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Community Branding

CB.1 Street Signs. Select and implement street sign family, sign toppers, banners, and monuments to be used in the plan area. Policy 5.1.4 Medium Public Works CB.2 Work with businesses in the neighborhood to implement corridor signage standards. Policy 5.1.1 Medium Planning

Unique Assets

Work with the Utility Billing Office to identify new residents in the Midtown Neighborhood so that a "Welcome to the Neighborhood" packet can be sent to them. This packet should include contact information, bulk trash pickup schedule, code compliance rules and regulations, and other useful information. Work with Baylor Scott & White to develop a historic preservation plan for the Santa Fe Clinic. Include a plan for the grounds and access from 25th Street.

Coordination, Program 5.2.3 High Community Development

Coordination, Study 5.2.3 Medium Planning

Neighborhood Growth and Diversity

Promote all homeownership opportunities, classes and reinvestment programs to include outside organizations, HOME and CDBG.

Program 7.1.2 High Community Development

Neighborhood Stabilization and Redevelopment

Work with the Neighborhood Coalition to develop a plan to activate vacant City owned property using Tactical Urbanism. Coordination, Program 7.2.9 Medium

Community Development, Transform Temple, Planning

Address zoning regulations to maintain desired neighborhood characteristics and allow for construction of desired housing types.

Regulation 1.3.4 High Planning

Create and promote financial incentives to encourage rehabilitation and investment in residential and commercial properties. Special incentives should be offered to developers to encourage the addition of affordable housing units.

Program 7.2.4 High Planning, Finance

Develop and promote a rental registration program to include incentives for property improvements and maintenance for both tenants and owners.

Designate a liaison to work within the neighborhood through the Neighborhood Coalition to identify code issues and help address issues.

Develop a community outreach program to educate the public about code compliance rules and regulations.

Program 7.2.7 Medium

Program 7.2.3 Medium

Program 7.2.3 Medium

Conduct a lot by lot assessment of the homes and property in the Midtown Neighborhood to develop a list of issues that the City’s Transform Temple department could help address.

Program 7.2.5 High

Task the Neighborhood Coalition with scheduling and promoting block parties and events, such as National Night Out, and share information about the Tool Library Trailer and Track Temple app.

Coordination 7.2.9 Medium

Implement the initiatives outlined in the Homelessness Strategic Plan as they relate to the service organizations within the district. Coordination, Policy 7.1.10 High

Partner with the social service organizations to provide storage and restroom options for the homeless.

Coordination 7.1.10 High Transform Temple, Community

Development Transform Temple, Community Development Transform Temple, Community Development Transform Temple, Community Development

Community Development, Transform Temple Community Development, Bell County Community Development, Bell County

HIGH-PERFORMING ORGANIZATION INITIATIVES Action Type Comprehensive Plan Initiative Priority Involved Departments Development Review


Establish a Neighborhood Coalition and a neighborhood champion to streamline communications on activities impacting the neighborhood, such as zoning cases, variance requests, applicable plat requests, Capital Improvement Plan projects, etc.

Policy 8.1.6 High Planning, Community Development


Educate City employees about the benefits of using the Track Temple app when issues are identified within the neighborhood during normal operations.

Sub-Area Planning

Policy 8.1.6 High Transform Temple, Community

Development, Planning

SAP.1 Develop an annual report to track progress on Midtown Neighborhood Action Plan. SAP.2 Review and update the Temple CIP project list to include the projects identified in the Midtown Neighborhood Capital Improvement Plan. SAP.3 Develop task force for coordination of neighborhood district planning initiatives. This task force should focus on identifying partnerships and secondary funding sources.

Policy 8.2.1 High Planning

Policy 8.3.2 High Planning

Coordination 8.2.3 High Planning

Midtown Neighborhood Capital Improvement Plan

The following list of projects was derived from the concepting and recommendations formulated as part of the planning process. The projects identified correlate with the actions found in the Midtown Neighborhood Action Plan. Projects may be a single action or a combination of actions. The opinion of the probable cost was developed uniquely for each particular project and includes the cost of construction, contingency, land/right-of-way acquisition, and professional services. Action prioritization in regards to project implementation should be followed; however, if circumstances arise that increase the urgency or cost savings for the realization of the project, deviations from the recommended action priority is appropriate.


1. Avenue H

2. Avenue M

3. 25th Street

4. Avenue G

5. Avenue E

6. 19th Street

7. 5th Street

8. 3rd Street

9. 9th Street

10. 23rd Street

11. Avenue I

12 Avenue L

13. Mama Dog Circle 14. 25th Street Multi-use Alley Path 15. Jones Park*

*Value reflects 2020 bond package and property acquisition only.

Action Opinion of Probable Cost Implementing Department

ST.1 $6.4 Million Public Works ST.2 $5.4 Million Public Works ST.3 $3.8 Million Public Works ST.4 $8.6 Million Public Works ST.5 $1.9 Million Public Works ST.5 $2.5 Million Public Works ST.5 $2.2 Million Public Works ST.5 $2.3 Million Public Works ST.6 $2.5 Million Public Works ST.6 $2.3 Million Public Works ST.6 $3.1 Million Public Works ST.7 $3.9 Million Public Works ST.9 $1.3 Million Public Works ST.10 $1.9 Million Public Works PT.1 $1 Million Parks

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