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Melina Gonçalves - Edition / Edição

Beyond the samba and the carnival: know the Brazilian potential

any are the attractive that they take foreigners from the entire world to know Brazil. It has caipirinha, the samba, Pelé and Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva. It also has the bossa-nova, Rio de Janeiro and the pretty women. But we can guarantee that the country led by President Dilma Roussef has much more to offer. Brazil is a business-oriented country, a market with an enormous potential of growth and became in 2011 the sixth bigger economy of the world, with a great possibility to advance for 5ª position in 2012. Our domestic market is extremely warm, result of diverse factors, among them, the ascension of class C and D of the social pyramid. Moreover, the consumption in Brazil must grow 13.5% in 2012 in the comparison with 2011, reaching R$ 1.3 trillion, the equivalent to 30% of Brazilian GNP. In this context of full wealth and opportunities, the country has a strong and consolidated manufacturer industry of plastic material. It presents yes its difficulties, but together with the challenges it is the capacity of overcoming of the Brazilian entrepreneur who constantly invests in new technologies and qualification. Data of 2009 point-out 11,465 companies producing plastic, being 85% of these located in the south and southeast regions. Employing in 2010 approximately 350 thousand employees, the plastic transformation sector had an apparent consumption of 5,9 million of tons of thermoplastic resins. The United States is the bigger destination of the plastic exportations, with 12% of the 310 thousand tons exported in 2010.




Beyond the macro economical and sectorial numbers, the plastic manufacturers industry of the country possess a great advantage in front of the adversities of the competitive global market: it is composed by strong institutions that together create alternatives for the development of all the components of the sector. There is the Program that stimulates the exportations, the regional unions that fortify its regions the associations that stimulate the plastic consumption, demanding the main yearnings of the productive chain. The Plastic South and Plastic Northeast magazines, directed to the South and Northeast regions of Brazil but with national extension, have as objective to divulge and to inform actions and new features of the plastic sector in the country. This Extra Edition that we present in NPE 2012 Trade Show, aims to show to you the Brazil of the Businesses. Caipirinha and soccer are Brazilian wealth, but our bigger treasure is in our robust economy and in the plastic sector in constant development. We invite you to all know the Brazilian potential in the next pages. Good reading!

Além do samba e do carnaval: conheça o potencial brasileiro


uito são os atrativos que levam estrangeiros de todo mundo a conhecer o Brasil. Tem a caipirinha, o samba, Pelé e Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva. Há também a bossa-nova, o Rio de Janeiro e as mulheres bonitas. Mas podemos garantir que o país liderado pela presidente Dilma Roussef tem muito mais a oferecer. O Brasil é um país de negócios, um mercado com enorme potencial de crescimento e que tornou-se em 2011 a sexta maior economia do mundo, com grande possibilidade de avançar para 5ª posição em 2012. Nosso mercado interno está extremamente aquecido, fruto de diversos fatores, entre eles, a ascensão das classes C e D da pirâmide. Além disso, o consumo no Brasil deve crescer 13,5% em 2012 na comparação com 2011, atingindo R$ 1,3 trilhão, o equivalente a 30% do Produto Interno Bruto (PIB) brasileiro. Neste contexto cheio de riquezas e oportunidades, o país tem uma indústria fabricante de material plástico forte e consolidada. Apresenta sim suas dificuldades, mas juntamente com os desafios está a capacidade de superação do empresário brasileiro que investe constantemente em novas tecnologias e qualificação. Dados de 2009 apontam 11.465 empresas produtoras de plástico, sendo 85% destas localizadas nas regiões sul e sudeste. Empregando em 2010 aproximadamente 350 mil funcionários, o setor de transformação

de plásticos teve um consumo aparente de 5,9 milhões de toneladas de resinas termoplásticas. Os Estados Unidos são o segundo maior destino das exportações de plásticos, respondendo por 12% das 310 mil toneladas enviadas ao estrangeiro em 2010. Além dos números macro econômicos e setoriais, a indústria de fabricantes de plásticos do país possui uma grande vantagem frente às adversidades do competitivo mercado global: é composta por instituições fortes que unidas criam alternativas para o desenvolvimento de todos os componentes do setor. Há o Programa que incentiva a exportações, os sindicatos regionais que fortalecem suas regiões e as associações que estimulam o consumo de plásticos, reivindicando os principais anseios da cadeia produtiva. As revistas Plástico Sul e Plástico Nordeste, direcionadas às regiões Sul e Nordeste do Brasil mas com extensão nacional, têm como objetivo divulgar e informar ações e novidades do setor plástico no país. Esta Edição Extra que apresentamos na Feira NPE 2012, busca mostrar - lhe o Brasil dos Negócios. Caipirinha e futebol são riquezas brasileiras, mas nosso maior tesouro está na nossa economia robusta e no setor plástico em constante desenvolvimento. Convidamos você a conhecer todo o potencial brasileiro nas próximas páginas. Boa leitura! << Special Edition NPE 2012 < Plástico Sul < Plástico Nordeste < 3



Conceitual - Publicações Segmentadas

Avenida Ijuí, Nº 280 CEP: 90.460-200 - Bairro Petrópolis Porto Alegre - RS Phone/Fax: 55 51 3062.4569 Direction: Sílvia Viale Silva Edition: Melina Gonçalves - DRT/RS nº 12.844 Writing: Gilmar Bitencourt Júlio Sortica Financial department: Rosana Mandrácio Commercial department: Débora Moreira, Magda Fernandes and Suzi N. de Oliveira Graphic Design & Publicity Creation: Jose Francisco Alves (55 51 9941.5777) Cover: promotional image Special edition of the Plástico Sul and Plástico Nordeste magazines, properties of the publishing company Conceitual - Publicações Segmentadas, destined to the industries producers of plastic material of 3rd, 2nd and 1st petrochemical generation in the states of the South and Northeast regions in Brazil, opinion forming, public agencies pertinent to the area, representative entities, events, seminaries, congresses, forums, trade shows and the press in general. Opinions expressed in signed articles do not correspond necessarily to those adopted by the South Plastic magazine. The reproduction of subjects published is allowed since is mentioned the source. Print run: 2.000 copies.

06 X Ray .................The Brazilian economy in the present time

10 Industry ...........................The plastic sector and its potential

14 Oil, Chemistry & Petrochemical ...........................Petrobras, Braskem and much more

16 Exportation ............................Relation between Brazil and U.S.A.

20 Green Technologies ................................................The sugar cane force

22 National Associations ..............................Brazilian associations and unions

Member of to

Cover - Capa

Portuguese version - Versão em português

Exportação ANATEC - National Association of the Technical Publication Publishing companies, Directed and Specialized


E.U.A. é o segundo principal destino do plástico brasileiro

Brasil, o país do momento

Com um Produto Interno Bruto superior a US$ 2 trilhões, o país consiste na segunda maior economia do continente americano e sexta no ranking mundial.

Setor plástico é o terceiro maior empregador da indústria local de transformação 4 > Plástico Sul > Plástico Nordeste > Special Edition NPE 2012 >>

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X Ray

The sixth bigger world economy


he addition of all the goods and services produced in Brazil in 2011 totalized R$ 4,143 trillion (US$ 2,367 trillion) according to the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics - IBGE. The value represents a growth of 2.7% of the GNP in relation to 2010 and is very significant for Brazil, mainly considering the adverse international conjuncture. The result placed Brazil in the sixth position in the world economy and despite the deceleration in relation to the rhythm gotten in 2010, the liquid creation of formal jobs in 2011 was firm, reaching about 2 million, assuring more advances in the inclusion and distribution of the income. “Important also to observe the expansion of 4.7% in the Gross Fix Capital Formation, in last year, performance that confirms the vigor of the level of the investments in the Brazilian economy and reflects positive expectations for 2012”, affirms the president of the National Bank of Development (BNDES), Luciano Coutinho. For 2012 the consumption in Brazil should grow 13.5% in the comparison with 2011, reaching R$ 1.3 trillion, equivalent to 30% of Brazilian Gross National Product (GNP), according to estimates of the Pyxis Consumption, tool of market sizing of IBOPE Intelligence. The North region is the one that has the greater potential of expansion, of 26.5%. In the sequence appear the regions Northeast (24.1%), South (19.7%), Center-West (19.4%) and Southeast (6.5%). Currently, the north region, with 8.4% of the population, represents only 5.2% of the consumption in the country. The regions that present the biggest consumption are the

Southeast, with 42% of the population and 53.5% of the consumption, and the South, with 14.3% of the population and 16.4% of the consumption. The Brazilian Treasury Minister Guido Mantega confirms that Brazil will have a bigger growth in this year of that in 2011, arriving to 4.5%. “I can guarantee that the growth will be bigger of what of the last year. It will not be one easy year because the world crisis continues. We will have less inflation and balanced public accounts, with a healthful economy. With all this we will go to search a bigger growth”, affirms the minister. To reach this growth, in accordance with Mantega, the Brazilian government has in its armory some weapons: increase of public and private investment (like the PAC 2, that it will be bigger of that in the last year); the injection of resource in the economy with the increase of the minimum wage; the magnifying of offers of the credit and the maintenance of the social programs. “The credit must grow around 17% in 2012 and the public banks are being forced to increase the credit with reduction of the interest taxes”. With more money in the economy, both for the investments, as for the minimum wage, bigger credit and social programs, the government waits that the Country growth will be bigger. Guido Mantega believes that for 2012 the Brazilian economy will have to follow a trajectory of bigger growth than of 2011, closing the year around 4.5%. A series of stimulations are already being implanted, among them the reduction of interests and the reduction in credit price. Also there is the stimulation to the in-

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vestments, the government is preparing a great program in this area. Many fronts are being stimulated and therefore are given the conditions for a bigger growth, affirmed. To Mantega, in the second semester the economy will be growing about 5%, to close in the foreseen average.

Potential of consumption per class

Based in information published in the main Brazilian periodicals, the classes A and B absorb over 50% of the consumption in the most part of the groups researched by the Pyxis Consumption. The class A, that occupies 2.6% of the Brazilian domiciles, detaches itself mainly for the consumption of CDs and DVDs (27.3% of the total of consumption of this category), financial products (25.7%), decoration articles (25.3%) and vehicles acquisition (25%). Combustible and education are the main expenses of class B that represents 58.3% of the consumption of each one of these groups. Movies (54.6%), automotive services (53.8%) and sportive articles (53%) are other products mainly consumed by this class. Half of the consumption with tobacco and accessories is carried by class C, as well as practically meats and derivatives, groceries and breakfast products. Classes D/E has greater participation in the consumption of groceries products and cigarettes (13% in each one of these markets). The two classes also represent 12% of the consumption of infantile footwear, breakfast products, meats and derivatives.

Information, indexes and data of the Brazilian economy


Currency: Real (symbol R$) GIP (Gross Internal Product): R$ 4,143 trillion (year of 2011) or US$ 2,367 trillion Income per capita (GIP per capita): R$ 21,252 or US$ 12,144 (2011) Evolution of the GIP in recent years: 2.7% (2002); 1.1% (2003); 5.7% (2004); 3.2% (2005); 4% (2006); 6.1% (2007); 5.2% (2008); - 0.3% (2009); 7.5% (2010); 2.7% (2011). Tax of investments: 19.3% of the GIP (2011) Tax of saving: 17.2% of the GIP (2011) Labor force: 104 million (estimative 2011) Inflation: 6.5% (IPCA of 2011) Unemployment: 5.5% (January 2012) Domestic minimum wage: R$ 622,00 (from 1ยบ of January 2012) External Debt: US$ 271 billion (estimative in February 2011)

Foreign commerce

Exportation: US$ 256.041 billion (2011) Importation: US$ 226.251 billion (2011) Trade balance (2011): US$ 29,790 billion (surplus) - Growth in relation to the year of 2010: 47.8% Countries that Brazil more imported (2011): United States, China, Argentina and Germany Countries that Brazil more exported (2011): China, United States, Argentina, Holland and Japan Main products exported by Brazil (2010): ore iron, casted iron and steel; crude oil; soy and derivatives; automobiles; sugar cane; airplanes; bovine meat; coffee and chicken meat. Main products imported by Brazil (2010): crude oil; electronic circuits; transmitters/ receivers; parts for vehicles, medicines; automobiles, combustible oil; natural gas, electric equipment and engines for aviation. Commercial organizations that Brazil belongs to: Mercosur, Unasul and OMC (World Organization of Commerce). << Special Edition NPE 2012 < Plรกstico Sul < Plรกstico Nordeste < 7


Raio X

A sexta maior economia mundial


soma de todos os bens e serviços produzidos no Brasil em 2011 totalizou R$ 4,143 trilhões (US$ 2,367 trilhões) segundo o Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística – IBGE. O valor representa um crescimento de 2,7% do PIB em relação a 2010 e é muito significativo para o Brasil, considerando-se principalmente a conjuntura internacional adversa. O resultado colocou o Brasil na sexta posição na economia mundial e apesar da desaceleração em relação ao ritmo obtido em 2010, a criação líquida de empregos formais em 2011 foi firme, alcançando cerca de 2 milhões, assegurando mais avanços na inclusão e distribuição da renda. “Importante também observar a expansão de 4,7% na Formação Bruta de Capital Fixo, no ano passado, desempenho que confirma o vigor do nível dos investimentos na economia brasileira e reflete expectativas positivas para 2012”, afirma o presidente do Banco Nacional de Desenvolvimento (BNDES), Luciano Coutinho. Para 2012 o consumo no Brasil deve crescer 13,5% na comparação com 2011, atingindo R$ 1,3 trilhão, o equivalente a 30% do Produto Interno Bruto (PIB) brasileiro, segundo estimativas do Pyxis Consumo, ferramenta de dimensionamento de mercado do IBOPE Inteligência. A região Norte é a que tem o maior potencial de expansão, de 26,5%. Na sequência aparecem as regiões Nordeste (24,1%), Sul (19,7%), Centro-Oeste (19,4%) e Sudeste (6,5%). Atualmente, a região Norte, com 8,4% da população, representa apenas 5,2% do consumo no país. As regiões que apresen-

tam o maior consumo são a Sudeste, com 42% da população e 53,5% do consumo, e a Sul, com 14,3% da população e 16,4% do consumo. O ministro da Fazenda brasileiro Guido Mantega confirma que o Brasil terá um crescimento maior neste ano do que em 2011, chegando a 4,5%. “Posso garantir que o crescimento será maior do que o do ano passado. Não será um ano fácil porque a crise mundial continua. Teremos inflação menor e contas públicas equilibradas, com uma economia saudável. Com tudo isso vamos buscar crescimento maior”, afirma o ministro. Para alcançar esse crescimento, de acordo com Mantega, o governo brasileiro tem em seu arsenal várias armas: ampliação de investimento público e privado (como do PAC 2, que será maior do que no ano passado); a injeção de recurso na economia com o aumento do salário mínimo; a ampliação da oferta do crédito e a manutenção dos programas sociais. “O crédito deve crescer em torno de 17% em 2012 e os bancos públicos estão sendo provocados a aumentar o crédito com redução das taxas de juros”. Com mais dinheiro na economia, tanto pelos investimentos, como pelo salário mínimo, maior crédito e programas sociais, o governo espera que o crescimento do País seja maior. Guido Mantega acredita que para 2012 a economia brasileira deverá seguir uma trajetória de crescimento maior que o de 2011, fechando o ano em torno de 4,5%. “Uma série de estímulos já estão sendo implantados, entre eles a redução de juros e o barateamento do crédito.

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Também há o estímulo dos investimentos, o governo está preparando um programa grande nesta área. Várias frentes estão sendo estimuladas e portanto as condições para um crescimento maior estão dadas”, afirmou. Segundo Mantega, no segundo semestre a economia estará crescendo cerca de 5%, para fechar na média prevista.

Potencial de consumo por classe

Conforme informações publicadas nos principais jornais brasileiros, as classes A e B absorvem acima de 50% do consumo na maior parte dos grupos pesquisados pelo Pyxis Consumo. A classe A, que ocupa 2,6% dos domicílios brasileiros, se destaca principalmente pelo consumo de CDs e DVDs (27,3% do total de consumo dessa categoria), produtos financeiros (25,7%), artigos de decoração (25,3%) e aquisição de veículos (25%). Combustível e ensino são os principais gastos da classe B, que representa 58,3% do consumo de cada um desses grupos. Cinema (54,6%), serviços automotivos (53,8%) e artigos esportivos (53%) são outros produtos consumidos majoritariamente por esta classe. Metade do consumo com tabaco e acessórios é realizada pela classe C, assim como praticamente carnes e derivados, mercearia e matinais. As classes D/E têm maior participação no consumo de produtos de mercearia e cigarros (13% em cada um desses mercados). As duas classes também representam 12% do consumo de calçado infantil, matinais e carnes e derivados.

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The force of the Brazilian plastic The domestic demand for plastic products grew 6.4% in 2011 and the invoicing of the sector reached R$ 50.7 billion.


razil possesses a fortified sector of plastic transformation that has various polar regions of manufacture of products with quality and great capacity of exportation, although the difficulties found cur-

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rently. From the packing universe until the automobile sector, the companies of the sector in the country still have an enormous potential of development, having in mind that the plastic products consumption per capita has much to


grow. Always with attention to the demands of the domestic and international market, the entrepreneurs of this industry in Brazil face great challenges, as raw material price and energy cost, but they are each year more conscientious of the importance of the investments in machines, equipment and innovation for the creation of a competitive differential in the globalized market. The challenges and opportunities of the sector are closely observed by the Plastic Industry Brazilian Association (Abiplast), an institution that congregates in its associative memberships, hundreds, small, medium and big size companies, specialized in the plastic material transformation, located in the various regions of the Country. The controllers of the domestic plastic sector are always connected to the necessities of the entrepreneurs, looking for synergy with government agencies and the society in general. Proof of this are the studies annually performed that present the plastic

industry results. The research requested by Abiplast establishing the comparative between 2010 and 2011 was recently disclosed. The study presented an increase of 2% in the transformed plastic exportations, that reached R$ 1.50 billion. The study presented, also, an increase in the national demand for transformed products, that jumped from 48 billion to 52 billion in 2011, an increase of 6.4% in relation the 2010. Another number in ascension in the balance carried through by the Brazilian Association was the invoicing. The transformed plastic sector invoiced R$ 50.7 billion, an increase of also 6.4% in relation the 2010. The Brazilian industry of plastic material is composed by 11,465 companies (data of 2009) where 85% are located in the Southeast and South regions. In 2011 the sector was responsible for 357 thousand jobs, an increase of 3% in relation to the previous year. This number means that only in the last year had been gen- >>>>

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Industry Apparent consumption Processed plastic 2000-2010

Source: Consumo Aparente de Resinas - ABIQUIM / Sistema ALICE MDIC

erated 10 thousand jobs in the Brazilian plastic industry. The sector is 3rd bigger employer of the domestic industry transformation, responsible for 4% of the jobs.


During the year 2011 it had been invested in machines and equipment the value of R$ 4.9 billion of Reais. On the other hand in innovation the value injected by the Brazilians transformers was of R$ 730 million, an increase of 16% in comparison with 2010. In Research and Development, the investment of the sector was of R$ 130milhões.


In 2010 it had been produced almost six million tons of plastic products. Of this number, the plated ones had an increase of 11.41% in the physical pro-

duction in relation to 2009, the packing represented 7.45% growth and the miscellaneous articles an ascension of 11.39% in relation to the production accumulated in relation the 2009. Approximately 26% of what is produced in the plastic sector is destined to the nourishing market. The Civil Construction is in 2nd place in consumption, absorbing 14.6% of the material manufactured by the industries of the sector. Another market extremely important for the converters is miscellaneous packing, that is responsible for 14.5% of the national plastic production. Domestic utilities, hygiene and cleanness, even so absorb smaller amounts of plastics in their sectors, have great capacity of growth of applications and add together, a consumption of 18% of the plastic produced in the country.

PERSPECTIVES • PHYSICAL PRODUCTION - Increase of 2% in 2012, when compared with 2011. In function of the industrial activity increase. APPARENT CONSUMPTION OF TRANSFORMED PLASTIC • Growth of 5% in relation the 2011, increase in the participation of the imported of transformed plastic JOBS AND WAGES • Jobs growth of 1.5% and wage increase around 10% (impact of the domestic minimum wage adjustment.) 12 > Plástico Sul > Plástico Nordeste > Special Edition NPE 2012 >>

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Oil, Chemistry & Petrochemical

Petrobras bets in petrochemical and ethanol Among the plans of the Brazilian state company is the strategy to extend the production of petrochemical and biopolymers, beyond becoming the number one company in the world-wide of ethanol market.


President of Petrobras, Maria das Graรงas Foster


he 3rd bigger energy company of the world is situated in Brazil. With the name Petrobras, the company is an opened capital joint-stock company, whose majority shareholder is the Government of Brazil, and acts as a company of energy in the following sectors: exploration and production, refining, commercialization and transportation of oil and natural gas, petrochemical, distribution of derivatives, electric energy, bio-combustibles and other sources of renewed energy. Petrobras possess a business plan that foresees the investments for years 2011-2015. The document was elaborated in a context of world-wide increasing demand for energy, mainly for oil, and of new - and promising - discovering in Brazilian fields. With investments total-

izing US$ 224.7 billion (R$ 389 billion), the Plan contemplates a total of 688 projects. With the conclusion of many projects already foreseen in the previous plan, the plan will continue giving emphasis in the organic growth based in the knowledge of the oil basins. Inside the investments programmed by Petrobras is the injection of resources in the petrochemical sector. This segment counts with US$ 3.8 billion of investments for the period of the Plan and is kept the strategy to extend the production of petrochemical and biopolymers through society participation. In what it refers to the projects of the area, the Company highlighted the implantation of the Petrochemical Suape. Ahead of an expressive scene of deep water discoveries in Brazil, Petrobras is

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conscientious of that its investments cannot be small. Thus, it still increased the concentration of the investments in the Exploration and Production segment, whose participation in the total passed from 53% of the previous Plan to 57% in the current Plan. In the 2011-2015 Business Plan it is the application of 95% of the investments (US$ 213.5 billion) in the activities developed in Brazil and 5% (US$ 11.2 billion) in the activities of abroad, contemplating a total of 688 projects. In relation to the total of the investments, 57% if related to the projects already authorized for execution and implementation. The achievement of Petrobras plans for the future is at the hands of the chemical engineer Maria das Graรงas Silva Foster, known as Graรงa Foster, who at the beginning

of 2012 was sworn in as President of the State Company, in Rio de Janeiro. She, who is the first woman to occupy the position, has among her goals, the increase of participation of the state in the ethanol market. Maria das Graças Foster said that the idea is to work so, in a stated period five year, the company has the leadership of this segment. “We go to make, for economic questions, an increase of our participation in ethanol. But it is not in a click of fingers. To start to work ethanol takes time. Two, three, four, five years so that we reach the position number one in the ethanol market. We will go to work in a much focused form in the economic result in our growth in ethanol“, said Graça Foster, in her first interview, as president of Petrobras.

The leader of the Americas

Braskem, Brazilian producer of petrochemical commodities, is the leader in thermoplastic resin production in the Americas. The company announced in 2011 the acquisition of the polypropylene business of the Dow Chemical by the value of US$ 323 million. This acquisition represents an important step in the strategy of Braskem growth in Americas and become leader in capacity of PP production in the United States. The agreement foresees that the two companies will continue to evaluate in together potential growth opportunities that are lined up with their strategies. The assets involved in the negotiation include two industrial units in

United States and two in Germany, with annual capacity of production of 1.050 million tons of PP. The plants in the United States are located in Freeport and Seadrift, in Texas, and will go to increase in 50% the capacity of PP production of Braskem in the country, passing 1.425 million of tons/year. The two units in Germany are located in the complexes of Wesseling and Schkopau, with annual capacity of 545 thousand tons. In the nine first months of 2011 EBITDA of Braskem reached R$ 3 billion in the accumulated of the nine first months of the year, or US$ 1.9 billion, with growth of 1% and 10%, respectively, on the same period of the previous year. In the third quarter, the EBITDA consolidated was of R$ 940 million, 9% less than 3T10. The Brazilian economy, even affected by the global conjuncture, continued to present a good performance. The seasonal aspects of the third quarter had stimulated sales of thermoplastic resins of Braskem in the domestic market that totalized 857 thousand tons, with increase of 12% in relation to the previous quarter. The net revenue reached R$ 8.7 billion in the third quarter, 15% superior to the one reached in the same period of 2010 and 4% above reached in the immediately previous quarter. In dollar, the net revenue grew 23% and 1%, respectively. The revenue with exportations increased 51% in the third quarter, reaching US$ 1.9 billion, and of 59% in 9M11, to US$ 4.9 billion, over the equivalents periods of 2010.

The importance of the Brazilian distribution

In Brazil, the plastic resin distributors influence directly the development of the plastic sector, because they also “finance” the growth of customers, issuing approximately 20,000 commercial sale bills and generating monthly 70,000 duplicates for an invoicing in 2010 of 2.5 billion Reais, as data broadcasted in the Brazilian Association of the Distributors of Resins and Plastic Coils of BOPP and BOPET (Adirplast) homepage. The sector of distribution in Brazil possesses robust companies who through recent merger and acquisitions had fortified its structures and had characterized logistic and attendance. Since commodities resins until engineering plastics with special characteristics, the resin distributors take care of most diverse customers. Currently, ADIRPLAST aggregates plastic resin distributors companies, that in 2010 had only had a gross invoicing of R$ 2.4 billion and had answered for more than 10% of all the volume of polymers commercialized in the country. All of them credentiated by the manufacturers and exhibit their petrochemical flags, what guarantees to the final customer the product quality. The associates companies take care of about 8.000 customers of a total of 11.465 transformers of plastic resins in the country. Possess 150 external representatives and 120 call Center locations, everything to collaborate with the development, technical assistance and after sales of the commercialized products.

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The synergy between Brazil and U.S.A. and the demand growth of the two countries show the potential of both and the capacity to make commercial partnerships fortifying the world-wide plastic.


Horizon of growth T

he commercial relationship between the United States and Brazil comes fortifying in the last years. In 2010 the North American country was the 2nd bigger destination of Brazilian plastics. In the contrary, U.S.A. had been 4th bigger country of importation of Brazil. With different realities and reserved the proportions, the plastic sector in Brazil and in the United States presents a great potential of growth. With a per capita average plastic consumption of 130 kg, the North American industry of the segment take advantage of the competitive prices of resins practiced in the country and retakes the growth. On the other hand the Brazilian companies, who suffer with the high costs of production, invest in machines and equipment to extend the competitiveness, with the objective to explore the growth of the domestic market and to extend sales to abroad. The director of the Maxiquim, consulting company of the sector, Otávio Carvalho, summarizes the current situation of the plastic industry in both the countries. According to him Brazil has raised potential of development of market for plastic products, for reasons as result of the economic growth process, reduction of the poverty, expansion of the middle class, sophistication of the consumption, raw materials of renewable source, pre-salt, new refineries, among others. On the other hand U.S.A. had passed in the last few decades for a deindustrialization process, over all China becoming its main manufactured plastic supplier. But according to the expert changes must occur in

this process, based on the competitiveness gains of companies located in the USA, from the next growth cycle of petrochemical, with Shale Gas. “Therefore, both USA and Brazil have in common a horizon of demand growth,” highlights. The CEO of Intellichem, North American consulting company in the petrochemical area, Rina Quijada, confirms the good moment of the plastic transformation industry of U.S.A. She comments that the sector is growing and highlights that the forecasts for the future are optimistic, mainly for the fact of the United States converters count with more competitive raw material. The United States has been one of the main commercial partners of Brazil in last the 10 years. In this relation, the Brazilians still suffer with the deficit in the trade balance. But Carvalho da Maxiquim detaches that are occurring changes in this panorama. According to him the exportations of Brazilian transformed plastic products to U.S.A. come growing in value, but falling in tons. “This is a positive factor, because it demonstrates that we are exporting more value that in the previous years”, stresses. However he observes that exists a question of price of the resins that compose the plastic products. “But in any way, in 2009 we ex-

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ported US$ 82 MM, in 2010 we exported US$ 84 MM and in 2011 US$ 100 MM. It is one expressive increase”, he adds. On the other hand, by the side of the importations, the same movement was perceived. “In 2009 we imported US$ 324 MM, in 2010 they it had been US$ 395 MM and in 2011 it had a jump to US$ 442 MM”. Although the Brazilian transformation industry is sprayed and composed in its majority by familiar companies, the sector in the country counts on a high development potential, since the per capita consumption that still is one fifth of U.S.A. And to extend the Brazilian sales in USA there is a challenging task. For this the consultant highlights that it is necessary that the Brazilian companies construct in the American ground its units to be able to take advantage the competitive advantages of the local petrochemical. “Some are already advanced in this process”, comments. For Rina Quijada the image of the Brazilian plastics industry in front of the Americans is of growth and great opportunities. The consultant comments that the relation among the countries is important and in the future the resin availability of the Gulf will be interesting for the Brazilians transformers. It detaches that, while the Brazilian >>>>

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Exportation CEO of Intellichem, Rina Quijada


currency continues strong, the raw material importations as of finished products will be attractive for both markets. In terms of trend for 2012, the Intellichem CEO observes that the automotive industry is growing both in U.S.A. as in Brazil, generating new opportunities. Rina Quijada stresses that the commercial relations between the two countries must increase and that the prices of resins and the costs of production will be keys to determine who will be more benefited. “Open and competitive Markets are healthful for the growth of the industry”, observes.

Main numbers

In 2010, Brazil exported 310 thousand tons of plastic products representing US$1.47 billion. The main destinations had been Argentina (30%), United States (12%), Chile (6%), Paraguay (5%) and the Netherlands - Holland (4%). On the other hand, the main countries of Brazilian importation had been China (27%), Uruguay (12%), Argentina (12%), United States (9%) and Paraguay

(5%), totalizing 616 a thousand tons, the equivalent the US$ 2.8 billion.

Export Plastic Program

Created in 2004, Brazil possess a pro-

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gram that aims the increment of the exportations of transformed plastic products, the solidification of the exporting culture of the plastic transformers companies and the positioning of Brazil as Global Player. Called Export Plastic, the program possess 80 associates and is fruit of a partnership among the plastic productive chain (Petrobras, central petrochemical, producers of thermoplastic resins, and transformers) and the Brazilian government, by means of Apex-Brazil - Brazilian Agency for Promotion of Exportations and Investments. As the executive director of the Program, Marco Wydra, the products that present more added value, like design and innovation, has great potential of Brazilian exportation. However, salient Wydra, the great volumes comes from the flexible plastic area that converts more significant

amounts. An example is the non-fabrics presence in the U.S.A., market that has a significant Brazilian presence. According to IEMI study about the of Non Fabrics industry and Technical Fabrics, U.S.A. in 2010 had been in 2nd place among the destinations of the non-fabrics exportations of Brazil, answering this year for 18.6% of the exportations in the country. And it was conscientious of the potential of importation of the Brazilian products that Export Plastic recently ordered a research of the American habits. The objective was to study the habits of consumption in the segment of Flexible and Rigid Packings, Domestic Utilities, beyond Additives and Masterbatches. Pointed as one of priority markets of the program, U.S.A. is the third greater consumer of plastics in the world and has one of the most important industries of the sector, beyond presenting logistic advantages. Parallel to this, Brazil is part of the General System of Preferences - SGP - of the country, what facilitates and it reduce the charges of the exportations. “The associates of the Program participated of the ranking of markets and had pointed U.S.A. as target of its onslaughts”, points out the executive director of Export Plastic. Wydra explains that the Americans habits of consumption are in changing process, where they present more confident at moments of optimism and more conservative at this after-crisis moment. “The population of the United States gives preference to the local consumption and is searching alternatives to the massive entrance of Asian products in

its domestic market”. For the executive, Brazil has a good relationship with U.S.A. and there is a possibility to improve in the future, when the market becomes more known to the North Americans. Beyond the country headquarters of NPE 2012, Brazil still bets strongly in Panama, as a warehouse and link with the countries of Central America. In January was carried through one Selling Project in the place and importers of all the countries of this region have been invited to go to Brazil to know more the market and the supplying capacity. “These actions have resulted effect and increased the Brazilian exportations for these countries”, observes Wydra. Another market aimed by the Brazilian plastic transformers is Mexico that also is among the target markets for biennium 2012-2014. Although presenting some trade barriers to overcome, it is a market with strong cultural approach and opening to the Brazilian product. According to the managing executive of Export Plastic, the objective in the future is to narrow the relationship and create more synergy with this market.


The item thermoplastic resins was the more exported by Brazil in January, with sales of US$ 201.3 million, and volume of 139 thousand tons. In the comparison with January of 2011, the results represent an increase of 21.4% and 28.2%, respectively. On the other hand the main importation item in chemical products are the intermediate for fertilizers with purchases above of US$ 560

million, an increase of 11.9%, in the comparison with the same month of the previous year, although the indentation of 32.9% in relation the December.


Maxiquim and Intellichem promote together meetings the Latin American Meeting of the Petrochemical Net, in Houston, Texas. The event, that had its fifth edition in 30 of March, detached the importance of the relation between the two countries. The director of the Maxiquim confirms the necessity of exchange of experiences so that the entrepreneurs of both nations know how to use the business advantage opportunities in the two main countries of the American continent. “We know that, once being in Houston, the Brazilians extend a lot its range of opportunities, search new features and come back more attentive to the international trends”, Otávio Carvalho. As the director says the event comes consolidating itself as a meeting point of American and Latin American transformers, traders, deliverers and producers, beyond Europeans and Asians with interests in the region. “Already it is the fifth edition is already proven that it an event that arrived stay, occupying a space in the agenda of the petrochemical in the Americas”, he adds. The meeting, carried through in the Westin Galleria hotel, West Alabama, Houston, Texas, approached the changes provided by the Shale Gas in U.S.A., the new configuration of the Brazilian petrochemical and the chain of Styrene Elastomers in Brazil.

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Green Technologies


ioneering in the production of biopolymer, that it uses ethanol as raw material in the place of the oil, Brazil is becoming world reference in the green plastic. The country has detached abroad for the investment in renewable sources that aggregate value to the plastic. The green product, stimulated for the demand of nourishing packing and items of hygiene and beauty and for the strong world appeal for sustainability, gave origin to a new market where the country is occupying a prominent place, concentrating investments of great companies of the sector. The start was given by Braskem, with the installation of a plant in Triunfo (RS) and the announcement of construction of a new green polypropylene (PP) unit in 2013. In sequence the American company Dow Chemical and the Solvay group had also presented projects for resin manufacture in Brazil, based on sugar cane. According to European Association of Bio-plastics the resin production of renewable sources in 2010, was of 700 thousand tons. Braskem is in the leadership, with an annual capacity of 200 thousand tons of green polyethylene. The exceeding volume is mainly concentrated in countries of the North Hemisphere that use as raw material maize and wheat, among others products. In accordance with a research carried through by the entity, in cooperation with the University of Applied Sciences and Arts of Hanover, Germany, the global production of bio-plastics will have to double up to 2015, and will jump to approximately 1,7 million of tons. If the entity estimate is confirmed, is foreseen that Brazil becomes one of the main prominences of this projection. Pioneering - The bio polymers program of Braskem was initiated in 2007, but the start of the production of green PE in industrial scale occurred in September 2010. In its portfolio of products of renewable origin the company will provide a varied range of grids of High Density Polyethylene (PEAD) and Low Density Linear Polyethylene (PEBDL) to take care of to the increasing demand for more sustainable products each time. The fact of the green FOOT to have


Country of the green plastic

the same technical properties and of processability of the fossil resin, does not have necessity of new investments in equipment and technical adjustments to process the green plastic. An important advantage for the transformation industry. And for being biodegradable makes that the CO2 captured during the culture of the sugar cane remains fixed for the life period of the plastic. The sustainable balance of the green plastic shows that for each ton of green polyethylene produced is captured and fixed up to 2.5 tons of CO2 of the atmosphere. Another advantage is that the green plastic is 100% recyclable, inside of the current existing processes. Braskem confirms its pioneering in the development of green technologies when announcing the installation of the first world plant for green polypropylene (PP) production. The project is already in an advanced phase. The unit not yet has the place disclosed by the company, who foresees the beginning of the activities in 2013. The plant will have the minimum production capacity projected for 30 thousand annual tons of the product - the second type of plastic more used in the world - manufactured from ethanol derived from sugar cane. The investment must be in the US$ order 100 million.


Dow Chemical retook the project of creation of an integrated alcohol chemical center, destined to produce green PE in Brazil in partnership with the Japanese Mitsui. The initiative had been interrupted due to the economic crisis in the United States in

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2008. The plan is to have a unit with worldwide scale, however the company does not disclose the production capacity of the plant. But estimative of specialists of the area it of 350 thousand annual tons. The great newness of the Dow project is the integration of the plantations with the ethanol plant and the resins plant. This initiative is also being evaluated by Braskem, for the future “green” projects of the company. The company unit in Triunfo (RS) is supplied by ethanol produced in the Southeastern and Center-West regions. The American company informs that already got, together with Mitsui, the necessary governmental regulatory approvals for the conclusion of the joint venture formation previously announced. With this, Mitsui becomes partner with 50% of participation in the operation of Dow in Brazil, in the city of Santa Vitória, Minas Gerais. The initial joint venture project includes the production of ethanol derived from the sugar cane as raw material and renewable power plant, bringing new alternatives for the American company on the basis of biomass, replacing, thus, the traditional fossil resources. As says the president and CEO of Dow, Andrew N. Liveris, the joint venture formation marks a historical step in bringing world-wide the technological leadership and sustainable solutions for one of the regions that more quickly grow in the whole world. He adds that this movement strengthens the firm commitment of the company to invest in the growth in sectors of great innovation and high value by means of strategic partnerships. According to the company, the en-


gineering and equipment production for a new unit of sugar cane in ethanol had been sped up during the third trimester of 2011 and are continuing in accordance with the time chart, with the

beginning of the operations foreseen for the second trimester of 2013.

Green PVC

In the track of the green plas-

Green polyethylene, a Brazilian product

tic, Solvay also reactivated the project to construct a line of PVC production from renewable sources that was stopped due to the international the financial crisis. The initial project of the company foresaw the production of 60 thousand annual tons of green ethane, from sugar cane, and capacity practically identical to PVC. When originally announced, in 2007, the Solvay plan was to invest to US$ 135 million. Most recent information is that the project is in approval phase. The company direction informed that Solvay already possess agreements concerning equipment that will be used in the unit, as well as of licenses for the installation and operation of the new plant. These agreements can speed up the project, in case the expenditure is approved.

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National Associations ABIPLAST - Brazilian Association of the Plastic Industry Av. Paulista, 2439 - 8º andar 01311-936 - São Paulo - SP Phone (55 11) 3060-9686 Fax: (11)-3612-8988 - President: Jose Ricardo Roriz Coelho ABIEF - Brazilian Association of the Packing Industry. Flexible plastic Av. Brigadeiro Faria Lima, 2081 - 3º andar cj. 32 - 01452-908 - São Paulo - SP Phone (55 11) 3032.4092 - Fax: (11) 3032.2021 Site: - email: President: Alfredo Felipe O. Schmitt AFIPOL - Brazilian Association of Polyolefinics fiber Producers Av. Paulista, 1439 - 2º andar - cj. 21 01311-926 - São Paulo - SP Phone (55 11) 3253.7236 / 3251-2707 - Fax: (11) 3251.2886 Site: E-mail: President: Ricardo Vívolo ABMACO - Brazilian Association of Composite Materials Av. Prof. Almeida Prado, 532 Prédio 31 - térreo - Sala 1 05508-901 - São Paulo - SP Phone (55 11) 3719.0098 - Fax: (11) 3719.0098 Site: E-mail: President: Gilmar Lira ABIPET - Brazilian Association of the PET Industry Rua Joaquim Floriano, 72 - cj. 85 04534-000 - São Paulo - SP Phone (55 11) 3078.1688 - Fax: (11) 3078.1688 Site: E-mail: President: AuriMarçon ABRAPLA - BrazilianAssociation Industry of Plated Plastic and Flexible Foam Av. Treze de Maio, 47 - sala 709 20031-007 - Rio de Janeiro - RJ Phone (55 21) 2262.1706 - Fax: (21) 2240.8372 Email: President: Jose Carlos Soares Freire

Unions of the South and Northeast Regions of the country SIMPEP - Plastic Material Industry Union of the State of Paraná Rua João Negrão, 731 - 3º andar - sala 301 80010-200 - Curitiba - PR Phone (55 41) 3224.9163 - Fax: (41) 3222.4551

Site: E-mail: President: Denise Dybas Dias SIMPLAS-NP - Union of the of Plastic Material Industry of the North of Paraná Rua Pernambuco, 390 - 12º andar - sala 1208 86020-913 - Londrina - PR Phone (55 43) 3337.1390 - Fax: (43) 3337.1390 Site: E-mail: President: Sueli Souza Baptisaco SIMPESC - Union of the Plastic Material Industry of the State of Santa Catarina Rua Abdon Batista, 121 13º andar - cj. 1301 / 1302 89201-010 - Joinville - SC Phone (55 47) 3433.2351 - Fax: (47) 3433.5749 Site: E-mail: President: Albano Schmidt SINPLASC - Union of the Plastic Material Industry of South Catarina Rua Ernesto Bianchini Góes nº91 - 2ºandar Ed. Centro Empresarial de Criciúma 88815-030 - Criciuma - SC Phone (55 48) 3461.0933 email: President: Jayme Antonio Zanatta SIAPB - Union of the Industries of Plastic Devices and Toys of Blumenau Rua F. EstanislauSchaette, 111 - sala 07 89037-001 - Blumenau - SC Phone (47) 3329.1855 - Fax: (47) 3329.0535 email: President: Rubens Giese SINDESC - Union of the Dismissable Plastic Industries of the Estate of Santa Catarina Rua Desembargador Pedro Silva, 540 7º andar - Sala 702 88802-300 - Criciuma - SC Phone (55 48) 3433.7420 - Fax: (48) 3433.9083 email: President: Gustavo de Villa SINPLAST - Union of the Plastic Material Industry of Rio Grande do Sul Av. Assis Brasil, 8787 - Sarandi 91140-001 - Porto Alegre - RS Phone (55 51) 3364.4503 - Fax: (51) 3364.4503 Site: E-mail: President: Alfredo Felipe de Oliveira Schmitt SIMPLÁS - Union of the Plastic Materials Industries of northeast of Rio Grande do Sul Rua Ítalo Victor Bersani. 1134 - Jd. América

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95050-520 - Caxias do Sul - RS Phone (55 54) 3228.2422 - fax: (54) 3228.2090 Site: E-mail: President: Orlando Antonio Marin SINDIVERDE - Union of the Recycling Companies of Domestic and Industrial Solid Residues in the State of Ceará Av. Barão de Studart, 1980 – 3º Andar Aldeota - 60120-901- Fortaleza-CE Phone: (55 85) 3224.9400 email: President: Marcos Albuquerque SINDIPLAST/PB - Union of the Plastic Material Industry and Syntetic Resins of the Estate of Paraíba Av. Assis Chateaubriand, 919 - Liberdade 58414-060 - Campina Grande - PB Phone (83) 3315.1523 - Fax: (83) 3341.2888 Email: President: Pericles Felinto de Araujo SINDIPLASBA - Union of the Plastic Material Industry of Estateof Bahia Av. Santos Dumont, s/n - Shopping do Côco, 4ºandar, sala 435 42700-000 - Salvador - BA Tel: (55 71) 3379-8066 - Fax: (71) 3342-2161 Site: E-mail: Presidente: Luiz Antônio de Oliveira SIMPEPE - Union of the Plastic Material Industry of the State of Pernambuco Av. Cruz Cabuga, 767 - 5º andar - sala 01 50040-000 - Recife - PE Phone (55 81) 3412.8300 - Fax: (81) 3412.8405 Site: E-mail: President: Fernando Antonio de Araujo Pinheiro SINPLAST/AL - Union of Inks and Plastics Industry of the State of Alagoas Av. Fernandes Lima, 385 - 5º andar 57055-902 - Maceio - Al Phone (55 82) 2021.6985 - Fax: (82) 2121.3083 Email: President: Wander Lobo Araujo Silva SIMPLAVI - Sindicato das Indústrias de Material Plástico do Vale dos Vinhedos Alameda Fenavinho, 481 95700-000 - Bento Gonçalves - RS Phone: (55 54) 3454.5734 E-mail: Presidente: Emílio Ristow More informations: 55 51 3062.4569

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