The Rotary Foundation and the Development of Rotary Our Rotary Foundation is intrinsically connected to the development of Rotary by several aspects, either through its membership growth or through the propagation of principles and core values that govern our institution. We can identify some of these aspects: The Rotary Foundation as the propeller lever of project that impact our communities With the help of the Foundation Grants, district or more specifically the Global Grants, we are able to put in practice regional, multidistrict or even national impact and sustainable projects, that keep promoting its effects even after the final use of the financial resources made available. A well elaborated project allows not only the involvement of the majority of the club members, but also the members of the community, that is able then to understand more what Rotary does and from that, motivate some of its members to join us and give their share of contribution to dignify those human beings in need. It is sufficiently proved that it is through the participation in projects that we motivate new members to join existing clubs or even to charter new clubs and stay. Any person exposed to a good project even before becoming a member of a Rotary club, will join it “through the front door”, bring to the club new ideas of similar projects in which he can collaborate with their talents and will not leave our institution. Project leveraged