Leadership in Rotary International and the future Twenty years ago anyone who raised the subject of management in Rotary could be seen as committing a sacrilege, trying to compare our organization to a business: “Rotary do not have inferior levels that require to be managed”, some of them would say. During the latest years it has been growing the consciousness of the need of non conventional management levels in Rotary, without an oppressive posture to apply it. It is the consent management, of the convincement and motivation. It is the kind of management that Rotary has applied for a long time and that recently is being used by big corporations. It is called administration by subsidiary responsibility which means that the decisions are taken by the lowest possible level. This non conventional management allows Rotary leaders to concentrate on their mission and not on themselves. There was also on the recent years a concentration of actions in developing leaderships, starting with the District Leadership Plan, followed by the Club Leadership Plan. More than the developing of a sense of multilevel and multiyear planning in an integrated manner, the implicit content of these plans are the structuring and formation of Rotary leadership. Let us take a look on the needs of leadership in Rotary. Even taking into account that some club presidents will become district governors and that some past governors will occupy positions 117