Beijing Convention Retrospective page 12 - with 6 photo pages
Contents: Letter from the President page 4 News from Geneva page 5 Member News page 8 IPLOCA Award Winners page 16 WITH NEWS FROM: THE INDUSTRY, MEMBERSHIP, ALLIED & SISTER ASSOCIATIONS
Experience the Progress. AATS global sales organisation Breukersweg 4, NL-7471, ST, Goor, the Netherlands Tel. +31 547 260 000, Fax +31 547 261 000
Liebherr-Werk Telfs GmbH Hans Liebherr-Str. 35 A-6410 Telfs Tel.: +43 50809 6-100 Fax: +43 50809 6-7772
The Group
IPLOCA Mission To provide value to members through a forum for sharing ideas, engaging the industry and its stakeholders, facilitating business opportunities and promoting the highest standards in the pipeline industry.
Contents Letter from the President
News from Geneva
Board Meeting Update
New Board Members
Member News
Beijing Convention Retrospective
IPLOCA Award Winners
New Technologies Committee
Health, Safety & Environment Committee
Rocket Plow Method
In the Headlines
Upcoming Conferences
IPLOCA Secretariat
IPLOCA Newsletter
Cover Photo Courtesy of Allseas
International Pipe Line & Offshore
Contractors Association
Elizabeth Spalding
Chemin des Papillons 4
IPLOCA Yearbook
1216 Cointrin / Geneva
Peter Schoonenberg
Telephone +41 22 306 02 30
Listing changes
Fax +41 22 306 02 39
Comments & copy
Letter from the President I feel proud and honoured to serve as IPLOCA President for 2011-2012 and I look forward to working hand in hand with the new Board of Directors. We have nine newcomers to the Board this year. We met for the first time during the Beijing Convention and will meet again at the beginning of December in Cape Town, just as this newsletter is being delivered. Although some of the new board representatives are well known to the membership at large, we take this opportunity to introduce them to you on page 6 of this newsletter. We appreciate their willingness to participate in the work of the association. We were very pleased that so many of our members were able to join us in Beijing. As many as 615 of us gathered at the China World Hotel and you can see our colourful crowd in the photo spread. We would like to thank our generous sponsors of this fine event along with the speakers who provided valuable industry insights during the Open General Meetings. We would also like to take this opportunity to recognise all of the companies that submitted entries for our various awards. SNC-Lavalin received the IPLOCA Health and Safety Award, sponsored by Chevron; the IPLOCA New Technologies Award, sponsored by BP was awarded to Laurini Officine Meccaniche; and our newest award, the IPLOCA Corporate Social Responsibility Award was presented to GDK. During this presidential year, our objectives include enhancing the value of being an IPLOCA member and building even greater recognition among the key oil & gas stakeholders. We aim to do this with a primary focus on training and research, such as the launching of a safety instructor tool on DVD, to be used as an instructional guide for HSE training; via research in collaboration with the Pipeline Research Council International and the European Pipeline Research Group; and by developing training for sideboom operators to name but a few. We will be holding Regional Meetings around the world and continuing our New Technologies Initiatives, including restructuring the work groups involved in further development of Onshore Pipelines: The Road to Success. We will be promoting the document in industry conferences to further enhance IPLOCA’s visibility and will also be re-engaging with our Academic Members in this context. Last, but by no means least, my personal goal, of course, is to host an exceptional convention next year in my beloved city of Istanbul. We have already started our preparations and suggest you save the dates of 10-14 September 2012! Please feel free to contact me at any time to discuss these and other ideas at Warm Regards,
Osman Birgili
New Year Greetings from Geneva
As 2011 draws to a close, it is important for us to thank everyone who has contributed to the Association over the past year. Those contributions have been made in a number of ways – not all of which are visible – in the sharing time and expertise, the hosting of meetings and, of course, in providing generous sponsorship to allow us to offer yet another memorable convention. We look forward to new achievements and collaborations in 2012, and send our best wishes to all for a safe and prosperous new year.
Board Meeting Update
New Associate Members
Beijing, September 2011
-- Magnatech International B.V., the Netherlands
The outgoing and then the newly elected IPLOCA Boards
-- FRONIUS International GmbH, Austria -- Kingland Group Co. Ltd, China
of Directors met during the IPLOCA Convention in Beijing.
Change of Geographical Area
Following are highlights from those meetings.
On 30 June 2011 the Board of Directors unanimously
Final Meeting of the 2010-2011 Board of Directors
approved the change of geographical area of Dodsal Group from Middle East & Africa to East & Far East.
President Karl Trauner noted that Adam Wynne Hughes would fulfil the term of Phil Bond, following Phil’s
Board Members were asked to submit proposals
resignation from Pipeline Induction Heat.
regarding activity with the Academic Members for further development in the next year.
Harald Dresp said that operational profit for 2011 is around CHF 200,000 to date. However, the costs for research have
The Canadian Construction Sector Council (CSC) has
not yet been committed (Safety Training Programme and
developed a Pipeline Construction Safety Training Course on
research projects).
DVD, with the participation of the Canadian Government and The Pipe Line Contractors Association of Canada (PLCAC).
Caroline Green, Membership and Convention Manager,
IPLOCA has negotiated use of the training portion only, with
informed the Board that sponsorship of the Beijing event had
modifications to be made to make it international. The goal
been outstanding, with all items available for sponsorship being
is to have it available for our members by August 2012.
committed. Some Convention Fund contributions were also made. Registration numbers were extremely high for an event
Juan Arzuaga noted that there had been many people
outside Europe and stood at 636 participants. The contract with
working very hard to produce the Second Edition of
the Hilton Istanbul has been signed.The Convention will be held
Onshore Pipelines: The Road to Success for distribution
during the week of 10 to 14 September 2012.
in Beijing, including the group leaders, writing team,
Consultant Daniel Gasquet and the Secretariat staff.
Total membership in IPLOCA now stands at 261, with quite
After discussions regarding the paramount importance of
a few new companies having joined the Association since
Safety, the Board agreed unanimously that companies that
the previous Board of Directors Meeting.
have not submitted their annual health & safety statistics will not be allowed to attend the convention.
New Regular Members -- Construtora Norberto Odebrecht, S.A., Brazil
Potential Regional Meeting locations for 2012 were discussed
-- IL&FS Engineering & Construction Company Limited, India
and identified as The Netherlands, Italy, and Latin America.
-- Montajes Industriales Montec Ltda, Chile
A meeting is being organised in Rotterdam in early March.
First Meeting of the 2011-2012 Board of Directors
Directors-at-Large were appointed as follows: Roberto Castelli (Bonatti), Marco Jannuzzi (Caterpillar), Wilhelm Maats (Maats Pipeline Equipment), John Tikkanen (ShawCor), Jerrit Coward (Willbros)
Appointments to the Committees HSE Adam Wynne Hughes (Chairman), Nasser Issa, Bruno Maerten, Leonardo Gravina Training Karl Trauner (Chairman), Harald Dresp, Gerry Grothe, Marco Jannuzzi, Najib Khoury, Andy Lukas, Wilhelm Maats, Iosif Panchak. New Technologies Doug Evans (Chairman), Osman Birgili, Roberto Castelli, Jerrit Coward, Daniel Fernandez, Pierluigi Zanin Karl Trauner was presented with his presidential pin by
Committee appointments of Rajen Kilachand and John
Osman Birgili, First Vice President. The retiring board
Tikkanen will be defined at the next meeting, in Cape Town.
members left the room, and Osman took the chair.
The following were proposed and unanimously appointed as Officers:
Board Meetings have been planned for the coming
1st Vice President: Doug Evans
-- Cape Town, 6 to 10 December 2011
2 Vice President: Najib Khoury
-- London, 28 February to 2 March 2012
Treasurer: Harald Dresp
-- Washington DC, 22 to 25 May 2012
Welcome to our New Board Members
year as follows:
having worked his entire professional career in the oil and gas construction industry. He serves on the board of directors of Junior Achievement of Southeast Texas, Inc. and holds a bachelor’s degree in Engineering from Texas
The following are the nine new board members elected
A&M University at Galveston. He has a great interest in
or appointed to the 2011-2012 IPLOCA Board of Directors.
fishing and hunting and enjoys spending as much time
A group photo, including titles and specific board
as possible with his wife Christina and their two children,
responsibilities can be found on page 24 of this newsletter.
Sydney and Hutch.
Jerrit M. Coward was
Daniel Fernández
named President of
was born in May
the Upstream business
1956 in Argentina and
segment of Willbros in
graduated from the
January 2008 and is a
UTN, Universidad
member of the Executive
Tecnológica Nacional, as
Leadership Team. He
Upcoming Board Meetings
a mechanical engineer
joined Willbros in 2002 as a Project Manager, assumed
and later also obtained a master’s degree in HSE from the
full operations responsibility for the company’s Nigerian
UTN. He was the Managing Director of the Middle East
operations in 2005, and oversaw the discontinuation and
Area of Techint International Construction Corporation
sale of the company’s Nigerian interests. He previously
and the Engineering Director of Techint Engineering &
worked for Global Industries in the capacities of Project
Construction, among other positions. He is currently the
Manager, Operations Manager and Commercial Manager.
Chief Operating Officer of Techint E&C and holds various
He has held foreign assignments in Nigeria and Mexico as
positions in management areas of many companies of the
well as executed international projects in various countries,
group in several countries. He has extensive experience
in the engineering, construction and management fields,
that span healthcare, vocational training and education
with more than 33 years of continuous professional work
in India, USA, UAE, Europe, the Middle East and Africa.
in the international area. He has been working for the
He is on the Board of Trustees of Boston University and
Techint Group for 23 years. Daniel is married and has three
Pathfinders International. Married, with three children and
children. His interests include nautical sports, long walks
one grandchild, he is a keen kite flyer and a fan of all types
and fishing.
of music, especially jazz. Leonardo Gravina,
Wilhelm Gerrit Maats,
General Manager of
President of Maats
SICIM S.p.A., has spent
Pipeline Equipment,
almost 30 years in the
was born in June 1947
oil and gas industry. He
in the Netherlands. After
began his career with
his studies in Marine
Saipem on assignment
Engineering he began
in Saudi Arabia on the Safania-Berri pipeline project for
working for an oil company and later on became Sales
Saudi Aramco and became Construction Manager and then
Director for a Dutch manufacturer and supplier in Earth
Deputy Project Manager for the most important projects
Moving Equipment. A passion was born and in 1981 he
executed by Saipem in the area, including the 615 km long
founded his own company. Maats Pipeline Equipment
by 56” East West Pipeline. After 5 years in the desert he
was built to serve the pipeline market as the global
was posted to Nigeria as Deputy Project Manager and soon
representative for Liebherr Pipeline Equipment. Willem is
after Project Manager of the challenging 36” by 380 km
dedicated to building high quality equipment and providing
long Escravos to Lagos Gas Pipeline for the Nigerian Gas
customer satisfaction through his company based in Goor,
Company (NGC). Saipem appointed him as first Managing
The Netherlands. Willem has been married to Marja Maats
Director of Saipem Contracting Nigeria LTD. His last
since 1972. In their spare time they enjoy skiing, golf and
assignment for Saipem was in Kazakhstan in 1999 as Area
sailing. Another of Willem’s big passions is antique cars
Manager. He joined SICIM in 2001 as Commercial Manager
and driving them in races and rallies. He has been part of
and then in 2002 as General Manager of the company, in
IPLOCA since 1986.
charge of all developments and operations worldwide. Leonardo is married to Mattia and has two sons, Michele
Bruno Maerten, Managing
(19) and Andrea (8), and a daughter Valentina (18) with
Director of GEOCEAN
whom he shares the little free time that his assignments
graduated as a naval
allow him. Other than travelling, his main interest is sports
architect from the Ecole
in the attempt to always remain fit. As the ancient Romans
Centrale de Nantes. He
used to say “Mens sana in corpore sano…”
started his career in a shipyard in Kinshasa,
Rajen Kilachand is an
Zaïre and then moved to another in the South of France,
Indian citizen living in
designing semi-submersible drilling platforms. In 1986,
Dubai and is Chairman
after major French shipyard closures, he moved to
and President of
GEOCEAN as project manager. As such he was involved
The Dodsal Group, a
in some very exciting projects such as the Channel Tunnel,
multibillion dollar trans-
drilling and testing subsea soil between France and UK, and
global organisation
Offshore gold mining prospect evaluation in New Zealand.
operating in several countries with a multicultural
He soon became Marketing and Sales Manager and has
workforce. He was educated in both India and the
now been Managing Director of GEOCEAN for the last
USA, gaining his master’s degree at Boston University. He
10 years, involved in all sorts of subsea pipelines – steel,
has lived in India, Germany, the USA and the UAE. He took
fiberglass and plastic. Both his professional and private
over the reins of the Dodsal Group in 1979 when his father
lives are very much marine oriented: he met his wife,
died unexpectedly and has since taken the company from
Mireille, in Marseille, on the Mediterranean, where his two
a USD 200 million multi-interest company to a world-class
daughters have since grown up, and where he is still living.
organisation built on cutting edge technology, expertise and
His office has a nice sea view, and his main hobby is – of
integrity. Like his father and forefathers he has carried on
course – sail racing. For his summer holidays he enjoys
the tradition of philanthropy with a personal commitment
nothing better than a cruise in Corsica with family and
of over USD 50 million to his core philanthropic initiatives
Iosif Panchak, Director
Over a period of 16 years with Shaw Pipe in Calgary, John
for Strategy and
worked in various sales and operations roles. In 1997 he
Development of the
was transferred to British Pipe Coaters in Edinburgh as
Russian Group of
General Manager. In 2000 he was transferred to Singapore
Companies SGM, has
where he was Director of Sales and Marketing and later
devoted his life to the
Vice President Operations. He was appointed Senior Vice
hydrocarbon sphere.
President, Americas in 2003 and President of Bredero
Starting as a specialist in law and economics he soon
Shaw in 2005. John is married to Joanne and has three
became the Chief of the Development Department of VAO
sons, ages 24, 21 and 17. He and his family have enjoyed
Neftekhimexport, Vice President of the ITERA International
the global journey, and for the last eight years have called
Group and a member of Board of Directors of JSC
Houston home. His hobbies include golf, boating, cycling
DzerzhinskKhimMash. Since 2009 his responsibilities
and skiing.
have been strategic planning in the sphere of pipeline construction in STROYGAZMONTAZH LLC, one of the
Pierluigi Zanin is Italian, born in 1951,
largest contractors in Russia. He played a significant role
the President and co-owner of the
in establishing self-regulated organisations working in
family business Goriziane Group
construction in Russia, the organisations that just a few
S.p.A. After graduating in electrical
years ago took over the regulatory functions from the
engineering, he taught physics and
State. Now he supervises the non-commercial partnership
mathematics and worked for a while
“Self-regulated Organization Association of Gas and Oil
as a researcher in a multinational
Complex Builders”. He believes that close cooperation
electronics company. He later
between Russian companies and foreign suppliers of
established a business consultancy and, after his father’s
equipment and technologies will lead both sides to fruitful
illness, decided to dedicate himself, along with his sister
cooperation in implementation of major projects both in
and brother, to managing the family business. The company
Russia and all over the world. Iosif Panchak is married and
became involved in civil engineering and then moved into
always finds time to spend with his son and daughter. He is
onshore and offshore pipeline design and research and
fond of travelling to distant countries and enjoys skiing and
development, with a division for assembly, production and
collecting rare wines.
testing of the machines and equipment designed through the above mentioned research and development: the John Tikkanen, President
pipeline equipment, the machines and plants now available
of Bredero Shaw, is
worldwide. Committed also to social responsibility,
responsible for the
together with his sister, Carla, and his brother, Massimo, he
company’s worldwide
has helped poor communities in developing countries with
coating business which
the construction of schools, workshops, and roads. Pierluigi
operates 28 plants in
and his wife Angela have four children and he spends all of
15 countries. Following
his little available free time with his family and considers
graduation from the University of Western Ontario in
himself fortunate to have many wonderful friends. He
London, Canada, John began his 30 year career with
appreciates nature and loves sports that allow him to live in
ShawCor at Shaw Pipe Protection in Calgary, Canada.
contact with it, such as climbing, diving, and trekking.
Member News
arresters mainly for handheld welding, cutting and heating
ESAB Expands Through Acquisitions in Brazil and Russia
applications, though some products are used on automated cutting machines. In the last few years Condor has invested heavily in product development and a new factory, and is now establishing a reputation as a supplier of high-quality
ESAB has acquired 60 percent of the shareholding of
products. Condor sells directly to major end users and
Condor Equipamentos Industriais Ltda and will assume
through a network of distributors within Brazil. Having
full managerial control. Based in Contagem in the state of
completed the acquisition, ESAB is now incorporating
Minas Gerais in Brazil, Condor is a leading manufacturer
Condor within its global strategy for gas welding, cutting
of equipment for gas welding and cutting. Condor
and heating to maximise opportunities and efficiencies,
manufactures regulators, torches, nozzles and flashback
especially in rapidly expanding markets such as Brazil,
Russia, India and China. In recent years ESAB has become
services; from Front End Engineering and Design (FEED)
a leading player in the South American welding market; in
through to offshore commissioning, complementing
2010 the company achieved sales worth £242.3 million in
McDermott’s existing turnkey, engineering, procurement,
this region, which represents 21% of ESAB’s total revenue
construction, and installation services.
and makes South America the second most important market after Europe.
Fluor Wins Offshore FEED Contract for Nasr Field in Abu Dhabi Fluor Corporation has announced that its Fluor Offshore Solutions unit was awarded a front-end engineering and design (FEED) contract by Abu Dhabi Marine Operating Company (ADMA-OPCO) for new offshore facilities located at the Nasr Field approximately 30 kilometers northeast of Umm Shaif Super Complex in Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates (UAE). Fluor booked the undisclosed contract value in the third quarter of 2011. The Nasr Full Field Development Project includes seven wellhead towers, super complex facilities including
Stephen M. Johnson, Chairman, President and Chief Executive Of-
gas processing and oil separation production facilities,
ficer, McDermott and Khalid S. Al Shoaibi, Shoaibi Group Director
utilities platform, living quarters, infield subsea pipelines
cutting the ribbon at the opening ceremony. Copyright McDermott
and an export pipeline to Das Island. The FEED portion of
International, Inc. 2011. All rights reserved.
the project is currently under way in Fluor’s Houston and Abu Dhabi offices.
Fluor Receives Full Notice to Proceed on Contracts for Conga Mine Project in Peru
Petrofac and CPECC Establish New Joint Venture Petrofac, the international oil & gas facilities service provider, and China Petroleum Engineering & Construction Corporation (CPECC), the engineering and construction
Fluor Corporation has announced that the company’s
subsidiary of China National Petroleum Company, have
Mining business received a full notice to proceed for
established a new strategic joint venture, China Petroleum
Newmont Mining’s Conga project in Peru. Additionally, a
Petrofac Engineering Services (CPPES). Based in Sharjah,
joint venture between Fluor’s Infrastructure business and
UAE, the joint venture will provide project management
Odebrecht was awarded the earthworks scope at the Conga
and engineering services for selected oil & gas projects,
project. Fluor is the majority partner of the earthworks joint
focusing on projects for Chinese oil & gas companies.
venture. Fluor booked approximately USD 1.7 billion and
Petrofac and CPECC have a long-standing relationship and
USD 580 million for the respective scopes of work. Both
track record of cooperation, most recently being jointly
awards occurred in the third quarter of 2011.
awarded an inspection, maintenance and repair contract for the Rumaila oil field in Southern Iraq. The strengthened
McDermott Establishes Dedicated Engineering Company in Saudi Arabia
relationship was recognised at an official ceremony that took place at CPECC’s offices in Beijing on 19 September. The joint venture which is 51 percent owned by CPECC and
McDermott International, Inc. has announced that one of
49 percent owned by Petrofac, following formal signing
its subsidiaries has signed a partnership agreement with
and exchanging of contracts, will be established under the
Eng. Khalid S. Al Shoaibi, of the Shoaibi Group, to form
leadership of personnel from both companies.
McDermott Arabia Engineering, a company specializing in engineering and consulting services to the offshore oil in Al Khobar, has been operational since July and was
Tekfen Signs 501 Million USD Contract for Refinery Project in Turkey
officially inaugurated on 12 October 2011 by Stephen M.
Tekfen Construction and Installation Co. Inc. has signed a
Johnson, Chairman, President and Chief Executive Officer,
contract in the amount of USD 501 million with Tecnicas
McDermott and Khalid S. Al Shoaibi, Shoaibi Group
Reunidas of Spain for the construction of the process
Director. The new office provides a full suite of engineering
packages of the Residue Upgrade Project for TÜPRA
and gas industry in Saudi Arabia. The new office, based
(Turkish Petroleum Refineries Corporation). Tekfen’s scope
notably in Europe, but also in other regions. The scope of
of work includes construction and erection of the following
work encompasses various kinds of services from studies,
main process and auxiliary units; coker unit, integrated
basic and detail engineering up to project implementation
unicracking process unit, vacuum unit, hydrogen unit,
services. Technip’s operating center in Dusseldorf, Germany
sulphur recovery unit, amine regeneration unit, sour water
will coordinate the performance of the services under the
stripping unit, cooling water system, substations and
umbrella agreement. Several other operating centers across
service buildings, flare unit, utilities. The plant is located in
the world will provide their expertise and management
Izmit, 80 km east of Istanbul, Turkey. The project will start in
skills. This contract represents an important milestone for
early Nov 2011 and be completed in 33 months.
Technip, building upon its long-term experience in serving the chemical industry.
Technip Acquires 100 Percent of Global Industries, Ltd
Valentine Maritime Case Study
Technip announced in September an agreement to acquire the entire share capital of Global Industries and reinforce its
A case study entitled Implementation of HSE Management
leadership in the fast-growing subsea segment of
System on EPC Projects in the E&P Environment has been
oil services. The two companies have entered into a
published by Valentine Maritime to share with offshore
definitive merger agreement whereby Technip will pay
pipeline contractors at Saudi ARAMCO.
USD 8.00 per Global Industries share. The transaction values Global Industries at USD 1,073 million including
In 2008, Valentine Maritime was awarded a USD 500
approximately USD 136 million of net debt. The Board of
million EPC contract by Saudi ARAMCO to install
Directors of Global Industries has unanimously approved
submarine rigid and flexible pipelines, power and
the transaction.
communication cables, riser bridge structures, subsea valve skids, HPUs and ancillary facilities in Manifa, as an integral part of the Manifa Development Program. The
Technip and BASF Sign Umbrella Agreement in the Chemical and Petrochemical Fields
paper discusses various safety issues encountered and
Technip has been awarded by BASF an Engineering Partner
environment are presented, with useful suggestions for
Umbrella Service Contract for chemical and petrochemical
new entrants. The document is available on request from
projects. Both companies are contemplating a long-term
Meraj Uddin, HSE Manager ( so
partnership which will provide BASF access to the extensive
that the information can be shared with IPLOCA members.
how these were tackled. Lessons learned from the E&P
engineering resources of Technip for its capital investments,
New Regular Member
IPLOCA currently has 126 Regular Members and 129 Associate Members, with Regular Members distributed Montajes Industriales Montec Ltda.
geographically as follows:
San Pio X 2460 Of. 1007 East & Far East
Providencia, Santiago
Europe Central
Europe Eastern
T +562 713 0300
Europe Mediterranean
F +562 713 0301
Europe Northwest
Middle East & Africa
Latin America
America North
Montec Ltda. is a 100 percent Chilean company which began its activities in the early 1990s. The company had
We welcome the following new Regular and Associate
a clear vision of cooperating in the development of Chile
Members to IPLOCA. Their profiles are also available at
and neighboring countries in the construction of pipelines
and submarine outfalls, to be able to keep up with the
growing demand in the copper industry and the sanitary
The company has several sets of automatic production lines
sector.Today it has more than 2000 employees and is
and has set up a national advanced pipeline inspection
currently working in Chile, Peru and Uruguay, with previous
and test center. With annual capacity up to 1,000,000 tons,
experience also in Brazil and Colombia. The company is
its main products include “Kingland” double-side SAWH
headquartered in Santiago de Chile.
pipes, HFW pipes with large diameter and high grade,
New Associate Members
3PE/2PE/FBE coated pipes and large diameter double-side coated pipes. Kingland pipeline is a main supplier for CNPC, Sinopec, CNOOC, Xin’ao Gas and Towngas. It is also listed as one of the “Top 50 China Petroleum and Petrochemical Equipment Enterprises”.The company has received
Fronius International GmbH
ISO9001:2008, ISO14001:2004, GB/T28001-2001 and API 5L,
Froniusplatz 1
5CT certifications. Kingland pipes are not only sold to more
4600 Wels
than 20 provinces in the domestic market but also exported
to dozens of countries and regions and are widely used in
T +43 7242 241 0
the Central Asia Gas Pipeline, Kazakhstan-China Crude Oil
F +43 7242 241 953940
Pipeline, Myanmar-China Oil Pipeline, Algeria Gas Pipeline,
Spain Gas Pipeline, Wenchand Undersea Pipeline, Fujian
Pipeline, Branches of West-East Gas Transmission Pipeline
and main civilian projects such as Beijing Olympic Stadium
Originally founded in 1945, FRONIUS International has been
and China Pavilion of Shanghai Exposition.
active in the pipeline field since 2003. Known as a global technology leader in development and manufacturing of highly advanced systems in both arc- and resistance welding, FRONIUS stepped into the market in order to
NOV Tuboscope
serve the on- and offshore pipeline industry worldwide.
Maschweg 5
Innovations such as GMA-Tandem Girth Welding or the
29313 Celle
controlled GMAW Cold Metal Transfer process (CMT) for
semi-automatic root pass welding are recent highlights.
T +49 5141 8020
From the very beginning, however, the bedrock of all
F +49 5141 802 123
activities in research and system development was a close
and confidential relationship with the client. Focusing
close attention on special customer needs from global and widespread applications produces tailor-made systems to
Tuboscope, a division of National Oilwell Varco, L.P. is
improve both efficiency and reliability in pipeline welding
one of the largest Oilfield Service Companies worldwide,
and meet the highest quality requirements.
providing products and services that lead the industry with safety and the environment in mind. Tuboscope
invented the internal tubular coating process in the 1940s, pioneering the use of advanced plastic-coatings
Kingland Group Co. Ltd.
technology to substantially enhance the performance of
No.57 Erliqiao Road
tubulars by reducing wear, increasing hydraulic efficiency,
Huzhou Zhejiang 313000
preventing corrosion and controlling the buildup of harmful
scale, paraffin or asphaltene. Tuboscope coatings are
T +86 572 2065107
manufactured in Houston, Texas and are applied at more
F +86 572 2066981
than 14 facilities around the world.
2012 Membership Fees
Located in China Yangtz River Delta Economical Center,
2012 membership fee invoices were sent (and also
Huzhou, Zhejiang, Kingland Group Co., Ltd. was founded
emailed) in mid-November. The payment due date is
in 1981. Its listed holding company, Zhejiang Kingland
2 January 2012. If you have any questions please
Pipeline & Technologies Co., Ltd has four subsidiaries which
contact the IPLOCA Accounting Manager, Sarah Junod
specialise in producing all kinds of pipes but mainly oil and
gas pipelines and new generation civilian green pipelines.
Beijing Convention Retrospective Sincere thanks to our Sponsors and Speakers
We could not have asked for greater support from the
“what could be improved” section, was, inevitably … the
membership for our first-ever Convention in China.
weather. Most people would agree that the fog and grey skies did not allow us to see China at its very best, as would
All possible items were sponsored, and we gratefully
the post-Convention Xi’an tour participants, who endured
acknowledge the help of all our generous sponsors, whose
unrelenting torrential rain. We understand that the weather
logos are on the next page. We hope you enjoy the photo
the week following the Convention was really beautiful…
spread in this newsletter. The photos are also available online at
Post-Convention Questionnaire We were delighted to see that responses to our postConvention questionnaire were overwhelmingly positive. Of the 101 respondents, 50 percent were Associate Members, and 30 percent were Regular Members, with the balance made up of speakers, sister association representatives and spouses. When asked to rate the importance of various factors in the decision to attend the convention, networking was by far the top reason, with seeing friends and marketing next highest, then attending
meetings. There was unanimous praise for the China
Membership & Convention Manager Caroline Green is ready for
World Hotel and its services. One recurrent theme in the
Industry Speakers
Please note that the presentations are posted at
at Beijing Convention We welcome your suggestions for topics
Our grateful thanks to our speakers who made themselves
recommendations no later than the end of February 2012
available to support us at the Beijing Convention!
and speakers for the Istanbul Convention. Please send your
David Spindler, Independent historian The Great Wall: Case Studies and Lessons from an Iconic Structure.
Prof. Michael J. Economides, University of Houston Energy Geopolitics
John Dempsey, Sr. Vice President, Project Director, Energy & Chemicals Business Group, Fluor
Qingxun Chen, Vice President of China Petroleum Pipeline
Iraq: Unique Opportunities and Unique Challenges
Bureau (CPP); General Manager, CPP International Technology Status and Pipeline Development Trends over the Next Five Years
Hans-Guenter Behrendt, Managing Director &
Co-Owner, PSE Engineering and Markus Behrendt, Engineering Coordinator, PSE Engineering
Tim Zboya, Vice President Global Pipelines,
Underground Gas Storage: Key Technology for a
Safe Energy Supply
The Northern Gateway Project
CRC-Evans / PIH
Golf Tournament Golf enthusiasts were once again treated to a great day on the course (at Beijing CBD International Golf Club). While finding the next hole may have been a challenge with the early fog that day, it did not seem to dampen anyone’s enthusiasm.
Worldwide Machinery
Tennis Tournament Sun Park Tennis Centre was the location for this year’s tennis tournament sponsored by Worldwide Machinery. Participants worked up an appetite for the dim sum lunch that followed.
Final Banquet Lottery More than EUR 15,000 was raised in Beijing for Hope’87, an Austrian initiative chosen by 2010-2011 President Karl Trauner. The funds will go to assist young people in Bangladesh to show initiative and develop local projects to create training and employment. Volvo Construction Equipment (represented by Eddy Powell, background left) and Renault Trucks (represented by François-Xavier Thinet) generously provided a voucher for a car to the lucky winner of the lottery, Kerry Lethbridge.
Thanks to our Beijing Convention Sponsors!
Runners Up
to the 2011 IPLOCA Award Winners
System, CRC-Evans Pipeline International for their High Speed
We received many entries for our awards this year and
Generation Welding and Inspections Systems, SPIECAPAG and
we congratulate all of the entrants for their commitment
Laurini Officine Meccaniche for their Swamp Muletrax.
Bredero Shaw for their Thermolite ULTRA Subsea Insulation High Force Internal Welding and Backup System and their New
to improving levels of safety and for taking the time to prepare their submissions. More information is available at During the Beijing Convention the following awards were presented:
IPLOCA Health & Safety Award sponsored by Chevron Winner SNC-Lavalin for their FOCUS Task Cards: This multilingual hazard identification tool uses pictograms to “speak” the language of construction site personnel and overcomes
Marco Laurini (right) receives his trophy and certificate from
possible literacy level and language barriers.
Julian White of BP Exploration Operating Company (centre) and
Runners Up Land & Marine Project Engineering Ltd with National Grid Gas Transmission for Targeting Zero Accidents Through World Class Safety Leadership, Max Streicher GmbH & Co. KG aA for their “Water - Principle of all things” Programme, McDermott International for their Zero Hand Injury Programme
Osman Birgili, Chairman of the IPLOCA New Technologies Committee.
IPLOCA Corporate Social Responsibility Award Winner GDK S.A. for their support of an institution for people with disabilities - APAE São Francisco do Conde-Bahia
Runners Up Kalpataru Power Transmission Ltd for their Save the Tiger Campaign, McDermott International for their Batam Social Investments and Activities
Melody Kratsios (centre) of SNC-Lavalin receives the 2011 Health & Safety Award from Mark Rand, Chevron Pipe Line Co. (right) and Adam Wynne Hughes, IPLOCA HSE Committee Chairman.
IPLOCA New Technologies Award sponsored by BP Winner Laurini Officine Meccaniche S.r.l. for their Seam Aligner Clamp
Following presentation of his award, Samuel Barbosa makes a short presentation regarding GDK’s support of a local Association of Parents and Friends of People with Special Needs.
New Technologies Committee Novel Construction Initiative: Phase III After a great deal of hard work expended by representatives of many of our member companies, the Second Edition of Onshore Pipelines: The Road to Success has been published in hard copy and on DVD. The book is also available at via Hard copies of the two weighty volumes, in binder format, were distributed to attendees of the Beijing Convention and the group leaders were recognised for their hard work during the First Open General Meeting.
Phase III: New Sections and Content Development We are now entering Phase III of the Novel Construction Initiative and aiming to incorporate some new sections and also further develop some existing sections: -- Welding (new) -- Pipelines and the Environment (new)
Leader: Gustavo Guaytima, -- Future Trends & Innovation Leader: Zuhair Haddad, -- ECPS Leader: Sean Haberer, -- Environment Leader: Sue Sljivic, -- Logistics Leader: Bruno Pomare,
-- Testing (new) -- Earthworks (to be further developed)
We welcome and encourage all support in furthering this
-- Logistics (to be further developed)
collaborative industry initiative. To participate in the development
-- Crossings (to be further developed)
of Phase III, please contact the appropriate group leader.
-- New Trends and Innovation (to be further developed) The existing work groups have been realigned as follows: -- Planning and Design Leader: Criss Shipman, -- Earthworks & Crossings Leader: Paul Andrews, -- Welding, NDT & Testing
Road to Success Wiki We are pursuing set up of a wiki (a collaborative online tool) to make Phase III of the Novel Construction initiative more interactive and easier to manage internationally. Information will be made available at as it becomes available.
Osman Birgili (left) congratulates Phase II group leaders (left to right) Sean Haberer (Bredero Shaw), Paul Andrews (Fluor), Zuhair Haddad (CCC), Marco Jannuzzi (Caterpillar), Bruno Pomare (Spiecapag), Bernard Quereillahc (Volvo Construction Equipment), and Criss Shipman (Gulf Interstate Engineering).
Health, Safety and Environment Committee Pipeline Construction Safety Training IPLOCA has signed a licensing agreement with the Construction Sector Council (CSC) of Canada to grant IPLOCA the use of their Training & Testing e-learning program developed together with the government of Canada and the Pipeline Contractors Association of Canada (PLCAC). This program is being edited and modified to create an international Safety Trainers Tool to be used for training only.
Road Traffic Accidents Road traffic accidents are some of the biggest concerns
Health & Safety Statistics Return and Convention Participation
of the Pipeline Industry. IPLOCA wants to act as a forum
In an effort to further encourage the few remaining Regular
to share experiences and lessons learned by all members
Members (7%) who did not submit Health & Safety
in this regard in an attempt to improve levels of safety
statistics this year to do so next year, the Board of Directors
worldwide. We urge our members to submit to
has decided that beginning in 2012, companies that do their experiences and ways
not comply with the requirement will not be allowed to
that they have successfully reduced such accidents.
participate in the Convention.
IPLOCA is considering a workshop to be held next year with HSE Managers on Road Traffic Accidents and will be
Environmental Statistics Return
seeking your participation in this important discussion.
New this year is IPLOCA’s request to its members for
Committee Welcomes New Member
environmental statistics. To date, 69 companies have submitted their statistics. Our goal in collecting this
The IPLOCA HSE Committee
information is to respond to growing worldwide trends in
welcomes Melody Kratsios, Senior
environmental accountability. IPLOCA’s hope is that this
Vice President HSEQ of SNC-Lavalin,
form will serve members who are already active in the
who joined the committee in July.
environmental assessment domain, and serve as an example
She has 25 years of extensive
to those who have yet to undertake any such action.
operational experience and is responsible for the four divisions of
We strongly encourage all Regular Members to provide
SNC-Lavalin globally, comprising
this information so that the entire membership can benefit
60,000 personnel per year on sites
from the aggregated information and we welcome this
throughout Africa, Canada, Latin America and the Middle
information also from our Associate Members who have
East, with 25 permanent facilities and 40 active construction
field construction activities.
sites. From 2009 to 2010 her main challenge – and success – was developing a system to guide the divisions
Your return is a confidential document and is not shown or
through a major expansion, which tripled personnel on
passed to any third party, other than the HSE Committee
site, yet significantly reduced by fivefold the number of
working within the IPLOCA office. Submissions will be used
HSEQ incidents through the division. She holds a master’s
to determine IPLOCA’s environmental aggregate statistics
degree in Engineering Materials, and a bachelor’s degree
related to onshore and offshore construction. Over the last
in Civil Engineering from Concordia University, as well as a
few years we have experienced high response rates to the
diploma in Designing for Safety from Harvard University.
Health and Safety Statistics Return Form and hope that this
Frank Green, PIH IPLOCA offers its sincere thanks to Frank Green of Pipeline
will also be true for our Environmental Statistics Return. The Environmental Statistics Return Form is available online at
Induction Heat for his commitment to and participation in
the committee over several years, as he is now stepping
The next HSE Meeting will be held in Geneva, on 27 and 28
down from this role.
March 2012.
Rocket Plow Method Pfaffinger/Streicher Joint Venture lays DN 300 - Steel Pipe with ZM-coating by Rocket Plow Method for the First Time Ever With the help of a special plow, STREICHER and its joint venture partner Pfaffinger, are laying 9.3 kilometres of steel pipe DN 300 near Wallersdorf, Deggendorf. Until now, the trenchless rocket plow method has been used only for PE pipes and cast-iron pipes, but not for steel pipes because of their restricted bending radii. The method minimizes structural intervention and therefore the impact on flora, fauna and agriculture and was employed during the expansion of the WBW-network (the water supply network Bavarian Forest) by Josef Pfaffinger Bauunternehmung GmbH and MAX STREICHER GmbH & Co. KG aA. There is an expander head, the so-called torpedo, at the end of the plowshare with a diameter of 419 mm. It can be used for depths of up to 2.5 metres. The torpedo displaces and compresses the soil. Pipes with a length of up to 800 metres are pulled in, mounted on the end of the torpedo and into the resulting space during plowing. The pipe sections of the pipe route are prepared on roller blocks in order to prevent the pipe coating from being damaged while pulling the pipe in – the most obvious aspect on this site.
Little impact on nature: humus erosion is reduced to the connection pits. The method has positive ecological and economic effects.
“Earth movement is reduced to the connection pit which leads to a decrease of the humus erosion by 70%”, explains
also has a positive economic effect by helping to reduce
Andreas Freisinger, site manager of Pfaffinger. The ground
construction time by one third compared to conventional
behind the plow almost completely closes. Construction
construction methods.”
transports become less necessary and noise pollution or dust formation is reduced to a minimum. The method
Proven method on new material
does not only protect the environment and residents; it
The rocket plow method is not new – it has been used since 2000. Its development is based on the cable plow method used for cable installation and pipeline construction. The extension of the plow with the rocket construction plus displacement part also enables laying of pipes with a greater diameter. Hollow spaces of 250 mm have been possible so far, but now the expander head is able to create hollow spaces of up to 500 mm. The pipe laid near Wallersdorf has an outer diameter of 330 mm. What is new is the fact that this method was used for a steel pipe. Until now, the trenchless method has generally been used with PE- or cast iron pipes because of the limited bending radius of steel. In the first hours of laying, 160 metres of pipeline were pulled in. “The method worked better than expected”, explains
The plowshare with the torpedo, able to create hollow spaces
STREICHER’s site manager Markus Lallinger. The ground in
up to 500 mm.
this area is free of stones and cohesive which made it easy
to pull in the steel pipe. “Tensile forces of maximum 10 tons
an average speed of 2 to 4 m/min with plow operator and
were necessary for the first try. The permitted tensile force
tractor operator permanently in touch via radio.
is 100 tons with a minimum bending radius of 190 metres given. In inserting lengths of 150 to 760 metres, there
For a reliable water supply
have never been tensile forces of more than 60 tons which
The Joint Venture laid a total of 9.3 km of steel pipe DN 300.8
means that there is still enough scope”, he said.
km of it in only 4.5 months by using the rocket plow method.
Première for new plow
EU) flows through it from the ground water plant in Moos
In order to be able to precisely check the tensile forces and
near Plattling to Reißing.The route was divided into 21
the bending radius, a special plow was used for the laying of
plowing sections with a length of 150 to 760 metres. Plowing
the steel pipe. A sensor inside the expander head monitors
work was already finished in mid-June. The construction of an
the tensile forces. A tachymeter near the route constantly
elevated tank holding 2000 m³ near Reißing and a pumping
measures position and gradient of the plow and directly
station near Arndorf was also part of the expansion of the
transfers signals to the plow operator. The plow is pulled
WBW network. Besides optimizing and ensuring water supply
by a 480 ton tractor which can establish a tensile force of
in Eastern Bavaria, the new steel pipe also contributes to the
up to 200 tons. The tractor covers the laying distance with
stabilization of the regions’ water pressure.
In Memoriam Thomas F. Golden Thomas Fuller Golden passed away suddenly on Friday, August 12, 2011 from complications related to cancer. He was born on May 24, 1942 in New Orleans, Louisiana. He was a graduate of the Oklahoma State University, B.S. Economics, 1966; University of Tulsa, J.D. Law, 1968, and was admitted to the Oklahoma Bar in 1968. He was admitted in 1972 to the United States Supreme Court, United States Court of Appeals for the 10th Circuit and the U.S. District Court of the State of Oklahoma, Northern District. Mr. Golden was a retired partner with the law firm of Hall, Estill, Hardwick, Gable, Golden & Nelson P.C., Tulsa, Oklahoma, where he began as a law clerk in 1967. He has served on the Board of Directors of the Oklahoma Arts Institute, Performing Arts Center Trust, the Board of Directors of the American Red Cross, Downtown Tulsa Unlimited, Tulsa Boys’ Home, Eateries, Inc., Midwesco Industries, Inc., Rooney Management Company and Hall, Estill. In 2001, he returned to his pipeline industry roots by joining his wife Beverly’s family business, Midwesco Industries, Inc. There he served as President with his partner, James A. Bost. He is survived by his wife and two daughters.
Now, waldwasser® (trademark of the WBW, protected by the
In the Headlines Nord Stream Pipeline Inaugurated – Major Milestone for European Energy Security The Nord Stream Pipeline became operational on 8 November 2011 and was hailed by political and business leaders as making a significant contribution to Europe’s long-term energy security. German Federal Chancellor Angela Merkel, Russian President Dmitry Medvedev, the Prime Ministers of France François Fillon and the Netherlands Mark Rutte, and EU Energy Commissioner Günther Oettinger formally inaugurated the first of Nord Stream’s twin 1,224 kilometre gas pipelines through the Baltic Sea. When fully operational in late 2012, Nord Stream’s two lines will have the capacity to transport 55 billion cubic metres of Russian gas a year to the EU for at least 50 years. The heads of government and other political and business leaders were among the 500 guests who gathered at Lubmin on Germany’s Baltic Sea coast for a formal ceremony to celebrate the arrival in Europe of gas through the Nord Stream Pipeline. The celebrations were led by the heads of the four countries whose companies are shareholders in Nord Stream, EU Commissioner Oettinger as well as the heads of the shareholder companies. Nord Stream’s five shareholders Gazprom, BASF/ Wintershall, E.ON Ruhrgas, Nederlandse Gasunie and GDF SUEZ all echoed the heads of government in hailing the significance of the Nord Stream Pipeline for long-term energy security. Nord Stream is providing this key energy infrastructure on schedule and on budget, at no cost to European taxpayers: the consortium’s five shareholders are shouldering 30 percent of the 7.4 billion euro investment,
Upcoming Conferences Offshore West Africa 24-26 January 2012 - Abuja, Nigeria 6th Global Pipeline Inspection & Integrity Forum 1-3 February 2012 – Barcelona, Spain DCA 51st Annual Convention 3-8 February 2012 - Hawaii, USA with commercial loans from a group of almost 30
PLCA 64th Annual Conference
international banks covering 70 percent.
21-25 February 2012 - Carslbad, CA, USA
Before starting construction in April 2010, Nord Stream
invested 100 million euros in the most comprehensive research of the Baltic Sea ever in planning the pipeline,
Pipeline Coating 2012
and consulted widely to ensure that the design, routing,
27-29 February 2012 - Vienna, Austria
construction and operation of the pipeline will be safe and environmentally sound. Nord Stream is investing a
Russian Arctic Oil and Gas
further 40 million euros in comprehensive environmental
17-19 April 2012 - Moscow, Russian Federation
monitoring along the route through the Baltic Sea to
guarantee that the environment is not adversely affected. Pipeline Transport – 2012
United Nations: Leaded Gasoline to be Eradicated Worldwide by 2014
20 April 2012 - Moscow, Russian Federation Hannover Messe
The United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP)
23-27 April 2012 - Hannover, Germany
alongside NRDC in the Partnership for Clean Fuels and
Vehicles has recently announced that toxic leaded gasoline will be eradicated globally by 2014. Leaded gasoline is an
7th Pipeline Technology Conference
energy fuel used in internal combustion engines, containing
23-24 April 2012 - Hannover, Germany
organic compounds obtained by the fractional distillation of
petroleum, enhanced with a variety of additives in the form of tetraethyl lead. While the lead was removed successfully
PLCAC 58th Annual Convention
from gas in 175 countries around the world, it is still used
3-7 June 2012 - Whistler, Canada
in six countries: Afghanistan, Algeria, Iraq, North Korea,
Myanmar and Yemen. However, the UN is assisting them in their efforts to annihilate the use of leaded gas by 2013. The
25th World Gas Conference
struggle to eliminate lead from gasoline has a long history
4-8 June 2012 - Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
of 90 years. The lead was firstly added to gas in the 1920s
in order to help engines run better, despite grave industrial accidents and the continuous danger of lead poisoning. The
Caspian Oil & Gas
US began the effort to phase out the leaded gasoline in the
6-7 June 2012 - Baku, Azerbaijan
1970s and culminated with eradication in 1986.
Independent studies showed that the elimination of leaded
No-Dig Moscow
gasoline has increased IQ scores, lowered lead-in-blood
5-8 June 2012 - Moscow, Russian Federation
levels by up to 90 percent and prevented the premature
deaths of more than 1.2 million people annually. The use of leaded gasoline is generally cheaper than the unleaded
alternative. Since 2002 the Partnership for Clean Fuels and
“I can confirm the route will be changed and Nebraskans
Vehicles, within the United Nations Environment Program
will play an important role in determining the final route.”
has been working to achieve the leaded gas elimination.
Transcanada Media Advisory, 14 November 2011, 2 November 2011
State of Nebraska to Play Major Role in Defining New Keystone XL Route Away From the Sandhills
Mexico Scraps Plans to Build 10 Nuclear Power Plants in Favor of Using Gas Mexico, one of three Latin American nations that uses nuclear power, is abandoning plans to build as many as 10
TransCanada Corporation has announced it supports
new reactors and will focus on natural gas-fired electricity
proposed legislation within the State of Nebraska to move
plants after boosting discoveries of the fuel. The country,
the Keystone XL pipeline project forward. This legislation,
which found evidence of trillions of cubic feet of gas in
introduced on 14 November in the State legislature, if
the past year, is “changing all its decisions, amid the
passed, will ensure a pipeline route will be developed in
very abundant existence of natural-gas deposits,” Energy
Nebraska that avoids the Sandhills. “I am pleased to tell
Minister Jordy Herrera said in a Nov. 1 interview. Mexico
you that the positive conversations we have had with
will seek private investment of about $10 billion during five
Nebraska leaders have resulted in legislation that respects
years to expand its natural gas pipeline network, he said.
the concerns of Nebraskans and supports the development, 3 November 2011
of the Keystone XL pipeline,” said Alex Pourbaix, TransCanada’s president, Energy and Oil Pipelines.
China’s Third West to East Gas Pipe to Open in 2013 China’s third West-to-East gas pipeline, mainly carrying
In Memoriam
gas from Central Asia to southeastern Fujian province, is
Gisèle Guyot
expected to become operational by the end of 2013. The
We have just learned that Madame Gisèle Guyot, spouse of Jean Guyot (the first President of IPLOCA (1967) and former President of Entrepose) passed away on 5 October 2011 at the age of 90.
5,200-kilometre project, with annual shipment capacity of about 30 billion cubic metres (bcm), will include one artery, six branch lines, three gas storage facilities and a liquefied natural gas (LNG) terminal, the report said. The pipeline will run from the Xinjiang region to the city of Fuzhou in Fujian province, the source was quoted as saying. Work on the fourth and fifth pipeline will be initiated some time after 2015, with each pipeline having an annual capacity of about
IPLOCA Yearbook 10th edition
30 bcm and supplying gas to the country’s industrialized coastal regions, the English newspaper reported. from China, 17 November 2011
The Yearbook is once again in members’ hands and has been distributed worldwide to the desks and in the field of pipeline companies. Do not hesitate to send us the addresses of the persons to whom you wish us to send the IPLOCA Yearbook. Please send any updates to and be sure to also send a copy to In this way we will update our newsletter mailing lists and membership database. Additional printed copies can be obtained on request:
Iraq a Possible Turkey- Azerbaijan Gas Pipeline Construction Partner Iraq may also tie up with the agreement signed between Azerbaijan and Turkey on plans to consider the building of a new gas pipeline, an adviser to the Turkish Energy and Natural Resources Ministry Salahaddin Cimen said speaking at the Oil and Gas Conference in Iraq. “Iraq’s participation in this project as a gas producing country is important for us,” he said, the Anadolu reported. He said the world has a growing demand for energy and Turkey’s strategic position plays an important role in the economic and energy security in the region. Baku and Ankara intend to build a new pipeline in Turkey to export a 50 billion cubic metres bulk of gas that Azerbaijan intends to produce by 2025., 14 November 2011
Post-convention, IPLOCA Board members participated in the elaborate opening ceremony of the 7th International Pipeline Exhibition 2011 at the Beijing Exhibition Center.
IPLOCA Media Partners (September 2010 to August 2013) BENJAMIN MEDIA Trenchless Technology International North American Pipelines
P.O. Box 190 PENINSULA, OHIO 44264 U.S.A. T +1 330 467 7588 F +1 330 468 2289 E I
P.O. Box 941669 HOUSTON, TEXAS 77094-8669 U.S.A. T +1 281 558 6930 #212 F +1 281 558 7029 E I
PENNWELL PETROLEUM GROUP Oliver Klinger President & Publisher E PALLADIAN PUBLICATIONS World Pipelines
Bernard P. Krzys President & Publisher E OILDOM PUBLISHING COMPANY OF TEXAS, INC. Pipeline & Gas Journal Underground Construction
Rod Hardy Director E Chris Lethbridge Advertisement Manager E
15 South Street FARNHAM GU9 7QU SURREY U.K. T +44 1252 718 999 F +44 1252 718 992 E I
Offshore Magazine
1455 West Loop South, Suite 400 HOUSTON, TEXAS 77027 U.S.A. T +1 713 963 6270 F +1 713 963 6228 I Rich Ledden Marketing Manager E Mark Peters Vice-President/Group Publisher E
IPLOCA Board of Directors
Left to right, front row: Harald Dresp (Treasurer), Doug Evans (1st Vice President), Osman Birgili (President), Najib Khoury (2nd Vice President), Karl Trauner (Immediate Past President), Juan Arzuaga (Executive Secretary). 2nd row: Marco Jannuzzi, Leonardo Gravina, Adam Wynne Hughes, Andy Lukas, Iosif Panchak, Nasser Issa, Gerry Grothe. Back row: Roberto Castelli, Daniel Fernandez, Pierluigi Zanin, Wilhelm Maats, Jerrit Coward, John Tikkanen, Bruno Maerten Inset: Rajen Kilachand
Daniel Fernandez (Techint), Director, Latin America
Osman Birgili (Tekfen), President; Director, Europe Eastern
Nasser Issa (The C.A.T. Group), Director, Middle East &
Doug Evans (Gulf Interstate Engineering), 1st Vice President;
Director, America North; Chairman, New Technologies
Andy Lukas (A.J. Lucas), Director, East & Far East
Rajen Kilachand (Dodsal), Director, East & Far East
Najib Khoury (CCC), 2 Vice President; Director, Middle East
Gerry Grothe (Pipeline Machinery Intl.), Director, Associate
& Africa
Harald Dresp (Max Streicher), Treasurer; Director, Europe
Pierluigi Zanin (Goriziane Group S.p.A.), Director, Associate
Karl Trauner (HABAU), Immediate Past President; Chairman, Training Committee
Roberto Castelli (Bonatti) Marco Jannuzzi (Caterpillar)
Iosif Panchak (Stroygazmontazh), Director, Europe Eastern
John Tikkanen (Bredero Shaw)
Bruno Maerten (GEOCEAN), Director, Europe Mediterranean
Jerrit Coward (Willbros)
Leonardo Gravina (Sicim S.p.A.), Director, Europe
Wilhelm Maats (Maats Pipeline Equipment)
Directors at Large
Adam Wynne Hughes (Pipeline Induction Heat), Director,
Executive Secretary
Europe North-West; Chairman, HSE Committee
Juan Arzuaga
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