The evolution under the concept of Diversity Trying to build multiple visions is the same as recognizing you as a human being in evolution. There is no doubt that there are many ways to study themes, visions and procedures taking into consideration the diversity of the clubs that compose our organization. All takes us to the same point: build a better world and better conditions to live in it. This takes us to the understanding that the capacity to cohabit of the multiplicity of group of clubs is a very precious wealth A society with various cultures is different from a multicultural society. On the first one separation are established, on the second links of recognition and complementarities are produced. The alleged diversity that exists between Rotary clubs or even in the communities to which these clubs render service, are not an obstacle to the evolution that requires overcoming the challenges that imply in:
Develop and implement strategies of evolution with quality Decide in which direction to invest the available resources Build a strong team oriented towards the Object of Rotary and its Strategic Plan Communicate and practice our core values and beliefs, improving the Public Image, starting with ourselves and our family Guarantee smooth transitions between administrations 93