Knowledge is Power
Make your 2025 New Year’s resolution to stay up to date on the latest in the world of hot water by attending training.
n Tariff update
n Commercial refrigeration 101
n Pipe joining
n Hydronic heat pumps
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Rocky start to 2025
This calendar year isn’t off to such a great start. I can’t help but think back to my university days and the books that I was assigned to read in my English classes. We might not be living in the dystopian worlds that were created by Aldous Huxley or George Orwell, but it is all too easy to make comparisons with these classic novels.
At this point in time, it appears that this year will heavily be influenced by what I shall refer to as the triple Ts. Trump. Tariffs. Trade wars. Every morning, I sit down at my desk, open up my laptop to the news of the day, and drink my coffee and eat my breakfast. Almost always one of those triple Ts are trending in the news or being used as clickbait to draw readers to dive into their article. It works.
The world appears to be more divided than ever. I wouldn’t say the same thing for those residing in Canada.
I cheer on the Canadian spirit that has only been heightened with the announcement of tariffs and the retaliatory tariffs that only survived for a few days. Personally, I sat with my girlfriends and looked through all the different Canadian made or produced foods that we could purchase rather than an American counter product. I will say that I was shocked at the number of products that I already purchase that are made here in Canada.
In this issue of the magazine, I have gone

into more detail about the tariffs and encourage each of those reading this column to learn about how this will affect our industry. One of the interesting tidbits that I learned came from the Canadian Construction Association (CCA).
Those in this industry often work on a bidtype process to earn contracts or jobs. One of the ways that the CCA suggests mitigating how these tariffs might affect Canadian businesses is to double check their contracts to determine if there are provisions that protect the contractor against duty or tax changes that will affect material costs.
I would urge any and all contractors taking a few minutes out of their day to read this column to double check if there are specifics mentioned in their contracts regarding duty or tax changes. Canada is a much smaller market than compared to the United States. We need to make sure that we are protecting our businesses and economy to the best of our ability.
Together, we can ride this storm out and hopefully come out even stronger. Don’t mess with us Canadians, eh.

February 2025 Volume 34, Number 6 ISSN 1919-0395
Publisher Mark Vreugdenhil Cell: (416) 996-1031
Editor Leah Den Hartogh Cell: (289) 830-1217 leah@plumbingandhvac.ca
Assistant Editor Francesco Lo Presti Cell: (647) 531-5697 francesco@plumbingandhvac.ca
Contributing Writers
Glenn Mellors, Greg Scrivener, Michael Ridler, Ron Coleman
Design and Production
Samantha Jackson production@plumbingandhvac.ca All articles and photos by Plumbing & HVAC staff unless noted.
Inc. and is written for individuals who purchase/ specify/approve the selection of plumbing, piping, hot water heating, fire protection, warm air heating, air conditioning, ventilation, refrigeration, controls and related systems and products throughout Canada.
Marked Business Media Inc.
286 King Street W,

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Concern over full on trade war with the U.S. still on the table
By Leah Den Hartogh
Canada and the United States 30-day tariff reprieve was short-lived as the United States announced 25 per cent tariffs on Canadian steel and aluminum. Starting March 12, any steel and aluminum that crosses the border from Canada into the United States will be subject to the 25 per cent tariff. Canada is the top exporter of both aluminum and steel to the U.S.
Justin Trudeau calls the new tariffs “entirely unjustified” as Canada has yet to announce its response. Pierre Poilievre, leader of the federal conservative party, states that he would issue matching tariffs targeting the U.S., if he were to be elected prime minister.
This isn’t the first time the Trump administration has issued tariffs on Canadian steel and aluminum. Previously, they had implemented these tariffs in 2018-2019.
“Today’s news makes it clear that perpetual uncertainty is here to stay. Businesses and investors already feel on shaky ground with the 30-day tariff
Canadian trade associations are calling on the federal government to exempt HVAC/R equipment from any retaliatory tariffs issued against the United States.
pause, and now our steel and aluminum industries — critical to the shared success of both the American and Canadian economies — are first into the fire,” shares Candace Laing, president and CEO of the Canadian Chamber of Commerce. “If President Trump wants to win for Americans, he shouldn’t be taxing the steel and aluminum that the American defence, manufacturing, aerospace and energy industries rely on. The only thing that’s “America First” abouttheseself-defeatingtariffsiswhopaysfirst.”
Trump has announced a roadmap on Feb. 13 for reciprocal tariffsonany country that charges duties on U.S. imports. As Trump shares on his Truth Social, “On trade, I have decided, for purposes of fairness, that I will charge a reciprocal tariffmeaning,whatevercountrieschargetheUnitedStatesof America, we will charge them – no more, no less.” Any tariffswoulddiffer
Continued on page "8"
n Industry News
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depending on the tariffs individual countries imposed on American goods.
“Today’s tariff announcement should galvanize Canada’s political parties to reconvene parliament and focus on what’s within our control. Let’s stand together by our steel and aluminum industry and address the critical roadblocks that have left all Canadian industries too dependent on trade with the United States. America relies on what Canada has to offer — not just for our steel and aluminum, but our energy, our agriculture and everything in between. The threat of tariffs has brought Canadians together around a common cause: but we must remember that both countries do better when we work together,” shares Laing.
What are tariffs?
To give a bit of an understanding and background on what a tariff is: tariffs are taxes put in place on goods that are imported from another country. This would mean that if Canada were to implement a tariff against the United States, any products or goods that come from the United States into Canada would be subjected to the set tariff.
The big misconception is based on who is responsible for paying for these tariffs. The burden of who pays the tariffs lies on the business or individual importing the goods or products into Canada. To put that into perspective, if a company from the U.S. orders steel from Canada to create a product, the American importer would be responsible for paying the specified tariff. The finished product would not be subject to tariffs if it returns to Canada to be sold, unless Canada implements retaliatory tariffs. Typically, that importer
In an effort to stop Donald Trump’s potential tariff war, Justin Trudeau announced that Canada would expand its plan to strengthen its border security, which includes appointing a fentanyl czar. Kevin Brosseau was recently announced for the role. He was previously the deputy national security and intelligence advisor to the prime minister at the privy council office.
Trump cited border and drug smuggling concerns when announcing his intention to impose tariffsonCanadianimports.Thisannouncementcame just before there was a pause announced on a sweeping 25 per cent tariff againstCanadiangoodsgoingintotheU.S.
Read the contract
TheCanadianConstructionAssociation(CCA)suggeststhatbusiness ownersreview their contracts to determine whether or not the contract includes provisions for price adjustments due to changes in taxes and customs duties. If there are no duty provisions included in the contract, contractors may be liableforcoveringtheincreasedcosts.
Theassociationsuggestsraisinganyissuesearlyon.“Ifthecontractfora potentialprojectlacksdutyprovisions,especiallyifyou’reawareofupcoming changes to taxes or customs duties, formally bring this to the owner’s attention… encourage the owner to include duty provisions or address this uncertaintyinthebiddocuments.”
The Mechanical Contractors Association of Canada (MCAC) states that they are disappointed to see the U.S. implement tariffs on Canadian steel and aluminum. “The construction industry relies on the seamless flow of materials across the Canada-U.S. border, including many products and materials built with steel and aluminum. Disruptions caused by these tariffs will inevitably lead to increased costs and delays, ultimately raising the cost of construction projectsonbothsidesoftheborder”
“If the contract for a potential project lacks duty provisions, especially if you’re aware of upcoming changes to taxes or customs duties, formally bring this to the owner’s attention… encourage the owner to include duty provisions or address this uncertainty in the bid documents.”
Industry reaction
TheHeating,Refrigeration,andAirConditioningInstituteofCanada (HRAI)argues that if Canada must issue retaliatory tariffsagainstthe UnitedStates, theyexempttheproductswithinthissectorduetotheir essentialnature.“The products and services of the HVAC/R industry are vital to life in Canada. HRAI’s member’s play an essential role in keeping Canadians comfortable andhealthyintheirindoorenvironmentsyearround,”sharesHRAIinapressrelease. HRAI urges the federal government to negotiate vigorously to avert tariffsaltogether.
In a poll of its members, HRAI found that almost 70 per cent expressed serious (considerable to extreme) concern about the imposition of tariffsby the United States. About 64 per cent expressed serious concern about the prospectofretaliatorytariffsbytheCanadiangovernment.
Members hope that, firstandforemost,thegovernmentcannegotiateto avoid the imposition of tariffs altogether. There was no discussion of what bargaining chips should be made. Therewasa lessunifiedfronton whether or not Canada should impose tariffsofitsown.About70percentsupposed somesortofretaliatorytariffs,butanother20percentstronglyopposedsuch measures.
Other industry associations argued similar points as HRAI and urged
Continued on page "11"
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Continued from page "8"
the Canadian government to leave the HVAC/R industry out of tariffs. “The Canadian Institute of Plumbing and Heating (CIPH) has joined many of our partners, urging the Canadian government not to apply retaliatory tariffs to construction material and equipment, especially on plumbing and heating products. Counter tariffs on these products will add to the present supply and affordability crunch that governments in Canada have been working to address. We will continue these efforts, working with partners, and Canadian governments to protect the important work of the construction sector,” shares Satinder Chera, CEO of CIPH, in a letter to Dominic LeBlanc, minister of finance.“Foranessentialindustrythatisjust putting the supply chain crunch, inflationary adjustments of the last several years behind it, escalation of tariff talk (incoming and outgoing) would only serve to dampen the prospects for the industry and their partners in the trades, who are critical to addressing the housing and infrastructure deficit thatcontinuestochallengeCanada.”
Ontario expands rebate options for homes and businesses
Ontario introduces new rebate programs aimed at reducing energy consumption in homes and businesses. In partnership with the Independent Electricity System Operator (IESO), the Ontario government is providing $10.9 billion over 12 years through various programs.
Announced on Jan. 7, a brand new Home Renovation Savings program will officially launch on Jan. 28 and offer rebates of up to 30 per cent for home energy efficiency renovations and improvements, including new windows, doors, insulation, air sealing, smart thermostats, heat pumps, rooftop solar panels, and battery storage systems. Later in 2025, the program will expand to include rebates for energy-efficient appliances, including refrigerators and freezers.
“For 20 years I have spoken on my television shows about investing smartly in homes and businesses, with energy efficiency as a top priority for any renovation or retrofit,” said Mike Holmes, founder and president of the Holmes Group. “Now, the Ontario Home Renovation Savings program will make those investments easier, more affordable, and support our province’s future energy sustainability and planning efforts. I hope all Ontarians educate themselves more on the benefits of this program and use it to reduce their energy costs today and tomorrow.” The Home Renovation Savings Program, which has partnered with Enbridge Gas, is one of these new programs.
Under the program, cold climate air-source heat pumps will receive up to $7,500, ground-source heat pumps will receive up to $12,000, smart thermostats get $75, and solar panels and battery storage receive up to $10,000.
In addition, when starting with a home energy assessment, if two or more upgrades are completed, then the homeowner or business owner
could receive up to $600 back from a home energy assessment, up to $8,900 back from insulation, $100 back on qualified window and doors, up to $250 on air sealing, and $500 on qualified heat pump water heaters.
Residential consumers and small businesses with an eligible smart thermostat can also enroll in the Peak Perks program. Participants in the program, when they first enroll, can receive a $75 virtual prepared Mastercard, and then receive a $20 virtual prepaid Mastercard for each additional year enrolled in the program. Convenience stores and restaurants will be specifically targeted through the program.
Participants in the programs will participate in brief, time-limited thermostat adjustments during periods of peak electricity demand that can occur during the hottest summer days. Peak Perks events will occur only on weekdays for up to three hours during periods of peak demand for electricity Events can occur up to 10 times between June and September.
During one of these events, the thermostat will automatically adjust by no more than two degrees Celsius to reduce the home’s or business’ energy consumption. A notification is given when an event is about to occur, and the home or business owner can choose to opt out at any time during the event. Once the event ends, the thermostat returns to the original temperature setting.
Another program under the Save on Energy profile of programs is the
Continued on page "13"
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n Industry News
Continued from page "11"
Energy Affordability Program (EAP). The EAP is available to incomeeligible electricity consumers. There are two types of support available through the program: comprehensive support and energy savings kits.
Under comprehensive support, Ontario residents who qualify will have an energy-efficiency expert visit their home to conduct a free energy needs assessment to identify opportunities to save energy, receive upgrades, and replace eligible appliances. This includes LED light bulbs, refrigerators, freezers, dehumidifiers, window air conditioners, drying racks for clothes, smart power strips, showerheads (for homes with electric hot water heating), faucet aerators (for homes with electric hot water heating), additional attic or basement insulation (for homes heated by electricity), weatherstripping around doors and windows (for homes heated by electricity), smart thermostats (for homes heated by electricity), and cold climate air source heat pumps (for homes heated by electricity). To review eligibility, check out the IESO website.
The energy savings kits include LED light bulbs, weather-stripping, a handheld showerhead, faucet aerators (kitchen and bathroom), a retractable clothesline, an LED night light, and a block heater timer.
New commercial programs
Starting Jan. 8, the Retrofit Program will broaden its portfolio of measures,
including the addition of a province-wide offering for the installation of solar PV systems, a new prescriptive computer room air conditioner measure and an energy management information system for industrial facilities, among other changes. For a full list of available incentives, visit the IESO website.
Energy Management programming will be expanding, after receiving financial support from Natural Resources Canada (NRCan) as part of its Green Industrial Facilities and Manufacturing program, which provides financial assistance to support the implementation of energy efficiency and energy management solutions.
Indigenous communities have the opportunity to save on energy costs via rebate programs. The First Nation Community Building Retrofit Program offers up to $330,000 in funding for the installation of energyefficiency upgrades in on-reserve band-owners and operated commercial and institutional facilities. This program is delivered through either a direct install or a community install.
Another program available for Indigenous peoples is the Remote First Nations Energy-Efficiency Program (RFNEEP). The RFNEEP is a twostep process. The first step is a free energy audit for homes and businesses to assess how they use energy. Program representatives will reach out to the chief and council of each eligible community to confirm their community’s interest in participating in the program.

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Fittings & Pipe Connections
Plumbers have a variety of methods to use when fitting and connecting pipes. But between traditional, push-to-connect and press, which is ideal?
By Francesco Lo Presti
One of the most tedious parts of the job for a plumber can be correctly andsecurelyconnectingandfittingpipes.Thereareplentyofmethodsthat canbeapplied;itisuptothecontractororplumbertoproperlydetermine whichmethodisbest.
“These methods include a solder connection, pipe thread, push-to fitconnections,coldexpansionfittingsleeves,coldexpansionwithPEX reinforcement ring, and copper press adapters, just to name some,” shares Ollie Carman, technical team leader at Rehau. “Usually it’s the preference of the contractor and depends on the types of piping configurations they are used to. You also need to consider the temperature and pressure ratings in thesystemandthetypeoffluidthatis inside the pipe” That being said, each type of connection does have a preferredapplication.
When the conversation shifts to press fittings, the main difference is the installation method. “Traditional fittings require an open flame; press doesn’t,” shares Marilyn Morgan, senior product manager of metal fittings
atNibco.“Thisismostbeneficialforflame-freesolutionssuchas retrofittingolderbuildingsoranyremodellingproject”
Inaddition,thepressfittingprocesstypicallytakeslesstimeandiscostefficient,dueto thefactthatit requireslesslabour.Anotherbenefitis that, “It also leads to improved worksite safety and lower insurance costs when you consider the physical implications of traditional methods,” explains AdamBotts,productmanageratViega.
Press vs. traditional connections
When it comes to choosing press or traditional connection methods, it depends on a variety of factors, including regional skilled labour and the type of application. Every situation is differentandassuch,everysituation requiresitsownsolution.“Themainbarriertoentryistheinitialinvestment
Continued on page “17”

n Plumbing
Continued from page “15”
ofthepresstooltechnologyandthefittings.Itwillrequireaprettygoodinvestment if someone wants to start using press. Theinitialcostofpresstoolsareconsiderably higher,andyoualsohavetoconsiderpotentiallyreplacingthetool,”explainsMorgan.
Whilethereareinitialupfrontcosts,bothMorganandBottsaddthattheseupfront costsarealmostimmediatelypaidbackinlaboursavings.
Additionally, the actual size of the press tool is another consideration. “We all knowhowtightsomemechanicalroomscanbeandtherearesomesituationswhere being able to press with the tool in an already developed and designed space can be challenging,” shares Morgan. It should be noted that the tooling industry has made advancementsinthisregardandhavecreatedsmallerandmorelightweighttoolsthat allowforbroaderaccess.
Oneelementtolookforwhenchoosinganytypeofpipingconnection,whetherit may be press, push, soulder, etc., is for the proper certificationlabelontheproduct. “Whether it’s press or push-to-connect, it is all certified the same,” shares Matt Glenn,seniorproductmanagerforSharkBite.
Connectingdifferenttypesofpipingiscommonplacewithintheindustry.Oneof the methods is push-to-connect fittings.“Ifyou’recominginwithcopperandthen movingtoPEX,it’smoreflexible,”explainsGlenn.
At the end of the day, it’s about meeting plumber and contractors needs, shares Morgan.“Ifsomeonewantstobraise,solder,orpress,thereareproductsavailable.”
Comfortabilityonthejobiskey.“Youneedtotakeintoaccounttheentireproject cost. It may not be as evident on a small project one time, but in the long term, the financialbenefitsofpressissignificant,”sharesBotts.
"When it comes to head floss flow rates, you will need to conduct some calculations, which will dictate the size of the piping system. Now, as you go further and further away from your source and want to maintain the same pressure, you may have to drop down the pipe size to help maintain that same pressure."
More and more brands
For a long time, the industry standard for fittings and pipe connections has been the use of copper. “As its very malleable and very useful. Copper also has a lower melting point, making it easily produceable,” says Carman.
Or as Morgan states, “It can be used in a variety of applications from plumbing to mechanical to HVAC/R to gas.”
In the press market, there has been an increase in the number of brands entering the market. “The tool manufacturers have done a really good job with keeping up with the growth in press tool products and applications,” explains Morgan.
While copper has been the standard, “It is expensive and fluctuates in price. So,
Continued on page “19”

There can be a bit of a learning curve when using press, but there are still plenty of benefits to encourage plumbers to educate themselves on the technology. PhotoprovidedbyNibco
Tool manufacturers in the industry are creating smaller and more lightweight press tools that allow for broader access.
Make the connection your way.
One trusted source for PEX piping systems to meet your needs. From expansion to crimp to push, whichever system you prefer, we make it.



n Plumbing
Continued from page “17”
with people trying to keep costs in mind, they are moving to PEX,” explains Glenn. “PEX is a lot easier to use, it’s more flexible, and you can also use fewer fittings. PEX has definitely taken over the market within the last 10 years.”
Material compability also comes down to “each project, environment, as well as what is flowing through your system, the temperatures, and the pressures,” adds Botts.
Regardless of whether the plumber/contractor is using press, push-toconnect, or traditional methods, the pipe needs to be properly sized and fitted.
To ensure a leak-free connection, “You need to start by knowing the capacities of the system and know what you are trying to provide, for example, flow rates, pressures, and things of that nature,” shares Carman. “When it comes to head floss flow rates, you will need to conduct some calculations, which will dictate the size of the piping system. Now, as you go further and further away from your source and want to maintain the same pressure, you may have to drop down the pipe size to help maintain that same pressure.”
“This may restrict flow rates. So, it’s not a quick and easy fix when picking the right fitting. You must really look at the whole system to find out how you want it to perform,” says Carman.
It’s important to ensure that lay lengths are designed correctly and that accurate reduction for all tees and configurations have been put in place, shares Botts.

There are plenty of methods that can be used for fitting pipes, these include soldering, brazing, pipe thread, push-to fit connections, and press.

Photo provided by Rehau

High-efficiency combi boiler
Weil-McLain, Burr Ridge, Illinois, introduces its new Simplicity high-efficiency combi gas boiler to market. Designed for residential applications, the boiler features hydronic technology combining the warmth of high-efficiency space heating and the convenience of on-demand domestic hot water.
The Simplicity boiler features a 95 per cent AFUE energy rating and is available in sizes 110, 150 and 199 MBH.
Weil-McLain u www.weil-mclain.com
Compact press manifold

Nibco, Elkhart, Indiana, announces its new Webstone Compact Press Manifold for near boiler piping or secondary loops. The manifold is a redesign of the Hydro-Core Double Ball Drain, but now features fully integrated press-end connections for fewer potential leak paths and less brass. Designed for water, oil, or glycol mix use in residential or light commercial heating systems, the Compact Press manifold is available in sizes one-inch and 1-1/4-inch, including reducing branch options.
Nibco u www.nibco.com
Heat pump water heater
Midea, Mississauga, Ont., debuts its latest heat pump water heater product lineup to customers. The lineup is led by the Evox G3 heat pump and air handler unit, which can achieve up to 100 per cent heating output at -26 C and operates down to -30 C. The Evox G3 is compatible with existing air handler units, allowing homeowners to upgrade their systems easily without needing a full replacement. Evox G3 offers customizable multizone configurations, including compatibility with Midea's mini-split systems, for homes with add-on renovations or rooms that the ductwork doesn't reach.
Midea u www.midea.com

Upgraded heat pump water heater

Rheem, Atlanta, Georgia, announces that its ProTerra electric heat pump water heater will feature a new design upgrade. Specifically, the new design enhancements significantly reduce ProTerra's installation time. Available in 40-, 50-, 65- and 80-gallon sizes, the ProTerra models include quick install elements such as new top-of-the-tank water connections and a ductready design. The ProTerra is Energy-Star 5.0 certified and uses up to 75 per cent less energy.
Rheem u www.rheem.com
PEX-piping for water service

GF Building Flow Solutions Americas (formerly Uponor), Mississauga, Ont., introduces its latest advancement in PEX-piping technology with the launch of its Uponor ServicePEX. Designed for water service applications in both new construction and the replacement of outdated service lines, the ServicePEX delivers clean, safe water from the main to the structure. The ServicePEX features 200 psi at 73 F (13.8 bar at 23 C) and has a chlorine resistance rating of five per ASTM F2023. It is available in sizes from 3/4-inch to two-inch.
GF Building Flow Solutions u www.uponor.com
Commercial condensing water heater

Nortiz America, Fountain Valley, California, announces that its newly upgraded commercial condensing water heater is available to customers. The upgraded NCC199CDV offers a maximum input of 199,900 Btu per hour; a capacity range of 0.29 to 11.1 gallons per minute; water temperatures from 100 F to 185 F; and a thermal efficiency rating of 98 per cent per 0.97 uniform energy factor (UEF). The upgraded water heater now comes with a fully integrated exhaust non-return valve that speeds and simplifies common venting for up to six heaters without the need for additional accessories. The NCC199CDV weighs 70 pounds. Noritz u www.noritz.com


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A hybrid boiler with a geothermal system was the best option for this building. Installation was done by Michael Teahan from RBSI in the United Kingdom
Geothermal heat pump has and will continue to play a crucial role in the sustainability of Canada’s energy infrastructure.
By Michael Ridler
Canada remains on a journey towards net zero. As we continue to shift towards renewable energy and a decarbonized future, heat pumps are emerging as a game-changing technology that can help alleviate stress on our energy grid. However, much of the positive and constructive discussion around heat pumps has focused on air source heat pumps, while ground source (geothermal) heat pumps (GSHP) are often positioned as an alternative solution. I strongly disagree with this perspective. With their ability to provide efficient heating and cooling while consuming less electricity, geothermal systems have and will continue to play a critical role in enhancing the resilience and sustainability of Canada's energy infrastructure. Geothermal heat pumps are also not new. The first geothermal heat pumps were installed in Ontario in the late 70s and, to this day, major developers and homeowners across the country are installing this tried-and-true technology.
Another issue we often focus too much on is the energy savings of a geothermal heat pump. Many times, discussions about geothermal systems center on their ability to save 50 or even 60 per cent on building owners’ bills. While this is great, should
Continued on page “27”


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n Hydronics

Continued from page “23”
it be our main focus? What does it mean for the electrical grid and power stability in your neighborhood when someone installs a geothermal heat pump, or better yet, when a developer decides to install 50 or 100 of them?
At its core
The facts show that every time we can use a ground source heat pump, we will not only save money as the end user, but we will also have a massive net positive impact on the grid. This is something that no other residential technology can currently do while meeting the heating, cooling, domestic hot water, and hydronic heating needs of homes and commercial buildings in any market in Canada.
Unlike traditional HVAC systems, geothermal heat pumps leverage the stable temperatures of the earth to transfer heat in or out of buildings. This method is remarkably efficient because it takes advantage of the natural thermal energy stored in the ground, which means the heat pump only requires a small amount of electricity to move this energy. Because of this, geothermal systems can achieve efficiencies of 300 to 500 per cent, meaning they deliver three to five times more energy than they consume in electricity. This translates into significantly lower power consumption, which benefits both homeowners and the grid.
Data from a recent sampling of over 100 running five-ton geothermal heat pump units shows just how impactful this
Continued on page “29”
On the right, a Bush geothermal heat pump was installed in the early 80s by Gary Boles. Last year, it was replaced with a new geothermal heat pump, seen on the left, by TJL Mechanical.

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n Hydronics
“With their ability to provide efficient heating and cooling while consuming less electricity, geothermal systems have and will continue to play a critical role in enhancing the resilience and sustainability of Canada's energy infrastructure.”
Continued from page “27”
technology can be for electrical utilities in terms of grid capacity.
The data logging equipment on these units collects over 100 data points every 10 seconds in real time, including entering and leaving water temperatures, flow rates, compressor status, power consumption, and system pressures.
This comprehensive data allows utilities and technicians to monitor real-time performance, identify inefficiencies, and optimize the overall system operation, ultimately enhancing grid stability and efficiency. With this level of detailed monitoring, we don't have to rely solely on ARI data to make conclusions; instead, we have real-time insights that offer a far more accurate understanding of system performance. It also allows us to make some interesting findings.
Breaking down the data
On average, each five-ton GSHP installed in Ontario using this data reduced peak cooling demand by 3.75 kW, which equates to 0.75 kW per ton. The average Energy Efficiency Ratio (EER) of these GSHP units ranged between 44 and 48, with the majority falling within one Sigma of this range, meaning two-thirds of the units showed similar results, which indicates consistent performance. The average power consumption of the geothermal heat pumps was just 0.28 kW, with some units consuming as little as 0.10 kW (100 watts). This data was gathered through 10-second sampling across more than 100 data points.
The impact of these savings is substantial. Each five-ton geothermal unit saves 3.75 kW in peak demand, which translates to significant cost savings in incremental grid capital investment approximately $6,800 for wind generation and $64,000 for hydroelectric generation.
Building new grid capacity in Ontario is expensive, and geothermal systems help lower costs by reducing peak demand, ultimately benefiting both utilities and consumers.
For Canadians, geothermal heat pumps not only reduce energy bills but also help to stabilize the grid during peak usage periods.
During cold winters or hot summers, traditional electric heating and cooling systems can put pressure on the grid, leading to higher energy costs and the risk of blackouts. This was recently demonstrated in Western Canada.
I am not saying one technology is the solution, but we can not also treat all technologies the same. If a particular piece of technology has a core advantage to
a utility and developers building homes, we need to spend more time thinking about it and how we can enhance adoption.
Chasing the trends
The need for effective load management and peak reduction has never been more apparent, and geothermal systems offer a viable solution to mitigate such risks. Like all heat pumps, geothermal heat pumps contribute to reducing greenhouse gas emissions.
All heat pumps are great solutions, and the best choice may not always be geothermal. In some cases, an air-to-water heat pump that can heat, cool, and provide domestic hot water effectively replacing your boiler is the optimal solution. Other times, an air-to-air heat pump will be more suitable, and in certain situations, a dual-source heat pump using both gas and a heat pump may be the right solution.
This is without even considering gas absorption heat pumps that yes, they still use gas but lower the gas usage and hydrogen-based heating systems. Technology is rapidly evolving, and we need to make informed decisions by looking at the big picture as we, the taxpayers, invest in our future, and be sure that we are not chasing trends.
By replacing conventional fossil-fuel-based heating systems with geothermal technology, homeowners and businesses can drastically cut their carbon footprints. This not only supports Canada's climate goals but also helps pave the way for a cleaner, more sustainable energy future.
Geothermal heat pumps are more than just a solution for efficient heating and cooling they are a strategic asset that empowers the grid and supports Canada's energy transition. By investing in geothermal technology, we can lower our collective energy consumption, support grid stability, and make meaningful strides towards a cleaner environment.

Michael Ridler, is the owner/general manager at Eden Energy Equipment. He started out working for a Ont-based HVAC company and now focuses on providing field support and technical training to contractors, engineers, and builders on heat pumps, boilers, and all things hydronics. He can be reached at edenenergymike@gmail.com.
NTI’s GF150 merges its popular TRX Combi Boiler with an ECM driven air handler to provide forced-air heating, domestic hot water and hydronic capabilities. Using GREEN FURNACE Technology®, it delivers up to 95% AFUE and reduced temperature swings, fuel consumption, costs and emissions when compared to standard furnaces.

NTI’s GF150 merges its popular TRX Combi Boiler with an ECM driven air handler to provide forced-air heating, domestic hot water and hydronic capabilities. Using GREEN FURNACE Technology®, it delivers up to 95% AFUE and reduced temperature swings, fuel consumption, costs and emissions when compared to standard furnaces.
Integrated Wi-Fi for remote monitoring & troubleshooting. COMBINATION FURNACE BOILER / WATER HEATER
Integrated Wi-Fi for remote monitoring & troubleshooting.

Condensing unit selection is an important part of commercial refrigeration design.
One misunderstood topic regarding commercial refrigeration systems is how to determine how much cooling they should and actually will do.
By Greg Scrivener
A condensing unit capacity/selection table provides the units capacity at an array of different saturated suction temperatures (SST) and outdoor ambient temperatures (OAT) to help decide whether the unit can meet refrigeration load requirements. Figure 1 shows a typical table for a single model of condensing unit. As you can see, the capacity of a single condensing unit can vary wildly depending on the operating conditions. In this case, at -10 F SST and 105 F OAT, the unit has a capacity of 23,600 Btu/hr. At 30 F SST and 90 F OAT, the unit has a capacity 3.5 times higher of 82,000 Btu/hr.
Continued on page “33”

Figure 1: A typical condensing unit capacity chart. The blue section is showing different outdoor ambient temperatures, the green is different saturated suction temperatures, and the purple is the capacity.
PE R T - A L-PE R T Line Se t s



n Refrigeration
Continued from page “31”
It is worth noting that in order to create a table like this, dozens of assumptions are required. These assumptions are not always apparent in the literature or obvious, even if you understand refrigeration well. A few of the more interesting ones are refrigeration cycle design, suction piping pressure drop, evaporator superheat, suction piping superheat, suction insulation and temperature gain, refrigerant, and elevation.
The reason so many assumptions are needed to create a table like this is because a compressor doesn’t create a certain amount of cooling; a compressor displaces a certain volume of refrigerant. How much cooling that volume of refrigerant vapour is able to do depends on many factors. These factors include things that are obvious in the capacity tables and some that are not.
Mass flow
Consider that the density of the refrigerant entering the compressor is primarily what determines the mass flow of the refrigerant and density is chiefly a function of the SST. This is why we always need to know the refrigerant type and the SST to select the equipment.
The lower the SST, the lower the density, the less capacity the condensing unit has. Less obvious is that that the density is also a function of how much superheat there is. And perhaps less obvious still is that the superheat could be useful (contributes to the cooling capacity), or not useful (doesn’t contribute to the cooling capacity), which changes the capacity of the system, even with the same mass flow.
This means that these capacity tables must assume a value for both useful and non-useful superheat. Many capacity tables use the assumption of a 65 F return gas temperature but don’t document how much of the superheat is usable and counted as part of the cooling capacity. Is a 65 F return gas temperature a reasonable assumption?
In some cases, like a 35 F cooler, it probably is. For a -40 F SST freezer, this would mean the system is operating with 105 F of superheat and it probably isn’t a great assumption. In Canada, systems that are AWEF compliant often use 25 F superheat for freezer temperatures and approximately 40 F return gas for medium temperature applications. The difference between using an AWEF rating and a standard 65 F return gas temperature is approximately five per cent less at medium temperatures and 10 per cent less at low temperatures. In other words, using a table that used a 65 F return gas temperature underestimates the
cooling capacity if the system is installed efficiently.
Figure 2 shows how the mass flow changes through a compressor as a function of return gas temperature. In other words, if the return gas temperature is lower than 65 F, then the compressor will move more refrigerant than it would based on the assumptions used in the chart.

Figure 2: Mass flow change as a function of return gas temperature for the example compressor operating at 20 F SST using R448A.
Pressure drop in the suction piping is another one of the most influential assumptions and is critical to understand because these tables assume you are using SST associated with the pressure at the compressor and not the pressure at the evaporator.
As an example, consider an R448A system operating at 20 F SST, which is 44.6 psig at the evaporator. If the actual suction pressure drop in the piping was three psi, then the SST at the compressor would be 17.5 F. That means that the capacity would be between halfway between the two SST columns on the table (see Figure 3).
In this case, this results in a five per cent reduction in the expected capacity
Continued on page “35”
"In Canada, systems that are AWEF compliant often use 25 F superheat for freezer temperatures and approximately 40 F return gas for medium temperature applications."

n Refrigeration
Continued from page “33”
of the unit. Personally, I believe this consideration is missed a lot and because it requires that the person sizing the equipment use a different SST for the evaporator and condensing unit selections. All piping, fittings, accessories, and control valves contribute to this pressure drop, and although the rule of thumb is to limit this pressure drop to the equivalent of 2 F change in SST, most complex commercial systems have more than this.

This outdoor condensing unit has minor fin damage that will reduce the condenser capacity. A field installed suction accumulator is adding pressure drop.
Condenser coil sizing
Figure 3: The change in capacity that results from suction line pressure drop can be significant.
The final example we will look at is the condenser coil sizing. This is rarely noted in condensing unit literature, but the elevation at which equipment is installed has an effect on the capacity of the condenser to reject heat. The lower the outdoor air pressure, the less heat is able to be rejected by the condenser. The reduction in condenser heat rejection capacity is about three per cent per 1,000 ft. of elevation.
This doesn’t equate to a three per cent loss in system capacity but nonetheless has a negative impact on the unit operation because the compressor will have to operate at slightly higher condensing temperatures.
It is a bit complex to figure this out but is worth considering at higher elevations. Condenser fouling is another factor that is not identified on the capacity tables, but presumably the tables are assuming the condenser is operating in a new state. For the vast majority of the condenser’s life, it will be operating in some state of degraded performance with its heat rejection capacity reduced.
If you look at heat exchanger selection in other industries, there is often consideration, guidance, and research to guide a designer to allow for a certain amount of fouling. Allowing for a condenser plugged with poplar fuzz would be excessive (although that is definitely a kind of extreme fouling) since it is easily cleaned, but condensers do seem subject to slow degradation of their performance over time and a factor to account for an average amount of fouling would be useful.
In most cases, when designers choose to do this, it is a factor based on experience. Condensing unit selection is an important part of commercial refrigeration design and service and is sometimes not given the attention it deserves. Remember when using selection charts or software that it is important to understand which assumptions might be different.

Greg Scrivener is the lead refrigeration engineer and a partner at Laporte Consultants, Calgary, and works throughout Canada and the U.S. He is a professional engineer and journeyperson refrigeration mechanic. He can be reached at GScrivener@laporteconsultants.com

Manufacturer reps will often work together on a single project and bounce ideas of each other to ensure that the best solution has been made when challenges arise.
The Role of the Manufacturer’s Agent
Fromstarttofinish,manufacturerrepswillhaveahandinmakingsure thatthecontractorissupported,andthefinalinstallationisrunning smoothly.
By Leah Den Hartogh
“We are the local experts of our market, when you look at being the local expert, it’s our job to understand the construction market. What are they building? How are they building? What is the code? What is the local code? You know, a lot of us probably have relationships with a lot of the inspectors,” explains Brian Morgan, principal at the Morgan Group.
I sat down with a group of Canadian manufacturer’s representatives in the mechanical trades to discuss their role within the industry and to learn more about what exactly they do. On the call was Jason MacKenzie, managing partner at Equipco Ltd., Michael Misasi, principal owner at Centon Sales, Brian Morgan, principal at the Morgan Group, Stephane Stonely, owner of Ventes Techniques Nimatec Inc., Bryan Richardson, president of Centon Sales,RichPalser,
Continued on page “39”

n Manufacturer Rep Round Table
Continued from page "37"
“I think all of us on this call have teams that are committed and invested in working with the contractor beyond that to make sure their customer is being looked after, and their equipment is being serviced and fixed and looked after for the long term.”
president of Palser Enterprises Ltd., Jeff Blair, president of Barclay Sales Ltd., and Jeoffrey Laberge, sales director at Ventes Techniques Nimatec Inc. Most of these individuals are veterans in the industry with many years under their belts with their respective companies operating withinCanadabetween 36 and 71 years.
Manufacturer’s representatives possess a very unique position within the mechanical trades. Theyareresponsibleforanythingfromshippingto receiving to training to quoting to troubleshooting to customer service to marketing. Thelisthonestlycouldgoonandon.Typically,theseservices that are provided comes down to the specificmanufacturertheagentis representing.
This role has seen quite a shift in the industry over the years. “Manufacturer’s reps have evolved in the industry from the old days,” explains Blair. “We actually pull the business to the distribution channel versusintheolddayswherewejustpushedtheproducttothewholesaler”
Nowadays, the agent is even responsible for social media, “We do a lot of social media as well. We’re expected now to be creating content or posting content on all the differentplatforms.That’spartof thejobthatwe wouldn’t havehadtodobefore,”sharesPalser.“There’sreallyateambehindallofus”
AsMorgandescribesit,“Wearetheoutsourcedsalesandmarketingfor representatives in the manufacturing world in a geographic territory. We havetherightstopromoteandsellthoseproductswithintheterritorythat we serve. Our role on how we do that is to go out and create the demand for those products in the local market through working with distributors, contractors, developers, owners and engineers.”
Contractor relationship
The manufacturer agent relationship is very multifaceted. They have to cultivatearelationshipnotonlywiththemanufacturersthattheyrepresent,
but also the wholesaler and the contractor as well.
One of the benefits for the contractor to develop a relationship with a manufacturer representative is because they are the closest direct line of contact to the manufacturer itself. “We are not what I would call a one trick pony,” shares Richardson. “We can solve 10 or however many of their problems under one umbrella. You become that much more important. If you’re repping 10 lines, you’re 10 times more important to that contractor than somebody who is a direct sales representative for a manufacturer.”
To put this into perspective, “As a manufacturer rep, we tend to want to package our offering out into the marketplace,” explains Misasi. “A factory representative might only focus on faucets during a meeting. On the other hand, Centon covers a wider range, discussing faucets, bathtubs, toilets, kitchen sinks, the plumbing behind the walls, washing machines, and more. This approach allows you to expand the conversation, making you more valuable to the contractor, developer, and wholesaler. They depend on you as a one-stop shop, reducing the need for multiple calls to different suppliers for various products”
Since many of the products within this industry are so technical in nature, it can be easy for a contractor to get lost, which means that jobsite visits are quite a common occurrence for each agent. “We would have to go to site to confirm the help with the install or to confirm some warranty or technical issue,” explains MacKenzie. “That would be another reason why they would reach out to us to go to site and check things out.”
Oftentimes it’s the manufacturer’s rep that will go to the site and help fix the problems or mistakes. Building on that trusted relationship between the manufacturer agent and contractor is very important. “Smart contractors have direct relationships with manufacturer reps,” shares Blair.
The manufacturer reps role often starts right at the start of the project and will go right to the end. “So, with an architect, an engineer, developer, installer, jobsite, and warranty; we’re involved in every step along the ways,” says Laberge.
Expanding on Laberge’s response, Morgan states that their role doesn’t end at the completion of the job, it goes beyond that. “We’re even involved when they have to do service or maintenance on it down the road… We may be stocking service parts so that if something happens to a piece of equipment, they can get it back up and running really quickly. If they require training on what to do or on how to upkeep and service it, we’ll do that type of training and everything as well. So, even once the sale is done. I think all of us on this call have teams that are committed and invested in working with the contractor beyond that to make sure their customer is being looked after, and their equipment is being serviced and fixed and looked after for the long term.”
Collaboration within the industry is quite common between manufacturer agents across the country. “We bounce ideas off each other. What works in B.C. doesn’t mean it’ll work in Ontario. Sometimes somebody in B.C. or Alberta or out East will have a great idea that we didn’t even think of,” shares Richardson. “When you do work with other rep agencies, sometimes it’s already set in stone what products are going to be on the job, so you’re not fighting over that anymore. Now it’s just, how can we work together to help navigate this building or this challenge.”

Set yourself up for success, if you’re looking to sell your business, and fire yourself!
By Ron Coleman
The Canadian Federation of Independent Businesses (CFIB) predicts $2 trillion worth of small business assets will change hands over the next decade. According to Investmentbank.com “only 30 per centto40percentofbusinessesactuallyeversell.”
Thatcreatesopportunitiesandchallenges.Ifyouaregoingtobetheseller withinthenextfewyears,howdoyouattracttherightbuyer?Ifyouarethe buyer,howdoyoufindthebargains?Thistwo-partarticlewillgooverboth buyersandsellers.Let’sstartwiththesellers.
Theaveragesizeofthosecontractors,intoday’sterms,wouldhavesales of around $3 million. Profitsbeforetaxrangedfroma highof25percent to negative figures.Thevalueof thebusinessis likelyfourto fivetimesthe normalized earnings before interest, tax, depreciation, and amortization
(EBITDA) for the last three to four years. Remember to exclude COVID19-year results. If you are selling shares, you will be expected to leave some working capital in the business (probably in the range of 10 per cent of sales).
On an asset sale, you don’t leave anything in the business other than what is specifically identified in the transaction agreement.
For 20 years, I did financial analysis of HVAC and plumbing contractors for the Heating, Refrigeration, and Air Conditioning Institute of Canada (HRAI).
Some 25 per cent of the contractors made more than 10 per cent pre-tax profit; 25 per cent made between five per cent and 10 per cent; 25 per cent made zero to five per cent; and 25 per cent lost money. Several contractors were consistently between 15 per cent and 25 per cent profit each year.

Setting up for the sale
To position yourself to attract the right buyer, you need to be making a minimum of 10 per cent pre-tax profit, or you will get little value for your business in a sale. Also, you need to make the business operate without your ongoing presence. Very few buyers want to buy a turnaround situation and if they do, they will pay a small price for the business. Selling assets or shares makes a big difference to the amount of money that you will actually keep after keeping the CRA happy. This is a discussion for you and your accountant. Selling to family members negates much of the tax advantages, as these are not “arms length” transactions. Employees and family members usually don’t have a lot of spare cash, so your risk is higher if they fail. We did cover this topic in a previous article.
So, how do you make yourself an attractive suitor for a potential buyer? There tends to be more sellers than buyers, so buyers can be picky. Rarely do they want to buy a company that is not making money or is reliant on one or two key people.
In my book, “Becoming Contractor of the Year,” I recommend firing yourself. Give yourself 90-days notice and focus on what you should do to make the company independent of your everyday presence. Become a teacher and teach others to do what you do so that you don’t have to. This empowers your people and means the business is less reliant on you.
Illusive free time
Once you free yourself up from the day-to-day operations look for tasks and activities that are adding no value and eliminate them. Some procedures that were valid even five years ago are no longer needed. Find and destroy! Eliminating unnecessary procedures is not an easy task but will increase your profitability. Next step is to increase automation. There are numerous software programs that can automate many of the routine process. Use these to develop systems and structure to make the business more autonomous. This will eliminate many of the mundane tasks that are time consuming and prone to error.
Talk to your construction association to find out what others are doing and what guidance they can give you. Choose the software best suited to your business. Eliminate waste. Push as many tasks as possible down to either entry level people or to automation. Talk to other contractors who are not in direct competition with you. These are people you meet at association meetings, trade shows, and annual conferences. HRAI has operated peer group programs which have been very successful
Most companies need several years to prepare their business for sale. The above points are your starting block.
A major issue is who do you get to help you sell your business? You certainly need your accountant and your lawyer. I have shown you how to make an educated guess at the value of your business. If you are getting a formal valuation, do get quotes as the price can vary significantly.
"To position yourself to attract the right buyer, you need to be making a minimum of 10 per cent pretax profit, or you will get little value for your business in a sale. Also, you need to make the business operate without your ongoing presence."
Key industry experience
Keep it simple. If you use a business broker, make sure they have experience in your industry and that you understand their fee structure. Read the fine print. Whoever buys your business likely knows the industry and the future prospects.
The most likely buyers, apart from family or employees, are companies that are in your field of work or related field. A plumbing or HVAC contractor that wants to expand geographically would be a good prospect. A plumbing contractor who wants to get into HVAC or visa versa also is a strong option.
One of the major consolidators are also serious contenders. All these are businesses that will have a synergetic value that will reduce both their job and overhead costs and should be willing to pay a premium price for the right business. If you want to know how to groom your business to attract the most attention from a motivated buyer, you will need to wait until we complete part two of this article in our next publication. Don’t wait for that; get started now and give yourself 90-days notice!

Ronald Coleman is a Vancouver-based accountant, management con sultant, author and educator specializing in the construction industry. He can be reached by e-mail at ronald@ ronaldcoleman.ca.


Nibco debuts new interactive plumbing museum
By Leah Den Hartogh
Nibco opened its doors to the new Rex Martin Nibco Interactive Museum. The museum is a 3,254 sq. ft. museum located at Nibco’s head office and was created to commemorate the company’s 120th anniversary. A grand opening celebration was held on Nov. 12 at its head office in Elkhart, Indiana. A semi-formal dinner party was held to commemorate its 120th anniversary the night prior.
“We wanted to do something special for our 120th. Rex had said to me, maybe three or four years ago, that we should do a museum. As we got closer, I thought that would be a great milestone for 120 years as a way to celebrate,” shared Ashley Martin, president and CEO of Nibco. “But I wanted it to be more than that; I wanted it to be interactive. I wanted our associates, customers, and the Elkhart community to be able to use it for different things.”
The museum aims to show off the entire line of plumbing products and how they bring safe water to its customers. A portion of the museum features a behind-the-scenes view of the plumbing system. Each component will light up to highlight how the water would travel behind the wall. The project took one year to come together from the first idea to its grand opening.
Xylem holds women-only training course
By Leah Den Hartogh
Xylem hosts a female-only training course at its Little Red Schoolhouse in Morton Grove, Illinois. A total of 15 women participated in the three-day modern hydronics heating system calls, which ran Jan. 14 to 16.
Professionals from across the United States gathered together to learn about pumps, piping, and system design. The technical session included a tour of its facility and workshops to go over the material learned in the classroom. Mike Licastro, manager of training and education for commercial building systems and HVAC, and Taylor Goade, technical training manager for applied water at Xylem’s Bell & Gossett, ran the courses, which included fundamental principles of hydronic heating system design and operation.
A networking event was held after the first full day of classes, which featured a networking game highlighting famous historical and modern female leaders.
“This week, we ran a course specifically inviting women from the industry to attend this course. The idea was to create an environment where we could be comfortable,” shares Licastro. “We're learning that when women come together, they ask great questions, questions that we don't typically have. We have this opportunity to learn from them as much as we're teaching them.”

Nibco has been a family-owned company since it became a company in 1904. “I would say that the most interesting thing that I learned was about our founder, Casper. He was very hands-on. In all the pictures, and in all the stories that are told, he’s working on the plant floor with his people. That stood out to me,” shares Martin. “He wasn’t just the boss that stayed in the office, he was there, hands-on with everybody. I don’t want to say that it surprised me, but it was really interesting to see. I don’t know that I really, truly knew that and how impactful that was for his people.” In addition to the interactive museum, training sessions will be held at their head office.

The female-only course anticipates running again in the future at its Little Red Schoolhouse training facility.
Casey Chronister, class participant and inside sales associate at Blackmore and Glunt Inc, attended the three-day course and felt that the course was encouraging for women in the industry. “To see women succeeding… and supporting and uplifting each other is extremely encouraging,” shares Chronister. “This was only my second day of work, and I feel super lucky that I was able to come to this type of seminar where I am surrounded by supportive women… women that have worked super hard and for ten, twenty, even some thirty years.”
Graduates of Little Red Schoolhouse courses earn CEU or GBCI CE hours to enhance their professional development.
Nibco officially unveils the Rex Martin Interactive Museum in Elkhart, Indiana.
Xylem hosts a female-only training course at its Little Red Schoolhouse in Morton Grove, Illinois.
n People & Places

The Mechanical Contractors Association of Canada (MCAC) elects Brad Mason, principal and founding partner of ServcoCanada , Winnipeg, Man., as it’s new president and chair at its 2024 annual general meeting. Mason will be succeeding Charlie Webb, president and CEO of Anderson Webb Ltd., Sarnia, Ont.

Kristian Strand has been named president of Danfoss Climate Solutions . Strand is currently serving as the divisional president of commercial compressors in Danfoss. Strand will take over as president as of April 1, replacing the retiring Jurgen Fischer, who served as president for 16 years.

Wolseley Canada makes three organizational changes to its company. Effective Jan. 1, Tom Mackenzie, Kevin Fullan, and Alex Nahvi will all take on new roles within Wolseley. Mackenzie will take on the role of head of HVAC strategy, while Nahvi will take on the role of head of plumbing strategy. Mackenzie and Nahvi will oversee national strategy development and growth for HVAC and plumbing at Wolseley Canada.
Fullan will be returning to Wolseley as the new general manager of Ontario. Fullan previously served as the vice president of distribution at The Master Group, but prior to that, he spent seven years at Wolseley Canada, leading the Ontario and Atlantic regions.

Independent Mechanical Supply Inc. announces the hiring of Steve Moss as its head of warehousing and customer fulfillment. Moss has 19 years of experience across a variety of sectors, including distribution, manufacturing, and plumbing and heating wholesale. In his new role, Moss will drive Independent Mechanical Supply’s operational growth and improve customer fulfillment.

Samsung Lennox announces two executive leadership changes. Victor Gomez will now serve as the CEO, while Eric Scharnell will act as the CFO. Gomez, who previously served as Samsung Lennox’s chief operating officer, is an industry veteran with over 20 years of experience. Scharnell, who joins from Advanced Distributor Products, has experience in financial planning, analysis, and strategic planning.
Emco Corporation announces that Sean Kelly will become its president effective Jan. 1. Kelly will succeed Rick Fantham, who served as president for 25 years. Fantham will continue as chairman of Emco.

Viega announces a change in its leadership team for Canada. Pragnesh Desai , general manager of Canada, has been promoted to a larger role within Viega, while Peter Paulozza will succeed Desai and serve as the director of Canada. Since joining Viega LLC in 2022, Desai
has led operations in Canada. Paulozza brings over 20 years of experience in the plumbing industry and looks forward to continuing to understand and support customer needs. These promotions come at a time when Viega is looking to expand its reach within the Canadian market. Viega is planning to launch a Viega Experience Center in Toronto and a Canadian office in 2025.

Claudia St-Denis joins the SFA Saniflo Canada family as its manager of commercial sales for Eastern Canada. As the commercial account manager, St-Denis will manage day-today sales activities, including managing head office activities. She will also drive overall commercial sales results in Eastern Canada. Additionally, Justin Cooper will manage commercial sales for Western Canada.
Aircuity announces that Jay Kress has joined the company as vice president of channel sales. With over 30 years of control experience, sales leadership, and strategic partnerships, Kress will focus on new construction projects and assist channel partners with unique opportunities in their territories.

Nibco promotes Ashley Martin to president and CEO. Martin has been with Nibco since 2012 and most recently served as president and
Brad Mason
Kristian Strand
Tom Mackenzie Kevin Fullan Alex Nahvi
Claudia St-Denis
Jay Kress
Steve Moss
Victor Gomez Eric Scharnell
Sean Kelly
Pragnesh Desai
Peter Paulozza
Aaron Edds Steve Malm Ashley Martin
since 2023. She will oversee the company’s vision, mission, strategy, and performance in her new role. Martin also represents the fifth generation of family leadership since the company’s inception in 1904.
Another promotion within the Nibco team involves Aaron Edds, who will now act as the director of product management. Edds brings more than 30 years of fluid handling industry experience to the position. Edds originally joined Nibco in 2006 as a product manager and held various positions within the company. Additionally, Steve Malm joins Nibco’s board of directors as its new executive chairman.

Carl Poirier joins Rheem as its newly appointed national sales manager for Rheem Air. Poirier will oversee the national air residential sales across Canada in this position. Poirier has over 14 years of experience representing the Friedrich brand in Canada.

Marcone Group appoints Asterios Satrazemis as its new president and chief executive officer. Succeeding Avichal Jain, Satrazemis will help expand Marcone’s market share and strengthen its reputation among OEMs and service technicians.
Satrazemis brings extensive executive and global leadership experience, with a track record of growing diverse, distributed service-based businesses.

Neuco announces two changes to its leadership team. Effective Jan. 1, Jon Neustadt will serve as the new president of Neuco, while former president Paul Neustadt will transition to a new role as executive chairman of Neuco.
CSV Marketing adds two new regional managers, Michael Davis and Stan Klatka.

Davis joins as the regional manager responsible for Indiana, Southern Illinois and far Western KY territories. Klatka will serve as the regional manager for central and southwest Ohio and central Kentucky.

Innovator® Shower Drain

● Testable. Includes Watco Innovator orange test membrane, testable to 22 P.S.I or five floors. No more test balls, caps or plugs.
● Includes heavy-duty snap-on grid 20% thicker than competitive grids.
● Easy to install and tighten. Includes squared-off ribs on bottom receptor.
● Polycarbonate green cover protects grid finish during construction.

● Seven grid finishes including Chrome, Matte Black, Brushed Nickel, Oil-Rubbed Bronze, Brushed Gold, Brushed (Champagne) Bronze and White.

Carl Poirier
Asterios Satrazemis
Paul Neustadt
Jon Neustadt
Stan Klatka
Michael Davis
n Coming Events
Canada’s biggest plumbing and heating expo returns to Montreal
Trade show season has returned for 2025. From April 24 to 25 at the Montreal Convention Center, the plumbing, HVAC, electricity and lighting industry will come together to showcase and discuss the latest developments in the trades.
The MCEE show is Canada’s biggest mechanical, plumbing, HVAC/R, electrical and heating expo, and it is reported that 7,000 building mechanical services professionals and 400 exhibitors will be in attendance at this year’s show. During the 2023 expo, the breakdown of guests was 33 per cent specialized and general contractors, 11 per cent public utility/government, 10 per cent wholesalers/ distributors, 10 per cent manufacturers/agents, and six per cent engineering professionals.
As with every trade show, technology and networking will be the main attraction for guests. While walking the expo, attendees will see the latest and greatest technology in the trades, thanks to the New Product Competition.
The competition will judge various products across nine categories. These categories include, forced air heating/cooling and ventilation appliances/components, hydronic heating/ cooling and hot water production appliances/ components, plumbing fixtures and faucets, pipes/backflow preventers/cisterns and
accessories, tools/machinery/protective and other equipment, software/controls and related component, interior and exterior lighting products, domestic electrical products, and commercial/institutional, and industrial electrical products.
Only 2025 expo exhibitors are eligible for the competition. All nominated products must have been available in the Canadian market for 24 months or less and have received the approval of a recognized Canadian certification body.
The New Products Competition winners will be announced on April 23. From the products nominated in each category, one will be selected as the grand prize winner. Specifically, 82 per cent of the expo visitors say their primary motivation for attending is to learn about these products.
MCEE will also have 15 educational seminars available for its guests. All seminars will be in French and cover topics such as air conditioning, fire protection, refrigeration, heating appliances/ products, ventilation, water treatment, plumbing appliances/products, and more. Experts in their respective fields will host each session. The seminars are free of charge and can also help fulfill continuing education requirements.
The MCEE Expo is run bi-annually and is produced by the Canadian Institute of Plumbing and Heating (CIPH), Corporation of Master Pipe Mechanics of Quebec (CMMTQ), the Corporation of Master Electricians of Quebec (CMEQ), and Corporation des entreprises de traitement de l’air et du froid (CETAF).
Feb. 10 - 12:
AHR Expo:
Orange County Convention Center, Orlando, Florida. For more information, please visit www.ahrexpo.com.
Feb. 25 - 27:
Day one of the expo will begin at 9:00 a.m. and run until 6:00 p.m. Day two will run from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
Kitchen & Bath Industry Show (KBIS):
Las Vegas Convention Center, Las Vegas, Nevada. For more information, please visit www.kbis.com.
Feb. 26:
Plumbing Systems Technical Training Day: Virtual event. For more information, please visit www.accelevents.com/e/ plumbing-technical-training-day-feb-26.
March 20 - 22:
Groundwater Expo 2025: Best Western Truro – Glengarry, Truro, Nova Scotia. For more information, please visit www.cwqa.ca.

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