arte Contemporánea Enlace Arte Contemporáneo Director: Roberto Ascóniga Skare Assistant: Susana Larreategui Av. Camino Real 1123 San Isidro, Lima 27, Lima, Perú Tel./Fax: +511 222 5714 Mobile: +51 99408 5762 Il Chiostro Arte Contemporánea Director: Marina Affanni Assistant: Sara Rossetti Viale Santuario, 11 21047 Saronno (VA), Italia Tel.:+02 9622717 GALLERY ARTISTS

José Bedia, Sergio Camporeale, José Luis Carranza, Gerardo Chávez, Jorge Eielson, Michelle del Campo, Ignacio Iturria, Ángel Marcos, Diego Masi, Jorge Miño, Luz Negib, Claudio Roncoli, Jorge Vigil ARTISTS EXHIBITING AT PINTA

Jorge Eielson

Stand Nº: M05 16 | PINTA 2014

Jorge Eielson • Trousers • 1962 • Assemblage on canvas • 51.1 x 47.2 inches / 130 x 120 cm.

Jorge Eielson • Quipus 40 T-1 • 1969 • Acrylic on jute • 63 x 74.8 inches / 160 x 190 cm.

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Guerra Galería de Arte Directors: Adriana Guerra 26 de Marzo 3598, Montevideo Zip:11300, Uruguay Tel./Fax: +598 2 623 4857 Mobile: +598 94 420 200 GALLERY ARTISTS

Javier Abdala, José Costigliolo, José Cuneo, Araceli Gilbert, León Ferrari, Pedro Figari, Miguel ÁngelGuerra, Miguel Guerra Spera, Sol Lewit, Carlos Musso, Hermenegildo Sabat, Antonio Seguí, Luis Solari, Joaquín Torres García ARTISTS EXHIBITING AT PINTA

Javier Abdala, José Costigliolo, Araceli Gilbert, Miguel Ángel Guerra, Miguel Guerra Spera, Sol Lewit, Antonio Seguí, Luis Solari, Joaquín Torres García

Stand Nº: M13

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José Costigliolo • Rectangles LXVI • 1964 • Oil on canvas • 39.4 x 39.4 inches

Joaquín Torres García • Neoclassical • 37.5 x 25.19 inches

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Imaginart Gallery Director: Benito Padilla Av. Diagonal, 432 08037, Barcelona, Spain Tel./Fax: +0034 93 241 22 40 GALLERY ARTISTS

• Salvador Dalí • Ana Donat • Joan Miró • Lidó Rico • Manuel Ros ARTISTS EXHIBITING AT PINTA

• William Barbosa • Cristina Ghetti • Octavio Herrera • Julio Le Parc • Jordi Pericot • Victor Vasarely

Jordi Pericot • Chromatic Spaces 85-625 T. a. • 1972 • Methacrylate and paint • 41.2 x 41.2 inches

Stand Nº: M07

Cristina Ghetti • Serie Mareas • 2008-2012 • Acrylic on canvas • 62.4 x 62.4 inches 20 | PINTA 2014

Octavio Herrera • Construction ligne descriptive jaune et rouge • 2012 • Acrylic on canvas on wood • 20.1 x 20.1 inches PINTA 2014 | 21

KaBe Contemporary Director: Karina Belilty 223 NW 26th St. Miami, FL, 33127, USA Tel.: +1 305 573 8142 Fax: +1 305 573 8144 GALLERY ARTISTS

• Carla Arocha- Stéphane Schreanen • Antonio Asís • Karmelo Bermejo • Sigfredo Chacón • Magdelena Correa • José Antonio Hernández Diez • Jorge Pedro Núñez • Luca Pozzi • Meyer Vaisman • Sergio Vega

Antonio Asis • Géométrie Libre # 2327 • 1963 • Acrylic on cardboard • 29.5 x 29.5 inches


• Antonio Asis

Stand Nº: M02

Antonio Asis • Géométries Spatiale Bleue, # 3052 • 1966 • Acrylic on cardboard • 29.7 x 30.3 inches

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Antonio Asis • Pastilles Jaunes, Noires et Mauves, # 3060 • 1980 • Acrylic on cardboard • 26.7 x 26.7 inches

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O. Ascanio Gallery Directors: Oscar Ascanio, Nicolas Ascanio & Eugenia Briceño Press Contact: Frances Alban Contact: Bojana Ile Pantevska 2600 NW 2nd Avenue Wynwood Art District Miami, FL 33127 Tel.: + 305 571 9036 Mobile: +954 292 1376 GALLERY ARTISTS

Bernard Aubertin, Jorge Blanco, Agostino Bonalumi, Alfredo Boulton, Carlos Cabeza, Lynn Chadwick, Carlos Cruz-Diez, Hester, Gary Hume, Victor Lucena, Nanin, Alejandro Otero, Anrika Rupp, Francisco Salazar, Jesús Soto, Víctor Vasarely, Bernar Venet, Luis Tomasello ARTISTS EXHIBITING AT PINTA

Milton Becerra, Jorge Blanco, Carlos Cabeza, Carlos Cruz-Diez, Hester, Víctor Lucena, Nanin, Alejandro Otero, Anrika Rupp, Francisco Salazar, Jesús Soto, UG

Stand Nº: M04

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Jesús R. Soto • Double Ecriture, Noir et Vert • 1966 • Acrylic on wood and metal • 43 x 68 inches • Exhibited at the Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum, 1974

Carlos Cabeza • Rhythmical Construction • 2007 • Acrylic on canvas • 56.3 x 67.5 inches

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Ranivilu Art Gallery Directors: Ramón Delgado &Virginia Brewer 2617 N. Miami Ave Wynwood Arts District Miami, FL 33127 GALLERY ARTISTS

Getulio Alviani, Rafael Barrios, Omar Carreño, Carlos Cruz-Diez, Carlos González-Bogen, Luis Guevara Moreno, Pablo Griss, Julio LeParc, Rodrigo MachadoIturbe, Mateo Manaure, Francois Morellet, Francisco Salazar, Nicolás Schoffer, Jesús Soto, Víctor Vasarely, Yvaral, Zerep ARTISTS EXHIBITING AT PINTA

Omar Carreño, Carlos Cruz-Diez, Carlos González-Bogen, Pablo Griss, Luis Guevara Moreno, Julio LeParc, Mateo Manaure, Francisco Narváez, Jesús Soto

Pablo Griss • Blackgold • 2014 • Actylic paint and goldleaf. Unique Piece • 78.7 x 92.5 inches

Stand Nº: M11

Carlos González-Bogen • Escultura Tenso-Dinámica • 1980s • Welded Iron • 32 x 31 x 17 inches 26 | PINTA 2014

Luis Guevara Moreno • Untitled • 1950-1960s • Paint over wood. Unique Piece • 59 inches / 150 cm. diameter

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Sammer Gallery LLC Directors: Ignacio Pedronzo 125 NW 23rd Street Miami, FL, 33127, USA Tel.: 305-576-1995 Tel.: 305-441-2005 Fax: +305-359-9186 gallery.html GALLERY ARTISTS

Constructivism • José Gurvich • Gastón Olalde • Manuel Pailos • Lincoln Presno • Joaquín Torres García • Augusto Torres • Horacio Torres Madi • Carmelo Arden Quin • Bolívar Gaudi • Rodolfo Ian Uricchio Concrete Art • Manuel Álvarez • Manuel Espinosa • Raúl Lozza • Hugo de Marziani • Juan Mele • Eduardo Serón Movimiento Arte Generativo • Miguel A Vidal

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• Ary Brizzi • Eduardo Mac Entyre Grupo No Figurativo • Rómulo Aguerre • José Pedro Costigliolo • María Freire • Antonio Llorens Optic / Kinetic • Antonio Asís • Martha Boto • Ana Sacerdote • Jesús Soto • Gregorio Vardanega Grupo Joven • Víctor Magariños ARTISTS EXHIBITING AT PINTA

Constructivism • José Gurvich • Joaquín Torres García Madi • Carmelo Arden Quin

Concrete Art • Manuel Álvarez • Manuel Espinosa • Enio Iommi Movimiento Arte Generativo • Eduardo Mac Entyre Grupo No Figurativo • Rómulo Aguerre • José Pedro Costigliolo • María Freire • Antonio Llorens Optic / Kinetic • Ana Sacerdote Grupo Joven • Víctor Magariños

Stand Nº: M03

Carmelo Arden Quin • Cardinal • 1949 • Oil on cardboard • 31.5 x 22.8 inches

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Teresa Anchorena Director: Teresa Anchorena Acevedo 850, C.P. 1414, Capital Federal, Buenos Aires, Argentina Tel./Fax: +5411 47770916 GALLERY ARTISTS

• Manuel Álvarez • Roberto Elía • Guadalupe Miles • Alita Olivari • Beatriz Pagés • Lucas Pértile • Guillermo Thiemer • Juan Andrés Videla ARTISTS EXHIBITING AT PINTA

León Ferrari • No title • 1962 • Ink on paper • 11.8 x 7.8 inches

• Pat Andrea • Manuel Álvarez • León Ferrari • Beatriz Pagés • Jorge Simes • Juan Andrés Videla

Stand Nº: M15

Pat Andrea • Car Pan pour Orphée • 2009 • Mixed media on paper • 70.8 x 59 inches 30 | PINTA 2014

Juan Andrés Videla • Puerto Madero • 2012 • Graphite on formica • 31.5 x 47.2 inches

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CONTEM POR ARY ART What are the milestones to be considered in the construction of a cultural map of Latin America? In the past two decades, The diffusion of Latin American art and artists has experienced a rapid transformation in the global art scene. Every line of thought concerning contemporary art from the region has questioned its historiography and mod-

els, on the one hand, and witnessed the consolidation of this art in the globalized market, on the other. The aim of Pinta CONTEMPORARY is to build a solid platform to promote and disseminate the region’s artistic production and broaden an understanding of the region, while offering at the same time a multidisciplinary, specialized and global survey. PINTA 2014 | 33

Acacia Gallery Director: Guillermo Pérez Veranes 512. 18 Street ./ 5ta y 7ma. Miramar. Playa. 11300. La Habana. Cuba Tel./Fax: +53 7 2141444 Tel.: +53 5 2746057 ARTISTS EXHIBITING AT PINTA

Kadir López Nieves

Stand Nº: C19

Kadir López Nieves • From the series Gangsters Corporation • Mixed media on metal • 21 x 21 inches

Kadir López Nieves • Public-Enemy • Mixed media on metal • 47 x 47 inches 34 | PINTA 2014

Kadir López Nieves • Uncle Rubik • 2014 • Sculpture (aluminum and wood) • 25 x 25 x 25 inches

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Acacia Gallery Director: Guillermo Pérez Veranes 512. 18 Street ./ 5ta y 7ma. Miramar. Playa. 11300. La Habana. Cuba Tel./Fax: +53 7 2141444 Tel.: +53 5 2746057 ARTISTS EXHIBITING AT PINTA

Manuel Mendive

Stand Nº: C20

Manuel Mendive • Why not answer me? • 2014 • Acrilic on canvas • 47.8 x 60 inches

Manuel Mendive • Range of energies • 2010 • Mixed media on wood • 73 x 29 x 32.8 inches

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Manuel Mendive • The face of the water • 2010 • Mixed media • 70 x 50.8 inches

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Alejandra von Hartz Gallery Director: Alejandra von Hartz 2630 NW 2nd. Avenue Miami, Fl 33127, USA Tel./Fax: +1 305 438 0220 Tel.:+1 305 322 6112 GALLERY ARTISTS

Soledad Arias, Amadeo Azar, Fabián Burgos, Leyden Rodríguez Casanova, Lenora De Barros, Matthew Deleget, Marta Chilindrón, Marcolina Dipierro, Danilo Dueñas, Marie Orensanz, Juan Pablo Garza, Artur Lescher, Lynne Golob Gelfman, Malene Landgreen, Russell Maltz, Karina Peisajovich, Pablo Siquier, Ana Tiscornia, Sam Winston ARTISTS EXHIBITING AT PINTA

• Amadeo Azar • Marcolina Dipierro • Marta Chilindron • Jaime Gili • Artur Lescher • Luis Romero • Pablo Siquier • Ana Tiscornia

Stand Nº: C01

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Pablo Siquier • 1315 • 2013 • Charcoal on paper • 87 x 59 inches

Marta Chilindrón • 27 Squares (red and fluorescent green) • 2010 • Plexiglas and plastic hinges • Measurements vary, when closed

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Ana Maria Stagno • XS Directors: Ana María Stagno Constanza Jorquiera & Ana Jorquiera Nueva Costanera 3723, Vitacura Santiago de Chile, 7630000, Chile Tel./Fax: +56 2 27993180 GALLERY ARTISTS

• Salvador Amenabar • Samy Benmayor • Claudio Bravo • Vicente Gajardo • Benjamín Lira • Ramiro Llona • Ricardo Maffei • Ramuntcho Matta • Roberto Matta • Nicolás Radic • Antonio Seguí ARTISTS EXHIBITING AT PINTA

• Samy Benmayor • Vicente Gajardo • Benjamín Lira • Ricardo Maffei • Ramuntcho Matta • Roberto Matta • Nicolás Radic

Stand Nº: C16

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Nicolás Radic • Black bubbles • 2014 • Oil on canvas • 70.8 x 47.2 inches

Benjamín Lira • Intuition • 2014 • Acrylic, sand and collage construction paper • 22 x 54.5 inches

Samy Benmayor • 2014 • Oil on canvas • 49.2 x 49.2 inches PINTA 2014 | 41

Artespacio Directors: M.Elena Comandari & Rosa Lira Ibáñez Alonso de Córdova #2600. Vitacura, Chile Tel./Fax: +56 2 222062177 Tel.:+56 2 222346164 GALLERY ARTISTS

Javier Arentsen, Ignacio Bahna, Ernesto Barreda, José Basso, Bororo, Francisco Bustamante, Francisca Cerda, Soledad Chadwick, Carlos Eguiguren, Elisa García de la Huerta, Francisco Gazitua, Virginia Guilisasti, Verónica Gonzalez, Mauricio Guajardo, Claudio Herrera, Pablo Jansana, Pascale Lehman, Ángela Leíble, Constanza Levine, Matta, M. José Mir, Benjamín Ossa, Keka Ruiz-Tagle, Jesús Rafael Soto, Amalia Valdés, Andrés Vio, Matías Vergara

Francisco Bustamante • Untitled • 2014 • Pigment and gilded paper on canvas • 11 x 14 inches (each)


• Francisco Bustamante • Carlos Eguiguren • Claudio Herrera • Pablo Jansana • Matta • Benjamín Ossa

Stand Nº: C 24

Benjamín Ossa • Reverse pattern cutting N1 • 2014 • Cellulose paper and electrical system T4220W • 37 x 31 inches

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Carlos Eguiguren • Trazo – Stroke • 2014 • Print on 100% cotton fi 􀏐 ne art paper • 35.4 x 23.6 inches

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ArtMedia Gallery Director: Gady Alroy 2750 NW 3 Ave. Suite #12 Miami FL, 33127, USA Tel./Fax: +305 318 8306 GALLERY ARTISTS

• Fran Beaufrand • Milton Becerra • Neil Dern • José Diniz • Roberto Gómez • Bernardo Olmos • Alejandro Maureira • nascimento & lovera • José Antonio Navarrete • Jorge Sánchez • Patricia Van Dalen

Milton Becerra, Claudio Perna, and collaborators • Three Sad Tigers (Tres tristes tigres) • Caracas, 1975 • Archival fine art print • 8,6 x 10.2 inches


• Milton Becerra con Claudio Perna y colaboradores • Roberto Gómez • José Antonio Navarrete • Jorge Sánchez

Stand Nº: C22

Jorge Sánchez • From the series 6.9 or less (6.9 o menos) #16 • Miami, 2011-2014 • Archival fine art print • 15.7 x 19 inches

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José Antonio Navarrete • Untitled #11, shirt (Sin título #11, camisa) • Hostal María Inés, Cuenca, Ecuador, 2013 • Archival fine art print • 29.5 x 19.6 inches

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ASK Alex Slato Kabinet Director: Alex Slato ASK-MIAMI ALEX SLATO KABINET

Modern and Contemporary Latin American Art 400 Meridian Ave. Miami Beach, FL 33139 Tel./Fax: + 305 542 0473 ASK-LOS ANGELES

Tel.: +310 993 8029 Tel.: +562 225 6013 By Appointment ASK-NYC

25 W 89th St. Suite 1-B NY. NY 10024 (By Appointment) Tel.: +646 496 7385 Tel.: +562 225 6013 ARTISTS EXHIBITING AT PINTA

J. Margulis

Stand Nº: C07

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J. Margulis • Black Third Eye • 2014 • 38 x 20 inches each • Lucite & Polycarbonate Sheets • Edition of 3 + AP

J. Margulis • Seashore 2014. From The Vydia Series • 2014 • 28 x 28 x 16 inches • Lucite & Polycarbonate Sheets • Edition of 6 +AP

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DACIL Director: Jorgelina Dacil Infer Soria 5125. Palermo, C.P.: 1414 Buenos Aires, Argentina Tel./Fax: +54 11 4832 1784 ARTISTS EXHIBITING AT PINTA


• Alejandro Bonzo • Elena Dahn • Marina Font • Juan Giribaldi • Marta Minujin • Jorge Miño • Silvana Muscio

• Charly Nijensohn • Teresa Pereda • Gabriel Rud • Alejandro Somaschini • Alfredo Srur • Leila Tschopp • Laura Viñas

• Marina Font • Teresa Pereda • Leila Tschopp • Andrés Waissman

Stand Nº: C10

Marina Font • N.T. #6, #8 and #14 - The Weight of Things • 2014 • Archival pigment print photo • 30 x 20 inches each.

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Teresa Pereda • Water time 3. Amazon Series • 2009 • Video instalation HD

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Dot Fiftyone (Guzman-Perelman) Gallery Directors: Alfredo Guzmán & Isaac Perelman 187 NW 27 Street, Wynwood Arts District, Miami FL 33127 USA Tel./Fax: +305-573-9994 Mobile: +305–527–4422 GALLERY ARTISTS

• Lydia Azout • Omar Barquet • Marcos Castro • Eduardo Capilla • Hernán Cédola • Gonzalo Fuenmayor • Leslie Gabaldón • Mauro Giaconi • José Luis Landet • Pepe López • José Vera Matos • Leonel Matheu • Jorge Miño • Raquel Schwartz ARTISTS EXHIBITING AT PINTA

• Omar Barquet • Marco Castro • Hernán Cédola • Mauro Giaconi • Gonzalo Fuenmayor

Stand Nº: C15 50 | PINTA 2014

Gonzalo Fuenmayor • The Swing • 2014 • Charcoal on paper • 77 x 52 inches

Mauro Giaconi • Revuelta (Revolt) • 2014 • PVC Tube, aluminum tubes, nails, electrical engine and fragments of the mural/drawing Volver a Girar • 78 x 78 x 78 inches

PINTA 2014 | 51

El Anexo/Arte Contemporáneo Director: Nancy Farfán Avenida Eraso. Edificio Caura, Apartamento 2, PB. Urbanización San Bernardino, Municipio Libertador, Caracas 1011, Venezuela Tel./Fax: +58-­‐212-­‐5505601 Mobile: +58-­‐424-­‐1981235 (Caracas) Mobile: 1-­‐786-5 ­‐ 547721 (USA) @anexogaleria GALLERY ARTISTS

Argelia Bravo, Ángela Bonadies, Amada Granado, Teresa Mulet, Juan José Olavarría, David Palacios Conrado Pittari

Bonadies & Olavarria • The Tower of David: east façade • 2011 • C-­‐print • 33.9 x 32 inches • 7 + P / A


Diego Barboza, Angela Bonadies, Bonadies + Olavarría, Argelia Bravo, Iván Candeo, Amada Granado, Teresa Mulet, Juan José Olavarría, David Palacios, Claudio Perna, Conrado Pittari, Juan Toro

Stand Nº: C02

Teresa Mulet • Word-­silent series fabrics • 2014 • Fabric • Variable dimensions (35.1 x 58.5 inches approx.) 52 | PINTA 2014

Diego Barboza • Expressions in the market and restaurants (with nets and hats). Expressions in market and restaurants. Second presentation. London, North End Market, Social Earles Court, High Street Kensington, Portobello Road • December 12, 1970 • Color photograph -­‐ 7 parts -­‐ 3.5 x 4.7 inches each • Photographic record: José Calabrese. Unveiled in April 1978

PINTA 2014 | 53

FL GALLERY Director: Gabriela Galati Via Circo, 1. 20123. Milan, Italy Tel./Fax: +39 02 673 913 41 Mobile: +39 340 969 1313 GALLERY ARTISTS

• Michael Aerts • Abdelkader Benchamma • Mattia Barbieri • Enzo Cucchi • Gabriele Di Matteo • Igor Eškinja • Bruna Esposito • Franklin Evans • Federico Luger • Fausto Gilberti • Diango Hernández • Luis Molina-Pantin • Edgar Orlaineta • Gianni Pettena • Luca Pozzi • Giovanni Rizzoli • Nikola Uzunovski

Diango Hernández • The Vision• 2005 • From the series Eleven Mistakes, acrylic on reversed canvas • 106.3 x 78.7 inches


• Franklin Evans • Diango Hernández • Federico Luger • Edgar Orlaineta • Luis Molina Pantin

Stand Nº: C03

Federico Luger • Banana on the Rocks • 2014 • Acrylic on canvas • 9.4 x 11.8 inches

54 | PINTA 2014

Franklin Evans • Installation view at The Immigrants-Experiment 2 Venice • 2013 • Variable dimensions

PINTA 2014 | 55

Galería Sextante Directors: Luis Ángel Parra & María Eugenia Niño Carrera 14 No. 75-29 Bogotá Colombia Tel.: +571 249 4755 Fax: +571 211 9358 Mobile Colombia: +310 869 4739 Mobile USA: +305 510 6970 GALLERY ARTISTS

Ricardo Benaim, Samy Benmayor, Alejandro Casazi, Fernando Cruz, Dora de Germán-Ribón, Arturo Denarváez, Fernando de Szyszlo, Juan Manuel Echavarría, León Ferrari, Rosemarie Gleiser, Catalina Jaramillo Quijano, Juan Lecuona, Lucía Morón, Dalita Navarro, Nela Ochoa, Lorenza Panero, Teresa Pereda, Antonio Samudio, Antonio Seguí, Jorge Sarsale, Jennifer Vanderpool, Angélica María Zorrilla

Santiago Parra • 25.7.2014 • 2014 • Acrylic on canvas • 66.9 x 43.3 inches


• Santiago Parra • Luis Fernando Peláez • Hugo Zapata

Stand Nº: C08 Hugo Zapata • Vestigio • 2014 • Shale Rock Cut • 22.0 x 22.4 x 7.4 inches 56 | PINTA 2014

Luis Fernando Peláez • Untitled • 2014 • Metal, resin, wood and object • 31.4 x 31.4 x 5.9 inches

PINTA 2014 | 57

Galería Alfredo Ginocchio Director: Alfredo Ginocchio Arquímedes 175, Polanco 11570, México D.F., México Tel.: +5255 5254 8813 Fax: +5255 5255 5690 GALLERY ARTISTS

Santiago Carbonell, Guillermo Conte, Roberto Cortázar, Cassandra de Santiago, Reynaldo Díaz Zasati, Ofill Echevarría, Claudio Gallina, Luis Kerch, Hugo Lugo, Anna María Maiolino, Ramsés Olaya, Damián Ontiveros, Gavin Rain, Cesar Rangel, Víctor Rodríguez, Luis Selem, Bruno Widmann ARTISTS EXHIBITING AT PINTA

• Guillermo Conte • Ramses Olaya

Stand Nº: C21

58 | PINTA 2014

Guillermo Conte • Expedition • 2013 • Tracing paper and inks • 70.4 x 50.7 inches

Ramsés Olaya • Kami (rigid version)• 2014 • Electrostatic paint on laser cut steel • Edition 1 of 7 • 35.4 x 29.5 inches

PINTA 2014 | 59

Guerra Galería de Arte Directors: Adriana Guerra 26 de Marzo 3598, Montevideo Zip:11300, Uruguay Tel./Fax: +598 2 623 4857 Mobile: +598 94 420 200 GALLERY ARTISTS

Javier Abdala, José Costigliolo, José Cuneo, Araceli Gilbert, León Ferrari, Pedro Figari, Miguel Ángel Guerra, Miguel Guerra Spera, Sol Lewit, Carlos Musso, Hermenegildo Sabat, Antonio Seguí, Luis Solari, Joaquín Torres García ARTISTS EXHIBITING AT PINTA

Javier Abdala, José Costigliolo, Araceli Gilbert, Miguel Ángel Guerra, Miguel Guerra Spera, Sol Lewit, Antonio Seguí, Luis Solari, Joaquín Torres García

Stand Nº: C14

60 | PINTA 2014

Miguel Ángel Guerra • Geometric Abstraction • Acrylic on canvas • 39.4 x 39.4 inches

Javier Abdala • Van Gogh green background • Wood Carving • 96.5 x 70.8 inches

PINTA 2014 | 61

Juan Ruiz Gallery Directors: Juan Carlos Ruiz & Maria Gabriela Soto 301 NW 28th Street Miami / Florida / 33127 / USA Tel.: +1 786 310 7490 Avenida 8 No. 74-45 Maracaibo / Zulia / 4002 / Venezuela Tel.: +58 261 797 2762 GALLERY ARTISTS

• AES+F • Abel Barroso • Helmut Grill • Martin C. Herbst • Kcho • Clemencia Labin • Oriol Llauradó • Miguel Meza • Marco Montiel-Soto • Glexis Novoa • Kwang-Sung Park • Carlos Quintana • Betsabeé Romero • Rubén Torres Llorca • Víctor Vázquez ARTISTS EXHIBITING AT PINTA

• Kcho • Glexis Novoa • Betsabeé Romero • Rubén Torres Llorca

Stand Nº: C05 62 | PINTA 2014

Kcho • El Corazón de un Amigo • 2014 • Charcoal on canvas • 78 ¾ x 78 ¾ inches

Rubén Torres Llorca • Happy End Number One • 2014 • Acrylic and paper on canvas • 80 x 42 inches

Betsabeé Romero • Llantitas Doradas • 2010 • Carved Tires and Gold Engraved • Variable Dimensions

PINTA 2014 | 63

Ideobox. Artspace Directors: Herman Leyba & Alexandra Pre 2417 N Miami Ave, Miami, FL 33127, United States Tel./Fax: +1 305-576-9878 Tel.: +1 305-573-4617 GALLERY ARTISTS

• Ricardo Cárdenas • Aldo Chaparro • Eduardo Costa • Rodrigo Echeverri • Andrés Monteagudo • Jesús Matheus ARTISTS EXHIBITING AT PINTA

• Ricardo Cárdenas • Aldo Chaparro • Andrés Monteagudo

Stand Nº: C13

64 | PINTA 2014

Aldo Chaparro • Sin título • 2013 • Crushed aluminum • 48 x 48 inches

Andrés Monteagudo • De la serie Retrocesos • 2012 • Acrylic, galvanized wire, and graphite on fabric and wood • 27 ½ x 27 ½ inches

Ricardo Cárdenas • Bosque colores • 2014 • Polychrome aluminum • 19 x 13 ¼ x 7 inches PINTA 2014 | 65

Luciana Caravello Arte Contemporânea Director: Luciana Caravello Rua Barão de Jaguaripe, 387 Ipanema, Rio de Janeiro, RJ 22421-000, Brazil Tel./Fax: +55 21 2523 4696 Tel.: +55 21 98225 8078 GALLERY ARTISTS

Güler Ates, Fabio Baroli, Felipe Bertarelli, Gisele Camargo, Danielle Carcav, Marcos Cardoso, Walmor Corrêa, Adrianna Eu, Ivan Grilo, Luiz Hermano, James Kudo, Daniel Lannes, Antonio Lee, Ana Linnemann,Alexandre Mazza, Vicente de Mello, Bruno Miguel, Gui Mohallem, Jeanete Musatti, Nazareno, Nazareth Pacheco, Carolina Ponte, Eliane Prolik, Armando Queiroz, Marcelo Solá, Afonso Tostes, Ricardo Villa ARTISTS EXHIBITING AT PINTA

• Adrianna Eu • Ivan Grilo • Alexandre Mazza • Nazareno • Nazareth Pacheco

Stand Nº: C04

66 | PINTA 2014

Adrianna Eu • Suspension • 2007 • Wood, threads and nylon • 50 x 35.5 inches

Ivan Grilo • Study for possible treasures • 2013 • Iron stands, sand, melted alloy relief • 33.5 x 15.7 x 6 inches

Nazareno • Constelações (Constellations) • 2014 • 7 silver buttons • Variable measures

PINTA 2014 | 67

María Casado HG Directors: María Casado & Teresa Carregal J.B. de Lasalle 2156 (1643) Beccar Buenos Aires, Argentina Tel./Fax: +5411 4742 9392 GALLERY ARTISTS

• Jane Brodie • Dolores Cáceres • Bruno Grupalli • Federico Lanzi • Juane Odriozola • Geraldine Schwindt • Nicolás Vassen

Alejandra Seeber • Speech Bubble • 2014 • Murano glass • Dimentions variable


• Dolores Cáceres • Federico Lanzi • Alejandra Seeber

Stand Nº: C23

Dolores Cáceres/Dolores de Argentina • Free / slave. Series of antonyms • 2014 • Neon 8mm • 11.8 x 15.7 x 1.9 inches

68 | PINTA 2014

Fede Lanzi • Untitled • 2014 • Acrylic, ink and crayons on acrylic • 118.1 x 78.7 inches

PINTA 2014 | 69

Marión Gallery Director: Gabriel Cruz Calle 70 Este, PH Setenta 30 San Francisco. Ciudad de Panamá Panamá GALLERY ARTISTS

• Daniel Adrián • Rafael Barrios • Liu Bolin • Carlos Cruz-Diez • Curtis Gannon • Damián Hernández • David Magán • Carlos Medina • Cisco Merel • Héctor Ramírez • Klaus Staudt • Ventoso ARTISTS EXHIBITING AT PINTA

• Carlos Cruz-Diez • David Magán • Klaus Staudt

Stand Nº: C06

70 | PINTA 2014

Carlos Cruz-Diez • Physichromie Panam 116• 2013 • Printed Aluminum and PVC • 59.1 x 59.1 inches

Carlos Cruz-Diez • Physichromie Panam 148 • 2014 • Printed Aluminum and PVC • 39.4 x 118.1 inches

PINTA 2014 | 71

Mercantil Arte y Cultura A.C. Chief Curator: Tahía Rivero Av. San Juan Bosco con 2ª transversal Local Panaven, nro. 2. Urb. Altamira 1060 Caracas, Venezuela Tel./Fax: +58 212 2645087 ARTISTS EXHIBITING AT PINTA

• Sigfredo Chacón • Eugenio Espinoza • Héctor Fuenmayor • Roberto Obregón • Alfred Wenemoser

Roberto Obregón • Pe Eme, Masada project III • 1995-1997 • Rubber • 27.1 x 55.9 inches

Stand Nº: C18

Sigfredo Chacón • Black grill one tracing of the original • 1999 • Lithographic ink on canvas • 62.9 x 55.1 inches

72 | PINTA 2014

Eugenio Espinoza • Self-manipulated • 1991 • Acrylic, photographs and metal on canvas • 59 x 78.7 inches

PINTA 2014 | 73

O. Ascanio Gallery Directors: Oscar Ascanio, Nicolás Ascanio & Eugenia Briceño Press Contact: Frances Alban Contact: Bojana Ile Pantevska 2600 NW 2nd Avenue Wynwood Art District Miami, FL 33127 Tel.: + 305 571 9036 Mobile: +954 292 1376 GALLERY ARTISTS

Bernard Aubertin, Jorge Blanco, Agostino Bonalumi, Alfredo Boulton, Carlos Cabeza, Lynn Chadwick, Carlos Cruz-Diez, Hester, Gary Hume, Víctor Lucena, Nanin, Alejandro Otero, Anrika Rupp, Francisco Salazar, Jesús Soto, Víctor Vasarely, Bernar Venet, Luis Tomasello ARTISTS EXHIBITING AT PINTA

Milton Becerra, Jorge Blanco, Carlos Cabeza, Carlos Cruz-Diez, Hester, Víctor Lucena, Nanin, Alejandro Otero, Anrika Rupp, Francisco Salazar, Jesús Soto, UG

Stand Nº: M04 & M06

74 | PINTA 2014

Hester • Behind the Red Truck • 2013 • Inkjet photograph facemounted on matte plexi, back mounted on Dibond • 35 x 35 inches • One-of-a-kind

Jorge Blanco • NY Runner • 2011 • Aluminum + powder coating • 84 3/4 x 49 x 22 inches Private Collection, New York • One-of-a-kind

PINTA 2014 | 75

PSH Projects Directors: Mariano Ugalde & Christopher Paschall Ave. Ecuador No. 2534 La Paz, Bolivia Calle 9 # 2-40 Este Bogota, Colombia Tel./Fax: +1 301 591 3780 GALLERY ARTISTS

• Sair García • Rafael Gomezbarros • Sara Modiano • Alejandro Ospina • Gastón Ugalde • Delta 9 ARTISTS EXHIBITING AT PINTA

• Sair García • Alejandro Ospina • Gastón Ugalde • Delta 9

Stand Nº: C12

76 | PINTA 2014

Alejandro Ospina • Greba Orokorra • 2012 • Oil on canvas • 78.7 x 118.1 inches

Gastón Ugalde • Untitled • 2014 • C-type print • 31.4 x 47.2 inches

PINTA 2014 | 77

Salar Galería de Arte Directors: Mariano Ugalde & Jeff Plaza Ave. Ecuador No. 2534 La Paz, Bolivia GALLERY ARTISTS

• Delta 9 • Sonia Falcone • John Fitzgerald • Scarlett Hooft • Sara Modiano • Gastón Ugalde ARTISTS EXHIBITING AT PINTA

• Sonia Falcone

Stand Nº: C12

Sonia Falcone • Color field • 2013 • Mixed media installation • Dimensions variable

78 | PINTA 2014

Sonia Falcone • Color field (detail) • 2013 • Mixed media installation • Dimensions variable

PINTA 2014 | 79

Sergio Gonçalves Director: Sergio Gonçalves Sergio Goncalves Mobile: +55 21 99355 8661 Rua do Rosário, 38, Centro, RJ Tel.: +55 21 2263 7353 / 2253 0923 Av. Ayrton Senna, 2150, Bl B, sala 228 Casashopping, Barra da Tijuca, RJ Tel.: +55 21 3091 1345 Mobile: +55 21 99157 1240 galeria GALLERY ARTISTS

Carlos Aires, Carlos Araujo, Felipe Barbosa, Vania Barbosa, Bill Beckley, Clarissa Campello, Osvaldo Carvalho, Ana Duraes, Andrea Facchini, Jorge Fonseca, Ricardo Homen, Deneir Martins, Eduard Moreno, Bernard Pras, Rosana Ricalde, Raimundo Rodriguez, Eduardo Ventura Carlos Vergara ARTISTS EXHIBITING AT PINTA

• Felipe Barbosa • Deneir Martins • Rosana Ricalde • Raimundo Rodriguez • Eduardo Ventura

Stand Nº: C11

80 | PINTA 2014

Felipe Barbosa • Turtle ball • 2009 • Resin and pigment • 8.6 x 8.6 x 8.6 inches

Raimundo Rodriguez • Latifundios • 2014 • Painted Tin on plywood • 62.9 x 141.7 inches

Rosana Ricalde • Aurora • 2012 • Book The Odyssey drilled to the passage that speaks of Aurora mother of the Winds - with glass sphere that serves as a magnifying glass highlighting the book and stars superimposed on colored paper and painted stretch.

PINTA 2014 | 81

SONIA BECCE Curator for Pinta Next

Sonia Becce Independent curator. Lives and works in Buenos Aires. In 2014 she has been Chair of the Selection Committee responsible for selecting the galleries that would participate in ArteBA, and she was a member of the jury selecting works for the Cabinets section in that same fair. In 2013, she curated the exhibitions AES+F: The Liminal Space Trilogy and Eduardo Navarro: Estudio Jurídico Mercosur III, at the Faena Art Center in Buenos Aires. That same year she curated the project Situational Essay II “I am a piece of atmosphere”, at the River Plate Stadium in Buenos Aires, organized by the Art Department of 82 | PINTA 2014

the Torcuato Di Tella University. In 2012, she was a member of the Curatorial Committee of the Solo Projects section, at ARCO’12 in Madrid. Among other projects, she has curated smART, Freedom Tower, Miami Dade College; Félix González-Torres: Somewhere/Nowhere, University Museum of Contemporary Art-MUAC, Mexico City and MALBA Costantini Collection, Buenos Aires, Co-Curator of the retrospective exhibition Guillermo Kuitca at the Centro de Arte Museo Reina Sofía, Madrid and at MALBACostantini Collection, Buenos Aires. She has coordinated the first four editions of the Kuitca Scholarship for young artists.


Next gathers together a select group of young galleries which have been in existence for eight years or less. The section intends not only to promote the commercial aspects characteristic of a fair, but also to foster contact with the galleries participating in the other sections, since we consider that the interaction among them is of vital importance. PINTA 2014 | 83

Arróniz Arte Contemporáneo Director: Gustavo Arróniz Plaza Río de Janeiro 53 PB Col. Roma, Mexico City, 06700, Mexico Tel./Fax: +52 55 55117965 GALLERY ARTISTS

• Daniel Alcalá • Marcela Armas • Omar Barquet • Mónica Espinosa • Mauro Giaconi • Agustín González • José Luis Landet • Pablo López Luz • Moris • Mark Powell • Iván Puig • Ishmael Randall-Weeks • Ricardo Rendón • Omar Rodríguez-Graham • Jaime Ruiz Otis ARTISTS EXHIBITING AT PINTA

• Omar Rodríguez-Graham

Stand Nº: N01

84 | PINTA 2014

Omar Rodríguez-Graham • Against Nothingness • 2014 • Oil on canvas • 55.1 in (diameter)

PINTA 2014 | 85

Co Galería Directors: Lucía Cintas & Malena Cintas Nueva Costanera 3840, depto 11, Vitacura, Santiago de Chile CP 7630357, Chile Tel./Fax: +56 9 66293879 GALLERY ARTISTS

• Lidzie Alvisa • Analía Amaya • Ariamna Contino • Adrián Fernández • Ernesto Javier Fernández • Alex Hernández • JEFF • Liudmilla & Nelson • Cirenaica Moreira • Mabel Poblet • Gertrudis Rivalta • Patricio Vogel

Ariamna Contino • Serie Vértice • 2014 • Paper fretwork (fabriano 300g), glass and wood • 39 x 62 inches


• Ariamna Contino • Ernesto Javier Fernández

Stand Nº: N03

Ernesto Javier Fernández • And what if..., Serie: What you see, What you get • 2014 • Wooden box, digital print on transparent acrylic, PVC and LEDs • 39 x 39 inches 86 | PINTA 2014

Ernesto Javier Fernández • S/T. Serie: Serie: What you see, What you get • 2014 • Digital printing on backlight, american box • 36 x 36 inches

PINTA 2014 | 87

LA galería Director: Luis Aristizabal Calle 77 #12-03, Bogotá, Colombia. Tel./Fax: +57 1 4673348 GALLERY ARTISTS

• Germán Arrubla • Carlos Castro • Juan Carlos Delgado • Rodrigo Facundo • Edgar Guazmanruiz • Adriana Marmorek • David Peña • Adriana Salazar ARTISTS EXHIBITING AT PINTA

• Adriana Salazar

Stand Nº: N06

Adriana Salazar • Broken Umbrella • 2010 • Found object, iron, bronze, motor • 51 x 11 x 11 inches

88 | PINTA 2014

Adriana Salazar • Cheerleaders • 2005 • Motors, aluminum, pompons • 19 x 11 x 11 inches

Adriana Salazar • Smoking machine • 2003 • Bronze, glass, motors, cigarette • 51 x 11 x 5 inches PINTA 2014 | 89

Mock Galería Director: Pablo Datria Suipacha 1217, CABA, C1011ACA Buenos Aires, Argentina Tel./Fax: +5411 43289887 GALLERY ARTISTS

• Ezequiel Black • Gabriela Bertiller • Luján Candria • Ricardo Crespo • Micaela Escudero • Santiago Estellano • Jorge Haro • Ines Raiteri • Alejandro Thornton

Santiago Estellano • Home I • 2014 • Digital photography printed on mirror • 25.6 x 39.3 inches


• Santiago Estellano • Ines Raiteri

Stand Nº: N05

Ines Raiteri • Beginning • 2013 • Embroidery on canvas • 24.2 x 18.7 inches 90 | PINTA 2014

Santiago Estellano • White over white • 2013 • Ink and acrylic on canvas • 78.7 x 78.7 inches

PINTA 2014 | 91

SKETCH Director: Liz Caballero Calle 75 A No. 20C- 12 Bogotá, Colombia Tel./Fax: +57 (1) 3458228 Tel.: +57 3133865746 GALLERY ARTISTS

• Humberto Junca • Alejandro Mancera • Karolina Rojas • Giovanni Vargas • Fernando Zuluaga ARTISTS EXHIBITING AT PINTA

• Humberto Junca • Alejandro Mancera

Alejandro Mancera • Inside/Outside • 2014 • Acrylic on brick • 4.7 x 9.4 x 2.3 inches

Stand Nº: N04

92 | PINTA 2014

Humberto Junca • Damn Right!- Norwegian Wood? • 2013 • Ink drawing on wooden desk • 21.6 x 24.8 x 31.5 inches

PINTA 2014 | 93

SGR Art Consulting Director: Steven Guberek Carrera 15 # 85 – 47. Bogotá Colombia Tel./Fax: +57 315 8888215 GALLERY ARTISTS

• Mario Arroyave • Luciano Denver • Juan Pablo Echeverri • Máximo Florez • Ramón Laserna • Alejandro Londoño • Pedro Ruiz • Camilo Villegas ARTISTS EXHIBITING AT PINTA

• Alejandro Londoño

Stand Nº: N02

94 | PINTA 2014

Alejandro Londoño • View of the Ducal Palace in Venice, Canaletto • 2014 • Dot matrix print on canvas • 14.9 x 22 inches

Alejandro Londoño • Diego Velazques - Inocencio X • Dot matrix print on canvas • 15 x 33 inches

Alejandro Londoño • Jean-Baptiste Oudry - Clara the Rhinoceros • 2014 • Dot matrix print on canvas • 15 x 55.1 inches

PINTA 2014 | 95

MOACIR DOS ANJOS Curator for Pinta Brazil Contemporary

Moacir dos Anjos has worked as a researcher with Fundação Joaquim Nabuco since 1990 and served as director of Museu de Arte Moderna Aloisio Magalhães (MAMAM) in Recife from 2001 to 2006. He was a visiting research fellow at the Transnational Art, Identity and Nation (TrAIN) Research Center of the University of the Arts, London, in 2008 and 2009. He was the curator of the Brazilian Pavilion (Artur Barrio) at the 54th Venice Biennale (2011), of the 29th Bienal de São Paulo (2010), of Panorama da Arte Brasileira (2007) at Museu de

96 | PINTA 2014

Arte Moderna de São Paulo, and co-curator of the 6th Mercosur Biennial (2007). More recently, he curated the group show Cães sem Plumas (2014), at MAMAM, and retrospective exhibitions of the work of Cao Guimarães (2013), at Itaú Cultural, and Jac Leirner (2011), at Estação Pinacoteca, both in São Paulo. His many published works include

Local/Global: arte em trânsito (Zahar, 2005) and ArteBra Crítica (Automática, 2010). He was the guest editor of Pertença. Caderno_SESC_Videobrasil 8 (SESC/Videobrasil, 2012).

BRAZIL CONTEM POR ARY The section titled Contemporary Brazil will gather together a group of Brazilian galleries which, although created recently, have actively contributed to the consolidation and diversification of the visual arts in the country. Each of these galleries will present works by one or two artists, young and not so young, who have avoided the stereotypes of what has been stipulated to be Brazilian art. Artists who give shape to the more complex and richer idea of a contemporary Brazil.

PINTA 2014 | 97

Blau Projects Director: Juliana Blau Rua Fradique Coutinho 1464 Fundos, São Paulo, SP, CEP 05416 001, Brazil Tel./Fax: +55 11 3467 8819 Tel.: +55 11 3467 8801 GALLERY ARTISTS

• Renata Cruz • Vítor Mizael • Marcone Moreira • Bruno Moreschi • Éder Oliveira ARTISTS EXHIBITING AT PINTA

Bruno Moreschi • Artbook • 2012-2014 • Printing on paper • Edition of 100 • 9.3 x 6.3 x 0.6 inches

• Renata Cruz • Bruno Moreschi

Stand Nº: B04

Bruno Moreschi • Bruno Moreschi, autor de Pierre Menard, autor de D. Quixote • 2014 • Installation, ink on paper • dimensions variable

98 | PINTA 2014

Renata Cruz • Outubro 2011 from Calendários series • 2011 • Watercolor on paper • 59 x 59 inches

PINTA 2014 | 99

Galeria LOGO Director: Ilan Karpio Rua Artur de Azevedo, 401 Jardim Paulista, São Paulo, São Paulo, Brasil Tel./Fax: +55 11 3062 2381 GALLERY ARTISTS

• Bruno 9li • Andres Bruck • Carlos Dias • DOMA • Talita Hoffmann • Carlos Issa • Ramiro Oller • Fabiano Rodrigues • Flavio Samelo • SESPER • Fabio Simbres • Ramiro Oller ARTISTS EXHIBITING AT PINTA

• Carlos Issa • Flavio Samelo

Stand Nº: B06

100 | PINTA 2014

Flavio Samelo • Par mpaecsc • 2014 • Photography • 61 x 51.2 inches

PINTA 2014 | 101

Galeria Virgilio Directors: Izabel Pinheiro & Lea Chaib Rua Doutor Virgilio de Carvalho Pinto, 426, Pinheiros, São Paulo-SP, Zip 05415-020, Brazil Tel./Fax: +55 11 2373-2999 GALLERY ARTISTS

Fernando Burjato, Daniel Caballero, Adalgisa Campos, Marcelo Comparini, Reynaldo Candia, Inaê Coutinho, Marcia Cymbalista, Deco Farkas, Roberto Freitas, Amalia Giacomini, Paulo Jares, Claudio Matsuno, Mariana Mattos, Denise Milan, Fábio Okamoto, Danilo Oliveira, Carolina Paz, Rafael Pagatini, Martinho Patrício, Rosana Paulino Renata Pedrosa, Alexander Pilis, Osmar Pinheiro, Armando Queiroz, Solon Ribeiro, André Rigatti, Barbara Rodrigues,Mônica Rubinho, Júnior Suci, Fernando Vilela, Jimson Vilela, Celina Yamauchi

Martinho Patrício • Me molde • 2012 • Wood, brim and stainless • 15.7 x 15.7 x 15.7 inches


• Armando Queiroz • Martinho Patrício

Stand Nº: B03 Martinho Patrício • Untitled • 2000/2010 • Satin ribbons and brim • 39.3 x 39.3 inches 102 | PINTA 2014

Armando Queiroz • Yma Nhandehetama • 2009 • Video, duration: 8’21”

PINTA 2014 | 103

Mercedes Viegas Arte Contemporânea Director: Mercedes Viegas Rua João Borges,86 Gávea, RJ 2245-100, Brazil Tel./Fax: +55 21 2294 4305 GALLERY ARTISTS

Marcus André, Enrica Bernardelli, Elisa Bracher, Patricia Carmo, Beatriz Carneiro, Raphael Couto, Regina De Paula, Mariana Felix, Tatiana Grinberg, Amalia Giacomini, Robert Kelly, Fabricio Lopez, Vania Mignone, Luiz Monken, Ana Vitória Mussi, Alice Quaresma, Alvaro Seixas, Marcia Thompson, Aqueline Vojta Julio Villani ARTISTS EXHIBITING AT PINTA

• Robert Kelly • Vânia Mignone • Alice Quaresma • Julio Villani

Stand Nº: B02

104 | PINTA 2014

Vânia Mignone • Untitled • 2014 • Acrylic on paper • 17.8 x 17.8 inches

Robert Kelly • Thicket Assemblage LXXXV • 2009 • Oil/mixed media on panel • 12.2 x 30.6 inches

Julio Villani Navette • 2009 • Found objets, thread, metal • 9.8 x 17.7 x 4.3 inches

PINTA 2014 | 105

Portas Vilaseca Galeria Director: Jaime Portas Vilaseca Av. Ataulfo de Paiva, 1079, ss 109 22440-034 Leblon Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brasil Tel.: + 55 21 2274 5965 GALLERY ARTISTS

• Jonas Aisengart • Pedro Victor Brandão • Maíra das Neves • Ana Freitas • Íris Helena • Claudia Hersz • Ana Hupe • Lin Lima • Pedro Meyer • Ismael Monticelli • Daniel Murgel • Gabriel Secchin • Laila Terra • Ramonn Vieitez ARTISTS EXHIBITING AT PINTA

• Íris Helena • Daniel Murgel

Stand Nº: B05

106 | PINTA 2014

Daniel Murgel • The square dreamed of dating bums • 2014 • Graphite, japanese ink and collage on paper • 13.7 x 10.6 inches

Íris Helena • Forgetfullness Notes III. Reminders series • 2009 • Inkjet print on yellow post-its • 57.8 x 81.8 inches

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Zipper Galeria Directors: Fabio Cimino & Lucas Cimino Rua Estados Unidos. 1494 Cep 01427-001, São Paulo, Brasil Tel./Fax: +55 (11) 4306 4306 GALLERY ARTISTS

Marcelo Amorim, Heleno Bernardi, Nati Canto, João Castilho, Rodrigo Cunha, Alessandra Duarte, Adriana Duque, Renata Egreja, Daniel Escobar, Ana Holck, Camille Kachani, James Kudo, Bruno Kurru, Geraldo Marcolini, Kátia Maciel, Felipe Morozini, Rodrigo Oliveira, Carolina Ponte, RAG, Ricardo Rendón, Camila Soato, Estela Sokol, Marcelo Tinoco, Ricardo van Steen, Pedro Varela, Fernando Velazquéz, Rodrigo Zeferino, Zezão

Camila Soato • Dialogismos Mixurucas nº61 /Skimpy Dialogisms #61• 2014 • Oil on canvas • 12.6 x 17.7 inches / 32 x 45 cm.


Camila Soato

Stand Nº: B01

Camila Soato • A Bagaceira. Nada é tão calmo quanto parece nº18 / The Bagaceira. Nothing is as peaceful as it seems #18 2014 • Oil on canvas • 11.8 x 15.7 inches / 30 x 40 cm.

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Camila Soato • A Bagaceira. Nada é tão calmo quanto parece nº1 / The Bagaceira. Nothing is as peaceful as it seems #1 • 2014 • Oil on canvas • 11.8 x 15.7 inches / 30 x 40 cm.

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Special Acknowledgements • Malena Assing • Sonia Becce • Nahila Campos • Gaudencio Castro • Juan Cento • Pablo Chiozza • Mariana Deleau • Moacir Don Anjos • Víctor M. Echevarría • María Estrany • Allison Goldberg • Patricia Hanna • Ariel Jimenez • Enrique Jocelyn-Holt • Elio Kapszuk • Silvia M. Larrieu • Roc Laseca • Diana Rivera • Lissette Rey • Cora Lichtschein • Carolina Ledezma • Hernan Lombardi • Javier J. Ollarves • Jorge Peréz

• Lorena Perez Rumpler • Soledad Picon • Nicolás Picon • Eduardo Piva • Tahia Rivero • Carlos Rosso • Sergio Roitberg • Adriana Rosenberg • Mauricio Samayoa • Cynthia Szmuch • Teresa Villarrea • Cartier • Ciudad de Buenos Aires • Chandon • The Miami Herald • Federal Express • Fundación Proa • JJ W. Marriot • LAN TAM • Newlink- Group SPONSORS • Related Group • Art Media • Galería Logo


• Estudio944 Design Catalogue • Nicolas Picon Architect • Elsa Roberto Photographer




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