The iploca NEWSLETTER JUNE 2012
46th Annual Convention
Istanbul Convention Update page 14
Contents: Letter from the President page 4 News from Geneva page 5
10 - 14 September 2012 - Hilton Istanbul
Experience the Progress. AATS global sales organisation Breukersweg 4, NL-7471, ST, Goor, the Netherlands Tel. +31 547 260 000, Fax +31 547 261 000
Liebherr-Werk Telfs GmbH Hans Liebherr-Str. 35 A-6410 Telfs Tel.: +43 50809 6-100 Fax: +43 50809 6-7772
The Group
IPLOCA Mission To provide value to members through a forum for sharing ideas, engaging the industry and its stakeholders, facilitating business opportunities and promoting the highest standards in the pipeline industry.
Contents Letter from the President
News from Geneva
Board Meeting Update
Upcoming Elections 7 Membership 8 Member News 8 New Technologies 11 Istanbul Convention Update 14 Health & Safety 16 Training 17 Upcoming Conferences 17 Regional Meetings 18 In the Headlines 19 IPLOCA Board of Directors 20
IPLOCA Secretariat
IPLOCA Newsletter
Cover Photo Courtesy of GDK
International Pipe Line & Offshore
Contractors Association
Elizabeth Spalding
Chemin des Papillons 4
IPLOCA Yearbook
1216 Cointrin / Geneva
Peter Schoonenberg
Telephone +41 22 306 02 30
Listing changes
Fax +41 22 306 02 39
Comments & copy
Letter from the President Spring has finally arrived after a lengthy and harsh winter, something which we Istanbulians have not been used to in the last few years. We are so much happier now that the Judas trees are blossoming all along the Bosphorus, sprinkling hints of pink between Europe and Asia. Indeed, Istanbul shows itself in many different lights and colours each season. I hope you will experience some of this yourself as registration for the Istanbul Convention is now well under way. Materials were mailed out at the end of April and are available electronically via the IPLOCA website. Do be sure to register early, as we expect demand for places at this convention to be very high. What better opportunity to visit Istanbul, than to join your colleagues and IPLOCA friends at the Hilton Istanbul from 10 to 14 September 2012? Pre-convention and post-convention tours are also available, for those who wish to extend their stay and visit more of the famous sites of Turkey. Two industry awards will be presented in Istanbul during the Open General Meetings. The deadlines for submission have now passed, and submissions are being analysed. We will be announcing the winners of the IPLOCA 2012 Health and Safety Award, sponsored by Chevron, and the IPLOCA 2012 Environmental Award, sponsored by Shell on Thursday and Friday, 13 and 14 September. I am pleased to report that the Novel Construction Initiative is making good progress, as new and expanded sections are under development. We had an excellent meeting in London during March, attended by more than 54 participants from 38 companies. The IPLOCA Safety Instructors Tool is moving ahead and we hope to make this available to our members prior to the Convention. We are also holding a workshop on 26 June to address the important topic of Road Traffic Accidents (RTAs). More information is on page 16. My thanks to the organisers of the Northwest Europe Regional Meeting, Wilhelm Maats and Paul Waanders of Maats Pipeline Equipment and to Daslav Brkic, Leonardo Gravina and Marco Jannuzzi for the Italian meeting held in Milan on 15 May. I look forward to seeing you in Istanbul. Sincerely,
Osman Birgili
News from Geneva During March the Secretariat was pleased to welcome IPLOCA director Wilhelm Maats to its Geneva offices. While the Secretariat does host a few meetings each year in its conference room, we do not receive a lot of visitors and it is always a pleasure to share a coffee – or some Swiss chocolate – and to show off our facilities.
Istanbul Convention Arrangements are well under way. Online registration opened on 1 May, and we encourage everyone to go to to 1) secure their hotel room and 2) register for the convention as soon as possible. We are experiencing a lot of interest already and expect another
Juan Arzuaga, Executive Secretary (left) and Wilhelm Maats at the
sold-out event.
Geneva Secretariat.
Board Meeting Update
copies distributed to the members by mail before the Convention in Istanbul.
The 2011-2012 IPLOCA Board of Directors met in London at the end of March. During the meeting the following
Caterpillar has appointed Ruud Kronenburg (the Dean of
was announced:
Caterpillar University) to the committee and we would
HSE Committee
welcome additional support.
HSE Work group to meet on 27 and 28 March, 2012 in
An e-learning program for sideboom operators will be
Geneva to:
discussed at the upcoming Training Committee Meeting in
-- Review the IPLOCA Pipeline Construction Safety
Malaga (17-18 May).
Instructors Tool -- Analyse the Health & Safety statistics received
New Technologies Committee
-- Analyse the Environmental statistics received
Board member John Tikkanen has suggested that
-- Discuss the content of the future IPLOCA Health &
contract commercial terms be collected and discussed
Safety Report -- Define the organisation of the Road Traffic Accident (RTA) Workshop (26 June) -- Discuss requesting H&S statistics from the Associate
under the New Technologies umbrella, perhaps via a subcommittee, to look at some of the subordinate clauses regarding bonding, insurance and other commercial Terms and Conditions.
Members -- Review the website and communications
The committee will gather examples of contracts currently existing in the industry and draw comparisons between
A subsequent meeting, to adjudicate the entries for the
those contracts.
2012 IPLOCA Health & Safety Award sponsored by Chevron, and the 2012 IPLOCA Environmental Award sponsored by
The Spring Session of the Novel Construction Initiative will
Shell, will be held in June.
be held at the Sofitel Heathrow Airport on 21-22
Training Committee
March 2012.
A teleconference was held on 3 February during which the
IPLOCA will co-fund two research projects led by PRCI
following were discussed:
to create:
-- Costs and timing for the IPLOCA Safety Instructors Tool
-- A Guidance Document for Onshore Pipeline Route
-- Draft to be reviewed by the HSE Committee and the Board of Directors -- Six hundred copies of the DVD to be produced and
Selection and Associated Data Gathering -- Guidelines for Determination of Pipeline Lowering-in Stresses and Mitigative Strategies for Construction.
IPLOCA President Osman
in the exchange rate. IPLOCA tries to balance income and
Birgili is greeted by one
expenditure per currency (CHF, EUR and USD).
of the Yeoman Warders (otherwise known as
Beijing Convention Report
Beefeaters) at the Tower
The Secretariat costs involved in the Convention will be
of London. The Warder
allocated and information provided to the Board at the
is wearing his ‘undress’
meeting in Washington DC to better reflect the financial
(or more casual) uniform
results of the Convention.
of dark blue with red trimmings.
The Banque Cantonale de Genève (BGCE) has been proposed for a second bank account for the association,
When the sovereign
in order to split IPLOCA’s deposits for additional safety.
visits the tower, or the
This was agreed and will be instigated.
warders are on duty for a state occasion,
they wear red and gold
Regular Member and Associate Member payment status
uniforms similar to
was reviewed. Should members fail to pay their fees, the
those of the Yeomen of
Accounting Manager will contact the appropriate director
the Guard.
for assistance.
Regaled with amusing,
The 2011 Membership Summary was presented to the Board,
but often grisly stories,
showing a total of 126 Regular Members, 129 Associate
members of the Board of
Members, four Academic Members and two Honorary
Directors and their spouses
Members at the close of 2011 (total membership 261).
enjoyed a tour by one of the Tower of London’s se-
nior Yeomen Warders.
Completed Applications for Membership have been received and accepted from:
Ravens are said to have been
-- American Augers (USA)
living in the Tower of London
-- Hannibal Pipes S.A. (Spain) – effective June 2012
since at least the time of King Charles II. Legend maintains
that should these ravens
-- Corinth Pipeworks S.A. (Greece)
ever leave the tower, the
-- Edilsider SpA (Italy) – effective January 2013
tower and the monarchy will fall. The flight feathers
Evolution of Membership
of these enormous birds
Liz Spalding showed a chart and world map demonstrating
are trimmed so that they
the evolution of membership since 1994. Most notable were
cannot easily leave the
the increases in membership in the East & Far East region,
tower grounds. They are
from nine Regular Members in 1994 to 21 in 2011, and in
cared for by a Tower
Europe Eastern, with seven Regular Members in 1994 and
Raven Master.
28 in 2011.
Convention Minutes of the Cape Town Board Meeting
Executive Secretary Juan Arzuaga and Membership and
The minutes of the Cape Town meeting were reviewed
Convention Manager Caroline Green having recently
and approved.
spent some time in Istanbul with President Osman
Treasurer’s Report Harald Dresp, IPLOCA Treasurer, presented the unaudited
Arrangements for Istanbul are proceeding well, with
Birgili to make site visits and meet with the ground agent, Visitur.
Annual Report for 2011. Some losses (paper losses only)
Speakers and Presentation Topics
were reflected on the balance sheet because of fluctuations
Suggested topics and speakers were discussed.
Board Meeting and Convention Locations Following discussion it was proposed that the Presidential rotation should stay as is through 2015, and then begin with a new system which would allow the Convention and the Presidency to coincide. Changes beyond 2016 will be suggested by the Secretariat
Sponsorship/Support/Attendance at Industry Conferences The Secretariat will continue to list in the newsletter and on the website upcoming conferences that are of interest to our membership, but will not enter into any form of cooperation nor any sponsorship agreements.
to the Board in Washington for final decision.
Regional Meetings More than 50 people have registered for the Europe Northwest Regional Meeting to be held in Enschede on 15 March 2012. A number of IPLOCA directors will also attend. Meetings will also be held in Milan (15 May 2012) and in Colombia on 19 June 2012.
Google Analytics There was a short presentation on Google Analytics, which Guy Henley of the Secretariat staff has instigated with our website host to better track the number of visits to
Lord Peter Snape of Wednesbury (centre), a UK Labour Party A report will be presented at the Board
peer, hosted the Board of Directors at a dinner at the Palace of
meeting in Washington DC.
Westminster, in a House of Commons Dining Room.
Upcoming Elections
to the IPLOCA Board of Directors
vote. If no-one from your company is able to attend
Elections to the IPLOCA Board of Directors take place every
member company may be made on a proxy form (also
year at the annual convention. Geographical areas with 5 to
available via a link on the website) and must be received
14 Regular Members may elect one director; those with 15
by the Executive Secretary in the IPLOCA office at
or more elect two.
the Hilton Istanbul no later than Tuesday, 11 September
All Regular Member companies are entitled to one the convention, where voting takes place, one vote per
2012 in order to be counted. Board seats becoming vacant in September 2012: -- Europe Eastern – 1 seat
Geographical Areas
vacated by Osman Birgili
A list of member companies in each Geographical Area
who becomes Immediate Past President
can be found as follows:
-- Middle East & Africa – 1 seat outgoing Director Nasser Issa -- Europe North West – 1 seat outgoing Director Adam Wynne Hughes -- Director for Associate Members – 1 seat outgoing Director Gerry Grothe
East & Far East: Europe Central: Europe Eastern: Europe Mediterranean: Europe North West: Middle East & Africa:
If you represent a Regular Member or an Associate Member
America North:
and you would like to run for one of the vacant seats on
Latin America:
the Board of Directors, please visit elections where you will find the necessary documents
If you have any questions regarding the election process,
to be completed and returned to the IPLOCA Executive
please contact
Secretary no later than Friday, 13 July 2012.
Since the founding of American Augers in 1970, there
We welcome the following new Associate Member to
having products developed by a “can-do” work force that
IPLOCA. The information below is also posted at
focuses on mechanical, technological and customer-based under the Membership Centre.
design improvements. American Augers was the first HDD
New Associate Member
has never been a change in the company’s core value:
manufacturer to eliminate chain and utilize a rack and pinion carriage design which is now the industry standard.
American Augers P.O. Box 814 The American Augers line of underground construction
135 US Route 42
equipment consists of auger boring machines, maxi-rig &
West Salem, OH 44287
mid-size directional drills, oil & gas drilling rigs, mud pump
United States
& cleaning systems and product tooling & accessories.
T +1 419 869 7107
The products are manufactured at the company’s 241,000
F +1 419 869 7425
square-foot facility in West Salem, Ohio, in the heart
of Amish country between Columbus and Cleveland.
Member News
machines in North and South America, as well as exclusive
Hong Kong Branch of Second West-East Gas Pipeline Starts Construction
distribution rights for all Laurini products in Canada, the U.S.A. and Mexico. The Laurini screening padding machines are primarily used to provide “soft” fill around a pipeline as it is laid to protect the pipeline coating from
On 2 March, pipeline construction of the Hong Kong branch of
large objects that may be in the spoil pile used to cover the
the Second West-East Gas Pipeline commenced offshore Dachan
pipe once it is in a ditch. Laurini also manufactures rock
Island near Shenzhen, Guangdong province. The pipe-laying
crushing equipment for use both in or along-side the ditch in
vessel Zhong You Hai 101 laid welded pipelines at the bottom
extremely rocky areas where no fines are available to screen.
of the sea. The Hong Kong branch of the Second West-East Gas
They also manufacture multipurpose tractors suitable for use
Pipeline consists of two sections from Shenzhen to Hong Kong:
as welding tractors, pipe carriers and many other functions.
the Qiuyuling-Dachan Island subsea pipeline and the Dachan
Demand has increased for padding equipment in recent
Island-Longgutan subsea pipeline. Covering a total length of
years, as the importance of protecting pipeline coating is
29.04 km and with a transmission station in Dachan Island and
fully realized. The inclusion of Laurini screening and crusher
a receiving station in Longgutan, the Shenzhen-Hong Kong
padding machines significantly reinforces CRC-Evans’
subsea pipeline has a designed transportation capacity of 6
extensive portfolio with products that match CRC-Evans’
billion standard cubic meters per year. The pipeline boasts the
reputation for high-quality, respected and reliable designs.
largest subsea pipe diameter and encompasses some of the
Furthermore, Laurini’s products are compatible with the
most difficult construction conditions in China. When natural gas
equipment CRC-Evans currently sells and rents.
arrives at Hong Kong from the Second West-East Gas Pipeline, Hong Kong will realize its timely gas supply, drastically reduce its reliance on coal and lower carbon emissions from power plants,
DENSO Celebrates its 90th Anniversary
improving air quality in the region.
DENSO GmbH Leverkusen/Germany celebrates its 90th anniversary in 2012. The multinational group looks back
CRC-Evans Announces New Distributor Agreement with Laurini Officine Meccaniche
on a successful corporate history, based on 90 years of experience. DENSO develops, produces and distributes innovative products for corrosion protection for pipes
CRC-Evans Pipeline International, Inc. has announced a
and pipelines. Founded 1922 in Berlin, DENSO was the
new distributor agreement with Laurini Officine Meccaniche
first worldwide company to introduce passive corrosion
(Laurini), an internationally acclaimed pipeline equipment
protection for pipelines. The company’s success began
design and fabrication leader based out of Busseto, Italy.
with the invention of the Petrolatum-Tape in 1927, still used
Under the terms of the agreement, CRC-Evans will have
today in modified form. As the world’s only producer of
rights to exclusively distribute Laurini screening padding
a co-extruded three-ply composite tape for the corrosion
protection of welded seams on pipelines, DENSO has
Fluor Celebrates 100-Year Anniversary
continued its research and development resulting in many
On 23 April Fluor Corporation marked the 100th anniversary
patents and innovative products. Today the product range
of the company’s founding in 1912. In the 1880s, John Simon
also comprises Bitumen Tapes, PE/Butyl-Tape-Systems,
Fluor Sr., emigrated from Switzerland and came to the United
Liquid Coatings and Heat Shrinkable Sleeves.
States as a young man to pursue a dream. 100 years later, Fluor encompasses some 45,000 employees executing tough, complex and challenging projects on six continents. “I doubt that when Si Fluor came to this country all those years ago he had any inkling of what his dream would become,” said David Seaton, Fluor’s chairman and chief executive officer. “When he came to the U.S., he was equipped only with the skilled hands of a guild trained craftsman, his know-how and a passion to build. He used all of those traits to forge his new venture.” As part of the 100th anniversary celebration, Fluor held a global employee event at 14 locations around the globe. This event was satellite broadcast on Saturday, April 21, from the Morton H. Meyerson Symphony Center in Dallas, Texas, to locations on six continents. The one-night event brought together approximately 20,000 employees, the most
DENSO premises in Leverkusen/Germany
ever in the company’s history.
Owners of the Liebherr Group transfer some of their shares to their children Dr. h.c. Dipl.-Ing Willi Liebherr, President of the Administrative Board of Liebherr-International AG, and his sister Dipl.-Kfm. Isolde Liebherr, who is its Vice-President, have assigned a proportion of their shares in the Liebherr Group’s parent company to their children. This will enable various duties and responsibilities to be transferred to the next generation; in the future, individual Group divisions will therefore be managed by Isolde Liebherr or Dr. h.c. Willi Liebherr jointly with a representative of the third family generation. Initially, the following members of the third generation will assume Automatic application of DENSOLEN-Tape System with DENSO-
responsibility step by step for corporate management and
MAT wrapping device
supervisory tasks: Jan Liebherr, Stéfanie Wohlfarth, Sophie Albrecht, Patricia Rüf. The way is now clear for the future
ESAB Wins Wind Energy Order
management of the Liebherr Group, and to ensure that Liebherr will remain an independent family-owned company.
ESAB is a world-leading supplier of welding and cutting equipment and has been involved in wind generation since its inception. The company’s automation solutions, welding equipment and consumables (welding wire) have been used in the production of more than half the world’s wind turbines. Steel construction company Bladt Industries A/S fabricates, amongst other things, steel structures for the offshore wind energy sector, the oil and gas industry and the construction business. ESAB has already delivered eight new Tandem column and booms for multi-wire welding, twenty sets of 300 and 400 tons conventional roller beds, five pieces of ESAB A6 powder tractors and retrofit of eight existing Tandem column and booms. The order is the single largest in the Nordic region for ESAB automation products.
Lincoln Electric Acquires Weartech International
PETROFAC Acquires KW Limited
Lincoln Electric Holdings, Inc. has announced that it has
Petrofac, the international oil & gas service provider,
acquired Weartech International, Inc., a privately-held
announces that it has acquired the entire share capital of
producer of cobalt-based hard facing and wear-resistant
KW Limited (KW). Based in Fetcham, near Woking, with
welding consumables. Weartech is headquartered
an office in Aberdeen, KW is a high-end subsea pipeline
in Anaheim, California, with manufacturing plants in
consulting and engineering services business with an
Anaheim and Port Talbot, Wales. The company has
established reputation in the subsea pipeline market. As
annual sales of approximately $40 million and employs
at 31 March 2011, KW had gross assets of £2.7 million.
140 people combined at both locations.Terms of the
The business and its 56 employees will become part of
transaction were not disclosed. In announcing the
Petrofac’s Engineering & Consulting Services business.
acquisition, John M. Stropki, Lincoln Electric Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, said: “The acquisition of expand the breadth of our consumable product portfolio
SLECC Wins Supervision Contract for Shen-Wei Coal Slurry Pipeline
to better service our global customer base. Weartech
Shengli Engineering & Consulting Co. Ltd (SLECC) was
is well positioned globally in the specialized cobalt
awarded the Construction Supervision Contract at a value
welding consumable market, selling primarily to the
of over CNY 9 million for Segment 3 of Shen-Wei Coal
high growth energy and process chemical segments. We
Slurry Pipeline Project in late March 2012. Shen-Wei Coal
expect strong growth in these segments and believe the
Slurry Pipeline, as the first pipeline project in China for coal
Weartech product line will help expand and deepen our
slurry delivery, is regarded as the priority project for the
relationships with key global customers.”
Twelfth Five-Year Plan (2011 through 2015) by the Provincial
Weartech is a continuation of our ongoing strategy to
Government of Shaaxi, China. Shen-Wei Coal Slurry Pipeline
PETROFAC Awarded USD 330 Million Project in Iraq
runs a total 727km length with 6 pump stations to be installed along the route, at a design throughput capacity of100 thousand metric tons per year of coal delivery at the
Petrofac, the international oil & gas service provider, has
slurry of -50mm pulverized particle sizes with less than 15%
been awarded a US$330 million lump-sum engineering,
ash. The Segment 3, Shen-Wei Coal Slurry Pipeline, covers
procurement and construction (EPC) contract by
the scope of construction supervision work of 350km length
Gazprom Neft Badra B.V. (‘Gazprom’) for the first phase
pipeline sizing 610mm at 12MPa design pressure and 2
of the Badra Oilfield Development Project in Iraq. The
pump stations. The supervision activities will start in early
competitively tendered project will commence shortly
April 2012 and be completed in late August 2013.
and be completed in three 18-month phases, with final completion scheduled during the second half of 2015. detailed design, engineering, procurement, construction,
Technip Awarded Subsea Contract for the Lucius field in the Gulf of Mexico
pre-commissioning, commissioning and start-up work on
Technip has been awarded a lump sum contract by
the Badra development’s central processing facility, which
Anadarko Petroleum Corporation for the development of
comprises three crude oil processing trains. The first phase
the Lucius field, located in the Keathley Canyon area of the
of the project is expected to come on stream in the second
Gulf of Mexico at a water depth of approximately 7,000 feet
half of 2013. Marwan Chedid, chief executive of Petrofac’s
(2,130 meters). The contract covers installation of a flexible
Engineering, Construction, Operations & Maintenance
flowline; multiple flexible gas lift jumpers; main gas lift and
(ECOM) division, commented: “We are delighted to be
infield umbilicals; subsea distribution units; electrical, fiber
working with Gazprom on this important development
optic and hydraulic flying leads; design and fabrication
which holds significant future potential for the progression
of the flexible flowline end termination; fabrication and
of Iraq’s oil & gas industry. This is Petrofac’s third notable
installation of rigid jumpers; burial of flowlines; flooding
project award in Iraq and also marks our first lump-sum
and hydro-testing of the flowline system. Technip’s
EPC project in the country. “Iraq represents a sizeable
operating center in Houston, Texas, will perform the overall
market opportunity for Petrofac and our Basra office is
project management. This contract constitutes a significant
continuing to expand as we develop our presence in the
milestone in Technip’s recent acquisition of Global
country. In the meantime, our teams are looking forward
Industries as it will utilize a number of Global Industries
to delivering a successful outcome on the Badra project in
key assets along with the Deep Blue, one of Technip’s
line with our commitment to safety, quality, integrity and
deepwater pipelay vessels, during the offshore installation
corporate social responsibility.”
phases in 2013 and 2014.
Under the terms of the contract, Petrofac will provide
Technip Awarded a Large Subsea Installation Contract for the Chevron-operated Wheatstone Project in Australia.
Technip’s operating center in Perth, Australia will manage the
Technip has been awarded a subsea contract by Chevron
campaign, including the Deep Orient and Global 1201, with
Australia Pty Ltd for the Wheatstone Project, one of
completion scheduled in 2015.The contract is expected to
Australia’s largest resource projects. The contract, valued
create a significant number of West Australian jobs, including
at approximately EUR 245 million, covers the development
in the Pilbara region.The Chevron-operated Wheatstone
of the Wheatstone and Iago fields, located in the Carnarvon
Project is located at Ashburton North, 12 kilometres west of
Basin, offshore North Western Australia. This contract includes
Onslow in Western Australia. It is a joint venture between the
project management, design, fabrication and installation of
Australian subsidiaries of Chevron, Apache, Kuwait Foreign
subsea isolation valve, production tee protection structures,
Petroleum Exploration Company, Shell and Kyushu Electric
spools and jumpers; transport and installation of manifold,
Power Company. The initial phase of the project will consist of
foundation structures and pipeline termination structures;
two liquefied natural gas trains with a combined capacity of
supply and installation of 41 kilometres of umbilicals.
8.9 million tonne per annum and a domestic gas plant.
New Technologies
Maats BV, NOV Tuboscope, PetroIT Ltd, PetroIT Americas,
On 21 and 22 March IPLOCA hosted a Novel Construction
SIME, Stopaq, Techint, Tekfen, Tesmec, TIB Chemicals, Volvo
Initiative meeting at the Sofitel London Heathrow with
Construction Equipment and Vopak AMT.
overall project, with engineering to commence immediately. Vessels from the Technip fleet will be used for the offshore
PWT, Renault Trucks, RSK Group, Serimax, Shawcor, SICIM,
54 attendees from 38 companies. Special thanks to the following collaborators for their During the meeting the six working groups met and
leadership of the working groups:
provided the group with a status report and action plan
Planning & Design
for their continuing work. Documents resulting from
Criss Shipman,
this meeting are posted on for ease of
Earthworks & Crossings
collaboration. Registration and password information is
Paul Andrews,
available from
Welding & NDT & Testing Gustavo Guaytima,
Our thanks to the following companies for their ongoing
Future Trends & Innovation
involvement in the Initiative and their presence at the most
Zuhair Haddad,
recent London meeting:
ECPS Sean Haberer,
Applus RTD, Axson BS Coatings, Bonatti SpA, Borealis,
BP, CCC, Caterpillar, Cranfield University, Dhatec, Fluor,
Sue Sljivic,
GIE, GRT Gaz, Industrie Polieco-MPB srl, ITW, J&P Ltd,
Laurini Officine Meccaniche, Liebherr, Lincoln Electric,
Bruno Pomare,
New Collaborative Project
The data standards created through this research project will
Development of Data Standards for New Construction Projects
improve project monitoring, material traceability and quality
During the meeting in London, participants heard a
data mentioned above. When the project gets handed over to
presentation from Janet E. Sinclair, Executive Director
the O&M teams, it will improve and streamline the process
of PODS (Pipeline Open Data Standard) association.
for recording the required as-built data and documentation
control and assurance aspects while the project is under way by extracting from the source and tracking all the types of
from pipeline construction into the operator’s O&M database. IPLOCA and PODS have undertaken a collaborative project under the auspices of the Future Trends & Innovation Group of IPLOCA’s Novel Construction Initiative, to develop and define an acceptable worldwide data standard for new pipeline construction data.
Key Deliverables: · New Construction Workflow Document A new construction workflow document fully describing
This project will adapt the PODS Pipeline Data Model for
all “states” or stages of the construction process,
use during the design and construction phases of a new
requirements for capture of essential data, and uses of the
construction project. The project will also provide a mechanism
data to support the new construction process.
to streamline the transfer of critical as-built information from the construction workflow into the operator’s O&M database.
· New Construction Process Document
The project deliverables will document the data and metadata
-- Detailed procedure document describing the following
requirements throughout the pipeline new construction project
processes critical to proper final processing of required new
stages, and allow pipeline operators, engineering companies,
construction data into the Operator’s O&M (PODS) database.
construction contractors, and survey companies to speak a common language of well-defined data requirements during all project stages.
-- Processing of field survey data into a PODS compatible format, including QA/QC requirements. -- Requirements for merging of materials data with field survey data, including QA/QC procedures.
During pipeline construction projects, drawings are generated, surveys are performed, survey books are created, and various maps, reports, documents, and data
-- Procedures for stationing management through the life cycle of the construction project. -- Identification of data elements to be transferred from
are generated and collected in multiple formats. Typically,
the PODS new construction module to the O&M (PODS)
at the end of the construction project, this information is
database at conclusion of the construction project. These are
turned over to the Pipeline Operator is an assortment of
the items required to facilitate the operation, maintenance,
formats including soft copy CAD files, hard copy as-built
and integrity of the pipeline throughout its lifecycle.
maps, drawings, and documents, inspection reports, material test reports, and generally including a number of
· New Construction Data to O&M (PODS) Database
Excel spreadsheets and other digital documents.
A procedure or interchange mechanism to seamlessly upload the subset of construction data deemed critical to on-going pipeline operations and integrity management activities into the O&M (PODS) database.
· Logical Model and Data Dictionary Documents These documents, including entity relationship diagrams (ERD), depict the various dependencies of tables within the model. The Data Dictionary provides descriptions of the tables and fields, often including code domains, and prescribes the required data formats for each entry.
· Physical Model and Recommended Modifications to PODS Fully designed database tables for the PODS new construction module, including complete documentation,
Janet Sinclair of PODS addresses attendees of the Novel
and supporting all current PODS implementation methods.
Construction Initiative at the Sofitel London Heathrow.
-- PODS Relational Model (Oracle and SQL Server)
-- PODS ESRI Spatial (Geodatabase) -- PODS Open Spatial (Oracle and SQL Spatial) Recommended modifications to the existing PODS Data Model to allow for management of data in the various stages or “states” of a new construction project. The technology transfer of this information to the industry will be facilitated two ways: through the integration of these deliverables into the IPLOCA Novel Construction Publication Onshore Pipelines: The Road to Success, which is freely available from the IPLOCA website, and to PODS member companies who will receive module creation scripts along with the accompanying documentation.
Benefits of the development of a New Construction Data Standard Money can be saved and better, more accurate data developed by collecting and verifying the information digitally, as the project progresses. Some of the quantifiable productivity and efficiency steps include: -- Enable complete material traceability through systems based on this data standard. -- Tracking and traceability in terms of quality control and quality assurance. All quality inspection data and
Operators are required, by law, to maintain for the life of
documents will be stored in the database.
their pipeline assets. EPCs and Contracting companies will
-- Issues with the field survey (such as survey busts) are
know the data they need to load into a database system
more likely to be discovered and resolved while the
and the final handover of documentation from a contractor
survey is actually ongoing.
to an owner will typically happen much faster as data will
-- Issues related to design compliance can be highlighted early in the project. -- Typical pipeline GIS software tools (such as automated
have been incrementally collected through the project. To date, the PODS-IPLOCA Work Group has received volunteer participation or data contribution commitments from the
alignment sheet generation, and web-based GIS viewing
following companies: Anadarko, Boardwalk Pipelines, BP,
and reporting applications) can be utilized during the
CB&I, Consolidated Contractors Company (CCC), CHS
course of the construction project if the data is already in
Inc., DCP Midstream, Enbridge, ExxonMobil, GeoSynergy,
an industry standard (PODS) format.
Gulf Interstate Engineering, Hess, New Century Software,
-- Since data collection is ongoing, the project database can be tapped into to share project information across
Petro IT Ltd., Surveying & Mapping, (SAM) Inc., Willbros Engineering, Williams.
participants, display various project status KPIs, and provide analysis capabilities.
Participation from additional contractors is most welcome.
-- Since the data is developed from the beginning in a PODS format, it is easily moved into the Operator’s O&M (PODS) database at completion of the project. -- These typically lead to savings in time and money
The next meeting will be held in London on 23-24 October 2012. The meeting will include a tour of Cranfield
during, and at completion of the project, including much
University’s Engineering Department and research
faster project close out.
facilities. More information will be sent out closer to the time. In the meantime please consult the wiki, or contact
Outcome of Proposed Joint Initiative
the appropriate group leader for more information and deadlines. The outcome of the Novel Construction Initiative
Pipeline Operators will be able to specify and contractually
is the working document; “Onshore Pipelines: The Road to
require strict adherence to these Data Standards for New
Success” which is in its 2nd edition and can be viewed at
Construction which govern the collection and protection
of critical data elements in pipeline construction, which
Istanbul Convention Update
ention l Conv
nnua 46th A
We have already received more than 300 registrations for this year’s convention in Istanbul. Full details regarding the event can be found online by clicking on the image of the Convention Brochure. Click on any page to access an easy-to-read size and/or page through this document online almost as if it were a hard copy, then go to www. to register.
Registration for the 46th Annual Convention opened at the beginning of May! Go to today to register.
Pre- and Post-convention Tours IPLOCA’s ground agent, VISITUR, is offering convention attendees the opportunity to participate in pre- or post-convention tours beyond Istanbul. Locations include Cappadocia, with its spectacular surrealistic landscape of rock cones, capped pinnacles and fretted ravines, Ephesus, with its extensive roman ruins and often considered one of the most beautiful ancient cities in the world, and Pergamon, one of Turkey’s oldest civilised settlements, inhabited from pre-historic times through the Ionian, Roman and Byzantine civilisations. Full details are in the electronic Convention Brochure at Please note: The cost of pre- and post-convention tours is not included in your Convention registration fee.
Plan Ahead for Your Visa Although many nationalities may simply purchase a Turkish visitor’s visa on arrival in Istanbul, this is not true for everyone. IPLOCA’s Secretariat will provide invitation letters whenever necessary. Please check in advance with your local Turkish embassy or consulate, or visit the website of the Republic of Turkey’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs for further information at visa-information-for-foreigners. en.mfa
10 -
ton Ista
2 - Hil
er 201
temb 14 Sep
Convention Sponsorship Opportunities As you will see from the list below, thanks to your great support for the Convention, all sponsorship items have been taken!
Changes to Sports Events We are pleased to announce that the golf tournament at this year’s event will be sponsored by Maats Pipeline Equipment and Liebherr. While there will be no tennis tournament this year avid tennis players will be pleased to know that courts
If you would still like to make a Convention Fund contribution, please contact as soon as possible.
are available at the Hilton Istanbul. Past tennis sponsor, Worldwide Machinery, has kindly committed to sponsor the decorations for Dancing ‘til Dawn.
Special Functions:
Tour 2 - In the Footsteps of the Sultans
Band at Final Banquet
The First Time Attendees Cocktails
Lincoln Electric
Pipeline & Gas Journal and Vacuworx
Tour 3 - Pera: The Bohemian Istanbul
Entertainment at Final Banquet
Wasco Energy
The Welcome Party
Tour 4 - City of Harmony
Audio Visual at Final Banquet
Dodsal Group
President’s Dinner
Tour 5 - Scent of Byzantium
Car for Lottery
Tekfen Construction and Installation Co., Inc.
Erciyas Steel Pipe
Volvo Construction Equipment
Directors & Wives Dinner
Tour 6 - Treasures of Istanbul
and Renault Trucks
Ritchie Bros. Auctioneers and Bonatti S.p.A.
Jindal Saw Ltd.
Photographers at the Convention
Former Presidents’ Cocktails
Tour 7 - Highlights of Istanbul
CCP China Peroleum Pipeline Bureau
Techint Engineering & Construction
and Kingland Group Co. Ltd
The CRC-Evans Luncheon
Tour 8 - Palaces of Istanbul
Convention Photo CD
CRC-Evans Pipeline International Inc.
Attila Dogan Construction & Installation Co. Inc.
The Caterpillar Evening
Tour 9 - In the Footsteps of the Sultans
Printing of Pocket Programme
Max Streicher GmbH & Co. KG aA
Goriziane Group S.p.A.
Tour 10 - Turkish Bath Experience
Printing of Final Banquet Menu
Laurini Officine Meccaniche
World Pipelines
Goriziane Group S.p.A.
Convention / IPLOCA Functions:
Pipeline & Gas Journal
The Spy Ladies Brunch Pipeline Inspection
Printing of Attendance List
IPLOCA Membership Cocktails
Registration Desk
Russian Simultaneous Translation
Zakhem International Construction Ltd.
Argus Limited
IPLOCA Membership Lunch - Menu
Welcome Drinks at Registration (Sat/Sun)
Shopping Shuttle to Grand Bazaar
Max Streicher GmbH & Co. KG aA
IPLOCA Membership Lunch - Wine
Internet Centre
Meet & Greet at the Airport
Magnatech International BV
Consolidated Contractors Company (C.C.C.)
Borusan Mannesmann Boru
The John Fabick Cocktail Party
Audio Visual Open General Meeting (Thu)
Transfer Back to the Airport
Pipeline Machinery International
Fernas Construction Company
DJ & Lights for Dancing ‘til Dawn
Audio Visual Open General Meeting (Fri)
Convention Fund Contributions
American Augers
UniversalPegasus International, Inc.
Available Goriziane Group S.p.A.
Open Bar for Dancing ‘til Dawn
Coffee breaks at Open General Meetings
Specialty Polymer Coatings, Inc.
The C.A.T. Group
Decoration for Dancing ‘til Dawn
Registration Bags for the Gentlemen
Worldwide Machinery
Insight guide
Maats/Liebherr Golf Tournament
Registration Bags for the Ladies
Maats Pipeline Equipment
Maats Pipeline Equipment
DSMU Gazstroy LLC
Liebherr model
and Liebherr
Bottled mineral water for all tours
Erciyas Steel Pipe
Tour Programme:
Wine at Final Banquet
Tour 1 - Highlights of Istanbul
Willbros Group, Inc.
Salzgitter Mannesmann International
Flowers at Final Banquet
GmbH and Serimax
Ledcor Pipeline Limited
HSE HSE Committee Meets in Geneva On 27-28 March, the IPLOCA HSE Committee met at the Geneva Secretariat offices.
Road Traffic Accident (RTA) Workshop 26 June 2012 Moevenpick Hotel, Geneva, Switzerland Questions? Contact
Attendees included Melody Kratsios, SNC-Lavalin; Bruno Maerten, Geocean; Brad MacLean, Willbros; Kevin Parker,
-- drug and alcohol testing
Mears Group; Mark Rand, Chevron; Dinç Senlier, Tekfen
-- in-vehicle monitoring systems (IVMS) or innovative
Construction and Installation Co, Inc.; Amir Tajik, Max Streicher; and Juan Arzuaga and Sarah Junod, IPLOCA.
technologies -- vehicle integrity and maintenance -- recordkeeping, reporting and analysis
Topics discussed included the full review of the first draft
-- journey management
sent by the Construction Safety Council (Canada) about
-- road conditions
the new IPLOCA Safety Instructors Tool (DVD); a new in-depth Health and Safety Report being developed; the
This workshop will be held on 26 June 2012 in the
Agenda for the next RTA Workshop; 2011 Health & Safety
Moevenpick Hotel in Geneva, Switzerland, within walking
Statistics submissions and 2011 Environmental Statistics
distance of Geneva International Airport. In order to
submissions; and the upcoming 2012 IPLOCA Health &
participate, you will need to submit a simple three-question
Safety Award, sponsored by Chevron and the 2012 IPLOCA
Initiative Report about the topic of most interest to you.
Environmental Award sponsored by Shell. An Agenda and a report template are available at Committee member Brad MacLean also made a Attendees will also hear a presentation
presentation regarding an initiative from the INGAA
from Gordon Wyse of BP entitled “Our Journey Towards
Foundation (The Interstate Natural Gas Association of
Safer Road Travel”. Moevenpick Hotel rooms have been
America Foundation). The goal is to develop a movie about
allocated to IPLOCA guests at the special rate of CHF 250
safety culture and performance enhancement, improving
per night including breakfast. We also pre-booked some
attitudes and behaviours such that people are protected.
rooms in the nearby Holiday Inn Express at the special rate of CHF 175 per night including breakfast. Both hotels have a
Reducing Road Traffic Accidents June Workshop Scheduled for HSE Specialists Since 1999 we have been collecting annual health & safety
free shuttle service from Geneva Airport.
IPLOCA Yearbook new edition
statistics from the IPLOCA membership. During that time,
Listing information
we identified that the frequency of Road Traffic Accidents
An email with login
(RTA) is the most serious cause for concern, with most of
information to make
these accidents having very negative consequences.
changes in your company’s
Based on these results, and with the ultimate goal of
members. Please follow the
listing will be sent out to all reducing the frequency of these accidents, the IPLOCA HSE
instructions in the e-mail
Committee decided to invite HSE specialists to a special
and login to your IPLOCA
workshop to share experiences and collect information
member account to make
regarding the different initiatives being put in place to
online changes in your listing
reduce RTAs. We will eventually share this information with
the membership on our website. We invite you to raise topics of specific interest or concern, and/or where you
As always, advertising deadlines and rates are posted
have already introduced initiatives to mitigate problems.
at Closing date for
Topics suggested to date include: -- driver pre-employment screening
Don’t hestitate to submit your project photographs for
-- skills and behavioural training
inclusion in the photo gallery: listing@iploca-yearbook.
-- ongoing driver oversight and assessment
advertisement reservations is 31 August 2012.
Upcoming Conferences
Gastech 2012 8-11 October 2012 – London, UK
Safety 2012 3-5 June - Denver, U.S.A.
APIA Convention 13-16 October 2012 - Brisbane, Australia
PLCAC 58 Annual Convention th
3-7 June 2012 - Whistler, Canada
Fixing Pipeline Problems 15-18 October, 2012 - Berlin, Germany
25 World Gas Conference th
4-8 June 2012 - Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
International No-Dig 2012 12-14 November 2012 - Sao Paulo, Brazil
No-Dig Moscow
5-8 June 2012 - Moscow, Russian Federation
Middle East Engineering Procurement Construction Conference 2012
CityPipe 2012
3-4 December 2012 - Hilton Abu Dhabi, U.A.E.
5-8 June 2012 - Moscow, Russian Federation Caspian Oil & Gas 6-7 June 2012 - Baku, Azerbaijan IPLOCA Regional Meeting
IPLOCA Media Partners Benjamin Media
Trenchless Technology International North American Pipelines
26 June 2012 - Geneva, Switzerland Latin Oil & Gas 27-29 June 2012 - Miami, Florida, USA The Oil and Gas Conference
P.O. Box 190 PENINSULA, OHIO 44264 U.S.A. T +1 330 467 7588 F +1 330 468 2289 E I Bernard P. Krzys President & Publisher E
12-16 August 2012 - Denver, Colorado, USA ASCE Pipelines 2012 Conference 19-22 August 2012 - Miami Beach, Florida, USA 19th India Oil & Gas Review Summit (IORS 2012) 6-7 September 2012 - Mumbai, India 46th IPLOCA Annual Convention 10-14 September 2012 - Istanbul, Turkey
World Pipelines
(September 2010 to August 2013)
19 June 2012 - Bogota, Colombia
Road Traffic Accident (RTA) workshop
Palladian Publications
Oildom Publishing Company of Texas, Inc. Pipeline & Gas Journal Underground Construction
P.O. Box 941669 HOUSTON, TEXAS 77094-8669 U.S.A. T +1 281 558 6930 #212 F +1 281 558 7029 E I Oliver Klinger President & Publisher E
15 South Street FARNHAM GU9 7QU SURREY U.K. T +44 1252 718 999 F +44 1252 718 992 E I Rod Hardy Director E Chris Lethbridge Advertisement Manager E PennWell Petroleum Group Offshore Magazine
1455 West Loop South, Suite 400 HOUSTON, TEXAS 77027 U.S.A. T +1 713 963 6270 F +1 713 963 6228 I Rich Ledden Marketing Manager E Mark Peters Vice-President/Group Publisher E
Regional Meetings Europe North-West Meeting Enschede, Netherlands
Gasunie, Fluxys, University of Ghent, and Open Grid Europe, among others, but they were also treated to a tour of the Grolsch Brewery. “We must say, we have great respect for the IPLOCA staff for organising the yearly convention with over 650
On 15 March 2012, Associate Member
people; only now we can really appreciate the amount
Maats Pipeline Equipment hosted IPLOCA’s
of work there is in organizing such an event!” – Paul
second Regional Meeting for North-West Europe at the
Waanders, International Sales Manager, Maats Pipeline
stadium of the football club FC Twente in Enschede.
The event was a huge success with more than 50 attendees
Below: Rudi Denys of the University of Ghent addresses attendees
participating. Not only did they hear presentations from
in Enschede about girth weld defect acceptance
Italian Regional Meeting
On 15 May 2012 Italian members gathered at the offices
Milan, Italy
of Saipem in Milan. The meeting was hosted by Leonardo Gravina, IPLOCA Director for Europe Mediterranean and by Daslav Brkic, of Saipem. Presenters included Renato Maroli, Director of Operations, STOGIT, and Andrea Stegher of Snam Rete Gas who spoke on Italian gas business development: The role of Snam Rete Gas.
Latin American Regional Meeting Bogota, Colombia Bogota, Colombia is the site for the next Latin American Regional Meeting, to be held on 19 June 2012, and hosted by 61 people attended the very successful Regional Meeting in
IPLOCA Director Daniel Fernandez of Techint.
Milan on 15 May 2012.
Training Committee
are specific to heavy equipment operators. The Committee
The IPLOCA Training Committee met on 17-18 May in
construction which is currently being finalised and will
Malaga, at the Caterpillar Demonstration and Learning
be made available to the membership on DVD. The range
Center (MDLC).
of topics covered on the DVD is extensive and includes
also discussed an IPLOCA Safety Trainers Tool for pipeline
work preparation, personal protective equipment and IPLOCA member companies represented at the meeting
workplace hazardous materials information system, hazard
included HABAU (Austria), Stroygazmontazh (Russian
recognition and controls, front end operational hazards,
Federation), Maats Pipeline Equipment (The Netherlands)
rigging and hoisting, pipe hazards, pipe assembly and
Tekfen Construction (Turkey), PLM (The Netherlands), PPS
coatings hazards, specialised work hazards, environmental
Pipeline Systems GmbH (Germany), Techint, and Caterpillar
hazards, back end operational hazards, as well as vehicle
SARL, (Switzerland).
operation, equipment operation and emergency response. Other topics discussed during the meeting included Training
EK Pass, an US and Canadian-based professional heavy
for Pipeline Supervision.
equipment and safety training organisation made a presentation on computer-based and internet-based safety
Below: IPLOCA Training Committee Members met in Malaga in May
training and cooperation opportunities with IPLOCA that
at Caterpillar’s Demonstration and Learning Center (MDLC).
IN THE HEADLINES Algeria to Decide on Italy Gas Pipeline by End of 2012
its tranche of the pipeline up to the Southeastern city of Iranshahr. The minister said Iran is also constructing a pipeline to pump gas to Iraq, adding the pipeline is expected to be ready in 18 months. “Once this pipeline is ready, Iran would export 20 million cubic meters of gas
A decision will be made by the end of this year on the
to Iraq to feed its power plants,” he said. “Negotiations
planned Galsi gas pipeline from Algeria to Italy following a
are under way to extend this pipeline up to Syria and the
review of its economic feasibility, Algeria’s energy minister
Mediterranean Sea,” he added.
was quoted as saying.The 8 billion cubic metre pipeline
Fars News Agency, 21 April 2012
had been scheduled for start-up in 2014, but since it was given the go-ahead, European demand for natural gas has slumped, changing the economics of the project.
Eni Oil Pipeline Attacked in Nigeria Delta, 10 April 2012
A crude oil pipeline owned by Italian oil and gas group Eni was attacked on Friday in Nigeria’s onshore Niger Delta and
New Russian Baltic Oil Port Up and Running South Sudan Seeks Chinese Funding for Oil Pipeline
a militant group claimed the strike. Attacks in the restive region have been fewer since an amnesty for militants in 2009, although large-scale oil theft and sporadic pipeline sabotage still occurs. “We can confirm a pipeline leading to
South Sudan intends to ask China to finance an
Tebidaba, in the Clough-Creek area has been attacked,” an
alternative pipeline to export its oil, an official has said,
Eni spokeswoman said.
as prospects of resuming use of former transit route via, 13 April 2012
neighboring Sudan have been terminated by renewed conflicts. The request will be made during a five-day according to Pagan Amum, the country’s lead negotiator
South Sudan: Japan Firm Completes Kenya Pipeline Study
and secretary-general of its ruling Sudan People’s
South Sudan said Toyota Tsusho would soon make a
Liberation Movement (SPLM). In a statement to the
financial proposal on the construction of a pipeline to
Financial Times, Amum voiced optimism that China would
transport the country’s oil to a port in Kenya for export, after
respond to their request.
the Japanese firm completed a feasibility study. In January,, 23 April 2012
South Sudan signed an agreement with neighbouring
official visit South Sudan’s President Salva Kiir to Beijing,
Kenya, the region’s largest economy, to build the pipeline to
Officials Unveil New Proposed Route for Nebraska Portion of Disputed Keystone XL Oil Pipeline
connect its oil fields with the Kenyan port of Lamu, which is under construction., 13 April 2012
Officials have unveiled a new preferred route for the Nebraska portion of the stalled Keystone XL oil pipeline that avoids the state’s groundwater-rich Sandhills region.
New Russian Baltic Oil Port Up and Running
The proposed route would veer east around the Sandhills
The opening of a new Russian oil terminal on the Baltic
before looping back to the original route. Developer
Sea, seen as a new direct link to Europe, is having an
TransCanada has said the reroute adds about 100 miles to
effect on world crude markets, analysts say. Russian
the original 1,700-mile project that would carry oil from
President-elect Vladimir Putin last month celebrated
Canada to the Gulf Coast.
the opening of the Ust-Luga terminal along the Gulf of
Washington Post, 19 April 2012
Finland, west of St. Petersburg, by pressing a button to signal the loading the first oil tanker there. The new
Iran to Launch Gas Pipeline with Pakistan in 2014
universal port is at the end of the newly constructed, $3.3 billon Baltic Pipeline System-2 trunk oil pipeline system, which runs from Unecha in Russia’s Bryansk Region to
Senior Iranian energy officials have announced that the
Ust-Luga. The state-owned Russian oil company Transneft
country would start sending gas supplies to neighboring
says it plans to pump 30 million tons of oil per year
Pakistan in 2014. “A deal for Iran to export gas to Pakistan
through the BPS-2 pipeline during its first operational
has been finalized,” Iranian Oil Minister Rostam Qassemi
stage, eventually ramping up to 38 million tons after a
told a news conference at the Tehran Oil Show, according
second stage is completed in December 2013.
to the ministry’s website. He said Iran has constructed, 9 April 2012
Hackers target US Natural Gas Pipelines A sophisticated cyberattack intended to gain access to
Water Pipeline to Cyprus Promises More Than Just Water
US natural gas pipelines has been under way for several
Turkey and the Turkish Cypriots took a major step towards
months, the Department of Homeland Security has warned,
the construction of an underwater pipeline, dubbed the “Life
raising fresh concerns about the possibility that vital
Water” project, which will eventually pump drinking water
infrastructure could be vulnerable to computer hackers.The
to Cyprus. The groundbreaking ceremony on March 30th
department’s Industrial Control Systems Cyber Emergency
at the Gecitkoy dam, near Girne on the Turkish side of the
Response Team said recently that it had identified a single
island, marked the second phase of a four phase 850 million
campaign behind multiple attempted intrusions into several
TL ($478m), 107-km project that will bring 75 million cubic
different pipeline companies since December last year.
metres of water per year to the island. The first phase of
ICS-CERT has issued alerts and held briefings for natural
the project was inaugurated last year with the construction
gas and oil pipeline operators, telling them how to spot
of the Alakopru Reservoir in Turkey’s southern province
signs of attack and said it has been “working aggressively
of Mersin from where the water will be sourced. The two
with affected organisations to prepare mitigation plans ... to
remaining phases, building an underwater pipeline and
remove the threat and harden networks from re-infection”.
supporting infrastructure, are schedule to be completed by, 8 May 2012
2014. Water shortages have been a longstanding problem on the divided island due to population growth, overuse
Turkmenistan Accelerates East-West Gas Pipeline Construction
of groundwater for consumption and agricultural use, and increased demand during the tourism season. Turkish, 4 April, 2012
The builders of the ‘East-West’ gas pipeline which runs from the largest gas fields in the east towards the Caspian Sea have laid the first 40 kilometres of the further regional
In Memoriam
gas transportation system, Neutral Turkmenistan newspaper
Ditta Schoonenberg
said today. ‘The pace of construction work on the linear part of the gas pipeline must significantly increase in the near
It is with great sadness that we
future by using new machinery and welding equipment’,
announce the death of Dirkje (Ditta)
the article says. At this stage, 700-800 metres of pipeline
Schoonenberg-Visser, beloved wife
are being assembled daily. In parallel, insulation work is being carried out and a pipe is being laid. A trunk line is
of Pieter Schoonenberg (Pedemex Publishers / IPLOCA Yearbook) on 27 March 2012.
planned to be built within five years from the Shatlyk gas compressor station in the Mari region to the Belek gas
Mrs Schoonenberg was well known to IPLOCA, having
compressor station in the Balkan region. This gas line will
attended more than 20 conventions over the past years.
be the largest in the country with a diameter of 1420 mm,
She was a warm personality, a charming lady who will be
running for a length of 766 kilometres.
missed dearly by all her friends in the IPLOCA family., 13 April 2012
In Memoriam
Cap-Con International, Inc. as Vice President of
James Thomas White
Estimating and Construction. In 1977, along with his family, he moved to Bagdad, Iraq, and served as Project
We are very sad to announce the
Manager for Banister-Price Construction Company,
death of James Thomas White, born
overseeing the construction of the Iraq-Turkey pipeline.
7 February, 1938, in Mississippi, who
In 1981 he joined H.C. Price Construction Company in
passed away 22 January, 2012 in Plano,
Texas where he served as President and Chief Operating
Texas. Thomas married Barbara Oliver in 1959.
Officer. In 2009, H.C. Price Construction Company and Gregory-Cook Construction Co. merged to form Price-
After graduating from Mississippi State University in Civil
Gregory International, Inc., where he served as President
Engineering in 1961, he went to work for Texas Eastern
until his death. Tom founded the James T. White Chair
Transmission Company as a pipeline design engineer.
of Civil Engineering at Mississippi State University. He
He later worked for Williams Pressure Service,
served as a board member and later as President of the
overseeing hydrostatic pipeline testing and then for
Pipeline Contractors Association.
IPLOCA Board of Directors
Left to right, front row: Harald Dresp (Treasurer), Doug Evans (1st Vice President), Osman Birgili (President), Najib Khoury (2nd Vice President), Karl Trauner (Immediate Past President), Juan Arzuaga (Executive Secretary). 2nd row: Marco Jannuzzi, Leonardo Gravina, Adam Wynne Hughes, Andy Lukas, Iosif Panchak, Nasser Issa, Gerry Grothe. Back row: Roberto Castelli, Daniel Fernandez, Pierluigi Zanin, Wilhelm Maats, Jerrit Coward, John Tikkanen, Bruno Maerten Inset: Rajen Kilachand
Daniel Fernandez (Techint), Director, Latin America
Osman Birgili (Tekfen), President; Director, Europe Eastern
Nasser Issa (The C.A.T. Group), Director, Middle East & Africa
Doug Evans (Gulf Interstate Engineering), 1 Vice President;
Andy Lukas (A.J. Lucas), Director, East & Far East
Director, America North; Chairman, New Technologies
Rajen Kilachand (Dodsal), Director, East & Far East
Gerry Grothe (Pipeline Machinery Intl.), Director, Associate
Najib Khoury (CCC), 2nd Vice President; Director, Middle East
& Africa
Pierluigi Zanin (Goriziane Group S.p.A.), Director, Associate
Harald Dresp (Max Streicher), Treasurer; Director, Europe
Central Karl Trauner (HABAU), Immediate Past President; Chairman,
Directors at Large
Training Committee
Roberto Castelli (Bonatti)
John Tikkanen (Bredero Shaw)
Iosif Panchak (Stroygazmontazh), Director, Europe Eastern
Jerrit Coward (Willbros)
Bruno Maerten (GEOCEAN), Director, Europe Mediterranean
Wilhelm Maats (Maats Pipeline Equipment)
Leonardo Gravina (Sicim S.p.A.), Director, Europe Mediterranean
Executive Secretary
Adam Wynne Hughes (Pipeline Induction Heat), Director,
Juan Arzuaga
Europe North-West; Chairman, HSE Committee
Marco Jannuzzi (Caterpillar)
When your pipeline is 3,000 meters subsea, you can’t afford uncertainty ShawCor’s new Simulated Service Vessel (SSV), winner of the 2012 OTC Spotlight on New Technology Award, is the industry’s largest and most advanced deepwater test chamber for end-to-end thermal insulation systems. It accommodates pipe samples up to 6 m long and 910 mm external diameter, and simulates water depths to 3,000 m and temperatures up to 180°C. The innovative SSV helps validate your subsea insulation design through accurate determination of U-value, cool-down and compressive creep; precise control of testing process; real-time data acquisition and expert analysis.
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