Rotarian Five Stars Every time that I try to imagine the profile of a Rotarian that executes with exceptional performance a project granted by The Rotary Foundation, or one that promotes successful fund raising campaigns, or one that personally contributes to one of the existing funds, comes to my mind the attributes of a Rotarian that can be called a Rotarian Five Stars. Which are these attributes? Let us see some of them: Arrives smiling on every week meetings of the club, greets everyone and transmit to them good vibrations; Every member of the club likes to sit on his or her table, because he or she always have a proactive observation to make and always an interesting story to tell; When the club is idealizing a project he or she has always a constructive idea to contribute to this project effectiveness; Never look for positions. Is aspired to occupy them because his or her performance on any position he or she exerted; Acquired the pleasure of giving and also to serve; Articulates well the ideas and relates them easily to rules and procedures of Rotary and its Foundation with great knowledge derived from studies of them; Is always available to help in a friendly way, without trying to impose his or her opinion;