IPLOCA Newsletter 43

Page 1




Venice page 18 Convention update

CONTENTS: Letter from the President page 4 News from Geneva page 5 Member News page 8 The OPAL Pipeline page 14 WITH NEWS FROM: THE INDUSTRY, MEMBERSHIP, ALLIED & SISTER ASSOCIATIONS

Experience the Progress. AATS global sales organisation Breukersweg 4, NL-7471, ST, Goor, the Netherlands Tel. +31 547 260 000, Fax +31 547 261 000 www.maats.com

Liebherr-Werk Telfs GmbH Hans Liebherr-Str. 35 A-6410 Telfs Tel.: +43 50809 6-100 Fax: +43 50809 6-7772 www.liebherr.com

The Group

The following is the new IPLOCA Mission for 2010 and beyond: To provide value to members through a forum for sharing ideas, engaging the industry and its stakeholders, facilitating business opportunities and promoting the highest standards in the pipeline industry.

Contents Letter from the President


News from Geneva


Board Meeting Update


Membership Centre


Member News


New Technologies




IPLOCA Health & Safety Award


IPLOCA Health & Safety Statistics


The OPAL Pipeline


IPLOCA Environmental Award


Venice Convention Update


In the Headlines


Upcoming Conferences


IPLOCA Secretariat

IPLOCA Newsletter

International Pipeline & Offshore

Editor Elizabeth Spalding

Contractors Association

Lay-out Peter Schoonenberg

Chemin des Papillons 4

Advertising p.schoonenberg@pedemex.nl

1216 Cointrin / Geneva

Comments & copy elizabeth.spalding@iploca.com



Telephone +41 22 306 02 30

Cover photo

Fax +41 22 306 02 39

Courtesy of Allseas

E-mail info@iploca.com Website www.iploca.com

IPLOCA Yearbook Advertising p.schoonenberg@pedemex.nl Listing changes listing@iploca-yearbook.com



Letter from the President As we go to print with this Newsletter we are preparing for our next Board Meeting, to be held in St. Petersburg, Russia. During the meeting we will, among other things, be putting in place final arrangements for the annual Convention, always the highlight of our organisational year. Some of you have already taken advantage of the online registration which opened on 1 May. If you have not yet done so, and you plan to join us in Venice, there is no time to lose. We know this will be a sold-out event, and much as we would like to make places available to everyone who wishes to register we will inevitably be limited by the size of banqueting and other facilities at the hotel, not to mention the logistical challenges posed by regularly moving large groups of people by boat. We have just a few sponsorship opportunities remaining, as you will see on page 19 of this Newsletter and I encourage you to get in touch with caroline.green@iploca.com or juan.arzuaga@iploca.com in the Secretariat if you are able to offer your support of a specific event or item, or if you would like to make a contribution to the Convention Fund. I would like to take this opportunity to thank all our sponsors for their continued generosity. We could not do it without you and we truly appreciate your contributions. I would also like to welcome our new Members and Associate Members to the association. More information about these companies can be found on page 6 and we hope that we will have the opportunity to meet many of them in Venice. Our committee work continues, with a Novel Construction (New Technologies Committee) meeting held in March in Geneva, followed by a meeting of the HSE Committee. We also held our first IPLOCA-specific training seminar in March under the auspices of our Training Committee. Details on this meeting are to be found on page 10. In award-related news, the Adjudication Committees will meet in early July to determine the winners of the IPLOCA Health and Safety Award, sponsored by Chevron and the IPLOCA Environmental Award sponsored by Shell. Please make sure that your company is represented. We look forward to presenting the awards in Venice. As always, I appreciate your comments and feedback. Please do not hesitate to contact me at Adam.WynneHughes@landandmarine.com or via the Secretariat in Geneva.

Adam Wynne Hughes



News from Geneva A New Guy in the Secretariat

IPLOCA Convention and on many other projects in the Secretariat. In addition to his formal courses and chosen specialisation in Entrepreneurship, he was a management trainee in Moevenpick’s Hotels & Resorts Middle East and Asia regional office in Dubai, completing a six month internship in Sales and Marketing, Public Relations and Communications, Revenue Management and Food and Beverage. During his university years he also spent

If you call the Geneva

six months in Bora Bora at the Pearl Beach Resort in

Headquarters these days,

Kitchen and Service work, four months in Shanghai in the

you will likely be greeted

Hospitality division and a month as a Front Office trainee

by the voice of our newest team member, Guy Henley. Guy

in a Beijing Hotel working on the Reception Desk and in

joined us on 1 March this year as IPLOCA Administrative

Public Relations.

Assistant. Guy’s mother tongue is English and he speaks fluent A graduate of the Ecole Hotelière de Lausanne,

French and a little Spanish. He grew up in Switzerland

Switzerland, Guy followed a bachelor’s programme that

and Zimbabwe and has spent extended periods of time

was broad-based and international and provided him

in China and Malaysia. Please welcome Guy to the

useful experience highly relevant to working both on the

IPLOCA office.



Board Meeting Update The 2009-2010 IPLOCA Board of Directors met in late February in Muscat, Oman with 16 Board Members in attendance.

Key Outcomes from the Board Meeting:

The Board of Directors discussed projects for funding over the next few months. Among these were a new IPLOCA promotional DVD, some upgrades to the IPLOCA website and database, research projects (above) and media and promotion items. Committee Work Reports were received from the Training Committee, the HSE Committee and the New Technologies Committee. Further information on these topics is listed separately in


this newsletter.

Speakers and topics for the Venice Convention were

Regional Meetings

discussed and some additional contacts requested.

A series of regional meetings were discussed for 2010, in

The final slate will be determined by the Board of Directors

France in February 2010, the USA, South America (Rio de

at the May Board meeting in St. Petersburg.

Janeiro)*, Middle East & Africa, and Eastern Europe.

Election Procedure

*See Regional Meetings, page 9.

An election procedure is being prepared prior to the 2010 elections to ensure better and early communication of the election process and identification of the best candidates for nomination to the Board of Directors. A call for nominations will be issued in June or July. New Technologies Research: IPLOCA continues to work with EPRG (European Pipeline Research Group), APIA (Australian Pipeline Industry Association) and PRCI (Pipeline Research Council International) to determine areas for research collaboration. Novel Construction The Board gave timely feedback on the Road to Success for the Spring Plenary Session.



Membership Centre

platform installation and removal,

and offshore structures. Operating

deepwater/SURF installations, IRM,

from its key regional offices in Dubai,

and diving to the oil and gas industry

Mumbai and Kuala Lumpur, Leighton

worldwide. The Company’s shares are

International has an impressive track

traded on the NASDAQ Global Select

record for on-time, on-budget delivery

IPLOCA welcomes the following

Market under the symbol “GLBL”..

to international safety and quality

new Members of the association

For 2010 and beyond, Global has

standards that spans from Australia to

who were approved by the Board of

adopted a new strategy for its fleet of

the Black Sea.

Directors since the last issue of the

vessels, retooling the fleet to include


more DP vessels, and retiring some of

Leighton International

the older vessels. With the delivery of

302-303, Windsor Building, CST Road,

the Global 1200 later this year, and the

Vidyanagari Marg

New Members

Global 1201 next year, coupled with

Kalina, Santa Cruz (East)


the Olympic Challenger, the Orion, and

Mumbai 400 098

JSC was founded in 1965

the Normand Commander, and the


for oilfield development

elimination of the older vessels, Global

T +91 22 6719 0000

and construction in Belarus. The

should have one of the youngest,

F +91 22 6719 0199

organization includes seven branches,

most modern fleets in the industry.

E russell.waugh@leightonint.com

a quality control service, two affiliated

The company’s philosophy for 2010

I www.leightonint.com

companies and representation of

and beyond is to offer customers a

the company in Lithuania, Vilnius.

low-cost solution to their problem,

Murphy Pipelines

Today, Beltruboprovodstroy JSC is

and do whatever it takes to get the

Limited, a specialist

successfully expanding its activities

job done correctly, safely, and cost-

division of J. Murphy and Sons, has

in Belarus, CIS member states and


more than 45 years experience in the

in the international markets. Among

pipeline and mechanical engineering

its partners are companies such as

Global Industries, Ltd

industries. The company provides a

the Gazprom JSC, INTER RAO UES,

11490 Westheimer, Suite 400

comprehensive service to the utilities

Beltransgaz JSC, AK -Transnefteprodukt

P.O. Box 10840

industry, backed by a professional

JSC. Use of the world’s science

Houston, TX 77077

workforce and a substantial

and technology achievements and


plant holding. The company has

availability of a large fleet of modern

T +1 281 529 7979

an excellent safety, quality, and

construction machinery allows them

F +1 281 529 7980

environmental record, a testimony

to construct large-scale projects in the

E jkatok@globalind.com

to the company’s integrated

fuel and energy industry with modern

I www.globalind.com

management system that is certified

technology in different regions of the world. Beltruboprovodstroy JSC 129, M. Bogdanovich St.


to ISO 9001:2008, ISO 14001 and Leighton International is a

OHSAS 18001. The company is

leading multi-disciplinary

committed to providing innovative

offshore and onshore

solutions and best value by working

pipeline contractor with

closely with clients, consultants and

Minsk, 220123

full-service delivery covering

the supply chain to deliver projects

Republic of Belarus

project management, engineering,

effectively. (Murphy Pipelines was

T +375 17 334 33 83

procurement and construction.

previously a Member of IPLOCA from

F +375 17 334 33 47

The company owns and operates a

1995 through 2007. We welcome their

E office@beltps.by

modern fleet of purpose-built pipe-

return to the association.)

I www.beltps.by

lay barges including the Leighton Eclipse and Leighton Stealth, as well

Murphy Pipelines Limited

as construction support vessels and

Hiview House, Highgate Road

a wide range of related equipment.

London NW5 1TN

Global Industries, Ltd. is a leading

Their expertise includes single point


solutions provider of offshore

mooring systems, large and small

T +44 20 7267 4366

construction, engineering, project

diameter subsea pipelines, shore

F +44 20 7482 3107

management and support services

crossings, marine terminal facilities,

E info@murphygroup.co.uk

including pipeline construction,

onshore terminals and pipelines,

I www.murphygroup.co.uk


S.A.L.P. S.p.A. was

Upravlenie No. 2 OJSC)

allowing it to work simultaneously at

incorporated in

Prospect Lenina, 144

many locations worldwide. Sievert

Bologna, Italy in

142100, Podolsk, Moscow Region

executes NDT inspection for over

1959 where it operated until 1971

Russian Federation

220 large projects, involving plant

before moving to Friuli Venetia Julia.

T +7 (495) 926 22 14

piping, tanks, offsite pipelines,

The company has a lot of experience

F +7 (495) 926 22 10

spheres, offshore platforms and has

in construction and maintenance

E secretar@cy-2.ru

the unique distinction of carrying out

activities for plants and pipelines,

I www.cy-2.ru

Crawler X ray radiography for more

both oil and gas and has developed

than 22,000 km of cross country pipe

a proactive and effective approach

line inspection for major clients and

to safety and the environment.

New Associate Members

Their knowledge and experience,

contractors globally. Sievert has also completed automated ultrasonic

together with their large quantity

Dhatec is an

testing of more than 1000 km of cross

of technologically sophisticated


country pipelines.

equipment enables them to execute

Dutch company that develops and

highly complex projects requiring

manufactures solutions to protect the

Sievert India Pvt Ltd

timely delivery and the highest

quality of line pipes in all conditions.

16 & 17, Plot-2, Sector-2,

quality. S.A.L.P. S.p.A. works in all

Dhatec started with the production of

Phase II, Nerul, navi

kinds of soil conditions including

pipe-end protection products in 1992.

Mumbai 400706

high water tables, mountain areas

In the past years they have done a lot


and high populated areas, ensuring

of research on the impact of logistic

T +91 22 2773 2001

competitiveness and competence.

operations on pipe quality during

F +91 22 2772 7076

the supply chain. Nowadays they

E venkat1@sievert.in

S.A.L.P. S.p.A.

are specialized in improving quality,

I www.sievert.in

Societa Appalto Lavori Pubblici

safety and efficiency within processes

Via Julia, 3

such as pipe handling, blasting,

33050 Bagnaria Arsa (UD)

coating, transport and storage.


Sime S.r.l. is a private engineering company founded in 1989, with its head

T +39 0432 928910

Dhatec, Line pipe Logistic Solutions

office in Rosignano Solvay, Livorno

F +39 0432 920210

Elskensakker 8

Province, Italy. Currently, Sime has

E info@salpspa.com

5571 SK Bergeijk

facilities in Bucharest, Florence and

I www.salpspa.com

The Netherlands

Milan, to support also General Electric

T +31 497 542527

and the ENI Group in the Oil and Gas

OJSC “Spetsializirovannoe

F +31 497 555399

sector, specifically in Offshore and

Upravlenie No. 2”

E info@dhatec.nl

Onshore fields. Today SIME employs

(SU No. 2) has been

I www.dhatec.nl

280 engineers and technical staff to

involved in Russia’s gas pipeline industry for almost 40 years. This is a technologically advanced

support the variety of design and Sievert, is a

engineering required by its major


customers. Sime’s customers are

company able to undertake complex

advanced multinational NDT and

worldwide and the company supplies

construction work of a range

inspection services provider with

solutions for Plant and Auxiliaries

of different facilities including

extensive operations in Oman,

aimed at saving raw material,

construction of large-diameter gas

Qatar, UAE, India, Saudi Arabia. The

products and energy.

trunk pipelines and underground gas

company offers the entire spectrum

storage facilities and overhaul and

of NDT services in conventional

Sime S.r.l.

modernization of existing ones.

and Advanced NDT, to oil & gas and

Località Le Morelline Due

The company has the equipment

power industries including cross-

57016 Rosignano Solvay

and expertise necessary to perform

country pipelines, petrochemical


construction on high-pressure gas

plants, large tank farms and fertilizer


pipelines with a diameter over

plants, offshore installations and sub-

T +39 0586 728111


sea pipeline projects. The company

F +39 0586 728222

employs 1000 NDE professionals, and

E info@simeeng.com

has more than 350 NDT machines

I www.simeeng.com

SU No.2 (Spetsializirovannoe



Member News

immediately with the offshore installation expected to commence in the third quarter of 2011.

CONDUTO 30 years CONDUTO recently celebrated 30 years of operations, The company has been providing the oil and gas market

J. Ray McDermott Awarded Te Giac Trang Transportation and Installation Work in Vietnam

with a wide range of solutions, to the highest standards

J. Ray McDermott, S. A. (J. Ray) has announced that

of quality, delivery, cost, safety, social responsibility and

its subsidiary J. Ray McDermott Far East, Inc. has been

respect for the environment. According to CEO Ebbo

awarded a transportation and installation contract by PTSC

Laenge, the company’s success is based on relationships

Mechanical & Construction Company Limited (PTSC) for

with staff, customers, partners, suppliers, the community

the Te Giac Trang (TGT) field development project, offshore

and shareholders. CONDUTO offers the most advanced,

Vietnam. The scope of work includes transportation and

innovative and effective technological solutions in the

installation of two wellhead platform jackets, topsides

energy sector, with its main focus on pipelines, building

(including two drill decks, a main deck and helideck /

and assembly and the CONDUTO trademark is stamped

electrical house), infield pipelines (including tie-spools and

on all important pipeline ventures and industrial assembly

one pin-piled pipeline end manifold), and

projects performed in Brazil and South America.

a subsea isolation valve.

Fluor to Perform Jetty Boil-Off Gas Recovery Project for Qatargas

PLM Appoints Scot Jenkins as VP, Asia Pacific Region

Fluor Corporation has announced the award of an

PipeLine Machinery International (PLM) President Mel

engineering, procurement and construction management

Ternan, on behalf of the Board of PLM is pleased to

(EPCM) contract by Qatargas Operating Company Limited

announce that Scot Jenkins has taken on the new position

in Ras Laffan, Qatar. This EPCM contract is part of a project

of Vice President Asia Pacific Region. He joins the executive

with a total capital expenditure of approximately $1 billion.

team at PLM and will hold full responsibility for growing

Under a previous contract, Fluor completed front-end

PLM’s investment and impact in the China and Asia Pacific

engineering and design and other services. Fluor booked

pipeline markets. Scot holds Mechanical Engineering

its portion of the project into backlog in the first quarter

and MBA degrees and has extensive experience with

of 2010.

establishing support and sales offices in the Asia Pacific

having built its corporate values on belief in a fairer society.

region, including China.

J. Ray McDermott Awarded First Asia Pacific Subsea Project, in Dai Hung Field.


J. Ray McDermott, S. A. (J. Ray) has announced that

Charles Zheng joins Pipeline Machinery Team in China

its subsidiary J. Ray McDermott Far East, Inc. has been

PipeLine Machinery International

awarded its first SURF (Subsea Infrastructure, Umbilicals,

(PLM) President Mel Ternan is

Risers & Flowlines) project in Asia Pacific since its

pleased to announce that Ruofei

strategic push into this high growth area. This milestone

‘Charles’ Zheng has joined the

contract was awarded by PetroVietnam Technical Services

PLM team operations in China.

Corporation on behalf of its customer, PetroVietnam

Charles takes the new role of China

Exploration & Production (PVEP Dai Hung Petroleum

Territory Manager. He will focus

Operating Co. Ltd.). J. Ray’s scope of work includes the

on maintaining and expanding

engineering, procurement, construction and installation

PLM’s relationships with clients in China and coordinating

of new production and export lines, umbilical and cable.

PLM’s China operations. Charles joins a PLM presence in

This includes tie-in, testing and pre-commissioning of

the Asia Pacific region that is expanding to serve the needs

two 2.2-kilometer flexible flowlines, replacement of two

of a rapidly growing pipeline construction industry. New

2.3-kilometer export flowlines and umbilical, installation

staff and office locations are either planned or in place in

of a subsea cable and 4.8 kilometers of insulated flexible

Australia, Singapore, and China. The China operations will

flowlines. Initial engineering and procurement work starts

be headquartered in Beijing.


SLECC Scoops Terminal Deal

be completed by the first half of 2012, will be executed by

China National Offshore Oil Corporation (CNOOC) has

Technip’s operating center in New Delhi, India. The first,

awarded Shengli Engineering & Consulting (SLECC) a

worth approximately €50 million, covers the license as

contract to provide front-end engineering and design for

well as the engineering, procurement, construction and

an onshore gas terminal as part of the development of

commissioning (EPCC) for a hydrogen generation unit with

CNOOC’s Jinzhou South 25-1 gas field in the Bohai Bay.

a capacity of 36,000 tons/year. The second contract, worth

SLECC said the 10 months of work will also cover detailed

around €65 million, is for the EPCC of a diesel hydrotreater

design for the terminal with a processing capacity of 1.5

unit with a capacity of 2.2 million tons/year.

million cubic metres per day in the first phase. In the second phase development, a second train with 700,000 cubic metres per day processing capacity will be added. 84-kilometre, 14-inch subsea pipeline, SLECC said. Terminal

Welspun Gujarat Appoints Lauri Malkki as CEO

construction is scheduled to begin in October. Jinzhou

Welspun Gujarat Stahl Rohren Ltd. (WELSPUN), the

South 25-1 is located 40 kilometres south of the producing

flagship Company of the USD 3 billion Welspun Group has

Suizhong 36-1 field, with water depths averaging 25

announced the appointment of Mr. Lauri Antero Malkki as

metres. The facilities include three wellhead platforms

its CEO. Mr. Malkki has more than 30 years of experience

and a central processing platform as well as associated

within the international steel and pipes

facilities. The gas will first be piped to the central platform

industries. For more than 20 years he was the head of the

for dehydration before being sent to the onshore terminal.

middle European operations of the Rautaruukki Group,

The oil will be piped to the Suizhong 36-1 onshore oil

Finland and prior to joining WELSPUN, was the managing

terminal. First gas production at 1.5 million cubic metres

director, responsible for global sales, of Europipe GmbH

per day is expected in the year 2011.

in Germany. Mr. Malkki’s long experience lies in general

The gas will be transported to the terminal through an

management, leading people, mergers and acquisitions, strategic planning and to a great extent, in sales and marketing. He will be based in WELSPUN’s head office

Technip Awarded Major Flexible Pipe Supply Contract for the Tupi field in the Brazilian Pre-salt

in Mumbai. Welspun’s state-of-the-art plate and pipe plants are located in Dahej and Anjar in Gujarat, India. The

In April Technip was awarded by Petrobras a contract

Company has also recently commissioned a world class

for the infield lines of the pilot system for the Tupi field.

pipe mill in Little Rock, Arkansas, USA. The manufacturing

This field is located at a water depth of 2,200 meters in

facilities incorporate the hybrid JCO technology from

the pre-salt layer of the Santos Basin, approximately

Mannesmann Demag of Germany (SMS Meer).

300 kilometers offshore the Brazilian coast. The contract includes the engineering, procurement, manufacturing and supply of 90 kilometers of risers(1) and flowlines(2) for

IPLOCA Yearbook

water injection, oil production, gas lift and carbon Advertising Reservation Advertising Rates & dioxide Info 2010-2011


(CO2) reinjection. The key challenges of this project are Yes please reserve advertising space in the IPLOCA YEARBOOK 2010-2011

Advertising rates

All rates are in EURO's

Full Page

Black only

One half Page

Full Color

1/2 page

1/1 page



Black Only

2/1 page (spread) 5100,-

due to the water depth, and the large CO2 and hydrogen Full Page Spread

Random Position









Matched Color




Special position

1 Extra Color




Full Color Process


Inside Front Cover


2 Extra Colors

Full Color Process


sulfide (H2S) content in the produced fluid. A new riser Opposite Listing Other (Specify)

Repeat 2009-2010 Advertisement

Our office will send complete Advertisement (digital files only, see specifications)

Inside Back Cover


· Agency commission - 15% (recognized agencies only) · Commission applies to space/color and position rates · No cash discounts · Remittance due on recipt of invoice · Late fee added to invoices 30 days past due

monitoring system, using distributed temperature sensor Back Cover


Our Advertising Agency will send complete Advertisement (digital files only, see specifications) We will send copy and photos for Advertisement design by IPLOCA YEARBOOK

Mechanical specifications Yearbook trim size

1/2 page standard


130 x 105


5.12 x 4.13

(DTS) technology, has been specially developed for this Address

1/2 page bleed

1/1 page standard

148 x 105

130 x 185

148 x 210

5.83 x 8.27

285 x 185

11.22 x 7.28

2/1 page bleed

297 x 210

11.69 x 8.27

application and will be incorporated in the flexible pipes. PC/State City


General Requirements

· Printing process; Web Offset full run, computer to plate · Colors available; 4C process & Matched Colors · Color rotation; Yellow, Magenta, Cyan, Black · Recommended line screen; 133 lines max (grid 54) · Binding Method; Wire-O (black metal)

Technip’s operating center in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil will Phone Fax

execute this contract. E-mail Date


Preferred Materials (acceptable digital files) · Acrobat-PDF (2400 DPI, binary, CMYK) · Adobe In-Design or Quark-Xpress (+ used typefaces & images) · Adobe Illustrator EPS (+ used typefaces & images) · TIFF-ITT (properly formatted; 300 DPI minimal)

Send materials, digital files only, preferrable by FTP or CD/DVD with copy proof of the ad, to the printer before June 30th 2010. (also for your company photo’s, logo’s & other material). Printer Veenman Printers Sevillaweg 140 3047 AL ROTTERDAM The Netherlands

Online Reservation: www.iploca-yearbook.com

As last year the new

5.83 x 4.13

5.12 x 7.28

1/1 page bleed

2/1 page standard

FTP server mail.veenmadrukkers.nl login iploca10 password ipl10oca

T +31 [0]10 - 245 33 33 F +31 [0]10 - 245 33 44 E info@veenmandrukkers.nl

Questions? Call the publisher Pieter Schoonenberg +31 [0]162 - 314181

Technip Awarded Two Contracts for the Visakh Refinery in India

Images: Land & Marine Project Engineering and Habau Hoch- und Tiefbaugesellschaft



2010-2011 edition of the IPLOCA Yearbook will be 9 TH EDITION


published and distributed to members by mail during the month of November.

As always, listing and advertising deadlines and rates are posted at www.iploca-yearbook.com.

Technip has been awarded two contracts by Hindustan Petroleum Corporation Ltd. (HPCL) for their diesel

Don’t forget to submit your project photographs for

hydrotreater project in the Visakh refinery, on the east

inclusion in the picture spread. Please send photographic

coast of India. The two contracts, which are scheduled to

materials to listing@iploca-yearbook.com.



New Technologies Road to Success Promoted in China Novel Construction Consultant, Daniel Gasquet attended the Sixth China International Pipeline Exhibition and Forum in Langfang,

Research Collaboration with EPRG, PRCI, APIA

China, from 31 March

Following the signing of a Collaboration Memorandum

to 4 April 2010 as

of Understanding regarding IPLOCA’s participation in

a keynote IPLOCA

research relevant to the pipeline industry, IPLOCA is now

speaker to present

providing a list of potential research projects and is also

information about the

evaluating opportunities for co-funding with the other

publication Onshore

members of the group.

Pipelines: The Road to Success.

The type and nature of funding is to be discussed and decided, and a representative will ultimately be assigned

Juan Arzuaga, IPLOCA

to serve on the project team. The other organizations,

Executive Secretary

those comprising the “Tripartite”, have committed to

also promoted the

communicate the content and progress of their research

book during his

programs, providing further information on request from

convention-related visit to China in April, where he also

IPLOCA and providing the means for IPLOCA to participate.

served as a speaker at the 2010 China Pipeline Summit in Beijing. Between 200 and 300 people attended each of

Additional information is being posted at the IPLOCA

these two important events.

website as it becomes available.

Training Seminar

“These days a mono-cultural group on a technical project

IPLOCA’s First Training Seminar Gets Excellent Reviews Early in March, IPLOCA offered its first training seminar

is a rare thing,” said S&N International instructor, Sylla Pahladsingh, who along with her colleague Steffi Wiesmann led the two day seminar. “One of the major advantages of a training session like this is the chance to spend time away from usual work-day pressures to understand and analyse our interactions. How do we perceive each other?”

specifically designed for and customised for Pipeline Project Managers. This was not “technical” training in the accepted sense of the word; it did not involve heavy equipment, there were no hard hats, and no welded steel pipe. Instead, 16 pipeline project managers from IPLOCA member companies gathered at the Sheraton Amsterdam Airport to focus for two days on their communication skills, specifically Communication Skills in an Intercultural Technical Environment. The seminar group was deliberately limited in size to ensure that the dynamics of the group were appropriate to the purpose of the training. A major challenge for a group of professionals from an extremely technical background is their lack of opportunity in their normal work experience to take time to reflect on their communications


One of the seminar tasks involved a set of large pictures, where

and the impact of their behaviour on others. Add to that the

participants were asked for their perceptions of the images. What do

international and multicultural aspects, and the challenges

you see? The results were clear: Even if we speak the same language

are multiplied many times over.

we cannot assume that we are thinking the same way.


“There is no such thing as one reality. We all have our own realities. One of the things we see in the western world of communication is that we tend to be very direct. In other cultures people have been programmed to communicate differently, relying strongly on context and being much more indirect. Put cultures like this together in a work environment and you’re bound to have some communication challenges. Low context refers to societies where people tend to have many connections but of short duration or for some specific reason. In these societies, cultural behavior and beliefs may need to be spelled out explicitly so that those coming into the cultural environment know how to behave. High context refers to societies or groups where people have close connections over a long period of time. Many aspects of cultural behavior are not made explicit because most

Emphasising the importance of body language: Participants

members know what to do and what to think from years of

communicate without the benefit of being able to interpret each

interaction with each other, such as within a family. Once we

other’s body language.

become more aware of who we are, where we came from and our different family backgrounds and experiences, we

Feedback from the participants on the training was

become more flexible, more open minded and less likely to

extremely positive, with 100 percent of attendees agreeing

make ungrounded assumptions.”

that their knowledge of the subject matter had increased as a result of training and that they had enjoyed the

Participants examined the four intercultural readiness

atmosphere during the training. In terms of the length

competences: intercultural sensitivity, intercultural

of the training, however, only 54 percent agreed that the

communication, building commitment and managing

length was right, with 46 percent remarking that it was

uncertainty. “Thanks to a good mixture of theory and

either “too short” or “much too short”.The average rating

practical exercises at the training I now have a lot of extra

for the training, on a scale of 1 through 10, was 8.3.

knowledge”, said Karel Bockx, Project Leader, from Denys (Belgium), “and I have some helpful tools to use in my daily

Based on this feedback a second, slightly modified training is

business -- as well as in my family life --to achieve better

anticipated later this year with an increased level of practical

communication. Now, it is up to me and my colleagues

exercises and an e-learning module as pre-course work.

from the training seminar to implement the tools we were given and to improve our communication day by day and

More information is available from h.ringers@wxl.nl or

week by week.”


IPLOCA Health & Safety Award Sponsored by Chevron Recognizing an exemplary success in improving safety regulation and decreasing the number of accidents, the annual IPLOCA Health and Safety Award sponsored by Chevron will be presented at the 2010 Convention to be held in Venice. All Members and Associate Members are encouraged to apply for the award. Submissions from Associate Members are limited to the pipeline industry and related work. In order to qualify for the nomination, all participants

The Adjudication Committee will review all entries submitted on the following basis: -- Does it add value? -- Does it show management commitment? -- Does it constitute an identifiable step forward in safety for the Industry? -- How efficient is it? -- Does it have additional benefits? We look forward to hearing from all our member companies about your recent Health and Safety improvements. If you have any questions regarding your entry, please contact sarah.junod@iploca.com.



must have previously submitted their Health and Safety

-- A unique innovation or initiative to avoid incidents.

Statistics from 2009, which are being gathered as a

-- A new and well-defined system, procedure or practice

constant monitoring and improvement tool.

enhancing safety. -- Implementation of lessons learned.

IPLOCA encourages all Members to take a pro-active role in the prevention of accidents.

The winning Company will be presented in Venice with an engraved trophy. In addition, the winner and three

The Award is in recognition of your 2009 initiatives aimed

runners up will receive a certificate in recognition of their

at improving the health and safety of the pipeline industry

commitment to safety. Information and submission forms

such as:

are available at www.iploca.com

IPLOCA Safety Statistics 2009

Accident breakdown

Lifting Operations



Vehicle accidents


Work at height / scaffolding Hand tool

Since 2005 there has been a steady increase in Health &


Safety Statistical Returns received. This year we have so

3% 37%

far received returns from 76 member companies with the objective of improving accuracy in identifying aggregate


Involving fall Excavation / Earth collapse Confined spaces Impact with construction equipment Welding operations Hazardous substances

industry trends year on year.

Electrical work

Accident Breakdown

1% 2%

The overall man hours worked in 2009 was 417,260,499


12% 6% 1%

Road traffic accidents Others

with 91,115 Lost Work Days reported. The formula: Lost





2% 5%

Time Incidents (LTI) x 1,000,000 á by Total Man Hours Worked gives us the Calculated LTI Frequency Rate of


2.35. Since 2003 the frequency rates have dropped at an

2% 0%

impressive rate. In 2003 LTI rate was 9.04. In 2008 this had


reached its low of 1.17. Road Traffic Accident frequency rate has risen steadily from 0.77 on 2003 to 1.30 in 2009. The

1% 1%


Fatality frequency rate has dropped from 0.05 in 2003 to 0.03 in 2009. To identify performance more realistically, IPLOCA divides

industry is road traffic accidents (RTA). During the previous 12

members into four categories and gathers trend analysis

months this rose significantly from 37 percent to 61 percent

for each category as well as overall:

in the statistics which in real terms relates to 542 RTA. A

-- Onshore activities of over 1.5 million man hours worked

further breakdown identifies that 179 of these were on-site

-- Onshore of less than 1.5 million man hours worked

incidents and the remaining 363 were on the roads, or away

-- Offshore and

from work sites. IPLOCA’s HSE Committee appreciates the

-- Field Services & Special Contractors

continued support of its member companies in working together to reaching new targets within the industry sector

Previous statistics showed a steady increase in fatalities

and collectively identify health and safety statistics on a

within the industry, with 23 work-related deaths in 2008

greater scale to achieve increased accuracy and value. With

However in 2009 this dropped by 40 percent to 14 work-

the help of all our members we look forward to reporting

related deaths. One of the most significant issues within our

improved figures next year for the calendar year 2010.

Category Onshore > 1.5 Million Man Hrs

Man Hours Worked

Lost Time Incidents

Road Traffic Accidents



Onshore < 1.5 Million Man Hrs





























Frequency Rate


Services & Specialist Contractors


Returns Received Fatalities



Prevention of Road Traffic Accidents Submitted by John Fagan, HSE Manager, The Oman Construction Co LLC (TOCO) (Willbros) In an attempt to prevent or significantly reduce road traffic accident, contractors in the Oman operations of Willbros have installed live GPRS, IVMS (In Vehicle Monitoring Systems) in their vehicles to help reduce the number of driving violations and the number of road traffic incidents. The live system monitors a variety of possible driver violations and informs management immediately by text or e-mail when a violation occurs. Examples of some of the driving violations the system monitors include speeding, not using a seat belt when the vehicle is in motion, harsh braking or harsh acceleration. The live GPRS link allows management to take quick appropriate action to ensure the driver is contacted and mentored to help ensure the violation is not repeated. We have been using IVMS for some time now and we have seen a dramatic improvement in our driver’s behavior, we have completed 12,729,103 km with only two minor traffic incidents. The initial introduction of IVMS showed us that at least 60 percent of our drivers were committing driving violations on a regular basis. Through a good management program involving mentoring and disciplinary action, we were able to drop the percentage of violations down to almost zero. The historical record for one of our pickup trucks, (PF-1602) is shown in the graphics: -- the vehicle was driven for 1 hour and 28 minutes on Friday the 5th of March 2010; -- it drove a total distance of 47km -- three speeding violations were recorded (denoted by the x 3 yellow + signs on the vehicle log chart)

instructed not to exceed 50kph in those areas. However the driver of pick-up PF-1602 exceeded the

The maximum permissible graded road speed limit in the

geo-fenced speed restrictions on three occasions. On two

concession area is 80kph; the maximum speed driven by

occasions he drove between 50 and 75 km/h and on one

our pick up driver was 72.4 km/h. Why were three speeding

occasion he drove between 70 and 80 km/h, as shown

violations recorded?

on the speed chart. He had ZERO harsh braking, ZERO harsh acceleration and ZERO seat belt violations. The

On that particular route TOCO had set additional speed

driver subsequently attended a one on one de-briefing

restrictions on certain high risk parts of the route, using

session with the journey manager to discuss his speeding

the geo-fencing option of the IVMS software. A maximum

violations. The driver agreed to follow the required

speed of 50 kph was imposed on certain parts of the

regulations in future. The consequence matrix was applied

route. All drivers were informed of the areas where the

and disciplinary action was taken against the driver in the

geo-fencing option had been implemented and they were

form of a written warning.



The OPAL Pipeline

The OPAL Pipeline construction started in September/ October 2009 and the start of construction of NEL is planned

Satisfying Europe´s Growing Demand for Gas

for autumn 2011. The maximum capacity of the Nord Stream

By Thomas Rehberg, Michael Schad and Max Wedekind, DENSO GmbH

gas imports to the EU or secure the supply of more than 20

Pipeline will be 55 billion cubic meters per year (each line is good for 27.5 bcm p.a.) which will cover 25 percent of extra million households. Alternatively, one would need 700 LNG

On 7 April 2010 the first pipes of the Nord Stream Project

tankers per year to transport this quantity of gas. The OPAL

(Baltic Sea Pipeline) were laid offshore in the Baltic Sea.

will absorb a capacity of 35 bcm and the NEL is designed for a capacity of 20 billion cubic meters.

The gas supply from Russia, beginning in October 2011, will be distributed in Europe by two new pipelines, the OPAL pipeline (Baltic-Sea-Connection-Pipeline) heading south from Greifswald, Germany through Mecklenburg, Brandenburg and Saxony to the Czech border and the NEL Pipeline (North-German Gas-Pipeline) heading west via the Wingas storage plant at Rheden to the Netherlands, connecting the United Kingdom to the Russian gas sources. On the German-Czech border the pipeline will be connected with the planned Gazela Pipeline to connect gas export pipelines in the Czech Republic. OPAL and NEL are designed and owned by WINGAS (80 percent) and E.ON Ruhrgas (20 percent) and will be operated by OPAL NEL Transport GmbH.



The Opal Pipeline Š 2010 WINGAS GmbH & Co. KG

A few facts on OPAL -- Pipe diameter: 1.420 mm -- wall thickness: 22,3 mm -- MOP: 100 bar -- total length 470 km -- length of pipes 18 m -- weight of each pipe: 15 tons -- pipe quantity: 27.000 units -- One pipe per truck load = 27,000 transports to the site! -- Pipe metal capacity needed: 10 times more than the steel used for the construction of the Titanic. Due to the tight construction schedule, construction has to be phased over two winter seasons. On 1 July 2011 the pipeline must be ready for the first gas and on 1 October

The DENSOMAT 11 in action onsite at Opal © 2010 DENSO GmbH

2011 the commercial start of the line is planned. The OPAL is the most ambitious onshore project in Europe up to now.

were invented in order to fit the complex challenges of DN 1400 pipes. The DENSOMAT 11 was designed for

There are only two short pipeline sections (11 km in total)

variable and fast application of corrosion prevention tapes

previously built in Germany with the diameter DN 1400.

on pipes, especially for long distance pipelines. It can be

Each pipe´s weight is 50 percent higher than one of DN

left on the pipeline while it is transferred from one joint

1200. This has a tremendous effect on the load capacities

to the subsequent. By opening the ring of the chain guide

and requested quantities of sidebooms, excavators and

at the bottom, the machine can be pushed forward along

transport facilities. And there are additional complications

the pipeline with minimal force. Additional advantage is a

in the OPAL construction.

requested clearance of 50 cm only around the pipe.

In the southeast of Berlin the pipeline will be laid in an area

The DENSOMAT 11 can apply two tapes simultaneously

where in April 1945 the battle of Berlin took place at Halbe.

with constant overlap and tension providing a high-quality

More than 60,000 Russian and German soldiers were

coating at constantly high speed. The tape system used

killed in action during this battle. The search for explosives

on the OPAL was designed a few years ago based on

ordnance is therefore extremely important and will take

the special requirements of E.ON Ruhrgas for large pipe

time. Further obstacles to be overcome on the route of

diameters and exceeding the requirements of the highest

OPAL are several river and waterway crossings.

class of EN 12068 C 50 in significant parameters. The

The construction of OPAL is an outstanding European

system comprises of a butyl-rubber based primer, a 3-ply

project in which numerous IPLOCA members are involved.

self-amalgamating tape for corrosion prevention in 1.2 mm

(Section 1-2: PPS/HABAU; section 3-6: Ghizzoni; section

thickness and a 3-ply tape in 0.5 mm thickness for the

7-10: Bonatti; and section 11-14: Max Streicher/Sicim.)

mechanical protection.

Construction has now started on all 14 sections. All pipes were supplied by Europipe GmbH, and the factory coating was applied by Mülheim Pipecoatings GmbH. DENSO´s contribution to the construction is the supply of corrosion prevention tapes for field-joint coating on all sections of the OPAL and of appropriate application devices for the wrapping process. The tape systems will be applied by the service companies Eupec Pipeline Services GmbH and Peper GmbH. The motor driven application device DENSOMAT 11, engineered and manufactured by DENSO, has been used successfully on several pipeline construction sites with different diameters in Europe before. For the OPAL, necessary tailor-made adjustments on the DENSOMAT 11

Pipes stocks at Opal © 2010 DENSO GmbH



At the OPAL project the length of the rolls are tailor-made

load is disposed homogenously and the pipe position is

per joint, calculated to wrap the inner layer for corrosion

very stable to movement. For the use of DENSOMAT 11

prevention and the outer wrap with the same overlap of 50

however this method was a real challenge as one could not

percent simultaneously. Often practical conditions on site

pass these sandheaps on first trials.

do not correlate with technical design and engineering. The pipe bedding method of Italian companies, for

DENSO designed a scissor-type jack which will lift the

example, differs from methods being used at most

DENSOMAT 11 on both sides of the chain guide ring of

European sites, where the pipes are laid on pipe supports

approximately 30 cm which will solve the problem of

made of timber beams.

transporting the device to the next joint. No doubt this will not be the last challenge for this project, but DENSO

The Italian companies make the pipe support of sand,

is convinced that it will overcome challenges with strong

embedding the pipes on sandheaps which cover most of

cooperation with its construction partners. Together we will

the pipe´s surface. This has the advantage that the pipe

continue on IPLOCA´s road to pipeline success.

The 2010 IPLOCA Environmental Award

Members and Associate Members are invited submit for an award an achievement which:

sponsored by Shell

-- Adds value -- Shows Management commitment -- Constitutes an identifiable step forward in Environment Protection for the Industry -- Demonstrates proven efficiency of the achievement -- Demonstrates additional benefits (to be explained in the submission)

The IPLOCA Environmental Award sponsored by Shell is of the IPLOCA Convention to an IPLOCA Member or

Submissions will be considered under the following categories:

Associate Member who, in the opinion of the adjudication

-- Carbon footprint

committee, has made a significant contribution in reducing

-- Impact assessment and public consultation

the impact of pipeline construction on the environment.

-- Waste management and reduction

presented every two years at the Open General Meeting

The details of the conditions pertaining to this award are as follows:

-- Spill response preparedness -- Water usage and preservation -- Soil and ground restoration

-- The Environmental Award is made every two years.

-- Social management plans

-- The Award consists of a trophy and a framed certificate.

-- Archeology

-- Participation in the award process is free and is open to all

-- Flora and fauna

current Members who have submitted their 2009 Health & Safety Statistics and to Associate Members of IPLOCA. -- The submission must include a brief summary that explains your submission. -- Other details that may be required to further explain your submission must be sent as attachments (no more

It is up to the company or individual making the submission to demonstrate in writing why they consider the submission to be worthy of the award. Submissions should be accompanied by supporting evidence which may include photos, video, and/or press cuttings.

than 20 A4 pages) -- The submissions must be sent in electronic version

All submissions will be appraised by the IPLOCA HSE

-- The achievement should result from activity undertaken

Committee including one or more Shell representatives.

in a current project or in a project that has been

The Committee’s decision will be final and no

completed in the last two years.

correspondence or representations in relation thereto will

-- The submission must be made in English.

be entertained. The Environment Award will be presented at IPLOCA convention in Venice (1 October 2010).

Permission for submissions to be published will be


considered to be granted upon receipt unless specifically

We look forward to hearing from many of you about your

forbidden in writing along with your application.

recent Environmental successes.



-- 2010 IPLOCA Environmental Award sponsored by

We continue to build the IPLOCA website and add new

-- IPLOCA Environmental Award archives (including

features regularly. Additionally, in the coming weeks

Shell - Submission Form winning entries)

some design changes will also be made to allow easier

New Technologies

navigation and access. Just added to www.iploca.com:

-- New Technologies Committee & Objectives -- New Technologies Award Archives (and winning entries)

About IPLOCA -- Geographical region details

-- Information regarding the agreement among EPRG, APIA, PRCI and IPLOCA

Membership Centre


-- Information on Members and Associate Members

-- Information on the Schiphol training seminar

approved in April and May 2010 HSE -- 2009 Health & Safety statistics aggregate information -- 2009 IPLOCA Health & Safety Award sponsored by Chevron - Submission Form -- IPLOCA Health & Safety Award archives

Regional Meetings -- Past regional meetings (photos, presentations and other documentation) IPLOCA Conventions -- Information on the Venice Convention and registration link

Regional Meetings Brazil


The IPLOCA Regional Meeting scheduled for Tuesday, 6 April in Rio de Janeiro was cancelled at very short notice when about 284 mm (about 1 foot) of rain fell on the city in 12 hours. This extraordinary and unfortunate state of affairs resulted in huge mudslides and an estimated death toll of more than 400. It left hundreds homeless, and additionally caused chaos and closure of businesses throughout the city and beyond. We thank Board Member Ebbo Laenge of Conduto for his help and willingness to host the event. The new date for the meeting is 6 July, 2010. On Wednesday, 17 March 2010, Bruno de La Roussière, IPLOCA Immediate Past President and Jacquelin de La Porte, IPLOCA Director for Europe Mediterranean, along with Gilles de Bagneux, Président Directeur Général de SPAC, hosted a Regional Meeting at the offices of COLAS in Paris. Forty-seven people from 26 companies attended the event. Sylvain Hendricks of GRT Gaz spoke about pipeline investments in France and new legislation in preparation. Gérard Kimus and Frank Bernaerts of Fluxyx spoke about natural gas infrastructure developments in Belgium. Juan Arzuaga, IPLOCA Executive Secretary, and Daniel Gasquet, IPLOCA Consultant, made a presentation about the initiatives of IPLOCA’s New Technologies Committee.



Venice Convention Update It’s time to register! Online registration is open and as of press time more than 200 people were already registered to join us in Venice in September. Pack your comfortable shoes and your camera and build in a little extra time to walk

A C O IPL Venice

the city and enjoy getting hopelessly lost among the 117 small islands, 150 canals and 409 bridges (of which only three cross the main canal!), in mazes of back streets and deserted







LOCA C Annual IP


Tour Descripti


ber - 1

Tours 1 & 4 - Islands of the Lagoon

Dates: Mond ay, 27 Septe mber Tuesday, 28 September Time: 09.00 – 17.00 (inclu des lunch) Visit three of the most ch arming and romantic isla nds Venice ha s to offer: Firstly Muran o, which lies to Venice’s fin 1.5 km north of the est glass blo main island wing factories realm of gla an d is home . The tour wil ss making, wh l take you int ere you will master glasso the have the op maker’s demo portunity to nstration. observe a Secondly Bu rano, 7 km away from Ve school and art nice, famou isans who spe s for its histor cialise in the the most un ic lace art of lace ma ique of the thr king. It is pr ee islands wit extend along obably h its multi-col the canals. oured facad es that Lastly Torce llo, also know n as the wild an is the oldest d green isla island in Ve nd of Venice. nice and wa to the Byzan s once the mo Torcello tine Santa Ma st populated ria Assunta and its collec . It is home Ca thedral, con tion of beau structed in 63 tiful mosaics. 9 A.D.,

27 Septem Tour 3 - 18th

on Molino

10 - Hilt October 20


Stucky Veni

Century Ve

nice Dates: Mond ay, 27 Septe mber Time: 13.30 – 17.00 This tour wil l take you thr ough the Ca’ Rezzo nico, an 18th century palace situate d on Venice’s Grand Canal. The palace is int act with original perio d furniture Tiepolo and and frescoes by Giambattis exquisite lan ta, Giandame dscapes and Pietro Long nico domestic sce hi that convey ne s by the Ca naletto and atmosphere of power. of the Seren issima’s last century The clothing , garments an d other access changes in fas ories on displa hion reflected y illustrate ho the changes analogies be w the in overall tas ing drawn be te, with paral tween the col of clothing an lels and ours, design d those to be and decorati see n in ve the furnishin motifs The tour wil gs of the pe l finish with riod. a short walk a demonstrat to the nearb ion will be giv y mask atelie en on the art This will giv r wh ere of mask desig e participan n and fabric ts the chance why the ma ation. to gain a de sk became suc h a pr ine in Venetian tont and fashioeper understanding of llo parties and Casteom nable access everyday life om Fr ory 6 r . Tou

e Time usic at th Tour 9 - M blic u ep ber of the R , 29 Septem

ednesday Dates: W .00 –17.45 Time: 13 the ce considered Dates: Mond dge was once ri ce B ay, 27 Septe ar music ni o lt Ve ia R mber ber e could he em on pt ic: Se Wednesday, us r any 29 Septemb city of m esday, 28 re and fo Tour 5 - Cann Time: 08.30 er Dates: Tu re ed anywhe 0 – 12.30 aregio & the being play uments we .45 – 16.3 str 13 in ch e: le ur m Chwish Gh Ti Come marve Valuab st er the Je l at the archit etto occasion. and the fir will discov y s ectural cit nt e pa e beauty of St. th th ici in Part Paolo, Dates: Tuesday, 28 Mark’s Squa produced re. vanni and September and Rich in histor is gr Tim . Th of San Gio e: 09.00 – 13 y, it was the founded. in Venice .00 political ce, and religiou ores was r t church sc la es ic pu rg us la po ro La Feni s m Ca cen e r nnaregio is tre of the Re first has been a pla becam e new Teat known for itsblishing house fo public of Venice. Sin g ilar to the ce of extraord hic church duerin eatre. Th sim ot s lon pu G Th wid ce le ge g, the ce sty do can ni y r Re ina als take you thr naissance it ry historical La Fe centur d bright” l place fo ough the Ba and artistic will draped with theelin ursstarts at tour “brash an in the 19th e fro as a buria toen as m the silica where value. The tou ilt Th ed . bu Th the well know da ib era bs is y’s cr , m op wash. one can admi r will 36. Des n Bridge of ducal to ted in 2003 of the best re the Ducal issance Sighs, the Pr ntains 25 down in 18 the Marcian inaugura ll be one of Rena Palace and As you walk ocuratie palac d now co a National Lib ich burned example ed it to sti ic ansom ge thr ul wh im bl , id la tif ou es, pu ce gh Br oc au the ni Re rar Ca pr to be e Fe Camp e ile mp y. ve e co o Dei La of li; of th thea sculptur e famous Rial Mori, your The tour con and Mira n others ha the timan by Giorgio tinues by go urch ofthe built seveguide will sharebywitsohme critics, up toalthand architect designed fac sides ndola throu enofcethe uren al tre to the Ch you has be asu e of the gh Venice’s lo’s read the Pietà, lacBr continue es id ange city. You wiluses in Europe. alto . Thres labyrinth of d church ldi with Ripa Marco Poneighbo 91on church of va e e 15 by Vi Th th g es o in l ur l. ho see in to in e ni can ho ss na nt to ods of Venic e of the pa . An ital of nd Ca o di Po str style,als with a visit e Grathe sonatas of and hosp d today oldest and wealthie firstuc ollictwil an by Antoni e. 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Th e mainlan Paolo Vero i Carmin of the Ges and gond ats from th o, where rande de e church yside Sebastian es and go e Scuola G discover th cks and wa roque wine, calv bio and th s will also . of the Ba stations, lo nt no ce e ni ng pa Ze pl e ’ Ve sti ici th am Ca rt r po om Pa rience ficent ex olo and n for its d lodge fo and fish fr op to expe ttista Tiep e, a magni , also know sh ta to dine an s ba ur rk ct ts m en wa ia r ite nt an wo G a ve co ch ch ta Ri tian ar gondol La Mal s. the mer The Bren a visit to a ssible for rising Vene e rich inent Villa tian artisan th th po rp om ne s wi su of pr Ve s d wa e ce it of en th e ip past residen tour will inns wher aftsmansh take you lla Pisani, style. The ity and cr shoes. e tour will ira and Vi the de xter comfortable night. Th onico in M first-hand Please wear ann Rezz r. m tou id ng W ty. walki Villa socie a n is tia is ne Th of Ve Note: and nobles

Tours 2 & 8



- Classic Veni



Convention Sponsorship We have been fortunate to receive commitments of

your company, than at this consistently sold-out pipeline

sponsorship already for the large majority of items offered

industry event attended by all the major players?

and we thank all our sponsors. As usual, at this time of

Caroline Green (caroline.green@iploca.com) will be

year, one or two items are still available. Please take a

pleased to provide you with more information on the few

look at the list below. What better way to get visibility for

remaining sponsorship opportunities.

Special Functions: The First Time Attendees Cocktails Pipeline & Gas Journal and Ozzie’s Pipeline Padder, Inc. (co-sponsorship) The Welcome Party Dodsal Group President’s Dinner Land and Marine Project Engineering Directors & Wives Dinner Ritchie Bros. Auctioneers and Bonatti S.p.A. (co-sponsorship) The CRC-Evans Luncheon CRC-Evans Pipeline International and Applus RTD Group (co-sponsorship) The Caterpillar Evening Caterpillar Fireworks Laurini Officine Meccaniche The Spy Ladies Brunch Pipeline Inspection Members & Associate Members Cocktails Volvo Construction Equipment Members & Associate Members Menu PWT S.pA. Members & Associate Members Wine UniversalPegasus International, Inc. The John Fabick Cocktail Party Pipeline Machinery Int’l Music for “Dancing ‘til Dawn” Zakhem Int’l Construction Ltd. Open Bar for “Dancing ‘til Dawn” Jindal Saw Ltd. PIH Golf Tournament Pipeline Induction Heat WWM Tennis Tournament Worldwide Machinery Tour Programme: 1. Islands of the Lagoon: Murano, Burano and Torcello CPP China Petroleum Pipeline Bureau 2. Classic Venice Tour & Gondola Serenade Spiecapag 3. Eighteenth Century Venice Salzgitter 11Mannesmann International GmbH

4. Islands of the Lagoon: Murano, Burano and Torcello PWT S.p.A. 5. Cannaregio & the Jewish Ghetto RMS Welding Systems 6. Castello to Rialto Bridge Max Streicher GmbH & Co 7. The Brenta River Goriziane S.p.A. 8. Classic Venice Tour & Gondola Serenade (for latecomers) ShawCor Ltd. 9. Music at the time of the Republic incl. an afternoon concert Lincoln Electric and Tekfen Construction and Installation Co., Inc. (co-sponsorship) 10. Dorsoduro Tour & visit to a gondola workshop RMS Welding Systems Convention / IPLOCA Functions: Registration Desk Herrenknecht Welcome Drinks at Registration ROSEN Group Internet Centre Consolidated Contractors Company (C.C.C.) Coffee breaks at Open General Meetings C.A.T. International Ltd. Registration Bags for the Gentlemen ShawCor Ltd. Registration Bags for the Ladies Zakhem Int’l Construction Ltd. Bottled mineral water for all tours Trencor/Astec Underground and American Augers (co-sponsorship) Wine at Final Banquet Willbros Group, Inc. Flowers at Final Banquet Ledcor Pipeline Limited Band at Final Banquet Nacap B.V. Entertainment at Final Banquet HABAU Hoch- und Tiefbaugesellschaft and PPS Pipeline Systems (co-sponsorship) Audio Visual at Final Banquet Vacuworx Int’l and Specialty Polymer Coatings, Inc. (co-sponsorship)

Sponsor opportunities available: -- Meet and Greet at the Airport (co-sponsorship) -- A/V + Transport to Cini Foundation for OGM (Friday) -- Boats Back to the Airport -- Convention Fund Contributions

Car for Lottery Welspun Corp. Ltd. Photographers at the convention Vermeer Corporation Convention Photo CD PTPS Printing of Pocket Programme Spiecapag Printing of Final Banquet Menu Goriziane Printing of Attendance List Pipeline & Gas Journal Russian Simultaneous Translation Argus Limited Meet & Greet at the Airport Fluor (co-sponsorship) BA/V + Transport to Cini Foundation for OGM (Thursday) Techint Engineering & Construction Convention Fund Contributions Fluor Gifts: Insight Guide to San Francisco Maats Pipeline Equipment Liebherr Model Liebherr Gift DENSO GmbH Conduto Champagne at the final banquet Socotherm



In the Headlines

Russia, Turkey to sign number of oil, gas documents – Kremlin

IOC to commission first gas pipeline by end of month

Russia and Turkey are preparing a number of documents in the energy sphere for Russian President Dmitry Medvedev’s official visit to Ankara May 11-12, Presidential

The country’s largest oil marketing company has partnered

aide Sergei Prikhodko said on Monday. “The sides will

with Gujarat State Petroleum Corporation (GSPC) to bid

sign a memorandum on cooperation in oil transportation

for gas pipeline projects coming up in the country. Indian

security through the Black Sea, as well as a number of

Oil Corporation (IOC) will commission its first natural gas

other documents between Russian companies and their

pipeline by month-end. The 132-km- and 30-inch diameter

partners,” Prikhodko said at a briefing, adding that “the

pipe-line from Dadri in Uttar Pradesh will supply gas to

most important commercial contracts” would be with

IOC’s Panipat refinery. “IOC’s first gas pipeline will start

Rosneft and Gazprom. He called cooperation between the

operating by mo-nth-end with an initial capacity of 1.5-2

two countries on such large projects as the South Stream

million metric standard cubic metres per day (mscmd),” K K

gas pipeline, the Blue Stream-2 gas pipeline, as well as the

Jha, director (pipelines) at IOC told Financial Chronicle.

Samsun-Ceyhan oil pipeline “extremely perspective.”

www.mydigitalfc.com, 11 May 2010

Rianovosti, 10 May 2010

Please find below the correct IPLOCA Yearbook listing information for:

APPLUS RTD Headoffice: Applus RTD Group P.O. Box 10057 3004 AB Rotterdam Rivium 1e straat 80 2909 LE Capelle aan den IJssel Nederland T +31 10 716 60 00 F +31 10 716 63 73 E info@applusrtd.com I www.ApplusRTD.com Rob van Doorn, CEO Marcel Blinde, COO Edwin Nijman, CFO

Applus RTD Central Europe

Bengt Eide, Business Unit manager

Industriestr. 34 b


44894 Bochum T +49 234 927 980

Applus RTD South East Asia

F +49 234 927 98 98

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Erik van Nieuwenhuizen, Business Unit manager

Tradelink Park

Central Europe

Singapore 637481 T +65 6898 4046

Applus RTD France

Tjibbe Bouma, Business Unit manager

14, rue André Sentuc

South East Asia

69200 Venissieux, France T +33 4 72 50 57 50

Applus RTD South America

F +33 4 72 50 57 98

Blvd. Manuel Avila Camacho, 184, Piso 4-B

Marcel Blinde, Business Unit manager France

Col. Reforma Social Deleg. Miguel Hidalgo

Applus RTD Middle East

11650 - Mexico DF

P.O. Box 337

T +00 52 55 91 38 38 38

Abu Dhabi

F +00 52 155 26 23 08 83

United Arab Emirates

Ton Verburg, Business Unit manager

T +971 2 554 14 81

South America

F +971 2 554 37 57

Business Units:

Marcel Blinde, Business Unit manager

Applus RTD United Kingdom

Applus RTD Benelux

Middle East

West Mains Industrial Estate

Delftweg 144


3046 NC Rotterdam

Applus RTD Pacific


P.O. Box 10065

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T +44 1324 489785

T +31 10 716 60 00

Western Australia 6007

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David Andrews, Business Unit manager

Ruud Zantman, Business Unit manager Benelux

F +61 8 9382 4458

United Kingdom

Matt Callanan, Business Unit manager Pacific Applus RTD Canada


Applus RTD USA

5504, 36 Street

Applus RTD Scandinavia

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Houston, TX 77031-2360

T +1 780 440 6600


T +1 832 295 5000

F +1 780 440 2538

T +47 51 83 92 04

F +1 832 295 5001

Darren Steele, Business Unit manager Canada

F +47 90 04 80 82

Bob Burns, Business Unit manager USA


OPEC Is Unlikely to Change Output Quotas This Year

Upcoming Conferences

The Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries may

The 10th Anniversary Meeting Oil and Gas Pipelines

not change output quotas this year on hopes that Greece

in the Middle East

will resolve its debt crisis, Algeria’s energy minister said.

16-19 May 2010

“We are optimistic Greece will get over its crisis very soon

Abu Dhabi, UAE

Mepipes 2010

with the help of the European Union,” Chakib Khelil said in an interview today. “As that happens, we should see oil

No-Dig Moscow

prices go back to their level of $80 and $85 per barrel.”

The Leading trade Fair and Conference for Trenchless Technologies in Russia, CIS and Baltic States

Asked whether OPEC will cut output quota levels this year,

1-4 June 2010

Khelil said: “My hunch is that we’re not going to change

Moscow, Russian Federation

it this year.” Oil demand will increase in China, India and


the Middle East, as “those are not affected by what’s happening in Greece.”

Caspian Oil & Gas 2010 Exhibition & Conference

Bloomberg/Business Week, 9 May 2010

1-4 June 2010 Baku, Azerbaïjan www.caspianoil-gas.com/2010e


Pipe Line Contractors Association of Canada

Rainer Wittenhagen

56th Annual Convention

Submitted by Wilhelm Maats, on behalf of all staff from Maats Pipeline Equipment

6-10 June 2010 St John’s Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada www.pipeline.ca

On 7 January 2010, our former colleague and

Pipe Tech World Summit 2010

appreciated friend,

14-16 June 2010

Mr. Rainer Wittenhagen


passed away at the age of 66. Mr. Wittenhagen was

8th Russian Petroleum & Gas Congress

Director of the German

22-24 June 2010

branch of Maats European Pipeline Rentals for many

Moscow, Russia

years and played an important role in the development


of our company. ECI’s 21st Annual Conference and Global Especially in the Middle East region and India,

Construction Summit

Mr. Wittenhagen had many customers, many of whom

Construction Project Management Best Practices 2010 -

became friends over the years.

A Springboard for the Next Decade 24-25 June 2010

He will be remembered as a man with an extensive

Paris, France

knowledge of the pipeline industry who was always


willing to share his experience with others. At the same time he was a dedicated husband and father. Many of

Oil Sands and Heavy Oil Technologies Conference &

us still benefit today from his wisdom and advice.

Exhibition 20-22 July 2010

We received many reactions from all over the world

Calgary, AB, Canada

following his death. On behalf of his wife, daughter


and son, we would like to thank all of you for your sympathy and support.

ASCE Pipelines Conference 2010 28 August-1 September 2010

He will be missed by many.

Keystone, Colorado, USA www.content.asce.org/conferences/pipelines2010



IPLOCA 2009-2010 Board of Directors

Front row: Bruno de La Roussière (Immediate Past President); Karl Trauner (1st Vice President); Adam Wynne Hughes (President); Osman Birgili (2nd Vice President); Juan Arzuaga (Executive Secretary); Middle row: Harald Dresp, Marco Jannuzzi, Najib Khoury, H. Douglas Evans, Robert Deason, Sandip Sharma; Back row: Jacquelin de La Porte, Ebbo Laenge, Michael Rae, Vladilen Ermolin, Roberto Castelli, Andy Lukas; Not in photo: Phil Bond, Nasser Issa, Zeno Soave


Robert Deason (J.Ray McDermott))

Adam Wynne Hughes (Land & Marine)

Director, The Americas


Najib Khoury (CCC)

Karl Trauner (HABAU)

Director, Middle East & Africa

1st Vice President

Andy Lukas (AJ Lucas)

Osman Birgili (Tekfen)

Director, East & Far East

2 Vice President

Sandip Sharma (Kalpataru Power Transmission Limited)

Phil Bond (Pipeline Induction Heat)

Director, East & Far East



Marco Jannuzzi (Caterpillar)

Bruno de La Roussière (Entrepose Contracting)

Director, Associate Members

Immediate Past President


Michael Rae (Argus Ltd) Director, Associate Members

Vladilen Ermolin (PTPS JSC)

Directors at Large

Director, Europe Eastern

Phil Bond (Pipeline Induction Heat)

Jacquelin de La Porte (Spiecapag)

Roberto Castelli (Bonatti)

Director, Europe Mediterranean

Harald Dresp (Max Streicher)

Zeno Soave (Socotherm)

H. Douglas Evans (Gulf Interstate Engineering)

Director, Europe Mediterranean

Nasser Issa (C.A.T. International Ltd)

Ebbo Laenge (Conduto) Director, The Americas

Executive Secretary Juan Arzuaga



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