22 PLC in Pri nt | M ay 2 0 2 0
“Leave footprints of love and kindness on every step of your journey.” A.A Milne
ELC Connections When a baby takes her first steps into the world she does so with a sense of curiosity, wonder and anticipation for what lies ahead. She explores and expands her horizons with each step and slowly but surely learns to stand on her own two feet as she makes her mark in the world. Stepping out into the world requires multiple layers of effort, learning, development, loving relationships, trial and error, persistence and a sense of wonder and curiosity for connection to the world beyond. The idea of ‘stepping out’ is a significant theme this year as children and families worldwide were asked to stay at home and be safe. In the spirit of staying connected, children and families became creative with the way they ‘stepped out’ and stayed in touch with the world outside. All over the world teddy bears were placed on window sills in people’s homes as a way of saying hello and sharing kindness and love to people outside. This was the same for the children of our ELC. At home many children had placed bears of comfort and joy on their window sills. “They brighten people’s days.” “We say hello from the windows.” “I saw bears in the windows and my bear has a rainbow on its’ tummy.” And so the provocation of an adventure began for the children and families of the ELC and beyond. The story ‘We’re Going on a Bear Hunt’ was the catalyst for this wonderful adventure and helped introduce a PLC Bear Hunt to the whole PLC community. Staff in the Junior School, Senior School, Grounds Department and Admin were all invited to place a bear in their windows for the ELC children to find. Students in the Boarding House joined in and our youngest PLC children walked along the paths of our beautiful school grounds in search of bears everywhere!
Connections were made and established through the windows and open spaces of our school. Bears were found on tree tops, in the gardens, on large windows up above and in spaces that were familiar to children as part of their larger school community. Stepping out into the world during these challenging times brought joy, laughter, happiness and connection to our community. At home children shared their photos of their own bear hunts as they walked along their neighbourhood paths. Stepping out for us is a symbol of taking a chance, making connections and establishing oneself in the big wide world outside our homely comforts. Expanding horizons while keeping feet firmly on the ground, our youngest citizens explored a sense of wonder, curiosity and long lasting connections during their Bear Hunt adventure. As Winnie the Pooh said; “You can’t stay in your corner of the forest waiting for others to come to you. You have to go to them sometimes” and “As soon as I saw you, I knew an adventure was going to happen.” We hope this experience stays in the hearts and minds of our ELC children as they continue to step out into the big wide world, one step at a time. Katina Grammatoglou ELC Educational Leader