PATF Annual Report 2012-2013

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ANNUAL REPORT 2012 - 2013




Welcome! Dear friends, Greetings! I hope you will be inspired by Pittsburgh AIDS Task Force’s 2012-13 Annual Report. This is our opportunity to share highlights and evaluation of our work over the past year with you. So many positive changes happened over the last year, including the addition of a Nurse Case Manager and the launch of our newest outreach program that seeks out individuals living with HIV who have not been in regular medical care or maintaining a healthy medication regimen. Research indicates that only about 25 percent of all people infected with HIV are successfully fighting their disease. Even more of those infected are unaware of their diagnosis. The best science is telling us that HIV testing is vital and should be a routine part of health care so that all people who are HIV-positive can know their status and access care. Research also shows that keeping HIV positive individuals in their homes and in treatment reduces the amount of virus in the body, making transmission to others less likely. Thus, our plan of action– FIND IT, TREAT IT, BEAT IT!! Support from friends like you made all of this possible. We look forward to a new year where we continue our work together to Find It, Treat It, and Beat It. Sincerely,

Charles L. Christen, DrPH, MEd PATF Executive Director Dear friends, During this past fiscal year, your support of Pittsburgh AIDS Task Force has once again provided our clients with resources to face the significant challenges of living with HIV/AIDS. On behalf of the Board of Directors, I thank you for your generosity, and more importantly, for your commitment to fight this disease. The fight against HIV is far from over. We may have the tools available to prevent the spread of HIV, but we still lack many resources to sustain prevention programs in our community. PATF needs your support to offer these programs, and more importantly, to continue a dialogue to build awareness about how HIV affects our community now and how to respond to the face of HIV in the future. With your support, I am confident that PATF can continue to find those infected with HIV, even in the most hard to reach demographic, and bring those who have been lost to care back into treatment. If, at the heart of winning the fight against HIV is preventing HIV, then the soul of the fight is all of us – this community, in this region – which must be strong, tenacious, persistent, committed and united in beating HIV. We simply can’t do it without you. Your ongoing support will help us Find It, Treat It, Beat It. Sincerely,

Bart Rauluk PATF Board President

In Memory of

Kerry Stoner J

une 2, 2013 marked the 20th anniversary of the passing of Kerry Stoner, one of the founding members of the Pittsburgh AIDS Task Force. The oldest son of Dick and Marjorie, Stoner grew up on a dairy farm in Westmoreland County. After graduating from Washington and Jefferson University and coming out to his parents, he decided against his earlier dream of becoming an English teacher. Stoner moved to Pittsburgh and became the manager at the Crossover, a local gay night club. Kerry became very active in the gay community during the early days of AIDS, facilitating the communication between local bar owners and researchers at the Pitt Men’s Study at the University of Pittsburgh. When the community advisory board of that study suggested the creation of a service organization for people suffering and dying from this mysterious disease, Stoner volunteered his services.

In March of 1985, the first public meeting of the Pittsburgh AIDS Task Force was held. The all-volunteer organization was formed by Stoner and four fellow members of the Pitt Men’s Study Community Advisory Board due to the lack of social support services and information available about the deadly disease named by the Centers for Disease Control as Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome--AIDS. People were dying at an alarming rate, and there were little to no services available to them, with misinformation running rampant about the disease and how it was contracted. The founding members of PATF decided the organization should help all people affected by AIDS, regardless of race, religion, ethnicity, or sexual orientation. Eighteen volunteers, including doctors, nurses, therapists, clergy, laborers, artists and students formed the committees necessary to provide these vital services and to form the front line in the battle to educate the community on the nature of the disease and how to prevent the spread of infection. In 1987, Stoner was hired as the first executive director and led PATF’s first annual benefit, titled “Here’s What Friends Are For,” encapsulating the humble yet powerful spirit that drove the work of PATF’s earliest efforts. The offering of case management, testing and counseling soon followed. A food pantry was added in 1992 and later that year Stoner released a statement that he had been diagnosed with AIDS two years earlier and was stepping down from his position. Kerry had become the face and the voice of the epidemic in the Pittsburgh region and he worked tirelessly, talking to anyone who would listen about the disease and its effects on the community. After his departure from PATF, Stoner was honored for his dedication and passion when the Pittsburgh City Council declared March 30, 1992 as “Kerry Stoner Day”. In 1993, Kerry Stoner died from complications related to AIDS at his home in Highland Park surrounded by his family and friends. He was only 39 years old. His legacy of caring lives on today through the many individuals that carry on the work of PATF, from individual staff and volunteers to partner organizations and the communities we serve. The spirit of Kerry Stoner’s passion and commitment to supporting and empowering those living with HIV/AIDS permeates all that we do and will continue until we have won the fight, once and for all, against this disease.

PATF began testing and counseling


1985 PATF was formed

Values 1992

A PATF founder and first Executive Director, Kerry Stoner, died as a result of AIDS


PATF began oral HIV testing in community settings


PATF began providing housing for individuals living with HIV/AIDS PATF began providing HIV prevention in public housing communities PATF and Pitt presented results from regional HIV/AIDS needs assessment PATF launched the Girlfriends Project


New medications began to delay the onset of AIDS nationwide



PATF relocated from Wilkinsburg to East liberty to better serve the community

The Pittsburgh AIDS Task Force is dedicated to supporting and empowering all individuals living with HIV/AIDS and preventing the spread of infections.

PATF launched the M2M Project

Through compassionate and caring work we respond to the disease in all its diversity by:

2008 2008 2009

PATF launched its 340 B pharmacy program PATF celebrated its 25th Anniversary

2011 2011

PATF observed the 20th Anniversary of Kerry Stoner’s death


Pittsburgh AIDS Task Force will continue as the premier, communitybased AIDS service organization in Southwestern Pennsylvania. We empower people living with HIV/AIDS to live their lives to the fullest as valued, respected, and participating members of the community. We are committed to stopping the spread of HIV infections.

Kathi Boyle was hired as Executive Director




1999 2001

PATF launched a targeted rapid testing program at community agencies and centers

In the tradition of PATF’s caring founders, we will continue to employ these ethics and values: Compassion, Confidentiality, Courtesy, Dignity, Excellence, Integrity, and Respect for Diversity

Bob Feikema was hired as Executive Director

2010 PATF launched the Girl Talk Project

PATF opened its food pantry

Charles Christen was hired as Executive Director

PATF launched

2012 the Lost-to-Care Initiative

PATF added a Nurse Case Manager and a Services Outreach Coordinator


• Providing seamless, integrated services to individuals and families living with HIV/AIDS, including direct services, housing, referrals, and advocacy; • Delivering innovative, targeted outreach and education programs to those at risk of infection; • Taking leadership in collaborating with other organizations to achieve mutual goals.


80% are male



live in Allegheny County

do not have adequate health care


20% are female




BE We’ve sharpened our focus:




Knowing one’s status, staying in treatment, and reducing the level of HIV in the body makes it much harder to transmit the virus to others.



PATF added a Services Outreach Coordinator to bring HIV+ individuals back into care

FIND IT! with







2012-13 1,875 PEOPLE TESTED

PATF believes that finding those infected is the first step in beating this disease. This year, we extended our rapid testing hours to 6 days a week and found new venues for testing in the community. PATF also became certified to train others in the community to be HIV testing counselors.

PATF committed to filling in care gaps for the most vulnerable people living with HIV with the addition of Aaron Arnold, Services Outreach Coordinator. The Services Outreach Coordinator meets with HIV-positive individuals out in the community, many who are ready to become PATF clients for the first time, many others who are former clients that are Aaron Arnold, Services ready to re-engage, and Outreach Coordinator some others who are simply relieved to have someone else helping them to stay healthy and in medical care. Aaron works closely with many groups such as the House Ball Community, which largely consists of black MSM and trans-identified individuals, and builds upon PATF’s relationships with these populations for both prevention and care purposes. Aaron has already scheduled many testing events at various venues and events, worked to take over case management of HIV-positive inmates and prevention activities in the Allegheny County jail, and collaborated with Operation Safety Net and Prevention Point Pittsburgh to increase testing rates among homeless and intravenous drug using populations.



“No words can express how thankful I am for your compassion...if you had not been as kind and thoughtul as you were, I would not have been able to get tested. I feel like I have my life back and there are not enough ways to thank you...”




Prevention and outreach efforts helped PATF educate and inform over 600 more people in 2012-13 than in the previous year.

Our signature outreach to young women, the Girl Talk Project, gained a new look and a fresh focus on its mission. Girl Talk is unique because it focuses solely on young girls in our community at the age when they are learning skills and gathering experiences that will inform the rest of their lives. There are no boys allowed, allowing girls to feel free to openly discuss sexual health. Often in schools there is a tendency to give more attention to male students, and it is so important to make sure girls are fully absorbing the information they need and have the knowledge to stay safe and healthy. We are able to show participants the difference between myth and truth surrounding STDs, high risk sexual behaviors, and domestic violence. We are proud and passionate about this program because we believe that girls need to understand how to keep themselves safe. By teaching a girl how to protect herself and how to think about sexual health, she will be able to talk with confidence about these issues with her friends and better educate her peers. She can empower herself by stopping the flow of misinformation. With this knowledge and support, she has the tools to grow up healthier and happier, creating a new generation of empowered women.

PATF wrapped up the research part of its M2M Project, but will continue the project as an outreach to young black LGBT persons, providing a safe space that is reflective of who they are, to empower them in that identity, and to provide important health information and testing. Since 2009, the project enrolled over 400 participants with over half of participants completing all four interventions. 60 percent of participants were black, with 70 percent indentifying themselves as any category other than white. By the end of the project, 98 percent of participants had been tested for HIV.

Pittsburgh AIDS Task Force continued its Girlfriends Project, a nationally recognized ground-breaking program that empowers women, teaching them to protect themselves and their health. Headed by Pamela Smith, Girlfriends Project Liaison, our mission is to increase HIV awareness among African American women to reduce the rate of infection among that population and African Americans as a whole. How do we do this? Pamela Smith, Girlfriends Women volunteer to Outreach Liaison host informal, healtheducation parties for friends. The parties focus on: HIV/AIDS education; domestic violence education; information, referral and resources; free HIV testing and counseling; and offer incentives for party hosts and guests.

{ } “PATF has made my life livable”

TREAT IT! with

Client Services!

“PATF has showed me that people do care”

“PATF has always given me a safe place where I feel connected and respected”

PATF provided approximately $70,000 in emergency financial assistance to pay for utilities or medical costs

PATF gave out more than

6,000 bags of groceries through our food pantry

PATF served nearly

650 clients in 11 counties in 2012-2013

PATF provided housing to over 50 people living with HIV/AIDS and their families

PATF helped clients with transportation to their medical appointments as well as legal assistance.

53% of clients were black, 42% white, 3.5% Hispanic, 72% identified as male, 34% as female, and 2% as transgendered. 57% identified as gay, lesbian, or bisexual.

PATF added a Nurse Case Manager to better serve our more medically complex clients PATF added a Nurse Case Manager, Deb Gausmann, to provide greater assistance to medically complex clients and engage them in care as well as serve as a liaison with area HIV clinics. Deb works closely with the Positive Health Clinic, PACT, Children’s Hospital, and the Allegheny County Jail (among other organizations) to facilitate our clients active participation in care. We now have the option to offer basic services such as blood pressure monitoring, nutritional couseling, wound care, and health literacy counseling in our office as well as wherever clients may reside out in the community. Deb actively advocates for our clients’ care and teaches them to advocate for themselves as well as offering counseling on harm reduction practices and help with interpreting lab results. Our Nurse Case Manager meets the clients where they are and walks them Deb Gausmann, Nurse Case through the stages of care from making the appointments, to attending Manager appointments with them, to helping them follow through on their care directives.

PATF added a full time Food Pantry Coordinator to ensure quality and consistency

TeOnna Ross and Anitra Branch, Medical Case Managers, help unload a food pantry delivery.

One of the most popular services offered here at Pittsburgh AIDS Task Force is our food pantry! Food products, nutritional supplements, and personal care items can go a long way in improving the quality of life for people living with HIV. It also offers us a great opportunity to spend time with our clients on a regular basis. We get a chance to talk about Michael Sheets, Food people’s lives and making healthy Pantry Coordinator choices while providing people with things they want and need. People should be able to access good nutritional choices no matter their income. Our food pantry is an important part of our larger strategy to support those living with HIV in Southwest Pennsylvania. The PATF Food Pantry is open five days a week, closed only on Thursdays and Saturdays. Clients visit the food pantry once a month, where they choose from a selection of meats, cheeses, produce, and canned goods. In additional to food items, nutritional supplements and personal care items are also available, which is not the case at most food pantries. Case managers also deliver groceries to rural areas and to those too ill to visit the pantry themselves.

BEAT IT! with


PATF hosted Shavon Arline-Bradley, National Director of Health Programs for the NAACP for its 3rd Annual Prayer Breakfast on Oct 18, 2012. The successful event was a part of the FAITH Initiative to actively engage the faith community in HIV awareness and education.

Mike Sheets, PATF Food Pantry Coordinator, and Levi Hahn, Marketing Assistant at the Animal Rescue League Shelter & Wildlife Center

PATF partnered with the Animal Rescue League to help stock our food pantry with pet food and supplies. Jennifer Ficarri, Sir Elton John, Charles Christen, Bart Rauluk

PATF partnered with the Elton John AIDS Foundation for the 20th Anniversary of its Mylan WTT Smash Hits tennis charity fundraiser on Oct 16, 2012. PATF raised nearly $148,000 from the VIP auction at the one day event.

PATF participated in the Pittsburgh PRIDE parade on June 15, 2013 to show support for the LGBT community as the hardest hit by the HIV epidemic. PATF decorated a marriage themed float, manned an informational booth, handed out safer sex kits, and offered free HIV tests to festival goers.

David Seman, Varla Jean Merman, and Keri Harmicar

Charles Christen, PATF Executive Director

PATF celebrated its 27th Annual Benefit at Pittsburgh Opera on March 20, 2013. The event featured entertainer Varla Jean Merman and the music of Gary Racan and the Studio E Band. The event drew nearly 400 supporters and raised nearly $142,000.

PATF hosted the 3rd Annual East End Community Health Fair on June 29, 2013, in observance of National HIV Testing Day. The succesful event featured booths from over 30 community health organizations, free HIV testing, and a food truck “round up”.

Tony and Linda Bucci, the 2013 recipients of the Kerry Stoner Award for their long term support of PATF’s Annual Benefit, attended the 27th Annual Benefit VIP party at Mansions on Fifth. The event featured food, music, and entertainment by the hilarious Porsche.

(Back L-R) Jason Herring, Charles Christen, Matt Ometz, Aaron Arnold, Doug Seng. (Front L-R) Lyn Chavis, Pamela Smith, Nicole Baer

PATF volunteered to help feed HIV positive members of Shepherd Wellness Community for their annual Kennywood Day.

John Easter, M2M Coordinator, and Dalen Ebony,True T Entertainment

PATF partnered with the Pittsburgh ballroom community to throw the World AIDS Day Ball in support of the young black LGBT community. The successful event is planned to be a yearly happening. PATF, as a part of (Pittsburgh)RED, held an HIV/AIDS advocates rally and march for World AIDS Day on Dec 1, 2012. Mayor Luke Ravenstahl and others spoke at the rally while over 250 people participated in the march. The march ended with a gathering that featured information booths from over 20 health organizations, music, food, and free HIV testing.

The Founders Society In 2005, PATF established the Founders Society to honor the brave volunteers who founded PATF in 1985, and to recognize committed friends for their annual, outstanding leadership contributions of $500 or more (exclusive of special events). These annual commitments provide a strong, flexible and essential foundation for PATF’s prevention programs and client services. PATF would like to acknowledge these donors for their Annual Campaign gift of $500 or more during the 2012-2013 fiscal year. If you note an error or omission, please contact the Development Department at 412-345-0569.

Visionary ($5,000 or more) Mr. Brian J. Boeglin Ms. Susan Zitelli

Guardian ($2,500 - $4,999) Elsie H. Hillman Foundation Mr. Richard E. Rauh

Champion ($1,000 - $2,499) Mr. Donald B. Arnheim Mr. Duvall A. Aiken The Nina Baldwin Fisher Foundation, Inc. Ms. Jane S. Barnes and Ms. Charity Imbrie Ronald R. Basso, Esq. Ms. Rhonda Bauer Mr. Conrad E. Bricker and Mr. Gerald Potts Mr. James Broff Tony and Linda Bucci Mr. James P. Cassaro Dr. Charles L. Christen, Jr. Mr. Allen D. Christian Judith Cohen, M.D. Ms. Kim S. Gunsallus Dr. Lathe T. Haynes and\ Mr. Avram C. Machtiger Mr. J. Randolph Hiller Ms. Gerri Kay Mr. Stanley Koepke Mr. Robert R. Lepre and Mr. Karsten Chorus

Mr. Christopher J. Nonevski Mr. Elliott Oshry Mr. Bart A. Rauluk Mr. John S. Ruskowitz Dr. Robert Schoen and Ms. Nancy Bernstein Mr. Robert E. Sette Ms. Michelle L. Wilden Mr. Joel P. Yuhas

Advocate ($500 - $999) Mr. Ralph Aguilar Mrs. Toby Alary Mr. Kevin J. Altomari and Ms. Dawn Gideon Mr. David Blair and Ms. Marianne Bokan-Blair Mr. John R. Clark Ms. Holly Corbett Ms. Gwyn Cready and Mr. Lester Pyle Mr. Doug Dantzer Mr. Matthew J. Dugan Mr. Peter Ennis and Ms. Laura Ellman Mr. Stuart Fisk Ms. Normandie Fulson Mr. William E. Goehring Mr. Patrick A. Gray Mr. Christopher King Mr. Carl A. Koegler Mr. John Kondrat Larry Leahy, DMD Mr. David Lombardo

Dr. Michael A. Madden and Mr. Ronald K. Senerius Ms. Gina Mannella Mr. David March and Mr. Randall Kesterson Mr. Jordan Paul Marckisotto Mr. Lawrence Martin Mr. James P. McDonald and Mr. Larry Karnoff Janice and Ernie Meade Mr. David C. Morgan Mark G. and Patricia J. Osan Mr. Russell Parkinson Ms. Jeryl Rauluk Mr. Clark L. Rexrode Daniel and Bonnie Sandman Dr. and Mrs. Martin I. Seltman Mr. Michael Shaw Ms. Anne B. Shearon Mr. Robert W. Teitt Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. Voller Ms. Laura Mae Walls Mr. Robert T. Wargo Mr. Michael J. White and Mr. Richard J. LeBeau Dr. Bruce L. Wilder Mr. Donald Wolfkill If you would like to become a Founders Society member, please contact the Development Department at 412-345-0569.

Foundations, Corporations and Community Organizations

PATF gratefully acknowledges the following foundations, corporations and community organizations for their most generous support during the 20122013 fiscal year. If you note an error or omission, please contact the Development Department at 412-345-0569.

$100,000 or more The Heinz Endowments

$25,000 - $99,999 Elton John AIDS Foundation FISA Foundation Giant Eagle, Inc. The MAC AIDS Fund

$10,000 - $24,999 Horizon Properties Group, LLC BNY Mellon Broadway Cares/Equity Fights AIDS

Program to Aid Citizen Enterprise (PACE)

$7,500 - $9,999 Allegheny County Bar Foundation University of Pittsburgh Medical Center

$5,000 - $7,499 American Eagle Outfitters Foundation Coury Financial Group LP inVentiv Communications MARC USA Massey Charitable Trust The Pittsburgh Foundation

$2,500 - $4,999 Buchanan, Ingersoll & Rooney, PC Dollar Bank Elsie H. Hillman Foundation EMC Corporation Fifth Third Bank Highmark Nordstrom, Inc. Quest Diagnostics TD Bank, N.A. Unity United Presbyterian Church

PATF would like to acknowledge those individuals, community groups and companies who organize and conduct fundraisers, and awareness campaigns, on behalf of PATF. If your group or organization would like to host a fundraiser on our behalf or provide a portion of your sales to PATF, please contact the development department at 412-345-0569. BNY Mellon D’Allure Trends Gay-Straight Alliance Honcho

Lez Liquor Pittsburgh Taco Truck Riverside Design Group (Plates with Purpose) Root 174

Steel City Derby Demons LLC Sunset Hills United Presbyterian Church Urban Cottage Washington County Economic Development, Inc

PATF would like to acknowledge the following generous donors for their cumulative giving of $500 or more during the 2012-13 fiscal year. If you note an error, please contact the Development Department at 412-345-0569. $5,000 or more Bill and Vivian Benter Mr. Brian J. Boeglin Ms. Wendy Cameron Ms. Susan Zitelli

$2,500 - $4,999 Mrs. Nadine E. Bognar Mr. John A. Martine, AIA Mr. Richard E. Rauh Mr. Bart A. Rauluk Mr. Robert E. Sette

$1,000 - $2,499 Mr. Duvall A. Aiken Ms. Jennifer Arkett Mr. Donald B. Arnheim Mr. Michael Babich Ms. Jane S. Barnes and Ms. Charity Imbrie Ronald R. Basso, Esq. Ms. Rhonda Bauer John and Cathy Blankenship Ms. Mary Bockovich Mr. Conrad E. Bricker and Mr. Gerald Potts Mr. James Broff Tony and Linda Bucci Mr. William Buchanan Mr. Robert E. Butter Mr. Mark J. Caldone and Dr. Paul J. Lebovitz Mr. James P. Cassaro Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Chait Dr. Charles L. Christen, Jr. Mr. Allen D. Christian Dr. Lisa Cibik and Mr. Bernie Kobosky Mr. John R. Clark Judith Cohen, M.D. Dr. Ronald Cypher Ms. Debbie Demchak Mr. Bob Denove Ms. Karen Fadely Ms. Dawn Fleischner Mr. Richard Fultineer Mr. Nachum Golan and Mr. Steve Hough Ms. Kim S. Gunsallus Dr. Lathe T. Haynes and Mr. Avram C. Machtiger Mr. J. Randolph Hiller Janet and William Hunt Mr. Everette James Ms. Gerri Kay Ms. Rose Kutsenkow Mr. Steve Laughman Larry Leahy, DMD Mr. Robert R. Lepre and Mr. Karsten Chorus Ms. Dawna Martich Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Massaro

Mr. Robert W. McCutcheon Dr. Joshua and Ronna Nagin Mr. Christopher J. Nonevski Mr. Elliott Oshry Kathe and Jim Patrinos Ms. Marina Persic and Mr. Kenneth Lehn Mr. Dan Rizzo Mr. John S. Ruskowitz Ms. Christine Scherer Dr. Robert Schoen and Ms. Nancy Bernstein Robert J. and Sheri E. Sclabassi Tuti B. Scott Mr. Jeremy Shapira Mr. Rick Sicilio Ms. Pam Watters Ms. Michelle L. Wilden Mr. Lawrence Wosskow Mr. Joel P. Yuhas

$500 - $999 Ms. Deborah Acklin Mrs. Toby Alary Mr. Kevin J. Altomari and Ms. Dawn Gideon Mr. Marc L. Aronson Mr. David Blair and Ms. Marianne Bokan-Blair Stephanie and Michael Bozic Jane and Donald Burke Mr. William R. Caroselli and Ms. Dusty Elias Kirk Ms. Gwyn Cready and Mr. Lester Pyle Mr. Doug Dantzer Ms. Jo Ellen Dillon John and Virginia DiPucci Mr. Matthew J. Dugan Mr. Peter Ennis and Ms. Laura Ellman Ms. Michele Fabrizi Mr. and Mrs. Harris N. Ferris Mr. Stuart Fisk Mr. William Friedlander Ms. Normandie Fulson Ms. Mary Gallagher The Honorable and Mrs. Robert C. Gallo Mr. William E. Goehring Mr. Patrick A. Gray Ms. Keri Harmicar and Mr. David Seman Mr. Jason Herring Mr. David Hillman Mr. and Mrs. Henry L. Hillman Ms. Mary Irwin-Scott and Mr. Grant Scott Mr. William Jones Mr. Clyde B. Jones III Mr. Christopher King Mary Ann and Bill King Dr. David J. Knez Mr. Carl A. Koegler Dr. Elliott J. Kramer and Mr. William Modrak Dr. Ronald and Mrs. Judith Linaburg

Dr. Michael A. Madden and Mr. Ronald K. Senerius Ms. Gina Mannella Mr. David March and Mr. Randall Kesterson Mr. Jordan Paul Marckisotto Mr. Lawrence Martin Kevin and Kristen McMahon Mr. Tim McVay and Mr. David C. Bush Janice and Ernie Meade Mr. Joe Mineo Ms. Mary Mitchell Mr. David C. Morgan Mark G. and Patricia J. Osan Dee Jay Oshry and Bart Rack, O.D. Mr. Russell Parkinson Ms. Deborah Perry Ms. Jeryl Rauluk Mr. Clark L. Rexrode Ms. Anne K. Ringham Daniel and Bonnie Sandman Mr. Theodore M. Sandson and Mr. Paul Georg Ms. Susan Scherling Dr. and Mrs. Martin I. Seltman Mr. Robert E. Sette Mr. Michael Shaw Ms. Anne B. Shearon Ms. Nancy A. Simpronio and Mr. Charles Culbertson Ms. Catherine Smith Dr. and Mrs. James Tauberg Mr. Robert W. Teitt Ms. Thalia Vitikos Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. Voller Ms. Laura Mae Walls Mr. Robert T. Wargo Mr. Gene Welsh and Mr. David McAdams Mr. Michael J. White and Mr. Richard J. LeBeau Dr. Bruce L. Wilder Mr. Donald Wolfkill

PATF would like to acknowledge those individuals who gave generously of their time, talents and gift-in-kind support during the 2012-13 fiscal year: Alphagraphics Bill Chisnell Productions Engine House 25 KDKA Turkey Fund Mansions On Fifth Hotel Mr. Robert E. Sette Pittsburgh Magazine Pittsburgh Opera Pittsburgh Post-Gazette Pittsburgh Valet Visivo Visual Design

PITTSBURGH AIDS TASK FORCE Statement of Activities and Changes in Net Assets For the Year Ended June 30, 2013 (with Comparative Totals for 2012) Unrestricted

Temporarily Restricted

2013 Total

2012 Total

Support and Revenue Support $ 1,539,840


$ 1,539,840

$ 1,546,596

Contributions and in-kind donations

Government grants and contracts





Special events













































Client services





Prevention and outreach services





Housing assistance















2,714,391 288,580


2,714,391 358,402

2,656,311 2,656,311





$ 1,026,038

$ 264,530

$ 1,290,568

$ 932,166

Total Support Revenue Pharmacy revenues (net of contractual allowances) Provision for bad debts Cost of goods sold Contract fees Net pharmacy revenues Rent and miscellaneous income

Total Revenue Net Assets Released from Restrictions Total Support and Revenue Expenses

Total Expenses Total Increase in net Assets Net Assets - Beginning of year Net Assets - End of year

PATF STAFF Charles Christen, DrPH, MEd., Executive Director




Kevin J. Altomari

Vice President

Aaron Arnold, Services Outreach Coordinator

Stuart Fisk, RN, MSN, CRNP


Nicole Baer, Senior Housing Medical Case Manager

Robert R. Lepre, CTFA


Karen Battle, Outreach Coordinator James Booher, Data Management Specialist


Anitra Branch, Rural Medical Case Manager

Conrad Bricker

Audra Cannan, Director of Finance & Administration

Mary Bockovich

Lyn Chavis, Rural Medical Case Manager

Linda Bucci

Cydney Daniel, Director of Housing and Client Services

Anne Davis

Tom Downing, Office Manager/Benefits Coordinator

Valerie Golik

John Easter, M2M Project HIV Specialist

David Lombardo

Jennifer Ficarri, Director of Development

Michael Madden MD, FAAFP, CPE

Deb Gausmann, RN, Nurse Case Manager

John A. Martine, AIA

Scott Harrison, Medical Case Manager

Rev. Dr. James H. McLemore

Jason Herring, Marketing and Communications

Janice Meade

Coordinator Katherine Houston, Girl Talk Project Coordinator

Christopher Robinson, MSW Mike Shusko

Alan Jones, Certified HIV Prevention Counselor Emma McAfee, Development Associate

Matt Ometz, Pro Bono Legal Network Coordinator

Gary McKillop, Director of Information Technology Vianca Masucci, HIV Prevention Specialist and Volunteer Coordinator, Health Corp Member Maria C. Philips, MSW, Medical Case Manager Ana Robinson, Medical Case Manager TeOnna Ross, Medical Case Manager Michael Sheets, Food Pantry Coordinator Pamela Smith, Girlfriends Outreach Liaison

ANNUAL REPORT PRODUCTION Editorial: Jennifer Ficarri, Jason Herring, Emma McAfee Design: Jason Herring Photography: Jason Herring and John Colombo





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