The Social Media and Rotary’s universe - Part 1 More than 50 different social networks are identified nowadays between the most used with a great variety of uses and different number of users, reaching some of them like Facebook to more than one billion of active users. The popularization and constant growth of these networks implemented new relationship practices between their users. It is difficult to find in current times, someone who do not have their profile in some of these open networks, who became as a consequence, part of the daily routine of these people. In Rotary these relationships imply a dynamic yet not totally assimilated and that need to be understood to, at the same time use the benefits of this acceleration on the relationships, and also the ethical responsibility of its correct use, with consciousness that this important daily use be executed with maturity and becomes valid in this virtual ambience created by these social networks. In relation to The Rotary Foundation they can become valuable channels of comprehension, learning and networking. Finding partners, maintaining them up to date with the evolution of joint projects and grants, is now enriched, swifter and with amplified content of information exchanged. The broadcasting of completed and successful projects with great impact on the community can and must be inserted in social media to increase the knowledge of our work and the understanding of the meaning of our brand, because it is by showing and telling what we do that we are going to attract more responsible citizens to join us in doing good in the world.