PFT Summer Season 2015

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• 2015 Summer Season •

Contents Access All Areas

A Little Night Music


• Disabled parking is reserved near the main entrance.

Improbable Fiction


• Wheelchair users can access all facilities. A courtesy wheelchair can also be booked in advance. There are four spaces for wheelchair users in the auditorium.

Home And Beauty


The Lady In The Van


The Importance Of Being Earnest


• For those with impaired hearing, an induction loop is available. Personal sound amplifiers are also available and can be booked in advance. • For visually impaired visitors, we have an audio description service which can be provided for any performance, as long as Box Office are given prior notice. • Also for visually impaired visitors, we endeavour to arrange touch tours before a performance (subject to availability). • Guide dogs, hearing dogs and dogs for the disabled are very welcome. Please advise the Box Office in advance if you’re bringing your dog.

Pyrenees 12 How To Save and Book

Diary 16 Become a PFT Supporter


Supporters’ Receptions


More Entertainment In 2015


Miracle On 34th Street


Pitlochry Festival Theatre is a Company Limited by Guarantee Registered in Scotland Number SC029243 at the address below. • Scottish Charity Number SC013055 • Pitlochry Festival Theatre, Pitlochry, PH16 5DR • Administration: 01796 484600 • Fax: 01796 484616 • Box Office: 01796 484626 • Email: • Website:


Cover image: Bob Van Den Berg /Getty Images

Stay 6 Days, See 6 Plays

Dear Patron,

I am delighted to announce details of the 2015 Summer Season at the Theatre in the Hills.

From Sondheim to Somerset Maugham, Ayckbourn to Wilde and David Greig to Alan Bennett, the 2015 Season showcases the work of some of the finest ever creators of drama, comedy and musical theatre from England, Scotland, Ireland and the USA. As you peruse the following pages, I hope that you will be as excited by the prospect of such an entertaining and engaging Season as I was when I settled on this group of six wonderful – and wonderfully different – works. Given the remarkably high production standards and the critical acclaim that PFT consistently achieves, and the exceptionally wide range of styles, periods and genres that distinguishes the 2015 Season, there will be something here to suit every theatrical appetite. As a result, I hope that there will be many thousands of you wanting to see several – if not all! – of the productions on offer.

To help make that possible, we have created some special ticket offers for those audience members who visit us most regularly, to ensure that you can see more for less – see p. 15 for full details. Remember, many of these offers are available only for a limited time, so the earlier you book and the more shows you choose to see, the better the deal! And so that you can start planning your visits to PFT today, you will find details of some excellent Highland Perthshire accommodation offers in this brochure. For information about other events and activities during the Summer Season – Sunday concerts, Active Arts workshops, tours, talks, the Explorers Garden – you will receive a more detailed brochure in February next year, packed with everything that makes a visit to PFT so special. One audience member recently said to me: “what makes PFT special is that you get West End standards, but not at West End prices”. So I hope that you will thoroughly enjoy visiting Scotland’s answer to the West End next year. But before then, there’s still our Winter musical, the spectacular Miracle On 34th Street, to enjoy. On with the parade! John Durnin Chief Executive & Artistic Director

01796 484626 •

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“ . . . a glittering, sophisticated musical. Haunting, hilarious, hard edged and brilliant.� The Sunday Times

Stay 6 Days, See 6 Plays

A Little Night Music “Solitaire is the only thing in life that demands absolute honesty. As a woman who has numbered kings among her lovers, I think my word can be taken on that point.” Sweden, 1900: a not-so-chance encounter between glamorous actress Desirée Armfeldt and successful lawyer Fredrik Egerman threatens to rekindle an affair which ended 14 years before – despite the fact that, now, neither is exactly unattached . . . Fredrik has recently married the beautiful Anne, many years his junior – but all is not well in the marital bed. Desirée is involved in an amour with the irredeemably pompous Count CarlMagnus – and that’s not going quite to plan either. Worse still, Fredrik’s son from his first marriage, the gloomy Henrik, has fallen hopelessly in love with his new step-mother. And CarlMagnus’s devoted wife, Charlotte, is ready to cast devotion aside, believing that her wandering husband deserves a taste of his own medicine . . .

In an effort to resolve these romantic complications, Desirée invites the main protagonists to a house party at the country estate of her mother, the formidable Madame Armfeldt. But as the wine flows, and the midsummer night casts its spell, just who will end up with whom? Stephen Sondheim’s masterpiece is a deliciously funny exploration of love lost, love found and love rediscovered. With an achingly beautiful score – including The Miller’s Son, The Glamorous Life, A Weekend In The County and the magical Send In The Clowns – this 1973 Broadway classic, performed by a large cast of talented actormusicians, promises to be the most elegant, romantic PFT musical yet. Could there be a better way to launch the 2015 Summer Season?

“. . . gloriously barbed bliss and bewitchment.”

“. . . an evening of refined enchantment.”

The Independent

The Guardian

“. . . piquant, poignant and wise.” The Daily Telegraph

Winner of five Tony Awards 01796 484626 •

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Stay 6 Days, See 6 Plays

Improbable Fiction by Alan Ayckbourn “You’ve got your imagination, haven’t you? To fall back on? You can make up worlds of your own, can’t you?” It’s the week before Christmas and at a meeting of the Pendon Writer’s Circle, it’s clear that none of the group’s members are going to be winning the Booker any time soon . . . Jess and Grace are struggling to get their pet projects – a bodice-ripper and a children’s story – underway. By contrast, Vivvi just can’t stop, having completed her sixth crime novel of the year. The geeky Clem is only part way through the most complicated sci-fi conspiracy adventure ever conceived, whilst Brevis is completely stuck due to his writing partner’s understandable disinterest in Brevis’s latest idea: a musical adaptation of The Pilgrim’s Progess. The group’s chairman, Arnold, tries to inspire his colleagues by

suggesting that they pool their ideas and collaborate on a joint work, but this revolutionary proposal meets with a distinctly muted reception. Until, that is, the meeting has disbanded, a storm begins to rage – and fiction suddenly becomes fact, when Arnold’s suggestion springs unexpectedly and chaotically to life . . . and the worlds of Wilkie Collins, Edgar Wallace and Arthur C. Clarke collide in the most spectacular way . . . Alan Ayckbourn’s 2005 comedy is a dazzling, hilarious exploration of what can happen when you let your imagination run wild. If you enjoyed the hugely popular A Chorus Of Disapproval in 2013, then this is the one for you!

“ . . . provides a theatrical transformation of the magnitude only Ayckbourn can dream of.” The Guardian

“ . . . acutely witty observations, a reminder that life is full of absurdities.” The Independent 01796 484626 •

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Stay 6 Days, See 6 Plays

Home And Beauty by W. Somerset Maugham “The war is over now, and I think I’ve done my bit. I’ve married two DSOs. Now I want to marry a Rolls-Royce.” 1919: with the turmoil of the Great War beginning to recede, life in Britain is returning to – well, not quite normal. For after four years of war, the staid Edwardian era is truly over and the Jazz Age is about to begin . . . Society beauty Victoria definitely looks to the future. After her first husband, Bill, was killed at Ypres, she went completely to pieces, but managed to pull herself together - after a year’s dutiful mourning - by marrying her husband’s best friend, Frederick. But then, out of the blue, Bill turns up on the doorstep, a touch of amnesia and a spell in a German POW camp having delayed his return. Surprisingly unaffected by his ordeal, Bill is cheered to see his wife, but a mite put out to discover that she’s acquired another

husband. And that it’s his old chum Frederick . . . Interestingly, Victoria seems unconcerned by the news that she’s a bigamist. Perhaps that’s because she’s decided that soldiers no longer make fashionable husbands - and her solicitor has arranged more divorces than any other lawyer in England. Does she already have eyes on husband number three? Something of a missing link between Wilde and Wodehouse, Home And Beauty is a high energy, sharp-asa-tack comedy of morals, manners and marriage by one of the greatest playwrights and novelists of the interwar years. Don’t miss this rare revival of a classic period comedy!

“. . . a sprightly boulevard comedy . . . the perfect West End treat.” The Daily Telegraph

“. . . high-spirited, enjoyably over the top.” The Independent

01796 484626 •

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The Telegraph

The Guardian

Please note that this play contains occasional strong language

Stay 6 Days, See 6 Plays

The Lady In The Van by Alan Bennett “Sometimes when the light is on I get a glimpse of Miss Shepherd praying, and it is seldom a tranquil or a meditative process. Banging her fist into her hand, mouthing fierce words – God, I feel, is as much on the receiving end as I am.” Miss Shepherd used to drive ambulances in the war. She might also have been a nun. Now, she sells pencils and pamphlets, frequently hears voices and enjoys regular visits from the Virgin Mary. Oh, and she lives in a clapped-out, hand-painted Bedford van. Which one day she decides to park in Alan Bennett’s front garden in Camden Town. Caught in two minds about his uninvited guest, Mr. Bennett debates with himself – quite literally – about the moral implications of playing landlord to such a tenant, whilst Miss Shepherd subjects him to bizarre observations, questionable hygiene practices, unusual (to say the least) political opinions and her very own brand of Catholicism: she was hoping

to phone Mother Teresa for a chat, but Directory Enquiries drew a blank. Friends, neighbours, relatives, doctors and social workers all come and go, yet Miss Shepherd’s van is still wedged tightly onto Mr. Bennett’s property fifteen years later. And Miss Shepherd clearly has no plans to leave, unless it’s in a van-shaped box . . . Alan Bennett’s award-winning play from 1999 is a fascinating, true life story of a complex relationship, an experiment in tolerance and a unique tale of British eccentricity. If you enjoyed our production of Habeas Corpus in 2008, you’ll love this acclaimed, thoroughly entertaining play from one of Britain’s – and PFT’s – best loved playwrights.

“Very funny, poignant, revealing and splendidly entertaining.” Mail On Sunday

“Bennett is the most generously entertaining of writers, and as always the piece is packed with jokes.” The Daily Telegraph Sponsored by Katharine Liston in loving memory of Iain Liston 01796 484626 •

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“A level of theatrical spectacle no longer sought or expected on any other Scottish stage” The Scotsman on An Ideal Husband, 2010

The Importance of Being Earnest “Oscar Wilde’s play has a strong claim to being the most perfect comedy in the English language” The Telegraph

Sponsored by The Kuenssberg Charitable Foundation

Stay 6 Days, See 6 Plays

The Importance Of Being Earnest by Oscar Wilde “All women become like their mothers. That is their tragedy. No man does, and that is his.” The dependable Jack Worthing, J.P., a pillar of the Hertfordshire community, is profoundly in love with the prim Gwendolyn Fairfax, daughter to the imposing Lady Bracknell. Jack’s closest friend, the dashing aristocratic playboy Algernon Moncrieff, is besotted with Jack’s ward, the beautiful (and extremely wealthy) Cecily Cardew. Sadly for both suitors, however, Gwendolyn and Cecily are in love with someone else. Someone called Ernest . . . All is not lost, however, as it seems that Ernest bears a striking resemblance to Jack – and, somewhat bizarrely, also to Algy. Hardly surprising, given that Ernest is an imaginary “brother” invented by Jack to allowing him to woo Gwendolyn in disguise - and also an

alter ego that Algy assumes to pay court to Cecily under Jack’s very nose. But when a series of revelations concerning handbags, nannies, novels, prams, lost babies and Victoria Station threaten to unravel Jack and Algy’s web of deception, the men are forced to reveal their true identities – or are they . . ? A ‘Trivial Comedy For Serious People’, The Importance Of Being Earnest is perhaps the finest comedy ever written. Wilde’s sparkling masterpiece – a distinctly satiric tale of wealth, status and identity in late Victorian England – brings to a lavish climax PFT’s nine year journey through Wilde’s four great plays, which began with A Woman Of No Importance in 2006. Can there be a better way to spend a Summer afternoon or evening?

The Guardian

“A demonstration of how an elaborate costume drama can still be made to grip the audience’s attention from the outset, and to deliver a fierce and strangely contemporary theatrical punch” The Scotsman on Lady Windermere’s Fan, 2013 01796 484626 •

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Stay 6 Days, See 6 Plays

Pyrenees by David Greig “Do you have an idea who he is? I don’t want to know. If he’s done something awful, I don’t want to know.” In a mountain pass, high in the Pyrenees, two climbers discover a middle-aged man unconscious in the snow. He wears a coat with an American label and a suit by a tailor in Geneva. In one hand, he clasps a briefcase full of euros; in the other, the scallop-shell medallion traditionally carried by pilgrims to Santiago de Compostela. He has no papers, no passport, and no memory of who he is or how he got there. And he speaks English . . .

nationality, an unexpected attraction begins to develop between them. The sudden arrival of a visitor threatens to undermine their conclusions - and the burgeoning romance. For the newcomer, Vivienne, claims that she is the man’s wife. That he has a job, a family and a home in Edinburgh. And that she has been pursuing him across Europe for several months . . .

Anna Edwards, from the British Consulate in Marseilles, is duly despatched to see if she can establish his identity. But as she and the man sit on a nearby hotel terrace trying to reconstruct his past and confirm his

David Greig is widely regarded as Scotland’s greatest living playwright. Following on from his last play to appear at PFT - Outlying Islands, which received a memorable production in 2008 - Pyrenees is a mysterious, tense, thought-provoking drama that questions the very meaning of identity.

“A classy, rewarding, engaging drama, Greig’s best to date.” The Times

“. . . dramatically gripping and richly entertaining.” The Telegraph Please note that this play contains occasional strong language 01796 484626 •

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Stay 6 Days, See 6 Plays



A Little Night Music Sat Mon-Thur Matinées & Evenings Evenings Fri Evenings £30.00 £32.50 1 £35.00 £27.50 £30.00 2 £32.50 £25.00 £27.50 3 £30.00 £17.50 £20.00 4 £22.50


Sat Mon-Thur Matinées & Previews Evenings Evenings Fri Evenings Previews £27.50 1 £32.50 £25.00 £30.00 £25.00 £25.00 2 £30.00 £22.50 £27.50 £22.50 £22.50 3 £27.50 £20.00 £25.00 £20.00 £15.00 4 £20.00 £15.00 £17.50 £15.00

Published prices are subject to change without notification. Transaction Fees apply to advertised ticket prices. If paying by card, the Transaction Fee is 25p for Debit Cards and £1.50 for Credit Cards. If booking via our website, the Transaction Fee is £1.50. There is no Transaction Fee for paying with cash at the Box Office.

Please note: Event and ticketing information is correct at time of going to print. Changes in the programme of events may alter, so please do check online or at the Box Office. We reserve the right to make changes to the programme, ticket prices and seating plans.

Friends, Groups, Senior Citizen concessions and Saver Seats do not apply to Preview performances and Band 1 seats. All offers are subject to availability and cannot be used in conjunction with concessions or other offers. Full terms and conditions apply and are available to view online or at Box Office. 14 •

01796 484626 •

Stay 6 Days, See 6 Plays

How To Save Buy tickets now and pay less! These offers expire 20 January (unless otherwise indicated) so don’t delay, book today!

Show Offers

Saver Seats – only £15.00!

Buy tickets to see 6 shows and get your A Little Night Music ticket free!

Buy tickets for 5 shows and get £5.00 off per ticket – save £25.00!

Book a minimum of 24 hours in advance and get the best seats available on the night (50 seats available per show, seats are allocated on the morning of the performance).

Buy tickets for 4 shows and get £2.50 off per ticket – save £10.00!

Group (10+) Offers

Buy tickets for 3 Monday-toThursday shows and get £5.00 off per ticket – save £15.00!

6 5 4 3


(Available in Bands , & ) Friends: £2.00 off per ticket Senior Citizens: £2.50 off matineés Registered Disabled: £17.50 per ticket Family tickets: £50, 2 adults and 2 children Under-18/Student/unemployed: Half Price

• •

Enjoy £2.50 off per ticket on Mon to Thurs and matinée performances. Save £7.50 per ticket if you book and pay for your Group trip before 28 February. Save 20% off your second booking if you come back to see a second show (except Fri & Sat nights). Enjoy 20% off the cost of your Group’s train or coach travel. School Groups: £7.50 per pupil (1 teacher per 10 pupils goes free).

All Group bookings require a 25% deposit one month from the date of booking. The balance is due 21 days before the production.

How To Book By Phone: Call 01796 484626. Lines open from 9.00am. Online: By Post: Write to us at Pitlochry Festival Theatre, Port na Craig, Pitlochry PH16 5DR. Please make cheques payable to Pitlochry Festival Theatre and enclose SAE or 75p for postage.

In Person: Visit Box Office, open everyday from 10.00am, or pop into Just the Ticket! on the main street, Pitlochry. Priority booking and offers for John Stewart Society members expire 28 February. Priority booking and offers for PFT Friends expire 31 January.

01796 484626 •

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Stay 6 Days, See 6 Plays Preview Performances

Diary 2015 “The stylistic equivalent of a West End producing theatre set against a picture-postcard backdrop of rolling Perthshire hills” The Herald

Matinée (2.00pm)

Evening (8.00pm)

May FRI 22

A Little Night Music

SAT 23 A Little Night Music

THU 28 Improbable Fiction

A Little Night Music Improbable Fiction

FRI 29

A Little Night Music

SAT 30 A Little Night Music

Improbable Fiction

June THU 4

Home And Beauty

Home And Beauty


Improbable Fiction


A Little Night Music

Home And Beauty

THU 11 The Lady In The Van

The Lady In The Van

FRI 12

A Little Night Music

SAT 13 Improbable Fiction

Home And Beauty

MON 15

The Lady In The Van

TUE 16

A Little Night Music

WED 17 Improbable Fiction

Home And Beauty

THU 18

The Lady In The Van

16 •

01796 484626 •

Stay 6 Days, See 6 Plays . . . June

Matinée (2.00pm)

Evening (8.00pm)

FRI 19

A Little Night Music

SAT 20 Home And Beauty

Improbable Fiction

MON 22

A Little Night Music

TUE 23

The Lady In The Van

WED 24 The Lady In The Van

Improbable Fiction

THU 25

Home And Beauty

FRI 26

The Lady In The Van

SAT 27 A Little Night Music

Improbable Fiction

MON 29

The Lady In The Van

TUE 30

Improbable Fiction

Buy tickets for 3 Monday-to-Thursday shows and get £5.00 off per ticket – save £15.00 July WED 1

Improbable Fiction

A Little Night Music


Home And Beauty


Improbable Fiction

SAT 4 The Lady In The Van

A Little Night Music


Home And Beauty


A Little Night Music

WED 8 A Little Night Music

The Lady In The Van


Improbable Fiction

FRI 10

A Little Night Music

SAT 11 Home And Beauty

The Lady In The Van

01796 484626 •

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Stay 6 Days, See 6 Plays . . . July

Matinée (2.00pm)

Evening (8.00pm)

THU 16 The Importance Of Being Earnest

The Importance Of Being Earnest

FRI 17

Improbable Fiction

SAT 18 A Little Night Music

Home And Beauty

MON 20

The Lady In The Van

TUE 21

The Importance Of Being Earnest

WED 22 The Importance Of Being Earnest A Little Night Music THU 23

Improbable Fiction

FRI 24

Home And Beauty

SAT 25 The Lady In The Van

A Little Night Music

MON 27

The Importance Of Being Earnest

TUE 28

Improbable Fiction

WED 29 Improbable Fiction

Home And Beauty

THU 30

The Lady In The Van

FRI 31

A Little Night Music

Buy tickets for 4 shows and get £2.50 off per ticket – save £10.00! August SAT 1 Home And Beauty

The Importance Of Being Earnest


Improbable Fiction


The Importance Of Being Earnest

WED 5 The Importance Of Being Earnest A Little Night Music THU 6

Home And Beauty


The Lady In The Van

18 •

01796 484626 •

Stay 6 Days, See 6 Plays . . . August

Matinée (2.00pm)

Evening (8.00pm)

SAT 8 Improbable Fiction

A Little Night Music

MON 10

The Importance Of Being Earnest

TUE 11

A Little Night Music

WED 12 A Little Night Music

The Lady In The Van

THU 13

Home And Beauty

FRI 14

Improbable Fiction

SAT 15 The Importance Of Being Earnest The Lady In The Van THU 20 Pyrenees


FRI 21

A Little Night Music

SAT 22 Improbable Fiction

Home And Beauty

MON 24

The Importance Of Being Earnest

TUE 25


WED 26 Pyrenees

The Lady In The Van

THU 27 The Lady In The Van

A Little Night Music

FRI 28

Home And Beauty

SAT 29 The Importance Of Being Earnest Improbable Fiction MON 31

The Lady In The Van

Saver Seats – only £15.00! Buy in advance and get the best seats available on the day September TUE 1

A Little Night Music

WED 2 A Little Night Music


THU 3 The Importance Of Being Earnest Home And Beauty

01796 484626 •

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Stay 6 Days, See 6 Plays . . . September Matinée (2.00pm)

Evening (8.00pm)

Buy tickets for 5 shows and get £5.00 off per ticket – save £25.00! FRI 4

Improbable Fiction

SAT 5 The Lady In The Van

The Importance Of Being Earnest




Home And Beauty

WED 9 Home And Beauty

A Little Night Music

THU 10 A Little Night Music

Improbable Fiction

FRI 11

The Importance Of Being Earnest

SAT 12 Pyrenees

The Lady In The Van

MON 14

A Little Night Music

TUE 15

Improbable Fiction

WED 16 Improbable Fiction

Home And Beauty

THU 17 Home And Beauty

The Importance Of Being Earnest

FRI 18

The Lady In The Van

SAT 19 A Little Night Music


MON 21

Home And Beauty

TUE 22

The Importance Of Being Earnest

WED 23 The Importance Of Being Earnest Improbable Fiction THU 24 A Little Night Music

The Lady In The Van

FRI 25


SAT 26 Home And Beauty

A Little Night Music

20 •

01796 484626 •

Stay 6 Days, See 6 Plays . . . September Matinée (2.00pm)

Evening (8.00pm)

MON 28

Improbable Fiction

TUE 29

The Lady In The Van

WED 30 The Lady In The Van

The Importance Of Being Earnest

Buy tickets to see 6 shows and get your A Little Night Music ticket free October THU 1 The Importance Of Being Earnest Pyrenees FRI 2

A Little Night Music

SAT 3 Improbable Fiction

Home And Beauty


The Importance Of Being Earnest



WED 7 Pyrenees

The Lady In The Van

THU 8 The Lady In The Van

A Little Night Music


Home And Beauty

SAT 10 The Importance Of Being Earnest Improbable Fiction MON 12

A Little Night Music

TUE 13

The Lady In The Van

WED 14 The Lady In The Van


THU 15 A Little Night Music

Home And Beauty

FRI 16

The Importance Of Being Earnest

SAT 17 Improbable Fiction

A Little Night Music

“A joyful and life-enhancing asset to Scottish theatre...” The Scotsman

01796 484626 •

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Special Offer

Stay 3 nights or more with us and receive a complimentary ticket to...

(Monday to Thursday and printed terms apply) To book please contact us by phone, email or post

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Tel: 01796 472 400 Email: ATholl PAlAcE hoTEl, PiTlochry, PErThshirE, scoTlAnd sign-up to our newsletter to receive updates on all of our special offers! Email Gillian at and we will register you for our regular newsletter!

Become a PFT Supporter! Without your support, the high quality theatre productions at PFT just wouldn’t be possible. We have to raise £300,000 in each and every year to sustain the work for which PFT is renowned and we need your support in helping us to reach this goal annually. There are a number of ways in which you can contribute to our future success:

Festival Circle The Festival Circle makes it easier for those of you who would like to support our work by donating your chosen amount to PFT each year or on a continuing basis. Your regular gifts will help PFT to produce its acclaimed Summer Season and support the range and scale of productions it offers. Through planned giving, we will be able to develop the repertoire and sustain large cast productions, exquisitely detailed sets and sumptuous costumes.

The John Stewart Society Named in honour of PFT’s founder, The John Stewart Society provides a select group of supporters with an opportunity to make an important contribution to the development of PFT’s reputation for excellence and to help shape its future.

Options for joining JSS are: • 5 year membership - £1500 per annum • 3 year membership - £2500 per annum • Single year for £3500 These membership rates are for individual memberships, but if you would like to include a spouse or partner an additional £250 for each year is requested. In recognition of JSS members’ commitment, exclusive events, access and benefits are provided. Please contact Annie Hibberd if you would like to find out more about these unique opportunities: phone 01796 484638 or email

Giving is easy, just use the form provided on the page opposite.

Friends of PFT Joining Friends of PFT enables you to directly support your theatre and makes you eligible for a PFT Supporters’ Card, through which you can receive discounts on PFT tickets as well as a range of other benefits. Friends Annual Membership Fee £40 per person (part eligible for Gift Aid).

The Times

The Herald The Ladykillers, 2014

28 •

01796 484626 •

How To Support PFT


Choose how you would like to contribute to PFT (with a Regular Gift, a Single Gift or by becoming a Friend of PFT) and fill in the corresponding section below.

Donate a Regular Gift - I would like to donate: £75

£25 per





£500 | other amount: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


Starting on . . . . . /. . . . . /. . . . . (write date allowing 20 days lead time) for a period of . . . . . . year(s) Pay To: Bank Of Scotland • Sort Code: 80-09-41 • Account No: 00731282 Account Name: Pitlochry Festival Theatre • Ref: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . To: Name and address of your bank Name of Bank: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Name of Bank Account: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Address of Bank: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sort Code: Account Number: Signature: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Date: . . . . /. . . . /. . . .

Donate a Single Gift - I would like to donate: £100




£500 | other amount: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

I enclose a cheque made payable to Pitlochry Festival Theatre I enclose a Charities Aid Foundation Voucher Please charge my:




Card Number:

Visa Debit Security Code:

Start Date: . . . . /. . . . /. . . .

Expiry Date: . . . . /. . . . /. . . . Issue Number (Maestro Only): . . . . . . . . .

Signature: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Date: . . . . /. . . . /. . . .

Join the Friends of PFT - I would like to become a Friend of PFT £40 (One person, annual)

£80 (Two people, annual)

I enclose a cheque made payable to Pitlochry Festival Theatre Please charge my:



Card Number:


Visa Debit Security Code:

Start Date: . . . . /. . . . /. . . .

Expiry Date: . . . . /. . . . /. . . .

Issue Number (Maestro Only): . . . . . . . . .

Signature: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Date: . . . . /. . . . /. . . . For more details, contact Annie Hibberd: 01796 484638

• 29

How To Donate


Complete the Donor Detail section Full name of donor: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Full address: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Post Code: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Phone Number:. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Email address: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

I wish my gift to remain anonymous


Complete the Gift Aid declaration if you are eligible and wish to increase the impact of your donation (at no additional cost to you):

I confirm that I have paid or will pay an amount of Income Tax and/or Capital Gains Tax for each tax year (6 April – 5 April) that is at least equal to the amount that all of the charities I support, including Pitlochry Festival Theatre, will reclaim on my gifts for that tax year. I understand that Pitlochry Festival Theatre will reclaim 25p of tax on every £1 that I give on, or after 6 April 2008. I understand that other taxes such as VAT and Council Tax do not qualify. Signature: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Date: . . . /. . . / . . .

I would like to be contacted about: Dedication Plaques - In memory of a special person, a shared enjoyment of PFT, or in celebration of a special event, you can choose to have a plaque on our new picture wall in the foyer. Each plaque is unique and comes in one of three sizes (Large: £1500, Medium: £1000 or Small: £500). You can also select which PFT production you would like your plaque to be connected with.

Play Dedications - a chance to directly support your favourite production: plays from £2000, Summer and Winter Musicals from £4000. Legacies - if you are considering including PFT in your Will, we can send you a leaflet to make this an easy task.

I would be happy to be sent PFT brochures and newsletters I would prefer not to receive PFT publications Please return this form to Annie Hibberd, Pitlochry Festival Theatre, Pitlochry, Perthshire PH16 5DR

The Scotsman

The Times

The Yellow On The Broom, 2014

30 •

For more details, contact Annie Hibberd: 01796 484638

Stay 6 Days, See 6 Plays

Supporters’ Receptions The Herald

The Times

The Scotsman The Admirable Crichton, 2014

As one of our much valued PFT Supporters, whether Friend, Festival Circle donor or John Stewart Society member, we would like to invite you and your guest to join us for our PFT Supporters’ Receptions during 2015. Following a delicious three course dinner in the River Room, sharing the company of other PFT Supporters, enjoy a special introduction to the evening’s performance from our Artistic Director, John Durnin. After curtain down, stay and meet the cast and crew over coffee and enjoy lively discussion from both sides of the proscenium arch!

You can book your evening through Box Office, including best choice of available seats, for £50 per membership (additional guests are limited to one per PFT Supporter at £50):

A Little Night Music: Friday 19th June Home And Beauty: Friday 24th July Pyrenees: Friday 25th September For the first time, in 2015 we will also be holding Supporters’ Receptions for the Autumn production and Winter Musical. More information to follow in the next brochure!

01796 484626 •

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Stay 6 Days, See 6 Plays

More Entertainment In 2015! Rapunzel balletLorent Fri 27 Feb, 7.30pm & Sat 28 Feb, 2.00pm

© Ravi Deepres

Kirsty Wark

Mark Beaumont

The Frank & Ella Show with Jacqui Dankworth & Todd Gordon Sat 28 Mar, 7.30pm

Jim Naughtie

Pick up a Winter brochure or visit our website for full concert and event details. 32 •

01796 484626 •


s et k c Ti

llin e S

presents a Scottish Première Production

Book, Music and Lyrics by

MEREDITH WILLSON Based on the 20th Century Fox Picture Story by Valentine Davies Screenplay by George Seaton Presented by arrangement with JOSEF WEINBERGER LIMITED on behalf of Music Theatre International of New York

Buy your tickets today! 01796 484626 •

Pitlochry’s family run lochside location


GREEN PARK HOTEL Awarded ‘Scottish Hotel of the Year ~ 2015’ by The Good Hotel Guide

The Green Park is one of Pitlochry’s best known landmarks, enjoying unrivalled views over Loch Faskally from its lochside position. The hotel is set in three acres of gardens at the western edge of the town; it is within strolling distance of the shops and is a pleasant walk from the Festival Theatre.

The Green Park is spacious and full of light; the public rooms are well appointed and restful and the bedrooms are neat and attractive. Sixteen of the bedrooms are at ground floor level. The whole hotel is non-smoking. Join us for Pre-theatre dinner.

Theatre Ticket Offer

Complement your visit to the theatre with a stay at The Green Park. Guests staying four days or more (on a dinner, bed and breakfast basis during the Hotel's high season) will each be entitled to a complimentary theatre ticket for a show of their own choice. This complimentary ticket can be for any section of the auditorium.

Clunie Bridge Road, Pitlochry PH16 5JY Tel: 01796 473248 Fax: 01796 473520

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