The Rotary Foundation The beacon of Rotary We can say with no fear to be wrong that our Rotary Foundation is the Beacon that enlightens the pathways of Rotary. And the flame that produces the light of this beacon is the solidarity. When we stimulate and make it raise in Rotarians and in the mind of those that we are able to motivate the value of solidarity, we are enlightening in the deepest of their soul the love to their neighbors. This flame that makes the projects that best serve the community we serve to be idealized. These projects through which we are able, like their own name express, to project the through public image of our organization. The projects, leveraged by the Rotary Foundation grants, empower the service we render and exemplify our action. Similarly to the acquired knowledge that guides the civilization, the projects produced through the globalized solidarity allowed by the Rotary Foundation, are the light that guides the Rotary service. Solidarity, differently from charity, is not driven by the idea of those who have more to those that have less. It is driven by the understanding and comprehension that levels and make us learn with our neighbors and pay respect to them, restoring their dignity. Solidarity is a trace of character and Rotarians have it in abundance in their duty of responsible citizenship. While developing it in its plenitude we understand that we cannot expect anything in return. Because in this life we understand that we are always in need of someone and there is always someone needing us. 43