The 5 senses and the Board member mission I read some time ago, a phrase from which derive this thoughts. It said: “Respect the view of others and you will end up ahead”. This few and wise words tell us a lot about the correlation between our 5 senses, our mission as directors of Rotary International and the preparation steps to fulfill this mission. When it says “respect the view of others”, it tells us to hear with humble spiritual disposition of the respect what any human being we enter in contact with has to say. The sense of vision (of others) is shown connected to the sense of hearing (of ours). In Arabic, for instance we do not call our spouses “my love” but instead, we call them my eyes, my spirit, my soul. The words I read, ask us also to activate the senses of touch and smell which we have and that we use when we want to get in deep contact with someone else. These senses in conjunction represent and remit us to our intuition. And all these information are processed in our brain which in fact is our conscience. So, in order of precedence and height on our body, the two hemispheres of our brain, the two eyes that allow us to see what is around us, the two ears we use to hear, the two entries of our smelling mechanism and all of our skin, allow us to intern the view of others. And when we use the only mouth that God gave us, to express the result of all the views that we experienced, so that our words, ideas 131