Your legacy and the sustainability of Rotary’s service The organizations that render service like Rotary, foresees that its Rotary Foundation have access to resources, coming from either companies or people in general that maintain it operative through punctual contributions, periodic contributions or legacies. The mobilization of these resources is only possible through social authenticity conquered by our Rotary Foundation. As an entity that collect these resources from our society, it needs to turn them back in the form of services to noble causes and to satisfy the needs of the community in which it is inserted to obtain this authenticity. Legacy is a manner not often used in some countries, like for instance in Brazil, to recognize this process of restitution of investments in services and utilize this model to leave properties or values at the disposal of our organization for them to produce the effects that by granting the economical sustainability of the Rotary Foundation trough its Endowment Fund, allows the lasting of Rotary’s service. By leaving a legacy, having the Rotary Foundation as beneficiary, we are guaranteeing the perennial service of Rotary to exert the philanthropy. Philanthropy must be understood here as meaning “the love to humanity”. It can equally be expressed as the antithesis to selfishness.