Centerview - Fall 2011

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Peninsula Jewish Community Center Your Center for Life! Autumn 2011 Tishrei / Heshvan / Kislev 5772

CenterView Meet Marcus and Sandra Charles There’s a hint of an east coast accent when Pilates Reformer and TRX classes. In his Marcus and Sandra Charles share their spare time Marcus teaches tennis as the philosophy of life. “Health is more than wealth because all the money in the world can’t keep you healthy,” says Marcus. “Don’t let anyone tell you otherwise.” Sandra, his wife of 35 years agrees, adding, “A healthy lifestyle is a life-long job.” And it’s a job the New York natives embrace. Ever since relocating to the Bay Area in 2008 to be closer to family, Marcus and Sandra have enjoyed many diverse interests that epitomize active California living. That includes working out at the PJCC several times a week. A retired NYPD detective, Marcus loves to jump rope and swim while Sandra, a retired manager at a New Jersey fitness center, thrives with

Head Varsity Coach at Serra High School in San Mateo. He also draws upon his detective skills working at HighCom Security (which the PJCC employs) as a supervisor. “It’s a challenge fighting the urge to become sedentary,” he admits, “but being sedentary isn’t an option.” Sandra, an avid gardener, recently joined the Board of Directors at the San Mateo Arboretum Society and also manages rentals for the Kohl Pumphouse. They both believe that their good health and longevity are a result of an active life. “The PJCC is a perfect fit for us,” Sandra says. “The friendly staff and members are a delight every time.”

A Most Tasty Partnership: Urban Table By Michele Solomon, Event & Volunteer Manager


f you’ve spent Sunday mornings at the Center shopping for tasty produce or fresh flowers, you can thank the PJCC’s partner, Urban Table. Our union has resulted in providing our community with Foster City’s only Farmers’ Market. Urban Table is a non-profit agency that establishes certified Farmers’ Markets in the Bay Area and supports a sustainable food system. The city’s first market was introduced in 2010, at the PJCC’s Second Annual Family Health & Fitness Day, and was a huge success. In fact, within four hours of the event, over 500 signatures were collected encouraging Foster City to move forward with an ongoing market managed by Urban Table.

Thus began the process of making this seasonal market a reality. One of the PJCC guiding principles is “Wholeness of Body, Mind and Spirit,” which dovetails with Urban Table’s goal to provide local communities with easy access to fresh, local and organic produce. Not only does a Farmers’ Market provide healthy foods, but it also nurtures an inviting environment conducive to a thriving neighborhood while also supporting positive interactions between residents and local farmers. Discover the delectable goods you’ll find at our Farmers’ Market. It remains open Sundays, through November 6 from 9:00 am to 1:00 pm.

Hank Dagenais, Center member since 2008 “That would be Coach Burt from Terra Nova High School in Pacifica. He taught me to be the person I am today; to be fair with people, be a good basketball coach. He was a real father-figure.” Read about other favorite teachers inside!

Curator’s Corner

Beyond Birthright I share something in common with graphic novelist Sarah Glidden. Well, Sarah and 260,000 other Jews across 52 countries. We have all participated in a Taglit-Birthright Israel experience, offered by Taglit-Birthright Israel (, a non-profit organization that provides free 10-day trips to Israel for Jewish young adults between the ages of 18-26. But what makes Ms. Glidden stand out is that she is the only alumna to have turned her Birthright Israel experience into a published graphic novel. This fall, the PJCC is proud to present almost 25 original watercolor excerpts from Sarah’s new autobiographical travel journal turned graphic novel, How to Understand Israel in 60 Days or Less (published by Vertigo August 30, 2011). Ms. Glidden is

By Kimberly Gordon, PJCC Cultural Arts Director also loaning the gallery her original sketch pad and diary, which will be on display to help demonstrate her creative process. The graphic novel provides an inventive and freeing format for illustrating the author’s non-verbal thoughts as she internally debates the complexities of the Israeli border, recounts dream sequences, and wisecracks about fellow travelers. While the story is all Sarah’s, the iconic scenery and unique situations (such as Dead Sea water in the eye) will be familiar to anyone who has visited the beautiful country of Israel. How to Understand Israel in 60 days or Less will be on display through December 28 in the award-winning PJCC Art Gallery. Sarah’s book, of the same name, will also be available for purchase at the Welcome Center.

Meet the artist on Wednesday, November 9: 2:00 pm Let’s Talk About It 7:00 pm Guided Gallery tour and “Drawing from Your Own Life”workshop. To register, call 650.378.2751 or visit

A New Voice By Lavey Derby, Director of Jewish & Family Life Artson will guide us in examining how T here is always something new to learn to create a meaningful personal identity. at the PJCC, and this fall is no exception. In a second session he will also teach the Members and guests will enjoy the unique opportunity to learn from two remarkable master teachers: Rabbi Bradley Shavit Artson and Dr. Stephen Berk. Considered one of the rising stars of Jewish academia, Rabbi Artson is the Dean of the Ziegler Rabbinical School at the American Jewish University in Los Angeles. The PJCC is honored to have him as our keynote speaker at the Global Day of Jewish Learning on Sunday November 13. Using an ancient rabbinic teaching tale, Rabbi

High Holy Days Rosh Hashanah: The Jewish New Year Tishrei 1 – 2, 5772 September 29 – 30, 2011 Yom Kippur: The Day of Repentance Tishrei 10, 5772 • October 8, 2011

meaning and relevance of the Sh’ma, the central articulation of Jewish faith in the Oneness of God. Our 2nd Annual North Peninsula Scholarin-Residence program takes place from December 1–14 and features Dr. Berk. An expert in Holocaust Studies and Contemporary Jewish History, Dr. Berk is recognized as a superb and entertaining lecturer. In over 15 presentations throughout the community, Dr. Berk will discuss the history of the Holocaust and anti-

As fall approaches, Jews throughout the world prepare for the High Holy Days, a time of personal reflection, introspection and repentance.

Celebrate at the Center Sukkot: The Fall Harvest Festival Tishrei 15 – 16, 5772 October 13 – 14, 2011 Shemini Atzeret: A Prayer for Rain Tishrei 22, 5772 • October 20, 2011


Semitism, the challenges of assimilation in contemporary America and making peace in the Middle East. Don’t miss the opportunity to study with both these extraordinary teachers. For details and schedules, please visit

Simchat Torah: Joy of the Torah Tishrei 23, 5772 • October 21, 2011

Rosh Hashanah: Birthday of the World Monday, September 19 • 2:00 pm High Holidays 101 Friday, September 23 9:15 – 10:30 am Pizza in the Hut: Family Dinner in the Sukkah Tuesday, October 18 • 5:30 – 7:00 pm

Teen Rewarded for Environmental Consciousness A hearty mazel tov to Naftali Moed, school garden that will provide students son of PJCC facilities manager, Shelley with opportunities to garden, understand Eisenman. The 16-year old Pacifica student has received the prestigious Diller Teen Tikkun Olam Award, which is granted by the Helen Diller Family Foundation. The annual award honors teen efforts that exemplify Tikkun Olam (repair the world) through socially responsible or ecofriendly work. Out of 125 students, Naftali was one of just five teens to be recognized for their innovative, environmentally conscious endeavors. His project was a

irrigation systems, explore renewableenergy sources, and study landscape construction and sustainable agriculture.

Just ask PJCC Personal Trainer, Karen Pinckard. This last spring, Karen traveled to China to complete the Great Wall Half Marathon. A seasoned marathoner, her accomplishment is remarkable because she had hip surgery just four months prior to the grueling run. Mazel tov, Karen!

New! PJCC Gift Cards

Surprise family and friends with our brand new PJCC Gift Cards, good for spa services, programs and classes, personal training and more! On sale at the Welcome Center.

Thank you, eScrip Merchants

From Head to Toe, Walking is the Way to Go! Discover how walking helps every part of your body.

It Pays to Be Fit

HEAD: Increases blood circulation and boosts brain power.

Register your existing grocery loyalty cards, debit and credit cards with eScrip and earn money for the PJCC! Participating merchants make contributions to the Center based on your registered card’s purchase amount. Learn how you can help raise funds for the PJCC. Visit

Bring-a-Friend Friday

September 9 • October 28 • November 18.

Health Insurance Counseling at the PJCC BACK: Increases the stability of the spine and conditions the muscles that keep the body in the upright position.

BODY: Controls weight, blood sugar, and cholesterol levels.

9:30 – 11:30 am 2nd and 4th Thursday of each month HICAP (Health Insurance Counseling and Advocacy Program) is a state and federally funded program for Medicare beneficiaries and their families. To make your appointment at the PJCC, please call 650.627.9350 or 800.434.0222.

Your Center @ Work for You LEGS: Strengthens bones and reduces bone density loss.

Learn how you can customize exercise to suit your personal needs. Talk with a PJCC personal trainer at 650.378.2775.

KNEES: Strengthens muscles and maintain joint flexibility.

• New countertops in bathrooms and locker rooms • New flooring in JCare • New mirrors in locker rooms • New carpet in BAC hallway and women’s locker room

PJCC Guiding Principles

‫ • עיקרים‬Ikkarim Jewish Life

‫חוויה יהודית‬

• Chavaya Yehudit

Welcoming All

‫הכנסת אורחים‬

• Hachnasat Or’chim

Our Community of Family and Friends

‫קהילה ומשפחה‬

• Kehilla u’Mishpacha

Wholeness of Body, Mind and Spirit


Over 200 PJCC members and staff participated in Healthy Strides, an 8-week walking challenge. Stay tuned for PJCC’s next fitness challenge!

• Shleimut

Repairing the World

‫תקון עולם‬

• Tikkun Olam


Looking Forward By Deborah Pinsky, Executive Director, PJCC This coming year what the future holds. We hope to unveil promises to be full our plan this coming January, so stay tuned! of challenges and adventure. The PJCC is developing a new, three-year strategic plan effective July 2012 through June 2015. A board committee, along with staff representation, will be working on this ambitious project during the fall months. Kathy Reich, a PJCC Board Member and Vice President, is chairing the committee that will lay the groundwork to identify aspirations, ambitions and goals. I’m excited about


Camp = Fun. Did you notice our camp’s new name? We thought Camp Keff (Hebrew for fun) was appropriate because when is PJCC summer camp not an absolute blast? And this summer was no exception, especially with exciting new teen camps like Glee, Soaked and Stoked, and Race the Bay. New specialties were also added, including Urban Beats and Urban Arts. This year, camp was particularly special for me because my niece, Abee, visiting from Vancouver, was a counselor-in-training (CIT). Thanks to her, I enjoyed an insider’s peak of a counselor’s daily routine, and confirmed

what I’ve always known: we have an incredibly talented, bright and caring staff. Speaking of youth, after just one season, our new licensed after school program, Treehouse at the J, is expanding to accommodate public demand! We’re very proud of its success and invite you to check it out, if you haven’t already. Treehouse at the J is full this year, but it’s never too soon to get on the list for next year. Finally, we just opened Club J, a new drop-in childcare program with special activities for kids ages 5 – 12. Moving forward, we hope to continue expanding our after school program with new and exciting offerings.

PJCC Benefit Blooms with Success

Thank you to the generous sponsors and individuals who made From Seeds to Success, the PJCC’s 2011 Annual Benefit, a rousing success. The evening included a special tribute to beloved Preschool Director Judy Garb for her 25 years of service to the PJCC. Many thanks for making this occasion a most memorable event.

Annual Benefit Corporate Sponsors Redwood

Kaiser Permanente


Club One, Inc. Koret Foundation Union Bank of California Wells Fargo


Fox, Shjeflo, Hartley and Babu, LLC HighCom Security Services Inc Payden and Rygel


Bernstein Global Wealth Management CCI Financial and Insurance Solutions Global Maintenance Resources


Jamba Juice Levinson Benefits Group LLC W. L. Butler Construction, Inc.

Corporate Donations

Access Door Solutions Cim Air, Inc. Greystone West Company, Inc. The Signworks

Individual Sponsors Redwood

Phyllis Friedman Sissy and Tedy Geballe Sonny and Steve Hurst


Anne and David Steirman


Ellen and Bruce Gellman Sharon and Scott Hartley Alison and David Wagonfeld


Martha and Michael Adler Jane Blumberg-Goldberg The Garb and Shelton Families Ruth Krumbein Fran and Bobby Lent Deborah Pinsky Jane and Jon Post Larry and Marjorie Schlenoff Kathy and Don Williams


Luba Abascal and David Weinstein Karen Alexander and Ross Weiner Ann Bear Betsy and Michael Berman Katherine and Roy Bukstein Roxanne and David Cohen Lael Culiner and Josh Smith Nancy Evans and Art Wolf Brittany and Daniel Feitelberg Melissa and Jeff Hessekiel Christy and Eric Jeck Janel and David Lehman Susan and Scott Maltz Frankie and Avner Naggar Xuan-Vu Nguyen and Todd Braman Lynne and Bruce Pasternack Peter Pollat, MD Amy Rabbino and Neal Rubin Kathy Reich and Ken Meyer Marilyn Taubman

Ellen Weinstein and Fred Weiner Jodi and Rob Zwiebach


Anonymous Cathy and Tom Brown Kristin Byrd and Jeff Peachin Rabbi Lavey Derby Judy Edelson Debbie and David Goren Susan Hamlin Mary Hartley Deborah Kelman and Rabbi Marvin Goodman Jack Klein Linda and Moshe Oberstein Sandy and Barry Oberstein PJCC Staff Marit and Amikam Shmargad Anne Culiner Sipes and David Sipes Yash Snider Selma and Sandy Tandowsky Lisa Wachtell-Miner and Michael Miner

Individual Donations Alice Akahoshi Susan Ammons Dana and Brian Ascher Janice and Dennis Berkowitz Judy and Jordan Bloom Ellen Brosbe Mireille and Wahib Costandi Rochelle and Mervyn Danker Sherry and Howard Fruchterman Anna Mae and Eugene Garb Marilyn and Bert Gelder

Barbara and Joel Gereboff Paula and Simon Goren Janet Harris and Bradley Rudolph Laurie and Mark Hepler Deborah and Craig Hoffman Vicky and Hal Kalish Janice and Irving Katz June and Jeff Kaufman Dyanne and Michael Krasow Marta Levison Melissa and Richard Lukin Janet A. Martin Maureen Murphy and Elan Scheinman Sung Park and Matthew Moskewicz Cindy Rose Quackenbush Amber and Jeffrey Rosen Edith and Leon Rosenthal Lisa and Mark Rosenthal Natalie Rothschild Ellen and Jerry Saliman Emily and Jim Scheinman Florette and William Schwartz Lorna Siepser and Steve Klebe Maryanne and David Silber Honit and Daniel Simon Amy and Wayne Sosnick Marian Soss Betty and Nat Starr Cindy and Phil Strause


Luba Abascal and David Weinstein Ann Bear Betsy and Michael Berman Eve Bernstein and Alex Gersznowicz


Jane and Jeff Boyarsky Karen and Bob Brodersen Cathy and Tom Brown Mandy and Dennis Eisner Barbara Engler Sandra and Daniel Feder Joan and Michael Fox Phyllis Friedman Debbie and David Goren Sharon and Scott Hartley Melissa and Jeff Hessekiel Christy and Eric Jeck Mara and David Langer Beverly and Jack Levine Sharon and Alan Levins Eva Chernov Lokey Susan and Scott Maltz John and Jennifer Minton Suzanne Moore Irene and Jay Muzio Sandy and Barry Oberstein Lynne and Bruce Pasternack Pearlstein Family Foundation Deborah Pinsky Jane and Jon Post Kathy Reich and Ken Meyer Alissa and Danny Rozansky Michele and Sheldon Rubin Karin and Marlin Segal Naomi and Jeff Silk Yash Snider Anne and David Steirman Tracy and Aaron Stettner Selma and Sandy Tandowsky Judy Thalheimer and Brian Kirshner Lisa and Eran Tzur Marie and John Violet Barbara and Robert Voss Kevin Waldman Elissa and Kevin Whorl Kathy and Don Williams

Auction Items

A Cut Above A Runner’s Mind Luba Abascal and David Weinstein Accel Gymnastics of Burlingame Acqua Pazza Ristorante Adventure Cat Sailing Charters African Eyes Travel Allegro Music and Dance School Allura Skin and Laser Center, Inc. Alpha Omega Winery American Conservatory Theatre American Girl Amici’s East Coast Pizzeria Anchor and Hope Aperto Restaurant Aquarium of the Bay


Armadillo Willy’s Asian Art Museum Astaria Restaurant Atlantis Casino Resort Spa Atlas Diamond Company, Inc. AvantGard Spa Avenir Restaurant Group Avia Napa Hotel B.R. Cohn Winery and Olive Oil Company Bach Dancing and Dynamite Society Bailey Rug Company Banana Seed Books Bay Area Discovery Museum Beach Blanket Babylon Bella Nails Ana Belo Ben and Jerry’s San Francisco Berkeley Repertory Theatre Bette’s Oceanview Diner Medina Bey Big Paw Sales Blackhawk Museum Bluelight Cinemas Bohannon Foundation Books Inc. Burlingame Books Inc. Palo Alto Boulevard Dr. Jeff Bragman Broadway by the Bay Buck’s of Woodside Bundy Opticians Burke Williams Day Spa and Massage Center Burlingame Optical Marian and Allan Byer Byington Winery and Vineyards Café at the J Cafe La Scala California Academy of Sciences California Film Institute California Janitorial Supply California Shakespeare Theatre California’s Great America Cameron Hughes Winery Cartoon Art Museum Chalet Ticino Chapin Court Salon Chas School of Film and Television Cheeky Monkey Toys Children’s Discovery Museum Children’s Fairyland City Arts and Lectures Claradon Properties, LLC Classic Kids Photography Cline Cellars Club Quarters Concannon Vineyards The Contemporary Jewish Museum

Costco, Redwood City CowaBunga Creamery Coyote Point Museum Craig and Co. Crepevine Daffy Dave Sharon Davis Andrea DeGraff Rabbi Lavey Derby Design Detail diPietro Todd Salon Disneyland Resort Dona’s Hallmark Douglass Results Down Etc. Dream Dinners Rabbi Dennis Eisner Electronic Arts Elephant Bar Elias Emergui Eminence Organics Barbara Engler The English Rose Esther Gokhale Wellness Center Rabbi Nat Ezray Fairfield Inn and Suites, Marriott Rabbi Daniel Feder Office of Senator Dianne Feinstein Blair Fingerhut The Fish Market 49 Square Miles 49ers Foundation Four Seasons Hotels and Resorts Four Seasons Residence Club Aviara Four Seasons Hotel Silicon Valley Stephanie Franceschi Friends of the PJCC Jenny Frix Garden Court Hotel Denise Gershenson Glow Debbie Goren Gould-Jacobson Dermatology Grand Hyatt Kaua’i Resort and Spa Grand Hyatt New York Grand Hyatt San Francisco Leila Gray Audra and Andrew Greenspan Sheryl and Avram Greenspan Grgich Hills Estate Guittard Chocolate Gumbinger Avram Architects, Inc. Gymtowne Habitot Children’s Museum Halekulani Hampton Inn and Suites Poughkeepsie Happy Hollow Park and Zoo Harrah’s Reno Hotel and Casino Have Your Cake

Heffernan Investment Advisors Rosalie Helsel Melissa Hessekiel Hillbarn Theatre Hiller Aviation Museum Hilton Garden Inn Hobee’s Hotel Andaluz Hotel Griffon Hotel Santa Fe Hyatt at Fisherman’s Wharf Hyatt Grand Champions Resort and Spa Hyatt Regency Lake Tahoe Hyatt Regency San Francisco Hyatt Regency San Francisco Airport Hyatt Regency Vancouver Hyatt Regency Waikiki Resort and Spa Hyatt Summerfield Suites Ice Center InterContinental San Francisco Hotel J. Crew Jim Jaffe Joel Jaffe Christy Jeck J’me Boutique Judd’s Hill K and L Wine Merchants Ka’anapali Beach Hotel Dr. and Mrs. Harvey Kaplan Kathy’s Kreative Kakes Kenwood Vineyards Kerns Fine Jewelry Kimpton Hotels and Restaurants The Kleid Group Klucid, LLC Korbel Champagne Cellars L Salon L4 Strategies, Inc. Ladera Garden and Gifts Lake Merced Golf Club Laurel Street Arts Lawrence Hall of Science Le Boulanger, Inc. Leaf and Petal Sheila Lederer Fran and Bobby Lent Neta Levi Lexus of Serramonte Little River Inn Resort and Spa Little Tweets Boutique Loews Regency Hotel J. Lohr Vineyards and Winery Love This Life Lunardi’s Mad Science of the Bay Area Susan and Scott Maltz Mandarin Oriental Mauna Kea Beach Hotel Vicki McGrath Lori McLaughlin

McRoskey Mattress Company Kathy Miles Milk and Honey Catering, LLC Mill Valley Massage Mindjet Modern Sailing School and Club MORE Physical Therapy, Inc Morty’s Restaurant Kari Mualmy The New Conservatory Theatre Center Ma Nguyen Nothing But Hoops Nuance Design Jewelers Oakland Zoo Gail O’Brien Oregon Shakespeare Festival Pacific Jewelry and Loan Pala Mesa Resort Pasta Primavera Restaurant Peets Coffee Peninsula Dermatology Medical Group, Inc. Perry’s Restaurant Pet Camp Peter Storm Jewelry Phyziquest Pier 39 PJCC Sports and Recreation PJCC Youth and Family Podesta Construction Wendy Polonsky Lee Port The Prescott Hotel Mark Preys PTS Sholom Women

Putnam Lexus Quail Lodge Resort and Golf Club Raley’s Supermarkets Randall Museum Friends Ravenswood Winery The Reading Bug Real Mex Restaurants Ripley’s Believe It or Not Museum Ristorante Capellini Ristorante Rocca Roger Reynolds Nursery and Carriage Stop Rojon Productions, Inc. Christina Rosas Nancy Rosas Ross Dress For Less Round Table Pizza S.E.A. Constuction Safeway Inc. Salon Le Rouge Salt House Restaurant Natalie and Jim Sammet San Francisco Ballet San Francisco Film Society San Francisco Giants San Francisco Jazz Festival San Francisco Marriott Fisherman’s Wharf San Francisco Museum of Modern Art San Francisco Opera San Francisco Performances San Francisco Symphony San Jose SaberCats Sand June Activewear Sanrio Irene Schlesinger

Ruth Schlesinger Nathan Schmidt Charles M. Schultz Museum and Research Center See’s Candies Cheryl Selman Sharona’s Chocolate Shop Sheraton Hotel Palo Alto Nicole Shifrin Sibby’s Cupcakery Simonian Oriental Rug Cleaners Simply Homemade Cakes Renee Sims Anne and David Sipes Skin Care by Mona Anna Slavitt Patti Smurthwaite Sofitel San Francisco Bay Sonesta Hotel Sous Kitchen Sports Basement Starbuck’s Coffee Company Starfish Therapies Stella and Dot The Stuart Rental Company Summit Financial Group LLC Sylvan Learning Center Kristen Sze/ABC7 Ten Toes The Cakery The Carlton Hotel The Kitchen Table TheatreWorks Silicon Valley Tommy Toy’s Cuisine Chinoise

Topper Jewelers Town Hall Restaurant Trapeze European Cuisine Traveling Tea Parties Trellis Restaurant Becca Tru Turtle Bay Restaurant 231 Ellsworth UK Hair Underwater Company United Studios of Self Defense Universe Nail Spa Valley of the Moon Winery Vampire Tour of San Francisco Vichy Springs Resort Vince Tarry Studios Vivace Ristorante VJB Vineyards and Cellars Michael Wachtell Lisa Wasson Wax Museum Fisherman’s Wharf The Westin San Francisco Airport Whole Foods Market Kathy and Don Williams Art Wolf Wondersitter Yank Sing Yerba Buena Center for the Arts Yumi Yogurt Zeum Jodi Zwiebach Zwillinger and Co. Jewelers

In Appreciation to Our Donors for their Gifts and Contributions Donations May 1 through July 30, 2011

PJCC Programs Adult Jewish Community Federation Mary Hanson Janet A. Martin


Chiara and Chris Carthy Rebecca Litwin Kim and Andrew Rosivach

Early Childhood Education Bureau of Jewish Education Tiny Tots Class in honor of Teacher Marcy

Get Up and Go Kaiser Permanente Anonymous Dolores Bracht Lyuda Lerner Alice Stern

United Way


General Operating PPG Industries Foundation in honor of Yash Snider Judy Edelson in memory of Burt Miller in memory of Aylon Engler Lyra Ghose Eunice Kenner Eva Chernov Lokey Marilyn and Charles Meier Rebecca Ryan Sand June Activewear Rebecca Wixon

PJCC Funds Annual Appeal Gifts

Anonymous Corey and Rod Cherkas Adella and Jonathan Feinberg Joan Goldenberg Sally Gradinger

Art Hirschhorn Gabriele Korn Ally and Rick Lenat Ralph Levin Evelyn Marcus Helen Miller Anne and Rodney Pearlman Anita and Jack Popik Grace Rosenberg Marina Sedova and Andrey Klishin Rolly L. Slatt Anita and Ronald Wornick

Annual Appeal Gifts for Children, Youth and Family

Anonymous Judy and Michael Garb in memory of Harvey Herman Linda and Bruce Park in memory of Jerry Chaiken

Annual Appeal Gifts for Senior Bus Fund Anonymous Jan and Ed Austin Marge and Bernard Chaknova Janice and Richard Freeman Google Matching Gift Program Jean Kohn Shirley Lerner in honor of Susan Ammons Sarena Lubarsky in memory of Suzanne Roussille Sharon and Gregory Miller Barbara and Dolph Shapiro Eunice Shephard Alan Sicherman in memory of Bess Booth Marilyn Simon Rolly L. Slatt Dorothy Wexler


Nonprofit Organization U.S. Postage PAID San Mateo, CA Permit No. 822

Peninsula Jewish Community Center 800 Foster City Blvd. Foster City, CA 94404

Shana Tovah Happiness, Health and a Very Sweet Year Shana Tovah (Happy New Year) 5772 From your friends at the PJCC Attention Members

Don’t miss visiting North Peninsula Scholar-in-Residence

Temporary Closure Indoor Pool, Whirlpool & Family Changing Room for Renovations November 21, 2011 – January 3, 2012

Dr. Stephen Berk

Flyers with detailed information are available at the Welcome Center or Aquatics Office. Or call 650.378.2782 or visit

December 1 – 14, 2011 For lecture schedules, visit

Byer Athletic Center Holiday Hours • Sept / Oct / Nov 2011 Wednesday, September 28 Thursday, September 29 Friday, September 30 Friday, October 7 Saturday,October 8 Thursday, November 24

Rosh Hashanah (Erev) Rosh Hashanah (1st Day) Rosh Hashanah (2nd Day) Yom Kippur (Erev) Yom Kippur Thanksgiving

5:00 am – 5:00 pm Closed Closed 5:00 am – 5:00 pm Closed 8:00 am – 1:00 pm

*Pools close 30 minutes prior to the close of the Byer Athletic Center.

CenterView is published by: Peninsula Jewish Community Center 800 Foster City Blvd., Foster City, CA 94404 P 650.212.PJCC (7522) • F 650.378.2799 A beneficiary agency of the Jewish Community Federation of San Francisco, the Peninsula, Marin and Sonoma Counties. A proud member of the North Peninsula Jewish Campus.


• Swim Classes • Place to Swim • Preschool • Day Camp

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