IRO Annual Report 2012

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Annual Report 2012

The Association of Dutch Suppliers in the Oil and Gas Industry

Board & Committees as per 31/12/2012

Honorary member G.-J. Kramer


P. van Oord, Chairman

P. van Oord (Chairman), Van Oord M. Kahn (Vice-Chairman), Jumbo Offshore J.J.J. Sluijter (Treasurer), Ernst & Young R.M. Kerkvliet, SAS Gouda P.P.M. Koop, Quercus Technical Services P. de Bruijne, Noble Drilling J.W.E. Griffioen, Mercon Steel Structures E.P. Heerema, Allseas Engineering R.W.E. Luijnenburg, Fugro H.C.L. Vos, TNO

Export and Public Relations Committee Chairman: R.M. Kerkvliet, SAS Coordinator: Marloes Kraaijeveld - van der Winden, IRO

Gas Committee Chairman: H.C.L. Vos, TNO I&T Coordinator: Ruud Liem, IRO

Human Resources and Safety Committee Chairman: P.P.M. Koop, Quercus Technical Services Coordinator: Chris Wijsman, IRO A.P.H. Vergroesen, Director

Innovation and Regulatory Affairs Committee Chairman: R.W.E. Luijnenburg, Fugro Coordinator: Ruud Liem, IRO

Offshore Renewable Installations Committee Chairman: J.W.E. Griffioen, Mercon Steel Structures Coordinator: Ruud Liem, IRO

Well Services and Drilling Committee Chairman: P. de Bruijne, Noble Drilling Coordinator: Ruud Liem, IRO


IRO Annual Report 2012

Preface In general 2012 was a successful year for IRO members. This report will give you some insight into the activities deployed by the IRO team to support our members in improving their results. 2012 was also a year of changes within the association. At the annual IRO member meeting it was decided that due to the packed agendas of our (board) members, the effectiveness and efficiency of the working group and committee meetings should improve. To achieve this it was decided to reduce the total number of board members from 17 to 10 and to improve the outcome of meetings by the introduction of committees chaired by board members. Members participating in these committees exchange experience and discuss the latest developments and challenges. The chairs will share this with the other board members and give feed back to the committee in return. In this way the link between members and board will be more direct, the outcome more “demand driven� and will be a good guide for the approach of the IRO team in the executive office in supporting the members. This year it was also decided that the IRO office will move from Zoetermeer to Rotterdam by the first of July 2013. During the year there was a full programme with international and national exhibitions, seminars, trade missions , a state visit, member meet member meetings and teaming up with national and international fellow organizations , various educational institutes and government officials. As well as renowned and market-leading companies, the association consists of small and medium sized member companies that are internationally very well received for their reliability, quality and innovative solutions. To facilitate and promote these IRO members and to promote the Dutch suppliers in the Oil and Gas industry all over the world are good reasons to keep growing as an association not only next year but in the years to come.

Since its foundation in 1971 IRO has promoted the interests of the Dutch supply and service companies in the upstream oil and gas industry. Members cover all activities involved in the supply industry such as engineering, field development, pipeline installation, maintenance, manufacturing and material & equipment supply onshore as well as offshore.

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Innovative Technology Innovation is crucial for the oil and gas industry as the new finds of oil and gas are often at difficult locations such as deep offshore and arctic areas. Bringing down the ever growing costs of exploration and production is also an important issue together with improving and increasing the production from existing fields.

members. Alternatively the innovation contracts for upstream gas were presented at an IRO Gas Group (IGG) meeting at EUROLOOP on June 13th 2012. Only 13 persons participated in this meeting.

Innovation contract ‘Wind op Zee’ Under the top sector “Energy” there is also another innovation contract interesting for IRO members: ‘Innovation contract Wind op Zee”. This innovation contract was presented to IRO members at an IRO Offshore Wind Group meeting on the 22nd of March at Ampelmann BV at the RDM Campus in Rotterdam.

Innovation contract for the top sector gas Nine top sectors have been selected by the Dutch government for further support. Energy is one of these top sectors. IRO, in conjunction with NOGEPA and EBN, set up a strong concerted lobby campaign to get oil and gas on the agenda under the top sector energy. The Ministry of Economic Affairs has selected gas as focus area for innovation within the top sector “Energy”. The main government goal is to realize the ambition of 30/30: Produce 30 billion m³ gas in 2030 from the marginal fields in the Netherlands. As a result the Ministry of Economic Affairs has made an additional budget available for innovation in the field of gas technology, on top of the existing budget in favour of TNO, ECN and NWO, starting in 2012 with 71 Million EURO. In order to be able to profit from the additional subsidies, the industry has to participate in knowledge development in the form of public/private partnerships; the so called innovation contracts. To stimulate cooperation with research institutes an extra fiscal incentive is available (RDA+). A number of innovation contracts for upstream oil and gas have been established: upstream gas, unconventional gas and LNG. An information meeting on March 21st 2012 organized by IRO in cooperation with TNO had to be cancelled due to lack of interest from IRO


Green Deal Offshore Wind Energy The Dutch Government and The Netherlands Wind Energy Association signed a Green Deal Offshore Wind Energy (an innovation contract under the top sectors policy) the purpose of which is to lower the cost of offshore wind energy by innovation. A package of incentives is available for companies participating in the Green Deal. NWEA has formed a coalition of companies that will participate in the Green Deal. A large number of IOWG members are already signed up for the Green Deal coalition. (See for more information).

Innovation contract top sector “Water” Besides the top sector “Energy”, the top sector “Water” is also interesting for IRO as the maritime industry is included under this sector. IRO members are welcome to participate in innovation contracts for the maritime industry. On the 3rd of April and the 7th of November 2012 seminars on this subject were organized by NML. All IRO members received an invitation. A problem exists in interesting SME companies to participate in the Innovation contract programs. IRO will make an extra effort to interest SME to participate.

IRO Annual Report 2012

Maritime Innovation Program (MIP) 2007- 2012 The Maritime Innovation Program for the maritime manufacturing industry and the offshore industry came to an end in 2012. With the received subsidy of EUR 35 million, a total of EUR 95 million on projects has been realised. The results of the program have been published in a booklet : ‘Éen Terugblik Vooruit’

IRO KIVI NIRIA lecture Offshore Technology section of Kivi Niria organizes monthly Thursday evening lectures on innovative technology. IRO was asked to host an evening lecture on October 18th 2012. Theme of the IRO evening was offshore technology from the oil and gas industry for the offshore wind energy industry. Besides a general introduction by Chris Westra of We@Sea, IRO members were given the opportunity to present their innovations for the offshore wind industry. IRO member that gave presentations were: Seaway Heavy Lifting, IHC Hydrohammer and Offshore Solutions.

Decommissioning seminar On the 24th of October 2012 IRO in cooperation with Decom North Sea and Navingo, organized a decommissioning seminar at Offshore Energy in the RAI in Amsterdam. Speakers at this seminar were: Brian Nixon of Decom North Sea, who gave an overview of the enormous opportunities in the North Sea. Ian Riach of CNR International gave an update of the plans for the Murchison platform decommissioning. Michiel Schoenmaekers of Smit Marine Projects presented a case study on the removal of Wintershall platforms Q8A and Q8B. Arnoud Bosch of Seaway Heavy Lifting gave a presentation on the Shell Inde decommissioning project.

Third party technology conferences endorsed by IRO IRO endorsed, promoted and sponsored a number of conferences and exhibitions organized by third parties in the Netherlands: --Offshore Pipeline Technology (OPT) March 6th and 7th 2012 --Harsh Weather Summit May 22nd and 23rd 2012 --IADC Drilling HSE Europe 2012 (Energy Wise) September 26th and 27th 2012 --IIR Reuse and Decommissioning seminar of offshore platform in the Southern North-Sea October 2nd and 3rd 2012

Marine and offshore automation seminar On the 8th of November Federation of Technology Branches organized a seminar on automation in the marine and offshore Industry. The event took place at the RDM campus in Rotterdam and was endorsed by IRO.

Regulatory Affairs European offshore safety regulations Triggered by the Macondo disaster in the Gulf of Mexico the European Commission is planning to introduce European offshore safety regulations. European oil and gas countries with well-developed offshore safety regulations are in general against the EU plans and would favour an EU directive instead of a regulation, as they would then be able to keep their own regulations in place. The Dutch Government SODM was initialy in favour of a regulation. The position paper of the Dutch Government can be found at Kamerstuk BNC-fiche 13-12-2011, 22112 nr 1281. NOGEPA and IRO, along with most oil and gas organizations in Europe, are against a regulation and prefer a directive. NOGEPA made a position paper which is backed by IRO. The NOGEPA position paper can be found at On the 5th of April 2012 IRO, in cooperation with NOGEPA, organized a meeting at Allseas Engineering in Delft to inform members about this new regulation. About 70 IRO members attended the meeting. The status by the end of the year 2012 is that general feeling is that the EC will decide to go for a directiv in 2013.

Standardisation of safety training for offshore wind personnel EWEA, The European Wind Energy Association coordinates an initiative on safety training standardization for personnel working at offshore wind projects. Niilo Alakopsa of Falck Nutec participated in this working group on behalf of the IRO Safety Training Group and the IRO Offshore Wind Energy Group.

Harmonization of safety standards for offshore wind crew boats and installation vessels IRO was contacted by the Ministry of Infrastructure and Environment which is considering a harmonization process with other European countries on safety standards for offshore wind Installation vessels and small service boats. However the ministry will only engage in such a process if there is enough interest from the Dutch industry. On January 17th and November 22nd of 2012 the Ministry of Infrastructure and Environment organized meetings on this subject. IOWG and ISTG members were asked to express their interest. Seaway Heavy Lifting, Gusto and Windcat, who were present at the meetings, have given their input.

Underwater noise study The underwater noise study is in progress. On the 20th of June 2012 a second user’s advisory committee meeting was held to give an account of what has been done so far. The study focuses on the effects of pile driving, by the offshore wind energy industry, on fish and sea mammals. The study will be executed by two PhD students and one senior scientist and will take four years to complete. The study is sponsored by the government, NOGEPA and four IRO members. Sponsors of the study from the suppliers’ side are IHC, Jumbo Offshore, Seaway Heavy Lifting and Heerema Marine Contractors.

NEN ISO and EN norms in the oil and gas industry IRO is an active participant in the norm committee 310008 Gas- and oil exploration and production of the NEN. This norm committee is involved in the realization of ISO and EN standards for the oil and gas exploration and production.

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Export promotion Export promotion remains an important IRO activity. In 2012 a large number of activities were organized. Participation in oil and gas exhibitions, outgoing trade missions and other export promotional activities were held. Some of these export promotion activities were organized by IRO. In other cases the lead was taken by organizations like FME, HME, EVD, other (foreign) associations, embassies etc.

On & Offshore Gorinchem and Iraq Seminar From 27-29 March 2012 IRO was present with an information booth at the On & Offshore exhibition in Gorinchem. More than 195 companies active in the oil, gas, (petro) chemical and dredging industries, of which 30 were IRO members, were represented at the stand,. The three-day exhibition drew 5,316 visitors. During On & Offshore on 28 March, IRO organized a seminar on doing business in Iraq. With 143 billion barrels Iraq has the third largest oil reserves in the world. However production has fallen sharply over the years due to instability in the country. Iraq is now investing heavily in an effort to rebuild its oil and gas industry. In the last few years Iraq, through bidding rounds, concluded service contracts with IOC’s and National Oil Companies mostly in consortia for the additional development of existing brown fields and development of some discovered and appraised fields (green fields). For instance the Iraq Oil Ministry, Royal Dutch Shell and Mitsubishi signed a $17 billion dollar deal to help re-build existing and develop new infrastructure in order to process natural gas.


Dr. H.E. Abdulmajeed Saad Ibrahim Al Ali, the Iraqi ambassador in The Hague, gave a presentation on Iraq. The Dutch ambassador in Baghdad, Iraq, H.E. Jeroen Roodenburg, gave a presentation on doing business in Iraq in general. Subsequently, Hans Nijkamp, vice president and country chairman Iraq for Shell Upstream International, gave a presentation on doing business in the oil and gas industry in Iraq. After that Sander Pielkenrood, Managing Director of Pielkenrood Group and Chris Schomper, Business Development Manager of A.Hak Industrial Services gave presentations about their experiences with doing business in Iraq’s oil and gas industry. Over 50 participants attended the presentations. After the seminar they also had the opportunity to visit the On & Offshore exhibition. A follow up in the form of a participation in the BASRA Oil & Gas Fair (6-9 December 2012) had to be cancelled due to a lack of interest.

Dutch Energy Solutions Under the Dutch Energy Solutions programme the IRO and FME CWM 2g@there programme, the following activities were organized in 2012:

A trade mission to Abu Dhabi 7 - 10 January 2012 The combination of this mission with a state visit of H.M. the Queen Beatrix proved to be a great success as the mission was received on the highest levels.

Incoming oil and gas mission from Kuwait 15 - 18 April 2012 The mission consisted of eight representatives from the oil and gas industry in Kuwait. The program included visits to the Ministry of Economic Affairs, Agriculture and

IRO Annual Report 2012

Innovation, Shell, the Port of Rotterdam, Gate, Kuwait Oil Company and a matchmaking with the Dutch oil and gas supply industry.

Middle East Economic Digest (MEED) presentation 11 May 2012 FME Zoetermeer Angus Hindley of MEED gave a presentation on developments in the oil, gas and power industry in the Gulf region.

Trade Mission to Qatar 1-3 October 2012 From October 1st until October 3rd the DES Oil & Gas Trade Mission to Qatar took place in and around Doha. DES, that stands for Dutch Energy Solutions, is a program to promote Dutch companies involved as suppliers in the Oil & Gas Industry around the Arabian Gulf. On behalf of Shell Qatar Mr. Christaan van der Wouden gave a presentation about doing business in Qatar in general. For all participating companies it was very obvious that the Qatari are very much interested in doing business with Dutch Suppliers. This interest was shown by the number of relevant managers they involved in the match making sessions and the time they took for these meetings. Since they are looking for reliable partners that can provide them with the best quality and with eyes for environmental aspects against a reasonable rate, there are a lot of opportunities for Dutch suppliers to provide them with exactly that to realize the very ambitious projects that are still to come in Qatar.

Offshore Technology Conference, Houston USA Experts from the offshore energy industry around the world came together 30 April3 May for the 2012 Offshore Technology Conference at Reliant Park in Houston. Attendance at the conference reached a 30-year high of 89,400, the third highest in show history and up 14% from last year. Attendance surpassed the 2011 total of 78,645, and the sold-out exhibition was the largest in event history at 641,350 ft² with the addition of the outdoor pavilion, up from 603,000 ft² in 2011.

IRO Oil and gas Mission to Aberdeen 25-27 September 2012 From 25-27 November 2012 IRO in cooperation with the Netherlands British Chamber of Commerce organized an oil and gas mission to Aberdeen. 10 Companies participated in this mission. Companies visited in Aberdeen were: Aker Solutions, BG Group PLC, Centrica Energy, ConocoPhillips UK Upstream, Seafab Consultants, Subsea7 and Total, E&P UK. The mission was made possible by NML support.

Overview Exhibitions 2012 The IRO exhibition programme is selected upon experience, interest shown by the member companies (during meetings, visits, the annual exhibition survey and so on) and advice of the CCFZ, which reviews the programme. In 2012 IRO participated in the following exhibitions:

The exhibition had 2,500 companies representing 46 countries, including 200 new exhibitors that included exhibitors from Bahrain, Hungary, Israel, Lithuania, New Zealand, and Taiwan. “OTC 2012 was the most successful event we have had since the early 80s,” said Steve Balint, Chairman of OTC. “In terms of strength of the technical sessions and technology on display, OTC reached a record-breaking number of people and offered the most ways to connect, educate, and conduct business. The industry is on the rise and challenges are ahead, making it more important than ever to collaborate and share best practices with colleagues all over the world. OTC is the place to do that.” The pavilion was 940 sqm. and 44 companies participated in the Dutch Pavilion. IRO will participate again in the 2013 edition with a pavilion of 940 sqm.

Offshore Northern Seas, Stavanger Norway Australasian Oil & Gas Expo, Perth, Australia The Australiasian Oil and Gas Exhibition and Conference, known as AOG, was held 22-24 February, 2012. In the past few years it has broken records and become Australia’s largest oil and gas exhibition with over 450 exhibitors from 16 countries. More than 11,000 people visited the exhibition. Participation was again successful for exhibitors in the Dutch pavilion. In total 14 companies participated in the Dutch pavilion.

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A record breaking 59,913 unique visitors from 109 nations visited us during the ONS week. The 2010 edition gathered 49,735 visitors. Overall, there was a very positive atmosphere in Stavanger. Our exhibitors were satisfied with the amount and quality of the visitors. In total 31 companies participated in the Dutch pavilion. On the first exhibition day, Minister Maxime Verhagen visited the Dutch Pavilion and gave a presentation during the ONS Conference about Artic.


Rio Oil & Gas, Rio de Janeiro Brasil IRO organized a Holland pavilion at the Rio Oil & Show that took place from 17-20 September 2012. In the pavilion, 12 Dutch companies were represented. Next to our pavilion, a lot of Dutch companies were represented through their agent or had their own stand at the show. At the show, 1,300 exhibitors were represented. More than 53,000 people visited the show.

ADIPEC, Abu Dhabi UAE Under the 2g@there programme Middle East, IRO organized a Dutch Pavilion at this exhibition for the 4th time. In the pavilion, 34 Dutch companies were represented. More than 51,000 visited the show. From now on this event will be held yearly. IRO booked the same space for the 2013 edition.

OSEA, Singapore Together with Holland Marine Equipment (HME), IRO organized the Dutch Pavilion at this show. The cooperation was a big success and in 2014 HME and IRO will again organize the Dutch pavilion together.

consisted of a presentation on Dutch and German offshore wind developments and a matchmaking programme. In Bremerhaven besides presentations and a matchmaking plant, visits were organized to Weserwind, Areva and Repower. 35 Companies participated in the mission of which 22 were IRO members.

Holland pavilion at Oil & Gas Libya From April 23rd through 26th 2012 NCH organized a Holland pavilion at the Oil & Gas Libya with support from IRO. Eight companies participated in this exhibition of which five were IRO members.

Oil and gas mission Venezuela From May 23rd through May 26th an oil and gas mission to Venezuela organized by NCH with support from EVD Internationaal under the CPA programme took place. Due to the political situation in Venezuela the interest for participating in the mission was limited to seven companies of which three were IRO members.

Gas mission to Israel

The Netherlands Consulate General in Bahrain offered Dutch suppliers free participation with brochures in a Holland stand at the Gulf Industry Fair 7-9 February 2012 in Bahrain.

From June 4th through 7th 2012 a gas mission to Israel organized by Kurtz Marketing with support from ‘EVD Internationaal’ under the CPA program took place. There are some important offshore gas discoveries in Israel which offer excellent opportunities for Dutch suppliers, as Israel does not have a well-developed oil and gas supply industry of its own. The mission was well received. A seminar, part of the programme of the mission, attracted 160 participants and 140 individual meetings were arranged. 14 Companies participated in the mission of which seven were IRO members. The mission was headed by IRO board member Alex Enthoven.


Oil and gas seminar Myanmar June 28th 2012

Advanced Energy Technologies International (AETIN) is a consortium of leading Dutch companies and research institutes active on the international energy market that have joined forces to offer advanced expertise, technology and solutions for oil and gas projects in Vietnam. AETIN is established and led by ‘Vietnam Consult & Trading B.V.’ and jointly financed by the Dutch Ministry of Economic Affairs and participating companies under a 2g@there programme. As eight IRO members are participating in AETIN as founding members IRO supports AETIN. The following activities were organized in 2012: --Energy Mission to Vietnam February 27th through March 9th 2012 --A planned oil and gas mission to Vietnam December 2nd through 7th 2012 had to be cancelled

On June 28th 2012 Larive International (a management consultant), in cooperation with IRO, organized a seminar on doing business in Myanmar. Now that the trade embargo on Myanmar is being relaxed, the oil and gas riches of the country are attracting international oil companies. The seminar focused on the opportunities and the dos and don’ts with regards to doing business in Myanmar. 20 Companies of which 10 were IRO members attended the seminar. A follow-up oil and gas mission to Thailand and Myanmar had to be cancelled because of lack of interest.

Third party, missions, exhibitions and seminars supported by IRO Gulf Industry Fair Bahrain

Offshore wind mission to Germany From March 14th through March 15th 2012 FME CWM, with support from IRO, organized an offshore wind mission to Hamburg and Bremerhaven. In Hamburg the programme

Brazil seminar On November 1st KPMG in cooperation with IRO, organized a seminar on doing business with Brasil. Key note speaker at this seminar was Mr. Samir Awad, CEO of Petrobras Netherlands B.V., who gave a presentation on the oil and gas industry in Brazil. Furthermore there were two presentations by KPMG, one on the cultural aspects of doing business in Brazil and one on how to set up a company in Brazil.

Overview Dutch Pavilions 2012 Australasian Oil & Gas Expo Offshore Technology Conference Offshore Northern Seas Rio Oil & Gas ADIPEC OSEA


Perth, Australia Houston, USA Stavanger, Norway Rio de Janeiro, Brasil Abu Dhabi, UAE Singapore

158 940 108 98 580 108

sqm sqm sqm sqm sqm sqm

22 30 28 17 11 27

- 24 Feb April - 6 May - 31 August - 30 September - 14 November - 30 November

IRO Annual Report 2012

World Trade Center Twenty Energy, Oil & Gas Group

Conferences and exhibitions endorsed by IRO

The WTC Twente Energy Oil & Gas Group consists of 20 suppliers to the oil and gas industry of which six are IRO members. The working group gathers regularly to discuss such issues as joint promotion activities, safety, education, etc. The meetings are hosted in turn by one of the members. Attendance by IRO at these meetings is highly appreciated by the participants. IRO attended three WTC Twente Enegy Oil & Gas Group meetings in 2012 at Opra, Tebodin and Strukton Hollandia.

IRO endorsed, promoted and sponsored a number of conferences and exhibitions organized by third parties in the Netherlands.

Incoming missions Incoming Russian/Central Asian mission On May 29th 2012 a presentation on the Dutch supply industry was given to representatives of the Russian and Central Asian oil and gas companies Lukoil, TNK-BP, KazMunaiGaz, KazTransGaz and Irkutsk Oil Company. These companies were in the Netherlands for a utilization of associated petroleum gas course organized by Confidence Capital an oil and gas consultant from London which focuses on Russian and the CIS market.

Incoming Petro China CBM delegation. On November 2nd 2012 a Petro China Coalbed Methane delegation visited IRO. The delegation was in the Netherlands for a Shell training session.

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Offshore Wind Maintenance and Installation The OWIM conference 2012 organized by Navingo took place on 31 May 2012 at STC in Rotterdam. IRO participated with an information booth.

Offshore Energy Offshore Energy, organized by Navingo on 23 and 24 October 2012 and held in the Amsterdam RAI was an even more successful event than the previous year. 7,632 visitors representing 45 nationalities from all over the world like Belgium, Germany, France, Spain, Denmark, Italy, USA, China, Australia, Kazakhstan, Nigeria, Venezuela, the United Arab Emirates and Ghana found their way to the Business-to-Business exhibition that focuses on the (inter-)national offshore oil, gas and wind industry and related products and services. 414 companies (compared to 292 in 2011) displayed their products and services during this exhibition. IRO exhibited together with NOGEPA. IRO also organized a Decommissioning seminar in cooperation with Decom North Sea and Navingo (see heading Innovations).


Network events Several times a year IRO organizes meetings with and for members. The main goal of these meetings is to give members the opportunity to meet and exchange ideas and to do business successfully by using the vast network of the association. In general the host company gives a presentation about its activities followed by an excursion and network drinks. For the host company this is a great opportunity to give greater insight into the business it is in. To create a larger network, IRO also organizes meetings where non-members are invited.

IRO New Year’s Reception On Wednesday 11 January 2012 the IRO New Year’s reception was held at ‘Sociëteit de Witte’ in Den Haag. IRO Chairman Pieter van Oord and Managing Director Sander Vergroesen welcomed the guests. Former chairman of IRO, Gert-Jan Kramer, was presented a Certificate of Honorary Membership by Pieter van Oord, in appreciation for his efforts as IRO Chairman in the period 1991-2011. Besides IRO members there were also a number of special guests, including representatives from embassies of prominent oil countries. The reception was very well attended by 270 guests!

Oil & Gas Industry Forecast 2012 The Dutch suppliers to the oil and gas industry in 2011 had more turnover than expected. This was shown by the annual survey by Ernst & Young among the suppliers in the oil and gas sector, which was presented at the Oil & Gas Industry Forecast on 31 January 2012 in Rotterdam. Over 230 guests attended the annual meeting. Most of the suppliers saw their revenues rise compared with the previous year. “Although the crisis has clearly led to uncertainty and hesitation in the market, the oil and gas industry suffered relatively


little,” says Jeff Sluijter, partner at Ernst and Young. “Most of these companies are now focused on external activities. The fundamentals of the industry generally remain strong because the global demand for energy - and the associated investment – continues to rise in the coming decades because of the fast growing markets. On the longer term there is reason for more optimism, as the current economic challenges will not be permanent. The majority of the respondents this year will have further growth in orders and sales. The main bottlenecks that may play a role are the shortage of qualified personnel and increased competition.

Corporate Social Responsibility The study also shows that although most companies have extensive internal rules related to environment and safety, there is still relatively little external convey in the field of CSR. Jan-Peter Balkenende, expert in the field of corporate social responsibility at Ernst & Young also gave a presentation at the meeting: “Sustainability is becoming higher on the agenda of companies and is also considered more and more as a ‘business driver’. This assumes that companies are transparent in their objectives and their realization. It is not without reason that financial and social policies are increasingly integrated.” The annual Oil & Gas Industry Forecast event was organized by IRO, Ernst & Young and Gulf Publishing Company. Publishers of the magazines World Oil and Hydrocarbon Processing also gave their perspectives on the developments in the oil and gas industry. Crispian McCredie from Alboran Energy Strategy Consultants also gave his view on Corporate and Social Responsibility in his typical animated way. Last year a contest was held where the participants had to leave their business cards with the answer to the following question: ‘How many wells were drilled in 2011?’. Michiel Wijsmuller, President of Offshore Ship Designers, came closest to the right answer which was 101,226 wells drilled worldwide in 2011.

IRO Annual Report 2012

Members meeting IRO/CEDA On 8 March 2012 a successful meeting was organized for CEDA and IRO members with the theme ‘Trenching for cables, pipes and tubes’. Erik de Haas, Proposals Manager Boskalis Offshore, gave a presentation on pre- or post-lay trenching: practical considerations from a dredgers point of view. Bart van Mierlo of Periplus gave a presentation on the geophysical aspects of trenching in his presentation ‘Trouble in Trenching’. The dredging processes during trenching were discussed by Prof. Dr. Cees van Rhee, Offshore and Dredging Engineering, Delft University of Technology. Around 160 people attended the IRO/CEDA meeting. This annual joint meeting is a great opportunity for IRO and CEDA members to meet and share ideas.

Members meeting at Falck Nutec On Thursday 11 October a members meeting was held at Falck Nutec in Rotterdam. During the meeting the members were given a guided tour at Falck Nutec’s training site and some participants of the members meeting had the chance to participate in a training exercise. After the tour Falck Nutec organised a very successful network reception at the “Schietbaan” restaurant next to the site of Falck Nutec.

Region meeting Den Helder-Oil and Gas Event Den Helder On October 30th 2012 IRO, in cooperation with NHN The Development Company for Noord HollandNoord, organized an oil and gas event in Den Helder to highlight Den Helder as an important oil and gas supply base. Key note speaker at this event was Mark Peters of Pennwell, who gave a forecast on development in the offshore oil and gas industry. Other presentations were given by Taqa, CDF Suez, Peterson and Kees Visser, Elderman of Economic Affairs Municipality of Den Helder. More than 100 companies both IRO members and oil and gas suppliers from the province of Noord Holland attended the event.

Members meeting at Heinen & Hopman Engineering On Thursday 12 April an IRO members meeting took place at Heinen & Hopman Engineering in Spakenburg. Heinen & Hopman Engineering is a world leader in air-conditioning, mechanical ventilation, central heating, refrigeration, sanitary systems, fire protection, environmental systems and air duct cleaning. Founded in 1965, the company is renowned for being an innovator in the design, engineering and installation of customized solutions. Heinen & Hopman works in four specialist areas: Superyachts, commercial shipping, the offshore industry and Navy vessels. Their mission is to ensure that the climate ‘indoors’ will perfectly meet the needs of people and products alike, whatever the weather outside. IRO Managing Director Sander Vergroesen and Joep Hopman, Managing Director of Heinen & Hopman, welcomed the 40 IRO members present. Eric Stoffelsen, Sales Manager, gave a presentation on the activities of Heinen & Hopman and their innovative products and developments. Two other IRO members were given the opportunity to provide a very brief presentation: Mr VJ Chun from DSR Corp and Ton Ippel from Mecha Heat. After the presentations the participants were guided through the office building and workshop where they could see how the various machines and devices are designed and then built. The afternoon ended with a networking event.

Annual General Meeting The IRO Annual General Meeting took place on 22 November 2012 at IHC Kinderdijk. The main items on the agenda for the Annual General Meeting were the finances of the association. The financial result for 2011 was again positive. The 2011 annual accounts were approved and it is expected that 2012 will be closed within budget. The budget for 2013 has been approved and it was decided that the membership fees remain unchanged. The (re)appointments of Board members were also discussed during the meeting. The Executive Board and General Board were merged into one board. This was done to make the board smaller and the board meetings more efficient.

Members meeting at Keppel Verolme On Wednesday 6 June a very successful IRO members meeting took place at the shipyard of Keppel Verolme in Botlek, Rotterdam. Over 120 participants attended the presentation of Harold Linssen, Managing Director of Keppel Verolme. He gave a brief introduction about the history of the yard and presented the three projects that were currently in Dock 7. The semi-submersible drilling rig Scarabeo 6 from Saipem undergoing an upgrade so that it will be able to drill in deeper waters: the repair and general maintenance of the jack- up accommodation unit COSL Rigmar and the construction of a 33/155 kV transformer platform for German Global Tech 1 Offshore Wind GmbH. After the presentation members were guided in groups along these impressive projects in the dry dock.


The new Board: Pieter van Oord, Van Oord, Chairman Michael Kahn, Jumbo, Vice-Chairman Jeff Sluijter, Ernst & Young, Treasurer Raymond Kerkvliet, SAS Secretary Peter de Bruijne, Noble Drilling Willem Griffioen, Mercon Steel Structures Edward Heerema, Allseas Paul Koop, Quercus Technical Services Rob Luijnenburg, Fugro Hugo Vos, TNO I&T

Instead of committees and working groups, 6 committees, led by members of the IRO Board are named: -- Export & Public Relations, R. Kerkvliet -- Human Resources & Safety, P. Koop -- Innovation & Regulatory Affairs, R. Luijnenburg -- Gas, H. Vos -- Offshore Renewable Installations, W. Griffioen -- Well Services & Drilling, P. de Bruijne No contribution fee will be charged for participating in IRO committees. After the member meeting it was possible to join a guided tour at the new Van Oord’s second large self-propelled cutter suction dredger, the Artemis, built by IHC Merwede.

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Employment & Education IRO together with NOGEPA continues efforts to attract more qualified young staff to our industry. At various levels input was given into educational programmes and events.

Education highlights

Poort in Sneek. It also included STC Group and Hogeschool Rotterdam who will develop similar programmes for the southwest of the Netherlands. A start has been made to combine the effort of HBO Schools into an HBO Offshore Network, the NHL Leeuwarden, Avans Hogeschool from Den Bosch and the Hogeschool Rotterdam. Within the Network the schools will exchange curricula and their experience with different Minors for Oil & Gas and Offshore Engineering.

Helma Cruts left the IRO & Nogepa in May 2012 and she was succeeded by Chris Wijsman.

Course “Oil and Gas Well Sourced” Education In 2012 the support to Minors for the Offshore & Oil Gas was continued and extended. In January 2012, 78 students finished the minor ‘Offshore engineering & automation’ at Avans Hogeschool Den Bosch’. In September a new group started with 52 participants. Over 20 companies including IRO and Nogepa are involved in lecturing, providing excursions and coaching. In cooperation with IRO & KIVI NIRIA , Avans Hogeschool organized an offshore seminar on Nov 1st. Besides various speakers from the industry the students also presented their projectwork. IRO presented prizes for the best project. The new Minor ‘Offshore Oil and Gas’ in MCN Den Helder which started for the first time in 2011 finished in January with 12 students. In September the next group started with 16 students. Both Nogepa and IRO members were involved in (guest) lecturing and providing excursions. The development of the Bachelor and MBO-level programs for Maritime Technology has been finalized. With input and support from four branch organizations (Hiswa, Scheepsbouw Nederland, the ‘Vereniging van Waterbouwers, and IRO) this program was developed for the NHL Hogeschool in Leeuwarden and ROC Friese


The IRO course Oil & Gas Well Sourced is a non-technical course in Rotterdam that gives insight as to how Oil and Gas are formed, explored and produced and gives an overview of how the industry works. The course is presented by experts in the Oil and Gas industry and is given in English or Dutch. In 2012 the course was presented 11 times, 7 in Dutch and 4 in the English language, in total 164 participants attended the course. The course will be continued in 2013. Costs for participation are 495 per person for IRO members and €795 per person for non-members (excl. VAT). There are opportunities to organize an in-house course for your employees on your own premises, contact us for more information.

NML IRO, as a member of NML, is involved in the new set-up of the NML and takes part in the Human Capital Council of the NML. The main topics, which were started in 2012, are the improvement of employment survey, image improvement, and intake improvement from technical school. The topics are in a preliminary stage and will be further developed in 2013.

IRO Annual Report 2012

of the offshore-firms who took part in this survey was 195 employees. The percentage of vacancies in the offshore sector is 4% extrapolated for the sector it means there are +675 job-openings.

Conferences IRO together with Nogepa were present at the Maritime & Offshore Career Event in May in Rotterdam and at the Offshore Energy Conference in October in the RAI, Amsterdam in order to promote our industry and to attract students for the vacancies in our sector.

Sponsoring In order to improve our image and to promote Technology, Offshore Engineering and Oil & Gas the following projects were sponsored: “Vletten op de Maas”, Techniektoernooi, Delft Offshore Symposium, Techniektoernooi, Minor Oil & Gas Den Helder, Avans Offshore Seminar, Mijnbouwkundige Vereeniging, Job Fair Go4It in Alphen ad Rijn.

Employment Survey - Arbeidsmarktenquete Maritieme Monitor 2012 NML The IRO has received the results of the Employment Survey. The survey was initiated by the NML and executed by the end of 2012. The information from 155 firms from the Maritime cluster was received for 7 sectors (sea-transport, navy, shipbuilding, offshore, inland shipping, dredging and marine equipment supply).

Work plan 2013 At the end of 2012 a preliminary project plan for Education and Employment was developed for IRO & Nogepa, this plan will be further developed by the newly formed Human Resource & Safety committee (HRSC) which is chaired by Paul Koop, board member of IRO.

These firms represent more than 30,000 employees, which is about 40% of the direct employees of the above maritime sectors. For the offshore sector 32 firms in total have reacted representing 6252 employees which is about 37% of this sector. The average size

© IRO 2013


Committees and Working Groups At the IRO General Assembly Meeting on the 22nd November 2012 the IRO Board announced changes to the IRO committees and working groups. The under mentioned committees and working groups were replaced after November 2012 by the following Committees: --Commercial & Financial Affairs --IRO Export and Public Relations Committee --IRO Gas Committee --Human Resources and Safety Committee --Innovation and Regulatory Affairs Committee --Offshore Renewable Installations Committee --Well Services and Drilling Committee New is that the chairs of the committees are also IRO board members and that there is no participation fee applicable any more. The committees have a policy advisory role and also serve as a sounding board for the association. They are chaired by a member of the Executive Board of the association. In order to create a good link between the Board, committees, the association and its members, all committee members are IRO members. The committees are a reflection of the companies that IRO represents as an association.


IRO Committee on Commercial and Financial Affairs (CCFZ) The CCFZ only gathered once in 2012. The CCFZ meeting was combined with the IEG meeting on the March 12th 2012. The main topic was the IRO export promotion plan for 2013.

IRO Committee on Technical and Regulatory Affairs The CCFZ was held on the 5th of April 2012 at Allseas Engineering in Delft and was combined with a presentation about the new EU offshore safety regulations. Other subjects at the meeting were the Innovation Contracts and the IRO Innovation seminar 2013

IRO Well Services Group The IWSG meetings are concentrating on safety regulations in the oil and gas industry. In 2012 IWSG meetings took place on the 27th March at IRO in Zoetermeer, on the 27th of June at the Well Academy in Apeldoorn and on the 20th of September at Resato International in Roden. Subjects were: Schietmeester training. As the present Schietmeester training does not fulfill the requirements of the industry, the IWSG in cooperation with SODM is working on an alternative training course where the companies can arrange their own NOGEPA certified training. The IWSG made a proposal for the content of the training. Other subjects were the danger of pressure; learning from incidents/best practices and the topsector innovation contract upstream gas.

IRO Safety and Training Group (ISTG) The ISTG meetings were held on the 22nd of March and the 18th of October of 2012. The main subjects of the ISTG meeting were the adaptation in the NOGEPA training manual: European offshore safety regulation; standardization of safety training for

IRO Annual Report 2012

offshore wind personnel; harmonization of safety standards for offshore wind crew boats and installation vessels (see separate headings).

IRO Offshore Wind Group (IOWG) In 2012 three IOWG meetings took place. On March 22nd 2012 at the RDM Campus Rotterdam with presentations on “the Ampelmann” and the Innovation Contract ‘Wind Op Zee’ On September 6th IHC Hydrohammer was host to the IOWG. Guest speaker was Ruben Dijkstra of Eneco who gave a presentation on the Luchterduinen project. As many IRO Export Group members are also involved in offshore wind they were also invited to this meeting. On the December 13th Damen Shipyards Group was the host of the IOWG. This time the guest speaker was Mr. Ton Geul of Visser & Smit on Cable laying for offshore wind projects

Utrecht. Topic of the meeting was the gas ambitions of Poland and the opportunities for Dutch suppliers. On 16 November 2011 the IRO Gas Group (IGG) in cooperation with the IRO Well Services Group (IWSG) organized a seminar on Shale gas (see heading Innovative Technology). With regard to the top sector ‘Energy’, the Ministry of Economic Affairs, Agriculture & Innovation has pointed out gas as focus area for innovation. Beginning 2012 an IGG Group meeting will be organized on the ‘Innovation contract for gas’ to inform IRO members on participation possibilities.

IRO Export Group (IEG) There were two IEG meetings in 2012. On March 12th there was an IEG at HSM Offshore in Schiedam. As the IRO export promotion plans for 2013 were a topic on this meeting, the meeting was combined with an IRO Committee on Commercial and Financial Affairs meeting. On the 6th of December an IEG took place at Bayards Aluminium Constructies in Nieuw Lekkerland.

IRO Gas Group (IGG) On June 13th 2012 an IRO Gas Group meeting took place at NMI’s Euro Loop in Rotterdam, the world’s most advanced calibration system for gasses and liquids. At this meeting IGG chairman Rene Peters also gave a presentation on the Innovation Contract upstream gas. On the 10th of December 2012 an IGG meeting took place at TNO in

© IRO 2013


Cooperation with other organizations Over the year much attention was again paid to cooperation with other organizations and associations in order to exchange information and to share common areas of interest. In the field of export promotion, a number of activities and events were organized jointly, or with the support of, the Netherlands Foreign Trade Agency (Agentschap NL / EVD), Netherlands embassies and consulates abroad, the Dutch Maritime Network (NML) and FME-CWM . Exchange of professional information took place with the Netherlands Diving Centre (NDC), the Royal Institution of Engineers (KIVI NIRIA), the Central Dredging Association (CEDA), FME-CWM and various NML partners. Several joint activities like technical seminars and presentations were organized during the year. IRO likes to thank these organizations for their generous co-operation. On a national level IRO maintained its close ties with NOGEPA and a frequent exchange of views took place on a number of subjects of mutual interest. The joint IRO/NOGEPA project on education and employment was further extended during the year and will be continued in 2013.


IRO also participated again in the regular consultation meetings with the State Supervision of Mines (SodM), NOGEPA and IADC. These meetings have proven to be a very successful medium in which to exchange information and to agree on common stands regarding topics like legislation, HSE issues and labour conditions.

The Dutch Maritime Trade Board (NML) As from January 2012 the Dutch Maritime Trade Board (NML) has been transformed from a predominantly government organization into a company sponsored organization. IRO is committed to continue its participation in the Dutch Maritime Trade Board new style. IRO has taken up the task of the secretariat of the NML Trade Council. Furthermore IRO participates in the innovation, Public Relation and the Human Capital councils. By the end of 2012 there was still some limited financial support available from the Ministry of Infrastructure and Environment. Support from NML was received for organizing a Holland Lounge at OSEA Singapore 27- 30 November 2012 and for a trade mission to Aberdeen 25-27 September 2012 (see separate headings for more detailed information) On an international level, the useful and pleasant co-operation with our European sister organizations was maintained through the informal EURONET network. EURONET now consists of the national associations of the United Kingdom (EIC, Energy North, ITF, Decom North Sea), Norway (Norsk Industri), Denmark (DMOG), Belgium (Agoria CEC), France (GEP-AFTP) and The Netherlands (IRO).

IRO Annual Report 2012

210x297mm . CMYK . Export: Pdf/x1a:2001 , FOGRA27

Information and documentation The gathering of information which isworld of interest to In the changing IRO members is an ongoing process. of offshore, one thing


stays the same.

Innovative Dutch offshore engineering

New generation, self-propelled multi-purpose vessel

Documents on file include: --operator fact sheets --general country information --annual reports --operator presentations --other documents of general interest.

Seafox 5, the selfpropelled ambition.

Unique hyperbaric test centre attracts worldwide attention Every lubrication system is custom-made

nr. 6 - 2012 - JAARGANG 29

offshore holland nr. 05 2012

Companies and students are always welcome to use the IRO Documentation and Information Centre to gather information about companies, trends, figures etc. The Documentation and Information Centre has a vast collection of magazines and other interesting publications and reports which give access to specific information. Information about different countries and regions is gathered and is also available. The IRO library has subscriptions to many oil and gas magazines and newspapers which keep the information up to date.

Va k b l a d V o o r d e u p s t r e a m o l i e - , G a s - , d u u r Z a m e - , p e t r o c h e m i s c h e - e n b a G G e r i n d u s t r i e

Dutch knowledge is called in when the going gets tough


25-10-12 12:03

Enquiries The vast majority of the enquiries in 2012 referred to newsletters and articles that IRO offers in IRO News every month. Next to that there were the regular questions on contacts, doing business in other parts of the world, IRO activities and publications. In most of the cases people could be provided with answers or be guided in the right direction.

bij Vroon offshore serVices is een flink aantal nieuWbouWproGramma’s opGestart. offshore Visie sprak met nederlands Grootste dienstVerlener op het Gebied Van offshore supportschepen. de beVoorraders pool express en base express maken deel uit Van de sns pool.


Netherlands Oil & Gas Catalogue








aantal nieuWe aanVullinGen

parel op kroon

Goede positie enerGiemarkt

arctisch boorschip


Every year around 7000 copies of the Netherlands Oil and Gas Catalogue are sent to embassies and international parties all over the world and are handed out at exhibitions, members meetings, training courses, career events etc. The catalogue provides a good overview of the activities, products and services of Dutch suppliers to the oil and gas industry and is an important tool for companies to present themselves. In 2012 the number of advertisers (IRO members and non-members) reached 149 of which 95% were IRO members. The online version of the catalogue can be found at


Offshore Visie Offshore Visie is a publication for the oil, gas and petrochemical industry published by Uitgeverij Tridens in IJmuiden, The Netherlands. It is a bimonthly magazine in which IRO contributes with editorial pages. Every IRO member receives a free copy of Offshore Visie. The online version of the magazine is also published online at


Offshore Holland The purpose of this magazine is to inform the international oil and gas industry on the service of Dutch companies that are related to the offshore industry. In addition, technological developments are made known and the magazine contributes to a positive image and positioning of the Netherlands as an innovative and resourceful partner country. The first issue was published in May 2011 during the Offshore Technology Conference in Houston, Texas. The second issue was published at the occasion of another major oil and gas event, Offshore Europe in Aberdeen. The third edition again at the time of the OTC in Houston 2012. The fourth edition was published during the ONS in Stavanger and Rio Oil & Gas in Brazil in 2012. The fifth edition was published at the time of ADIPEC in Abu Dhabi and OSEA in Singapore in 2012.


Photography & Images

Sybolla Franje


Maersk Drilling

Layout & production


Offshore Visie

PMS 72


PAS Publicaties

Faimount Marine

Paul Ridderhof





Heerema Fabrication Group

SBM Schiedam

Height Specialists

United Offshore Services

HSM Offshore

Van Oord

Keppel Verolme



© IRO 2013

Lloyd’s Register

Atlas Services Group


Membership list

DHTC, DISA Nederland, Discom, Ordinary Members Dockwise, A A. van Tilburg Hydrauliek, Doedijns, A.Hak Industrial Services, Doornbos Equipment, Abuco, Dredging & Contracting Rotterdam, Aggreko Nederland, DSE Oil & Gas, Airborne Oil & Gas, DSM Dyneema, ALE Heavylift, Dulon International, Alewijnse Marine, Dutch Crane Engineering, Alfa Laval Benelux, Dutch NDT Support, Allpacks International, Dynaflow Research Group, Allseas Engineering, E E-Semble, Amarcon, Eaton Industries (Netherlands), Amari Metals, Econosto Nederland, Ampelmann Operations, Electromach, AncoferWaldram Steelplates, EMCÉ Winches, Applus RTD, Enerpac Integrated Solutions, ArcelorMittal Projects International, Escher Process Modules, ARMATEC, ESRO Staal, ASC International, Euro - Rigging, Assai Software Services, Expro North Sea Ltd, Atlas Copco Nederland, F Fabricom Oil & Gas, Atlas Services Group Energy, Fairmount Marine, B Baker Hughes, Fairstar Heavy Transport, Bakker Sliedrecht Electro Industrie, Falck Nutec, Balance Point Control, Fischcon, Balluff, FMC Technologies Surface Wellhead, Barge Master, Frames, Bauhuis International, Frank’s International, Bayards Aluminium Constructies, Franklin Offshore Europe, Beko Transport Consultants, Fugro, Beldick Automation, Fugro Engineers, BigLift Shipping, Fugro GeoServices, Blue Offshore, Fugro Robertson, Bluestream Offshore, Fugro Survey, Bluewater Energy Services, G G4S Training & Safety Solutions, BMT ARGOSS, GEA Westfalia Separator Nederland, Bodycote Hardiff, Georg Fischer, Bohr Instrument Services, Geveke Werktuigbouw, BOIS Equipment Rentals, Gouda Holland, Bonn & Mees Drijvende Bokken, GS-Hydro Benelux, Bosch Rexroth, GSP Offshore, Boskalis Offshore, Gusto MSC, Breman Machinery, H H2M, Brenntag Nederland, Halliburton, Broekman Project Services, Hamel Metaal, Bronswerk Heat Transfer, Haprotech Consultancy, Brunel Energy Europe, Hatenboer-Water, Brunel Engineering Oil & Gas, Hays Oil & Gas, BSM Valves and Fittings, Heating Group International, Burdock Offshore Services, Heerema Fabrication Group, Bureau Veritas (Netherlands), Heerema International Group Services, BV Twentsche Kabelfabriek, Heerema Marine Contractors Nederland, C C2 - CRrane Inspection Services, Heerema Vlissingen, Callidus Group, Height Specialists, CB&I Nederland, Heinen & Hopman Engineering, Cebo Holland, Hertel, Chain Technology Project Services, HGG Profiling Contractors, Cirmac International, HobrÉ Instruments, Coil Services, Hollandia, Conbit Engineering, Honeywell, Coronam, Honor Safety & Consultancy, Croon Elektrotechniek, HSM Offshore, D Damen Shiprepair Rotterdam, Hudig & VEDER FROWARDING, Damen Shipyards Gorinchem, Huisman, DDM Oil & Gas, Hycom, De Graaf Aandrijvingen, Hydac, DE REGT Marine Cables, Hytorc Nederland, De Ruyter training & consultancy, I Iemants, Det Norske Veritas, IFS BeNeLux, Dhatec, IHC Drives & Automation,


IHC Fabrication, IHC Handling Systems, IHC Hydrohammer, IHC Hytop, IHC Merwede, IHC Mining, IHC Offshore & Marine, IHC Offshore Systems, IHC Offshore Technology Institute, IHC Parts & Services, IHC Systems, IHC Vremac Cylinders, IMT, Imtech Marine Netherlands, Ingenieursbureau Coenradie, Ingenieursburo Gommer, InterDam, InterStep-des Corps, Inventheon, IPS Group, iPS powerful people, Istimewa Electro, Iv-Oil & Gas, IVM (Instituut voor Veiligheid & Milieu BV), J Jack-Up Barge, Jansen Venneboer, JB Systems, Jumbo Offshore, JVR Consult International, K Kapp Nederland, KCI, KENC Engineering, Kenz Figee, Keppel Verolme, Kersten Europe, Konekta, Konutherm, Krohne Nederland, Kuehne + Nagel, L Lankhorst Mouldings, LKL Oceantrade, Lloyd’s Register Drilling Integrity Services (International), Lloyd’s Register EMEA, Lowland Marine & Offshore, Lubbers Logistics, M M Restart, Maats, Machinefabriek Heerbaart, Mammoet Global, Mammoet Holding, Marflex, Marin, Marine Structure Consultants (MSC), Maris, Mechanische Industrie Menzing, Mercon Steel Structures, Meteo Consult, MHF Contracting, Mokveld Valves, MTI Holland, Multimetaal Constructie, N N-Sea, NEK Logistics, Nevesbu, Niron Staal Amsterdam, Noble Drilling (Nederland), Noxon Stainless, NRG (Nuclear Research & Consultancy Group), O Oceanwide Offshore Services, Offshore Independents, Offshore Marine Contractors, Offshore Ship Designers,

IRO Annual Report 2012

Offshore Solutions, Oirschot Olie, Olaer Nederland, Onstream Project Services, Opti-Light International, P Parker Hannifin, PECO Select Fasteners, Peterson Offshore Group, Petrogas Gas Systems, Pipelife Nederland, PlatformBrokers, PNS Services, Pon Power, PTS, Q Quercus Beheer, R Recontec, Redwise Maritime Services, Resato International, Ridderinkhof, Rodelta, S / Arbo Inspectie Dienst, SAIO Safety Training, SAS Gouda, SAS Winches, SBM Offshore, Schlumberger Petroleum Services, Sea Trucks Group, SeaMar Services, Seatools, SeaWay Heavy Lifting, SeaWorks, Selmers, Sick Instruments Benelux, Siemens Industrial Turbomachinery, Siemens Nederland, Siemens PLM Software, SIF Group, Sinus Jevi Electric Heating, Siri Marine, Slavenburg & Huyser, Smit Subsea Europe, Smitsvonk Holland, SMST Designers & Constructors, Smulders Projects, SOGOS Consultants, SOMA Bedrijfsopleidingen, Spie Industry, Spliethoff Transport, SPM Instrument, SPT Offshore, Star Offshore, STC - KNRM Offshore - Safety, Stemar Engineering, Stemat, Stork Technical Services Holding, Svasek Hydraulics, T Task Environmental Services Worldwide, TCPM Ingenieurs & Adviseurs, Technip - EPG, Techno Fysica, Teijin Aramid, Temporary Works Design, The Offshore Partners Holding, Thrustmaster Europe, Tideway, TMC, TOS Offshore, Tosec, Transparts, Trelleborg Ridderkerk, TrustLube, Twin Filter, U Ulstein IDEA Equipment Solutions,

© IRO 2013

Ulstein Sea of Solutions, United Offshore Services, USG Energy, USG Innotiv, V Vageri Electrical & Instrumentation, Van Aalst Marine & Offshore, Van Beest, Van Dam, Van Gansewinkel Groep, Van Heck, Van Leeuwen, Van Leusden, Van Mechelen Lifting Gear, Van Oord Offshore, Van Thiel United, Van Veelen Verpakkingen, VandeGrijp Buizen, Vermeer Process Technology, Voith Turbo, VoTech Filter, Vroon Offshore Services, Vryhof Anchors, VSL, Vuyk Engineering Rotterdam, W W&O Supply, Wagenborg Foxdrill, Wagenborg Kazakhstan, WÄrtsilÄ Netherlands, Water Weights Europe, Weatherford Elastomers, Weatherford Oil Tool Nederland, West Coast International Drilling Supply, Wika Benelux, WilltEco, Winteb, Workfox, Workships Group, WorldWise Marine Holding, WTS Energy,

Profion, R Rabobank International Corporate Clients Netherlands, ROC Kop van Noord-Holland, Royal Haskoning, S STC, T The Firm IPCM, TNO Bouw en Ondergrond, TNO Industrie en Techniek, TNO-IMARES, TU Delft,Offshore Engineering, V Vietnam Consult & Trading, VMW Taxand, W WestHolland Foreign Investment Agency, Windcat Marine, Work Wise,

Associated Members

A Adesso Valve, E ED-Projects, H Hint Engineering, I Isolatiebedrijf C.J. van Waas, M MaxGrip,

A AKD, Allard-Europe, Allseas Group, Allseas Marine Services, B Ballast Nedam Infra, Bird & Bird, Bocad Service International, Buren van Velzen Guelen, C CEVA Showfreight, Clifford Chance, CMS Derks Star Busmann, Conway & Partners, D Deloitte, DSR Corp / Korea Trade Center Amsterdam, E EBN, EIN enterprise, Ernst & Young, G Gielissen Interiors & Exhibitions, Gulf Publishing Company, H Hampe Meyjes Advocaten, Havenbedrijf Rotterdam, I Independent Risk Solutions, International SOS, K Kneppelhout & Korthals, KPMG Accountants, M Multiplan International, N Nederlandse Aardolie Maatschappij, NMI EuroLoop, Noordelijke Hogeschool Leeuwarden, NV Port of Den Helder, O Orangefield Group, P PricewaterhouseCoopers Belastingadviseurs,

Supporters A Amsterdam Industrial Design, B Bluebird Consultant, Bredenoord, D Daslik Consultancy & Trading, Deno Compressors, E EEW-CTS, I In Tense, Intramar Insurances, Inventech Benelux, IOT-DOSCO, K Kiswire Europe, N Navingo, O Oceanteam Shipping, P PAS Publicaties, Pedemex, PetroQuip, R RESQ Consultancy, S Sea Rescue Gear, Sparrows Offshore, W Waterdrinker Offshore Consult,

Candidate Members

Merford Cabins,

P PanTerra Geoconsultants, R ROC Master Piping, T Tradinco Intrumenten - Apparaten, V Vlentec International, W WEG Benelux,

Associated Organisations A C F H

AYOP, Central Dredging Association (CEDA), Fenedex, Haven en Scheepvaart Vereniging (HSV) Den Helder, Holland Marine Equipment Association (HME), I International Association of Drilling Contractors (IADC), N NOF Energy,

Euronet Partners A Agoria Carbon Energy Club, D Danish Marine & Offshore Group,

Decom North Sea,

E Energy Industries Council,

Energy North,

G GEP, I Industry Technology Facilitator ITF, N Norsk Industri,


IRO - The Association of Dutch Suppliers in the Oil & Gas Industry Since its foundation in 1971 IRO has promoted the interests of Dutch supply and service companies in

P.O. Box 7261

the upstream oil and gas industry. Members cover all activities involved in the supply industry, such as

2701 AG Zoetermeer

engineering, field development, pipeline installation, maintenance, manufacturing and material & equipment

The Netherlands

supply, onshore as well as offshore. To promote the qualities of Dutch suppliers in the oil and gas industry,

T +31 79 341 19 81

IRO cooperates with national and international organizations with similar interests and spreads information

F +31 79 341 97 64

via publications, internet and meetings. IRO also organizes trade missions, seminars, workshops, member


meetings and participation in oil and gas exhibitions worldwide.

I &

Š IRO 2013

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