International Pipe Line & Offshore Contractors Association Chemin des Papillons 4 1216 Cointrin/Geneva Switzerland +41 22 306 02 30
The names of the companies listed in this book are indicative only and may not necessarily reflect the actual names or the registered names of the companies and/or its successors. The major decisions of each board of directors listed herein as the “year in review” are intended to show the reader the evolution of IPLOCA over the past 50 years. A selection of the decisions recorded in the IPLOCA Board of Directors Minutes has been made from the minutes of meetings, and may not cover all the actual accomplishments or actions taken.
Introduction First established in June 1966 as the International Division of the Pipe Line Contractors Association (PLCA) of the U.S.A., the association became fully independent in 1976 and expanded its scope to include companies working offshore in 1988. With members in more than 40 countries, the International
responsible for organising the CRC-Evans luncheons at
Pipe Line & Offshore Contractors Association (IPLOCA)
the conventions, he and Ronald came up with the idea of
is proud to represent around 240 of the key players in
producing drawings for each president to commemorate
the onshore and offshore pipeline construction industry
their presidency. These paintings were first started in 1983,
and Jan Ernst took over the creation of the drawings from 1990 until the present time.
It has become a tradition for the IPLOCA president to receive a drawing or painting specially made for him by CRC-Evans
The names of the board members and their significant
and presented at their long-established luncheon held at
decisions made during their tenure have been added, to
the annual IPLOCA Convention. On the occasion of IPLOCA’s
recognise their work and to demonstrate the evolution of
50th anniversary, it was decided to honour the commitment,
the association over time. Sincere thanks also go to the
energy and dedication of its past presidents and all past
executive secretaries and the IPLOCA Secretariat for their
members of the board by collating these to produce this
work during these years and for writing and archiving the
anniversary book.
minutes in an orderly manner.
The key people behind this initiative are Gus Meijer, retired
Specifically for this book, Jan Ernst Douma also produced
Vice President for CRC-Evans and his artist friends, Ronald
additional drawings for the early years of IPLOCA when no
Damen and Jan Ernst Douma. During the time that Gus was
paintings had actually been presented.
Founding Directors of IDPLCA During a meeting in Paris, France on 20-21 June 1966, the then leaders of the international pipeline construction industry established the International Division of the Pipe Line Contractors Association (hereafter referred to as IDPLCA) as a division of the Pipe Line Contractors Association (PLCA) of the U.S.A.
Front row from left to right R. Koehler - Treasurer (Preussag) S.A. Wright - Second Vice President (CJB Pipelines) A.E. Poole - Director (PLCA / U.S.A.) J. Guyot - President International Division PLCA (Entrepose) A. Manfredini - First Vice President (Techint) Back row from left to right R. Mirone - Director (Montubi) R.D. Cagney - Director (PLCA / U.S.A.) J. Lesage - Director (Socea) R.E. Todd - Director (M.K. River) R.A. Gump - Managing Director (PLCA / U.S.A.) B.O. Butler - Executive Secretary (International Division PLCA) Not in picture P.D. Campbell - Director (Willbros Overseas Ltd.)
The Founding Directors of IDPLCA in Paris, 1966.
Founding Regular Members Constructors John Brown (Pipeline Division) Ltd (U.K.) Compagnie Européenne de Canalisations & de Travaux (Capag) (France) Entrepose S.A. (France) M.K. River Constructie Maatschappij N.V. (The Netherlands) Montaggi Materiali Tubolari “Montubi” S.p.A. (Italy) Preussag AG, Wasser-Und Rohrbau (Germany) Snam Progetti S.p.A. (Italy) Spie-Batignolles (France) S.O.C.E.A. Nederland N.V. (The Netherlands) Societe Suburbaine de Canalisations et de Grands Travaux (France) Techint Lodigiani Pipelines S.p.A. (Italy) G.T.M. Travaux Publics (France) Willbros (Overseas) Ltd. (U.S.A)
Founding Associate Members Flexifloat - Swarttouw N.V. (The Netherlands) Kendall (U.K.) Ltd. (U.K.) Mid-Continent Supply Eastern Hemisphere Co (U.K.) T.T. Boughton (U.K.) D. Anderson & Son Ltd. (U.K.) Bonney Forge International (U.K.) Clyde Tube Forgings Ltd. (U.K.) Contractors Plant (London & Midland) Ltd. (U.K.) General Descaling Co. Ltd. (U.K.) Kirk & Company (Tubes) Ltd. (U.K.) James Mitchell & Son Ltd . (U.K.) N.C.K. Rapier Ltd. (U.K.) Oxy-Gas & Electrical Equipment Ltd. (U.K.) Poclain Ltd. (U.K.) Ruston-Bucyrus Ltd. (U.K.) South Durham Steel & Iron Co. Ltd. (U.K.) Stewarts & Lloyds Ltd. (U.K.) Sterling Cable Co. Ltd. (U.K.) Hobart Bros. A.G. (The Netherlands) Hy. Bergerat, Monnoyeur & Cie (France) So. De. Fl. Ve. (France) B.K.L. Alloys - Kings Norton (U.K.) Hammelrath & Schwenzer (Germany) J.u.W. Muller G.m.b.H. (Germany) Rheinstahl Union Bruckenbau (Germany)
Board of Directors 1966-1967 of IDPLCA Officers
Year in Review
President - Jean Guyot (Entrepose)
- Establish the International Division of the Pipeline
1 Vice President - Alfredo Manfredini (Techint)
Contractors Association of U.S.A.
2nd Vice President - Stanley A. Wright (CJB Pipelines)
- Minimum membership requirements: two years’ experience
Treasurer - Rolf Koehler (Preussag)
in main line cross country pipelines and headquarters outside the U.S.A.
- Two directors for each of the following countries: Germany, Italy, Britain, Benelux, France
J. Lesage (S.O.C.E.A.) R. Todd (M.K. River)
- Directors to be elected every year by their own country
R. Mirone (Montubi)
- Individuals or companies in the business of manufacturing, supplying or servicing pipeline contractors would qualify
P. D. Campbell (Williams Brothers)
as Associate Members
Executive Secretary
- First annual convention to be held in Italy in October / November 1967
Bertram O. Butler
- Official date of creation of IDPLCA: 20 June 1966
PLCA Directors
- IDPLCA to be a “non-profit making” association
A.E. Poole, R.D. Cagney and R.A. Gump
- IDPLCA to establish its own internal regulations (By-laws)
1967 Convention Hotel Royal, Naples (Italy)
Mr. Jean Guyot, President of IDPLCA 1966-1967, at the convention in Naples.
Board of Directors 1967-1968 of IDPLCA Officers
Year in Review
President - Jean Guyot (Entrepose)
- Elections should be held at the annual conventions
1 Vice President - Robert E. Todd (M.K. River)
- First amendment to the By-laws
2nd Vice President - Ivor J. Crosthwaite (CJB Pipelines)
- Speakers for the convention to come from water and oil
Treasurer - Rolf Koehler (Preussag)
industries - Gather statistics about the work performed by members of
the association
J. Lesage (S.O.C.E.A.) R. Mirone (Montubi)
1968 Convention
P. D. Campbell (Williams Brothers)
Hotel Estoril-Sol Cascais, Lisbon (Portugal)
D. Holmes (Costain) M. Porcari (Snam Progetti) F. Boustany (Mothercat) A. Hooymeijer (Hooymeijer Transportbedrijf)
Executive Secretary Bertram O. Butler
Mr. Jean Guyot, President of IDPLCA 1967-1968, at the convention in Lisbon.
Board of Directors 1968-1969 of IDPLCA Officers
Year in Review
President - Robert E. Todd (M.K. River)
- Creation of a reserve fund
1 Vice President - Ivor J. Crosthwaite (CJB Pipelines)
- Communicate with all members via a weekly “newsletter”
2nd Vice President - Renato Mirone (Montubi)
- Send out a questionnaire to all members in view of
Treasurer - Rolf Koehler (Preussag)
compiling a “Directory” to be distributed to all delegates attending the 1969 Convention.
Directors J. Guyot (Entrepose)
1969 Convention
H. Lobo (Protexa)
Hotel Estoril-Sol Cascais, Lisbon (Portugal)
P. Simeon (SPIE – Batignolles) M. Thomson (Bredero Price) D. Holmes (Costain) M. Porcari (Snam Progetti) A. Hooymeijer (Hooymeijer Transportbedrijf)
Executive Secretary Bertram O. Butler
Mr. Robert E. Todd, President of IDPLCA 1968-1969, at the convention in Lisbon.
Board of Directors 1969-1970 of IDPLCA Officers
Year in Review
President - Ivor J. Crosthwaite (CJB Pipelines)
- Non-member guests could be invited by members to attend
1 Vice President - Rolf Koehler (Preussag)
the convention
2nd Vice President - Humberto Lobo (Protexa)
- Prepare a long term financial programme
Treasurer - Paul Simeon (SPIE – Batignolles)
- Each director to obtain figures of the volume of pipeline work completed during the year in their region
- New procedure for the election of directors
R.E. Todd (M.K. River) J. Retourne (SOCEA)
1970 Convention
R. Grant (Land & Marine)
Hotel de Paris, Monte Carlo (Monaco)
E. Magnaghi (Techint) A. Miotti (Saipem) N. Akcaglilar (Tekfen) P. G. Behr (Bechtel) G.J. Visser (Visser & Smith)
Executive Secretary Bertram O. Butler
Mr. Ivor J. Crosthwaite, President of IDPLCA 1969-1970, at the convention in Monte Carlo.
Board of Directors 1970-1971 of IDPLCA Officers
Year in Review
President - Rolf Koehler (Preussag)
- Edit a brochure for IDPLCA
1 Vice President - Faiz Boustany (Mothercat)
- Elections should be held during the Regular Members’
2nd Vice President - Emilio Magnaghi (Techint)
lunch at the convention
Treasurer - Paul Simeon (SPIE – Batignolles)
- “Pipeline & Gas Journal” to publish a short history of the formation of IDPLCA
- Legal advisor hired to endeavour to suppress unfair conditions in project contracts
I. Crosthwaite (CJB Pipelines) R.E. Todd (M.K. River) J. Retourne (SOCEA)
1971 Convention
R. Grant (Land & Marine)
Hotel Montreux Palace, Montreux (Switzerland)
R.M. Thompson (Bredero Price) A. Miotti (Saipem) N. Akcaglilar (Tekfen) K.L. Wharff (Bechtel) G.J. Visser (Visser & Smith)
Executive Secretary Bertram O. Butler
Mr. Rolf Koehler, President of IDPLCA 1970-1971, at the convention in Montreux.
Board of Directors 1971-1972 of IDPLCA Officers
Year in Review
President - Faiz Boustany (Mothercat) / Filippo Carina (Montubi)
- Limitation of participants at future conventions by 10%
1 Vice President - Filippo Carina / Arie Hooymeijer (Hooymeijer)
to reach 500/550 pax
2nd Vice President - Arie Hooymeijer / Humberto Lobo (Protexa)
- To organise two board meetings per year
Treasurer - Paul Simeon (SPIE – Batignolles)
- A Convention Organising Committee was formed - Legal Committee to continue
- Legal advisor recommended to use FIDIC as basic contractual document
R. Koehler (Preussag)
- The 13 founding members to be considered “Charter
J. Guyot (Entrepose)
M. Porcari (Snam Progetti)
- Publish 3000 copies of “The Introduction to Pipe Line
H. Hamra (Williams Bros)
Construction” document
J. Stein (Laing Pipelines) A. Miotti (Saipem) R. Dietrich (Mannesmann-Rohrbau)
1972 Convention
R.M. Thompson (Bredero Price)
Hotel Hilton, Istanbul (Turkey)
N. Akcaglilar (Tekfen)
Executive Secretary Bertram O. Butler
In memory of Mr. Faiz Boustany, President of IDPLCA 1971-1972, who passed away prior to the convention in Istanbul.
Board of Directors 1972-1973 of IDPLCA Officers
Year in Review
President - Filippo Carina (Montubi)
- Companies from the U.S.A. must be members of PLCA to be
1 Vice President - Humberto Lobo (Protexa)
members of IDPLCA
2nd Vice President - Rudi Dietrich (Mannesmann-Rohrbau)
- “Pipeline Construction” manuals to be sold through
Treasurer - Jack Stein (Laing Pipelines)
“Pipeline & Gas Journal” - Printing of 5th annual Directory to be done by “Pipe Line
& Gas Journal” - IDPLCA moved to a more modern office with telephone
J. Guyot (Entrepose) H. Hamra (Williams Bros)
& telex: 125 Rue de Saussure, 75017 Paris.
A. Andreani (Saipem)
Telephone: 924 7589 Telex: 29920 Birpose Paris - To sell 700 copies of the “Pipeline Construction” manuals
R. Aubert (Nanterre)
through the Pipeline Industries Guild (PIG) and other groups
A. Hooymeijer (Hooymeijer) K. L. Wharff (Bechtel) J.Maroye (Danheux & Maroye)
1973 Convention
J.M. Goded (Entrepose Spain)
Holiday Inn, Madeira (Portugal)
Executive Secretary Bertram O. Butler
Mr. Filippo Carina, President of IDPLCA 1972-1973, at the convention in Madeira.
Board of Directors 1973-1974 of IDPLCA Officers
Year in Review
President - Humberto Lobo (Protexa)
- Hold conventions outside Europe such as in Acapulco,
1 Vice President - Paul Simeon (SPIE Batignolles)
and Nairobi.
2nd Vice President - Ranald F.M. Grant (Land & Marine)
- Appoint directors in another area i.e. Middle East
Treasurer - Jacques Maroye (Danheux & Maroye)
- Complimentary convention fee for two couples from major sponsors
- A Technical Committee was formed to select a technical advisor
F. Carina (Montubi)
- Qualifications for membership to be expanded to include
C. van Wingerden (Nacap)
companies involved with slurry, solids and water
E. Kassir (Tawfiq Kassir)
- Areas to be represented by two directors but not from the
A. Andreani (Saipem)
same country
R. Aubert (Nanterre)
- Future editions of the Directory should be printed in January
R. Dietrich (Mannesmann-Rohrbau)
to include details of the newly elected board members
L.J. Bump (Neill Price International)
- It was agreed to decide on the location for each convention
K.L. Wharff (Bechtel)
one year ahead
Executive Secretary
1974 Convention
Bertram O. Butler
Excelsior Palace Hotel Lido, Venice (Italy)
Mr. Humberto Lobo, President of IDPLCA 1973-1974, at the convention in Venice.
Board of Directors 1974-1975 of IDPLCA Officers
Year in Review
President - Paul Simeon (SPIE Batignolles)
- Both the Legal and Technical Committees were merged into
1 Vice President - Ranald F.M. Grant (Land & Marine)
one committee
2nd Vice President - Larry Bump (Neill Price International)
- Suggestions were made to modify the By-laws regarding
Treasurer - Jacques Maroye (Danheux & Maroye)
qualifications for Regular and Associate membership - Revised FIDIC document for presentation to directors
- Annual membership fees were increased to reflect worldwide inflation
H. Lobo (Protexa)
- President P. Simeon to attend the American and Canadian
N. Akcaglilar (Tekfen Construction & Installation) J. Bonnet (Suburbaine)
PLCA conventions and to invite their members to the
E. Kassir (Tawfiq Kassir)
IDPLCA Convention in Acapulco
N. Kilachand (Dodsal Private Ltd) R. Koehler (Preussag AG)
1975 Convention
M. Porcari (Saipem)
Acapulco Princess Hotel, Acapulco (Mexico)
C. van Wingerden (Nacap)
Executive Secretary Bertram O. Butler
Mr. Paul Simeon, President of IDPLCA 1974-1975, at the convention in Acapulco.
Board of Directors 1975-1976 of IDPLCA Officers
Year in Review
President - Ranald F.M. Grant (Westminster Dredging Group)
- Policy of IDPLCA “to develop its influence as IPLCA
1 Vice President - Necati Akcaglilar (Tekfen Construction)
throughout the world”
2nd Vice President - W.J.G. van den Nieuwenhuyzen (NBM)
- Study construction problems and costs for extra large
Treasurer - Jacques Bonnet (Suburbaine)
diameter pipelines - Take over all the 4th floor of 95, boulevard Berthier, 75017
Paris for IDPLCA - Engage an Assistant Secretary to work with the Executive
P. Simeon (Spie Batignolles)
N. Kilachand (Dodsal Private Ltd)
- First edition of the Pipeline Manual sold out - prepare a
R. Koehler (Preussag AG)
second edition
M. Porcari (Saipem)
- A delegation of the board of directors visited USSR large
J. Verhaak (CAT / Mothercat)
diameter pipeline sites
J. Fitch (Sedco)
- Engineering companies should be accepted as a separate
L. Bump (Banister Price)
grade of membership
M. Davila (Protexa)
- Travelling expenses for guest speakers at the convention
Executive Secretary
will be paid - Mr. Olivier Minard (G.T.M.) was hired as Deputy Executive
Bertram O. Butler
Secretary - Regular Member companies to vote to split away from PLCA - A monthly newsletter to be printed and sent to all IDPLCA members
1976 Convention Loews Hotel, Monte Carlo (Monaco)
Mr. Ranald F.M. Grant, President of IDPLCA 1975-1976, at the convention in Monte Carlo.
Board of Directors 1976-1977 of IPLCA Officers
Year in Review
President - Necati Akcaglilar (Tekfen Construction)
- Formation of a World Federation of American, International
1 Vice President - W. J. G. van den Nieuwenhuyzen (NBM)
and Canadian Associations
2nd Vice President - Mario Davila (Protexa)
- Re- register IPLCA under the French government as a non-
Treasurer - Jacques Bonnet (Suburbaine)
profit making association - New By-laws for IPLCA to be drafted for members approval
- Monthly newsletter to be distributed on a quarterly basis only
R.F.M. Grant (Westminster Dredging Group)
- Seal of the association: it was agreed to adopt a motif
A. Andreani (Saipem)
incorporating a sideboom and the globe.
R. Dietrich (Mannesmann Rohrbau)
- An Attendance Committee was formed to limit the
G. Zakhem (Zakhem Engineers)
attendance to conventions
D. Holmes (Costain Process)
- The number of Associate Members was limited to 150 for
J. Guyot (Entrepose)
the next two years
F. Carina (Montubi) W.C. Burns (Morrison Knudsen International)
1977 Convention
Executive Secretary
Sheraton Hotel Istanbul (Turkey)
Bertram O. Butler
Mr. Necati Akcaglilar, President of IPLCA 1976-1977, at the convention in Istanbul.
Board of Directors 1977-1978 of IPLCA Officers
Year in Review
President - W.J.G. van den Nieuwenhuyzen (NBM)
- Since APIA has clients as members, it should not be part of
1 Vice President - William C. Burns (Morrison Knudsen Int.)
the World Federation
2nd Vice President - Alessandro Andreani (Saipem)
- Meetings with the convention sponsors were formalised
Treasurer - Jean Guyot (Entrepose)
- Having a doctor in attendance at conventions was not considered practical
- Maximum attendance at conventions was agreed to be 600 persons
N. Akcaglilar (Tekfen Construction)
- To draw up international general guidelines for testing
C. Kamsteeg (Stevin Pipelines)
R. Dietrich (Mannesmann-Anlagenbau)
- Russian members were given permission to translate the
G. Zakhem (Zakhem Engineers)
By-laws into Russian
F. Carina (Montubi)
- Include an abstract of each board meeting in the
D.D. Hainstock (John Laing Construction)
association’s newsletter
K. Noubani (C.A. T.)
- Ask members for information on their contracts, mergers,
M. Davila (Construcciones Protexa)
appointments of personnel, etc. for the newsletter
Executive Secretary
- Applications for membership will only be confirmed once a year
Olivier P. Minard
1978 Convention
Bertram O. Butler
Intercontinental Hotel, Vienna (Austria)
Mr. W.J.G. van den Nieuwenhuyzen, President of IPLCA 1977-1978, at the convention in Vienna.
Board of Directors 1978-1979 of IPLCA Officers
Year in Review
President - William C. Burns (Morrison Knudsen Int.)
- World Federation dialogue to continue at the annual
1 Vice President - Massimo Porcari (Saipem)
meetings of the members of the Federation
2nd Vice President - George Zakhem (Zakhem Engineers)
- Conventions will be held on the 2nd or 3rd week of October
Treasurer - George Buffevent (Spie-Capag)
every year
Past President - W.J.G. van den Nieuwenhuyzen (NBM)
- Past presidents still employed in the industry must pay the convention fee
- Convention attendance to be limited to 650 - 700 persons maximum
R.K. Banister (Banister Pipelines International)
- IPLCA will not pursue the matter of admitting engineering
D.D. Hainstock (John Laing Construction)
and client companies
H.H. Hardes (Sudrohrbau)
- Spanish members can have the IPLCA manual translated
C. Kamsteeg (Stevin Pipelines)
and printed at the same time as the English manual
E. Kassir (Tawfiq Kassir Sons) E. Magnaghi (Techint Engineering)
- Auditors for accounting to be confirmed every year
P. A. Morphy (Lineas de Produccion)
- Fiscal year to be maintained as 1st July to 30th June - An Area Block Committee was formed and suggested
Executive Secretary
10 “area-blocks” - It was agreed that Mr. Butler was no longer required to act
Olivier P. Minard
as a consultant
1979 Convention Loews Hotel, Monte Carlo (Monaco)
Mr. William C. Burns, President of IPLCA 1978-1979, at the convention in Monte Carlo.
Board of Directors 1979-1980 of IPLCA Officers
Year in Review
President - Massimo Porcari (Saipem)
- Past Executive Secretary B. O. Butler will be invited to all
1 Vice President - Emilio Magnaghi (Techint Engineering)
future conventions
2nd Vice President - Hans H. Hardes (Sudrohrbau)
- World Federation cannot produce universal specifications or
Treasurer - George Buffevent (Spie-Capag)
Past President - William C. Burns (Morrison Knudsen Int.)
- World Federation will continue to keep in touch with U.S. and Canadian sister associations
- Badges will be used instead of tickets to prevent “party crashers” at the convention
E. Kassir (Tawfiq Kassir Sons)
- The principle of having a “Guest Speakers Committee” was
P. A. Morphy (Lineas de Produccion)
G. Capiau (Ent. E. Denys) K. Noubiani (Mothercat)
- IPLCA will use the French Franc in all its financial operations
J.M. Reynolds (Land & Marine Engineering)
- World Federation: a small reception at the presidential suite during the convention is maintained
R. K. Yant (Santa Fe Pipeline Construction)
- It was agreed to invite DCA to be part of the World
T. Danel (Nacap)
A. Andreani (Saipem)
Executive Secretary
1980 Convention
Olivier P. Minard
Princesa Sofia Hotel, Barcelona (Spain)
In honour of Mr. Massimo Porcari, President of IPLCA 1979-1980, who resigned prior to the convention in Barcelona, and was replaced by Mr. Emilio Magnaghi.
Board of Directors 1980-1981 of IPLCA Officers
Year in Review
President - Emilio Magnaghi (Techint Engineering)
- The AGM voted and approved a re- distribution of the
1 Vice President - Hans J. Torkuhl (Mannesmann- Anlagenbau)
geographical areas
2nd Vice President - J. Mike Reynolds (Land & Marine Eng.)
- The World Federation members exchanged their
Treasurer - Dirk Blankevoort (D. Blankevoort & Zn)
experiences on how to prevent “gate crashers” at the
Past President - William C. Burns (Morrison Knudsen Int.)
annual conventions - IPLCA does not need to substantially change its focus.
Conventions are a great source of interaction with other
G. Capiau (Ent. E. Denys)
companies around the world. - After the tragic loss of Mr. Lobo it was decided to invite
K. Noubiani (Mothercat) T. Danel (Nacap)
P. Alvarez Morphy to join the board again and represent
A. Andreani (Saipem)
“Other Countries”. - The President’s dinner was limited to 100 persons, the dress
J. Bardin (Sobea)
code being formal
B. Harbert (Harbert International Establishment) F. Lobo (Construcciones Protexa)
1981 Convention
Executive Secretary
Loews Hotel, Monte Carlo (Monaco)
Olivier P. Minard
Mr. Emilio Magnaghi, President of IPLCA 1980-1981, at the convention in Monte Carlo.
Board of Directors 1981-1982 of IPLCA Officers
Year in Review
President - Hans J. Torkuhl (Mannesmann- Anlagenbau)
- Hotels for conventions must be booked two years in
1 Vice President - Jean R. Bardin (Sobea)
2nd Vice President - J. Mike Reynolds (Land & Marine Eng.)
- World Federation: will also include APIA
Treasurer - George Buffevent (Spie-Capag)
- Members who have not paid their dues will be struck off the
Past President - Emilio Magnaghi (Techint Engineering)
association’s membership list - Suggest that the World Federation create a new association
to establish contract documents satisfactory to all parties
N. Akcaglilar (Tekfen Construction)
produced by: pipeline contractors, pipeline equipment
J.C. Barker (McAlpine Services & Pipelines)
manufacturers and suppliers, pipeline operators and
G. Capiau (Ent. E. Denys)
consulting engineers, bankers, lawyers and insurers
A. Patriarca (Saipem) P.G. Somerville (Reading & Bates)
1982 Convention
D.J. Warleta (Montajes de Pipelines)
Intercontinental Hotel, West Berlin (Germany)
P.G. Behr (Bechtel) F. Rodriguez Miaja (Carreteras y Urbanismo)
Executive Secretary Olivier P. Minard
Mr. Hans J. Torkuhl, President of IPLCA 1981-1982, at the convention in West Berlin.
Board of Directors 1982-1983 of IPLCA Officers
Year in Review
President - Jean R. Bardin (Sobea)
- Mr. Jean Guyot was selected for Honorary Membership
1 Vice President - Theo Danel (Nacap)
- Mr. Pierre Grossi was appointed Executive Secretary after
2nd Vice President - Peter G. Behr (Bechtel)
Mr. Minard’s retirement
Treasurer - Walter Zimmermann (Preussag)
- By-laws of IPLCA were revised and presented to the AGM
Past President - Hans J. Torkuhl (Mannesmann- Anlagenbau)
for approval
1983 Convention
J.C. Barker (McAlpine Services & Pipelines)
SAS Hotel Scandinavia, Copenhagen (Denmark)
J.C. de Gregorio (Gisca) G. Capiau (Ent. E. Denys) A. Patriarca (Saipem) D. Blankevoort (D. Blankevoort & Zn) A.J. Cressey (Majestic Contractors) I. Mullick (Tamimi & Fouad) J. Garcia (Protexa)
Executive Secretary Pierre Grossi
This drawing was presented at the convention in Copenhagen to Mr. Jean R. Bardin, President of IPLCA 1982-1983.
Board of Directors 1983-1984 of IPLCA Officers
Year in Review
President - Theo Danel (Nacap)
- IPLCA should take steps to be ready to move its office out
1 Vice President - Larry J. Bump (Willbros International Inc.)
of France to a “neutral” country being now a very large
2nd Vice President - Jesus Garcia (Grupo Protexa S. A.)
organisation with members from many countries
Treasurer - Walter Zimmermann (Preussag)
- A Research Committee was formed to propose commercial
Past President - Jean R. Bardin (Sobea)
and technical projects - Robert E. Todd was nominated as an Honorary Member
Directors D. Blankevoort (D. Blankevoort & Zn)
1984 Convention
I. Mullick (Tamimi & Fouad)
Hotel Athenaeum Intercontinental, Athens (Greece)
A. Caleca (Cimi – Montubi) S.W. Gorton (Laing Industrial Engineering & Construction) G. Lafarge (Entrepose) K. Tassonyi (Olajterv)
Executive Secretary Pierre Grossi
This drawing is in honour of Mr. Theo Danel, President of IPLCA 1983-1984, who resigned prior to the convention in Athens, and was replaced by Mr. Larry J. Bump.
Board of Directors 1984-1985 of IPLCA Officers
Year in Review
President - Larry J. Bump (Willbros International Inc.)
- The following committees were formed: Legal, Attendance,
1 Vice President - Jesus Garcia (Grupo Protexa S. A.)
Guest Speakers, Research and Coordination
2nd Vice President - Alberto Caleca (Cimi Montubi)
- The By-laws were amended to allow US companies, whose
Treasurer - Walter Zimmermann (Preussag)
headquarters are in the U.S.A. but operate internationally, to
Past President - Jean R. Bardin (Sobea)
become members - The Board decided not to produce a Specification for Quality
Control since it might have no influence on clients - It was decided to produce a USD 10,000 study about
G. Lafarge (Entrepose)
contractual matters
K. Tassonyi (Olajterv)
- General interest subjects should be chosen for speeches at
J. Brown (Bredero Price)
the convention
H. Hardes (Sudrohrbau)
- Mr. Kissinger and General Haig would be invited to deliver a
P. Marijs (Key & Kramer)
speech at the convention
J. Mike Reynolds (Land & Marine)
- Mr. Lamothe was appointed as the new Executive Secretary
R. Seyouri (Contracting & Trading Co.)
to replace Mr. Pierre Grossi after his early retirement
Executive Secretary
- Mr. Lamothe was encouraged to make use of computers in his new role
Pierre Grossi / A. Lamothe
1985 Convention Hotel Estoril-Sol Cascais, Lisbon (Portugal)
This drawing was presented at the convention in Lisbon to Mr. Larry J. Bump, President of IPLCA 1984-1985.
Board of Directors 1985-1986 of IPLCA Officers
Year in Review
President - Jesus Garcia (Grupo Protexa S. A.)
- Speakers should be escorted by a director during the
1 Vice President - J. Mike Reynolds (Land & Marine)
2nd Vice President - Stefano Colonna (Saipem)
- The first IBM pc was bought with the assistance of
Treasurer - Raymond Seyouri (Contracting & Trading Co.)
Mr. J. K. Phillips (Willbros)
Past President - Larry Bump (Willbros International Inc.)
- The convention registration fee should be the same for couples or single delegates
- Invite Mr. Jacques Cousteau as a guest speaker for the next convention
H. Hardes (Sudrohrbau)
- A questionnaire on contractual issues was sent to all
S. Azzolini (Conduto)
D. Blankevoort (D. Blankevoort & Zn.)
- Mr. J. K. Phillips was appointed as acting Executive
J. Y. Cherdel (Suburbaine)
Secretary on 1 April 1986
K. G. Cook (Halcor Co.)
- The logo for IPLCA’s 20th anniversary designed by Protexa
C. Nunes (Dodsal)
was approved
C. Portmann (Spie-Capag)
- Association to produce a standard form of contract for
Executive Secretary
pipeline construction - Incorporate the yearbook data into the IPLCA Directory
John K. Phillips
- Separate budgets were established for the running of the office and for the convention and board meetings
1986 Convention Loews Hotel, Monte Carlo (Monaco)
This drawing was presented at the convention in Monte Carlo to Mr. Jesus Garcia, President of IPLCA 1985-1986.
Board of Directors 1986-1987 of IPLCA Officers
Year in Review
President - J. Mike Reynolds (Land & Marine)
- The newsletter should be issued on a quarterly basis
1 Vice President - Alessandro Andreani (Saipem)
- A table of contents for the Aide-Mémoire was defined in
2nd Vice President - George Zakhem (Zakhem Int.)
order to start writing it
Treasurer - Jean-Yves Cherdel (Subirbaine)
- The office functions should not be split up. Suggestion to
Past President - Jesus Garcia (Grupo Protexa S. A.)
move IPLCA offices from Paris (France) to London (UK) - The World Bank, FIDIC and API were contacted to help draft
a standard contract for pipeline construction - Consider expanding the IPLCA to create an onshore and
S. Azzolini (Conduto)
offshore division
D. Blankevoort (D. Blankevoort & Zn.) C. Nunes (Dodsal) C. Portmann (Spie-Capag)
1987 Convention
H. Schreyger (Mannesmann-Anlagenbau AG)
Westin Hotel, Boston (U.S.A.)
R. Seyouri (Contracting & Trading Co.) P. Somerville (Associated Pipe Line Contractors Inc.)
Executive Secretary John K. Phillips
This drawing was presented at the convention in Boston to Mr. J. Mike Reynolds, President of IPLCA 1986-1987.
Board of Directors 1987-1988 of IPLCA Officers
Year in Review
President - Alessandro Andreani (Saipem)
- The language of the association will continue to be English
1 Vice President - George Zakhem (Zakhem Int.)
- Decision to officially register the IPLCA office in London
2nd Vice President - Walter Zimmermann (Preussag)
(UK) and leave Paris (France)
Treasurer - Jean-Yves Cherdel (Entrepose Int.)
- The “offshore concept” would start in January 1989
Past President - J. Mike Reynolds (Land & Marine)
- The Standard Contract for Pipeline Construction was drafted in May 1988
- The fiscal year and budget year of IPLCA to be the same
H. Schreyger (Mannesmann-Anlagenbau AG)
- The board asked the Executive Secretary to not step down and to continue for another year
T. Aoyama (NKK) R. Bennasar (Techint) G. Capiau (Denys)
1988 Convention
B. Harbert (Harbert)
Excelsior Hotel Lido, Venice (Italy)
M. Smith (Pipeline Induction Heat) G. Valtorta (Sogea)
Executive Secretary John K. Phillips
This drawing was presented at the convention in Venice to Mr. Alessandro Andreani, President of IPLCA 1987-1988.
Board of Directors 1988-1989 of IPLOCA Officers
Year in Review
President - George Zakhem (Zakhem Int.)
- Criteria to select Honorary Members of IPLOCA were defined
1 Vice President - Walter Zimmermann (Preussag)
- Mr. Jean-Yves Cherdel was appointed as Executive Secretary
2nd Vice President - Takao Aoyama (NKK)
- The terms of appointment for the new Executive Secretary
Treasurer - Geert Capiau (Denys)
were defined
Past President - Alessandro Andreani (Saipem)
- Work to be started on a standard safety manual for pipeline construction
Directors R. Bennasar (Techint)
1989 Convention
M. Smith (Pipeline Induction Heat)
Shangri-La Hotel, Singapore
G. Valtorta (Sogea) M. Görög (Chemokomplex) P. Ghirelli (Bonatti) M. Thiele (Bechtel) M. Gigin (Tekfen)
Executive Secretary John K. Phillips
This is a drawing of the pewter plate that was presented at the convention in Singapore to Mr. George Zakhem, President of IDPLCA 1988-1989.
Board of Directors 1989-1990 of IPLOCA Officers
Year in Review
President - Walter Zimmermann (Preussag)
- A potential representative from Associate Members could
1 Vice President - Mike Thiele (Bechtel)
join the board with no voting rights
2nd Vice President - Henri de Metz (Entrepose Int.)
- Up to two Directors-at-Large could be appointed by the
Treasurer - Geert Capiau (Denys)
board from the second choice of ballot papers received from
Past President - George Zakhem (Zakhem Int.)
the elections
1990 Convention
P. Ghirelli (Bonatti)
Sheraton Hotel & Towers, Munich (Germany)
M. Gigin (Tekfen) L. Alvarez Morphy (LIPSA) G. Kopp (Gerhard Kopp) J. Mc Turnan (Bredero Price) S. Roberts (Noreast Welding Contractors) S. Bocsi J. Wildasin (McDermott-ETPM) M.K. Phillips (Willbros)
Executive Secretary Jean-Yves Cherdel
This drawing was presented at the convention in Munich to Mr. Walter Zimmermann, President of IPLOCA 1989-1990.
Board of Directors 1990-1991 of IPLOCA Officers
Year in Review
President - Mike Thiele (Bechtel)
- A committee consisting of six past presidents was formed
1 Vice President - Henri de Metz (Entrepose Int.)
to review the size and representation of the geographical
2nd Vice President - Stan Roberts (Noreast Welding Contr.)
areas: Eastern Europe was created
Treasurer - Geert Capiau (Denys)
- A Guest Speakers Committee was also formed to prepare
Past President - Walter Zimmermann (Preussag)
the plan for the AGM and the speakers programme - Appointment of a new Executive Secretary to replace
M. Cherdel - Move IPLOCA offices from Ilmington (England) to
L. Alvarez Morphy (LIPSA)
Ghent (Belgium)
J. Wildasin (McDermott-ETPM)
- The new style newsletter was approved by the board for
M. Keith Phillips (Willbros)
the Spring issue
G. Valtorta (Sogea)
- Each year’s board has the possibility to appoint just one
F. Fiumara (Saipem)
Honorary Member
D. Hartung (Suedrohrbau) L. Guerrini (Panpetrol)
- John Fabick was appointed Honorary Member
M. Smith (Pipeline Induction Heat)
- The Associate Member’s representative is to have a seat on the board
S. Khoury (CCC) G. Meijer (CRC-Evans)
1991 Convention
Executive Secretary
Carlton Intercontinental Hotel, Cannes (France)
Jean-Yves Cherdel / John K. Phillips / Geert Capiau
This drawing was presented at the convention in Cannes to Mr. Mike Thiele, President of IPLOCA 1990-1991.
Board of Directors 1991-1992 of IPLOCA Officers
Year in Review
President - Henri de Metz (Entrepose Int.)
- John K. Phillips to be retained as a consultant to the
1 Vice President - Dirk Blankevoort (Blankevoort)
2nd Vice President - Raul Bennasar (Techint)
- No committees would be formed for 1991-1992
Treasurer - Dieter Hartung (Suedrohrbau)
- A standard form of contract for offshore projects would
Past President - Mike Thiele (Bechtel)
be created - Allow PLCAC to hold their board meeting during IPLOCA’s
convention - Clarify that the “rules” of the By-laws are in the Aide-
G. Valtorta (Sogea)
Mémoire of IPLOCA
F. Fiumara (Saipem)
- The procedure for appointing the president should continue
L. Guerrini (Panpetrol) M. Smith (Pipeline Induction Heat)
to follow an unwritten rule providing rotation of the different
M. Gigin (Tekfen)
geographical areas
G. Kopp (Gerhard Kopp) J. Meek (Heerema Offshore)
1992 Convention
M. Reizer (Bredero Price)
Southampton Princess Hotel, Bermuda
I. Shammas (C.A.T.) G. Smith (Fluor Daniel) G. Miller (Pipeline Inspection Co.)
Executive Secretary Geert Capiau
Consultant John K. Phillips
This drawing was presented at the convention in Bermuda to Mr. Henri de Metz, President of IPLOCA 1991-1992.
Board of Directors 1992-1993 of IPLOCA Officers
Year in Review
President - Dirk Blankevoort (Blankevoort)
- The idea of holding a convention on a cruise ship was
1 Vice President - Raul Bennasar (Techint)
2nd Vice President - Jan Meek (Heerema Offshore)
- A Promotion Committee to address the most onerous general
Treasurer - Murat Gigin (Tekfen)
& special conditions of onshore contracts was formed
Past President - Henri de Metz (Entrepose Int.)
- The report for offshore contracts was finalised and promoted with clients
- Companies who have not paid their annual fees will not have access to the annual convention
G. Kopp (Gerhard Kopp)
- A small committee was formed to review membership
M. Grant (Land & Marine)
B. Harbert (Harbert Int.) B. Goff (Pipeline Induction Heat) F. Nanotti (Saipem)
1993 Convention
E. Reuss (Mannesmann Anlagenbau)
Melia Castilla Hotel, Madrid (Spain)
S. Roberts (Noreast Welding Contractors Ltd.) B. Wagon (Spie-Capag) N. Zeenni (National Petroleum Construction Co.) I. Zakhem (Zakhem Int. Construction) G. Miller (Pipeline Inspection Co.)
Executive Secretary Geert Capiau
Consultant John K. Phillips
This drawing was presented at the convention in Madrid to Mr. Dirk Blankevoort, President of IPLOCA 1992-1993.
Board of Directors 1993-1994 of IPLOCA Officers
Year in Review
President - Raul Bennasar (Techint)
- The newsletters were increased to four per year
1 Vice President - Jan Meek (Heeremac)
- The Directory to include a fold-out tabulation showing
2nd Vice President - Murat Gigin (Tekfen)
members’ expertise
Treasurer - Ibrahim Zakhem (Zakhem Int. Construction)
- A Safety Guidelines manual for pipeline construction was
Past President - Dirk Blankevoort (Blankevoort)
produced - Members of the board and the Executive Secretary should
attend sister association events
M. Grant (Land & Marine)
- Establish more fluid contact with the press
B. Harbert (Harbert Int.)
- KLM was nominated official carrier for the convention in Acapulco
F. Nanotti (Saipem)
- The Executive Secretary of IPLOCA must be co-opted as
E. Reuss (Mannesmann Anlagenbau)
ex-officio director
S. Roberts (Noreast Welding Contractors Ltd.)
- Charles Gruere was appointed Honorary Member
B. Wagon (Spie-Capag) J. Hostens (N. V. L. L. & N. de Meyer) K. Nelson (McDermott)
1994 Convention
B. Gregory (Gregory & Cook)
Princess Hotel, Acapulco (Mexico)
E. Walker (Offshore Pipelines) B. Thomas (Metrotect)
Executive Secretary Geert Capiau
Consultant John K. Phillips
This drawing was presented at the convention in Acapulco to Mr. Raul Bennasar, President of IPLOCA 1993-1994.
Board of Directors 1994-1995 of IPLOCA Officers
Year in Review
President - Jan Meek (Heeremac)
- An Offshore Committee was formed to propose offshore
1 Vice President - Murat Gigin (Tekfen)
2nd Vice President - Ibrahim Zakhem (Zakhem Int. Constr.)
- Advertise IPLOCA in technical journals
Treasurer - Mike Smith (Pipeline Induction Heat)
- Introduce an annual award with nature and criteria to be
Past President - Raul Bennasar (Techint)
defined - Membership applications to be supported by two letters
from Regular Members - Expand the IPLOCA office and employ full-time staff to
K. Nelson (McDermott)
handle the workload
G. Ampollini (Saipem) P. Baker (Perry C. M. Ltd.) M. Blankevoort (D. Blankevoort)
1995 Convention
J.C. Clouet (SPAC)
Rasa Sayang Hotel, Penang (Malaysia)
G. Erhart (Conduto) H. Hartz (Bohlen & Doyen) H. Ringers (Visser & Smit Hanab) P. Somerville (Associated Pipe Line Contractors) D. Winning (National Petroleum Construction Co.) G. Miller (Pipeline Inspection Co.)
Director & Executive Secretary Geert Capiau
Consultant John K. Phillips
This drawing was presented at the convention in Penang to Mr. Jan Meek, President of IPLOCA 1994-1995.
Board of Directors 1995-1996 of IPLOCA Officers
Year in Review
President - Murat Gigin (Tekfen)
- Provide each Regular Member with a “certificate” of IPLOCA
1 Vice President - Samer Khoury (CCC)
2nd Vice President - Jean-Claude Clouet (SPAC)
- Organise an IPLOCA research & development project to
Treasurer - Mike Smith (Pipeline Induction Heat)
promote the association
Past President - Jan Meek (Heeremac)
- Make an IPLOCA promotional video - Organise a CRINE (Cost Reduction in New Era) seminar in
London (UK) - Create an IPLOCA page on the Internet World Wide Web
H. Hartz (Bohlen & Doyen) H. Ringers (Visser & Smit Hanab) D. Winning (National Petroleum Construction Co.)
1996 Convention
A. Paoli (Bonatti)
Swissôtel, Istanbul (Turkey)
A. Gandini (Techint) K. Phillips (Willbros Int.) S. Punj (Punj-Lloyd) H. Vincent (ETPM Int.) W. Zimmermann (Preussag Anlagenbau) G. Miller (Pipeline Inspection Co.) G. Meijer (CRC-Evans)
Director & Executive Secretary Geert Capiau
Consultant John K. Phillips
This drawing was presented at the convention in Istanbul to Mr. Murat Gigin, President of IPLOCA 1995-1996.
Board of Directors 1996-1997 of IPLOCA Officers
Year in Review
President - Samer Khoury (CCC)
- The following committees were appointed: Membership,
1 Vice President - Satti Punj (Punj-Lloyd)
Technical, Technical Co-Ordination and Promotion
2nd Vice President - Henri Vincent (ETPM Int.)
- Bigger IPLOCA offices were established at the University of
Treasurer - Jean-Claude Clouet (SPAC)
Past President - Murat Gigin (Tekfen)
- Temporary internet address of IPLOCA: iploca
- Conventions should rotate, moving from Europe to the
A. Paoli (Bonatti)
west, returning to Europe, then going east and returning to
A. Gandini (Techint)
Europe again, to spread members’ travel costs more fairly - Funds to be spent on specific research instead of
W. Zimmermann (Preussag Anlagenbau)
A. Dogan (Atilla Dogan)
- The Pipeline Industries Guild (PIG) was nominated a Sister
B. Dudley (Bechtel)
A. Kudriatsev (Zangas)
- Prepare a document about “weld defect acceptance criteria”
Y.J. Lee (Hyundai)
and “coating”
E. Reuss (Mannesmann)
- A “continuity” plan was issued for the positions of
S. Roberts (Noreast Welding)
Mr. Capiau and Mr. Phillips
G. Lythgoe (Caterpillar) G. Meijer (CRC-Evans)
1997 Convention
Director & Executive Secretary
Sheraton Hotel, Rome (Italy)
Geert Capiau
Consultant John K. Phillips
This drawing was presented at the convention in Rome to Mr. Samer Khoury, President of IPLOCA 1996-1997.
Board of Directors 1997-1998 of IPLOCA Officers
Year in Review
President - Satti Punj (Punj-Lloyd)
- A Legal Committee was added to the pre-existing
1 Vice President - Henri Vincent (ETPM Int.)
2nd Vice President - Stan Roberts (Noreast Welding)
- Members of the board should serve two years to make them
Treasurer - Atilla Dogan (Atilla Dogan)
more effective
Past President - Samer Khoury (CCC)
- Accounts and the convention fee to be quoted in euros - The internet page for IPLOCA is now
- The word “Regular” from Regular Members was removed
A. Kudriatsev (Zangas)
- A geographical area should have a minimum of 5 members to be able to elect a director
E. Reuss (Mannesmann) L. Alvarez Morphy (Líneas de Producción)
- The newsletter to be published in colour from now on
M. Baritiu (Bouygues Offshore)
- Collection and compilation of safety data got under way with 44 returns
P. Blome (Eupec)
- Paul Evans was appointed Honorary Member
B. Harbert (Harbert Int.) M. Hudson (McConnell Dowell) P. Ghirelli (Bonatti)
1998 Convention
J.G. Rames (Entrepose)
Royal York Hotel, Toronto (Canada)
H. Ringers (Visser & Smit Hanab) G. Lythgoe (Caterpillar) P. Martinache (Europipe
Director & Executive Secretary Geert Capiau
Consultant John K. Phillips
This drawing was presented at the convention in Toronto to Mr. Satti Punj, President of IPLOCA 1997-1998.
Board of Directors 1998-1999 of IPLOCA Officers
Year in Review
President - Henri Vincent (ETPM Int.)
- Three Safety Awards are to be presented at the 1999
1 Vice President - Hans Ringers (Visser & Smit Hanab)
2nd Vice President - Jean-Guy Rames (Entrepose)
- The 1997 Safety Statistics will be published in the Winter
Treasurer - Atilla Dogan (Atilla Dogan)
IPLOCA Newsletter
Past President - Satti Punj (Punj-Lloyd)
- IPLOCA should have closer ties with IMCA - Convention speeches should not be marketing motivated
- President’s dinner should be limited to 200 people
L. Alvarez Morphy (Líneas de Producción)
- Review the Yearbook contract that IPLOCA and ECI had entered into years ago
M. Baritiu (Bouygues Offshore)
- DCA (Europe) and Horizontal Drilling Association became
P. Blome (Eupec)
Sister Associations
B. Harbert (Harbert Int.) M. Hudson (McConnell Dowell) W. Zimmermann (Preussag Wasser und Röhrtechnik)
1999 Convention
A. Zaletin (Stroytransgaz)
Torrequebrada Hotel, Benalmadena (Spain)
J. Sales (Dragados Internacional de Pipelines) T. Hashimoto (NKK) P. Somerville (Associated Pipe Line Contractors) H. Vincent (ETPM S.A.) P. Martinache (Europipe) G. Meijer (CRC-Evans)
Director & Executive Secretary Geert Capiau
Consultant John K. Phillips 72
This drawing was presented at the convention in Benalmadena to Mr. Henri Vincent, President of IPLOCA 1998-1999.
Board of Directors 1999-2000 of IPLOCA Officers
Year in Review
President - Hans Ringers (Visser & Smit Hanab)
- Convention: Members and Associate Members would
1 Vice President - Jean-Guy Rames (Entrepose)
be allowed to book up to a maximum of 3 bedrooms and 2
2nd Vice President - Bill Harbert (Harbert Int.)
bedrooms, respectively.
Treasurer - Anatoli Zaletin (Stroytransgaz)
- Non-member companies should not be allowed to advertise
Past President - Henri Vincent (ETPM Int.)
in the Yearbook - There cannot be more than 5 proxies given to one individual
for elections
W. Zimmermann (Preussag Wasser und Röhrtechnik)
- The rotation for presidency was redefined
J. Sales (Dragados Internacional de Pipelines)
- Jean-Guy Rames accepted the offer made by the board to become Executive Secretary after his presidency of IPLOCA
F. Elizondo (Techint)
- BP became sponsor of an award for innovation to reduce
J. Gorzny (Energopol)
costs of pipelines
C. Nunes (Dodsal) F. Habeishi (C.A.T.) A. Madhi (NPCC)
2000 Convention
J. Dikken (Boskalis)
Jumeirah Beach Hotel, Dubai (UAE)
A. Greenberg (Worldwide Machinery) G. Meijer (CRC-Evans)
Director & Executive Secretary Geert Capiau
Consultant John K. Phillips
This drawing was presented at the convention in Dubai to Mr. Hans Ringers, President of IPLOCA 1999-2000.
Board of Directors 2000-2001 of IPLOCA Officers
Year in Review
President - Jean-Guy Rames (Entrepose)
- Membership applicants must pay a joining fee equal to the
1 Vice President - Bill Harbert (Harbert Int.)
membership fee
2nd Vice President - Daniel Sammartino (Techint)
- Update the IPLOCA website
Treasurer - Peter Blome (Eupec)
- It was agreed to publish an IPLOCA Safety Policy in the
Past President - Hans Ringers (Visser & Smit Hanab)
Directory - IMCA accepted IPLOCA’s invitation to become a Sister
Association of WFPIA - Offshore members would appoint directors just like the
J. Gorzny (Energopol)
onshore members
C. Nunes (Dodsal)
- Founding member Philippo Carina (Montubi) was appointed
F. Habeishi (C.A.T.)
Honorary Member
A. Madhi (NPCC)
- BP cost saving initiative to also involve: EPRG, GERG, PRCI
M. Blankevoort (Blankevoort)
and INGAA Foundation
G. Louette (Spie Capag)
- In future any board could appoint up to two Honorary
R. Pirani (Kvaerner)
E. Schümann (PPS Pipeline Systems)
- Pieter Schoonenberg was selected to produce the IPLOCA
A. Kudryavtsev (Stroytransgaz)
Directory from 2002
G. Miller (Pipeline Inspection Company) W. Maats (Maats)
2001 Convention
Executive Secretary
Sheraton and Sacher Hotels, Salzburg (Austria)
Geert Capiau
Consultant John K. Phillips
This drawing was presented at the convention in Salzburg to Mr. Jean-Guy Rames, President of IPLOCA 2000-2001.
Board of Directors 2001-2002 of IPLOCA Officers
Year in Review
President - Daniel Sammartino (Techint)
- Heads of Agreement of the World Federation defined with
1 Vice President - Bill Harbert (Harbert Int.)
Sister Associations
2nd Vice President - Gauthier Louette (Spie Capag)
- Environmental aspects to be incorporated in the duties of
Treasurer - Peter Blome (Eupec)
the Safety Committee
Past President & Executive Director - Jean-Guy Rames (Entrepose)
- An award for environmental achievements to be launched in 2002
- Jean-Guy Rames was appointed Executive Director
O. Birgili (Tekfen)
- Publish a summary of the financial statement in the Yearbook
G. Chapman (Land & Marine)
- Necati Akcaglilar and Emilio Magnaghi were appointed
A. Paoli (Bonatti)
Honorary Members
J. Shepherd (McConnell Dowell)
- Writing an IPLOCA Code of Practice to protect the
S. Hrabar (Murra & Roberts)
M. Blankevoort (Blankevoort) R. Pirani (Kvaerner) E. Schümann (PPS Pipeline Systems)
2002 Convention
A. Kudryavtsev (Stroytransgaz)
Fairmont Southamptom Princess, Bermuda
G. Miller (Pipeline Inspection Co.) W. Maats (Maats)
Executive Secretary Geert Capiau
Consultant John K. Phillips
This drawing was presented at the convention in Bermuda to Mr. Daniel Sammartino, President of IPLOCA 2001-2002.
Board of Directors 2002-2003 of IPLOCA Officers
Year in Review
President - Peter Blome (Eupec)
- New Technologies and Environmental Awards to be
1 Vice President - Alex Kudryavtsev (Stroytransgaz)
presented every two years
2nd Vice President - Scott Summers (ARB)
- Offshore members were allocated to geographical areas
Treasurer - Angelo Paoli (Bonatti)
- Details of certain board meeting agenda items to be sent
Past President - Daniel Sammartino (Techint)
in advance - The University of Ghent was approved as an Academic
Member of IPLOCA - New members will be required to abide by the Health,
O. Birgili (Tekfen)
Safety & Environment (HSE) Policy of IPLOCA
P. Alvarez-Morphy (LIPSA)
- Peter Schoonenberg to design a website for the World
J. Shepherd (McConnell Dowell)
I. Zakhem (Zakhem Int.)
- Maintain four board meetings per year: March, June,
S. Roberts (Noreast Services and Pipelines)
September and December
Y. Pakel (Technip) J-C. Van de Wiele (Amec Spie Capag)
- Adopt a three-year business strategy plan
G. Meijer (CRC-Evans)
- A new database for the Yearbook had to be created by Pieter Schoonenberg
L. Henriod (Caterpillar)
- Member recipients of awards will be honoured in the
Executive Director
Yearbook listing - Establish an Executive Committee formed by the officers
Jean-Guy Rames
2003 Convention
John K. Phillips
Intercontinental Hotel, Budapest (Hungary)
This drawing was presented at the convention in Budapest to Mr. Peter Blome, President of IPLOCA 2002-2003.
Board of Directors 2003-2004 of IPLOCA Officers
Year in Review
President - Alex Kudryavtsev (Stroytransgaz)
- The Osaka University of Japan was appointed as an
1 Vice President - Scott Summers (ARB)
Academic Member
2nd Vice President - Ibrahim Zakhem (Zakhem Int.)
- The board agreed to support a conference organised by
Treasurer - Yasar Pakel (Technip)
CPP in Langfang
Past President - Peter Blome (Eupec)
- A task list for the Secretariat was prepared and approved by the board
- Combine North America and Latin America into “The Americas”
A. Dogan (Attila Dogan)
- John K. Phillips will no longer be the editor of the newsletter
P. Alvarez-Morphy (LIPSA)
as of the Spring publication
S. Roberts (Noreast Services and Pipelines) J-C. Van de Wiele (Amec Spie Capag) Z. Soave (Socotherm)
2004 Convention
V. Kaushik (Punj Lloyd)
Intercontinental Hotel, Berlin (Germany)
H. Mulder (Heerema Marine Contractors) G. Meijer (CRC-Evans) B. Graham (Ritchie Brothers)
Executive Director Jean-Guy Rames
Consultants John K. Phillips & Luc Henriod
This drawing was presented at the convention in Berlin to Mr. Alex Kudryavtsev, President of IPLOCA 2003-2004.
Board of Directors 2004-2005 of IPLOCA Officers
Year in Review
President - Scott Summers (ARB)
- Move the offices of the Secretariat to Geneva (Switzerland)
1 Vice President - Issam Shammas (C.A.T.)
- Luc Henriod was appointed Executive Secretary effective
2nd Vice President - Hein Mulder (Heerema)
Jan 2005
Treasurer - Yasar Pakel (Technip)
- The final banquet of the convention would have to be
Past President - Alex Kudryavtsev (Stroytransgaz)
revamped - All contracts of the Secretariat’s staff to be in accordance
with Swiss law
A. Dogan (Attila Dogan)
- Caroline Green joined the IPLOCA staff on 1 April 2005
D. Gasquet (Amec Spie Capag)
- Roberto Pirani was invited to act as consultant to the Board
V. Kaushik (Punj Lloyd)
- John K. Phillips was nominated as an Honorary Member
P. Bond (Pipeline Induction Heat)
- Revamp and produce another IPLOCA brochure
N. Calvo (Socotherm)
- The Novel Construction Committee may not continue with the “land-train” idea
H. Dresp (FAB)
- Safety alerts to be requested from members and published
G. Miller (Pipeline Inspection Co.)
on the IPLOCA website
B. Graham (Ritchie Brothers)
Executive Secretary
2005 Convention
Luc Henriod
Fairmont Hotel, Vancouver (Canada)
Consultant John K. Phillips
This drawing was presented at the convention in Vancouver to Mr. Scott Summers, President of IPLOCA 2004-2005.
Board of Directors 2005-2006 of IPLOCA Officers
Year in Review
President - Issam Shammas (C.A.T.)
- Invest available funds with reputable brokers in Geneva
1 Vice President - Andy Lukas (A. J. Lucas)
- Change the website provider from Holland to one in Geneva
2nd Vice President - Phil Bond (PIH)
and re-design the website
Treasurer - Yasar Pakel (Technip)
- Update the IPLOCA promotional DVD by adding new texts
Past President - Scott Summers (ARB)
and images - Produce a new convention questionnaire to receive
feedback about events
O. Birgili (Tekfen)
- Issue a new version of the promotional IPLOCA brochure
V. Ermolin (Podvodtruboprovodstroy)
- The Environmental Award to be sponsored by Shell
D. Gasquet (Amec Spie Capag)
- Safety alerts to be discontinued due to the poor quality of the content
R. Castelli (Bonatti)
- Elizabeth Spalding was appointed as IPLOCA Business
S. Preston (Heerema)
J. Arzuaga (Techint)
- The “refocusing of IPLOCA” was identified as a need for
J. Dempsey (Fluor)
the future
H. Dresp (FAB)
- Create a document to outline the responsibilities of board
I. Zakhem (Zakhem Int.)
G. Miller (Pipeline Inspection Co.) G. Meijer (CRC-Evans)
2006 Convention
Executive Secretary
Hotel Arts, Barcelona (Spain)
Luc Henriod
Consultants John K. Phillips & Roberto Pirani
This drawing was presented at the convention in Barcelona to Mr. Issam Shammas, President of IPLOCA 2005-2006.
Board of Directors 2006-2007 of IPLOCA Officers
Year in Review
President - Andy Lukas (A. J. Lucas)
- Invite a facilitator to assist with the development of a
1 Vice President - John Reed (Heerema)
strategic plan
2nd Vice President - Jean-Claude Van de Wiele (Spiecapag)
- The H&S Award to be based on performance efforts instead
Treasurer - Phil Bond (Pipeline Induction Heat)
of statistics
Past President - Issam Shammas (C.A.T.)
- R&D and Novel Construction to be under a New Technologies Committee
- Committees to define their mission, structure and representation
O. Birgili (Tekfen)
- Encourage the organisation of regional meetings with one
V. Ermolin (Podvodtruboprovodstroy)
or two speakers from clients
R. Castelli (Bonatti)
- Topics and content for presentations at the Open General
J. Arzuaga (Techint)
Meetings (OGMs) to be discussed in advance
J. Allcorn (Willbros)
- A new mission statement and objectives for IPLOCA were
M. Hofmann (Max Streicher)
A. Wynne Hughes (Land & Marine)
- Enhance the opportunities for the election of directors to the
S. El Kurdi (Al Jaber Energy Services)
J. Fabick IV (PLM)
- Increase to five the number of Directors-at-Large to ensure
G. Meijer (CRC-Evans)
Executive Secretary
2007 Convention
Luc Henriod
Sheraton on the Park, Sydney (Australia)
This drawing was presented at the convention in Sydney to Mr. Andy Lukas, President of IPLOCA 2006-2007.
Board of Directors 2007-2008 of IPLOCA Officers
Year in Review
President - John Reed (Heerema)
- Sarah Junod joined the Secretariat at the end of January 2008
1 Vice President - Bruno de La Roussière (Entrepose)
- Daniel Gasquet would be acting as consultant for Novel
2nd Vice President - Adam Wynne Hughes (Land & Marine)
Treasurer - Phil Bond (Pipeline Induction Heat)
- A regional meeting was held in Houston (U.S.A.)
Past President - Andy Lukas (A. J. Lucas)
- Juan Arzuaga was appointed Executive Secretary after Luc Henriod’s retirement
- A “2nd pillar” of initiatives, in addition to the convention, was defined to deliver value to members
L. Bokhanovskiy (Stroytransgaz)
- A temporary Strategic Development Committee (SDC)
R. Castelli (Bonatti)
was formed
J. Allcorn (Willbros)
- Six groups were organised to further develop Novel
M. Hofmann (Max Streicher)
Construction initiatives
R. Deason (J. Ray Mc Dermott)
- The need to reinforce the Secretariat was determined at the
G. Demetriou (J&P)
suggestion of the SDC
K. Dogan (Attila Dogan) D. Evans (Gulf Interstate Engineering) L. Weimin (CPP)
2008 Convention
D. Williams (Serimax)
Intercontinental Hotel, Athens (Greece)
J. Garcia Pons (Arendal) N. Issa (C.A.T.) J. Fabick IV (PLM) G. Miller (Pipeline Inspection Co.)
Executive Secretary Luc Henriod
This drawing was presented at the convention in Athens to Mr. John Reed President of IPLOCA 2007-2008.
Board of Directors 2008-2009 of IPLOCA Officers
Year in Review
President - Bruno de La Roussière (Entrepose)
- The Aide-Mémoire was reviewed and updated
1 Vice President - Adam Wynne Hughes (Land & Marine)
- Guidelines for regional meetings were developed
2nd Vice President - Karl Trauner (HABAU)
- The 1st edition of the book “The Road to Success”
Treasurer - Phil Bond (Pipeline Induction Heat)
was issued
Past President - John Reed (Heerema)
- A Training Committee webpage was developed - The funds of IPLOCA should be managed with very low risk
- Financial reporting formats were reviewed and modified
L. Bokhanovskiy (Stroytransgaz)
- Hans Ringers would be acting as a consultant for Training
R. Castelli (Bonatti)
- Mike Thiele was nominated Honorary Member
R. Deason (J. Ray Mc Dermott)
- The IPLOCA Yearbook should be printed a few weeks after the convention
G. Demetriou (J&P)
- A Research Collaboration Agreement was signed with
K. Dogan (Attila Dogan)
D. Evans (Gulf Interstate Engineering) L. Weimin (CPP) J. Garcia Pons (Arendal)
2009 Convention
N. Issa (C.A.T.)
Fairmont Hotel, San Francisco (USA)
A. Lukas (A. J. Lucas) N. Khoury (CCC) M. Jannuzzi (Caterpillar) G. Miller (Pipeline Inspection Co.)
Executive Secretary Juan Arzuaga
This drawing was presented at the convention in San Francisco to Mr. Bruno de La Roussière, President of IPLOCA 2008-2009.
Board of Directors 2009-2010 of IPLOCA Officers
Year in Review
President - Adam Wynne Hughes (Land & Marine)
- It was decided to allocate a fixed amount of funds as a
1 Vice President - Karl Trauner (HABAU)
contingency fund
2nd Vice President - Osman Birgili (Tekfen)
- The word “Regular” was added back into the name of the
Treasurer - Phil Bond (Pipeline Induction Heat)
pipeline engineering & construction membership category.
Past President - Bruno de La Roussière (Entrepose)
- Regions to be prepared in advance to identify a director as a potential president based on current rotation table
- Secretariat offices were moved to newly built offices in Geneva
V. Ermolin (Podvodtruboprovodstroy)
- Early planning of conventions was identified as an objective
R. Castelli (Bonatti)
for the future
R. Deason (J. Ray Mc Dermott)
- Environmental performance indicators to be required from
D. Evans (Gulf Interstate Engineering)
E. Laenge (Conduto) A. Lukas (A. J. Lucas)
- Update the IPLOCA website and the promotional DVD
N. Khoury (CCC)
- New agreements were made with four Media Partners and the Newsletter & Yearbook publisher, Pedemex
N. Issa (C.A.T.) J. de La Porte (Spiecapag)
- Increase IPLOCA visibility by attending other industry events
H. Dresp (Max Streicher)
- An board members’ election procedure was issued
S. Sharma (Kalpataru)
- A seminar for Training in Communication Skills was held in the Netherlands
Z. Soave (Socotherm)
- Members of the board will be allowed to attend the
M. Jannuzzi (Caterpillar)
convention on a complimentary basis
M. Rae (Argus)
Executive Secretary
2010 Convention
Juan Arzuaga
Hilton Molino Stucky Hotel, Venice (Italy)
This drawing was presented at the convention in Venice to Mr. Adam Wynne Hughes, President of IPLOCA 2009-2010.
Board of Directors 2010-2011 of IPLOCA Officers
Year in Review
President - Karl Trauner (HABAU)
- A Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Award was
1 Vice President - Osman Birgili (Tekfen)
2nd Vice President - D. Evans (Gulf Interstate Engineering)
- Only members who have submitted their H&S statistics are
Treasurer - Harald Dresp (Max Streicher)
eligible to attend the convention and only those registered
Past President - Adam Wynne Hughes (Land & Marine)
can attend any activity or event - A worldwide list of universities offering pipeline degrees
was issued
V. Ermolin (Podvodtruboprovodstroy)
- The 2nd edition of “The Road to Success” was issued
R. Castelli (Bonatti)
- “The Americas” area was split into America North and Latin America
E. Laenge (Conduto)
- IPLOCA to co-fund two research projects under the
A. Lukas (A. J. Lucas)
Collaboration MoU
N. Khoury (CCC)
- A short notice Alternative Location Plan for conventions
N. Issa (C.A.T.)
was developed
J. de La Porte (Spiecapag)
- The presidential rotation (by area) table should be included
P. Bond (Pipeline Induction Heat)
in the Yearbook
S. Sharma (Kalpataru) Z. Soave (Socotherm) M. Jannuzzi (Caterpillar)
2011 Convention
Z. Yujian (CPP)
Shangri-La, China World Hotel, Beijing (China)
M. Rae (Argus) G. Grothe (PLM)
Executive Secretary Juan Arzuaga
This drawing was presented at the convention in Beijing to Mr. Karl Trauner, President of IPLOCA 2010-2011.
Board of Directors 2011-2012 of IPLOCA Officers
Year in Review
President - Osman Birgili (Tekfen)
- A Safety Trainers Tool DVD was issued with the support of
1 Vice President - Doug Evans (Gulf Interstate Engineering)
2nd Vice President - Najib Khoury CCC)
- A workshop to prevent road traffic accidents was organised
Treasurer - Harald Dresp (Max Streicher)
in Geneva
Past President - Karl Trauner (HABAU)
- It was agreed that Maats would become the sponsor of the golf tournament
- The President’s overall costs for the President’s dinner were limited to a fixed amount
R. Kilachand (Dodsal)
- IPLOCA to continue co-funding research projects based on
R. Castelli (Bonatti)
progress made
A. Lukas (A. J. Lucas)
- Each geographical area can have up to 2 directors to
N. Issa (C.A.T.)
represent their area
D. Fernandez (Techint)
- The Associate Members can elect up to 3 directors to
L. Gravina (Sicim)
represent them
B. Maerten (Geocean) J. Tikkanen (Shawcor) J. Coward (Willbros)
2012 Convention
A. Wynne Huges (Land & Marine)
Hotel Hilton, Istanbul (Turkey)
I. Panchak (Stroygazmontazh) M. Jannuzzi (Caterpillar) W. Maats (Maats) P. Zanin (Goriziane) G. Grothe (PLM)
Executive Secretary Juan Arzuaga
This drawing was presented at the convention in Istanbul to Mr. Osman Birgili, President of IPLOCA 2011-2012.
Board of Directors 2012-2013 of IPLOCA Officers
Executive Secretary
President - Doug Evans (Gulf Interstate Engineering)
Juan Arzuaga
1st Vice President - Najib Khoury (CCC) Treasurer - Harald Dresp (Max Streicher)
Year in Review
Past President - Osman Birgili (Tekfen)
- A committee was formed to suggest locations for board meetings and conventions
- Set up a scholarship fund to support and encourage student
A. Lukas (A. J. Lucas)
children/grandchildren of members
S. Summers (ARB)
- A Client Engagement Committee was formed to evaluate a
J. Garcia Pons (Arendal)
new membership category
J.C. Van de Wiele (Spiecapag)
- IPLOCA should not buy a property for the offices of the
L. Gravina (Sicim)
B. Maerten (Geocean)
- Annual safety workshops will continue to be held in Geneva
J. Coward (Willbros)
- Novel Construction should also focus on new technologies
A. Wynne Huges (PIH)
and products
A. Ball (Land & Marine)
- The 3rd edition of “The Road to Success” was issued adding
J. Koop (Bohlen & Doyen)
new chapters to the book
K. Trauner (HABAU) I. Zakhem (Zakhem Int.)
2013 Convention
K. Dogan (Attila Dogan)
Omni Shoreham Hotel, Washington DC (U.S.A.)
I. Panchak (Stroygazmontazh) S. Sharma (Kalpataru) R. Vilugron (Montec) M. Jannuzzi (Caterpillar) W. Maats (Maats) G. Miller (Pipeline Inspection Co.) P. Zanin (Goriziane) M. Rae (Argus)
This drawing was presented at the convention in Washington DC to Mr. Doug Evans, President of IPLOCA 2012-2013.
Board of Directors 2013-2014 of IPLOCA Officers
Executive Secretary
President - Najib Khoury (CCC)
Juan Arzuaga
1 Vice President - Jean Claude Van de Wiele (Spiecapag) st
2nd Vice President - Atul Punj (Punj Lloyd)
Year in Review
Treasurer - Harald Dresp (Max Streicher)
- Set up a safety repository system to include lessons learned
Past President - Doug Evans (Gulf Interstate Engineering)
and alerts - An award to recognise Excellence in Project Execution will
be launched in 2016 - Worldwide Machinery would continue to sponsor the
S. Summers (ARB)
Welcome Dinner
J. Garcia Pons (Arendal) R. Castelli (Bonatti)
- Produce an IPLOCA logo for the 50th anniversary
B. Maerten (Geocean)
- Sign a contract with Scholarship Management Services and launch the scholarship programme
L Bolander (Fluor)
- The 50th Anniversary Convention will take place in Paris
J. Tikkanen (Shawcor) A. Wynne Huges (PIH) J. Koop (Bohlen & Doyen)
2014 Convention
I. Zakhem (Zakhem Int.)
Ritz Carlton Hotel Grand Canal, Abu Dhabi (UAE)
G. Hage (C.A.T.) K. Dogan (Attila Dogan) A. Klepach (Stroygazconsulting) J. Frith (McConnell Dowell) M. Jannuzzi (Caterpillar) W. Maats (Maats) G. Miller (Pipeline Inspection Co.) G. Grothe (PLM) M. Rae (Argus)
This drawing was presented at the convention in Abu Dhabi to Najib Khoury, President of IPLOCA 2013-2014.
Board of Directors 2014-2015 of IPLOCA Officers
Executive Secretary
President - Jean Claude Van de Wiele (Spiecapag)
Juan Arzuaga
1 Vice President - Atul Punj (Punj Lloyd) st
2nd Vice President - Ruben Kuri (Arendal)
Year in Review
Treasurer - Harald Dresp (Max Streicher)
- Change the Aide-Mémoire to four operational manuals
Past President - Najib Khouri (CCC)
- New category of membership for clients: Corresponding Member
- Revised procedure for the appointment of Honorary Members
D. Evans (Gulf Interstate Engineering)
- Emma Hachfeld joined IPLOCA as Administration &
R. Castelli (Bonatti)
Convention Coordinator
B. Maerten (Geocean)
- Caroline Caravellas was appointed as IPLOCA Business
L Bolander (Fluor)
J. Tikkanen (Shawcor)
- Update the IPLOCA website and produce a mobile app
A. Wynne Huges (PIH)
for the convention
J. Koop (Bohlen & Doyen)
- The IPLOCA By-laws were modernised and modified to
M. Sahin (Technip)
remove inconsistencies
I. Zakhem (Zakhem Int.) A. Madhi (NPCC) G. Hage (C.A.T.)
2015 Convention
H. Iyidil (Limak)
Fairmont Hotel, Singapore
I. Panchak (Stroygazmontazh) J. Frith (McConnell Dowell) E. Laenge (Conduto) A. Ball (Land & Marine) M. Jannuzzi (Caterpillar) W. Maats (Maats) G. Grothe (PLM) S. Sumner (Lincoln Electric)
This drawing was presented at the convention in Singapore to Mr. Jean Claude Van de Wiele, President of IPLOCA 2014-2015.
Board of Directors 2015-2016 of IPLOCA Officers
Executive Secretary
President - Atul Punj (Punj Lloyd)
Juan Arzuaga
1 Vice President - Ruben Kuri (Arendal) st
2nd Vice President - Andy Ball (Murphy)
Year in Review
Treasurer - Jan Koop (Bohlen & Doyen)
- Condense the board meeting into one full day
Past President - Jean Claude Van de Wiele (Spiecapag)
- Produce the book “The Road to Success” as a mobile app - HSE Committee set Key Performance Indicator (KPI)
objectives of TRIR per million hours of below 1 and zero
D. Evans (Gulf Interstate Engineering)
fatalities, to be reached by 2020
O. Corvi (Bonatti)
- First scholarship awards presented
B. Maerten (Geocean)
- Presidents book created and published to honour 50 presidents and boards of IPLOCA
L Bolander (Fluor) J. Tikkanen (Shawcor) A. Wynne Huges (PIH)
2016 Convention
Mesut Sahin (Technip)
Le Méridien Etoile, Paris (France)
N. Khoury (CCC) G. Hage (C.A.T.) H. Iyidil (Limak) I. Panchak (Stroygazmontazh) J. Frith (McConnell Dowell) E. Laenge (Conduto) S. Fluharty (Mears) C. Ma (CPP) B. Guy de Chamisso (Spiecapag) J. Sinnathurai (Caterpillar) W. Maats (Maats) D. Fabick (PLM) S. Sumner (Lincoln Electric)
This drawing was presented at the convention in Paris to Mr. Atul Punj, President of IPLOCA 2015-2016.
Acknowledgements This book is dedicated to all the individuals who have contributed directly or indirectly to the development of the pipeline construction industry and in recognition of the role played by the International Pipe Line and Offshore Contractors Association (IPLOCA) over the last 50 years. We would like to thank the management of CRC-Evans, in particular Roger Spee, for their sponsorship, Peter Schoonenberg of Pedemex B.V. for his special contribution in publishing this book, and Juan Arzuaga, IPLOCA Executive Secretary, for reading the minutes of 50 years of board meetings. Particular thanks go to Gus Meijer who initiated the idea of presenting a painting to each IPLOCA president and generously took on the development of the book, including collecting all the paintings, organising the sponsorship and making arrangements for printing it, along with the assistance of his son, Maarten who reproduced the paintings in a printable format. Also Gus Meijer worked with Ronald Damen and Jan Ernst Douma to complete the paintings and without whom this book would not have been possible.
Gus Meijer
Ronald Damen
Jan Ernst Douma
Index Year President (Company) Convention
Jean Guyot (Entrepose - France) 1967, Naples (Italy)
Jean Guyot (Entrepose - France) 1968, Lisbon (Portugal) 10
Robert E. Todd (M.K. River - the Netherlands) 1969, Lisbon (Portugal) 12
Ivor J. Crosthwaite (C.J.B. pipelines - U.K.) 1970, Monte Carlo (Monaco) 14
Rolf Koehler (Preussag - Germany) 1971, Montreux (Switzerland) 16
Faiz Boustany (Mothercat - Lebanon) 1972, Istanbul (Turkey) 18
Filippo Carina (Montubi - Italy) 1973, Madeira (Portugal) 20
Humberto Lobo (Protexa - Mexico) 1974, Venice (Italy)
Paul Simeon (Spie-Batignolles - France) 1975, Acapulco (Mexico) 24
Ranald F.M. Grant (Westminister Dredging - U.K.) 1976, Monte Carlo (Monaco) 26
Necati Akcaglilar (Tekfen - Turkey) 1977, Istanbul (Turkey) 28
W.J.G. v/d Nieuwenhuyzen (NBM - the Netherlands) 1978, Vienna (Austria) 30
William C. Burns (Morrison-Knudsen Int. - U.K.) 1979, Monte Carlo (Monaco) 32
Massimo Porcari (Saipem - Italy) 1980, Barcelona (Spain) 34
Emilio Magnaghi (Techint Engineering - Italy) 1981, Monte Carlo (Monaco) 36
Hans J. Torkul (Mannesman - Germany) 1982, West Berlin (Germany) 38
Jean R. Bardin (Sobea - France) 1983, Copenhagen (Denmark) 40
Theo Danel (Nacap - the Netherlands) 1984, Athens (Greece) 42
Larry J. Bump (Willbros - U.S.A.) 1985, Lisbon (Portugal) 44
Jesus Garcia (Protexa - Mexico) 1986, Monte Carlo (Monaco) 46
J. Mike Reynolds (Land & Marine - U.K.) 1987, Boston (U.S.A) 48
Alessandro Andreani (Saipem - Italy) 1988, Venice (Italy)
George Zakhem (Zakhem Int. - Lebanon) 1989, Singapore
Walter Zimmerman (Preussag - Germany) 1990, Munich (Germany) 54
Mike Tiele (Bechtel - U.S.A.) 1991, Cannes (France) 56
Henri de Metz (Entrepose Int. - France) 1992, Bermuda
Dirk Blankevoort (D. Blankevoort - The Netherlands) 1993, Madrid (Spain) 60
Raul Bennasar (Techint - Argentina) 1994, Acapulco (Mexico) 62
Jan Meek (Heeremac - The Netherlands) 1995, Penang (Malaysia) 64
Murat Gigin (Tekfen - Turkey) 1996, Istanbul (Turkey) 66
Samer Khoury (C.C.C. - Greece) 1997, Rome (Italy)
Satti Punj (Punj Lloyd - India) 1998, Toronto (Canada) 70
Henri Vincent (ETPM - France) 1999, Benalmadena (Spain) 72
Hans Ringers (Visser & Smit Hanab - The Netherlands) 2000, Dubai (U.A.E.) 74
Jean-Guy Rames (Entrepose - France) 2001, Salzburg (Austria) 76
Daniel Sammartino (Techint Int. - Argentina) 2002, Bermuda
Peter Blome (EUPEC - France) 2003, Budapest (Hungary) 80
Alex Kudryavtsev (Stroytransgaz - Russia) 2004, Berlin (Germany) 82
Scott Summers (ARB Inc. - U.S.A.) 2005, Vancouver (Canada) 84
Issam Shammas (C.A.T. Group - Lebanon) 2006, Barcelona (Spain) 86
Andy Lukas (A.J. Lucas Group - Australia) 2007, Sydney (Australia) 88
John Reed (Heerema Marine Contractors - The Netherlands) 2008, Athens (Greece) 90
Bruno de la Roussière (Entrepose - France) 2009, San Francisco (U.S.A.) 92
Adam Wynne Hughes (Land & Marine - U.K.) 2010, Venice (Italy)
Karl Trauner (HABAU - Austria) 2011, Beijing (China) 96
Osman Birgili (Tekfen - Turkey) 2012, Istanbul (Turkey) 98
Doug Evans (Gulf Interstate Engineering - U.S.A.) 2013, Washington DC (U.S.A.) 100
Najib Khoury (C.C.C. - Greece) 2014, Dubai (U.A.E.) 102
Jean Claude Van de Wiele (Spiecapag - France) 2015, Singapore
Atul Punj (Punj Lloyd - India) 2016, Paris (France) 106
Published by Pedemex B.V. Westblaak 47 3012 KD Rotterdam The Netherlands June 2016 750 copies All rights reserved © 2016