Project 1

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Seam+less richard clarkson INDN441 Project 1

Parameters: Multi Material 3D Printed (around 10cm3) Aesthetically pleasing both as an individual part and as a whole installation Act as a Gift Sample embodying the conference and 3D printing capabilities Each Piece be unique Time (3 weeks) Themes, Ideas and Concepts must be reinforced by literary research The project must utilise Internet Systems in some way.

Vertebrate House Allison Isaacs

Vertebrate House has at its origins the same backbone that makes it possible for us to live the way we do (Spuybroek, 2009). (Using the basic elements of the human spine as a foundation Allison begins to develop a design language that is applicable in both medical biology and






architecture. The fact that a spinal structure also has two main materials, rigid load bering bone and flexible shock absorbing cartilage, leads this analogy particularly well to this project as we will be experimenting with combining two simultaneously 3D printed materials.







Bubble Stitch House Youngjin Yoon

(Spuybroek, 2009) Originally crated by exploring the “bubble-stich� knitting technique (Spuybroek, 2009). Thought the form itself differs dramatically from the knitting technique the basic principals about who the structures can be manipulated through tension and constriction are the same. To me this





is one of this projects greatest accomplishments, that it is able to become its own form and identity without losing the essence from which inspired its initial creation. This is something I want to replicated in my own work for this project, and will integrate well gathering the parts seamlessly.






Balloon House Erasmus Ikpemgbe

(Spuybroek, 2009) This is one precedent that I could see being developed further and used for this project. Imagine 3D Printing a balloon that had variations in both thickness, wall lining and material stretch. All sorts of shapes, textures and interesting patterns could be created. Better still this would






be a true method to really push this new 3D printing process. Perhaps the expansion will not be as drastic as a standard balloon but it could be 1000 times more interesting. There is also very interesting installation type things that could be done with this type of balloon system.







Stereography & the Magic-Eye Puzzle

(Clarkson, 2010)

(Baccei, Smith, Paraskevaa, & Labbe, 1994)

This is a personal interest of mine, having researched this area in previous projects stenography. The notion of 3D imaging is very simple force the left an right eye of the user to view two slightly different images. The variation in the images allows the users brain to calculate





depth just as we do with standard sight (Baccei, Smith, Paraskevaa, & Labbe, 1994). Magic eyes confuse the viewers eye with colorful patterns that will only reveal a form once the user is able to overlap certain patterns using what is called a parallel viewing technique.






QR Tag

The 2D version of the Barcode but has the potential to carry much more information than its 1D relative. One advantage for this project is that by nature QR Tags already integrate the use of Internet systems, a required parameter of this project. Due to the 2D nature of the QR





Tags creating a 3D object could produce some interesting outcomes, with the possibility to create something with the next level of complexity. This is defiantly something I would like to develop. Perhaps the individual tags could come together to form one big seamless tag?






Where to from here? Finalise Concept: Magic-Eye Puzzle + QR Tag or Balloon Continue Sketching a prototyping Start Computer 3D Modeling in Solidworks

Bibliography Blanciak, F. (2008). Siteless : 1001 building forms. Cambridge: MIT Press. Delanda, M. (2004, April 09). Deleuze and the Use of the Genetic Algorithm in Architecture. New York: Columbia University: Art and Technology Lecture Series. Retrieved March 12, 2012, from watch?v=50-d_J0hKz0 Picon, A. (2010). Digital Culture in Architecture An Introduction for the Design Professions. Basel: Springer Verlag. Proctor, R. M. (1969). The principles of pattern for craftsmen and designers. New York: Van Nostrand Reinhold. Spuybroek, L. (Ed.). (2009). Research & design : the architecture of variation. New York: Thames & Hudson.

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