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Saturday 17th June

Arts & Crafts Exhibition & Sale 1100 – 1300.

Saturday 1st July

Speech Day Afternoon Picnic and Past v Present Cricket at Ford Park – 1 30pm onwards All OPMs and their families are welcome to join at the school in an informal setting. BYO picnics.

Wednesday 26th Jul

Yealmpton Show: Strawberries & Pimms at 3.00pm.

Friday 28th July

OPM Club Cricket Lunch in the OPM Suite at Ford Park Enquiries about this function to opmclubdiary@gmail.com please.

Saturday 25th November Annual Dinner at Ford Park.

Tuesday 5th December Carol Service at the Minster Church of St Andrew, Plymouth, 6 00pm

OPMNEWS DATESFORYOURDIARY FOLLOWUSON STAYUPDATED 2023 #Educate #Enrich #Empower Thisisa reminderthatGeorge’scafeisopentomembersofthePlym FamilyonaWednesday,ThursdayandFridaymorningduringterm-timebetween 0830–1000fortea/coffee. George’scanbefoundintheGeorgeStephensonPavilion atFordPark. Itisalovelyspacetospendsometime.Wehopetoseeyousoon!


It has been a busy time in the Development Office. In February we welcomed OPMs to the Commemoration Service and afterwards for coffee at school where they had a chance to meet current senior pupils and staff. In April, we hosted the 50 Year Reunion for the Class of 1973. As you will see from the piece later in this newsletter, it was a joyous occasion and we will soon be reaching out to the Class of 1974 to start planning for their reunion next year. Unfortunately, due to the unpredictable British weather, the MCC match scheduled for 27th April was a wash-out and so the chance for OPMs to enjoy afternoon tea and some cricket was lost for 2023. However, the drinks event in Bristol on 3rd May was fab and I hope that there will be some more opportunities for socializing in different parts of the country going forwards One event that is being considered is the London Dinner - more on this to follow.

You will see in the final page of this letter, that in addition to our Plymouth College mugs storm-proof Plymouth College golf umbrellas, George's Mugs and Plymouth College Cufflinks, we are also delighted to announce that sometime ago we commissioned local artist Brian Pollard to create a Plymouth College painting for us and are delighted to share this with you. It really is a lovely painting and so exciting to see our school interpreted in Brian's unique way. The first 100 prints will be available after half-term and are for onward selling to our Plymouth College family priced at £80 (unframed). Expressions of interest to development@plymouthcollege.com

Some sad news for our older OPMs. We have recently learnt of the passing of Mr Mike Parker, Mr Ivor Cleves and Mrs Jean White. Happy to pass on any condolence messages

In closing, a sincere thank you for your continued support of, and engagement with, the Development Office, and we look forward to seeing you at an event in the not too distant future.

Dat Deus Incrementum


EnglandbeatJapanatTwickenhamin NovemberwhereHenrySlade (Classof2011) achievedhis50thCapforEnglandRugby.

HisschoolrugbycoachesRichard(Red) ThompsonandRichardEdwardsboth attended,alongwithfamilyandfriendswho playedwithhimatschool.

AhugeachievementforHenryandagreat exampleofPlymouthCollegeRugby.


Congratulations to Plymouth Argyle goalkeeper and Plymouth College alumni, Mike Cooper (Class of 2018), on being awarded the Plymouth Argyle Player of the Season 2022/23 as voted for by the supporters. This is the second successive time he has won the award, despite missing the last three months of the season due to rupturing the anterior cruciate ligament in one of his knees. We're wishing Mike a speedy recovery and look forward to seeing him back in action soon.

Mike has also been included in the League One Team of the Season for the second successive year for his outstanding performances in goal for Plymouth Argyle.



Congratulations to Abagael Black (Class of 2022) and Ben Andrews (Class of 2019) on their selection for Men and Women's Under 23's European Championships in Budapest.


Fabulous news for OPM Kerenza Bryson (Class of 2017) of Great Britain who took home both individual and relay gold from UIPM 2023 Pentathlon World Cup Sofia.

In addition to this, Kerenza toasted becoming a doctor after studying Medicine, alongside her Pentathlon training, at the University of Plymouth.

Commenting on a momentous week, Kerenza said: “I’m so happy. I don’t think it’s sunk in yet, I can’t really believe it. I didn’t start the day thinking I was going to end up on the podium so I’m so, so happy. I’ve spent six years studying medicine and I did my last exam a few weeks ago and got the results on Tuesday, on the day of the qualification. It’s been a really good week for me.”


Congratulations also to Myles Pillage, (Class of 2016) who also made the Men's individual finals of the same competition, being placed 15th!

Myles' season began with a silver in the Mixed Rely World Cup 2 event in Ankara in April.

We look forward to hearing of more success from Kerenza and Myles throughout the season.


AfantasticturnoutfortheTheJackLeslieCampaign statueunveilingceremony,honouringatruePlymouth ArgyleFootballClublegend

Thestatuecommemoratesthepioneeringfootballer, JackLeslie,whoscored137goalsforPlymouthArgylein the1920sand30s.HewascalledupforEnglandin1925, butlaterdeniedhisplaceduetothecolourofhisskin. ThebrainchildoftwoArgylefans,MattTiller,(Classof 1990)andGregFoxsmith,TheJackLeslieCampaign raisedmorethan£100,000inthesummerof2020to createafittingtributetothislocalandnationallegend. Sincethen,togetherwithacommitteeofvolunteers, PlymouthArgyleFootballClubandJackLeslie’sthree granddaughters,theyhaveworkedtobringthestatue projecttofruition

BorninEastLondon,JackLesliesignedforPlymouth Argylein1921andscored137goalsin400appearances beforeinjuryforcedhisretirementin1934.Laudedasa trueArgylelegend,heisnowmorewidelyknownasthe firstBlackfootballertohavebeenselectedforEnglandin 1925

Withindays,hisnamedisappearedfromtheteam chosentoplayIrelandinOctoberthatyear.Backinthe 1920sand30s,JackLesliewasahugehitwithPlymouth fansastheteamwonpromotiontoDivisionTwoin1930 andthenbecameclubcaptain. Buthistalentalsowonhimfameacrossthenation The DailyMailwroteofJackin1933,‘Hadhebeenwhite,he wouldhavebeenacertainEnglishinternational’ JackLeslie’sthreegranddaughters,Lyn,Gill,andLesley, supportedtheeffortfromtheverystart.

“Weareallsoexcitedtoseethecompletedstatueof Grandadandjoinfamilyandsupportersattheunveiling Itwillbeamazingtoseehim,atlonglast,being acknowledgedforthebrilliantfootballerhewas,andwe hopethismonumentinspirestheyouthoftomorrowto reachfortheirowngoals.”


Sophie's Hack for Earth project SmallSmallBig, has not only won in the Sustainable Digital Solutions category at the Hack for Earth FoundationbuthasgoneontowinoverallinthefinalBuildforEarth Pitch

Followherjourneyastheycontinuetosharesmallactionsthatlead tobigimpact.TheNextstop isCOP28UAEinDubai!



The first 100prints will be available after half-term and are for onward selling to our Plymouth College familypricedat£80(unframed).

Sometime ago we commissioned Brian Pollard to create a Plymouth College painting for us. We are waiting for the original to be delivered but in the meantime, we are delighted to tell you that the Artist's Print has been delivered and is on display in Senior Reception. It really is a lovely painting and so exciting to see our school interpreted in Brian's unique way.

It was a pleasure to host a group of our alumni in Bristol on Wednesday evening. OPMs from the Classes of 1969 through to 2022 enjoyed sharing stories and catching up with news of the school with Mrs Hayward, Mr Mutlow and Mr Gregory (who joined Plymouth College in 1987 and had the pleasure of teaching many of those present!). Thanks to the Cosy Club, Bristol for hosting and to Mr Mutlow for driving!


We were delighted to welcome last year’s Head Girl, Sophie Watson (Class of 2022) this term. Sophie gave a brilliant presentation to the Sixth Form about her gap year and volunteering in Asia.

The talk was filled with stories and numerous useful tips for making the most of a gap year. A huge thank you to Sophie from all of the Sixth Form team.


Plymouth College is delighted to be hosting an Art Exhibition and Sale on Saturday 17th June between 1100-1300. Why not pop in and take a look! Free Entry and Parking (Hyde Park entrance) Refreshments available.



On the weekend of 22nd and 23rd April, we had the pleasure of welcoming a group from the Class of 1973 back to Ford Park. For many, this was the first time they had set foot on school grounds for 50 years! A certain amount of trepidation for some was quickly dispelled. As one attendee reported, “What treasured memories were provided at the 50-year reunion. It was truly a wonderful day which reignited reminiscences, re-kindled past friendships and generated the odd character assassination of some of our long-lamented masters!” And another who told me “it was an awakening for me in many ways and certainly great to pick up on so many conversations, after fifty years in the majority of cases!”

Following coffee & bacon butties, the group were escorted around the campus on a trip down memory lane by three of our Senior Prefects – Kate A, Laurenz P & Alex S – thanks to them for giving up their Saturday morning. After the tour, school mini-buses transported the group to Plymouth Argyle where they were treated to hospitality, including a tour of the stadium and another win for the home team. The day concluded in the Gin Bar at The Hyde Park Hotel with reports that the last to leave was around midnight! Sunday morning saw a smaller group enjoy Brunch in the dining room and then a tour of Colson House – thankfully reporting vast improvements!

Local Artist and OPM Azza Gasim (Class of 2012) has been recognised this week as one of Plymouth's '30 under30'winners.

The Devon & Plymouth Chamber has again partnered with Babcock International Group to find and recognise individuals under 30 in Devon who havemadeasignificantimpactintheworkingworld.

Azza Gasim

Annabel Kennedy (Class of 2015)

We were so pleased to receive the fabulous news that Annabel Kennedy (Class of 2015):

I am extremely excited to join Glyndebourne Festival Opera this summer season as a Jerwood Young Artist! I will be covering Hermia in Peter Hall’s production of ‘A Midsummer Night’s Dream’ as well as singing in the chorus for ‘L’elisir d’amore’, ‘Dialogues des Carmélites’, ‘Semele’ and ‘The Rake’s Progress’. Starting in April, I will be living in Lewes for six months, working full time at the one of the world’s finest and most celebrated opera houses. A very busy and fun-filled summer ahead!


A wonderful achievement and we send Annabel huge congratulations.

We were delighted to learn that Sam Mills-Shute (Classof2020)hasrecentlycompletedhisinitial22 weekstrainingwithDevonandCornwallpoliceand passed out on 6/1/23 and is now officially Police ConstableSamuelMills-Shute.

OnFriday6thJanuarytheDevelopmentOffice hostedreuniondrinksforourmostrecentleavers. Over65membersoftheClasses2020-2022metin theupstairsofTheHydeParkonMutleyPlainMany staffwerealsoinattendanceandwelcomedthe opportunitytocatchupwithouryoungerOPMsand hearalltheirnews.Therearemanyotherevents plannedfor2023butthisreunionwasdefinitelya greatwaytostartthenewyear.

Police Constable Samuel Mills-Shute

Weareverygratefultothoselocally-basedOPMswho willinglygaveuptheirtimetoparticipateinourLowerSixth Careersevent.Representativescoveredareassuchas fashion–media–medicine–armedforces–law–engineering–architecture–finance–accountancy–sales& marketing–eventmanagement.Thepupilshadan opportunitytomeetwitheachOPMfor4minutesing ina‘speeddating’typeofcarousel,followedbytwolo sessionstalkingindepthabouttheirchosenareas Itw fantasticopportunityforourpupilstoexplorevarious careersoptionsandweextendourthankstoallinvolve

We were delighted to welcome Charles James (Class of 2015) into school in the Spring Term to speak to some of our Sixth Formers. Over lunch, Charles (who is a trainee solicitor with local law firm, Wolferstans) explained the various routes into the profession and his own journey into law. He then fielded a number of testing questions from a very inquisitive group. It was great for those assembled to be able to ask their questions in a relaxed setting and to receive feedback from someone who, not very long ago, had been in their place. Following a recent appeal for assistance to our OPM family, the Development Office has been inundated with offers of help and so it is envisaged we will be able to offer more of these types of sessions to our pupils.


We were delighted (but not surprised!) to learn that George Spencer (Class of 2019) has been elected Co-President of Imperial College Investment Society (ICIS). George reports that “ICIS is the largeststudent run society at Imperial College with over 1300 current members. Educating and providing opportunities to our members to learn is at the core of the society. To this end, we hold educational courses all year long, aimed at increasing our members’ financial acumen on topics ranging from value-based investment techniques to executing systematic trading strategies. In addition, we expose our members to a diverse range of career opportunities ranging from Banking to Asset Management.”

Whilst at school, George combined his studies in Maths, Physics and Chemistry at A level alongside Cricket and Swimming, as well as being Deputy Head Boy. He is in his final year of a MEng degree in Chemical Engineering at Imperial College.

George Spencer (Class of 2019)


Since leaving Newcastle University in 2020 with a degree in Politics & Economics, Joseph Andrews (Class of 2016) has been busy! Not content with starting up a specialist communications agency, he has also been a member of the team that has opened up an awardwinning music venue! In January 2023, Bar Silo achieved first place out of a shortlist of 50 venues, gaining the title of coolest event space in Cornwall, according to the county newspaper Cornwall Live.

LloydInwood(Classof2006)ownerofTheRiseBakery,apopularPlymouthbakeryhasbeen singledoutbyTripAdvisorforbeinginthetop10percentrestaurantsintheworldthisyear. RiseBakeryfounder,Lloydsaidhewas"overthemoon"forhisFrankfortGatevenuetobe awardedaTravellers'ChoiceAward2022.

Riseofferscronuts,freshlybakedsourdoughandotherbreads,pasties,sausagerolls,cookies andtraybakes.Allwithanecofriendlyapproachonfoodwasteandpackaging.

£25 PC Umbrella £20 PC Mug £3 PC GEORGE'S MUG £15 PC Cufflinks £80 PC Brian Pollard Print (Unframed)

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