PLC Sydney
Towards 2030: Vision Statement and Strategic Directions
Learning and Teaching E. Become accomplished in all areas of endeavour with which she engages If we set our goal to assist each student to become accomplished we need to both note our orientation towards learning, and to identify how we will support the teachers to support each student’s learning. Accomplished students take on the primary responsibility for learning. To find joy and meaning in learning they need to be able to own their learning. They discover that learning is not primarily the parents’ responsibility, or the teacher’s, but the student’s. As the adults who seek the student’s betterment we can unintentionally cripple their learning by:
• Taking on the role of constantly telling them to complete their responsibilities • Doing work for them • Not allowing them to learn from their errors Thus, our attitude towards the learner will be to allow them to have the responsibility, joy and engagement with their own learning.
All such claims require a counterbalance. It the responsibility of the teacher to prepare students well for all learning by: • Providing a warm classroom climate • Teaching with a high degree of effectiveness • Seeking to differentiate • Scaffolding early learning
We will encourage this through:
• Removing scaffolding to bring about independence
• Principal’s communications with parents
• Challenging the independent learner
• Assemblies • Staff professional learning • Incidental discussions with students
• Linking learning to the real world.