IPLOCA Newsletter 47

Page 1




Beijing page 18 Convention update

Contents: Letter from the President page 4 News from Geneva page 5 Member News page 9 Health, Safety & Environment page 14 WITH NEWS FROM: THE INDUSTRY, MEMBERSHIP, ALLIED & SISTER ASSOCIATIONS

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The Group

IPLOCA Mission To provide value to members through a forum for sharing ideas, engaging the industry and its stakeholders, facilitating business opportunities and promoting the highest standards in the pipeline industry.

Contents Letter from the President


News from Geneva


Board Meeting Update


Membership Centre


Member News




Health, Safety & Environment


Regional Meetings


Elections to the IPLOCA Board of Directors


Beijing Convention Update


In the Headlines


IPLOCA Secretariat

IPLOCA Newsletter

Cover Photo Courtesy of Allseas

International Pipe Line & Offshore


Contractors Association

Elizabeth Spalding

Chemin des Papillons 4


IPLOCA Yearbook

1216 Cointrin / Geneva

Peter Schoonenberg





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Letter from the President Registration for the much anticipated 2011 Convention in China (12-16 September in Beijing) opened at the beginning of May. This will be the first time IPLOCA has held a Convention in China and we have a great week planned for our attendees, including the possibility to participate in pre- or post-convention tours to see the Terracotta Warriors (page 18 of this Newsletter). Included with the Convention Registration Brochure recently mailed out, you will find a brochure regarding InterPipe, the major pipeline exhibition taking place from Saturday to Monday, 17 to 19 September, immediately following the Convention. The event is hosted by China Petroleum Pipeline Bureau and is supported by IPLOCA. Be sure to consider your attendance at this event as you plan your travel to the Far East. As usual, awards will be presented at the upcoming Convention in Beijing. New this year, as previously announced, will be the IPLOCA Corporate Social Responsibility Award. More information is available on page 16 of this Newsletter. On the committee front, we are delighted to welcome a new addition to our HSE Committee. As you will read on page 15 of this Newsletter, Kevin Parker of Mears Group has joined the committee. He has considerable experience in the field of HSE and more than 25 years in the pipeline industry. Finally, thanks to the generosity of Volvo and Renault Trucks in supplying a voucher towards a car at the Convention, we will again have the opportunity to raise significant funds for charity. Cristine and I have selected Hope 87: Hundreds of Original Projects for Employment, an Austrian initiative in which young people in Bangladesh are encouraged to show initiative and to develop local projects creating training and employment for themselves and other young people. As always I look forward to your questions, comments and ideas regarding IPLOCA. Please feel free to contact me at karl.trauner@habau.at and I hope to see as many of you as possible in Beijing in September. Sincerely,

Karl Trauner



News from Geneva and the UK

Changing Skyline We also witnessed some changes to our local environment, with the demolition of a nearby house that will make way for additional airport-related parking.

The Pipeline Industries Guild (PIG) recently held their 54th National Dinner in London. PIG is a sister association of IPLOCA and the event was attended by Juan Arzuaga, Executive Secretary. IPLOCA Immediate Past President Adam Wynne Hughes was also a guest at the event as were current Board Members Andy Lukas and Phil Bond. Europe NW Regular Members Land & Marine, Murphy Pipelines and PIH were all in attendance along with Associate Members Denso, Rhead Group, and RSK. Europe Mediterranean Regular Members Serimax and Spiecapag also attended, along with their respective former IPLOCA Board Members David Williams and Jean Claude Van de Wiele. Europe Central Regular Member PPS attended together with a range of clients and contractors who operate within the UK and around the world. The event showed the charitable side of our industry as it raised in excess of ÂŁ15,000 for the National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children (NSPCC) to support and protect children from abuse. The event included the presentation of various awards. Juan and Adam had the opportunity to discuss the benefits of membership of IPLOCA with potential new members and were able to point to the significant number of attendees mentioned above, who are members of both IPLOCA and PIG.

Geneva Office Visitors During March the staff of the Geneva Office had the

Last vestiges of the countryside‌ The crash of the huge pine tree

pleasure of a visit from 1 Vice President Osman Birgili

hitting the ground was soon followed by fast and efficient demoli-

(Tekfen) on the occasion of the March Novel Construction

tion of the house and the levelling of the ground in preparation for

meeting, and later, from the members of the IPLOCA HSE

a new parking area. The end of April also brought the extension of

Committee who took advantage of our meeting facilities

the nearby tram line to the northwest border with France, allowing

and proximity to the Geneva International Airport.

a fast 20 minute trip from the centre of Geneva.


not always reliable because of problems with local postal


Link to the Newsletter You may already be aware that the

service. In view of this we recently offered a selection of our readers a new e-mailing service to alert them when the Newsletter is available on our website.

latest issue of our Newsletter is available at www.iploca.com - and sometimes even before the printed version has reached you. It has come to our attention that

If you are also interested in this new service please contact sarah.junod@iploca.com.

delivery to some countries is



Board Meeting Update

Seminar in Communications Skills

Montreux, March 2011

location, to foster attendance of a wide range of cultures

This seminar will be offered a third time, but in a new and ethnicities.

Because of potential political unrest in Morocco the decision was taken on 21 February to relocate the meeting

Master’s Degree in Pipelines

to Montreux, Switzerland. Following are the highlights

Research continued but few examples were able to

from that meeting:

be identified. The idea is to inform the membership of

Health, Safety and Environment Committee:

existing courses, such as the one in Rio de Janeiro. Sister Associations had been contacted and Gubkin University

2011 Health and Safety Award

had developed a new course. Other universities were

It was noted that the award this year would be termed the

being contacted and a final report will be given at the

2011 award to avoid any confusion with the Health and

Istanbul Board Meeting. The following were identified:

Safety statistics. Adjudication will take place in June.

Gubkin University; Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Rio; University of West Australia (UWA); and Singapore

Environmental Indicators

University, which will be invited by UWA to develop the

Environmental indicators are being defined and will be

same course; University of Aachen in Germany; Montan

discussed at the upcoming HSE Committee meeting in

University of Loeben; Herriot-Watt University in Edinburgh,

Geneva. A separate submission form is being developed

Scotland; and the Dutch University.

for this purpose. Site Visits Road Traffic Accidents (RTA)

The objectives of planned site visits are as follows:

A white paper on three aspects of Road Traffic Accidents

-- Engage more clients and contractors

has been developed. It includes IPLOCA Health and

-- Promote discussions about other working methods

Safety statistics, information from other organisations on

-- IPLOCA to act as moderator of discussions.

reducing RTAs and testimonials from IPLOCA members.

Interest has been shown by Petrobras and Brazilian

Training Committee:

contractors (summer work) and by Chinese and Russian contractors (for permafrost work).

Training for Operators Minimum requirements are being defined for operators and

HSE Training Program from PLCAC (Pipe Line Contractors

for a train the trainer certification. The idea of a “passport”

Association of Canada)

for operators was suggested. Input will be sought from

A proposal was received for IPLOCA to become a

manufacturers and contractors. Once ideas are firm, additional

distributor of such a program. It was noted that certain

manufacturers will be invited to participate.

parts of the information are applicable only to Canada. This will be further discussed with PLCAC and information will be provided at the upcoming Board Meeting in Istanbul.

New Technologies Committee: Novel Construction/Road to Success It was announced that the Spring Plenary Session would be held in Geneva on 16 and 17 March. The use of a wiki (a website that allows users to create and edit a number of interlinked web pages via a browser for collaboration in developing and editing material) had been suggested and a demonstration had been provided to the Secretariat by CCC. This would be further discussed at the March Novel Construction meeting in Geneva. Teleconferences with BP and Tripartite Discussions are ongoing regarding the list of proposed


Following a demonstration by an expert (right photo), novice

projects for IPLOCA involvement and funding.

hornblower and IPLOCA President Karl Trauner made a valiant

A workshop was held in Atlanta on 9 March, attended by

attempt. The hat obviously helped.

Daniel Gasquet, IPLOCA consultant.


IPLOCA New Technologies Award An adjudication committee for the New Technologies Award sponsored by BP is being formed. Review of Minutes of the Rio de Janeiro Meeting The minutes and action items from Rio de Janeiro were reviewed. Actions were complete and the minutes were approved.

Treasurer’s Report: The (as yet unaudited) Final Report for the year 2010 was distributed to the board members and reviewed. Membership fee payment status was reviewed. The majority of fees have been received.

Membership: New Regular Members ALSA Engineering & Construction Co. L.L.C. (UAE). New Associate Members -- JPAC Technologies PVT Ltd (India) -- Industrial X-Ray and Allied Radiographers (I) Pvt. Ltd. (IXAR) (India) Name changes Name changes were approved as follows, following confirmation that core business and objectives remain the same: -- J. Ray McDermott S.A. to McDermott International Inc. -- Offshore International FZC to L&T Sapura Shipping Private Limited -- E.ON Engineering to E.ON New Build & Technology GmbH

Prisoners of Chillon: Even with the benefit of warm winter coats in the month of March, it was easy to imagine the horror of being chained and imprisoned year-round in the dungeons of the famous Chateau de Chillon, as fabled in the famous poem by Lord Byron.

-- Goriziane S.p.A. to Goriziane Group S.p.A.

Written in 1816, the chilling tale of the “Prisoner of Chillon” chro-

-- AB Rhead and Associates Ltd to Rhead Group Limited

nicles the imprisonment in the chateau just outside Montreux of

-- Tubacero, S.A. de C.V. to Tubacero, S. de R.L. de C.V.

François Bonivard, a Geneva monk. Byron later inscribed his name on one of the dungeon’s pillars - an early example of graffiti.

Resignations -- Jotun Powder Coatings, UAE -- LMR Drilling, Germany

Media Partners and IPLOCA Visibility:

-- AKTOR S.A., Greece

A production schedule is now in place following agreement

Arrangements for Beijing:

with our four Media Partners for publication of visibility advertisements in their magazines. Several news releases

Pre- and post- tours are being suggested in addition to

have also been published recently and space set aside in

regular tours, including a tour to see the famed Terracotta

the publications for IPLOCA news.

Warriors. Post-convention tours will begin on Sunday evening to allow delegates to attend the pipeline exhibition.

Regional Meetings: Beirut – 17-18 February 2011

Board of Directors Elections 2011: The call for nominations is now on the website at www.iploca.com/elections.

A successful meeting was held in Beirut with Nasser Issa,

Next Meeting:

Najib Khoury and several other board members in attendance.

The next Board of Directors meeting will take place in

(also see page 16)

Istanbul in May.



Membership Centre

DSMU-Gazstroy LLC

We welcome the following new Regular and Associate

7A/2 Novatorov St.

Members to IPLOCA. Their profiles are also available at

Moscow, 119421


Russian Federation

Regular Members ALSA Engineering & Construction Co. LLC

T +7 495 995 0351 / + 7 495 660 28 60 F +7 495 660 28 62 E moscow@dsmu.com / mnm@ooo-flex.ru I www.dsmu.com

Villa E4, Behind al-Hilal Bank Khalidiya, Abu Dhabi

DSMU-Gazstroy LLC is one of the

PO Box 54294, Abu Dhabi

most diversified enterprises in the


construction industry of Russia. It has a

T +971 2 6581551

considerable experience in both onshore

F +971 2 6581550

and offshore construction, construction of compressor

E alsaeng@alsaeng.ae

stations, industrial, civil and road construction. Pipeline

I www.alsaeng.ae

engineering at all complexity levels is the key activity of DSMU-Gazstroy. The work performed by the enterprise

ALSA Engineering & Construction Co LLC

features a highly professional approach, in compliance

(ALSA) was established in 2004 as a continuation

with the standards and requirements of environmental

of the activities being carried out by ALSA

authorities, supported by certificates of conformity with

Technical Service for the preceding decade. ALSA

international standards in quality management systems,

dedicates itself to multi-dimensional engineering

occupational safety and health. The geographical reach of

and construction projects in the UAE, focusing mostly on the

DSMU-Gazstroy’s activities has expanded continuously

oil and gas sector and is a major approved EPC contractor

since the company’s foundation in 2001. Multiple

for the ADNOC operating companies. All activities are

facilities which have already been commissioned provide

performed to the highest standards by ALSA’s in-house team.

evidence of its production capabilities, work experience,

ALSA consists of individuals with more than two decades

efficiency and success. Over the years the enterprise

of experience working with the ADNOC group of companies

has successfully achieved a leadership position due to

in the UAE, and very familiar with ADNOC and international

its services package, increase of product range, quality

requirements/standards. ALSA upholds the highest standards

control, and stable relations with regular partners and

in all aspects of health, safety, quality and environment.


Argus Pipeline Services CSJC

Galfar Engineering & Contracting

9 Skakovaya St.

Musaffah Industrial Area

Moscow, 125040

Opposite Abu Dhabi Ship Building

Russian Federation

P.O. Box 72218, Abu Dhabi

T +7 495 741 48 17


F +7 495 741 48 18

T +9712 5502515

E argcis@arguslimited.com

F +9712 5502575

I www.pipelines.ru

E ssnair@galfaremirates.com I www.galfar.com Argus Pipeline Services was established in 2004 and is now the largest member

Established in the U.A.E. in 1993, Galfar

of the Argus Group of Companies which

has experience and expertise in project

comprises more than 10 companies.

management, engineering, procurement

Since its establishment Argus Pipeline


and construction in areas such as

Services has participated in the construction of virtually

plant, oil & gas pipelines water transmission, power

all major pipeline construction projects in Russia and in

transmission, civil, electro-mechanical, roads and bridges

the countries of the former Soviet Union. Argus Pipeline

and environmental projects. Having executed many EPC/

Services has eight branch offices in Russia and certificates

Construction projects for oil and gas pipelines, in sizes

of permission for work on construction, rehabilitation and

ranging from 8” to 60”, Galfar has many pipeline resources

overhaul of capital construction projects.

including side-booms, pipe bending machines and major


earthmoving equipment for large cross country pipelines.

four decades all over India & abroad.

With a well established and recognized HSE and Quality

The company has a base of more than

management system, the company is certified to OSHAS

300 clients in India, including blue-chip

18001:2007 standards and is currently preparing to

companies such as Larsen & Toubro, Punj

qualify for ISO 14001 standards. The company’s Quality Management System is certified to ISO 9001:2008.

Associate Members Industrial X-Ray & Allied Radiographers (I) Pvt. Ltd.

Lloyd, Gammon, Godrej and others. IXAR is slowly expanding its presence globally and has its own set up in Abu Dhabi and Oman. IXAR is ISO 9001-2008 Certified and has more than 600 dedicated, experienced and well qualified staff and technicians. It is well-versed with various NDT codes, specifications and procedures

102, Faizab Apartment, 1 Floor

practiced, helping customers to execute a project within

S.V. Road, Jogeshwari (West)

its scheduled time period. Financially sound, IXAR can

Mumbai 400102, Maharashtra

provide a cushion during crises faced at the time of


execution of a project. The company is specialized in

T +91 022 43 40 64 00

advanced technologies in the field of NDT services such as

F +91 022 26 79 94 57

AUT, Phased Array, IRIS etc. and has abundant availability

E info@ixar.in

of well maintained & calibrated equipment. With offices

I www.ixar.in

in India, Oman and Abu Dhabi with all amenities, IXAR


has the necessary licenses, permits and approvals in M/s Industrial X-Ray & Allied Radiographers (I) Pvt.

India, Oman and Abu Dhabi. The majority of the Indian

Ltd. (IXAR) was formed in 1969. IXAR has created new

technicians currently serving IXAR in the Middle East have

dimensions to the field of NDT and has been a pioneer

previously been associated with IXAR either as employees

in Non Destructive Testing & related activities for the last

or have undergone training through the company.

Member News

BASF Polyurethanes and STOPAQ Join Forces

Seven Year Contract Awarded to Attila Dogan

BASF Polyurethanes and STOPAQ are joining forces in the offshore industry. Together both companies will serve the offshore operators and contractors with an innovative and

AD-SAS LLC has been awarded a seven year Off Plot

simple solution for protecting valuable assets against the

Delivery (ODC) contract for North Oman by Petroleum

extreme elements. BASF is well known for the Nord Stream

Development Oman (PDO). AD-SAS is a LLC partnership

Offshore Pipeline Project from Russia to Germany. STOPAQ

between Turkey’s Attila Dogan Construction and Oman’s

has built its reputation around anti-corrosion protection

Seeh Al Saryah Companies. The seven year contract

of fieldjoints, risers, spools, land/sea pipes and j-tubes,

involves engineering, construction and support services

especially in the Middle East (Safaniyah, Manifa and Karan

for current and upcoming wells and interconnecting

projects). To better cater the needs of the offshore clients, the

pipelines in northern Oman. The total time frame of

two companies are forming a marketing alliance to offer a

this contract is 7+3 years. AD-SAS will operate in the

one-stop shop for the entire corrosion prevention and thermal

Northern PDO operated fields which currently produce

insulation package. This will offer the clients a great source for

240,000 barrels per day. The nature of the contract is

the protection of the valuable infrastructural assets.

service oriented and AD-SAS will be mobilized within 4 months in Qarn Alam, Fahud, Lekhwair and Yibal Fields. The dispersed nature of job scope, AD-SAS producing fields where other operators such as British

Habau and KHE Group Announce Sale of Pipeline Contractor Nacap

Petroleum, Petronas, PTT-EP, CNPC and Occidental

KHE Group B.V. (Koop Group) from the Netherlands and

Petroleum are few large entities which also operates

Habau GmbH (Habau) from Austria have reached agreement

in the same part of Oman. Established in 1967, Attila

on a sale of 100 percent of the shares in the Nacap group

Dogan Construction is an International EPC Contractor

of companies, whereby all the activities of Nacap will be

in the Oil and Gas Sector with specialization in

combined with similar activities within the Habau Group.

pipelines and oil & gas facilities upstream midstream,

Financial details of the transaction will not be announced.

downstream and offshore projects.

The existing business plans of Nacap will serve as the

is in the process of establishing in Northern Oman



basis for the further expansion of the pipeline business in

Saudi Arabia, has achieved independent certification to

the Habau Group, and the combination will create a world-

international quality standard ISO 9001. The standard is for

leading pipeline business. In view of the strong reputational

project management, engineering, design, procurement,

and brand value, the activities of Nacap (3,000 people) will

construction management, commissioning and training

be continued under the Nacap name operating out of the

and associated activities for oil & gas production and

current head office in Eelde, the Netherlands. The pipeline

processing facilities, petrochemical plants, refineries and

activities of Habau in Europe (PPS) and South America

related utilities. Petrofac has successfully implemented

(Conduto) will, together with Nacap, be integrated in one

the quality management system for the business in Saudi

energy cluster thereby creating the best positioned global

Arabia. This system is underpinned by a comprehensive set

leader in the pipeline contracting arena. The other business

of technical and business documentation, which has been

of the Habau Group like Engineering, EPC and Tunnelling

created in line with best practice. Now fully implemented,

will expand to the worldwide markets. The HDD and RAS

the team has also demonstrated their approach to

activities of Nacap becoming part of Habau Group will

maintaining and continually improving the system.

create synergies in the area of horizontal directional drilling and hydro testing.The Habau Group will employ over 6.500 people with more than EUR 1.4 billion annual sales and have

PRCI Holds Fifth Annual Research Exchange Meeting for Energy Pipeline Research

an extensive equipment fleet serving a range of reputable clients with whom it has built long-term relationships.

Pipeline Research Council International (PRCI) hosted

McDermott forms Strategic Alliance with SOCAR, Azerbaijan’s State Oil Company

its fifth annual Pipeline Program Research Exchange

McDermott International, Inc. has announced that one of its

and Conference Center in Atlanta, Georgia. The meeting

subsidiaries, McDermott Caspian Contractors, Inc., and the

provided PRCI members with updates on key completed

State Oil Company of the Azerbaijan Republic (“SOCAR”)

research and projects that have reached vital milestones.

Meeting on February 1 - 3, 2011 at the Georgia Tech Hotel

have formed a strategic alliance to implement a major pipelay and diving services contract in the Caspian region. The

This research is focused on improving pipeline safety and

contract was recently awarded to McDermott in Azerbaijan

integrity. The meeting was organized into four parallel

as part of further development of the Azeri, Chirag and

technical tracks:

Deepwater Gunashli (“ACG”) field in the Azerbaijan sector

-- Corrosion (Committee Chair Albert van Roodselaar of

of the Caspian Sea. Under the agreement, McDermott will perform the engineering, procurement, fabrication and installation of pipelines, cables, umbilicals and subsea tie-ins and subsea equipment. SOCAR and its subsidiaries will perform various construction activities including fabrication of subsea structures, subsea installation services, provision of equipment and facilities, and will supply project-related

Chevron); -- Design, Materials and Construction (Committee Chair Tom Zimmerman of Enbridge); -- Mechanical Damage (Operations and Integrity Committee Chair, Mures Zaréa of GDF Suez) and, -- Operations and Integrity l(Committee Vice-Chair John O’Brien of Chevron).

and diving personnel. McDermott has more than 20-years of work experience across the Caspian region. Its worldwide

Presenters reported developments across the pipeline

leadership in project management, engineering, construction,

technology spectrum, including:

fabrication and installation of pipelines and subsea facilities,

-- Design improvements for pipelines that transport CO2

combined with SOCAR’s extensive Caspian knowledge and

with impurities responding to the increasing interest on

unique long-term experience in the exploration of Azerbaijan’s

carbon sequestration and the use of CO2 for enhanced

offshore oil and gas reserves bring unique strengths that will benefit the successful development of the ACG field.

oilfield recovery. -- Strain based design which is especially useful for pipelines in arctic regions, offshore, and in areas of geologic instability.

Petrofac Saudi Arabia Achieves Independent Certification to ISO 9001 Petrofac, the international oil & gas services provider has announced that its Saudi Arabian business, Petrofac



-- Innovations in technologies for detecting and characterizing mechanical damage and improved analytical models for assessing the impacts after damage occurs. -- Mechanical damage prevention using sensor-based

systems for in-ground and aerial application.

North Sea. The field is located 70 kilometers northeast of

-- Non destructive evaluation of pipeline condition, including

the Bacton gas terminal in 25 meters of water. The contract

composite materials inspection and inspection through

covers full project management, detailed pipeline design,


installation and tie-in of a 15.5 kilometer 12” production line

-- Advanced technologies and data algorithms for leak detection.

and 3” methanol piggyback line from the new Clipper South platform to the existing LOGGS (Lincolnshire Offshore Gas

An important secondary aspect of the Research Exchange

Gathering system) platform.The contract builds on past

Meeting was the discussion of ideas for future work. Some of

experience with RWE: in 2008 Technip provided pipelay

these ideas will be further developed and lead into the 2012

and umbilical installation for the Topaz field development,

PRCI Research Program.

located in the Southern gas basin. Technip’s operating center in Aberdeen (Scotland) will execute this contract, which is scheduled to be completed in the fourth quarter

SNC-Lavalin Celebrates its 100th Anniversary

of 2011. Genesis – a Technip Group company providing upstream oil and gas consultancy services – will also play

SNC-Lavalin launched its 100th anniversary celebrations

a part in executing the contract through the provision of

at Montreal’s Palais des Congrès. President and CEO

detailed pipeline design. Vessels from the Technip fleet will

Pierre Duhaime chose the occasion of the company’s 2011

be used for the offshore installation campaign.

International Symposium to announce the commencement of celebrations to the media and about 400 employees from its offices around the world. Founded in Montreal in 1911, the Company started out as a one-man engineering

Technip’s Board of Directors Expands

consulting office with one client. Today it has grown to be

Technip’s Annual General Meeting of Shareholders, held

one of the world’s largest engineering and construction

on April 28, 2011, ratified the cooption of Marie-Ange

firms with 24,000 employees in offices across Canada and

Debon(1), announced in 2010. In addition, the Annual

in over 35 other countries around the world. At any given

General Meeting approved the nomination of two new

time its employees are working on thousands of projects

female directors, C. Maury Devine(2) and Leticia Costa(3),

in some 100 countries. In 2010, it earned revenues of $6.3

bringing the percentage of women on the company’s Board

billion and a net income of $437 million.

of Directors to 27% (3 out of 11). These nominations satisfy the legal objective for French companies of 20% by 2014. They are also part of a wider aim to renew and diversify the

SNC-Lavalin Awarded GES+ Contract in Saudi Arabia

composition of the Board, which now includes American and Brazilian members who have an in-depth understanding of the Group’s major clients and markets such as North

SNC-Lavalin has announced that it has been selected,

America, the North Sea and Brazil.

together with its local Saudi Arabian 50/50 joint venture

1. Marie-Ange Debon is General Secretary of the Suez

partner, The Zuhair Fayez Partnership, to perform general

Environnement Group and is a member of the College de

engineering and project management services (GES+)

l’Autorité des Marchés Financiers (the French Financial

under a five-year reimbursable contract. Under the

Market Authority). Prior to joining Suez Environnement in

contract, SNC-Lavalin and The Zuhair Fayez Partnership

2008, Ms. Debon served in various positions in both the

will perform Front-End Engineering & Design (FEED) and

public and private sectors. Marie-Ange Debon is a graduate

select detailed engineering, as well as project management

of HEC, ENA and has a Master’s Degree in Law.

services to support the execution of Saudi Aramco’s capital

2. C. Maury Devine is a member of the Board of Directors of

program. These projects include oil and gas production and

FMC Technologies (NYSE: FTI) and John Bean Technologies

processing facilities, both on and offshore, infrastructure

(NYSE: JBT). She serves on the Audit Committee and

projects, refining and petrochemical facilities. This work will

Nominating and Governance Committee of both companies.

be executed out of the Joint Venture offices in Al-Khobar,

She is a member of the Council on Foreign Relations and is

Saudi Arabia.

a member of the independent Nominating and Governance Committee of Petroleum Geo Services. C. Maury Devine is a graduate of Middlebury College, the University of Maryland

Technip Awarded North Sea Contract by RWE Dea

and Harvard University (Master’s of Public Administration). 3. Since 2010 Leticia Costa has been a partner in Prada

Technip has been awarded a full EPIC contract by RWE

Assessoria and Coordinator for the Center of Strategy

Dea, for the Clipper South gas field development in the

Research at Insper. In January 2011, she became a Director



of the Automotive Engineers Association in Brazil (AEA).

Systems, both at Volvo CE HQ. Since 2005 he has been

She currently serves as board member of FAMA, a private

President of Region Asia, based in Singapore, where he has

equity fund in Brazil, of Localiza, the largest car rental

successfully led the region in a time of tremendous growth,

company also in Brazil and of Sadia, a food manufacturer.

market share gain and increased profitability. He holds a master’s degree in Computer Science and a doctorate in Business Administration from Universities Bonn/MIT. Prior

Volvo CE Appoints Eberhard Wedekind Executive VP of Sales and Marketing

to joining Volvo, he held senior roles in Arthur D. Little and the Linde Group in Italy and Germany.

Effective 1 May, Eberhard Wedekind, has been appointed Executive Vice CE. He will be based in the Volvo

Welspun Confirms New Orders of Rs. 1,182 Crore with Order Book Growing to Rs. 6,153 Crore

CE HQ office in Brussels, Belgium.

Welspun Corp Ltd., the flagship company of the

He will succeed Scott Hall who has

USD 3 billion Welspun Group and the 2nd largest line pipe

announced will leave Volvo CE to

company in the world (Source: Financial Times, UK) has won

take up the position of President of

pipe orders worth Rs. 1,182 Crore (approx 155 KMT) largely

Volvo Rents in Shippensburg, North

from international clients. These new orders are likely to

President, Sales & Marketing at Volvo

America. Eberhard Wedekind has 16 years experience

be executed over a period of one year. With the addition of

in a number of senior roles within the company. He was

these orders, the current order book of the company stands

Vice President of Marketing & Sales within the Compact

at Rs. 6,153 Crore @ Rs. 45.50/USD (approx 932 KMT for

Equipment Business Line, Senior Vice President of Global

pipes and external plate orders of 40 KMT) without excluding

Marketing and Senior Vice President of Processes and

the orders being executed in Q4 FY 2011.

Training Committee

3. An already existing safety training course used in

In 2009 the IPLOCA Board of Directors sent a questionnaire

IPLOCA is investigating with representatives of the Pipe

to the IPLOCA membership to try to identify the types of

Line Construction Association of Canada (PLCAC) the

training needed by member companies.

possibility and practicality of making this course available

Canada could be of great help for our membership.

to all our members. It was clear from the responses that training throughout

4. We are also looking into the possibilities, for those

our professional life in the pipeline industry is a “must”;

who have been working for several years in the pipeline

we must maintain, upgrade and update our knowledge,

industry, of postgraduate study and obtaining a bachelor’s

skills and competencies on an ongoing basis. While it is

degree followed by a master’s degree in Pipeline

normal practice within pipeline companies to educate

Engineering. Several universities are at present studying

and train personnel especially in areas such as HSE, for

the possibilities of establishing a program. While pipeline

example, the pooling of this information about different

engineering and/or subsea pipeline engineering can be

training activities undertaken by IPLOCA member

studied immediately on leaving high school, this course

companies is very important and would clearly benefit

would be offered primarily via distance learning, although

everyone within our profession.

very few of the courses are offered in English. We have

IPLOCA Initiatives IPLOCA has instigated some specific training initiatives,


including the following:

-- University West-Australia (UWA)

1. “Communication Skills in an Intercultural Environment”

Contact: Prof. Liang Cheng

for Project Managers. We offered this two-day training


seminar twice in 2010 and received very positive feedback

-- Montanuniversitaet, Loeben

from the participants. Further information can be found at

Contact: Prof. W. Wegscheider

the IPLOCA website.


2. Training for operators of pipeline equipment is being

-- Pontificia Universidad Catolica do Rio de Janeiro

discussed with Caterpillar, Liebherr and Volvo.


approached the following institutions in this regard:


Contact: Ebbo Laenge


geophysics, engineering and operations.

-- IRO (Institute for Pipeline Construction) and Jade Hochschule, Oldenburg

4. Drilling Contractors Association (DCA-Europe)

Contact: Prof. Thomas Wegener


-- University of Munich Contact: Prof. Wolfgang Melzer -- University of Aachen Contact: Prof. Peer Nicolai Martens Russia -- Gubkin Russian University Moscow Contact: Prof. Gennady Vasiliev Singapore -- University of Singapore Contact: Prof. Andrew Palmer The Netherlands

-- Courses for apprenticeship and advanced training of personnel in the area of HDD -- Guidelines for better quality – booklet called “Quality Assurance” in German and English -- Shaping recommendation of technical and legal contracting conditions – a booklet entitled “Terms and Conditions” in German, English and French -- Information and recommendations for the planning, construction and documentation of HDD projects – booklet entitled “Technical Guidelines of the DCA” in German, English and French

-- AVANS Hogeschool (Breda) Contact: Prof. Gerard Kruisman

5. International Marine Contractors Association (IMCA)

United Kingdom


-- IBC Global Academy

-- Training guidance in diving/marine/offshore survey and

Contact: Chris Atwell, Director of Education and Training

remote systems & ROV

-- Heriot-Watt University Edinburgh Contact: Prof. G. White

6. The Pipeline Industries Guild (PIG) United Kingdom www.pipeguild.com Contact: Cheryl Burgess

Pipeline-Related Training Offered through Associations and Institutes IPLOCA also began to look within existing associations and institutes to see what is available on the market from a training standpoint.

7. IBC www.ibcglobalacademy.com, contact: Chris Atwell -- Training by distance learning: www.informaglobalevents. com/event/pipeline-engineering-distance- learning -- www.informaglobalevents.com/event/subsea engineering-distance-learning -- www.informaglobalevents.com/event/marine-drillingdistance-learning-training-course

A list of available information can now be found on the IPLOCA website; of course this is only a beginning, showing a

8. Pipe Line Contractors Association of Canada

limited amount of information, but it might provide you some


ideas. We welcome additional information which we can share with the IPLOCA membership.

9. Ecole d’Application aux métiers des Travaux Publics (France) www.eatp19.com - Important site for machine operators

1. Australian Pipeline Industry Association LTD www.apia.asn.au Contact: Cheryl Cartwright

10. Penspen Limited

-- Training: ITL Engineering – Oil & Gas, Marine, Industrial


www.itnz.co.nz, PIPEd/OSD – Pipeline Industry


Professional Education www.PIPEd.com.au, www.osdpipelines.com

11. Clarion Technical Conferences www.clarion.org/catalog/coursesbrochure.pdf

2. AACE International (U.S.A.) www.aacei.org -- Training: Professional Practice Guides, like Contracts and Claims/Cost Engineering/Planning and Scheduling etc.

If you are familiar with other useful courses and sites providing information on pipeline education and

3. American Association of Petroleum Geologists

training please email sarah.junod@iploca.com and


we will add this information to the IPLOCA website.

-- Training: Various courses, some online, in geology,



HSE Committee

be as a result of better reporting or it could signify more

The HSE Committee met in the Geneva offices on 24

they received 100% of returns from the membership for the

March 2011. The committee had a very productive meeting

previous years there would be a greater amount of reliable

and agreed on a number of actions. In particular, they are

data to be analysed.

incidents. The committee cannot stress enough that had

preparing to adjudicate the Health & Safety Award later this year along with the new bi-annual Corporate Social

As of the 30th April, we have 105 statistics returns

Responsibly Award which was announced recently.

submitted which is 83.8% of the Regular Members. We hope to get to 100% with your help.

This year’s IPLOCA Board of Directors, led by President Karl Trauner, are keen to see these HSE awards presented in

IPLOCA Executive Secretary Juan Arzuaga is working with

Beijing and we hope there will be a good level of support

the committee on a new initiative to produce an annual

from the IPLOCA membership in terms of the number of

report on HSE performance as seen from the point of view

submissions received for these two awards. However, if

of IPLOCA members. The committee has been studying

you missed the deadlines for 2011, next year will see the

many such reports and will produce a draft format for

return of the Environmental Award and it is not too early to

Board of Directors approval. It is hoped that this new

plan your 2012 submissions for that award.

report format will provide a review of the trends seen over

Health & Safety Statistics and Road Traffic Accidents Our committee chairman, Adam Wynne Hughes, has noted a particular area where he believes help from the wider IPLOCA membership is needed. The submissions of Health & Safety Statistics are up on previous years so far and have

the last 10 years and the types of subjects suitable for submission for awards.

History of Statistics Returns 120 100

consistently shown that Road Traffic Accidents (RTAs) are a


very significant safety issue. The committee wants to help all


members reduce these accidents and save lives. In previous meetings the committee has debated how they should achieve this and it is felt that pointing members towards good practices could help reduce the frequency and severity

40 20 0

2003 90

of RTAs. This signposting is a cornerstone of the committee’s work for the years ahead. However, there is a great deal of good or best practice already implemented by members across the world and the committee wants to hear about it. We are requesting testimonials from Regular and Associate Members on what they are currently doing – or have done in the past – to reduce the risk of RTA events. This may range from rules on seat belt wearing to behaviour training for drivers, in-vehicle monitoring systems (IVMS) or drug and alcohol testing. The

Hughes has asked all Regular Members to ensure they have submitted their statistics and requests that all members

2005 66

2006 82

2007 86

2008 91

2009 103

2010 105

2008 979

2009 729

2010 856

History of Road Traffic Accidents 1400 1200 1000 800 600 400 200 0 2003 556

article in Newsletter 46 (March 2011) expanded on this topic and is also available on the IPLOCA website. Adam Wynne

2004 91

2004 539

2005 587

2006 604

2007 1188

History of RTA frequency rate (per Million Man Hours) 2

please provide their RTA testimonials so that together we may have an opportunity to reduce RTA incidents throughout our industry. He also wants to thank all those


who have consistently supported the statistics return - a key factor in the membership requirements of IPLOCA. Although the statistics returns had not yet been completely analysed at this committee meeting it was clear that the number and frequency of RTAs was higher than last year. This could



0 2003 0.786

2004 0.829

2005 1.176

2006 0.780

2007 1.041

2008 1.339

2009 0.931

2010 1.400

New Environmental Statistics Return At its meeting the Committee also agreed the wording for the new Environmental statistics return. IPLOCA is committed to be a leader for our industry as regards carbon footprints within pipeline construction. It is felt that some simple questions should be asked now

2011 IPLOCA Health & Safety Award Sponsored by Chevron The 2011 IPLOCA Health & Safety Award

about members’ policies and procedures with regard to

sponsored by Chevron will be presented at the 2011

their effects on the environment. In the years to come,

Convention in Beijing.

the committee can help signpost best practices from around the world. It is expected that the statistics forms

All IPLOCA Regular Members and Associate Members

for both Health & Safety and the Environment will evolve,

were encouraged to apply for the Award with submissions

particularly as we receive greater numbers of returns.

limited to the pipeline industry and related work. The

The committee reconvenes formally in June to adjudicate

Award recognises 2010 initiatives aimed at improving

the award submissions, complete the statistics analyses

the health and safety of the pipeline industry, including

and develop the Road Traffic Accident Reduction White

submissions such as:

Paper but will need the continued support of all in order to

-- A unique innovation or initiative to avoid incidents.

complete these tasks.

-- A new and well-defined system, procedure or practice enhancing safety.

If you have any questions regarding the above, please contact HSE Committee chairman, Adam Wynne Hughes at adamwynnehughes@unispec.co.uk or sarah.junod@iploca.com.

-- Implementation of lessons learned. The winning entries will be profiled on the IPLOCA website and in communication materials. The company winning the award will be presented with an engraved trophy and will be given the opportunity to make a short presentation describing the initiative at the IPLOCA Convention. In addition, the winner and runners-up will receive a

Mears Group’s Kevin Parker Joins IPLOCA HSE Committee

certificate in recognition of their commitment to Health & Safety. More information, as well as copies of previous winning entries is available on our website. We look forward to showcasing information on your recent Health and Safety improvements.

Kevin T. Parker, Vice President of Safety, Training and Environment for Mears Group, Inc. has joined IPLOCA’s HSE Committee. Kevin directs and facilitates corporate safety policies for Mears’ activities in the United States, Canada, South America and India and has personally worked on pipeline maintenance projects in a number of countries including Mexico, Venezuela, Brazil, Argentina and Kuwait. He is a member of the National Safety Council (NSC) and

2011 IPLOCA New Technologies Award Sponsored by BP

the American Society of Safety Engineers (ASSE) and

This award is made every two years and was created by

serves on the Michigan Safety Conference Construction

the IPLOCA New Technologies Committee to recognise

subcommittee and NSC Construction subcommittee.

innovation in the technology and processes required for execution of pipeline projects.

We are delighted to add Kevin’s considerable expertise to that already existing on the committee and we welcome

The winning entry will be given publicity on the IPLOCA

him to this role at IPLOCA, where he will join IPLOCA

website and acknowledgement in the IPLOCA December

colleagues from C.A.T. Group, Chevron Pipe Line Co.,

Newsletter. The winner of the Award will receive a trophy

CRC-Evans Inspection Group, Max Streicher GmbH,

and a framed certificate. For more information about the

Pipeline Induction Heat, Shell Products & Technology,

Award criteria and judging process as well as copies of the

Spiecapag, Technip Group, Tekfen and Willbros USA, Inc.

previous winning entries please visit our website.



Regional Meetings

assume a greater role in the times to come. The matter of

New Delhi

of India’s Petroleum and Mineral Pipeline Act 1962. This and

IPLOCA Regular Member Kalpataru Power Transmission hosted the first-ever Indian Regional Meeting in New Delhi on 5 April 2011 at Kautilya Hall at the Hotel Samrat.

acquiring ROU (right of use) is governed by the Government EPRS (the Emergency Pipeline Repair System) are critical areas which need to be addressed. Training and HR related issues were also discussed during the meeting.

IPLOCA Regional Director for the East & Far-East, Sandip Sharma, was on hand to greet attendees and answer their questions. The meeting was attended by local members and some senior officials from the Indian Oil Corporation Ltd. and Gail (INDIA) Ltd. Following a general presentation on IPLOCA, future scenarios and upcoming challenges for the oil & gas industry were discussed by the following: -- R. Banerjee, Managing Director, J.P. Kenny (Wood Group India) -- K.B.Singh, Director, Berry Plastics Corporation -- Asim Prasad, Chief Manager, Gail (India), Ltd. -- P.D.Didwania, Bhotika Trade & Services Pvt. Ltd. It was noted that the emerging economy of India and its growth is requiring more and more energy (oil and gas) and that natural gas will play a major role in meeting India’s


increasing demand. HSE, Quality and New Technologies will

Our Regular Members HABAU, PPS Pipeline Systems and Max Streicher hosted the second Europe Central Regional Meeting on 3 May, in Munich at the BMW Welt Event Forum. The meeting was conducted partially in German and in English and was followed by dinner at the Renaissance Munich Hotel. IPLOCA President Karl Trauner of HABAU, Max Streicher’s Managing Director Maximilian Hofmann, and Executive Secretary Juan Arzuaga officiated at the meeting which was attended by representatives from Anton Meyer, Bohlen & Doyen, Borealis, Denso GmbH, Hölscher, ILF, Maats Pipeline Equipment, Nacap, PBG, PPS Pipeline Systems, PSE, Max Streicher, Technip Germany, Vietz, Volvo and Wild. Former President Walter Zimmermann was also in attendance.

New Corporate Social Responsibility Award to be Presented IPLOCA is pleased to announce that a new IPLOCA Corporate Social Responsibility Award will be inaugurated at the 2011 Convention in Beijing.

-- a program or practice demonstrating the corporate social responsibility of your company -- a creative initiative in which a large impact is made with a small investment -- a long term project, intended to be continuously supported by your company or another, once the pipeline activity is complete.

All IPLOCA Regular Members and Associate Members were encouraged to submit entries showing success

The company winning the Award will be given the

in voluntarily improving the quality of life of the local

opportunity to make a short presentation describing the

community and society at large during a pipeline project:

initiative at the IPLOCA Convention. More information

-- an initiative to address a specific need identified in the

is available on the IPLOCA website and from

local community





by “emptying and filling tankers”, but by the end of his five

Necati Akçağlılar,

years, he had become an expert in the details related to

the co-founder of Tekfen

the design and construction of gas stations. This is how he

Holding, passed away on

began working for the Ministry of Public Works where he

Monday, 2 May 2011 at the

was soon promoted to the head of the division responsible

age of 87. A memorial

for the construction of airports and fuel pipelines for the

ceremony was attended by

Airports and Fueling Services. Here he gained a wide range

his family, friends and many

of experience that would provide a foundation for his later

business associates. He will

work in life. A friendship with Feyyaz Berker and Nihat

be greatly missed.

Gökyiğit that had begun at the Ministry of Public Works continued outside the office. Necati Akçağlılar joined

Born in Izmir on 22 May, 1924, Mr. Akçağlılar was the son

them in their own business and thus began their 55 year

of Süleyman Akçağlılar, a well known cheese maker in

partnership together at Tekfen.

the city. Necati studied in the United States at the Civil Engineering Department of the University of Illinois

Mr. Akçağlılar, who was considered as one of the most

and graduated in 1948. Upon his return to Turkey, for

respected doyens of contracting in Turkey, served as

five years during his military service, he worked on the

President of IPLOCA for 1976-77 and was elected as an

construction of NATO facilities. In his own words, he began

Honorary Member in 2002.

Elections to IPLOCA Board of Directors

Geographical Areas

Elections to the IPLOCA Board take place every year at the

-- Europe Central: www.iploca.com/europecentral

annual convention. Below is a list of board seats becoming

-- Europe Eastern: www.iploca.com/europeeastern

vacant in September 2011.

-- Europe Mediterranean: www.iploca.com/europemediterranean

A list of member companies in each Geographical Area can be found as follows: -- East & Far East: www.iploca.com/eastandfareast

-- Europe Northwest: www.iploca.com/europenorthwest 1 - Europe Eastern (outgoing Director Vladilen Ermolin)

-- Middle East & Africa: www.iploca.com/middleeastandafrica

1 - Europe Central (outgoing President Karl Trauner)

-- North America: www.iploca.com/northamerica

1 - Latin America (outgoing Director Ebbo Laenge)

-- Latin America: www.iploca.com/latinamerica

2 - Europe Mediterranean (outgoing Directors Jacquelin de La Porte and Zeno Soave)

The deadline for the CALL FOR NOMINATIONS is 15 July

1 - East & Far East (outgoing Director Sandip Sharma)

2011. Should you have any questions, please contact

1 - Middle East & Africa (region now has 15 or more


Regular Members) 1 - Director for Associate Members (outgoing Director Michael Rae) If you are a Regular Member or an Associate Member and you would like to run for a vacant seat on the Board of Directors, please visit www.iploca.com/elections where you will find the necessary documents to be completed and returned to the IPLOCA Executive Secretary no later than Friday, 15 July 2011. If no-one from your company is able to attend the convention, one vote per member company may be made on a proxy form (also available via a link on the website) and must be received by the Executive Secretary in the IPLOCA office at the China World Hotel, Beijing no later

Members of the Board of Directors were recognised for their

than Tuesday, 13 September 2011 in order to be counted.

service to IPLOCA during the Final Banquet in Venice.



Beijing Convention Update Registration for the 45th Annual Convention opened at the beginning of May and 250 people have already registered!





A Con

PLOC nual I


45th A

Go to www.iploca.com today to register.

ing j i e B OCA




A Timeline to Help You Plan Your Travel to Beijing…

Formerly called Peking, Beiping, Dadu, Jingcheng, Yanjing and Khanbalik different periods of Chine in se history, Beijing is the capital city of the People Republic of China. It is also ’s the nation’s political and er cultural hub. Additionally it is the focal point for the pte,mb e country’s transportation, S 6 scientific and - 1 logical development, education 12techno and communication. Its present-day population 11 million, making it the is over second largest city in China .


otel Be

orld H

ina W

Ch 2011 -

Beijing has a wealth of histori cal sites and enchanting natural scenery, making compelling tourist destin it a ation. It offers a staggering array of attractions includ the resplendent Forbidden ing City; the majestic Tianan men Square (the world’s public square) and the grand largest meandering Great Wall.

When planning your travel to Beijing, please take note of the following important dates:

Saturday/Sunday 10-11 September Pre-Convention tours to see the famed Terracotta Warriors (one or two days) Terracotta Warrior pre- and post-convention tours are being organised by our ground agent MCI at a very

Beijing is universally acknow ledged for its rich history and cultural development It has been the capital city . of many dynasties in Chine se history. The city’s grid pattern and original walls were first laid down in the 13th century when it was called Khanbalik, the capita l city of the Yuan Dynas ty (1271-1368). It was rebuilt named Beijing by the Han and Chinese rulers of the subseq uent Ming Dynasty (13681644). It also served as capita l city of the Qing Dynas ty (1644-1911).

reasonable cost. If you are interested, please contact them directly for more details at IPLOCA2011@mcigroup.com or at +86 1085216500 or visit the IPLOCA website for further details.


Monday-Friday, 12-16 September

on Tours t Conventi Pre and Pos rriors at rracotta Wa to see the Te to Xi’anhas put together one and twt:o day tours

IPLOCA Convention China World Hotel at China World Trade Center, a Shangri-La Hotel (no. 1 Jianguomenwai

contac MCI Beijing sted please u are intere Xi’an. If yo

Avenue, Beijing), www.shangri-la.com MCI Beijing group.com A2011@mciEmail: IPLOC spitality ation or ho 8521 6500 g, transport Tel: +86 10 th any vate tourin to assist wi ents for pri d em ase uir ple req any other who will be If you have MCI Beijing, ase contact services, ple . arrangements

Saturday-Monday, 17-19 September 7th China International Pipeline Exhibition (Interpipe 2011)


One Day To

Interpipe 2011 is supported by IPLOCA, the China National Petroleum Corporation (CNPC), China National Offshore Oil Corporation (CNOOC) and China Petroleum & Chemical Corporation (SINOPEC). The

Tour Descri

sponsor is China Petroleum


Pipeline Bureau (CPP), a Regular Member of IPLOCA. More information is available at

Tours 1 & 4 – The Great Ming Tombs

Monday, 12 Se pte Tuesday, 13 Se mber 09.00 – 17.00 ptember 09.00 – 17.00 (lunch includ ed)


Sunday-Monday, 18-19 September Post-Convention tours to Terracotta Warriors (one or two days)


September Saturday, 10 tember Sep Sunday, 11 tember Sep 18 urs) , Sunday an is 1.5 ho ijing and Xi’ between Be 07.15 – 21.00 ion of flights Time: rat du ) C, EUR 447 (times TB n (approx. 00 per perso CNY 4,170. Price: nts: 10 of participa er mb nu Minimum seum d Horses Mu Warriors an Terracotta d age Site rit He s discovere rld Wo ritage Site wa y of soldiers, s World He redible arm This famou 1974. The inc full battle array in lly nta accide riots in ce 210 BC. rses and cha archers, ho n’s tomb sin Emperor Qi contain as has guarded estimate the pits may s ique, and the ist og is figure un Archaeol ch Ea s. ure continues in 00 fig avation still many as 8,0 . air and exc ge hangars rep hu ing ide tak ins pains Wall an are protected ee pits which thrd Dates:

the Ancient Excursion to Afternoon City Wall Ming peror of the The first Em 1644) began to enlarge 68old Dynasty (13 lly during the tia ini ilt bu the wall 7), creating sty (618 -90 y, da To ll. Tang Dyna Xi’an City Wa to have the modern wall st complete being as it is the mo ll we as China, survived in military gest ancient one of the lar s in the world. tem l, at the b defense sys m (40 ft) tal -60 ft) thick w stands 12 d 15-18 m (50 city. Thriving tree The wall no at the top an the -46 ft) wide les) around r adding mi the 5 (8. fur ll, 12-14 m (40 km wa stretch 13.7 ecture of the and its moat inese archit classical Ch decorate the Xi’an. k to Beijing. of y bac cit ht flig the of e afternoon will take a lat Participants


Tours 2 & 9 – Forbidden City and Tiananmen Square

Monday, 12 Se ptember 08.30 – 12.30 (morning) Wednesday, 14 September 13 .30 – 17.30 (afternoon) There is a Ch inese saying “One is not a true man, un less he reaches the Great Wall China’s Grea ”. t Wall stretc hes from Ea West for mor st to e th origins can be an 5,000 kilometres. Its traced to the 7th century BC, when in dependent kin gdoms constructed separate wa lls This tour high to keep out nomads. Th lig ese were later political featu hts the monumental linked by China’s first res of China’s emperors to fascinating become one history. the most im of pressive cre ations of man and one of th Tiananmen kind e few that is Sq ua re is the geogra visible from space. Badalin centre of Beijin phical g Great Wall g city. It is th is the bestpreserved an e largest public space d most impo in th e wo sin rld the Great W g section of , able to accommodate all. one million people. Witness to so On the way many events to the Great that have W sh all, aped China’s participants will see som history, the e of the iconi square features the construction Chinese Parli c s for the 2008 ament (Hall the People), Olympic Games, inclu of as well as th ding the fam e mausoleum Chairman M ous Bird’s Ne Stadium and of ao. st


Tour 5 – Expl


Tuesday, 13 Se


Tour 3 – Th e Silk Facto ry and Pearl St ore

Monday, 12 Se

ptember 13.30

– 17.00

Join us in un veiling the hi dden secrets of China’s sil k culture. Pa rticipants will discover the secrets of silk, from the life cycle of the silk wo rm to the weaving proc ess and, of co urse, have th opportunity e to peruse th e beautiful sil products that k are created he re. Pearls are sy nonymous wi th everything rare, fine, ad mirable and valuable. Ch is a major pr ina oducer of pe arls. Particip will discover ants how fresh-w ater pearls ar cultivated an e d transfo

A hutong is an alley of traditiona l courtya Beijing, man y neighb formed by joi ning the together. In contrast to and elite cultu re repre Forbidden Ci ty, the Su and the Tem ple of Hea district refle cts the cult Beijinger an d forms the Beijing. Ever y hutong h to tell… Since the mid -20th centu of Beijing hu tongs has d dramatically as they are make way fo r new roads In

Sponsorship Opportunities A call for sponsorship of the Beijing Convention

Visa And Entry Requirements

has already met with significant response from our

IPLOCA recommends all delegates request a tourist

generous membership, but there is still time to snag

visa (Visa L) for China.

some great opportunities for visibility. For questions on passport or visa regulations please For further information on any of the remaining

contact the Chinese embassy or consulate in your

sponsorship items, please contact caroline.green@

country of residence.

iploca.com as soon as possible.

e wall bottom. Th rs es and flowe auty be the to g

Special Functions:

Tour 2- Forbidden City and Tiananmen

Flowers at Final Banquet

The First Time Attendees Cocktails


Ledcor Pipeline Limited

Pipeline & Gas Journal and Vacuworx Int’l.

Lincoln Electric

Band at Final Banquet

The Welcome Party

Tour 3 – The Silk Factory and Pearl Store


Dodsal Group


Entertainment at Final Banquet

President’s Dinner

Tour 4 - The Great Wall and Ming Tombs


HABAU Hoch- und Tiefbaugesellschaft

CPP China Petroleum Pipeline Bureau

Audio Visual at Final Banquet


Tour 5 - Exploring the Hutong


Directors & Wives Dinner

Tekfen Construction and Installation Co., Inc.

Car for Lottery

Ritchie Bros. Auctioneers and Bonatti S.p.A.

Tour 6 - Urban Planning Museum and

Volvo and Renault Trucks

Former Presidents’ Cocktails

Panda Visit

Photographers at the Convention


Jindal Saw


The CRC-Evans Luncheon

Tour 7 - Forbidden City and the Emperor’s

Convention Photo CD

CRC-Evans Pipeline International Inc. and



Applus RTD Group


Printing of Pocket Programme

The Caterpillar Evening

Tour 8 - Tai Chi at the Temple of Heaven

Goriziane Group S.p.A.


Max Streicher GmbH & Co.

Printing of Final Banquet Menu


Tour 9 - Forbidden City and Tiananmen

Goriziane Group S.p.A.

Laurini Officine Meccaniche


Printing of Attendance List

The Spy Ladies Brunch

Max Streicher GmbH & Co.

Pipeline & Gas Journal

Convention / IPLOCA Functions:

Argus Limited

Pipeline Inspection IPLOCA Membership Cocktails Available IPLOCA Membership Lunch - Menu

mber 8.30 – 12


formed by lin es ard residence s. In bourhoods we re ese residence s o the court lif e esented by th e ummer Palac e aven, the Hu tong ture of the co mmon e heart of Ol d has its own story

ury, the num ber dropped demolished to s and b

Chinese Simultaneous Translation CPP China Petroleum Pipeline Bureau

Welcome Drinks at Registration (Sat/Sun)

Shopping Shuttle

IPLOCA Membership Lunch - Wine



PWT S.p.A.

Internet Centre

Meet & Greet at the Airport

The John Fabick Cocktail Party

Consolidated Contractors Company (C.C.C.)


Audio Visual for Thursday’s OGM

Transfer Back to the Airport



Music for “Dancing ‘til Dawn”


Registration Desk Herrenknecht


Pipeline Machinery International

ing the Hut

Russian Simultaneous Translation

Astec Underground and

Audio Visual for Friday’s OGM

Convention Fund Contributions

American Augers



Open Bar for “Dancing ‘til Dawn”

Coffee breaks at Open General Meetings

PWT S.p.A.

Specialty Polymer Coatings, Inc.

C.A.T. International Ltd.

Gorizane Group S.p.A.

PIH Golf Tournament

Registration Bags for the Gentlemen

Pipeline Induction Heat

PWT S.p.A.


WWM Tennis Tournament

Registration Bags for the Ladies


Worldwide Machinery

DSMU Gazstroy LLC


Tour 1 - The Great Wall and

Bottled mineral water for all tours

Liebherr model

Ming Tombs

PWT S.p.A.


Salzgitter Mannesmann

Wine at Final Banquet

Insight Guide to Beijing

International GmbH

Willbros Group, Inc.

Maats Pipeline Equipment



In the Headlines Enbridge Eases Restrictions on U.S.-bound Pipeline

reading out a statement citing Magdi Tawfik, chairman of Egyptian Natural Gas Co. “Exports to Israel and Jordan were halted as were supplies to the local market.” Officials didn’t say how soon Egypt might be able to resume

The flow of Canadian oil south of the border will increase

shipments. Abdel Wahab Mabrouk, the governor of

next month as pipelines on the Enbridge Inc. system ease

North Sinai province where the attack occurred, said the

volume restrictions, while Kinder Morgan tightens capacity

necessary repairs “will take time,” offering no details.

on its westbound line. The contrasting moves reflect

Bloomberg, 27 April 2011

lower production coming out of Alberta’s oilsands and strong demand for the resource from West Coast markets. Enbridge, which ships the bulk of Canadian crude into the

Transneft May Postpone Pacific Oil Pipeline Launch

United States, said Thursday it was increasing availability

Russian oil pipeline monopoly Transneft (TRNF_p.MM)

on its pipeline system after months of reduced capacity.

said on Friday it may postpone the commissioning of its

Calgary Herald, 22 April 2011

Pacific link by up to one year due to faulty pipeline valves supplied by contractors. The completion of the East Siberia-

Blast Hits Egypt-Israel Gas Pipeline, Forcing Supply Halt, Ministry Says Egypt suspended natural-gas exports to Israel and Jordan

Pacific Ocean-2 pipeline has been scheduled for 2013-2014. Transneft is planning to ship some 50 million tonnes of oil per year to Asia by 2013, three times the current volume. Reuters, 22 April 2011

for the second time this year after saboteurs blew up a monitoring room in the pipeline network that transports the fuel, the Oil Ministry said. “Unidentified attackers

Rolls-Royce Wins $65m Chinese Pipeline Deal

bombed the station around dawn,” Hamdi Abdel Aziz, a

Rolls-Royce Group plc announced a contract valued at

ministry spokesman, said by telephone today in Cairo,

$65m in an expansion of its Chinese pipeline activity. The award is from PetroChina, the country’s largest oil and gas producer, as part of the West-East Pipeline Project. Six RB211 gas turbine compressor packages will be installed.

IPLOCA Yearbook

Rolls-Royce said the order would take the number of RB211

new edition

packages on the pipeline and associated feed and branch Lising information

lines to 45. It followed contract awards over the past

An email with login

five years for other major gas pipelines in India, Europe,

information to make

Russia, Kazakhstan, North America and Algeria.

changes in your

Stockmarketwire.com, 19 April 2011

company’s listing will be send out to all members. in the e-mail and login

Some European Companies Enthusiastic to Invest in Iran’s Gas Industry

to your IPLOCA member

Several European companies have announced their

account to make online

enthusiasm for making investment in the ninth line of Iran’s

changes in your listing

national gas pipeline, Managing Director of the National


Iranian Gas Company (NIGC) Mohammad Javad Oji said.

Follow the instructions

“Recently a European company offered a proposal to extract Advertising

gas from the field, construct the pipeline and even export

As always, advertising deadlines and rates are posted

the gas for us,” Oji told Fars News Agency on Monday, April

at www.iploca-yearbook.com. Closing date for

18, adding, “We are now in negotiations with the company

advertisement reservations and sending in materials is

to finalize the contract terms.” Elsewhere, Oji referred to

30 August 2011.

the talks held with Armenia on export of Iran’s gas to the country, and said, “We have had some negotiations with the


Armenian officials to increase gas exports to the country.”

Don’t forget to submit your project photographs

He mentioned that Iran exports less than one billion c/m of

for inclusion in the picture spread. Please send

gas to Armenia at present, and said Tehran intends to boost

photographic materials to listing@iploca-yearbook.com.

gas supplies to the country by 600 percent. PanArmenian.net, 18 April, 2011



Cleaning Up Oil Spills A group of businessmen from Biella, in northwest Italy, plan to use wool, which is good at repelling water and absorbing oil, to soak up oil spills. Earlier this year Tecnomeccanica Biellese, an engineering firm that makes machinery for the woolens industry, found that coarse wool was able to absorb ten times its own weight of heavy fuel oil, a refinery product similar to crude oil. The oil could be squeezed out and the wool reused. The Economist, 10 May 2011

US Investigates Pipeline Safety A bill targeting oil and natural gas pipeline safety in the

Upcoming Conferences MIOGE - Moscow International Oil & Gas Exhibition 21-23 June 2011 - Moscow, Russia www.mioge.com ASCE Pipelines 2011 23-27 July 2011 - Seattle, Washington, USA http://content.asce.org/conferences/pipelines2011 Tulsa Pipeline Expo 29-31 August 2011 - Tulsa, OK, USA www.tulsapipelineexpo.com

United States adds a layer of protection from serious accidents, a lawmaker said. The Senate Commerce, Science and Transportation Committee moved a bill through that increases fines for safety violations on the nation’s pipeline infrastructure. The U.S. Transportation Department under the new measure is called on to develop rules for shut-off valves in the event of an accident. UPI, 6 May 2011

Swiss-Italy Gas Pipeline Restarts with Bypass Gas flow through the southern leg of the Swiss-Italian Transitgas pipeline resumed on Monday, after it was stopped for one week to integrate a new bypass, a spokesman said

Offshore Europe 2011 6-8 September 2011 - Aberdeen, Scotland, UK www.offshore-europe.co.uk 45th IPLOCA Annual Convention 12-16 September 2011 Beijing, China www.iploca.com Offshore India and Unconventional Oil & Gas India Conference & Exhibition 14-16 September 2011 - Bombay Exhibition Centre, Mumbai, India www.offshoreoilindia.com

on Tuesday. “The pipeline resumed service to include the new bypass on May 2 at 0600 CET,” said Transitgas Technical Director Paolo Beretta. The pipeline is a key route for transporting north European gas through Switzerland into Italy. Gas transport was interrupted for five months last year after the pipeline was damaged by a rock fall. A temporary part of the pipeline opened around Christmas and operator Transitgas started building a bypass which avoided the most dangerous areas prone to falling debris. Reuters, 3 May 2011

EAC to Study Oil Product Pipeline Linking Uganda, Rwanda, Burundi The East African Community is set to undertake a feasibility study on the construction of an oil product pipeline from Uganda to Rwanda, easing fuel supplies in the landlocked countries of Rwanda and Burundi, the EAC secretariat said late Tuesday. The regional body has obtained a grant of at least USD 600,000 for the study from the African Development Bank, which will look at the viability of linking the two countries to a pipeline project running from the Kenyan coast to Uganda, the EAC cited Patrick Nyoike, the permanent secretary of Kenya’s Ministry of Energy, as saying. Nasdaq.com, 10 May 2011

7th China International Pipeline Exhibition 2011 17-19 September 2011 - Beijing, China www.pipechina.com.cn/en Trenchless Middle-East 10-11 October 2011 - Dubai, UAE www.trenchlessmiddleeast.com European Future Energy Forum 10-12 October 2011 - Geneva, Switzerland www.europeanfutureenergyforum.com 2011 APIA Annual Convention & Conference 22-25 October 2011 - Sydney, Australia www.apia.net.au/events/2011-convention-sydney DCA 51st Annual Convention 3-8 February 2012 - Hawaï, USA www.dca-online.org PLCA 64th Annual Conference 21-25 February 2012 - Carslbad, CA, USA www.plca.org PLCAC 58th Annual Convention 3-7 June 2012 - Whistler, Canada www.plcac.ca



IPLOCA Board of Directors


Front row (left to right): Harald Dresp (Treasurer), Osman Birgili (1st Vice President), Karl Trauner (President), Doug Evans (2nd Vice President), Adam Wynne Hughes (Immediate Past President), Juan Arzuaga (Executive Secretary). 2nd row from front: Marco Jannuzzi, Phil Bond, Gerry Grothe. 2nd row from back: Vladilen Ermolin, Ebbo Laenge, Najib Khoury, Zeno Soave, Nasser Issa. Back row: Sandip Sharma, Andy Lukas, Michael Rae, Jacquelin de La Porte, Roberto Castelli. Inset picture: Zhao Yujian

Officers Karl Trauner (HABAU), President, Director, Europe Central,

Nasser Issa (C.A.T. International Ltd), Director,

Chairman of the Training Committee

Middle East & Africa

Osman Birgili (Tekfen), 1 Vice President, Director, Europe

Zhao Yujian (CPP), Director, East & Far East

Eastern, Chairman of the New Technologies Committee

Sandip Sharma (Kalpataru Power Transmission Ltd),

Doug Evans (Gulf Interstate Engineering), 2 Vice

Director, East & Far East

President, Director, North America

Gerry Grothe (Pipeline Machinery Intl.), Director,

Harald Dresp (Max Streicher), Treasurer, Director at Large

Associate Members

Adam Wynne Hughes Immediate Past President, Chairman

Michael Rae (Argus Ltd), Director, Associate Members



of the HSE Committee


Roberto Castelli (Bonatti)

Vladilen Ermolin (PTPS JSC), Director, Europe Eastern

Harald Dresp (Max Streicher)

Jacquelin de La Porte (Spiecapag), Director, Europe

Marco Jannuzzi (Caterpillar)


Najib Khoury (CCC)

Zeno Soave (Socotherm), Director, Europe Mediterranean

Andy Lukas (AJ Lucas)

Phil Bond (Pipeline Induction Heat), Director,


Directors at Large

Europe North-West

Executive Secretary

Ebbo L채nge (Conduto), Director, Latin America

Juan Arzuaga


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