ANNUAL REPORT measuring success core values dashboard + financials spiritual fruit ministry programs
table of contents
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How we Measure Success
ministry programs
The Balanced Scorecard
core values
How well are we practicing what we preach?
Dashboard + Financials
A brief look at the numbers.
Spiritual fruit
Checking the thermometer on the spiritual health of men.
A look back at God’s grace this past year, and ahead for what’s to come.
uch has taken place in the last twelve months at Promise Keepers Canada. How the ministry functions as a team has been outstanding, and will continue to grow as we humble ourselves, pray, seek God’s face, and turn from our sinful ways. It is very encouraging for me to see and hear how prayer becomes more and more central to each aspect of governance and management. Remaining humble will allow the Lord to use us even more in the months and years ahead, and that trait, deeply imbedded in our way to do ministry, is as essential as any part of our spiritual and fiscal responsibilities. God can only use us to teach and lead others if we remain teachable ourselves. We can never live in the past, but must always learn from it. We must continue to practice the second promise as individuals and as an organization. Ongoing accountability needs to be an integral point in all our lives so that keeping promises is more than just a name, but is who we are and what we do. The second promise of a promise keeper states, “A promise keeper is committed to pursuing Christ centred friendships with a few other men, connecting regularly, understanding that he needs brothers to help him keep his promises.” As leaders in Promise Keepers Canada and in other areas of life, we must be solid examples in how we keep the second promise, just like Christ was and is our solid example today. In the last couple of years, we have been doing a lot of foundational ‘man sized’ jobs as we prepare for something big. We live in turbulent times and the Bible tells us to “Occupy till I return.” What God wants us to do is bigger than any one of us, but not bigger than our God. His ability to work through us is only limited by our faith. My challenge to each and every one of us is to “Think Big” and seek the Lord on what that is – then expect it and believe it. Kirk and I believe the ability for the ministry of Promise Keepers Canada to take significant steps will directly relate to the willingness of every one of us to step up their involvement and support. That involvement and support looks differently for each one of us. Much like the twelve disciples, each one of us have been given different gifts and blessings that God wants us to use to further His Kingdom through PKC. I am excited to see the expanded focus on church relations across the country, and believe this emphasis will help rekindle ministry to men in churches across the country. As we look to the future, there are significant opportunities to see this be stronger than ever before and opportunities to develop new ways to reach men through the marketplace. Thank you for your continued commitment to Christ through your involvement and support of Promise Keepers Canada. May God bless you and your family as you continue to serve Him. Your brother in Christ, Randy Collins Board Chairman
ave you ever found yourself being surprised by God? That is the best way to describe the past twelve months in the life of Promise Keepers Canada.
We are so grateful to God for all that He has accomplished in the lives of men across the nation over the past fiscal year. We are experiencing God’s Spirit moving powerfully in the lives of men, and the evidence of that is how He is working through the lives of men to bring hope to others. The past fiscal year was a time of significant transition in the life of the ministry. We have become more focused on a year round discipleship process in communities across Canada, launched The Fatherless Project to help men bring hope to the fatherless in their cities, and increased the reach of our digital ministry through the launch of a podcast and PKC app. Our Stronger men’s conferences had a significant impact in thousands of men’s lives. One of the most encouraging elements to these events has been the multiple generations of men attending together. When men attend with their sons and grandsons, there is something powerful that takes place in a family – uniting these men together in Christ and for the cause of His Kingdom. I am grateful to God for what He has accomplished, but I’m also grateful for the ways He surprised us over the past twelve months. God is laying a foundation for this ministry to take significant steps forward in the vision to Leave No Man Behind. We have been given the opportunity to add full time staff in order to strengthen our support of local churches across Canada, and the opportunity to invest in the exponential growth of things we have already started in the Fatherless Project and our electronic ministry resources. Several years ago, we asked the question of what would happen if one million men in Canada were sold out in following Jesus. Today, that question still rings true for us. God is laying a foundation for us to move towards that dream. Together, we need to decide if we trust Him enough to take the next steps towards it; if we are willing to be part of His vision for the men of this nation. We live in uncertain times. Our faith is being challenged in the public sphere like never before. This is not a time to worry or hide. It is time to raise up men who will be fearless to impact every sphere of society for the glory of God. We are living in important days where men need to be firmly rooted in Jesus Christ, and allowing His light to shine through them to marriages, families, workplaces, churches, and communities. Our Fearless Conferences will build on this important challenge. As you read this Annual Report, please know that you have been an important part of what God has done over the past year. We are grateful to God for you. Celebrate with us His goodness, and pray with us for His Kingdom to win in even greater ways through the ministry of Promise Keepers Canada. Your brother in Christ, Kirk Giles President
measuring success
The balanced scorecard
core values
Annual survey on how we are doing at living out our Core Values
no. of men ministered to
Dashboard results on how many men we’re reaching
spiritual health
Annual survey on how men are doing in their walk with God
How we’re meeting our budgets and quarterly dashboard targets
core values Our goal is to see men mature in living out the Seven Promises, while exhibiting spiritual fruit (Gal. 5: 22,23). In order to accomplish this goal, there are four Core Values we must live by. To help gauge our effectiveness in living out our Core Values, we surveyed various members of our team for their honest (and anonymous) opinion of how we’re doing as a ministry. These results are a summary of a much more exhaustive survey.
We honour God.
avg. rating
We respect and strengthen each other as a team.
avg. rating
98% 91%
We are committed to the Body of Christ.
avg. rating
We facilitate encounters with God.
avg. rating
93% 93%
94% overall rating for 2013-2014 (average)
(up from 92% last year)
Prayer partners (1,291 IN 2013)
equipping resources accessed by men
men and couples received devotionals from their church this valentine’s day and father’s day
growth in PK@ Home ministry
regional ministry areas in process
11,000 men attended conferences and other events
Revenues Donations
64.7% 18.1%
registrations 9.3%
Product sales
sponsorships other
ministry projects 13%
marketing/development management/admin
cost of product
cost per man ministered to (last year : $18.66)
spiritual fruit The last several years we surveyed the men who attended our events to get an idea of how the average man is doing in his Christian walk. Some areas are slightly up while others are slightly down; but, overall, these results highlight specific areas we need to focus on.
10 promise keepers canada annual report 2014
average score:
I am a follower of Christ. I am growing in my faith. I spend daily time in prayer. I read the Bible regularly. I have close friends I can rely on. I am sexually active with only my wife (waiting for marriage if single). I have not viewed porn in the past 30 days. I balance work and family life well. I regularly pray for and with my family. I have a healthy marriage. I have a healthy relationship with my father. I volunteer at church. I give to my church. I pray for my pastor(s). I meet the needs of the needy. I invite people to church activities. I tell others about Jesus.
0 This Year
2 Last Year
ministry programs Our mission is to Ignite and Equip men to have a Godly Impact. This fuels our ministry programs with three areas of focus: IGNITE, EQUIP, IMPACT. Everything we do as a ministry is focused on accomplishing at least one of these three goals.
we motivate and challenge men with conferences and live events
12 promise keepers canada annual report 2014
we equip men with resources and teaching tools to help them follow jesus
we Connect and direct men to influence the world and make a godly impact
30+ years as a Christian with a strong case to grow deeper in Christ. Thank you PK Canada for leading men throughout our land in finding and following Christ and growing closer to Him into eternity. conference attendee
ignite Life gets busy. Storms come, we emerge; sometimes better, sometimes broken. Where is the strength we need for the everyday and the storms? This past year, thousands of men were encouraged to live in Christ’s strength during our 2013-2014 National Men’s Conferences with the theme of Stronger.
Looking ahead | 2014-2015
A new season of conferences Fear often plays a greater role than we realize. The fear of the unknown; fear for our jobs, our relationships, leaves many of us anxious. The fear of failure leaves other men stuck rather than pursuing the life God has called them to. Far too many men are either held back by fear or afraid of nothing and leaving a trail of damage in the lives around them. Fearless will call men to discover the freedom that comes when we fear only God and call other men back to fearing only Him. This conference is designed to challenge men to walk in the fear of the Lord as a daily lifestyle, and to allow the great things God has done for them to shape how they will do great things for others in the name of Jesus.
You have brought so much courage into my life as a Christian. I have noticed a big difference in my family life, only in a few days.
I am really pumped about the direction PK is headed with the Fatherless Project launch and the tone of the Stronger event. Really calling the committed men out to do something... encouraging the seekers and not sugar coating the battle we are in.
I had an overwhelming sense of experiencing God with all the men at the conference.
First time I have attended! I will return and I will bring more [men] with me next time.
Coming here is the annual recharge I need. The enemy picks me apart but God sends people to build me back up. Sometimes I am able to help others.
Thank you. I have been challenged to walk closer to God and become Stronger.
equip: PK@Home PK@Home exists as a way of connecting men with resources to help them in their walk with God throughout the year. This past year, PK@ Home resources reached over 80,000 men.
5,900 social media followers
new podcast was downloaded over 1,500 times in just two months
Looking ahead | 2014-2015
this is me tv As young men are leaving the church environment, there is a void to help them move from being a boy to becoming a man, and there is an even greater void in assisting them to become godly men. Promise Keepers Canada has developed a video podcast that is targeted to young men that will be accessed via their phones and other internet technology. This tool will be a resource to fathers, grandfathers, and mentors of young men and will assist these young men to grow in understanding the fundamentals of becoming a man in God’s design.
more men accessing seven magazine and other resources online
the PK Canada mobile app was launched in the fall of 2013, and received close to 2,000 downloads in the first eight months.
Thank you for your continued support to the men of Halton Recovery House. Men continue to know Jesus on a deeper level and others are coming to the Lord because of your commitment to sharing the gospel through [PK@Home] resources. rick moir, halton recovery house
equip: PK@church Promise Keepers Canada also ministers to men year-round through the local church. Our partnership with churches enables us together to see men grow as disciples of Jesus.
we partnered with local churches to provide a marriage devotional to over 22,000 couples and a father’s day devotional to over 25,000 men
Workshops to further equip men were hosted in partnership with local churches in various communities across Canada, with close to 1,300 men attending.
Looking ahead | 2014-2015
blueprint: a framework for the discipleship of men
Launching this fall, Blueprint is designed to train church leaders to build a ministry that will effectively disciple men at various stages of spiritual maturity. Blueprint is more than a training day, but we will also launch coaching for leaders as they seek to implement this process in their church.
Equipping workshops are being planned in over 16 communities across the country this fall. Topics include: Basic Training, Brothers, Work, Anger, Mentoring, Fathering, Husbands. New workshops on Time and Money are being made available to local churches for the first time this year.
Blueprint will be hosted in Burlington, Ontario – Winnipeg, Manitoba – Calgary, Alberta over the next twelve months.
I have been meeting with your team and have appreciated the solid coaching in both men’s ministry and life. I have been a pastor for more than 25 years and I find this mentoring to be life shaping. pastor Thank you PK. Stay strong with the mission of equipping men with the tools required to fulfill their purpose in life. conference attendee
impact It has been a joy seeing men realize a vision beyond themselves. Men have been encouraged and mobilized to make a difference in the lives of those around them; both at home and around the world. In particular, men have been stepping up to fill in the gap for the Fatherless.
Hundreds of men have been trained during the past year to mentor children from father absent families.
This past spring, in partnership with edudeo, 13 men went to Belize to build an addition on a school.
Looking ahead | 2014-2015
the fatherless project
mission trip
We will continue to connect men with opportunities to bring hope to the fatherless in our nation. Fatherless Project training sessions will continue to be hosted in communities across the country. Webinar training is also available for men who express interest but are unable to attend a live training event.
Another trip to Belize with EduDeo is being planned for April of 2015.
A special lunch information meeting will be held at Fearless conferences across the country to help men learn more about The Fatherless Project.
Since the last Calgary meeting he has been working with a few boys in his area. He has been taking two boys specifically every other Sunday to church and this past weekend they both gave their lives to God. fatherless project participant
Since you were here on April 30, two new volunteers have joined at CityKidz— men who were at the workshop— and they are speaking with a third. They are very excited about what happened at the Fatherless Project Training Session! pastor in regina
I feel tremendously blessed to be able to have a very small part in the lives of these beautiful children. to witness 13 men from across Canada work in total unity, was truly inspiring. belize trip participant
National Office 1295 North Service Road Burlington, ON L7R 4M2 Mailing Address Box 20099 Brant Hill RPO Burlington, ON L7P 0A4 1.888.901.9700 info@promisekeepers.ca www.promisekeepers.ca Our Vision Leave No Man Behind: to see every man become, grow, and live as a disciple of Jesus Christ. Our Mission Ignite and Equip men to have a Godly Impact.
Board of Directors Chairman
Vice Chair
London, ON
Regina, SK
Randy Collins blaine pho
Milton, ON
Georgetown, ON
Paul Lavigne Art Van ravens
Garry Bennett marc brule jeff bergen Brantford, ON
Welland, ON
garry ford
dan poirier
Brampton, ON
Cranbrook, BC
Saskatoon, SK
Advisory Board
Lennett Anderson
Ed Joseph
Victor Thomas
Hammond Plains, NS
Sherwood Park, AB
Regina, SK
Blair Andrew
Gary Langerud
Stephen Verhoeff
Carlyle, SK
Gatineau, QC
Calgary, AB
Greg Arndt
Dave MacLean
Larry Wilson
Selkirk, MB
Kelowna, BC
Winnipeg, MB
Wally Budgell
Jamie McArthur
phil wagler
Georgetown, ON
St. Thomas, ON
Surrey, BC
Sammy Camacho
Casey Moroschan
Peter YI
Montreal, QC
Edmonton, AB
Toronto, ON
Larry Dyck
Bob Roebuck
Winnipeg, MB
Mississauga, ON
Patrick Jolicoeur
Derick Sharron
Winnipeg, MB
St. John’s, NL
22 promise keepers canada annual report 2014
Leadership Team President
Kirk Giles
Rick Verkerk
Finance & Admin
Bayne Leong
Ian Nairn
Marketing & Resources
Jeff Stearns
Staff Assistant to the President
Marketing Assistant
Admin/Accounting Support
Marketing Associate
Community Relations Manager
Missions Assistant
Community Relations Manager
National Worship Leader
Community Relations Manager
Regina Event Coordinator
Customer Service/Accounting
Staff Pastor
Cindy Janssens Jeff Thiessen bill innes
steve hahn
mauricio rosa
Jenice McDonald
Lynn Ng
Matt Breimer Kelly Hilton
Andrew Thompson Jim Kitney
Steve Masterson
Events Associate
David Milmine
As of August 31, 2014