Housing for the middle-income group
Name of case study Zakir Hussain Co-operative housing
Special features of the case study
low-rise developments
Lesson learnt / finding from the case study (positive/ negative things) There are total six entries for 2.5 acres (N)
Tentative Selected issues Green Vehicular Own concept (tentative) strategies (how for own project Connection Connection to achieve) Providing Inner Courtyard Vehicular & for privacy and open Pedestrian Cluster Units, space connectivity
Height variation of buildings range Heigh variation of buildings, between 4-8 stories. (P) Various types of units based on budget & needs.
Inner Courtyard Antonio Barrionvero Ferrer Housing Block in Pino Neighborhood connectivity, 2 Montano
Internal Privacy Low Budget by Material & Scale
Tara Housing
Vernacular Typology,
Duplex units , Open sky terraces per unit. Building allows people to access directly to the interior garden..
Concept Template
Major Pedestrian circulation
Vehicular road and pedestrian is Hierarchy of Mixing Vehicular and connected within clusters. (P) spaces pedestrian road Balance of open areas has achieved by hierarchy of spaces. (P) Narrow slits on the parapets add Inner pattern, privacy and ventilation. Inner Courtyard Courtyard The square or the internal courts of traditional neighborhoods, as Courtyard, Courtyard, well as the different degrees of privacy that free space possesses, from the Internal street Internal Privacy, Privacy, Courtyard for community Religious to the private patio. (P) Religious Space, bonding Space, Pergolas for shade, benches for meetings suggest gardens and Indigenous patios (P) materials. Attention to the inner activities Units oriented back to Inner Garden , Inner Garden, through central garden, the road Community Community 5 Entries for 3.7 acres (N) bonding , bonding. Building faces inner side to reduce Reduce Noise & pollution from road (P) pollution. Internal garden per block to prevent temperature. (N)
between clusters
Interior Garden
Site Analysis Considering population per acre = 250 Total Land Area = 17.141 acre So, total population = (250 × 17.141) = 4285 Total number of family or, flats = 4285/5 = 857
Zakir Hossain Housing
Number of 1000 sqft flats = 857 × 40% = 343 Number of 1250 sqft flats = 857 × 30% = 257 Number of 1400 sqft flats = 857 ×30% = 257 Nursery = 0.34 acre Primary School = 0.54 acre Mosque = 0.17 acre Shop/Market/Kacha Bazaar = 0.27 acre Total = 1.32 acre
Zakir Hossain Housing
Neighborhood Connectivity Middle income people are the most introverts of the society. They want privacy and also trust issues. To achieve this we emphasize on Neighborhood connectivity. Courtyard, accessible pedestrian, community facilities like playground, mosque, school are the places where people can meet and make bonding. Visual and auditory connection between Clusters can enhance Neighborhood connectivity. The courtyard is designed as a small park, where the inhabitants can leave the chaos of the city behind, and enjoy trees and deciduous plants
The primary access gradually opens up to a large open central community space. This periphery of this space has amenities and services like clinics, Primary School, Nurseries and such. This central community space is at the meeting point of the axial spines of the primary road network.
Tara Housing
Case Study
This project aims to bring the essence of communal cohesiveness through Neighborhood connectivity.
Entry Bazar
Primary School
Masterplan Scale 1:400
Ground Floor Plan Scale 1:400
Cluster Plan Scale Scale1:400 1:400
Basement Plan Scale Scale 1:400 1:400
Unit Plan
Unit Plan
Scale Scale 1:150 1:150
Scale Scale 1:50 1:50
North Elevation Scale 1:250
East Elevation Scale 1:250
Section BB Scale 1:250
East Elevation - rendered Scale 1:250
3D Drawings
3D Drawings
3D Drawings
3D Drawings
3D Drawings
3D Drawings