Rotary’s Entrepreneurship The ambition to do good in the world must be the main motivation of the Rotarian entrepreneur and without any doubt the only one that really counts. The Rotarian entrepreneur is the one that by his pertinent action makes the difference, dare, although with some risk, to think differrently and innovate. Although the word entrepreneurship is new in the dictionaries this concept started to be analyzed on its most various angles since the XVII century. The humanitarian and educational projects are enterprises that allows the fulfill of these actions, mainly when leveraged by The Rotary Foundation grants, by using not only the knowledge of the needs of the community we serve, but also the ability and capability to organize the necessary human resources, the adequate financial funding from partners and sometimes even to improvise. The medicine of happiness that is put to work by the Rotarian entrepreneur implies that they utilize their abilities, as promoter of new ideas, as builder, manager and developer of these projects in a light, precise, quick, transparent and visible way. These values when connected to the execution of the enterprise have lightness as an essential characteristic. The projects executed by protagonist Rotarians must have a dry and simple execution structure, with the greatest possible use of the talents available within the club or the district.