Long range planning in Rotary On the next 5 years more changes will occur than in the last 30. The historic acceleration will show that the events will occur in growing speed, in a way that one century will be expressed in one year. Because of this it becomes explicit the imperative need of a long range planning. Planning nowadays is needed, not anymore as an anticipation of the future, but more than anything as a motivation to reach it. The dazzling and quick evolution of technology and the democratization of the information promoted by the Internet, makes that concepts like authority and power be questioned from the way they were recently seen. Particularly, when this power and authority were exerted by the privileged possession of information and was maintained by restricting this same information to those under one’s command or subordinates. It is growing the need to establish new forms of human relationship. And they are already changing for instance between teachers and students in schools or between managers and subordinates in companies. Our children are doing their college’s exams through the Internet. The teachers are losing their competitive advantage over their students just by possessing more information. They are becoming more and more knowledge orienteer than simply information providers.