table of content
about the company Gringo is an Indian Bistro, with Continental and Italian food cooked by a chef from Texas,USA. ‘Gringo’ is originated from Mexico. A term used to refer to foreigners in Mexico. However, in India this term is popular due to four friends who provide excellent services when it comes to quality food. Their passion has led them to come up with a restaurant providing fusion of various cuisines for the new generations.
v is io n a n d m i ssi on 1. To provide excellent service paired with quality food. 2. To bridge the gap between business and clients and establish long lasting relationships.
Me ssage We will serve food to suit every mood, All the while we will serve you with a smile, our chef from Texas cooks with joy for you to enjoy, so sit back and let your stomach choose we make the best food, you’ll ever eat, everything about us will sweep you off your feet.
logo specification our logos should never use colors other than specified in this manual and should always be created from original, digital artwork and never redrawn. They should never be reproduced at a size smaller than the specified minimum size described.
all elements
within the logo variations must remain at their fixed proportions and should not be scaled, re-positioned or altered in any way.
LOGO SYMBOL Consists of barbeque symbol evoking the culture of restaurant and other tools used for good food habit, which completely describe the restaurant.
RECOM M ENDED F OR M ATS ARE: .eps | .ai | .png | .jpg | .tiff
ATTEN TION : Use of any stylized, hand drawn or other versions of inofficial logo is not permitted. This undermines the logo system and brand consistency.
LOGO TITLE The word ‘ GRINGO ‘ is in lighter shade of black color. This font is created and further refined only for the identity of the restaurant.
m inimum s i z e ,
bigge r i s b et ter. Landscape logos must not be reproduced at a size smaller than width 5cm and height 1.3cm.
C LE AR S PAC E A ND CO M POS ITION Whenever the logo is use, it should be surrounded with clear space to ensure its visibility and impact.
DI FFERENT COLOR ST Y LING While the landscape logo should be determined according to their suitability for the layout. There is full color option, single color and black and white backgrounds.
IN CORREC T LOG O A PPLI CATION Do not alter the logo type style Do not alter the logo symbol Do not change the size proportion Do not change the space between logo and symbol
typo graphy T ypography is the backbone of design, getting it right is
paramount. It plays an important role in communicating an overall tone and quality. H ead ing Typeface : Steelfish (regular) it comes in a sans serif with different range of weights, but only regular style is suitable for this brand heading.
ABCDEFGHIJKLMNO PQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnop qrstuvwxyz 1234567890
bo dy typeface: agenda (regular) it comes in a range of weights to suit a multitude of purposes. This strong sans-serif font has a solid structure that reinforces the professional and solid nature of our company and its goals.
ABCDEFGHIJKLMN OPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmno pqrstuvwxyz 1234567890
color palette COLORS define the BR AND . Brand is bold, bright and confident.
Simple and to the point. color plays an important role in Gringo identity program. The color below are recommendations for various media. A palette of primary colors has been developed, which comprise the one voice color scheme. Consistent use of these colors will contribute to the cohesive and harmonious look of the Gringo brand identity across all relevent media.
Prima ry color orange
color code: cmyk c0 m63 y100 k0 rgb r 24 4 g 1 2 4 b 32 hex# F 47 C 2 0 pa nto ne o r a n g e
92% bl ack
color code: cmyk c0 m0 y0 k92 rgb r 59 g 59 b 6 0 hex# 3 B3 B 3 C pa nto ne 9 2% b l ack
se co nda ry color amb e r
color code: cmyk c3 m13 y100 k0 rgb r 250 g 2 1 3 b 6 hex# FAD 5 0 6 pa nto ne amb e r
images Images
are responsible for transferring the value of Gringo to customers or potential customers. It is a composite psychological impression that continually changes with company circumstances, media coverage, performances, pronouncements, etc.
Credit for images above : 500px
Credit for images below : 500px
R e qu i r e m e n t : Saturated Images Sharp Images Modern and Classic
stationery Statio ne ry will be only used during any official communication that is going out of company.
V i s i t i n g ca rd D i m e n s i on : 3 .5 i n ch * 2 i n ch
social media guide
We bs it e : w w w.g
visual mock-up
Advertisement on bill boards, bus stand, banner for promotion of restaurant.
brand collaterals
1st Collaterals: Apron
2nd Collaterals: Menu Card
3rd Collaterals: Standee Lopamudra Maiti U G I I C D Q u a r te r I I
Power of Sharing
Power of Sharing
Power of Sharing
Power of Sharing
Power of Sharing
Power of Sharing
Power of Sharing
Power of Sharing Power of Sharing
Power of Sharing Power of Sharing